Tag Archives: EUA BOXE

Tributo à Associação de Ex-alunos de Boxe dos EUA & arrecadação de fundos para N.E. grandes vinny paz & Micky Ward um grande sucesso

(L-R) – Jimmy Burchfield, promotor de boxe da CES, Micky Ward, ex-N.E. Calvin Brown destaque amador, Vinny Paz e Al Valenti, EUA Boxe Alumni Association, Consultor de Projetos Especiais

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Fevereiro 26, 2019) – Tributo da USA Boxing Alumni Association no último fim de semana a dois dos maiores boxeadores amadores de todos os tempos da Nova Inglaterra, Vinny “O demônio pazmanian” Paz e “Irlandês” Micky Ward, foi um grande sucesso no Twin River Casino em Lincoln, Rhode Island.

Uma arrecadação de fundos esgotada para beneficiar a Associação dos Ex-alunos de Boxe dos EUA foi realizada em Fred & Steve's Steakhouse na sexta à noite, homenageando Paz e Ward, além do árbitro do Hall of Fame Steve Smoger, que oficiou inúmeras lutas para ambos os lutadores.

Paz e Ward realizaram um encontro e cumprimentaram na noite de sábado, antes de um evento de boxe da CES, enquanto os boxeadores populares davam autógrafos e posavam para fotos. Eles foram trazidos para o ringue, junto com Smoger, e recebeu aplausos de pé da grande multidão presente.

Noites consecutivas da Associação de Ex-alunos de Boxe dos EUA em Twin River aumentaram $3,000 (incluindo receitas do leilão de memorabilia do Sportsworld) e acrescentou 20 novos membros ex-alunos, incluindo paz, para suas fileiras crescentes.

“Fomos parte de um fim de semana mágico,” dito no Valenti, Consultor de projetos especiais de boxe dos EUA. “Vinny e Micky cumprimentaram muitos de seus fãs. Não há dúvida de que esses dois guerreiros definem o que é a USA Boxing Alumni Association.: reunindo tantos membros de tantos anos passados ​​que construíram o futuro para tantos jovens boxeadores. Foi especialmente gratificante ver boxeadores antigos, treinadores e dirigentes reúnem-se em Vinny e Micky. Toda a experiência de dois dias no Twin River Casino foi repleta de memórias que todos nós guardaremos nos próximos anos. Gostaríamos de agradecer Jimmy Burchfield (CES Boxing) por sua hospitalidade e pelo evento de sábado à noite.”

EUA Boxe Alumni Association

Criado para defender uma vida inteira, relações mutuamente benéficas entre EUA Boxing e seus ex-alunos, –boxers, funcionários, treinadores e fãs de boxe — A Alumni Association conecta gerações de campeões, inspirando e retribuindo aos futuros campeões de boxe dos EUA, dentro e para fora do anel de.

A Associação de Alumni de Boxe dos EUA está aberta a todos que gostam de boxe e gostariam de permanecer conectados ao boxe amador.. Os membros têm acesso a uma ampla variedade de eventos especiais organizados pela Alumni Association, incluindo a recepção anual do Hall da Fama da Associação dos Antigos Alunos de Boxe dos EUA.

Para ingressar na Alumni Association, basta registrar-se em alumni@usaboxing.org para $40.00 taxa de associação por ano. Novos membros receberão uma camiseta, chaveiro e carteira eletrônica.

Chilro: @USABoxing, @USAAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Graham e Torrez Jr. Ganhar ouro; Coe leva a prata nas finais de 2019 Torneio Strandja

Equipe dos EUA deixa Sofia, Bulgária com oito medalhas

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo (Fevereiro. 19, 2019) — A 70ª edição do Torneio Strandja chegou ao fim hoje com a equipe dos EUA ganhando duas de ouro e uma de prata para somar às cinco medalhas de bronze que ganharam nas semifinais de ontem em Sofia, Bulgária.

