Tag Archives: papildai

Akmeninis kraujas Shilajit: Esminis maistinių medžiagų ir mineralų papildas

Iki: Turtingas Bergeron

Šiais laikais vis daugiau žmonių rūpinasi sveikata, įdomu, ką jie gali padaryti, kad sustiprintų savo imuninę sistemą. „Covid-19“ yra ne tik pavojingas ir mirtinas, bet taip pat greičiausiai mutuos, kai šį rudenį vėl sugrįš. Atėjo laikas ištraukti visas stoteles, ir kuo daugiau natūralių priemonių galime rasti, tuo geriau. Jei ši krizė ką nors įrodė, tai tradicinė kapitalizmo idėja “sveikatos apsauga” kartais gali pakenkti daugiau žmonių nei padeda. Toksiškas, rizikingas, nepatenkinti vaistai užplūsta rinką vietoje visų natūralių ir daug efektyvesnių alternatyvų.

Akmeninis kraujas Shilajit yra vienas iš tų stebuklingų papildų, apie kuriuos niekada negirdėjote. Nematysite nė vieno šio produkto gamintojo, reklamuojančio jį tinklo televizijoje. Akmeninis kraujas Shilajit yra absoliučiai unikalus produktas, beveik nežinoma vakaruose. Shilajit yra senovės priemonė, naudojama ir gerbiama rytuose tūkstančius metų, manoma, kad palaiko kūną sprendžiant ir įveikiant įvairias fizines ir psichines sąlygas. Pagaliau yra įspūdingas amerikietiškas šio produkto šaltinis, tradiciškai šimtmečius naudojamas Himalajuose.

Yra senas posakis, kad negalima gauti kraujo iš akmens, dažnai naudojamas filmuose ir televizijoje, kai veikėjas bando paaiškinti, kad neturi pakankamai pinigų sąskaitai/skolai apmokėti. Matyt, visa idėja, kad akmenys iš tikrųjų nekraujuoja, yra mitas. Tai tiesiog ne žmogaus kraujas. Didesnis pakilimas yra raktas norint rasti geriausią akmens kraują, kuriame yra per 85 Fulvo rūgštis ir mineralai. Rūgštis palengvina visų šių stiprių medžiagų tiekimą, grynos mineralinės medžiagos per ląstelių sienas.

„Shilajit“ turėjo daugybę pravardžių 14+ šimtmečius buvo žinoma, kad tai yra ajurverdinis. Tai yra visagalis universalus sveikatos priežiūros serumas, galintis padaryti Žemę drebinantį poveikį mokslui apie gyvenimo trukmės pailginimą.

Tai buvo vadinama “Silpnumo naikintojas,” “Dievų degutas” ir “Gyvenimo eliksyras.” Tai netgi gali paskatinti rimtą ir stabilią pažintinę reabilitaciją. Žvelgdamas į šį produktą kaip į kovos naujienų svetainės redaktorių, Pastebėjau, kad tai daug žadanti apnašų ir liekamosios žalos, kurią sukelia pakartotinė galvos trauma, mažinimo srityje. Svarbiausi sportai, kuriuos mes čia aptariame, turi būdingą smegenų sužalojimo riziką, ir šis produktas galėtų teisėtai padėti kiekvienam kovotojui susidoroti su žala, kurią gali padaryti ilga karjera.

Nesistengsiu jūsų nuobodžiauti, išvardindamas visas tikras intymias detales, kaip ir kodėl šis produktas daro tiek daug stebuklų. Leisiu šiems dviem vaizdo įrašams geriau suprasti, ką jis daro ir kodėl jis veikia. Tada mes jums pasakysime, kaip išsiskyrė mano asmeninė patirtis su akmens krauju Shilajit.


Aš du kartus per dieną išgeriu savo akmeninį kraują iš taurės. Jis yra labai stiprus ir tyras, ir jis turi savitą ir nemalonų skonį. Tai taip pat suteikia jums smūgį, kurį gali padaryti stiprus alkoholis. Labai sunku atskiesti ar užmaskuoti skonį ir stiprumą. Man pasirodė, kad apelsinų sultys ar limonadas geriausiai padeda palengvinti drąsą. Stiklas yra geras, nes greitai jį nuleidžiate, ir turėdamas a “persekiotojas” gerti po ranka taip pat gali būti gera idėja. Pirmą kartą geriant jį akys gali atsiverti daugiau nei vienu būdu.

Kaip rašytojas, žinoma, norėjau rasti unikalų būdą apibūdinti, kaip šis daiktas iš tikrųjų yra skonis. Pirmoji banga yra kaip pušies degutas ir menkių kepenų aliejus, ir tada atsiranda savotiškas senų purvinų kojinių poskonis. Nė vienas iš jų skamba žavingai, kol pajusite rezultatus ir priprasite vartoti dvi paros dozes.

