标记档案: 美国


科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (八月 8, 2019) - 拳击教练埃德·韦彻斯, 美国拳击校友会的创始成员, 引导来自美国的空军学院 1976-2014 至创纪录 19 全国大学拳击队总冠军.

教练Weichers’战隼敢死队产生显着 258 所有美国拳击手和 97 个人冠军。他的球队从来没有在全国完成比第二低的 27 年,他还担任过全国大学生拳击协会的会长和副会长 (NCBA).

在一所军事学校体育教练是非常不同的, 这主要是因为学生运动员在大多数情况下,, 尤其是拳击, 不专业的前景。 “我们的学生都不能接受的是精英级别的业余爱好者或专业人士,”现在68岁的Weichers解释。 “在 1976, 把一个军校学生通过四年在该学院的费用是 $80,000 但, 在 2014, 我的退休之年, 这一数字 $417,000. 学员进行培训,以前进和服务。他们飞, 战斗, 赢得和捍卫自由,我们都喜欢。在一个新的水平拳不是讨论的一部分。我在我们的拳击手的时间去一个新的水平通话, 在硬汉比赛的战斗, 等我的回答是,并一直保持一致: “你是不是训练是空军一名拳击手. 不要危害有拳击伤你的试点资格或委托的能力。”美国空军在他们的投资, 我敦促他们前进和服务。我送他们回拳击类/程序在AFA的真正目的. 它教导他们如何处理按, 强调, 恐惧和焦虑。拳击给了他们的自信和自尊,使压力下作战的决定。处理这些压力,并做出正确的决定是在战斗中生命和死亡的区别的能力“。

教练Weichers, 当然, 属性一大摊他成功的立宪民主党, 谁是智能, 纪律和团队精神。所有学员采取强制性核心课程搏击操课 (10 教训) 他们的新生年, 接着由壁内拳击节目 40 中队队用最少的八到最大 16 每队的拳击手。

不仅没有Weichers与这个令人难以置信的馈线系统工作, 下一步是AFA永公开赛拳击锦标赛, 在学员自愿签署行动中的一个竞争 12 师箱体为无. 1 点, 收入在AFA校际拳击代表队,在区域和全国比赛竞争的大名单。推进 12 学员代表整个空军学院.

“底线,”教练Weichers注意, “这个公式是一个完美的风暴。我必须给予信贷和感谢两位体育部负责人, 关口. 唐·彼得森 和关口. 拉里Fariss, 和两个运动主管谁是工具对我们的支持和成功, 关口. 约翰Clune 和关口. 兰迪·斯皮特曼.

“我与谁我形容为难以磨灭的年轻人的祝福。学员是顽强的。我们建立在一个团队的概念一项个人运动。我有很大的助理教练, 最好的训练设施, 和的环境中通过品质的人在各个阶段包围“。

之后,他退休了作为头拳击教练在空军学院, Weichers带领美国队 2014 和 2015 到五枚奖牌, 其中包括两枚金牌, 在泛美运动会在多伦多.

“我们的计划是聘请比利·沃尔什, 谁是爱尔兰队的主教练,” Weichers添加. “我承诺他的到来时,赞助教练沃尔什使他的平稳过渡。我这样做,和教练沃尔什和我成了好朋友。他是正确的人选, 他带来了一份好简历和声誉。他曾帮助把各地的方案,创造了一个成功的文化。美国队又回来了, 在名列前茅 10 在世界上, 那就是教练沃尔什的直接结果“。


创建冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.

美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,想留在业余拳击连接。成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.

加入校友会, 只需在登记alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费。新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.

Weichers加入了美国拳击校友会因为他是一个巨大的支持者约翰·布朗, 前总统和美国拳击的电流副总裁.

