Tag Archives: USA BOXING

A remarkable boxing journey like no other 1972 Peraih medali emas Olimpiade “Gula Pasir” Ray Seales

(Ray Seales is in the front row, second in from the left)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan April 9, 2020) — Imagine being the lone boxer from your country to capture an Olympic gold medal, only days after the infamous Munich massacre. Now imagine also having won a remarkable 338 dari 350 pertandingan amatir, having fought a trilogy as a professional with “Menakjubkan” Marvin Hagler, being declared legally blind in both eyes (having entertainer Sammy Davis, Jr. pickup a six-figure medical bill), regaining sight in one eye, then working as a teacher of autistic students for 17 tahun.

“Gula Pasir” Ray Seales has truly lived a surreal life, to say the least, and he’s still involved in boxing at the age of 67, as a successful coach of amateur boxers in Indianapolis.

Born in Saint Croix, DIRI KITA. Virgin Island as one of eight children in a family whose father was a boxer there as a member of the U.S. Army team, Seales started boxing at the age of nine. “I have three brothers and we always beat the crap out of each other,” he spoke about his start in boxing. “Learning how to box, untukku, was all about fighting to be the first to eat. I had gotten hit in my left eye playing dodgeball and my uncle, who was stationed at Ft. Lewis (di Tacoma, WA), told my mother there was a special doctor there who could help with my eye. My father was stationed all over and in 1964, when I was 12, my mother moved us to Tacoma, Washington.

I had boxing in my system. I went with my brothers to the Downtown Tacoma Boys Club, which was only one block from our home, and my mother could watch me walk from our house to the gym and back. I was the first from there to win a Golden Gloves title. I wanted to be a winner and finished with 14 (juara) jackets. I couldn’t speak English. I knew Spanish and spoke Spanish and English together. The first word I said in English was box. We used to fight three or four times a day and we built the Tacoma Boxing Club. I went on to have a 338-12 amateur record and I’ve been in boxing ever since.

Seales developed into a champion, taking top honors at the 1971 National AAU and 1972 National Golden Gloves championships. Pada usia 19, Seales enlisted in the U.S. Angkatan Udara, but his mother made some calls so Ray would be able to compete in the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Jerman.

She succeeded and the rest, seperti yang mereka katakan, is history. And when he came home from the Olympics, he was told that there was no need for him to report to the U.S. Angkatan Udara, because he had done enough in terms of service as the only American boxer to win a gold medal.

Itu 1972 Olimpiade, akan tetapi, was overshadowed by the killing of 11 Israeli athletes and coaches, as well as a West German police officer at the Olympic Village by terrorists on Black September.

I had just turned 20,Seales remembered. “Boxing was heavy when we went there. Some of my family, my coach from Tacoma, and Tacoma teammate (and 2-time U.S. Olimpiade)Davey Armstrong were in Germany. I didn’t know anything at first. I had to get the attention of my parents to let them know not to go there, because there were terrorists with sub-machine guns in the Olympic Village. I was the only American boxer left to fight.

Seales defeated Bulgarian Angjei Anghhelov, 5-0, in the light welterweight championship to capture an Olympic gold medal, the only member of the U.S. team to do so. His teammates included Armstrong, Duane Bobick, and Olympic bronze medalists Jesse Valdez, Marvin Johnson dan Ricardo Carreras.

Sugar Ray Seales’s dedication to USA Boxing is second to none,” tersebut Chris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “His pride, patriotism, and devotion to helping our next generation of champions is what makes him such an inspiring figure.

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS

Dibuat untuk menjadi juara seumur hidup, hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara USA Boxing dan alumninya, –petinju, pejabat, pelatih dan penggemar tinju — Asosiasi Alumni menghubungkan generasi juara, menginspirasi dan memberikan kembali kepada juara tinju masa depan USA Boxing, masuk dan keluar dari ring.

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS terbuka untuk siapa saja yang menyukai tinju dan ingin tetap terhubung dengan tinju amatir. Anggota diberikan akses ke berbagai acara khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Alumni, termasuk penerimaan tahunan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju USA.

Untuk bergabung dengan Asosiasi Alumni, cukup mendaftar di alumni@usaboxing.org untuk sebuah $40.00 biaya keanggotaan per tahun. Anggota baru akan menerima kaos, gantungan kunci dan e-wallet.

Seales turned pro in 1973, winning an 8-round unanimous decision over Gonzalo Rodriguez di Tacoma. “Sugarman” memenangkannya yang pertama 21 perkelahian pro, until he lost a 10-round decision to 14-0 middleweight prospect and future Hall of Famer Marvin Hagler. Dua perkelahian kemudian, Seales fought Hagler in Tacoma to a 10-round draw (99-99, 99-99, 98-96).

Everybody wanted a shot at the Olympic gold medalist,” Seales explained.I went to Boston and we fought in a TV studio (WNAC). It was freezing in there. I was shivering when I went into the ring, Marvin came out dripping sweat. I knew I was losing after seeing that, but I hung with him and went the distance (10 putaran). I was having management problems and three months later I fought Hagler again, only this time at home in Tacoma. I beat him but it ended in a 10-round draw. He knows I beat him!”

Seales completed his trilogy with Hagler, but it was five years later, when Hagler was 42-2-1 and avoided by most of the world’s top middleweights. “I was the USBA (United States Boxing Association) and North American Boxing Federation (NABF) middleweight champion and Hagler needed to win a title to get a world title shot,” Seales noted. “I lost our third fight in the first round, but that’s the only thing shown on television in our three fights. We were two left-handers, but he switched to right-handed, and he caught me with a hook. I got paid and they bought him a world title fight.

Seales has coached two different amateur teams in Indianapolis during the past 11 tahun, kemenangan 10 Golden Gloves team championships, and he’s still in charge in Indy of Team IBG.

After he retired in 1984 after suffering detached retinas in both eyes, Seales was introduced in Las Vegas to Sammy Davis, Jr. (digambarkan di bawah), who paid Seales’ $100,000 medical bill for his damaged eyes. Davis had lost his left eye in a 1952 car accident

I’m a teacher,” Seales concluded. “I see the way that so many boxers want to fight likeFloyd Mayweather. Their head is tilted, they can’t throw a jab. I teach them to have the right foot behind the left (for a right-handed boxer), and to walk in straight, not tilted or peaking. Heel toe, heel toe every time you pivot is your stance.

My advice for the boxers who hope to compete in the 2020 Olympics is to focus on what you’re doing and listen to how to get it done. What I really want to do is to coach the USA Olympic Boxing Team 2024.