Šis junginys jau žinomas Nacionaliniai sveikatos institutai, kur skelbia vienas straipsnis:

“Tai stiprus ir labai saugus maisto papildas, atkurti energetinę pusiausvyrą ir galbūt užkirsti kelią kelioms ligoms. Naujausi tyrimai rodo įdomią medicinos programą, skirtą pažinimo sutrikimams, susijusiems su senėjimu, kontroliuoti, ir pažinimo stimuliacija. Taip, fulvo rūgštis, pagrindinis veiklusis principas, blokuoja tau savęs kaupimąsi, atveria kelią Alzheimerio terapijos tyrimui. Iš esmės, tai yra mitybos produktas, įrodantis naudą žmonių sveikatai.”

Mano patirtis su šiuo produktu yra labai teigiama. Aš religiškai nesilaikau dviejų siūlomų dozių per dieną, bet aš laikausi bent vienos dozės per dieną, 15 lašai. Prieš rašydamas, perėjau pilną butelį, ir aš jau pasineriu į antrąją.

Reikšmingiausias poveikis, kurį patirsite iš karto, yra energijos antplūdis. Man patinka išgerti dozę ryte prieš pirmąjį kavos puodelį. Visų į jūsų sistemą patekusių mineralų koncentracija yra toks smūgis, kokio dar niekada nejautėte. Tai visiškai natūrali 5 valandų energija, be jokių tikrų stimuliatorių, kurie tik kelia nerimą ir nervą, tuo pačiu padidindami energijos lygį.

Praeiti skonį yra sunkiausia, bet yra tiek daug apdovanojimų, dėl kurių verta. Kasdien darydavau bokso treniruotes koronaviruso uždarymo metu, ir „Stone Blood Shilajit“ yra mano kelias į tą natūralų skubėjimą prieš treniruotę. Tai yra vienas iš tų papildų, be kurio nenorėsite eiti, kai tik įsitvirtinsite savo kasdienybėje.

Jei rūpinatės savo sveikata ir netikite toksiškomis procedūromis, turinčiomis sekinantį šalutinį poveikį, kurias parduoda didžioji „Pharma“, Šis produktas yra universali natūralios sveikatos priežiūros paslauga. Kaip patenkintas vartotojas tikrai galiu pasakyti, kad man patiko mano patirtis ir būsiu klientas visą gyvenimą.

Kai eini su „Stone Blood Shilajit“, jūs gaunate amerikiečių sukurtą pasaulio stebuklą. Jis yra kasamas ir gryninamas rankomis vieno žmogaus. Visa tai pasiekiama naudojant įrodyta, senovės technikos.

Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos apie tai, kas yra šioje nuostabioje formulėje ir kaip ji veikia, apsilankykite „Stone Blood Shilajit“ svetainėje čia:


Sekite „Fight News Unlimited“, kad galėtumėte peržiūrėti vaizdo įrašą, kurį paskelbsiu, kai baigsiu antrąjį butelį.

The Ultimate Natural Testosterone Booster: TestRX Passes the Test

Iki: Turtingas Bergeron

I had the good fortune of connecting recently with some of the folks behind a fantastic natural testosterone booster called TestRX. I recently gave it a try myself, and I shared some with a couple workers on my logging crew. All of us felt the difference, and it was definitely the best natural testosterone booster I ever tried. It’s hard to believe something in a simple pill form can have such dramatically positive effects. It was so potent that I typically only took one pill at a time instead of the suggested two pills twice a day.

The one drawback I noticed was upon taking the full two-pill dose I would get some minor heart palpitations, but one pill in the morning and one at night is definitely enough for someone who isn’t really suffering from a serious testosterone deficit.

As someone familiar with all the constantly discussed issues with steroids in combat sports, I know much of the product out there claiming to provide the same benefits as TestRX typically would require a needle to administer. Such a course of “juice” would also cause serious side effects and entail accepting dangerous risks. Not the case with this product, as I even had it looked at by a professional weightlifter to make sure it was safe and legitimate. He assured me the product contained all the proper ingredients for a good, totally natural free testosterone booster.

One of my older workers not only begged to get a pill from me in the mornings before work, he also noticed when I gave him a Hydroxycut instead for a couple days. Each of my two workers who tried it noticed incredible results. Logging and firewood processing is tedious and labor-intensive work, so having any kind of edge going into a difficult work day is great for production.

Žinoma, as with any and all testosterone boosters, some of the most pleasantly surprising results occur under the sheets. Taking one pill in the morning helped get the work done, and one at night helped me get the “fun” done for sure. I had the most amazing rock-hard erections, and both my stamina and my energy level in the bedroom increased dramatically. These boosters have all the effectiveness of a prescription ED drug with none of the crazy side effects like blindness. My girlfriend and I enjoyed many nights of marathon lovemaking thanks to this all-natural love potion.