“约翰有想法或概念 (以形成校友会) 我看着的目的,并认为这将是荣誉和表彰那些谁贡献多年来方式,” Weichers说。 “我希望从过去和现在的成功的专业人士认识谁贡献了多年。我也希望他们记住自己的根在与美国拳击和回馈。我们都有帮助,我们的起点和成功并非单独发生。谦虚和感恩,回馈“。

Weichers高美国队, 特别是其在整体潜力 2020 奥运会在日本, 话, “我们是固体进入 2020. 成功的关键, 在我看来, 是主教练比利·沃尔什。他非常有经验。他的名声和履历是顶架。教练沃尔什是众所周知的,尊敬的国际化水平。他伸手到其他国家作出积极的事情发生了我们的运动员的能力。他调整了文化在我们的拳击节目, 确定我们的优势, 并使调整,其中弱。教练沃尔什带来的领导和信誉。底线, 我们有到位的工作合适的教练“。

Weichers’与NCBA协会导致了各级和能力他与美国拳击关系。他一直感到欣慰退给拳击, 以及有义务在各个层面发展这项运动。

“我很幸运/祝福在我称其为柯莱特地方工作,” Weichers结束。 “这是一个运动的天堂; 核心价值, 荣誉代码, 和任务,任何人都可以欣赏连接. 我可以说,我对我在空军学院的经验更好的人.

“我爱拳击运动, 因为它为我做的, 在塑造我的生活方面. 随看到青年男女如何成长和成熟的满足感, 作为他们的拳击经验的结果是非常积极的.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

关于美国拳击:  美国拳击的使命是要使美国的运动员和教练员,以实现持续的竞争优势, 个性发展, 支持拳击运动, 并促进和在美国长大奥运风拳。美国拳击的责任是不仅要生产奥运金牌, 同时也监督和管理在美国业余拳击的每一个方面。

Integrated Sports Media 宣布同意向美国商业机构分发 DAZN 节目

将 DAZN 编程分发至
中美. 商业机构

TENAFLY, N.J. (十一月 14, 2018) — 综合体育媒体 (主义), 北美格斗运动节目的领先发行商之一, 已宣布已签署, 向美国商业机构分发 DAZN 节目的独家协议.

ISM 将负责在美国分发 DAZN 节目. 到酒吧, 餐馆, 赌场和体育书籍.

“我们很高兴能够在美国分发 DAZN 节目. 市场并帮助扩大其在全国的影响力,” ISM主席 道格·雅各布斯 说. “我们签署了一份协议,将分发 DAZN 的世界级格斗运动节目,例如《Golden Boy Promotions》, Bellator MMA 和 Matchroom 拳击。”

DAZN 最近与超级巨星达成突破性协议 索尔 “CANELO” 阿尔瓦雷斯 为他的下一个节目提供直播和点播服务 11 斗殴强化了 DAZN 彻底改变球迷观看体育赛事方式的承诺, 也标志着传统按次付费活动结束的开始.

ISM 将于周六发布其第一个 DAZN 拳击节目, 十二月 15, 展示阿尔瓦雷斯 (50-1-2, 34 科斯), 他将在纽约麦迪逊广场花园的首次亮相中提升一个重量级. 阿尔瓦雷斯, 谁是 3 届初中量级和 3 届中量级世界冠军, 将挑战WBA超中量级世界冠军 洛基菲尔丁 (27-1, 15 科斯) 在12轮的主要事件.

28岁的阿尔瓦雷斯, 可以说是无. 1 当今世界体重 4 磅的拳击手, 在他的祖国墨西哥已经是拳击偶像, 当今拳击真正的温床之一. 广受欢迎的阿尔瓦雷斯在其令人难以置信的 13 年职业生涯中击败了一系列名人录拳击手, 包括过去或现在的世界冠军,例如 根纳季 “GGG” 戈洛夫金, 塞萨尔查韦斯, JR., 利亚姆·史密斯, 阿米尔汗, 米格尔·库托, Erislandy拉拉, 阿尔弗雷多·安古洛, 奥斯汀鳟鱼, 莫斯利, 克米特辛特龙, 洛夫莫尔·恩杜卡洛斯·曼努埃尔·巴尔多米尔.

菲尔丁, 31, 在最后一场比赛中夺得 WBA 世界冠军, 当他停止了此前保持不败, 卫冕冠军 泰伦证人 今年七月在澳大利亚举行的第五轮比赛. 菲尔丁还击败过世界级拳手,例如 布赖恩·维拉, 诺伊·冈萨雷斯·阿尔科巴查尔斯·阿达姆, 更多的名人之中.

