标记档案: 托马斯·玉



蒙特卡罗, 摩纳哥 (三月 14, 2017) – 世界综合格斗锦标赛泛美赛区 (WMMAA) 正式宣布最近加入厄瓜多尔为其最新成员.

“我们随着每个新国家的发展而不断成长,推动 MMA 运动以及 MMA 作为一项运动的认可,” 说 托马斯·玉, WMMA泛美分部主席. “我长期以来一直倡导 MMA 作为一项运动. 观看这群伟大的先驱者进行一场伟大的战斗,让我们回归到基础和武术真正代表的意义: 忠诚, 荣誉, 和家人。”
于任命 高尔基. 罗德里格斯 担任厄瓜多尔 WMMAA 主席. 赫克托·莫利纳, WMMAA 泛美分部监管委员会主任, 将在 WMMAA 厄瓜多尔监管委员会成立期间与 Rodriguez 密切合作.
“MMA正处于关键时刻,” 罗德里格斯评论. “过去十年的爆炸式增长使 MMA 成为世界上发展最快的运动, 要求像我们这样的组织存在并增加公正的结构, 不仅适用于运动员, 但作为监管机构.
“自 WMMAA 厄瓜多尔成立以来,许多事情仍在继续发生. 我们都会庆祝我们的第一次参与, 作为国家队, 今年泛美锦标赛. 我期待利用我的经验和 WMMAA 泛美分部为厄瓜多尔带来的知识. 我将尽一切努力分享这一愿景,因为我们将捍卫, 推广和认可 MMA 作为一项运动,并为所有参与者和粉丝带来这项运动的显着差异。”
叽叽喳喳: @theWMMAA
Instagram的: @世界MMA


历史将作出十月 7-9 当智利举办的首届世界混合武术协会 (WMMAA) 泛美锦标赛 - 智利 2016 — 在圣地亚哥.


倡议MMA作为一项运动将在解决方面建立在以前的武术历史的良好的声誉, 共享和讨论显著的发展和社会的进步,这将影响MMA的未来:



FITE TV announces television carriage deal for the WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships October 8-9 in Chile

Go to FITE TV interview with host Jim “J.R.” Ross and
WMMAA Pan-American Division president Tomas Yu
纽约, 纽约 (八月 26, 2016) — FITE电视, in conjunction with the World MMA Association (WMMAA), announced today that it will be broadcasting the inaugural WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships live on FITE TV starting with the preliminary matches 星期六, 十月 8, and the final Sunday October 9, 2016.
FITE is a television network, via a downloadable app, that specializes in all things fighting, including boxing, 摔角, MMA and Martial Arts. FITE is a free app that is available for download at the Google Play or iTunes app stores.
十月. 8-9, the WMMAA is bringing the top amateur MMA competitors from around the world to Santiago, Chile for a two-day competition. 多于 12 countries will be represented in eight different weight classes (6 男人, 2 women classes). 巴切莱特, the President of Chile, is slated to participate in the opening ceremonies and preside over the closing of the event. In addition to the in-ring MMA competition, the weekend will feature a fitness expo and Ring Girl Latina 2016 pageant. As of today, 12 countries have committed to participating in the event, including the United States, 墨西哥, 古巴, 阿鲁巴, 尼加拉瓜, 哥斯达黎加, 哥伦比亚, 智利, 巴拉圭, 阿根廷, 玻利维亚, and Brazil.
We are thrilled to be able to offer free viewing of one of the most anticipated MMA events in the Pan-American region each year on the innovative FITE TV app,” WMMAA Pan-American Division President 托马斯·玉 评论. “现在, if you are not able to be at the event to watch the action live, you can now see it anywhere in the world.
With the addition of such a prestigious event to FITE TV, we continue to increase the diversity of the combat fighting programming, now offered live and on a VOD basis on the app,” 说 迈克尔·韦伯, Senior Vice President of Marketing for FITE. “It is a honor to work with MMA professionals such as Tomas Yu and his team who continue to increase the visibility of their organization worldwide.
The television programming schedule and additional participating countries will be announced in the immediate future.
About FITE TV: FITE TV is a product of Flipps Media and is a free mobile app that is a one-stop shop for viewing all sports within the fighting discipline globally including MMA, 职业摔跤, 拳击, and traditional martial arts. With only access to a smartphone and a connected TV, with the FITE app, viewers can watch live events, on-demand programming, interviews and fighting sports related movies and documentaries on the big TV screen. 更多信息可以在这里找到 www.fite.tv.
关于 Flipps Media: Flipps 通过您的移动设备向附近的任何联网电视提供点播娱乐内容,无需任何额外硬件. The company has offices in San Mateo, New York and Sofia, 保加利亚并得到 Tim Draper 的支持, 早鸟风险投资, Aslanoba Capital and LAUNCHub. 弗利普斯’ 专利技术立即与超过 350+ 百万台联网电视,并兼容超过 7,000 无需设置的制造商型号, 没有配对设备, 没有电缆, 没有加密狗和机顶盒. The Flipps mobile application is free and available on iTunes and Google Play. 更多信息可以在这里找到 www.flipps.com.
About WMMAA: The goal of the World MMA Association is to provide unbiased structure and guardrail the growth of MMA as the official world governing body for Mixed Martial Arts. A non-profit organization founded in 2012, WMMAA is on a mission to develop a standardized and regulated organization, including competition, 训练, officiating, testing and growth when necessary. 多于 50 countries have been granted WMMAA membership.