Kegugupan: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing


40th anniversary of tragic airplane crash in Poland

22 members of Team USA Boxing perished

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Maret 14, 2020) – One of the darkest days in American sports history occurred 40 years ago today, when Polish Airlines flight #7 that had departed John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City crashed a half-mile from Okecie Airport in Warsaw, Polandia.
Semua 87 passengers died, termasuk di dalamnya 14 boxers and eight officials on the USA Boxing team, karena disintegrasi disk turbin di salah satu mesin pesawat yang akhirnya gagal.
Team USA bepergian ke Polandia untuk bersaing di dua peristiwa ganda tinju amatir internasional. Rata-rata usia 14 petinju hanya 20 ½, mulai dari 27 tahun Walter Harris ke Byron Payton 16 tahun.
Potensi Olimpiade mimpi dari 14 petinju hancur dalam kecelakaan mengerikan. Meskipun sebagian besar petinju masih dalam tahap perkembangan mereka, di luar calon medali penantang Lemuel Steeples, setiap anggota bercita-cita untuk mewakili Amerika Serikat di 1980 Olimpiade di Moskow. (Amerika Serikat akhirnya menyebabkan boikot dari 1980 Olimpiade karena Perang Soviet-Afganistan.)
“Aku ingat pulang dari gym tinju saya pada Maret 14, 1980 dan mendengar berita tentang kecelakaan pesawat di berita malam,” Direktur menyatakan USA Boxing Executive Mike McAtee.
“Sebagai calon gaya Olimpiade petinju saya terkejut dan merasa rasa kehilangan seperti setiap petinju Amerika, Pelatih dan resmi. Hari ini kita diingatkan bahwa hidup ini berharga, dan setiap hari adalah berkat. Atas nama Dewan USA Tinju Direksi, 48,000 petinju, pelatih dan pejabat dan staf kantor nasional kita ingat 1980 Anggota Tim Tinju Amerika Serikat dan Staf. Harap menjaga mereka, keluarga mereka dan gaya Olimpiade tinju keluarga di seluruh dunia dalam pikiran dan doa-doa.”
“Bawah Tapi Tidak Out… Hilang Tapi Tidak Lupa”

USA Boxing Pelatih Kepala Billy Walsh ingat kecelakaan itu sampai hari ini. “Saya ingat dengan baik, seperti aku bermimpi 16 tahun dari Olimpiade,” kata Walsh. “Itu berita besar di Eropa, tragedi besar dengan beberapa terbaik petinju dunia dan staf dihapuskan. Kami kehilangan generasi pejuang besar, dan yang paling penting orang-orang terkasih.”
Patricia Chavis baru berusia tujuh tahun ketika dia belajar ayahnya, sgt. Elliott Chavis, telah tewas dalam kecelakaan itu. Dia bermain di luar dengan teman-teman ketika ia melihat banyak orang menangis saat mereka memasuki dan meninggalkan rumahnya. Ibunya memanggilnya dalam, mendudukkannya dengan orang-orang menonton, dan mengatakan bahwa ayahnya tidak datang kembali karena ia telah tewas dalam kecelakaan pesawat.
“Dia bertanya apakah aku mengerti dan aku, karena kita baru saja kehilangan nenek besar dan kakek dari pihak ayah,” sebuah Patricia emosional menjelaskan. “Aku kembali di luar dan mengatakan kepada teman-teman saya. Mereka sedikit lebih tua dan mereka tidak mengerti mengapa aku tidak tinggal di dalam dengan keluarga. Itu tidak benar-benar memukul saya bahwa ayah saya tidak pulang ke rumah sampai tahun remaja saya. Saya ingat duduk di tempat tidur dan menulis surat kepadanya.
“Setiap tahun masih mempengaruhi saya setiap bulan Maret. Kami biasanya memiliki makan malam keluarga dengan ibu dan cucu-cucu saya. Mereka mendengarkan cerita tentang seorang pria yang mereka tidak pernah bertemu. Dia dimakamkan di Carolina Selatan dan kami telah meletakkan bunga di makamnya. Setiap tahun pada bulan Maret 14th itu membawa kenangan kembali dan kami merayakan hidupnya.”
sgt. Chavis, yang meninggal pada usia 25, ditempatkan di Ft. Bragg (N.C.), di mana ia belajar kotak. Dia adalah anggota dari 118th Militer Perusahaan Polisi dan selama karir tinju, kelas berat ringan adalah All-Angkatan Darat dan All-Tenggara.
“Orang tua saya menikah muda,” patricia terus. “Ibuku bilang dia selalu atletik. Ia bermain sepak bola dan merupakan pelompat tiang di tim trek di sekolah tinggi. Tapi aku tidak tahu apa-apa tentang tinju sampai kami pergi ke reuni di Ft. Bragg. Sekitar 30th ulang tahun aku berhubungan dengan beberapa teman Angkatan Darat ketika aku melihat di Facebook bahwa mereka sedang mengalami reuni. Aku pergi ke sana dengan ibu saya dan mendengarkan cerita mereka mengatakan kepada saya tentang karir tinju. Saya menemukan begitu menarik karena saya tidak tahu tentang itu. Ada beberapa peringatan yang pernah kulihat di Facebook dan saya mencoba untuk berhubungan dengan anggota keluarga yang lain (rekan tim ayahnya yang meninggal dalam kecelakaan itu). Kami tidak akan pernah lupa!”
Berikut adalah daftar lengkap dari 1980 DIRI KITA. Tinju Delegasi yang meninggal dalam kecelakaan pesawat tersebut di Warsawa:
Itu 1980 Amerika Serikat Tinju Delegasi ke Warsawa, Polandia, Bulan Maret 14, 1980

Kelvin Anderson                    
        Heavyweight Hartford, CT
Elliott ChavisCahaya Heavyweight luar AS. Angkatan Darat / Ft. Bragg, NC
Walter HarrisCahaya Heavyweight San Francisco, SEPERTI
Andrea McCoyMenengah
         New Bedford, MA
Byron PaytonCahaya kelas menengah Troup, TX
Chuck RobinsonCahaya kelas menengah Port Townsend, WA
Paul PalominoKelas menengah
         Westminster, SEPERTI
Lemuel SteeplesCahaya kelas welter St. Louis, MO
Byron Lindsay
Cahaya kelas welter San Diego, SEPERTI
Gary Tyrone ClaytonRingan
          Philadelphia, PA
Jerome StewartBantam
      DIRI KITA. Angkatan Laut / Norfolk, VA
George PimentelKelas terbang
           Elmhurst, NY
Lonnie mudaKelas terbang
            Philadelphia, PA
David Rodriguezcahaya kelas terbang
   Pomona, SEPERTI


Joseph F. lunak
Tim High Point Manajer, NC
col. Bernard CallahanWasit / Hakim
      Carlisle, PA
Thomas “Sarge” JohnsonKepala pelatih
  Indianapolis, DI
John Radison
Wasit / Hakim
      St. Louis, MO
junior Robles
Asisten Pelatih National City, SEPERTI
Steve Smigiel
           Boca Raton, FL
Delores Wesson
tim Asisten
  ocean Springs, NONA
Dr. Ray Wesson
Tim Dokter Ocean Springs, NONA

