標記檔案: 蒂姆·威瑟斯龐

1988 Olympic gold medalist “Merciless” Ray Mercer Looks back at his Olympic experience

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (二月 11, 2020) – Thirty-two years after he captured an Olympic gold medal“Merciless” Ray Mercer fondly remembers his Olympic experience like it was last month. Mercer, who is the only American heavyweight champion to knock out all of his Olympic opponents, went on to become world heavyweight champion as a professional for our “heavyweight double.”

For Mercer, it all started in Germany, where his U.S. Army unit was based. Offered a chance to avoid a 30-day field exercise, Mercer accepted an offer to serve as a sparring partner for the post’s heavyweight boxing champion. Despite never having put on a pair of gloves before, Mercer was a quick learner who was naturally strong, and he rapidly developed into the 1985 中美. Army and Inter-service heavyweight champion.

The World Class Athlete Program (WCAP), 其中合格的運動員有機會培養全日制奧運會, didn’t exist back then, nor the Olympic qualifier rules of today. Mercer defeated future world heavyweight champion湯米·莫里森 in the opening round of the 1988 Olympic Trials and another future world heavyweight titlist邁克爾·本特 (5-0) in the championship final. At the 1988 USA Olympic Box-offs at famed Caesars Pala

ce in Las Vegas, Mercer won a split decision (3-2) over Bentt, but Mercer had already qualified to fight in the Olympic Games by being the U.S. Armed Forces champion.

“When I was in the Army, I had to win in the service, maintain things, and go to the next step,” Mercer remembered. “I had to beat some good fighters on my way to the Olympics, and I was in the best shape of my life. There was more discipline in the amateurs than the professional ranks. The final year before the Olympics, I left my home unit, traveled a lot to fight, and stayed in my trainer’s house instead of living in the barracks.

Mercer made history at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, 韓國, when he became and remains the only Olympic heavyweight champion from the United States to knockout all four of his opponents:  Rudolf Gavenciak (Czechoslovakia – RSC3), Luigi Gaudiano(Italy – KO1), Arnond Vasnderlyde (Netherlands – RSC2) 和Baik Hyun-Man (South Korean – KO1).

“I knew I had to knockout the South Korean in the final,” Mercer admitted. “I just wanted to do what I could to be the Olympic gold medalist. I don’t think I used a jab.

“Winning the Olympic gold medal resulted in some big-time changes for me. I became a celebrity, a household name, and it allowed me to make money as a professional. The best thing that ever happened to me was winning the Olympic gold medal, even more than winning the world title as a pro. Nothing compared to becoming an Olympic gold medalist. I accomplished my dream. I had never dreamed of going pro, until after I won the gold medal.

“It was really important to win that gold medal. I fought with my heart; no money was involved, celebrated so hard that night (after winning the gold medal) that I lost my medal for a few hours. My dream had come true, my hands were shaking, and I lost my medal. What a night!”

Mercer offers members of the 2020 USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team one bit of advice, “Keep fighting, follow your dream and take that last step.”

Mercer, who was born in Jacksonville, 佛羅里達, made his much-anticipated pro debut in 1989, 停車Jesse McGhee in the third round of their fight in Atlantic City. “Merciless” won his first 18 親打架, including a ninth-round knockout ofFrancisco Damiani, followed by a successful defense against Morrison, who was stopped in the fifth round.

During his 19-year pro career, Mercer compiled a 36-7-1 (26 科斯) 記錄, defeating four world champions in Damiani, 莫里森, 蒂姆·威瑟斯龐 和Ossie Ocasio.  Five of his eight career losses were to world champions倫諾克斯·劉易斯弗拉基米爾克里琴科,拉里·霍姆斯霍利菲爾德 和香農布里格斯

“Ray represents everything that makes USA Boxing proud,“說克里斯tofflemire, USA Boxing Alumni Association Director. “As an Army veteran, 奧運金牌得主, and heavyweight champion of the world, he has demonstrated excellence and professionalism that reflects the best of what USA Boxing has to offer.”


創建冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,想留在業餘拳擊連接。成員被授予各種特別活動由校友協會主辦的訪問, 包括其成名接待年度美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費。新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

Mercer’s outstanding amateur boxing career also included a classic match-up against Cuban great and three-time Olympic gold medalist費利克斯·薩翁, at USA vs. Cuba dual match, in which Mercer twice staggered Savon, who survived without suffering additional damage only because the Cuban referee made a questionable intervention that gave his fellow countryman time to recover and a controversial 2-1 勝利.

