Etikedaj Arkivoj: Tom Bruna


Vendredo’s ShoBox: La Nova Generacio sur SHOWTIME? Esti Havebla al Uniformaj Personaroj en Pli da Ol 175 Landoj

NOV-JORKO (Feb. 19, 2015) ?? Por la dua tempo, #Preska? unu miliono uniformaj militistaj personaroj servanta eksterlande estos kapabla rigardi kaj subteni Usonon. Armita Fortan veteranon Sammy Vasquez Kiel parto de speciala interkonsento inter SHOWTIME Kaj la Amerika Forta Reto.


Vasquez, Kiu servis du #travoja?o de devo en Irako, is featured in the main event of Vendredo’s ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Tripleheader, which airs live at 10 P.M. ET/PT (Prokrastita sur la Okcidenta Marbordo) on SHOWTIME from CONSOL Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pa.


It means so much to have my brothers and sisters in my corner and supporting me every step of the way. It’s just an awesome feeling,” said the undefeated Vasquez. “The military has helped me get to this point in my career and it’s a huge honor to represent them. It’s nice to give them a little taste of back home from a soldier who’s been there before. I can’t wait to make them proud this weekend.”


la servaj viroj kaj virinoj de Usono. Armeo, Aera Forto, Mararmeo, Marborda Gardisto kaj Marsoldatoj postenigita #?irka? la globo en super 1,000 Ellasejoj en pli da ol 175 Landoj kaj sur la altaj maroj havos liberan aliron alVendredo’s ShoBox televidoprogramo. Ĉiuj SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO? telecasts are offered to AFN as part of a gratis license agreement between the networks. AFN also aired Vasquez’s last ShoBox apero, Unua ronda TKO de tiam-undefeated Juan Rodriguez Jr. Sur aprilo 18, 2014.

Doni tiujn eksterlande pli bona #?anco vidi Vasquez Vendrede??ShoBox, la tri-batalo telecast estos montrita sur iomete prokrastita bazon. La horaro:

  • Sabato, Feb. 21, Komencanta #?e 7 .M. ET Sur la AFN|Sporta kanalo.
  • Tagmezo Por Pli Granda #E?ropo (CET)
  • 2 P.M. Loka por Irako
  • 3:30 P.M. Loka por Afganio
  • 8 P.M. Loka por Norda Azio (Japanio, S. Koreio)

Vasquez, Kiu servis en la Nacia Gardisto de 2003 #?Is 2012, Estis #deploji?i Tendumi Habbaniyah, Iraq for his first tour in ‘05-’06. He later returned to Iraq for a second tour in ’08-’09.


??Y unua #travoja?o estis kun la Dua Brigado, Kiu ne estas kun la Nacia Gardisto, Sed pro la alta postulo por soldatoj devis tie, Ili komencis #deploji?i la Nacian Gardiston,?? Diris Vasquez en aprilo. ??Kokino mi iris la duan tempon, Mi estis #?e JSS Fallujah en Taji, Irako. Kiu estis kun la 56Th Stryker Brigado. Mi estis kun la unua Nacia Gardisto Stryker unuo iri tie.?


Vasquez (17-0, 13 KOs) Estos #ser?i lia 10Th Sinsekva venko de #knoka?to kiam li prenas sur samranga southpaw Emmanuel Lartey (17-2, 8 KOs, 1 NC), De Brooklyn, N.Y. De vojo de Ganao, #?I tiu vendredo.


En la co-#?efa?o, Eksa delonga kuba amatora stelo kaj nuna tria-rangita WBCan lumon superpezulo Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 KOs, 1 NC), De Miami tra Guantanamo, Kubo, Prenos sur undefeated Craig Baker (15-0, 11 KOs), De Baytown, Teksaso, En 10-ronda vico. Talenta southpaw kaj WBA Ne. 7 Rangita featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 KOs), De Miami de vojo de la Dominican Respubliko, Alfrontos southpaw Orlando Rizo (18-5, 11 KOs) De Managua, Nikaragvo, En ok-ronda #mat?o kiu malfermos la telecast.