2018 Medalha de bronze no Campeonato Mundial Feminino de Elite Naomi Graham (Colorado Springs, Colo.) acrescentou outra medalha ao seu impressionante currículo internacional depois de derrotar o sueco Love Holgersson por decisão dividida. Isso marca a quarta medalha internacional dos pesos médios desde o início de 2018.

superpesado Richard Torrez Jr. (Tulare, Calif.) fechou o torneio de forma espetacular para levar mais uma medalha de ouro internacional. Torrez levou todos os cinco juízes’ cartões sobre os países anfitriões Petar Belberov para ganhar sua segunda medalha de ouro internacional de elite. No final do torneio, Torrez foi nomeado lutador do torneio.

2018 estrela da fuga Khalil Coe (Jersey City, NJ) ganhou a medalha de prata após uma vitória fácil do Imam Khataev da Rússia.

Troy Isley (Alexandria, Va.), delante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio) Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio), Morelle McCane (Cleveland, Ohio) e Yarisel Ramirez (Las Vegas, Nev.) ganhou o bronze para a equipe dos EUA nas lutas da semifinal de ontem.

A equipe dos EUA começou o torneio com 25 boxeadores com o treinador principal Billy Walsh (Colorado Springs, Colo.) liderando a delegação americana ao longo do torneio, junto com o técnico assistente nacional de boxe dos EUA Kay Koroma (Colorado Springs, Colo.). Rasheen Ali (Cleveland, Ohio), Tim Back (Cincinnati, Ohio), Kevin Benford (Cincinnati, Ohio), Joe Guzman (Fonte, Calif.) e Christine Lopez (Rowlett, Texas) servido na comissão técnica durante o torneio. O torneio deste ano terminou 300 boxeadores de cima 30 diferentes países entram no ringue.

A delegação volta aos Estados Unidos amanhã.

Você pode olhar para o desempenho dos Estados Unidos ao longo do torneio ao clicando aqui.

Resultados Finais

75 kg: Naomi Graham, Colorado Springs, Colo./USA, dezembro. sobre Love Holgersson / SWE, 3-2
81 kg: Imam Khataev / RUS venceu por vitória fácil sobre Khalil Coe, Jersey City, N.J./USA, ONDE
91+ kg: Richard Torrez Jr., Tulare, Calif./USA, dezembro. sobre Petar Belberov / BUL, 5-0

Chilro: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing


Paving the way for female boxers…..
Claressa Shields
USA Boxing is family!”
EUA Boxe Alumni Association, Classe de 2018 Inductee

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Dezembro 3, 2018) – Two-time Olympic gold medalist Claressa Shields not only is spearheading a new wave in women’s boxing, she has developed into a true role model for countless youths.




Shields will be inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame this Friday night in Salt Lake City, along with Class of 2018 membros Roy Jones Jr. e, Andre Ward, as well as the late Emanuel Stewarte Tom Cleary.




A segunda recepção anual do Hall of Fame da Associação de Antigos Alunos de Boxe dos EUA, realizada em conjunto com o 2018 EUA Campeonatos Nacionais de Elite e Juventude de Boxe e Juniores e Preparação, Dezembro 2-8, será realizada em dezembro 7, no hotel Radisson (215 S. Temple St.) em Salt Lake City, Utah.




I feel honored,” Shields spoke about being inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame,” I am only 23 years old and to be inducted into the USA Boxing Hall of Fame is a great honor, but also a shock to me. I believe I am worthy of any honor, but I know things take time, and I always thought I would put in the Hall of Fame at the age 40 ou 50. This is a big deal to me and I feel so honored. Just to have my name mentioned alongside names of greats like Andre Ward and Roy Jones just really motivates me. I feel privileged!”




The pride of Flint, Michigan, Shields has already successfully parlayed her amateur success to the professional ranks, in which she is 7-0 (2), and the reigning unified (IBF, WBA & WBC) campeão dos médios do mundo.




Shields finished her amateur career with an incredible 77-1 (18 KOs) registro, highlighted by her Olympic gold-medal-performances in 2012 e 2016. She hasn’t lost in the ring since 2012, quando Savannah Marshall (Inglaterra) won on points, 14-8, at the World Championships in China.