“And he gave me a standing eight-count for no reason,” Mercer added. “I beat that guy and he knows it. We’re still in touch even though he doesn’t speak English. He has a friend translate and we’re in touch on Facebook. We like each other.”

今天, Mercer is founding a charity at home in North Carolina, which will include free boxing clinics, 但, 更重要的是, give back to the community and teach youths, especially those who are bullied, the skills they’ll need to go out into the real world.

Ray Mercer has reached the zenith twice in boxing as an Olympic gold medalist and world heavyweight champion as a professional. Not too shabby for somebody who never really wanted to box.

“Boxing saved my life,” Mercer concluded. “I can’t imagine my life without boxing, it certainly wouldn’t be the same.



嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

關於美國拳擊:  美國拳擊的使命是要使美國的運動員和教練員,以實現持續的競爭優勢, 個性發展, 支持拳擊運動, 並促進和在美國長大奧運風拳。美國拳擊的責任是不僅要生產奧運金牌, 同時也監督和管理在美國業餘拳擊的每一個方面。

33RD年輪 8 旅遊活動 & 頒獎典禮十二月. 8 在紐約

阿曼達·塞拉諾, 亞當Kownacki, 伊朗巴克利, 少年瓊斯和中蒂姆·威瑟斯龐 2019 主要獲獎

紐約 (十一月 11, 2019) - 第33年輪 8 假日活動及頒獎典禮將於週日下午 (12:30-5:30 P.M. AND), 十二月 8, 在俄的上湧在霍華德海灘, 紐約。

環 8 已經宣布了 2019 獲獎者 (見下面的完整列表), 由標題戰鬥機十年阿曼達“實打實”塞拉諾 (37-1-1, 27 科斯), 布魯克林波多黎各方式; 不敗的重量級競爭者 (年度戰鬥機) 亞當“娃娃臉”Kownacki (20-0, 15 科斯), 布魯克林波蘭的方式; 傳奇獎獲得者三次, 三個賽區世界冠軍伊朗“刀鋒”巴克利 (43-19,1 27 科斯), 布朗克斯, 和兩次, 雙師世界冠軍少年“毒藥”瓊斯 (50-6, 28 科斯), 布魯克林; 和兩屆世界重量級拳王“可怕”蒂姆·威瑟斯龐 (55-13-1, 28 科斯), 費城, 在穆罕默德·阿里人道主義獎得主.

2019 RING 8 獲獎者

十年的戰鬥機:  阿曼達·塞拉諾

年度戰鬥機: 亞當Kownacki

傳奇獎:  伊朗巴克利 & 少年瓊斯,

穆罕默德·阿里人道主義: 蒂姆·威瑟斯龐

山姆·凱勒曼媒體獎:  格里·庫尼 & 蘭迪·戈登

久 & 功:  達里爾人民

無冕冠軍: 約翰·卡波比安科

年度展望: 左“的gunz 2”岡薩雷斯

年度會員:  詹姆斯·蒙特維

年度NYS官方:  Waleska羅爾丹

年度最佳教練: 斯科特Lopeck

年度最佳經理: 基思·康諾利

社區服務獎:  邁克爾·柯里昂

年度業餘: 尼薩·羅德里格斯

年度最佳業餘官方: 邁克爾“大不了”奧康

好人獎:  彼得Frutkoff

著名的傑克·約翰遜展覽將展出, 格里·庫尼將進行了簽名售書和特邀嘉賓也將到場.

大衛迪亞曼特 將再次擔任儀式的活動的主。

門票 $125.00 包括與入境時雞尾酒完整的早午餐, 其次是座位在頒獎儀式上, 晚餐和甜點, 和頂級的整個下午的開放式酒吧. 也將有拳擊紀念品無聲拍賣. 此事件預計銷售出和每個人都踴躍購買門票,盡快確保良好的休息. 任何面額的捐贈,歡迎為那些無法參加慶祝活動。

節目的廣告可供封底 ($500.00), 裡面封面或封底 ($400.00), 完整頁面 ($200.00), 半頁 ($100.00), 和四分之一頁 ($60.00). 所有廣告的截止日期為十一月 24, 2019.  門票或雜誌廣告的所有支票應支付給環 8 (信用卡是可以接受的).  支票和雜誌廣告,應郵寄到環 8, P.O. 箱子 89, Massapequa的公園, 紐約 11762

有關戒指的更多信息 8 或者其年度假日活動及頒獎典禮, 接觸環 8 總裁Charflie Norkus (516.781.3065 或者鮑勃·達菲 (516.313.2304), 或者去網上www.Ring8ny.com 了解更多信息.