Proksimume ShoBox: La Nova Generacio
Pro tio ke #?ia iniciato en julio 2001, La kritike aklamita SHOWTIME boksa serio, ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Prezentis junan talenton egalis malfacile. La ShoBox Filozofio estas televidigi ekscitan, Amaso-#pla?i kaj konkurencivaj #mat?o dum provizanta pruvantan teron por volantaj perspektivoj determinita batali por monda titolo. Kelkaj de la kreskanta listo de la 58 Batalantoj kiu aperis sur ShoBox Kaj #anta?eniri rikolti mondajn titolojn inkluzivas: Andre Kvartalo, Deontay Pli #Sova?a, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams kaj pli.


Undefeated Vasquez Alfronti Emmanuel Lartey VIVE sur SHOWTIME?

De CONSOL Energia Centro en Pittsburgh, Pa.

PITTSBURGH, PA. (Feb. 18, 2015) ?? hejmurba #?atolisto kaj unbeaten welterweight Sammy Vasquez Tenis amaskomunikilaron workout Merkrede #?E Suda Parko Boksanta Klubon kiel li preparas alfronti samrangan southpaw Emmanuel Lartey En la 10-rondo #?efa evento de ShoBox: La Nova Generacio, #Tio ?i Vendredo, Feb. 20, Vivi sur SHOWTIME (10 P.M. ET/PT, Prokrastita sur la Okcidenta Marbordo) De CONSOL Energia Centro En Pittsburgh, Pa.


Vasquez (17-0, 13 KOs) Estas celanta por lia 10Th consecutive knockout. Lartey (17-2, 8 KOs, 1 NC), De Brooklyn, N.Y. De vojo de Ganao, Neniam estis frapita malsupren.


En la co-#?efa?o de la Goossen #Anta?enigo Tripleheader, Eksa delonga kuba amatora stelo kaj nuna tria-rangita WBCan lumon superpezulo Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 KOs, 1 NC), De Miami tra Guantanamo, Kubo, Prenos sur undefeated Craig Baker (15-0, 11 KOs), De Baytown, Teksaso, En 10-ronda vico.


En la komenca vico de la telecast, Talenta southpaw kaj WBA Ne. 7 Rangita featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 KOs), De Miami de vojo de la Dominican Respubliko, Alfrontos southpaw Orlando Rizo (18-5, 11 KOs) De Managua, Nikaragvo, En ok-ronda #mat?o.


Preparaj biletoj alprezigita #?e $238, $100, $60, $40 Kaj $25 Por studentoj kaj militistaro kun valida #IDENTIGA?O (Skatola Oficejo Nur), Plus aplikeblaj kotizoj, Por ??Li Fiero de Pittsburgh III? Estas sur vendo tra la Dick?? Sporta Bona Skatolo Oficejo #?e CONSOL Energia Centro, Ticketmaster.Com, #?Iuj Ticketmaster ellasejoj #a? akuzo de telefono #?e 800-745-3000. Preza pliigo $5 Sur la tago de la evento. Pordoj malfermos sur la nokto de la evento #?e 6 P.M. Kun la unua sonorilo #?e 6:30 P.M.


#?I tie?? Kio Vasquez devis diri dum Merkredo?? Amaskomunikilaro workout:



??Artey neniam estis elfrapita, but I definitely think I have the power to take him out. It’s more of the plan of setting it up — I?? Iranta instali ?in kaj metita lin en pozicioj kiu li hasn’t estita je #anta? ol fari lin nekomforta.


?? Deziras fari lin #?eti stampilojn kiu li normale doesn?? #?Eti do mi povas malfermi lin supre kaj kapitaligi sur liaj eraroj.


“Batalanta en mia hejmurbo donas min kroma instigo. KE’s unu el la #?efa kialoj kial mi #?iam revenis #?i tie al Pittsburgh, why I always bring boxing back here. I just love the atmosphere that my fans give me when I fight. I’m just honored to put on a show and give them a great fight. Boxing has always been my dream and fighting in front of my fans in Pittsburgh makes it even better.