有兴趣在美国播放 DAZN 节目的地点. 可能会打电话 1.866.396.8283 或电子邮件 info@ismsports.com 了解更多信息.




叽叽喳喳: @IntegratedPPV

Largest MMA event in The Americas July 14-15 在蒙特雷, 墨西哥

蒙特卡罗, 摩纳哥 (五月 3, 2017)- The World MMA Association (WMMAA) has announced that its 2017 Pan-American Championships, the largest MMA event ever in The Americas, will be held this coming 七月 14-15 在蒙特雷, 墨西哥.
National teams from the United States, 加拿大, 墨西哥, 哥斯达黎加, 尼加拉瓜, 哥伦比亚, 厄瓜多尔, 委内瑞拉, 乌拉圭, 巴西, along with special guest Spain, are expected to compete in the 2017 Pan-American Championships.
Representing your country on the biggest continental competition of nations, it strikes you, your heart starts to race in anticipation of the grand journey into WMMAA history,” Pan-American Division president 托马斯·玉 说.
The PAN-AM Board of Directors met again this past month during a collaboration with USA Boxing, during the latter’s 2017 西方精英预选赛 & 区域开放, when the tentative announcement was made that Monterrey (墨西哥) would be the event host this July.
阿尔伯克基, New Mexico was a leading destination host, 然而, PAN-AM Board members voted in favor of Monterrey as the ultimate location.
WMMAA Mexico, as well as Monterrey as the host city this year, is a huge step in the development of the championships and movement as a whole,” 俞加. “Monterrey has been an active sport city. It was the first city to bid on the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics. Monterrey had never bid on an Olympic Game prior to its effort to bid for the 2014 Summer Youth Olympics. The city did host several matches of the 1986 FIFA World Cup.
The moment we have all been waiting for is finally here as the 2017 Pan-American Championships will take place in Monterrey, Mexico this coming 七月 14-15. The final decision has been made and now it is time to exhale, relax, and peacefully wait for the upcoming grand event, gathering people from all around the world to watch their country’s athletes competing among the best.


历史将作出十月 7-9 当智利举办的首届世界混合武术协会 (WMMAA) 泛美锦标赛 - 智利 2016 — 在圣地亚哥.


倡议MMA作为一项运动将在解决方面建立在以前的武术历史的良好的声誉, 共享和讨论显著的发展和社会的进步,这将影响MMA的未来:



FITE TV announces television carriage deal for the WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships October 8-9 in Chile

Go to FITE TV interview with host Jim “J.R.” Ross and
WMMAA Pan-American Division president Tomas Yu
纽约, 纽约 (八月 26, 2016) — FITE电视, in conjunction with the World MMA Association (WMMAA), announced today that it will be broadcasting the inaugural WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships live on FITE TV starting with the preliminary matches 星期六, 十月 8, and the final Sunday October 9, 2016.
FITE is a television network, via a downloadable app, that specializes in all things fighting, including boxing, 摔角, MMA and Martial Arts. FITE is a free app that is available for download at the Google Play or iTunes app stores.
十月. 8-9, the WMMAA is bringing the top amateur MMA competitors from around the world to Santiago, Chile for a two-day competition. 多于 12 countries will be represented in eight different weight classes (6 男人, 2 women classes). 巴切莱特, the President of Chile, is slated to participate in the opening ceremonies and preside over the closing of the event. In addition to the in-ring MMA competition, the weekend will feature a fitness expo and Ring Girl Latina 2016 pageant. As of today, 12 countries have committed to participating in the event, including the United States, 墨西哥, 古巴, 阿鲁巴, 尼加拉瓜, 哥斯达黎加, 哥伦比亚, 智利, 巴拉圭, 阿根廷, 玻利维亚, and Brazil.
We are thrilled to be able to offer free viewing of one of the most anticipated MMA events in the Pan-American region each year on the innovative FITE TV app,” WMMAA Pan-American Division President 托马斯·玉 评论. “现在, if you are not able to be at the event to watch the action live, you can now see it anywhere in the world.
With the addition of such a prestigious event to FITE TV, we continue to increase the diversity of the combat fighting programming, now offered live and on a VOD basis on the app,” 说 迈克尔·韦伯, Senior Vice President of Marketing for FITE. “It is a honor to work with MMA professionals such as Tomas Yu and his team who continue to increase the visibility of their organization worldwide.
The television programming schedule and additional participating countries will be announced in the immediate future.
About FITE TV: FITE TV is a product of Flipps Media and is a free mobile app that is a one-stop shop for viewing all sports within the fighting discipline globally including MMA, 职业摔跤, 拳击, and traditional martial arts. With only access to a smartphone and a connected TV, with the FITE app, viewers can watch live events, on-demand programming, interviews and fighting sports related movies and documentaries on the big TV screen. 更多信息可以在这里找到 www.fite.tv.
关于 Flipps Media: Flipps 通过您的移动设备向附近的任何联网电视提供点播娱乐内容,无需任何额外硬件. The company has offices in San Mateo, New York and Sofia, 保加利亚并得到 Tim Draper 的支持, 早鸟风险投资, Aslanoba Capital and LAUNCHub. 弗利普斯’ 专利技术立即与超过 350+ 百万台联网电视,并兼容超过 7,000 无需设置的制造商型号, 没有配对设备, 没有电缆, 没有加密狗和机顶盒. The Flipps mobile application is free and available on iTunes and Google Play. 更多信息可以在这里找到 www.flipps.com.
About WMMAA: The goal of the World MMA Association is to provide unbiased structure and guardrail the growth of MMA as the official world governing body for Mixed Martial Arts. A non-profit organization founded in 2012, WMMAA is on a mission to develop a standardized and regulated organization, including competition, 训练, officiating, testing and growth when necessary. 多于 50 countries have been granted WMMAA membership.