Chile newest member of World MMA Association

蒙特卡罗, 摩纳哥 (四月 26, 2016) — The World MMA Association (WMMAA) has announced that Chile is the newest member of its worldwide association.
The Chilean MMA Federation (Federation Chilena de MMA) is certified by the national Ministry of Sports. Its inner-structure will be comprised of 15 branches, representing one for each region of Chile. There are currently eight MMA organizations with a goal to unite all under the umbrella of the Federation.
The Federation has developed MMA in various ways, from hosting regional amateur MMA championships to conducting seminars and educating officers. The Chilean MMA Federation is headed by President Alberto Maturana Rodriguez and Vice President Christian Parra Campos.
It is critical for an organization like ours to exist, to add unbiased structure not just for athletes, but also as a regulatory bodies,” 罗德里格斯 (图为向右) 说. “Much continues to happen since our appointment. We just celebrated our first event under the WMMAA Pan-American Division and we look forward to using our experience and volumes of knowledge the Pan-American Division, as well as our honorary president 托马斯·玉,brings to Chile and the sport. We share the vision and with all our efforts, we will defend, promote and endorse MMA as a sport, and give all participants and fans a significant difference in the sport.
We will continue to grow with every new country and take the MMA movement, as well as the recognition of MMA as a sport, forward. We will work like a family with the Pan-American Division to support this sport in Chile. We’re delighted to have been appointed and look forward to this opportunity of contributing to the WMMAA to continue the fight and make history in Chile and the MMA world.
Chile is now a member of the WMMAA’s Pan-American Division, along with Argentina, 巴西, 加拿大, 哥伦比亚, 古巴, 危地马拉, 墨西哥, 尼加拉瓜, Paraguay and Venezuela.
On behalf of the World MMA Association Pan-American Division, we would like to congratulate and welcome the Chilean MMA Federation on its recent appointment as our new provisional affiliate,” added Yu (图为左), Pan-American Division president. “In this WMMAA year of monumental progress, in which we will celebrate our fourth World MMA Association Champion this November in Macao, it will now allow us to focus on our inaugural Continental MMA Championship.
It is important to reflect on how the WMMAA movement will continue to grow in a new era of MMA. The WMMAA movement is essentially an educational movement and for this reason we encourage events such as the National Continental and International MMA Championships to promote MMA development, among all ages of participants, especially youth through sport, MMA and the WMMAA code of conduct. Let us build together for a peaceful and better world. Let us strive to provide and education for all in which sport, MMA and WMMAA ideals play and essential role, based on values, 尊重, dignity, tolerance and solidarity.