俄的上湧位於 162-45 Crossbay大道. 在霍華德海灘 (718.843.5055).

關於RING 8:  在形成 1954 由前職業拳擊手, 傑克Grebelsky, 環 8 成為當時被稱為全國退伍軍人義和團協會第八子公司 - 因此, RING“8” - 今天該組織的座右銘遺體: 義和團拳民幫助.

RING 8 完全致力於在拳擊界誰可能需要援助的支付房租方面支持不那麼幸運的人, 醫療費用, 或任何合理需求.

去行www.Ring8ny.com 關於RING更多信息 8, 其在美國的超過的最大群體 350 成員. 每年的會費是唯一 $30.00 每個成員都有權享用自助晚餐RING 8 月度會議, 排除七月和八月。所有活動的拳擊手, 業餘和專業, 有權免費RING 8 年度會員。環客人 8 歡迎會員在只有成本 $7.00 每人.

大西洋城拳擊名人堂宣布他們的班級 2019!!!!

大西洋城, N.J. – 十一月 19, 2018 – 大西洋城拳擊名人堂 (ACBHOF) 已經宣布了 2019 歸納班. 感應週末將在克拉里奇舉行, 位於公園廣場的麗笙酒店 & 大西洋城的木板路, 六月的新澤西 21 – 23, 2019.
“我們對班級感到非常興奮 2019 並且非常期待在明年 6 月的第三屆年度入職週末向大西洋城的新入職者致敬” ACBHOF 總裁兼創始人說 雷·麥克萊恩.
該 2019 戰士類別的入選者是:

伯納德霍普金斯蒂姆威瑟斯彭, SR.
凱文·沃茨維吉爾·希爾, SR.
羅伯托·杜蘭, SR. 米奇沃德


王牌馬洛塔英語 “泥” 費舍爾


老亨利·哈斯庫普 吉米·賓斯.
湯姆·卡茨馬雷克 小托尼·奧蘭多.
伯納德霍普金斯將作為第三屆年度課程的一部分入選他的第一個名人堂,其中包括總共 19 入選.
“我感到很感激,它開始安定下來,我接近那個活著的傳奇人物. 我不認為自己是一個活著的傳奇. 讓其他人決定. 這是一個莫大的榮譽,我很感激大西洋城拳擊名人堂讓這一切發生,” 霍普金斯 在十一月說 16 RingTV採訪約瑟夫·桑托利基托.
“看你為誰共同簽名; 你不能賣我黑進門. 你不能賣我白進門. 你不能賣給我半白半黑或者什麼都不賣讓我進門. 但你可以賣給我忠誠度” 說前兩級冠軍 伯納德·霍普金斯大學.
第三屆年度入職典禮 & 慶祝週末將表彰拳擊運動中一些世界上最具標誌性的人物: 布奇·劉易斯, 奈傑爾·柯林斯, 英語 “泥” 費舍爾 和新澤西拳擊名人堂主席 亨利Hascup 只是少數將被奉為 2019 歸納班.
入選者將分為三類: 戰鬥機, 訓練者 & Cut-Men 和特別貢獻者.
“很榮幸聽到我將入選大西洋城拳擊名人堂. 大西洋城是我的第二故鄉, 作為一名職業拳手,我曾在這座偉大的城市中戰鬥過無數次. 這是一個偉大的拳擊小鎮,很榮幸入選大西洋城拳擊名人堂” 說 米奇沃德.
在接下來的幾週內,活動日程將會更新, 房間包裝和預期的VIP出現在大西洋城拳擊名人堂以及Claridge Hotel網站和社交媒體平台上.
有關名人堂第三屆年度入職週末的更多信息,請聯繫 ACBHOF: (609) 318 -3188 或 acbhof@gmail.com, 或訪問 Facebook的 Instagram的嘰嘰喳喳.
ACBHOF 很高興認識我們的合作夥伴: