標記檔案: 美國拳擊

USA Boxing Alumni Association Open for Registration

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月 2, 2017). – The newly created USA Boxing Alumni Association registration is officially open for those interested in becoming members.
The Alumni Association, which was created to champion a lifelong, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, including boxers, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷, will help connect generations of champions, as well as help inspire and give back to USA Boxing’s future boxing champions inside and outside the ring.
The Alumni Association will bring together former boxers, coaches and officials that have reached all levels of success in amateur boxing, as well as people who have a love for Olympic-style boxing,” 評論 邁克·麥卡蒂, USA Boxing Executive Director. “This association will help expand our grassroots and help create the future champions of USA Boxing and alumni members.
Open to anyone possessing a love for the sport and looking to stay connected with amateur boxing, the Alumni Association members are granted access to a variety of special events that will be hosted by the Alumni Association, including the first annual USA boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.
The reception, which will honor and celebrate the five inaugural members of the Alumni Association Hall of Fame, will be held on 十二月 8 in Salt Lake City in conjunction with the 2017 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships & Junior and Prep Open. The five inductees include:
  • 穆罕默德·阿里
  • 湯姆·庫爾特
  • Buddy Davis
  • 霍利菲爾德
  • 羅斯福桑德斯
World-renowned CBS and Showtime announcer 鋁伯恩斯坦 will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the event.
USA Boxing makes a positive difference in the lives of thousands and thousands of young people on a daily basis, and I am so honored to serve as emcee for the inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame Reception. This new arm of USA Boxing will be a terrific addition to an already great organization,” 伯恩斯坦說. “I look forward to a great week.
In addition to Bernstein’s role as emcee, many esteemed members of the USA Boxing alumni community are scheduled to attend the inaugural event, 含: Michael Carbajal, 北京弗洛雷斯, Larry Fullmer, 維吉爾山, 勞爾·馬爾克斯, 史蒂夫·斯莫傑,傑西·瓦爾德茲(Jesse Valdez), 米奇沃德Eddie Weichers.
When joining, which cost $40/year, new members will be given a t-shirt, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包. For more information on the USA Boxing Alumni Association, 請聯繫 alumni@usaboxing.org 或訪問 USABoxing.org
嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing
Inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association

Hall of Fame Reception to be held 十二月. 8 in Salt Lake City

關於美國拳擊: 美國拳擊的使命是使美國’ 運動員和教練,以實現持續的競爭卓越, 個性發展, 支持拳擊運動, 並在美國推廣和發展奧林匹克風格的拳擊. 美國拳擊的責任不僅在於生產奧運金牌, but also oversee every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

Special AdditionGolden Glove Quarter Finals Show added Tuesday March 21st at Gleason’s Gym

Gleason’s Gym will host the quarter finals of the Daily News Golden Gloves on Tuesday, 三月 21ST.
The doors will open at 6:30 PM.
第一回合將在 7:30 PM.
All tickets are $25
(amateur boxers with book in hand $15)
This show is sanctioned by USABoxing.
Come support the gym.


Houston’s Historic George Foreman Youth and Community Center to Host 2016 Gulf Boxing Association Regional Championships

Premier eventGulf LBC selects team to travel to USA BOXING Elite National Championships in conjunction with the Selection and Announcement of the First Inaugural George Foreman Youth and Community Center Elite International Travel Team!!
HOUSTON, TX (十月 10, 2016) -Starting with the ring of the bell on October 22nd, local area boxers will be fighting for a spot to represent the Gulf Coast Region美國拳擊全國錦標賽 & 在 International Travel.
Weight categories will include: 小便一點點 8-9, Bantam 10-11, Intermediate 12-13, 青年 14-15, Youth 15-16, & Elite 18-40 in both Open and Novice divisions. Winners will represent the Gulf area at the 2016 USA Boxing Elite, Youth and Junior National Championships to be held in Kansas City Missouri 十二月 4-10, 2016. This tournament is a sanctioned event through USA Boxing the National Governing Body of Amateur Boxing and is a feeder to National and Olympic recognition.
George Foreman Youth and Community Center was founded 32 years ago in 1984 by Olympic Gold Medalist and 2-time heavy weight champion 喬治·福爾曼. The GFYCC is dedicated to providing a safe and secure location for youth to participate in sports and after school activities.
This year for the first time in Houston boxing history, we are developing an elite international youth boxing team,” said George Foreman, IV. “The team will be selected for the sole purpose of training and traveling to other countries to gain experience on an international platform and promote cultural diplomacy! Utilizing grant and donor funding this team will be representing the George Foreman Youth and Community Center and will be announced Saturday October 22, at the Gulf Region’s Boxing Championship. The team will be reviewed by my father, 1968 Olympic Gold Medalist and 2-Time Heavyweight Champion, George Foreman Sr. The first international trip for this new Houston team is scheduled for Jan. 2017.”
Doors open for the Gulf Gloves Championships on Saturday October 22nd at 11:00 是 with announcements and the presentation of the colors by the United States Army Houston Recruiting Command Baytown Beaumont Company at 12:45 下午. The national anthem will be performed by the internationally acclaimed Houston Brass Quintet! 拳擊將開始 1:00 下午. Championship finals will begin at 1:00 下午Sunday October 23rd.
Media open workouts for Houston amateur standout boxers will be held Wednesday October 19th at the George Foreman Youth and Community Center at 2202 Lone Oak Road Houston, 得克薩斯州 770934:00 下午.
Confirmed attendees for interviews will be:

George Edward Foreman IV: Son of 2 Time Heavy Weight Champion, President of Foreman Public Relations

馬倫·埃斯帕薩(Marlen esparza): 2012 奧運會銅牌得主, 2014 Amateur World Champion, 2006 & 2016 Amateur World Championships Bronze Medalist, Nine-Time USA Boxing National Champion.