USA Boxing came into my life as a two-time Junior Olympic champion,” Claressa explained her USA Boxing relationship. “The help from USA Boxing was so important: just noticing me as a young athlete and knowing I would be a strong young woman to represent the USA in the future; reunião Julie Goldsticker, who was a blessing for me as she helped me with a lot as a teenager, and just having Coach Abdullah, treinador Al Mitchell, e treinador Gloria Peek teach me different styles and how to use all my attributes. USA Boxing blessed me with a lot of knowledge and life-long friendships with all my Olympic teammates and Olympic coaches. My favorite coach, Koroma, literally was with me the whole way through 2015-2016, helping me outside the ring with advice and inside the ring.




Shields is one of the driving forces in women’s boxing today, carrying the torch handed off by American female boxing pioneers such as Christy Martin, Laila Ali and a few others.




There is great change going on right now — me, Mikaela Mayer, Franchon Crews, Katie Taylor, Amanda Serrano and a few other women are carrying the torch for women’s boxing right now,” Shields explained. “Progress has been fast, every network has had a women’s fight on television this year, especially Showtime, on which I have boxed the main event four times. Women’s boxing can go far. I believe the day will come when we can be paid millions just like men.




By opening doors and breaking down obstacles, Claressa has become a true role model for youngsters all over, in and out of boxing.




It feels good to be a role model for them (females), and also for so many male boxers,” Shields noted. “Boxing is in a different era and I just want to make it easier for girls coming up, so when they turn pro, boxing will be closer to equality.




Claressa has one of the greatest stories in the history of amateur boxing,” dito Chris tofflemire, EUA Boxe Alumni Association Diretor Executivo. “Her drive, commitment, talent, and character made her a USA Boxing and Olympic champion, leaving a legacy that will last for a very long time. She is a trailblazer for women’s boxing and has established her place as one of the most influential USA Boxing Alumni members of all time. The USA Boxing Alumni Association wants to thank her for inspiring the amateur boxing community and serving as a great role model for the next generation of champions.


EUA Boxe Alumni Association




Criado para defender uma vida inteira, relações mutuamente benéficas entre EUA Boxing e seus ex-alunos, –boxers, funcionários, treinadores e fãs de boxe — A Alumni Association conecta gerações de campeões, inspirando e retribuindo aos futuros campeões de boxe dos EUA, dentro e para fora do anel de.




A Associação de Alumni de Boxe dos EUA está aberta a todos que gostam de boxe e gostariam de permanecer conectados ao boxe amador.. Os membros têm acesso a uma ampla variedade de eventos especiais organizados pela Alumni Association, incluindo a recepção no Hall da Fama da Associação de Antigos Alunos do Boxe.




Para ingressar na Alumni Association, basta registrar-se em alumni@usaboxing.org para $40.00 taxa de associação por ano. Novos membros receberão uma camiseta, chaveiro e carteira eletrônica.





Despite all the honors and accolades, she has so richly received, Shields hasn’t forgotten where it all started, and she’s still actively involved in USA Boxing.




I keep in contact with a lot of the female athletes and give them advice if they ask me,” Claressa added. “I also went to Colorado for five days to be a motivator and keynote speaker for the Next Olympic Hopeful. After my career is over in about 15 anos, I want to be a boxing trainer and lead the women’s team to more Olympic gold medals, if given the opportunity. I also want to be a school teacher and a counselor for youth.




Shields, infelizmente, is unable to attend this Friday night’s Hall of Fame reception because she’s in deep training for her titles defense this Saturday evening on HBO, live from the StubHub Center in Carson, Califórnia, contra Fenmke Hermans (9-1).