Pergi kewww.USABoxing.org untuk menonton upeti video pendek
pesan peringatan dan surat belasungkawa yang dikirim dari teman dan organisasi tinju dari seluruh dunia, termasuk di luar AS. Menteri Luar Negeri Cyrus Vance, Direktur Eksekutif Col. F. Don Miller, montana HATI, Asosiasi Tinju Oklahoma, Amatir Basketball Association dari Amerika Serikat, Tim Tinju Salina, South Texas AAU, DIRI KITA. Angkatan Udara, DIRI KITA. penyelaman, DIRI KITA. Renang, Wisconsin HATI, Gulat Divisi AAU, Komite Tinju AAU Nasional, AAU nasional, Komisi Tinju Florida, Hawaii AAU, DIRI KITA. Federasi sepakbola, Jacksonville (FL) Olahraga dan Hiburan Komisi, Georgia Asosiasi Tinju Amatir, WSOC Televisi, Gunung Asosiasi Alleghany, DIRI KITA. Olympic Training Center, Mack Trucks, Inc., Barat Daya Komisi Tinju AAU, DIRI KITA. Komite Olimpiade, Barat Nally Grup, Charlotte Motor Speedway, Koordinator AAU Regional, Dewan Pendidikan Pekerjaan Sosial, Rifle Association Nasional Amerika, dan Tim Davidson County Departemen Tinju,
Juga dari Federasi Tinju Yunani, Meksiko Federasi Tinju, Asosiasi Tinju New Zealand, Asosiasi Tinju Amatir Kanada, Nova Scotia Cabang Kanada Amatir Komisi Tinju, Asosiasi Tinju Ontario, Duta Besar Polandia, Asosiasi Tinju Polandia, Komisi Tinju AIPS, Asosiasi Tinju Amatir Kanada, Heretaunga Boxing Club of New Zealand, Internasional Bobsled dan Federation Tobogganing, Federasi Tinju Italia, LOT Polish Airlines, La Crosse Amatir Boxing Club, Komite Olimpiade Polandia, AIBA, Pada Afrika Majalah Champion, Afrika AIBA Dewan dan Tunisia Federasi Tinju, Federasi Venezuela Tinju, Amatir Federasi Tinju Jerman, Tinju Amatir Federasi Inggris, Federasi Olahraga Israel, Portugis Amatir Federasi Tinju, Federasi Tinju Rumania, Gemuk A.B.C., Tinju Amatir Federasi Thailand, National Advertising Kebajikan Masyarakat, Turki Federasi Tinju, AIBA France, El Salvador Federasi Tinju, Asosiasi Tinju Republik Demokratik Jerman, Denmark Tinju Amatir Union, Guatemala Amatir Olahraga Federtion, Komite Olimpiade Israel, Federasi Oceana Tinju, Asosiasi Tinju Nigeria, Old Actonian Asosiasi Tinju Amatir Klub, Seychelles Amatir Federasi Tinju, Dewan Menteri Kuba, Federasi Hungaria Tinju, Norwegia Asosiasi Tinju Amatir, Asosiasi Tinju Amatir Internasional, kejelasan, Peru Asosiasi Tinju Amatir, Republik Dominika Departemen Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Federasi Panama Tinju, Kepala Minat Bagian Kuba.
Di 1984 patung didedikasikan untuk para anggota USA Tim Tinju yang meninggal di Warsawa ditempatkan dengan alasan pelatihan di Colorado Springs. Nama-nama 23 anggota Team USA yang tertulis di memorial.
Kegugupan: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Muka Buku: /USABoxing

One of the best all-time…. 1988 Olympic silver medalist Riddick “Big Daddy” Bowe

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Maret 9, 2020) – By any standards, DIRI KITA. Olympian and former unified World heavyweight champion Riddick “Big Daddy” Bowe is inarguably one of the all-time greatest boxers, amatir dan profesional.

Born and raised in the infamous Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York, which also produced fellow World heavyweight championsMike Tyson danShannon Briggs, Bowe started boxing at 13 in the Bedford-Stuyvesant Boxing Association Gym.

“I wanted to do everythingMuhammad Ali did,” Bowe explained why he got into boxing. “He was my idol. I wanted to join the Marines, but I fell in love with boxing and stayed with it. I forgot about the Marines.”

Bowe developed his craft and became an outstanding boxer, kompilasi 104-18 catatan amatir, highlighted by his controversial silver-medal winning performance at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, Korea Selatan.

A four-time New York Golden Gloves champion, Bowe also captured top honors at the 1986 Junior World Championships, along with a bronze medal at the 1987 Pan American Games, despite fighting in his final match with a fractured hand he hid from his coaches.

Bowe had a rivalry withRobert Salters, with whom he split four matches, but he defeated Salters, 3-2, di luar AS. Box-Offs to qualify for the 1988 USA Boxing Olympic Team. His Olympic teammates includedRoy Jones, Jr., Ray MercerKennedy McKinney danAndrew Maynard.

Controversary surrounded his Olympic championship fight against future World heavyweight champion, Canadian super heavyweight Lennox Lewis, who returned home with the Olympic gold medal. During his fight with Lewis, Bowe was deducted a point for a “ghost” head butt that never happened, and the referee gave Bowe a pair of disputed standing-eight counts, the last of which resulted in the stoppage of the fight in Lewis’ favor.

“That fight never should have been stopped,” Bowe commented. “I’m still happy about winning a silver medal. I still have it. And then I turned pro. My mother had 13 kids and I wanted to make my mother happy. I wanted to buy her a house. That’s what inspired me to box.”

“Bowe’s success as an amateur and professional has made him a household name amongst USA Boxing Alumni,"KataChris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Association Director. “His combination of power and skill, along with his legendary battles with other USA Boxing Alumni at the pro ranks, establishes him as one of the greatest fighters that USA Boxing has ever produced.”

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS

Dibuat untuk menjadi juara seumur hidup, hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara USA Boxing dan alumninya, –petinju, pejabat, pelatih dan penggemar tinju — Asosiasi Alumni menghubungkan generasi juara, menginspirasi dan memberikan kembali kepada juara tinju masa depan USA Boxing, masuk dan keluar dari ring.

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS terbuka untuk siapa saja yang menyukai tinju dan ingin tetap terhubung dengan tinju amatir. Anggota diberikan akses ke berbagai acara khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Alumni, termasuk penerimaan tahunan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju USA.

Untuk bergabung dengan Asosiasi Alumni, cukup mendaftar dialumni@usaboxing.org untuk sebuah $40.00 biaya keanggotaan per tahun. Anggota baru akan menerima kaos, gantungan kunci dan e-wallet.

With legendary trainerEddie Futch di sudut, Bowe became the first truly unified World heavyweight champion, winning the title belt for all four recognized major sanctioning bodies: WBC, WBA, IBF dan WBO.

Bowe retired with an amazing 43-1 (33 Biaya) pro record. He had a 5-1 (4 Biaya) mark in world title fights, 7-1 (5 Biaya) versus past world heavyweight champions such asEvander Holyfield (dua kali), Pinklon ThomasTony TubbsBruce SeldonMichael Dokes danHerbie Hyde.

Bowe later avenged his lone pro loss to Holyfield, winning two of three fights with the “Real Deal.”

“I’m very happy with my pro career,” Bowe added. “I beat Holyfield two times and I think it should have been three. I’m not a sore loser, but I was the World heavyweight champion. How did he win that fight? The challenger needs to take the belt from the champion, and he didn’t do that. I thought I won by a point, at worst, maybe it should have been a draw, but I shouldn’t have lost the fight. I did become the first to ever knockout Holyfield. My pro career wasn’t too bad. I kept working hard and became two-time World heavyweight champion.”

Saat Ini 51 and living in Maryland, Bowe has some advice for the American boxers trying to qualify for the 2020 Team USA Boxing Olympic Team.

“Just don’t think about it,” stressed Bowe, sounding like a Nike commercial. “Just do it! It worked for me. I showed up and didn’t think about it. And always finish strong.”

Riddick “Big Daddy” Bowe, who was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2015, left his mark in amateur and pro boxing. Nobody can ever take that away from the big guy from Brownsville.



Kegugupan: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing

TENTANG USA BOXING:  Misi USA Boxing adalah untuk memungkinkan para atlet dan pelatih Amerika Serikat mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan, mengembangkan karakter, mendukung olahraga tinju, dan mempromosikan dan mengembangkan gaya tinju Olimpiade di Amerika Serikat. Tanggung jawab USA Boxing tidak hanya menghasilkan emas Olimpiade, tetapi juga mengawasi dan mengatur setiap aspek tinju amatir di Amerika Serikat.