洛基華雷斯: 2000 Olympic Games Silver Medalist, 1999 Amateur World Champion, WBC Silver Featherweight World Champion.

勞爾·馬爾克斯: 1988 Amateur World Championships Bronze Medalist, 1992 Olympic Games Quarter-finalist, IBF Light Middleweight World Champion.

弗蘭克·泰特: 1984 Olympic Games Gold Medalist, IBF Middleweight World Champion, NABF Light Heavyweight Champion.

胡安 “寶貝公牛” 迪亞茲: WBA Lightweight World Champion, WBO Lightweight World Champion, WBA Super-Lightweight World Champion, IBF Lightweight World Champion.

Sweet” 雷吉·約翰遜: WBA中量級世界冠軍, IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion.

In addition to many Houston area professional boxers and Gulf Boxing Association alumni. Event is sanctioned by USA BoxingGulf LBC: 16-25-14268

美國拳擊新英格蘭的榮譽 5 退休N.E. 職業拳擊CHAMPIONS頒獎晚宴十一月. 8 馬爾登, 質量.

溫尼拉巴斯, 米奇沃德, 喬伊Gamache, 何塞·安東尼奧·里維拉 & 約翰·魯伊斯
波士頓 (十月. 21, 2015) — 美國拳擊新英格蘭, 成立於 1880 隨著網絡的官方管轄的業餘拳擊的身體在該地區, 將尊重網絡已經前業餘佼佼者, 誰後來成為世界冠軍的職業拳擊手, 星期天, 十一月 8 在安東尼的馬爾登.
溫尼拉巴斯 (克蘭斯頓, RI), 米奇沃德 (洛厄爾, 嘛), 喬伊Gamache (路易斯頓, ME), 何塞·安東尼奧·里維拉 (伍斯特, 嘛) 和 約翰·魯伊斯 (切爾西, 嘛) 將獲得獎勵他們的傑出成就在世界拳擊.
美國拳擊新英格蘭地區也將展示其就職 長柄水杓肖利終身成就獎. 肖利曾擔任美國拳擊新英格蘭總裁, 斷斷續續地, 在一個標誌性的70年期. 他在去世 2010 在年齡 97.
該長柄水杓肖利獎項將提交給裁判/法官 邁克·瑞恩 (的Tyngsboro, 嘛) and coach 卡洛斯·加西亞 (伍斯特, 嘛) 對業餘拳擊運動的很長一段時間的貢獻.
鋁伯恩斯坦, Showtime Championship Boxing 名人堂應徵者的評論員,國際拳擊名人堂, 將擔任活動司儀. “這要歸功於一些拳擊的最好的,” 伯恩斯坦說. “新英格蘭發揮在拳擊比賽中的一大作用, 不僅在美國這裡, 但全球範圍內. 我很高興能參加這個活動,我期待著與拳擊迷在該地區的連接。”
美國拳擊也將致敬當前的運動員和成員. 該事件是一個募捐活動,幫助年輕的業餘運動員旅費區域和全國比賽.
雞尾酒在活動開始 2 P.M., 其次是晚餐 3 P.M. 隨著英國皇家空軍FL Live和無聲拍賣ES將於.
有限的門票仍然可以購買致電美國拳擊新英格蘭 781-329-9577.

田徑MVJ PRESENTS腸道檢查業餘拳擊事件


這將是一個真棒秀在這裡紐瓦克, 特拉華州. 我們的活動總是勢均力敵和行動包裝!!


請聯繫教練格雷格·普里切特或大衛·穆雷 302-861-6350 註冊您的拳手該事件. 我們很高興把業餘拳擊事件回到我們的地區. 感謝您的支持.






RE: 三大活動在格里森的健身房





4:00 下午















我們所有的較量都被USABoxingMetro認可. 所有的拳手必須要有自己與他們的拳擊書為了參加.


在稱重的節目將開始在 4:00PM 和第一回合將在開始 6:00PM.


門票價格 $20 每人. 孩子們 6 而在不帶電. 所有的健身房會員和註冊愛好者與他們在手的薪酬書籍 $15 每人.


P.S. 如果你不能讓它但還是希望看到的打架, they’ll be streaming at Gleason’s Gym website: www.gleasonsgym.net


星期天, 6月21日




Italian-American Boxing Awards


移民的故事, 文化, 希望和拳擊.


6:00 下午



6:30 下午


意大利的美國拳擊手的興起, 探索社會歷史條件下,所有的


會議開始與主持由教授. 約瑟夫·裴禮康福特漢姆



7:15 下午



8:00 下午




8:30 下午

頒獎典禮, 結論和問候.





輸入一個機會贏取兩到拉斯維加斯和兩張票去一趟梅威瑟之間的megafight的, 小, 和 帕奎奧在 五月 2 at the MGM Grand. 大獎得主將獲得兩張門票的爭奪, 住宿三晚在拉斯維加斯和 $700 遊每人補助.


第二名獲獎者將獲得一 $1000 整套設備的供應商斯汀和第三名獲獎者將獲得 $300 美國拳擊服裝包.


對於一個剛 $10 建議捐贈, 您可以進入我們的抽獎活動,見證了百年的第一手資料和支持的戰鬥 美國拳擊 和美國’ 最好的奧林匹克式的拳擊手在同一時間.


雖然捐款是不是需要進入和它不會提高你的勝算, 千萬不要錯過你的機會,一生經歷一次贏得這個. Enter now and enter often. The sweepstakes will end on四月 15, 2015.


點擊 這裡 進入抽獎.


正式規則 詳細信息, including eligibility and entry deadlines. Void where prohibited. No purchase or donation is necessary to enter or win.