“Infelizmente,” Shields concluded, “I can’t be there but, if I was there, I would say: Thank you to USA Boxing for believing in me at the age of 16. It was an honor to represent America, not only once but two times in the Olympics! I thank Coach Cassetete (Walsh) for making me dig deep, by having to deal with his Irish ways and jokes, also for changing the culture of USA Boxing. A special thank you to coach Kay, também, I can’t count on my hands how many days we trained at 1 sou., how many times I knocked on his room door and ran, how many times he has had to take my phone from me because I was crying or having a family problem. He is the coach I could tell everything to, and he also blessed me with his boxing knowledge and made me always feel secure in myself when he was in the corner. USA Boxing isn’t just staffUSA Boxing is family! Even though I’ve had a few words with Matthew Johnson and other staff, I thank them for being hard on me and making sure I handled my responsibilities. Love to all USA Boxing staff, I’m truly thankful.




Claressa Shields is much more than world and Olympian champion, she’s a class act as well, exactly what’s so desperately needed today.




Chilro: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

USA Boxing National Championships return to Salt Lake City Next Week

Mais do que 700 of the top amateur boxers in the United States will box for National Titles
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Novembro. 27, 2018) — USA Boxing’s Elite and Youth National Championships & Junior and Prep Open returns to the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah for the second consecutive year, Dezembro. 1-8.




Mais do que 700 of the nation’s best boxers, aged 8 para 40, will step into the ring beginning Dec. 4 looking for their chance to win a national title. This year’s tournament will also serve as the first qualifier to the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing for those boxers in the elite division (19-40).




Winners in the junior (15-16), youth (17-18) and elite division will earn spots on USA Boxing’s High Performance Squad, which will give them the opportunity to attend training camps at the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., as well as represent Team USA in international competition in 2019. Boxers in the prep divisions (8-14) will earn valuable ranking points for the next year.




We are looking forward to returning to Salt Lake City for another year of amazing boxing,” stated USA Boxing Executive Director Mike McAtee. “These championships are an important step towards qualifying to Team USA and their chance to try and qualify to the Tokyo 2020 Jogos Olímpicos, as well as earn a place on our high-performance squad for our younger boxers.




USA Boxing will kick off the week-long tournament with a press conference on Monday, Dezembro. 3 in Room 155 at the Salt Palace Convention Center. Local Utah boxers, World Championship medalists, as well as alumni of USA Boxing are expected to speak. A list of speakers will be announced closer to the day of the press conference.




Boxing will begin on Tuesday, Dezembro. 4 with two sessions, noon and 6:00 da tarde, and will be free to the public until finals. Two sessions will continue through Thursday, Dezembro. 6, with Friday, Dezembro. 7 having just one noon session. The championships will conclude with the junior and youth finals beginning at 3:00 da tarde, followed by the elite championship bouts starting at 6:00 p.m. Tickets will be available for purchase throughout the week at the venue or at the door prior to the start of the finals.




USA Boxing and the USA Boxing Alumni Association will also host its second annual Alumni Association Hall of Fame Reception at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) na sexta-feira, Dezembro 7. Visita teamusa.org/usa-boxing/alumni para mais informações.




Chilro: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O treinador de boxe GOAT….. Emanuel Steward

EUA Boxe Alumni Association, Classe de 2018 Inductee
(L-R) – O grande Tommy Hearns & o falecido Manny Steward

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Novembro 19, 2018) – O atrasado Emanuel Steward, indiscutivelmente o maior treinador de boxe de todos os tempos, é um membro da classe de 2018 sendo introduzido no Hall da Fama da Associação de Antigos Alunos de Boxe dos EUA.




A segunda recepção anual do Hall of Fame da Associação de Antigos Alunos de Boxe dos EUA, realizada em conjunto com o 2018 EUA Campeonatos Nacionais de Elite e Juventude de Boxe e Juniores e Preparação, Dezembro 2-8, será realizada em dezembro 7, no hotel Radisson (215 S. Temple St.) em Salt Lake City, Utah.





Steward era um boxeador, treinador extraordinário, e comentarista da HBO até sua morte prematura em 2012 com a idade de 68. Sua carreira no boxe culminou com sua entrada no Hall da Fama do Boxe Internacional em 1996.




Com a idade de 12, Manny se mudou com sua mãe da Virgínia Ocidental para Detroit, onde sua vida logo se transformou em boxe. Como um pugilista amador, ele compilou um 94-3 registro, com destaque para um desempenho da medalha de ouro no 1963 Torneio Nacional de Luvas de Ouro como peso galo, mas ele decidiu não tentar a equipe olímpica de boxe dos EUA.