I don’t feel like I’m in a position to be calling people out yet. I still have a lot of things to prove and that’s what I’m looking to do Vendrede. I’m looking to prove myself and make a statement.


??’m rangis #sufi?e altan, but there are plenty of names in front of me that I need to beat. I want to start fighting the top guys — Tio?? Mia plano por 2015.


??Nce mi akiras ke nomo kaj rekono kie mi povas voki homojn ekstere, Tiam tiu’s kiam mi faros ?in. When I feel I am ready and worthy. I need to get a win Vendrede Unue.?


# # #


CONSOL Energia Centro estas #trovi?i #?e 1001 Kvina Avenuo, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219. Pli fora informo povas esti #trovi?i #?e ilia retejo,


Socia Amaskomunikilaro: Sekvi Goossen #Anta?enigo sur Pepi @GoossenBoxing, Sammy Vasquez sur Pepas @TeamSVasquez, Showtime @Sports@shosports kaj CONSOL Energia Centro @CONSOLEnergyCtr. Uzi hashtag #VasquezLartey Sekvi la diskuton.


Por pli da informo sur Goossen #Anta?enigo vidas ilian retejon #?e Por suplementa informo sur Showtime Sporta vizito

Proksimume ShoBox: La Nova Generacio
Pro tio ke #?ia iniciato en julio 2001, La kritike aklamita SHOWTIME boksa serio, ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Prezentis junan talenton egalis malfacile. La ShoBox Filozofio estas televidigi ekscitan, Amaso-#pla?i kaj konkurencivaj #mat?o dum provizanta pruvantan teron por volantaj perspektivoj determinita batali por monda titolo. Kelkaj de la kreskanta listo de la 58 Batalantoj kiu aperis sur ShoBox Kaj #anta?eniri rikolti mondajn titolojn inkluzivas: Andre Kvartalo, Deontay Pli #Sova?a, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams kaj pli.


WoRld-Rangita Unufoje-Beatens Humberto Savigne & Claudio Marrero Prezentita en Apartaj Vicoj De ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Tripleheader #?e 10 P.M. ETa/PT

?? Scias I?? Iranta teni mian KOan strian iron??.Li?? Neniam estita elfrapita kaj mi #?ati tiujn specojn de defioj.??? ?? Sammy Vasquez

??E?? Estita frapanta multajn ulojn, Sed li hasn?? Alfrontita iun ajn #?ati min?? ?? Emmanuel Lartey


PITTSBURGH, Pa. (Jan. 29, 2015) ?? Alta-energia hejmurbo #?atolisto kaj unbeaten welterweight Sammy Vasquez Jr. (17-0, 13 KOs) Revenos al ago #ser?i lia 10Th Sinsekva venko de #knoka?to kiam li prenas sur samranga southpaw Emmanuel Lartey (17-2, 8 KOs, 1 NC), De Brooklyn, N.Y. De vojo de Ganao, En la 10-rondo #?efa evento de ShoBox: La Nova GeneracioTripleheader vivas sur SHOWTIME? (10 P.M. ETa/PT, Prokrastita sur la Okcidenta Marbordo) De CONSOL Energia Centro En Pittsburgh, Pa.


En la co-#?efa?o de la Goossen #Anta?enigo Evento, Eksa delonga kuba amatora stelo kaj nuna tria-rangita WBCan lumon superpezulo Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 KOs, 1 NC), De Miami tra Guantanamo, Kubo, Prenos sur undefeated Craig Baker (15-0, 11 KOs), De Baytown, Teksaso, En 8/10-ronda vico.


En la komenca vico de la telecast, Talenta southpaw kaj WBA Ne. 7 Rangita featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 KOs), De Miami de vojo de la Dominican Respubliko, Boksos oponanton esti anoncita en ok-ronda #mat?o.