USA Women World champions Gray, Maroulis to face Canadian opponents in Beat the Streets “United In The Square,” in Times Square on May 19


3X World champion Adeline Gray to battle Justina Distasio at 75 公斤; World champion Helen Maroulis to face Samantha Stewart at 53 公斤

纽约, 四月 18, 2016 – World champion women wrestlers Adeline Gray and Helen Maroulis of the United States will compete against talented Canadian opponents as part of the 2016 Beat the Streets international competition, which returns to New York City’s Times Square on 星期四, 五月 19.

Gray is a three-time World champion who earned a spot on the 2016 中美. Olympic Team with her victory at the U.S. Olympic Team Trials on April 10. Gray will face 2015 Canadian World Team member Justina Distasio in a match at 75 kg/165 lbs.

Gray won World gold medals in 2012, 2014 和 2015, and is also a two-time World bronze medalist in 2011 和 2013. Gray is currently on a 37-match winning streak. She was a 2015 Pan American Games champion, is a two-time World Cup champion, and has also won World titles on the University and Junior levels. She is a native of Denver, 科罗拉多州。, and competes for the New York Athletic Club.

Di Stasio competed on the 2015 Canadian Senior World Team. She won gold medals in the 2015 和 2016 Pan American Championships, and was a silver medalist at the 2015 泛美运动会. Di Stasio was second at the 2016 Canadian Olympic Trials. She was fifth in the 2012 世界青年锦标赛. Di Stasio was a three-time WCWA Women’s College national champion for Simon Fraser University.

This is a rematch of the 2015 Pan American Games gold medal finals, won by Gray with a come-from-behind last-second score for a 9-6 胜利.

It will be Gray’s first time competing in Times Square at a Beat the Streets competition, and Di Stasio will be making her Times Square debut as well.

Maroulis was a 2015 World champion at 55 公斤, and has won a 2012 World silver medal and a 2013 World bronze medal. Maroulis recently won the U.S. Olympic Team Trials at 53 公斤, and will be competing at the World Olympic Games Qualifier in Ulaanbataar, 蒙古, 四月 2224, where she will attempt to qualify the United States for the Rio Olympic Games at her weight class.

Maroulis is a six-time U.S. Open champion. She has won two World Cup gold medals and 2011 Pan American Games champion. She won three career Junior World titles. Maroulis won four WCWA women’s college national titles for Simon Fraser University. She is a native of Rockville, 马里兰州. and competes for the Sunkist Kids.