Meet Tomas Yu WMMAA Vice President

蒙特卡罗, 摩纳哥 (二月 25, 2016)- 世界MMA协会 (WMMAA) vice president 托马斯·玉, 阿尔伯克基 (NM), who is also president of the WMMAA Pan-American division, took time from his busy schedule to address questions about his MMA background and experience, the sport of MMA and WWMMA in particular.
Can you tell us about you and your experience in Martial Arts?
TY: “I’m from the generation that grew up watching 3 Ninjas,Ninja TurtlesI wanted to be a Ninja! I grew up practicing Tae Kwon Do in Mexico, all the way to my black belt. 在年龄 18, I ventured to practice Aikido and Judo in El Paso, 得克萨斯州. I loved learning and I always wanted to be a rounded student, which is why I always looked for different arts to offset the weaknesses of the other.
How did you first enter the world of MMA?
TY: “I was really looking for a place I could introduce my daughter to Martial Arts. I was looking for a more rounded self-defense Martial Art but not a fight club. I was introduced to the sport of MMA by a good friend and pioneer of the sport, Chris Luttrell. I was immediately bonded to the sport, since that is what at one point all Martial Artists are looking for.
When did you first hear of MMA and what was your first impression? Did
you expect this sport to grow as much as it is now?

TY: “I have been privileged to see the evolution of MMA since 1993 作为一个少年, 一直到现在, becoming the first Pan-American Division President in the most important Regulation Organization for MMA in the world.
What is your function and main activities within WMMAA?
TYMy biggest function is to introduce simple business principles to the sport of MMA and keeping Martial Art in MMA. What I mean by that is, the common denominator for every individual Marital Art are (Respect, Loyalty, Honor) and the mixture of martial arts should not represent what people perceive MMA is today. It should be a mixture of Respect, Loyalty and Honor. It should be a much more admired sport.
How would you assess WMMAA’s progress during its three year existence?
TY: “很好, as an entrepreneur, I’m never satisfied, I always see ways to do things better but the reality is that, 在 25+ years MMA has been evolving and becoming not just a mixture of Martial Arts but also a true blue sport. Many people have tried to add value to the sport with no real success until this past two years with the WMMAA.
What are the main goals of WMMAA and what are the main obstacles for the association?
TY: “This question has a long and complicated answer! The number one obstacle is pride, pride to admit that past performance or formulas to add value didn’t and won’t work. Pride to admit that working together will pave a new path. The number two obstacle, is UNDERSTANDING, understanding the big picture, like Micro and Macro economics really being two different worlds.
The sport or art of MMA is much more than what we see on television. There is a much deeper impact to society than pay per view.
How do you assess the third World Championship that took place in
TY: “Moments like these are the ones that 3 years ago we would dream about. 很好, last year that dream came true… 以上 40 countries participated in the beautiful city of Prague. I can’t explain the clash of emotions when you see and hear country after country being announced as they walk into the arena with their head held high as they carry their national flag.
We as an organization created Continental Presidents to be able to perform better follow through and also be more sensitive negotiating in different cultural environments. Our Europe and Czech Organizing Committee did a wonderful job.
Were there any countries that stood out or surprised you?
TY: “The fact they were there, that’s what really stands out! Some countries were participating for the first time. The level of mental competition for some countries was amazing. I can’t wait for the 2016 World Championships.
What are the2016 mid-term goals for WMMAA PanAm?
TY: “The number one focus for PANAM is the roll-out of our new initiative on ‘Global MMA Officials and Licensingto standardize the sport worldwide, but also standardize the officials looking out for the sport.
Can you describe what 2015 was like for WMMAA?
TY: “2015 was a year of foundations, recruiting, and preparing for the volumes of growth coming our way this year.
What words of wisdom would you like to share with the members of WMMAA family?
TY: “I have always said that in every sport there is a business behind it, 相信: ‘Till this far, MMA is like Capitalit goes where it is welcomed and it stays where it’s treated well'
WMMAA keeps expanding. However there are still multiple countries that
are not yet WMMAA members. Why should any local Federation apply
for WMMAA membership?
TY: “We are the only organization of its kind. They would be able to get courses, national and international licenses but, 最重要的, they can be part of history by allowing athletes in their respective countries to participate in our version of the Olympics of MMA.
What would you tell them?
TY: “You are not alone. Here is where being part of a team with qualified individuals opening door. Power really does come in numbers.

People keep asking: why should we use SportID and SportData. Can you
repeat why it is so essential?

TY: “I’ll keep it short. The number one reasonreason enoughis to avoid private owned companies from having biased control on who and how they upload information.