1988 Peraih medali emas Olimpiade "Merciless" Ray Mercer Melihat kembali pengalaman Olimpiade-nya

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Februari 11, 2020) - Tiga puluh dua tahun setelah dia meraih medali emas Olimpiade, "Tanpa ampun" Ray Mercer dengan penuh kasih mengingat pengalaman Olimpiade-nya seperti bulan lalu. Mercer, yang merupakan satu-satunya juara kelas berat Amerika yang mengalahkan semua lawan Olimpiade-nya, kemudian menjadi juara dunia kelas berat sebagai profesional untuk "kelas berat ganda" kami.

Untuk Mercer, semuanya dimulai di Jerman, dimana AS-nya. Unit tentara berbasis. Ditawarkan kesempatan untuk menghindari latihan lapangan selama 30 hari, Mercer menerima tawaran untuk menjadi mitra tanding bagi juara tinju kelas berat di pos tersebut. Meski belum pernah memakai sarung tangan sebelumnya, Mercer adalah pembelajar cepat yang secara alami kuat, dan dia dengan cepat berkembang menjadi 1985 DIRI KITA. Juara kelas berat Angkatan Darat dan Antar-layanan.

Program Atlet Kelas Dunia (WCAP), di mana atlet yang memenuhi syarat memiliki kesempatan untuk berlatih penuh waktu untuk Olimpiade, tidak ada saat itu, atau aturan kualifikasi Olimpiade hari ini. Mercer mengalahkan juara dunia kelas berat di masa depanTommy Morrison di babak pembukaan 1988 Ujian Olimpiade dan titlist kelas berat dunia masa depan lainnya, Michael Bentt (5-0) di final kejuaraan. Pada 1988 USA Olympic Box-offs di Caesars Pala yang terkenal

apa di Las Vegas, Mercer memenangkan keputusan terpisah (3-2) tentang Bentt, tetapi Mercer telah memenuhi syarat untuk bertarung di Olimpiade dengan menjadi AS. Juara Angkatan Bersenjata.

“Saat saya di Angkatan Darat, Saya harus menang dalam pelayanan, memelihara sesuatu, dan lanjutkan ke langkah berikutnya,Mercer ingat. “Saya harus mengalahkan beberapa petarung yang bagus dalam perjalanan ke Olimpiade, dan saya dalam kondisi terbaik dalam hidup saya. Ada lebih banyak disiplin pada para amatir daripada para profesional. Tahun terakhir sebelum Olimpiade, Saya meninggalkan unit rumah saya, sering bepergian untuk bertarung, dan tinggal di rumah pelatih saya alih-alih tinggal di barak.

Mercer membuat sejarah di 1988 Olimpiade di Seoul, Korea Selatan, ketika ia menjadi dan tetap menjadi satu-satunya juara kelas berat Olimpiade dari Amerika Serikat yang mengalahkan keempat lawannya:  Rudolf Gavenciak (Cekoslowakia - RSC3), Luigi Gaudiano(Italia - KO1), Arnond Vasnderlyde (Belanda - RSC2) danHyun-Man yang baik (Korea Selatan - KO1).

“Saya tahu saya harus mengalahkan Korea Selatan di final,Mercer mengakui. “Saya hanya ingin melakukan apa yang saya bisa untuk menjadi peraih medali emas Olimpiade. Saya tidak berpikir saya menggunakan jab.

“Memenangkan medali emas Olimpiade menghasilkan beberapa perubahan besar bagi saya. Saya menjadi seorang selebriti, nama rumah tangga, dan itu memungkinkan saya menghasilkan uang sebagai seorang profesional. Hal terbaik yang pernah terjadi pada saya adalah memenangkan medali emas Olimpiade, bahkan lebih dari memenangkan gelar dunia sebagai seorang profesional. Tidak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan dengan menjadi peraih medali emas Olimpiade. Saya mencapai impian saya. Saya tidak pernah bermimpi menjadi profesional, sampai setelah saya memenangkan medali emas.

“Sangat penting untuk memenangkan medali emas itu. Saya berjuang dengan hati saya; tidak ada uang yang terlibat, dirayakan begitu keras malam itu (setelah memenangkan medali emas) bahwa saya kehilangan medali saya selama beberapa jam. Mimpiku menjadi kenyataan, tangan saya gemetar, dan saya kehilangan medali saya. Malam yang indah!"

Mercer menawarkan anggota 2020 Sedikit nasihat bagi Tim Kualifikasi Olimpiade Tinju AS, "Terus berjuang, ikuti mimpimu dan ambil langkah terakhir itu. "

Mercer, yang lahir di Jacksonville, Florida, membuat debut profesionalnya yang sangat dinantikan 1989, hentiJesse McGhee di babak ketiga pertarungan mereka di Atlantic City. "Merciless" memenangkan yang pertama 18 perkelahian pro, termasuk KO ronde kesembilanFrancisco Damiani, diikuti dengan pertahanan yang sukses melawan Morrison, yang terhenti di ronde kelima.

Selama 19 tahun karir profesionalnya, Mercer menyusun file 36-7-1 (26 Biaya) catatan, mengalahkan empat juara dunia di Damiani, Morrison, Tim Witherspoon danOssie Ocasio.  Lima dari delapan kekalahan dalam karirnya terjadi pada juara dunia: Lennox LewisWladimir Klitschko,Larry HolmesEvander Holyfield danShannon Briggs

“Ray mewakili semua yang membuat USA Boxing bangga,"KataChris Cugliari, Direktur Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS. “Sebagai seorang veteran Angkatan Darat, Peraih medali emas Olimpiade, dan juara kelas berat dunia, dia telah menunjukkan keunggulan dan profesionalisme yang mencerminkan yang terbaik dari apa yang ditawarkan USA Boxing. ”

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS

Dibuat untuk menjadi juara seumur hidup, hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara USA Boxing dan alumninya, –petinju, pejabat, pelatih dan penggemar tinju — Asosiasi Alumni menghubungkan generasi juara, menginspirasi dan memberikan kembali kepada juara tinju masa depan USA Boxing, masuk dan keluar dari ring.

Asosiasi Alumni Tinju AS terbuka untuk siapa saja yang menyukai tinju dan ingin tetap terhubung dengan tinju amatir. Anggota diberikan akses ke berbagai acara khusus yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Alumni, termasuk penerimaan tahunan Hall of Fame Asosiasi Alumni Tinju USA.

Untuk bergabung dengan Asosiasi Alumni, cukup mendaftar dialumni@usaboxing.org untuk sebuah $40.00 biaya keanggotaan per tahun. Anggota baru akan menerima kaos, gantungan kunci dan e-wallet.

Karir tinju amatir Mercer yang luar biasa juga termasuk pertandingan klasik melawan peraih medali emas Olimpiade Kuba dan tiga kali hebat., Felix Savon, di USA vs.. Pertandingan ganda Kuba, di mana Mercer dua kali mengejutkan Savon, yang bertahan tanpa menderita kerusakan tambahan hanya karena wasit Kuba melakukan intervensi yang dipertanyakan yang memberi waktu kepada rekan senegaranya untuk pulih dan kontroversial 2-1 kemenangan.

“Dan dia memberiku hitungan delapan tanpa alasan,Mercer menambahkan. “Saya mengalahkan orang itu dan dia tahu itu. Kami tetap berhubungan meskipun dia tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris. Dia memiliki teman yang menerjemahkan dan kami berhubungan di Facebook. Kami saling menyukai. ”

Hari Ini, Mercer mendirikan badan amal di rumahnya di Carolina Utara, yang akan mencakup klinik tinju gratis, tapi, lebih penting, memberikan kembali kepada komunitas dan mengajar kaum muda, terutama mereka yang diintimidasi, keterampilan yang mereka perlukan untuk pergi ke dunia nyata.