??E??E honorita prezenti Sammy?? Reveno al ago #kontra? Lartey,?? Dirita Tom Bruna De Goossen #Anta?enigo. ??#A? jardekoj Okcidenta Pensilvanio produktis mondajn #?ampiono kaj kelkaj de la bokso?? Plej fortaj batalantoj kaj Sammy konvenas #?uste je. Li?? Vere farita CONSOL lia hejmo. Kun la treega pasinta subteno de la Pittsburgh areo por liaj bataloj, Ni forte instigas fervorulojn #a?eti biletojn bone en #anta?enigo.?


??E estas tre ekscitita #ankora? foje gastigi hejmurban heroon Sammy Vasquez, Jr., #?E CONSOL Energia Centro kiel li fraplinioj la #?efa?o vico por grandega profesia boksa karto sur Feb. 20,?? Dirita Tim Hassett, CONSOL Energy Center General Manager and Regional VP of AEG Facilities. “The City of Pittsburgh has a rich history and tradition in boxing, and is the center of a region full of enthusiastic sports fans. We are thrilled that Goossen Promotions and SHOWTIME have chosen our venue as the site for this event, Kaj ni rigardas #anta?en al #?iu okupis #?ui #?iu ke nia granda urbo devas proponi.?


Unu el la plej popularaj batalantoj de la areo en jaroj, La amaso-#pla?i Vasquez, 28, Estos faranta lian duan ShoBox komenco kaj tria sinsekva apero #?e CONSOL Energia Centro, Kie li estas venanta de du el la plej bonaj venkoj de lia promesplena kariero.


En lia plej lastatempa komenco, La agresa-atentita Vasquez registris #eksploda?o 2:35, Unue-ronda #knoka?to super Alberto Mosquera (21-1-2 Eniranta) Lasta Nov. 14. He scored a smashing ninth-round TKO over then-unbeaten James Stevenson (21-0 Eniranta) Sur Aug. 8. Vasquez dropped Mosquera twice with body shots, Stevenson unufoje.


Vasquez batalis unu fojo pasintecon la sesa rondo. Li neniam iris pli da ol #na? kaj gajnis lian lastan #na? sinsekvaj bataloj de #knoka?to. Lartey, Male, Iris 10 #A? pli da rondoj kvin fojoj, Neniam estita elfrapita kaj neniam estita frapita malsupren.


??Artey estas bono, forta batalanto kaj ?i?? Iranta esti bona batalo,??? Vasquez dirita. ?? Scias I?? Iranta teni mian KOan strian iron. #?U ?i?? En la unua #a? la 10a, ?i okazos. Li?? Neniam estita elfrapita kaj mi #?ati tiujn specojn de defioj.???


En lia ShoBox Debuto, Vasquez scored three knockdowns en route to a 2:49, Unue-ronda #knoka?to super Juan Rodriguez Jr. Sur aprilo 18, 2014, in Monroeville. Pa. Despite all the stoppages, the 5-foot-10 Vasquez never considered himself a knockout puncher.


“I consider myself well-rounded but if the opportunity comes, I take advantage,” Vasquez said. “Whether I am considered by others as a KO or guy or not, I’ll take advantage of the opportunity. I know I could be entering the world rankings soon. Sed, nun, I don’t really pay attention to them.’’


An accomplished amateur (2011 National PAL Championships and 2010 All-Army Championships gold medalist at 152 Funtoj), Vasquez has been a crowd favorite since turning pro in August 2012. All but three of his fights have taken place in the Pittsburgh area.


“Fighting again at CONSOL Energy Center, the home arena for the Pittsburgh Penguins, is great,’’ said Vasquez, a United States Army veteran who served two combat tours in Iraq (2005-2006 Kaj 2008-2009) during a nine-year stint as a member of the National Guard. “I am very grateful to be able to headline there and I’m glad to be able to bring attention and publicity to Pittsburgh for the boxing fans to enjoy. I’m happy to bring boxing back and to put on a good show for the city and our area.