I would definitely recommend TestRX to anyone. Whether you’re looking for just a little more pep in your step or you are that guy who absolutely needs the boost just to function at optimal levels in his advanced age, this product can help you. It is truly something that worked for me, and it’s something I would try again since it gave me so many positive benefits.

Use this link or the photo link below to try TestRX šiandien:


OXY RIPPER” & “AMINO RIPPERProducts to be Sold Online &
Retailed Throughout Asia
(Iš kairės į dešinę: Ryan Schmidt (Ripper Nutrition Co-Founder), Badou Džekas, Robert Schwartz, Andrew Birney (Ripper Nutrition Co-Founder) & Ameras Abdallahas)


LAS VEGAS (Spalis 17, 2018) – Two-division world boxing champion Badou Džekas‘s burgeoning nutrition line Ripper Nutrition has announced a multi-year multimillion-dollar deal across Asia with Hong Kong-based ERS Ventures (HK) Ltd, a company specializing in marketing and distributing consumer products globally, for his line of premium pre-workout OXY RIPPER and post-workout AMINO RIPPER sports supplements.




Domkratas, who is one of the most accomplished fighters in the Mayweather Promotions stable, is a two-division world champion having held the WBC Super Middleweight Title and WBA Light Heavyweight Title. Outside of the ring, the continued growth of Ripper Nutrition is an important aspect of Jack’s success as he continues to promote health and fitness worldwide.




My team and I are very excited to partner with ERS Ventures and introduce Ripper Nutrition to the Asian market,” sakė Džekas, who is the co-owner of Ripper Nutrition. “We are proud to offer the most advanced and cleanest supplements ever formulated and taking the Ripper Nutrition brand global is something that we wanted to do from day one. I strive to be an international ambassador for the sport of boxing through my projects outside of the ring and this deal is another huge step in that direction.




OXY RIPPER and AMINO RIPPER are the first sports supplements to combine the highest quality Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) with the revolutionary plant based peptide LUNASIN, a powerful antioxidant that clinical studies have shown to reduce inflammation, support heart health, and boost your immune system. LUNASIN is the first peptide that has been discovered to positively affect gene expressions and has a multitude of large-scale scientific studies done to prove its positive effects.




Having launched Ripper Nutrition just a few months ago, this deal speaks volumes about the progression of our company, the science behind our products and the future of Ripper Nutrition,” said Amer Abdallah, co-founder of Ripper Nutrition. “We have some more major announcements coming soon and this is just the beginning.




Under the terms of the agreement, ERS Ventures (HK) Ltd. will be the exclusive distributor in Asia for Ripper Nutrition LLC., OXY RIPPER and AMINO RIPPER sports supplements.




We’re very excited to be working with Badou Jack ‘The Ripperand his team in representing and distributing Ripper Nutrition Sports Supplements in Asia,” said Robert Schwartz, President of ERS Ventures (JK) Ltd. “Badou is a world champion and having his name on these supplements allows us to share his incredible back story of how Ripper Nutrition started. We also share his passion to introduce to the world an effective and incredibly powerful American made premium sports supplement.




Keep an eye out for additional announcements from Ripper Nutrition and visit www.rippernutrition.com for more info on news and products.



OXY RIPPER is the most advanced pre-workout sports supplement made with the purest Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA). Helping athletes of all levels build lean muscle mass, supplying added fuel during intense training to boost endurance, increase mental function, concentration and supports recovery by reducing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).


AMINO RIPPER is the most advanced post-workout sports supplement made with the purest Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA). Helping athletes to increase performance, achieve greater fat burn, boost mental alertness, promote recovery, reduces fatigue, decrease muscle soreness and replenish electrolytes.



ERS Ventures (HK) Ltd. (ersventureshk.com) is a subsidiary of ERS Ventures (ersventures.com) which covers the North-American, South-American and European markets. ERS Ventures (HK) Ltd. specifically focuses on the Asian market and has established offices in Hong Kong and subsidiary offices in Nanjing (Kinija), Guangzhou (Kinija) as well as Taiwan. Its core specialty is the immensely fast-growing Asian market, namely in e-commerce but also vastly in Brick & Mortar retail. Via smart logistics combined with advanced direct-to-consumer marketing funnels and marketplace expertise ERS Ventures (HK) Ltd. has rapidly become a dominant player in the distribution of specialty products from Western markets and successfully launching them into Asian markets.