Em 1971, Steward tornou-se treinador de meio período no Kronk Gym, onde ele eventualmente guiou muitos dos melhores boxeadores amadores do país. O Kronk Gym mais tarde se tornou propriedade do Steward's e ele o transformou em uma das academias de boxe mais famosas e bem-sucedidas do mundo.






Steward também atuou como diretor nacional de treinamento para o boxe nos EUA no início dos anos 2000.




Ao longo de sua incrível carreira, Administrador supostamente treinado 41 campeões do mundo, talvez, os mais notáveis ​​foram Thomas Hearns, Lennox Lewis e Wladimir Klitschko. Ele também treinou Julio Cesar Chavez, Miguel Cotto, Oscar de la Hoya, Naseem Hamed, Evander Holyfield, e Mike McCallum. Manny também treinou um jovem rapper de Detroit, Eminem, como caixa no ginásio Kronk.




O último campeão mundial treinado por Manny foi Adônis “Super-homem” Stevenson, que continua sendo o atual Conselho Mundial de Boxe (WBC) Campeão mundial dos meio-pesados ​​desde 2013.




“Emanuel sempre dizia, nocautes vender!” Stevenson lembrou-se com carinho. “Ele também foi o primeiro a me dizer, ‘Você será uma estrela e campeão mundial. Apenas não escute pessoas com más intenções, porque você tem talento natural.’ Ele acreditava em mim, mesmo que algumas pessoas não pensassem que eu me tornaria um campeão do mundo.”




“Emanuel Steward impactou a vida de tantos que atravessaram as portas do Kronk Gym,” dito Chris tofflemire, EUA Boxe Alumni Association Diretor Executivo. “Embora ele seja mais reconhecido por sua conquista no nível profissional, seu impacto foi significativo nos amadores. Manny serve como um modelo de treinador para o boxe EUA hoje, e seu impacto será sentido por muito tempo. A Associação de Alumni de Boxe dos EUA apoia esmagadoramente sua indução e espera homenageá-lo como parte da classe Hall of Fame deste ano.”


EUA Boxe Alumni Association




Criado para defender uma vida inteira, relações mutuamente benéficas entre EUA Boxing e seus ex-alunos, –boxers, funcionários, treinadores e fãs de boxe — A Alumni Association conecta gerações de campeões, inspirando e retribuindo aos futuros campeões de boxe dos EUA, dentro e para fora do anel de.




A Associação de Alumni de Boxe dos EUA está aberta a todos que gostam de boxe e gostariam de permanecer conectados ao boxe amador.. Os membros têm acesso a uma ampla variedade de eventos especiais organizados pela Alumni Association, incluindo a recepção no Hall da Fama da Associação de Antigos Alunos do Boxe.




Para ingressar na Alumni Association, basta registrar-se em alumni@usaboxing.org para $40.00 taxa de associação por ano. Novos membros receberão uma camiseta, chaveiro e carteira eletrônica.





“Por anos, ele participava do meu torneio nacional de luvas de prata que eu patrocinava e organizava na cidade de Kansa, apenas para mostrar seu apoio ao programa para jovens.,” adicionou presidente do encaixotamento dos EUA Banheiro Marrom adicionado. “Todo ano eu dizia para ele me avisar se ele estava vindo, para que eu pudesse VIP ele, e todo ano ele me ignorava e aparecia silenciosamente. Eu o notaria na multidão. Eu o expulsava e depois fizemos a mesma coisa no ano seguinte.




“Eu também costumava vê-lo em grandes lutas e ele sempre me fazia sentir especial dizendo que minha empresa salvou o boxe nos anos setenta e oitenta, fornecendo segurança, bem feito, equipamento de boxe com preço justo para o esporte. Ninguém mais me deu esse reconhecimento. Ele era humilde e não um malandro, meu tipo de cara.”