Ray Mercer telah mencapai puncak dua kali dalam tinju sebagai peraih medali emas Olimpiade dan juara kelas berat dunia sebagai seorang profesional. Tidak terlalu buruk untuk seseorang yang tidak pernah benar-benar ingin bertinju.

“Tinju menyelamatkan hidup saya,Mercer menyimpulkan. “Saya tidak dapat membayangkan hidup saya tanpa tinju, itu pasti tidak akan sama.



Kegugupan: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing

TENTANG USA BOXING:  Misi USA Boxing adalah untuk memungkinkan para atlet dan pelatih Amerika Serikat mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan, mengembangkan karakter, mendukung olahraga tinju, dan mempromosikan dan mengembangkan gaya tinju Olimpiade di Amerika Serikat. Tanggung jawab USA Boxing tidak hanya menghasilkan emas Olimpiade, tetapi juga mengawasi dan mengatur setiap aspek tinju amatir di Amerika Serikat.

Kelas bulu Tinju AS Andrea Medina semakin dekat closing 2020 Tempat Olimpiade di Tokyo

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Februari 10, 2020) – Coming off consecutive runner-up finishes in major tournaments, USA Boxing featherweightAndrea Medina is within one tournament of representing her country in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

Pada bulan Desember, the 20-year-old Medina lost a split decision toLupe Gutierrez pada 2020 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing, dan 4-1 untukIulia Tsyplakova (Ukraina) last month at the Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria. The Chula Vista, California boxer was recently named to USA Boxing’s Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Qualification Team.

“Placing second at the trials only made me more eager to get that Olympic Qualification spot,” Medina said. “I just wanted to show USA Boxing that I was the one to represent at 57 kilograms. I am only going to get better and I cannot wait to show the world everything that I got.

“For it (Strandja) being my first ever international tournament, I was very proud of how far I got in the tournament and getting that silver medal. I was very happy with all my performances and I am excited to get back to work on things I need to improve on. Aside from all that, going to a different country was awesome and I can’t wait to travel more doing what I love the most.”

Medina and her Team USA stablemates are currently training in Colorado Springs at the state-of-the-art United States Olympic and Paralympic Training Center. To qualify for participation in this year’s Olympic Games, Medina needs to finish among the top three in the 57-kilogram (125 lbs.) division at the America’s Qualification Tournament, March 26-April 3, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. One final opportunity at the World Qualifier in Paris, Perancis, in which she could qualify for the Olympics by placing among the top five.

“It means the world to me to be on the USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team,” Medina added. “It is everything I have been working for since I started competing at eight years old and I cannot believe the Olympic Games are only in a few months. Making history in San Diego by being the first person to make the Olympic Team for boxing is a big deal for my family, my city and myself. I cannot express how excited I am to have come this far, but there is still so much to do, and I am ready.

“I feel that I work better under pressure and I truly believe that I will qualify for Tokyo, whether it be in Argentina or France, but my main goal, sekarang juga, is to train hard to get that gold in Argentina.”

Medina believes her major strength inside the ring is her ability to adjust during a fight. She prefers fighting on the outside, but she can brawl if needed, because she enjoys throwing a lot of power punches.

Medina also realizes that she’s in a prime place regarding the rising popularity of female boxing, following in the USA Boxing footsteps of two-time Olympic gold medalistClaressa Shields and Olympic bronze medalistMarlen esparza, along with past USA Olympians such asQueen Underwood danMikaela Mayer.

“Female boxing is only going to get bigger,” Medina predicted. “Being a female fighter today means a lot to me, because I have been doing this for 15 tahun sekarang, and seeing it grow year after year only shows how strong females are and what we can accomplish. I predict that, in the future, boxing will not be seen as a man’s sport, but will be neutral for both men and women.”

Competing at the Olympics has been a life-long dream for Medina, but she also has plans for her immediate future.

“Reaching the Olympics has been my main goal throughout my boxing career,” Andrea remarked, “so now that it is so close makes me want to work even harder. Other goals of mine are to graduate from college and get my own condominium, which I will do after all this is over.

“I plan on turning pro after the Olympics, most likely at the beginning or middle of 2021, so I can finish school and give my body some rest and recovery.”

Andrea Medina is so close to being an Olympian and everything associated with that accomplishment that she can practically reach out and feel it. Just one more step, whether in Buenos Aires or Paris, and it’ll be mission accomplished for her.



Kegugupan: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing

TENTANG USA BOXING:  Untuk mempromosikan dan mengembangkan tinju amatir gaya Olimpiade di Amerika Serikat dan untuk menginspirasi pengejaran emas Olimpiade tanpa lelah dan memungkinkan atlet dan pelatih untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan. Selain itu, USA Boxing berusaha untuk mengajarkan semua peserta karakter participants, kepercayaan diri dan fokus yang mereka butuhkan untuk menjadi juara yang tangguh dan beragam, baik di dalam maupun di luar ring. Tinju AS adalah satu tim, satu bangsa, pergi untuk emas!

USA Boxing Announces 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Qualification Team

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Januari 29, 2020) — USA Boxing announced today the 13 boxers who will represent Team USA at the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo Boxing Qualification Events, serta 13 alternates. A full list can be seen below.

The team was announced following the two-stage qualification process that began in December at the 2020 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing in Lake Charles and concluded at the recent 2020 Strandja Tournament in Sofia, Bulgaria. The full athlete selection procedure can be seendi sini.

“First of all, this was a very difficult decision,” stated USA Boxing Head CoachBilly Walsh. “Some of these boxers were neck and neck between training camp and the 2020 Standja Tournament.”

“We feel the 13 boxers that earned their place on the Olympic Qualification Team will be the best team to represent Team USA at the upcoming qualifiers, as well as have the best opportunity to qualify a full team to the 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo.”

Semua 13 boxers will have two chances to punch their ticket to Tokyo. The first will take place at the America’s Qualification tournament in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bulan Maret 26 – April 3. Boxers who do not qualify in Argentina will have one final opportunity at the World Qualifier in Paris, Perancis, May 13-24.Click here for more information on how boxers qualify

The boxers, as well as several training partners, will return to the United States Olympics and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Putaran. pada Feb. 5 for their next training camp.

Follow USA Boxing on social media to stay up to date on training and news of the Olympic Qualification Team.

USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team
51 kg: Virginia Fuchs, Houston, Texas
52 kg: Anthony Herrera, Los Angeles, Kalif.
57 kg: Andrea Medina, San Diego, Kalif.
57 kg: Bruce Carrington, Brooklyn, N.Y..
60 kg: Rashida Ellis, Lynn, Massa.
63 kg: Keyshawn Davis, Norfolk, Akan.
69 kg: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio
69 kg: Delante Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio
75 kg: Naomi Graham, Fayetteville, N.C.
75 kg: Joseph Hicks, Grand Rapids, saya.
81 kg: rahim Gonzales, Las Vegas, Nev.
91 kg: Darius Fulghum, Houston, Texas
91+ kg: Richard Torrez Jr., Tulare, Calf.

USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team Alternates
51 kg: Christina Cruz, Dapur Neraka, N.Y..
52 kg: Abraham Perez, Albuquerque, N.M.
57 kg: Lupe Gutierrez, Sacramento, Kalif.
57 kg: David Navarro, Los Angeles, Kalif.
60 kg: Amelia Moore, Alexandria, Akan.
63 kg: Ernesto Mercado, Pomona, Kalif.
69 kg: Briana Che, Madison, Wisc.
69 kg: Freudis Rojas Jr., Dallas, Texas
75 kg: Morelle McCane, Cleveland, Ohio
75 kg: Javier Martinez, Milwaukee, Wisc.
81 kg: Atif Oberlton, Philadelphia, Pa.
91 kg: Jamar Talley, Camden, N.J.
91+ kg: Antonio Mireles, Biksu, Iowa



Kegugupan: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Muka Buku: /USABoxing

TENTANG USA BOXING:  Untuk mempromosikan dan mengembangkan tinju amatir gaya Olimpiade di Amerika Serikat dan untuk menginspirasi pengejaran emas Olimpiade tanpa lelah dan memungkinkan atlet dan pelatih untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan. Selain itu, USA Boxing berusaha untuk mengajarkan semua peserta karakter participants, kepercayaan diri dan fokus yang mereka butuhkan untuk menjadi juara yang tangguh dan beragam, baik di dalam maupun di luar ring. Tinju AS adalah satu tim, satu bangsa, pergi untuk emas!

Men’s Field for 2020 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing Set

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (November 26, 2019) – Sixty-four of the nation’s top male amateur boxers will compete at the upcoming 2020 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Bulan Desember 9-16.

A total of 479 boxers competed in the four qualifying tournaments with hopes of advancing to Lake Charles. The top two boxers in each weight division will advance to the next stage of the selection procedures this January in Colorado Springs and compete for a chance to represent Team USA at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

Here is a closer look at the boxers stepping into the ring in the eight men’s weight divisions.

Flyweight/114 lbs./52 kg

The flyweight division will feature multiple exciting matchups, as all eight boxers will be looking to represent Team USA next year and follow in 2016 Olympic bronze medalists Nico Hernandez’ footsteps. 2019 World Championships team member and 2018 Elite National ChampionMichael Angeletti (Musim semi, Texas) has hopes of using his great deal of international experience he gained this year to lead the pack, while two-time flyweight national champion (’16 and ’17Fernando Martinez (Mukjizat, Ariz.) will want to return to the top of the podium. 2018 Elite National Championships runner-upAbraham Perez (Albuquerque, N.M) has hopes of redemption to take the title. YoungsterRay Ray Robinson(Cincinnati, Ohio) punched his ticket to Lake Charles by winning the Eastern Elite Qualifier in his home state and his elite debut, danJose Nieves (Avenel, N.J.) grabbed the title at the Last Chance Qualifier in Oxnard over an impressive field.Roscoe Hill is the second boxer from Spring, Texas to qualify in this division following his silver medal-effort at the Western Elite Qualifier in Reno. Los Angeles duoAnthony Herrera danAnthony Olascuaga round out the field. Herrera was victorious in Reno and Olascuaga finished second in Oxnard.

Bantamweight/125 lbs./57 kg

After falling short on his Olympic-qualification run in 2016,Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Ohio) has been one of Team USA’s most successful boxers leading into the tournament, winning multiple international medals including a silver at the 2017 Elite World Championships and 2019 Pan American Games. Namun Begitu, a mix of youth and veterans will make this division one to watch.David Navarro (Los Angeles, California.) finished third at the 2018 Elite National Championships, but punched his ticket following Raymond Ford’s move to the professional ranks.Japhethlee Llamido(Norwalk, California.) danRashiem Jefferson (Philadelphia, Pa.) had impressive runs at the Western and Eastern Qualifiers to earn the championship at those events, sementaraJonathan Mansour (La Mesa, California.) defeated an impressive field in Oxnard, Kalif. to head to Lake Charles with momentum on his side.Bruce Carrington (Brooklyn, N.Y.), a competitor in the 2016 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing, danKevin Montano(Concord, California.), have a great deal of experience on the national and international stage to make things interesting, sementaraXavian Ramirez (Sedang Membaca, Pa.) qualified for the trials after just recently moving up to the elite division.

Lightweight/138 lbs./63 kg

Arguably the deepest male division at the trials, the competition for the top two spots will be one of the toughest and most exciting of the week. 2019 Pan American Games and World Championships silver medalistKeyshawn Davis(Norfolk, Va.) has dominated on the national stage the previous two years, and will hope to continue his run, but will have stiff competition from the other seven boxers in this bracket. 2018 USA Boxing Elite National Championships silver medalistsDalis Kaleiopu(Waianae, Hawai) will be looking for redemption after his close bout in the finals last year against Davis. 2015 Junior World Championships silver medalistsHarley Mederos (New York, N.Y.) hopes to repeat his impressive performance from the 2019 Eastern Elite Qualifier, sementara 2019 Western Elite Qualifier ChampionCharlie Sheehy (Brisbane, California.) looks to return to the USA Boxing High Performance squad after being a member in 2018. 2019 Last Chance Qualifier ChampionErnesto Mercado (Pomona, California.) made the transition to the elite division easily after dominating throughout this year on the youth stage, including an international gold medal in March.Israel Rodriguez (Rendah hati, Texas) surprised many when he took the second spot at the 2019 Eastern Qualifier, which will be a huge confidence booster in Lake Charles, danMarcell Davidson (Shawnee, Bisa.) has the goods to reach the finals. Another boxer making the transition to elite this yearDaniel Garcia(Westminster, Colo.), secured the final spot after a strong performance in Oxnard, including a close matchup against Mercado in the finals.

Welterweight/152 lbs./69 kg

2017 peraih medali perunggu Kejuaraan DuniaFreudis Rojas Jr. (Las Vegas, Nev.)  dan 2019 Pan American Games bronze medalistDelante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio) headline a strong welterweight division.Marques Valle (Wesley Chapel, Fla.) surprised many at last year’s Elite National Championships, defeating some of Team USA’s top competitors, to secure his spot.Kelvin Davis(Norfolk, Va.), the older brother of Keyshawn Davis, will be looking to pick up where he left off in Ohio, sementaraVictor Aranda (Langkah, Texas) enters as the Western Elite Qualifier Champion. Lavars Carter (Cincinnati, Ohio) earned the final spot, and could see a potential third matchup against Johnson, as they met in Salt Lake last year and the finals of the Last Chance Qualifier, with Carter winning in Salt Lake and Johnson in Oxnard.Wayne Bourdreaux (Marrero, The.) will be looking for a strong performance, as he is one of the few Louisiana natives in the field, danMorris Young (Chesaning, Mich.) will be hoping to improve on his silver medal performance in Reno.

Middleweight/165 lbs./75 kg

Expected to be another weight division with exciting matchups, the middleweight division has the potential to see a fourth finals matchup between 2019 Pan American Games bronze medalistTroy Isley (Alexandra, Va.) dan 2018 Elite National ChampionJavier Martinez(Milwaukee, Wisc.). Isley took the national title in 2016 dan 2017 over Martinez, while Martinez was victorious in 2018. Namun Begitu, both boxers will have to get through six talented boxers that will be hungry to end their finals runs.Kahshad Elliot(Plainfield, N.J.), Joseph Hicks (Grand Rapids, Mich.) danAntonio Garcia (Anaheim, California.) were crowned champions at the three qualifiers, and will look to continue their winning ways in Louisiana.Alexis Chaparro (New York, N.Y.), Francis Hogan (Weymouth, Mass.) danAlex Chisholm (Hialeah Gardens, Fla.) showed why they should not be underestimated with their qualifying performances and will be tough to get through in this bracket.

Light Heavyweight/178 lbs./81 kg

2018 Elite National Championrahim Gonzales (Las Vegas, Nev.) has the heart and determination to succeed in Lake Charles after falling short at the 2016 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing, sementara Atif Oberlton (Philadelphia, Pa.) has been on the rise following his silver medal performance at last year’s National Championships. Following the shuffling around of boxers who qualified in multiple divisionsFrancis Oran (Allentown, Pa.) is the lone regional qualifier champion, taking the title in Oxnard at the Last Chance Qualifier.Orville Crooks (Brooklyn, N.Y.), Amir Ghaffari Nikou (Charlotte, N.C.) danNasheed Smith(Washington, DC) qualified to these trials after finishing second at the Eastern, Last Chance and Western Qualifiers, masing-masing.Chavon Davis (Mansfield, Ohio) danRobert Magee(Byrnes Mill, Mo.) were added to the field following Javier Martinez and Adrian Tillman, the Eastern and Western Qualifier Champions in this division selected to compete in the other weight class they are qualified in.

                                                       Heavyweight/201 lbs./91 kg

After qualifying in two different weight classesAdrian Tillman (Colorado Springs, Colo.) chose to compete in the heavyweight division with hopes of being one of the two boxers in this division, akan tetapi, itu 2018 Elite National Championships heavyweight silver medalists will have to fend off a tough bracket to advance.Najee Lopez (Ellenwood, Ga.), Brandon Moore(Lakeland, Fla.) danDevon Young(Aiken, S.C.) were crowned champions in the three regional qualifying tournaments and all three will be looking to continue their winning ways in a few weeks, sementaraJoshua Edwards (Houston, Texas), Darius Fulghum (Rosharon, Texas) danJamar Talley (Camden, N.J.) finished second in the regional qualifiers but could make it an interesting week in Louisiana. 2016 Elite National Champion and 2018 bronze medalistsCymone Kearney (Beaumont, Texas) was a late addition to the field after Jared Anderson moved to the professional ranks and could surprise many.

Super Heavyweight/201+ lbs./ 91+ kg

With the medical exemption of two-time USA Boxing Elite National Champion and 2019 Pan American Games bronze medalistRichard Torrez Jr.(Tulare, California.)** being accepted by USA Boxing, the super heavyweight division is wide open for the eight boxers competing in Lake Charles. 2019 Eastern and Western Qualifier ChampionsJeremiah Milton (Tulsa, Okla.) danAntonio Mireles (Biksu, Iowa) will look to be victorious once more after they stood atop the podium at their respective events to qualify, sementaraDominic Okopie (Houston, Texas) grabbed the Last Chance Qualifier title to secure his spot in the tournament.Luis Alvarado (Keonsha, Wisc.) made an impressive international debut earlier this year and will look to use that valuable experience over the other boxers in this division.Dacarree Scott(Decatur, Ga.), Pryce Taylor (Brooklyn, N.Y.) danKenyon Walker (San Antonio, Texas) punched their tickets to Louisiana by placing second at their respective qualifying event, while Deandre Savage (Las Vegas, Nev.) will return to the national stage after qualifying to last year’s Elite National Championships.

Boxing will begin on Monday, Desember. 9 at the Lake Charles Civic Center, with the finals taking place Sunday, Desember. 15 at the Golden Nugget Hotel & Kasino.

**Boxers who receive medical exemption from the 2020 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing will compete on Jan. 4, 2020 in a box-off against the runner-up of their weight division in Colorado Springs, Putaran. for the opportunity to advance to the next stage of the athlete selection procedures**

About USA Boxing

The mission of USA Boxing is to promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Additionally, USA Boxing berusaha untuk mengajarkan semua peserta karakter participants, kepercayaan diri dan fokus yang mereka butuhkan untuk menjadi juara yang tangguh dan beragam, both in and out of the ring. USA Boxing is one team, satu bangsa, pergi untuk emas!

2020 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing Women’s Field Finalized

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (November 22, 2019)Following four qualifying tournaments that began in December 2018, the field of 40 elite female boxers who will compete next month at the 2020 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing in Lake Charles, Itu. is final. A total of 117 elite female boxers competed throughout the year for the 40 available spots. Only ten will advance from the trials competition to the next stage of the selection process and the opportunity to represent Team USA at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Here is a closer look at the field in the five weight classes.

Flyweight/112 lbs./51 kg

2016 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing champion Virginia Fuchs (Houston, Texas) fell short of advancing to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games during the international qualification but has dominated the flyweight division ever since. Having won eight international medals since those trials, Fuchs could face her biggest competition from the young talent of Heaven Garcia (El Monte, California.). Garcia, a two-time World Champion in the junior and youth divisions, has been the one to watch for many years, and these trials could be her coming out party in the elite division. Namun Begitu, Christina Cruz (Dapur Neraka, N.Y.), two-time Elite World Championship bronze medalist, will bring experience to her third U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing that will be tough for any boxer that she faces. Mariana Gonzalez (Sunnyvale, California.) stood atop the podium at the Western Elite Qualifier, while runner-up Jazzelle Bobadilla (Ewa Beach, Hawai) has international experience on her side that can help her to upset this division. Jasmine Hampton (Ann Arbor, Mich.) was victorious at the Last Chance Qualifier to punch her ticket to Lake Charles, dengan Lina Vezzani (Brooklyn, N.Y.) dan Stephanie Chavez (jeruk, California.) rounding out the flyweight division.

Featherweight/125 lbs./57 kg

Expected to be the most competitive weight class in the women’s field, the featherweight division has numerous boxers looking to advance to the next stage of the selection process. Five of the eight boxers have World Championship medals, with the last three boxers having impressive performances at their qualifiers. Yarisel Ramirez (Las Vegas, Nev.) won a silver at the 2015 Junior World Championships, as well as a bronze at the 2019 Pan American Games in her first year in the elite division. Two-time Youth World Championships bronze medalists Isamary Aquino (Universal City, Texas) leads the way in the medal count and will look to continue making a name for herself. Lupe Gutierrez(Sacramento, California.) dan Iyana Verduzco (Los Angeles, California.) won gold medals in their World Championship debuts, with Gutierrez winning at the 2015 Junior World Championships and Verduzco at the 2018 Kejuaraan Dunia Pemuda. Mikiah Kreps(Air Terjun Niagara, N.Y.) won the bronze medal at this October’s Elite World Championships in her international debut, and will be using the confidence from that performance in Lake Charles. Andrea Medina (San Diego, California.) impressed many in Reno, defeating numerous World Championship medalists on her way to the title, sementara Destiny Jasso(Dallas, Texas) dan Melanie Costa (Norton, Mass.) survived a tough bracket out of the Eastern Elite Qualifier to advance to these trials.

Lightweight/132 lbs./60 kg

Rashida Ellis (Lynn, Mass.) enters the 2020 DIRI KITA. Olympic Trials with confidence on her side, setelah mengesankan 2019 run that included bronze medals at the 2019 Pan American Games and World Championships. Amelia Moore (Alexandria, Va.) dan Stacia Suttles(Bronx, N.Y.) both have World Championship experience, as well as winning international performances to be strong contenders to take the title and advance to the next stage of the qualification to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Ravven Brown (San Antonio, Texas) recently made her international debut at the 2019 Elite World Championships and had a quick rise to success in her short boxing career. Kimberly Carlson (Chicago, Sakit.) danWhitney Gomez (Bend, Jam.) left the Western and Last Chance Qualifiers golden, sementaraJennifer Lopez (Jersey City, N.J.) dan Rebecca Maine (Pittsburg, Pa.) round out the field following their silver medal performances in Ohio and California.