“There is no pressure in boxing after some of the things I’ve been through outside of boxing. I always want to win, but win, perdi aŭ desegni, in boxing you always come out of that ring alive.’’


Lartey (pronounced “LAR-tay”), 32, is coming off his most noteworthy victory, a unanimous 10-round decision victory over former world champion Steve Forbes Sur junio 7, 2014 in Tacoma, Lavo.


I’ve faced much tougher competition than Vasquez and I’m not worried about fighting in his hometown,” Lartey said. “Sammy is a very tough fighter, sed tiel mi. He’s been knocking out a lot of guys, but he hasn’t faced anyone like me.”


In his bout before last, Lia ShoBox Debuto, Lartey came up on the wrong end of a hard-fought split eight-round decision to 2008 Usono. Olympic Gold MedalistFelix Diaz.


Three fights ago the game, durable Lartey gave unbeaten rising star and 2012 Usono. Olympian Errol Spence his toughest pro fight, taking him the eight-round distance for the first time. Although clearly behind and seemingly beaten, Lartey landed a body shot near the end of the seventh before rocking Spence with a big right hook late at the bell. Lartey came forward for most of the eighth round, forcing Spence to stand his ground in the final minute of the fight.


I had a few setbacks and I’m very grateful for this opportunity. This is my time to shine and show the world how good I am.


The 5-foot-8 Lartey turned pro in April 2005 in Ghana, and fought through 2009 there. He was 11-0 Kun 1 NC – winning the African and Ghanaian super lightweight championships along the way – before moving to the United States and making his stateside debut in February 2011.


This will be the fourth time he’s faced an unbeaten prospect on the road. Li estas 1-2, losing on points to Diaz in April 2014 and Spence in October 2013 and winning via points against Jonathan Bautista (13-0 Eniranta) En aprilo 2013.


Savigne (pronounced “sa-VEEN-yay”), 34, knocked out former world championJeff Lacy in the second round in his last start on July 10, 2014. That upped his record to 10-0 Kun 1 NC since suffering his lone defeat to underdog Harvey Jolly En decembro 2009, a fight in which he may have entered with an injured ankle.


A former international amateur standout and a member of the Cuban National team for seven years, Humberto (pronounced “Umberto” – with a silent “H”) made his pro and stateside debut at the late age of 30. Baker represents the fourth undefeated fighter that Savigne has faced as a pro.


“The only thing I know is that Baker is going to go down before the fifth round,” Savigne said. “I’m going in there to knock him out and make it a quick night. I don’t know what he is thinking about me, but I know I’m not underestimating him. I’m going to do my job like I always do. It doesn’t matter what he does. I’ll esti preta.


“I’m going to prove that I’m the new don of the light heavyweight division,” said Savigne, who is nicknamed “El Don.”


A natural left-hander, Savigne went 398-23 in the amateurs. He won the national championship four times, and was on the national team for seven years. Savigne defected from Cuba to the United States in April 2009. The 6-foot-1 Savigne, who has fought exclusively in the U.S. since turning pro, has quickly rose to No. 3 in the WBC 175-pound rankings after just 14 profesia vicojn.


“I feel I was ready for a world title fight since last year,” Savigne said. “I’m looking forward to getting a win on Feb 20 and facing the big names in the light heavyweight division. I’ve been training hard and I’ve been patient and humble. Kiam la tempo venas, I’m going to be in prime shape and ready to fulfill my dream of becoming a world champion. Whether it’s early this year, late this year or next year, I?? Preta.


“I want to fight the champions at 175 Funtoj, but I need to take care of Baker first. I want Adonis Stevenson. I feel that I’m better than him. He’s never fought a guy like me and I don’t see enough skill set in him to be able to defeat me.”


Baker, who turns 31 Sur Feb. 10, will be making his ShoBox Debuto. A seven-year-pro, Baker is a pressure fighter who likes to wear down opponents intelligently. He is coming off a third-round knockout over Sergio Cordoba LastaNov. 15 in Argentina. He has won his last three fights inside three rounds, but not against fighters on the level of Savigne.


“I’m always the underdog, so this is nothing new,” Baker said. “I’ve been in this position before. You just have to do what you’re supposed to do you’ll get the win. “We’ve been waiting for this opportunity to prove who we are.


“When I win it will mean everything, it will be a dream come true. It’s going to open some doors for me. I’ll be 16-0 and be right there to face some of the top fighters at 175 pounds.”


Baker turned to boxing in 2005 as a way to lose weight. At the time, he weighed 293 Funtoj. He would lose his amateur debut but then went on to win the Texas State Golden Gloves and the Texas State USA Championships in both 2007 Kaj 2008. Baker was also runner up at the National PAL Tournament in 2007, a quarterfinalist in both the National USA Championships Tournament and the National Golden Gloves, which earned him a USA boxing national ranking of No. 3.


“I’ve faced guys like him before,” Baker said. “At the end of the day, all that matters is what you bring to the ring. On the national level in the amateurs you can face guys with a few hundred fights on the first day of a tournament. So his amateur pedigree doesn’t scare me.


“I’m just expecting a W anyway it comes. That’s what I want and that’s what I’m getting. He’s just like any other fighter. You have to wait and see what they have. We’ll find out on fight night.”


Marrero, 25, is no stranger to local fans, having fought twice in the area last year, both times on cards also featuring Vasquez.


An excellent fighter whose only loss came on a tight 12-round decision toJesuo Cuellar in a let-it-all-hang-out, action-packed slugfest for the WBA Interim Featherweight World Championship (gajnita 114-113, 115-114 Kaj 111-111) En aŭgusto 2013, Marrero will be making his ShoBox Kaj 2015 Debuto. Li iris 3-0 Lasta jaro, winning by sixth-round TKO over Ira Terry in his most recent start last Nov. 21 in Tulsa, Okla.


Preparaj biletoj alprezigita #?e $238, $100, $60, $40 Kaj $25 Por studentoj kaj militistaro kun valida #IDENTIGA?O (Skatola Oficejo Nur), Plus aplikeblaj kotizoj, for “The Pride of Pittsburgh III” will go on sale Vendredo, Januaro 30 #?E 10:00 .M. through the Dick’s Sporting Goods Box Office at CONSOL Energy Center, Ticketmaster.Com, #?Iuj Ticketmaster ellasejoj #a? akuzo de telefono #?e 800-745-3000. Preza pliigo $5 Sur la tago de la evento. Pordoj malfermos sur la nokto de la evento #?e 5:30 P.M. Kun la unua sonorilo #?e 6:30 P.M.


CONSOL Energia Centro estas #trovi?i #?e 1001 Kvina Avenuo, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219. Pli fora informo povas esti #trovi?i #?e ilia retejo,


Socia Amaskomunikilaro: Sekvi Goossen #Anta?enigo sur Pepi @GoossenBoxing, Sammy Vasquez sur Pepas @TeamSVasquez, SHOWTIME Sports@SHOsports and CONSOL Energy Center @CONSOLEnergyCtr. Uzi hashtag #VasquezLartey Sekvi la diskuton.


Por pli da informo sur Goossen #Anta?enigo vidas ilian retejon #? Por suplementa informo sur Showtime Sporta vizito


Proksimume ShoBox: La Nova Generacio
Pro tio ke #?ia iniciato en julio 2001, La kritike aklamita SHOWTIME boksa serio, ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Prezentis junan talenton egalis malfacile. La ShoBox Filozofio estas televidigi ekscitan, Amaso-#pla?i kaj konkurencivaj #mat?o dum provizanta pruvantan teron por volantaj perspektivoj determinita batali por monda titolo. Kelkaj de la kreskanta listo de la 58 Batalantoj kiu aperis sur ShoBox Kaj #anta?eniri rikolti mondajn titolojn inkluzivas: Andre Kvartalo, Deontay Pli #Sova?a, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams kaj pli.