Stewart was a bronze medalist at the 2012 World University Championships, and was a 2016 Pan American Championships gold medalist. She placed fourth in the 2009 Senior World Championships. Stewart has won medals at international competitions in Germany, 加拿大, 法国, Brazil and Romania. She won the Canadian Team Trials in December 2015.

Maroulis has competed in a Beat the Streets event three previous times, scoring victories in all of her bouts. She first competed in the “Rumble on the Rails” in Grand Central Terminal in 2013, pinning Irina Kisel of Russia in the second period. 在 2014, she scored a pin over Marcia Andrades of Venezuela in 5:53 in Times Square at the “Team USA vs. the World” event. 在 2015, she scored a 10-0 technical fall over Yamilka del Valle of Cuba in the “Salsa in the Square” in Times Square. This will be Stewart’s first appearance in a Beat the Streets event.

Competitors for Team USA will also compete in men’s freestyle against world power Iran. There will be two Olympic-level matches and four Junior-level matches as part of the men’s freestyle competition. 此外, there will also be Greco-Roman competition on the card. These matchups will be announced at a later date.

Billed as “United in the Square,” this will be the second time that Iran has been featured as part of the Beat the Streets Gala competition. 在 2013, the event dubbed “The Rumble on the Rails,” was hosted in historic Grand Central Terminal and featured dual meets between Team USA, Russia and Iran.

The world-class competition has been hosted in Times Square four previous times. 在 2011, the United States defeated World Champion Russia, 5-2, the first sports event ever held in historic Times Square. 在 2012, another U.S. VS. Russia dual meet was held in Times Square, along with the U.S. Olympic Team Wrestle-off for the 60 kg/132 lbs. position on the U.S. Olympic Team in men’s freestyle. 在 2014, Team USA defeated a World All-Star Team in Times Square, 8-3. 在 2015, “Salsa in the Square” featured a meeting between Team USA and Team Cuba in the three Olympic styles, held shortly after the historic change in USA and Cuban political relations.

This will be the seventh straight year in which a major international-style wrestling competition will be hosted as part of the Beat the Streets Gala activities. 在 2010, an all-star challenge featuring top U.S. wrestlers was held on the USS Intrepid, 停靠在曼哈顿西侧航母.

Top Beat the Streets youth wrestlers will take the mat showcasing their skills in exhibition matches beginning at 3:30 P.M. to start the evening. A new feature to be held is the PSAL Girls Freestyle Dual Meet Championships finals, featuring the two top New York City girl’s freestyle wrestling high school teams from the spring girl’s freestyle season. Then it’s Team USA vs. Iran and other guests at 6:30 P.M., followed by the Beat the Streets Gala Celebration.

The Beat the Streets competition requires a ticket for reserved seating in Times Square, but is an outdoor event. Pedestrians and non-ticket holders are encouraged to watch. Admission tickets may be bought in advance atwww.btsny.org212.245.6570. A ticket is required for the Gala Celebration at the PlayStation Theater. More details are available athttp://www.btsny.org/gala.

The Gala Celebration will follow the wrestling competition. This unique and electrifying annual event helps Beat the Streets (BTS) raise significant funds to further its mission. Whether it’s providing a safe, constructive outlet for our urban youth, fighting childhood obesity, empowering women, or uniting entire nations, wrestling teaches persistence, 奉献, and the value of working hard to achieve one’s goals, creates opportunities for personal and universal growth. BTS currently serve over 3,000 student-athletes every year.

United In The Square,” Beat the Streets Matchups

In New York City, 五月 19, 2016


Women’s 53 kg/116.5 lbs. – Helen Maroulis (美国) VS. Samantha Stewart (加拿大)

Women’s 75 kg/165 lbs.– Adeline Gray (美国) VS. Justina Di Stasio (加拿大)

注意: 美国VS. Iran freestyle matches and featured Greco-Roman bout to be announced later.
Wrestling Schedule

3:30 P.M. – Beat the Streets Youth Exhibition Matches between 42nd and 43rd Streets

4:45 P.M. – New York City Girl’s Freestyle Dual Meet Championships Finals between 42nd and 43rd Streets

6:30 P.M. – World Class Wrestling: Team USA vs. Team Iran between 42nd and 43rd Streets

Followed by Gala Celebration