Tag Archives: Том Padgett

FNU Combat Sports Radio Show: September 15th Broadcast

This week’s radio show features a recap of the Brook vs. Golovkin bout, the defeat of Phil “CM Punk” Brooks, Stipe Miocic’s Heavyweight Title bout with Alistair Overeem and Tony’s visit with former gues Antonio Tarver at a recent Philadelphia boxing event. Том, Tony and Rich also look at some news from combat sports and preview upcoming UFC, Bellator and boxing events.


FNU Жауынгерлік Спорт көрсету: CM Punk’s Debut, UFC Fight Night Recap, Brrok vs. Golovkin Preview

Том, Tony and Rich discuss the week in Combat Sports, focusing on the recent UFC Fight Night in Hamburg, Германия, the UFC debut of Phil Brooks (A.K.A. CM Punk) and the upcoming battle between Kell Brook and Gennady Golovkin.

Fight News Unlimited Combat Sports Show: Тамыз 18, 2016


Join Tony “Tornado” Penecale, “Сброда Rousin «” Rich Bergeron and “Психикалық” Tom Padgett as we analyze UFC 202, discuss the budding Pro Fighters Association and go over the weekly combat sports schedule.

The FNU Combat Sports Show: Is McGregor Retirement Threat Proof UFC Brass is Out of Touch With Their Most Popular Stars?

Author Jeff Daniels Joins the FNU Combat Sports Show


Our guest on this week’s podcast is a true class act. Jeff Daniels is a man who knew his brother’s story needed to be told and took to the task with a passion for posterity and a supreme sense of attention to detail. Despite having no book-writing experience, Jeff created what he considered as good as a Beatles album when he finished crafting his masterpiece about a bygone era in the sport of boxing. You can buy the book here: http://amzn.to/1WQMNFO, access Jeff’s site here: http://jeffdanielscompany.com/index.php/about-the-author and watch a short YouTube video promoting the book here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PDH_Laa6lY. Jeff shares some insights into the writing process and takes us back in time in this episode. Том, Tony and Rich are also back together to chat about the boxing and mixed martial arts news and events. We discuss the heavyweight divisions in both sports and end with a discussion on MMA and fighter pay.

The FNU Combat Sports Show With MMA Referee Kevin MacDonald

Kevin MacDonald is one of the most knowledgeable and professional referees in Mixed Martial Arts. Just last Sunday he was the third man in the cage for three fights on the UFC Fight Night 81: Dillashaw қарсы. Cruz card. Our interview covers a wide range of topics, from rule and weight class changes on the horizon to a few behind-the-scenes glimpses into the UFC’s operations. Psychic Tom Padgett and Rabble RousinRich Bergeron also recap the past week’s combat sports events (including Szpilka vs. Wilder and Cruz vs. Dillashaw) and preview the next UFC event headlined by Anthony Johnson vs. Ryan Bader.

“Iceman” FNU Жауынгерлік Спорт көрсету Джон Скалли Сұхбат (Қараша, 2014)

Маусым Ақ FNU Жауынгерлік Спорт көрсету бүгін кешке қосылады!

Арқылы: Бай Бержерон

FNU Жауынгерлік Спорт көрсету Біздің арнайы қонағы осы аптада маусым Ақ. Мен жай ғана басқа күні Twitter осы хабарлама келіп түскен, себебі тамаша мерзімі бар:

“Сіз мына бұғатталған және тек Аватар Tweets.”

Маусым Ақ (JuneWhiteMMA) Том қосылады, Тони мен бай FNU Жауынгерлік Спорт көрсету TONIGHT to discuss her unauthorized biography on the UFC President known for his brash language and a ruthless approach to building and expanding the UFC brand. Her book is an unflattering, қазір темір кулактарға және қатты ауызға UFC үстінен билік бұрынғы boxercise нұсқаушы өмірге адал көзқарас. Үшін «Бұл айтып YouTube Promo тексеруДана Уайт, ММА патшасы:«

«Психикалық» Том Padgett, «Қара Rousin» Бай Бержерон және Тони «Торнадо», сондай-ақ осы аптада Penecale талқылау үшін жекпе-жек спорттық іс-шаралар мен жаңалықтар тоннаға.

Мында Басыңыз 8-10PM EST бастап хабар біздің хабар жүргiзулер түнде тыңдау. Шоу Жазуды кіру үшін сол сілтемені пайдаланыңыз. Маусым Ақ сұхбат басталады 9:15 Премьер EST.