Pronabolin User Review: Boosting Testosterone Naturally

Iki: Turtingas Bergeron


I recently had the opportunity to take a testosterone booster called Pronabolin, which is an all-natural product. As a logger with my own firewood company (www.deadwoodsociety.com), I could always use more energy and muscle, but that wasn’t the only reason I realized I needed more testosterone.

This year I am preparing for my debut in mixed martial arts as an amateur fighter. I will be adding Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and more dynamic striking to my background training in karate, boxing and wrestling. There are also certain rules I will need to observe in the amateurs forbidding elbows of any kind and all knees to the head. This training requires great strength, stamina and self-control.

Prior to learning about Pronabolin and trying it, I was a huge critic of older mixed martial artists using so-called TRT: Testosterone Replacement Therapy. There was just so much controversy around the subject, and the health benefits were still questionable when exemptions were allowed for the treatments. Prescribed testosterone treatments were popping up in those common commercials asking people who took the drugs and suffered severe consequences to contact a lawyer and get justice for the damage done. Heart attacks and deaths were among the most urgentside effectsof the more potent products.

Taip, when Pronabolin promised to provide the same testosterone boost with natural ingredients (žr), I gave it a shot.

supplemental facts

Notice the suggested use line above. This is the one and only issue I had with this product, and I hope they will look into changing their labels in the future. The instructions tell adults to “imti 3 capsules once a day.I would counter that by advising users to take one capsule with breakfast, one at mid-day or lunch and the other in the afternoon or early evening. Taking all three at one time as my introduction to the product gave me a very discomforting surge of energy and made my heart beat a mile a minute. I quickly adjusted my intake after that to one or two capsules at a time.

My chief concern with training was shedding weight, and this product helped tremendously in that department. I started out around 205-210 pounds and am able to maintain walk-around weight of 195 Šiuo atveju. This is just ten pounds away from where I hope to have my fighting debut at: 185 svarų. Prior to using Pronabolin, I had a really hard time with my metabolism being too slow and gaining too much weight. Using the product faithfully everyday helped my metabolism catch up, and the digestive benefits seemed to be the most pronounced effect of all.

One of the more surprising and pleasant developments I experienced while taking Pronabolin related to my love life. Deciding to take on a mixed martial arts match was just part of my campaign to change my life for the better in all the most important categories. I simply wanted to be a stronger physical, spiritual, mental and social being.

I began searching for dates a bit before I started taking Pronabolin, and I already had a wild appetite for sex and great stamina before taking the product. Taip, while I didn’t really NEED help, Pronabolin actually took me to the next level as a lover. Once I did find the right lady and started getting serious, the lovemaking became more and more intense, more frequent (five or six times in one night at times), and always very satisfying for myself and my partner. I definitely noticed how Pronabolin could take me to a higher sexual plane and keep me there, and so did my new lady friend.

Meeting the woman of my dreams and finding out she loved our time in bed as much as I did also came with other benefits. She lives near a mixed martial arts gym where I can train, and she also has a friend with a dog who loves to go on long hikes with me. She is even on a weight loss quest of her own, so us meeting when we did was absolutely perfect timing.

I can definitely say that Pronabolin truly changed my life. It is no gimmick or placebo, and it WORKS! I hope to continue training harder and harder as my debut fight gets closer, and Pronabolin will be a huge part of that training regimen.

It is important to note that my first phase of using the product did not involve taking all three pills each and every day. I was also dealing with multiple sicknesses during the standard cold and flu season in New England. This had a severely negative effect on my training routine, as just when I seemed to be in a good rhythm, sickness knocked me out of it over the last two months in particular. Perhaps I need to look into some supplements to boost my immune system as well. The bottom line is, this was not a very scientific product review process. I took Pronabolin in a manner that many common users will likely be able to relate to.

During the next phase of my training I will be using Pronabolin more as a formal building block for the transformation of my physique. As of now I have more of a four pack set of abs than a six pack, and even that’s not very pronounced and defined. My chest is also in need of some more toning and shaping.

Before I step into the cage across from another combatant, I feel that it is essential for me to develop the best physical appearance I can possibly present. I want the crowd and my opponent to know I’m a serious contender, and that starts with showing off all the results of all the hard work that leads up to fight night.

Nes dabar, I can unequivocally say that Pronabolin helped prove to me that all testosterone treatments are not dangerous or detrimental to an athlete’s long term health. The product also helped provide natural energy, boosted my metabolism, and gave me a new lease on my sex life.

I give Pronabolin five stars, and I look forward to entering the next phase of training and sharing the results here and on our YouTube Page.

I will track my progress and performance more closely during this next phase, and I will open up my training to the public eye to really highlight how Pronabolin can help anyone wanting to improve their physique and quality of life.

If you have any experience with this product you can share, please leave a comment and tell us about what Pronabolin did for you.

order this natural testosterone booster
Click this image to order today!