Emanuel Steward deixou sua marca na terra, não apenas como uma personalidade multifacetada no boxe, mas ele também é lembrado por seu magnânimo trabalho de caridade em Detroit, em que ele ajudou jovens na busca pela educação.




Em resumo, embora, ele ensinou boxe, e ninguém nunca fez isso melhor.




Chilro: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Large turnout for recent 1st USA Boxing Alumni Association gathering on West Coast

Para Divulgação Imediata

A good time was had by all who attended the inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association on the West Coast



COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Outubro 9, 2018) – A large group of past and present amateur boxers, as well as others involved in the sport, recently turned out in force for the first USA Boxing Alumni Association gathering on the West Coast.


The inaugural West Coast gathering of the USA Boxing Alumni Association, held at Fortune Gym in Hollywood (Los Angeles), resulted in memorable storytelling, welcome reunions, even between past foes, in addition to a substantial increase in membership ranks.


In addition to longtime amateur boxing supporter, actor/singer Frank Stallone, along with the Godmother of amateur boxing, Melanie Ley, attending past and present boxers and trainers included Mickey Bey, Alex Ramos, Maureen Shea, Ronnie Essett, Paul Banke, Jorge Hawley, Les Fabri, Frank Vassar, Don Deverges, Michael and Anna Keopuhiwa, Zachary Padilla, Lenny Gargaliano, Tony Lesbeur, Felix Nance, Gruae Vince Hudson, Rudy Garza, Justine Fortune, Alan Santana, Willie Tubbs, Randy Crippen, Alan Santana, Jacquie Richardson, Steven Stokes, Manny Salcido, Jason and Jeremy Williams, Mike Simms, Jeff Bumpus, current Team USA heavyweight Richard Torres (Tulare, TAL COMO), e 2018 Youth World Champion and Los Angeles local iyana Verduzco. 1984 Medalhista de ouro olímpico Henry Tilman was also in attendance and registered as a new Alumni Association member.




USA Boxing board advisor and fighter liaison, “Sorveteiro” John Scully, was responsible for recruiting most of the attendees.




The USA Boxing Alumni Association gathering in Hollywood fully demonstrated our mission: Connecting Generations of Champions,” said attendee Chris tofflemire, EUA Boxe Alumni Association Diretor Executivo. “While former opponents reunited after exiting the ring decades ago, two of today’s champions and Team USA members, Richard Torres and Roxy Verduzco, were proudly recognized for their recent success. The Alumni Association wants to thank Fortune Gym for hosting this gathering, and we look forward to connecting with our West Coast members at future events.




Criado para defender uma vida inteira, relações mutuamente benéficas entre EUA Boxing e seus ex-alunos, –boxers, funcionários, treinadores e fãs de boxe — the Alumni Association connects generations of champions, inspirando e retribuindo aos futuros campeões de boxe dos EUA, dentro e para fora do anel de.




A Associação de Alumni de Boxe dos EUA está aberta a todos que gostam de boxe e gostariam de permanecer conectados ao boxe amador.. Os membros têm acesso a uma ampla variedade de eventos especiais organizados pela Alumni Association, including Friday evening’s USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.




To join the USA Boxing Alumni Association, basta registrar-se em alumni@usaboxing.org para $40.00 taxa de associação por ano. Novos membros receberão uma camiseta, chaveiro e carteira eletrônica.




Chilro: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Houston featherweight Roma Martinez represents next wave of USA female boxers

Para Divulgação Imediata
Out to make statement at Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Outubro. 6-18 na Argentina


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Outubro 8, 2018)Houston featherweight Roma Martinez, who represents the next wave of USA female boxers, is currently In Argentina to make a statement at the ongoing Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018.



The Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018 continues through Oct. 18 at Parque Polidesportivo Roca in Argentina.




The 18-year-old Martinez started boxing six years ago, when her step-father came into her life, taking her to a local boxing gym to help keep her out of potential trouble, as well to defend herself.




She is an online student at the University of Saint Thomas in Houston, planning to major in business, and Roma has been able to balance her busy schedule for a simple reason. “I don’t have much of a social life,” she admitted, “so it’s easy for me to train and study.