Welterweight/152 lbs./69 kg

Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio) made history this year with her gold medal at the 2019 Pan American Games and looks to be one of the favorites for the welterweight division. The comeback of a few boxers and the rise of some up and comers will make this another exiting weight class to watch. Two boxers who recently came back to the sport and looking to shake things up are Danyelle Wolf (San Diego, California.) dan Mary Spencer (Boulder, Colo.). Serigala, a three-time USA Boxing National Champion and two-time Continental Champion made her return to the ring in impressive fashion in Reno this year, while Spencer, who is a dual-citizen, represented Canada at the 2012 Olympic Games and won three World Championships under the Canadian flag, won the Eastern Qualifier to punch her ticket to the U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing. Sharahya Moreu (Albuquerque, N.M.) may be the youngest in the division at 20-years-old but has a great deal of experience and will use that against her elder opponents. Briana Che (Madison, Wisc.), Arika Skoog(Boston, Mass.) dan Jill Stafford (La Mesa, California.) all won silver medals in their respective qualifying competitions and could easily surprise many in Lake Charles, sementara Liz Flores(Woodland Hills, California.) grabbed the last spot to compete after Morelle McCain decided to compete in the middleweight division following her qualifying in both weight classes.

Middleweight/165 lbs./75 kg

Since the departure of two-time Olympic Champion Claressa Shields to the professional ranks, Naomi Graham (Fayetteville, N.C.) has been the leader for Team USA in the middleweight division, winning multiple international medals including a silver at the 2019 Pan American Games and a bronze at the 2018 Kejuaraan Dunia. 2017 Pemuda Juara Dunia Citlalli Ortiz (Coachella, California.) put on a dominating performance at the recent Last Chance Qualifier, including two wins by RSC, and will be looking to continue her winning ways into Lake Charles, sementara Morelle McCane (Cleveland, Ohio) had an impressive 2019, taking a bronze in her international debut earlier this year. Alexis Gomez(South San Francisco, California.) dan Kendra Reeves (Twin Falls, Idaho) picked up titles at the Western and Eastern Qualifiers to punch their tickets to Louisiana and will be looking to have another victorious tournament, sementara Fallon Farrar (Colorado Springs, Colo.),Melody Popravak (Brooklyn, N.Y.) dan Rachael Washington (New York, N.Y.) took the silver medals at the three qualifying tournaments and will hope to improve their performances in Lake Charles.
Follow USA Boxing on social media, serta 2020 DIRI KITA. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing and 2019 USA Boxing National Championships website for news, Hasil, selection procedures and updates of the tournament by clicking here: http://bit.ly/BoxingTrials20

West Point Boxing Fall Classic Winchester’s Cadet Luca LoConte Botis Returns home Nov. 10

Anthony’s in Malden, Massa.

BOSTON, Massa. (Bulan Oktober 14, 2019) – The National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA) will present the “West Point Fall Classic” on Sunday, November 10, di Anthony di Malden, Massachusetts.

Anggota tim tinju West Point akan bertanding melawan petinju amatir dari USA Boxing New England, Universitas Connecticut, Perguruan Tinggi Trinitas, Perguruan Tinggi Hartford, dan Universitas Massachusetts.

“We are excited for this upcoming event featuring the best college athletes in the Northeast,"KataEric Buller, President of the National Collegiate Boxing Association and member of the USA Boxing Board of Directors. “We are also happy to include some of the most impressive local athletes as well. This is a win for everyone who attends:  local athletes, future leaders of America, dedicated coaches and officials, boxing legends, great venue and outstanding ring action. Thanks to Anthony’s for hosting us and to all that are working hard to make this event the great success it will be.”

Kadet Senior Akademi Militer Amerika SerikatLuca LoConte Botis, who hails from nearby Winchester (MA), will be showcased in what will likely be his final local boxing competition.

A 2015 lulusan Sekolah Menengah Winchester, tempat dia menjadi kapten lintas negara sekolah, tim renang dan trek luar ruangan. Botis will be supported by a large contingent of family and friends.

A tribute to the USA Boxing Alumni Association will also be on tap, termasuk penampilan oleh 1988 Peraih medali emas OlimpiadeRay Mercer, International Boxing Hall of Fame refereeSteve Smoger, peserta Fight of the Year tiga kaliMicky Ward “Irlandia” (Lowell, MA), three-time two division world champion“El Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera(Worcester, MA), dan mantan juara amatir New England dan juara bertahan IBA kelas super welterGreg “The Villain” Vendetti (Stoneham, MA).

Pintu terbuka di 2 p.m. DAN, pertarungan pertama dijadwalkan untuk 3 p.m. ET.

Limited tickets are available for purchase by calling Seacoast Ticket Agency at 1.800.382.5242.

Wise decision 4 years ago finds “Menakjubkan” Mykquan Williams 15-0 as pro today instead of elite amateur

Mykquan Williams (Foto oleh Emily Harney / Team Williams)

MANCHESTER, Conn. (Bulan September 9, 2019) – If not for a critical decision four years ago, 21-tahun “Menakjubkan” Mykquan Williams could very well be elite amateur training to compete for a spot on the 2020 USA Boxing Olympic Team, rather than the 15-0 rising star that he is today in professional boxing.

Williams (15-0, 7 Biaya), who lives in East Hartford (CT), has overcome life-altering obstacles in which his father was murdered when Mykquan was only eight months old, and the family house burned to the ground when he was 10.

Ineligible to compete for a roster spot on the 2016 USA Boxing Olympic Team because he was too young, Williams had two choices: remain an amateur for four years without any guarantees of qualifying for the Olympics, or get a jump start on his professional career. He chose the latter route and hasn’t looked back.

Williams was a decorated amateur whose style, dalam retrospeksi, is much better suited for pro boxing than the amateurs. He had a 45-13 catatan amatir, highlighted by three gold-medal performances at the Ringside World Championships, in addition to capturing top honors at the National PAL and National Silver Glove championships.

I was too young for the last one,” Williams explained his decision to turn pro when he did.Williams explained. I ended my amateur career after there were scoring changes. I lost some tough decisions. I decided to take the next step and go pro to get paid. My style was more suitable for the pros. I don’t throw 100 pukulan putaran; I pick my spots when I have openings.

I didn’t want to wait several years. I chose to turn pro (when he was a senior at Prince Tech). I’m already 15-0, climbing the rankings, and I’m getting paid to do this. I was meant to do this.

Williams is the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) United States super lightweight champion, Tidak ada dinilai. 5 by the United States Boxing Association (USBA), dan Tidak. 12 oleh American Boxing Federation Utara (NABF).

I believed that Mykey was ready to turn pro,” Kallen commented. “Under Paul’s tutelage he was far enough advanced and eager to tackle the pros. His style was perfectly suited for the pros and at 18 years old he was ready to take the leap. His youthful good looks made him an ideal young prospect.

My concern at that time was the Olympic Team was no sure thing,” added Cichon, who has trained Williams for the past 10 tahun. I had the confidence in Mykey, but the risk wasn’t worth the gain. We decided to go pro.

Empat tahun kemudian, instead of competing against America’s elite amateur boxers in his weight classKeyshawn Davis, Bruce Carrington dan Dalis Kaleiopu — pada 2020 Olympic Trials and USA Boxing’s National Championships, Bulan Desember 7-15, in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Williams is one of the top 21-and-under prospects in boxing.


Kegugupan: @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen
Instagram: @M.mkw_, @jackie.Kallen
Muka Buku: /MykquanWilliams, /PaulCichon, /JackieKallen