Argentina is the second foreign country she’s traveled to having competed last November in India. Although she has a relatively limited amateur career, Martinez has managed to capture top honors at six national events: 2016 USA Boxing Nationals, 2014 & 2015 Batte lf the Universe, 20-15 Women’s Golden Glove, 2-15 Junior Olympics Nationals, e 2014 Brown Gloves.




Like many of her Team USA teammates, in addition to opponents from all over the world, Roma hopes she can parlay an impressive performance in Buenos Aires to improve her chances to eventually qualify for the 2020 Olympics in Japan.




The Youth Olympics is the biggest thing in my career because I hope to compete in the 2020 Jogos Olímpicos,” Martinez said. “The Youth Olympics is almost as big as the Olympics, only younger athletes compete. I take things one day at a time, but I do have goals to make the Olympics, win a gold medal, and then turn pro and win a world title.



This is my last youth competition. This December I will move up to Elite Division. There will be a difference in age (of her opponents) and more international competition, but I need that experience to reach my goals.




Roma, she says, is a technical boxer who occasionally brings pressure. Her favorite boxer is the great “Açúcar” Ray Leonard and she looks up to Nicola Adams (2012 & 2016 Olympic gold medalist from Great Britain) e Mikaela Mayer (2016 EUA Olympian). Roma has taken advantage of sparring sessions with Adams and Mayer, respectivamente, in Houston and Colorado Springs.




Martinez believes female boxing is on the upswing and she looks forward to its future. “The more top female boxers will mean bigger things for us,” Martinez added, “We’ll get more TV time and make more money.




Roma credits USA Boxing for her learning how to be disciplined and she’s grateful for the outstanding coaching she’s received. Martinez plans to travel a lot in the future and when she earns her business degree, Roma is determined to use it to her advantage, owning a restaurant and, possibly, a gym so that she can remain in boxing after she hangs up her gloves way down the road.



Chilro: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

2018 Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships has Largest Turnout in USA Boxing History

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (Outubro. 8, 2018) — O 2018 Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships in Chattanooga, Tenn. will begin tonight with the largest turnout in USA Boxing national tournament history.




After check-in and general weigh-in, um total de 834 boxers and 550 boxers will take part in the weeklong national tournament at the Chattanooga Convention Center.




We have seen our national tournaments continually grow each event,” stated USA Boxing Executive Director Mike McAtee. “Desde 2017, USA Boxing has been providing extra opportunities with our regional qualifying tournaments for all boxers, aged 8-40, to step onto the national stage and box the best in the nation.




This marks the second year the Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open has been held in Chattanooga, which saw a total of 645 boxers and 307 coaches participate last year. The first regional qualifying tournament, o 2017 Qualificatória de elite ocidental & Regional Open in Albuquerque, N.M., had 302 boxers and 102 coaches and the 2018 edition had 719 boxers and 482 coaches attend.




With the large turnout in Chattanooga, the opening days of the event will include the addition of a fifth ring to hold the increased number of bouts.




USA Boxing will be providing a free live stream throughout the tournament, which can be found para cá.




Chilro: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Otha Jones III competing at Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Straight outta Toledo….
Outubro. 6-18 na Argentina

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Outubro 4, 2018) Two-time USA National Champion Otha Jones III is heading to Argentina tomorrow to make a statement at the Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires, Outubro 6-18 in Parque Polidesportivo Roca.




Jones is from the new home of amateur boxing champions, Toledo, Ohio, where the 18-year-old Jones is also making a difference in his community, especially after his brother was shot and killed a few weeks ago while he was riding a bike.




Otha first got interested in boxing after watching a YouTube boxing sensation. “I thought that was cool,” light welterweight Jones explained, “so I asked my father to take me to a gym. I soon learned that I was good at it, worked hard, and now I’m heading to the Youth Olympics.




Fighters at all the gyms in Toledo help each other out. (2017 Campeão dos EUA nos pesos pesados) Jared Anderson is my best friend. The first year we trained at the same gym, but I never sparred with him (rindo), because he’s too big for me. We’re at different gyms now. Six Toledo boxers, five of my teammates, are in the USA Boxing program, including my sister, (welterweight) Oshae Jones, who is on the women’s Elite team competing right now in Spain. We all push each other to the limit.




In addition to capturing gold at the last two USA National Championships, he also won top honors at the 2018 Youth Continental Championships, plus a silver medal at the 2018 Emil Jechev Memorial Tournament.




Self-described as an unorthodox boxer-puncher, Jones says he, “Throws punches from all angles. I can box well or sit and fight if I have to.




Jones, quem tem um 267-11 registro amador, has already traveled and competed in Bulgaria, Hungary and Russia. He’s looking forward to experiencing Argentina, where he will live and train for two weeks in an Olympic village atmosphere.




Making it this far to the Youth Olympic, so far, is the highlight of my career,” ele disse. “I love traveling to different countries to experience and learn about new cultures. My goal is to fight at the 2020 Olympics in Japan and win a gold medal. I need to improve my skills; punch harder and place my punches better.




After the Olympics, I plan to turn pro. I want to move my family out of the ghetto and get better clothes and meals for everyone.




I own the Soul City Gym with my brother and dad. A lot of kids in Toledo have nothing to do. We go on social media to tell these kids to come by the gym to get in shape. We are part of a program that feeds these kids. We feel that, the less time on the street, we can help stop the violence, like my brother being killed. We’re trying to get kids off the streets and in the gym.



Otha Jones III (blue)





Jones also noted that he really enjoys training in Colorado Springs, not only because of the outstanding facilities and coaching, but for his peace of mind.




I thought I was in top shape training in Toledo,” Jones added, “but you come here, and the air is different. After training at sea level, you get tired training here. Eu amo isso aqui. There are so many nice buildings and facilities, it’s like a small city, only without crime. I can be myself here.




Otha Jones, III is making an impact in and out of the ring, whether he’s at home in Toledo, training in Colorado Springs, or competing around the world.



Chilro: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Los Angeles flyweight Heaven Garcia Fighting for another gold medal at Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Heaven can’t wait….
Outubro. 6-18 na Argentina
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Outubro 2, 2018) — Los Angeles flyweight Heaven Garcia is on a mission to become only the third American boxer, second female, to capture gold medals at the Youth World Championships and upcoming Youth Olympics during the same year, juntando Shakur Stevenson e Jajairia Gonzales, who both accomplished this rare feat in 2014.


The Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018 will be held Oct. 6-18 at Parque Polidesportivo Roca in Argentina.



Garcia explained that her unusual first name is the result of her father being told he could never have children and upon her birth, he felt it was a miracle, aptly naming her, Céu.





Heaven started boxing when she was eight. “After a week,” Garcia said, “I fell in love with boxing. I never played any other sports.




My short-range goal in boxing is to win my second gold medal at the Youth Olympics. Long-range is to qualify and win a gold medal at the 2020 Jogos Olímpicos, and then turn pro and become world champion.




The 18-year-old Garcia, que era um 2015 Junior World Champion, avenged her quarterfinal loss to Kazakhstan’s Zhansaya Abdraimova at last year’s Youth World Championships, winning the rematch with a 3-2 decision in the semifinals of the 2018 Youth World Championships final. Garcia picked up her second World title with her 4-1 split decision victory over India’s Anamika




Garcia doesn’t consider herself a pure boxer or devastating puncher, at least at this stage of her relatively young boxing career. “I’m a fighter who goes forward,” she noted. “I pressure my opponent, go to the body a lot, and hit her when the right spot is there.




Garcia will be ending her youth career at this month’s Youth Olympics, after which she will move up to become an Elite boxer. “I feel I’m ready for the Elites,” Heaven remarked. “Every step I take is to progress.




I’ve had a good year,” she admitted. (she also won a gold medal at this year’s Youth Continental Championships) “I’ve also traveled to Taiwan, Hungary and now Argentina.




Heaven can’t wait to capture her third gold medal at a 2018 International tournament.




Chilro: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing