Archivo de la etiqueta: superwelter

Tommy ‘Sweet T’ Jacobs establece para hacer frente Bilal Mohammad Para WBF Internacional Corona

Tommy ‘de Colchester dulce T’ Jacobs está firmemente en una vía rápida para lograr su sueño de ser un campeón del mundo, cuando se enfrente a Ghana Bilal Mohammad para la Fundación Mundial de Boxeo (WBF) Internacional corona superwelter en el Salón Carta en Colchester en Sábado 30 de junio de 2018.



En abril de este año Jacobs aseguró el título WBF Europea superwelter con una convincente victoria por puntos unánime sobre Matar Sambou, que hasta la fecha ha sido el único boxeador para vencerlo, la primera vez que fue mano a los pies de Jacobs’ primera defensa de su corona británica Masters en octubre 2017.



Jacobs, una estrella GB Internacional Amateur ex equipo, sólo se convirtió en profesional en de marzo de 2016 y en ese corto tiempo ya ha conseguido tres títulos profesionales, los British Masters, los Maestros Internacionales y la Fundación Mundial de Boxeo (WBF) Campeonato de Europa y confía en que se va a añadir la corona FMB Internacional sobre apenas su novena pelea profesional.



Más importante aún Jacobs’ ocho peleas hasta la fecha han estado en contra de las perspectivas, una rareza en el deporte en estos días y que ve Jacobs unirse a luminarias como de todos los tiempos la parte superior de cincuenta libras 4 Champions libra, Muhammad Ali, Oscar De La Hoya, Bob Fitzsimmons, Andre Ward y Joe Gans, quien también luchó solamente prospectos con registros positivos en sus primeras nueve peleas profesionales.



“Con muchas ganas a la lucha, Tenía una visión de túnel antes y estaba tan obsesionado con frente y vencer a Sambou después de la polémica forma en que el concurso inicial terminó. No podía hacer frente a la pérdida de alguien que no era mejor que yo.



Ahora que se han hecho estoy firmemente que mira al futuro! De ninguna manera estoy pasando por alto mi próximo rival, él es muchos niveles por encima de cualquier otra persona que se han enfrentado con anterioridad, pero siento que es un guardián de las cosas más grandes y mejores y no puede esperar para mostrar el caso de mi talento ante un rival de ese calibre.”



Tommy ‘Sweet T’ Jacobs contra Bilal Mohammad para el campeonato superwelter Fundación Internacional del boxeo del mundo se lleva a cabo en la Sala de Carta, Colchester Mundial de Ocio, Avenida Cowdray en Colchester en Sábado 30 de junio de 2018.



Los boletos están disponibles directamente de cualquier boxeador en la tarjeta o llame a la línea de entrada de 07475 09653

Jesús Cuellar vs.. Cotizaciones Conferencia de prensa Abner Mares Los Ángeles & Fotos


Mundial pluma lucha por el título Titulares

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Doble cartelera Sábado, Diciembre 10 de Galen Center en la USC en Los Ángeles

En vivo por SHOWTIME®

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Dave Mandel / SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Octubre 27, 2016) - campeón mundial de peso pluma Jesús Cuellar y el ex campeón mundial en tres divisiones Abner Mares encontrado cara a cara Jueves en una conferencia de prensa en OUE Skyspace en US Bank Tower - el edificio más alto al oeste del río Mississippi – para hablar de su lucha por el título mundial presentado por Liga de Campeones de Boxeo (PBC) en Sábado, Diciembre 10. El evento será en vivo en TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION desde el Centro Galen de la USC en Los Ángeles.


La SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doble jornada comienza con el campeón mundial superwelter Jermall Charlo la defensa de su título contra el contendiente Julian "J-Rock" Williams en un duelo de estrellas en ascenso invicto en su mejor momento.


Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que está promovido por Ringstar Deportes y Promociones TGB, go on sale mañana, Octubre 28 en 3 p.m. PT y tienen un precio de $35, $50, $75, $150 y $200. Para comprar los boletos salgan a


Esto es lo que los participantes tenían que decir Jueves sobre la noche muy esperada de la acción:




“He estado esperando para luchar Mares durante unos dos años. Que finalmente va a suceder. Esto es lo que quiero. Voy a hacer una declaración.


“Estoy muy feliz de que esta lucha está aquí. No puedo esperar a llegar en el ring el Diciembre 10. Estoy agradecido por la oportunidad. Sé Mares es popular en Los Ángeles, pero tienen seguidores, así y ellos estarán allí para apoyarme.


“Estoy entrenando muy duro y que físicamente fuerte. Nunca dejamos de entrenamiento para esta pelea. Mares vendrán preparados para una guerra y espero que eso es lo que la lucha es como. Se va a demostrar quién tiene el corazón más grande.


“He estado entrenando con Freddie Roach durante unos cuatro meses. Ha sido una gran alianza y él me hará aún mejor de lo que he sido. Hemos estado practicando muy duro. Freddie me está entregando las herramientas para ir a trabajar. Verá toda mi experiencia se unen en la noche del combate.


“Mares es un gran luchador. Ha sido un campeón durante muchos años. Nunca se ha enfrentado a un oponente como yo. Esta será su reto más difícil.


“Estoy seguro de que van a Mares darlo todo, al igual que lo haré. He estado soñando con esta lucha desde hace años. Esta será una gran batalla, pero estoy dispuesto a tomar el cinturón de nuevo a Argentina.


“Esta es la pelea más importante de mi carrera. Estoy pensando en noquearlo. Sé que las cosas grandes van a venir a mi manera después de que golpeo Mares “.


Abner Mares


“Esto va a ser un inteligente Abner Mares. He aprendido mucho con Robert García. Nos dieron un año para entrenar y aprender juntos. Es un entrenador con conocimientos. Él no es sólo un tipo que trabaja guantes. Este es el verdadero negocio. Él se pone mejor y estoy muy feliz con él.


“Quiero agradecer a Cuéllar y su equipo para la espera de esta lucha para llegar a buen término. Realmente aprecio que a medida que una persona. ¡Ya está aquí.


“En realidad estaba comentando la Stiverne vs.. Arreola pelea en el Galen Center y fue un gran ambiente. El ambiente allí es increíble y yo estaba imaginando estar en el ring como el evento principal.


“Quiero que el ganador de la Frampton vs. Santa Cruz revancha. Quiero seguir a pelear con los mejores. Quiero ser conocido como un tipo que pelea la mejor.


“Estar en el gran escenario como éste me ha hecho lo que soy. Al estar en el torneo de peso gallo por SHOWTIME realmente comenzó a mostrar a la gente lo que mi estilo es como. De estar de vuelta para otra oportunidad mundo, que significa todo para mí. Estoy esperando para darles otra pelea emocionante.


“Nunca hablar mal acerca de un luchador. Todos merecemos respeto. Todos tenemos el mismo deseo de luchar por ser el mejor. Cuéllar es una bestia. Él golpea duro. El historial habla por sí mismo y eso es lo que me tiene tan excitado. Este es el tipo de pelea que quiero estar en. Trae lo mejor de mí.


“Si tengo que hacerlo en una pelea, lo haré. Tengo las habilidades de boxeo para ser el luchador más inteligente y ganar por fuera de él boxeo. Aprendo de todas mis peleas, especialmente las pérdidas. A partir de la lucha de Santa Cruz supe que realmente tengo que escuchar a mi esquina. Dejo que la gente llegar a mí y luché la lucha equivocada. Voy a estar preparado para todo.


“Este título viene a casa va a ser un buen regalo de Navidad. Significa el mundo para mi. Voy a añadir algo a mi vitrina de trofeos.


“Soy un hombre nuevo. Soy un hombre adulto. Tengo dos hijas hermosas. Me gusta aprender algo nuevo cada día. Verá una Abner diferente en Diciembre 10. Esto va a terminar el año con la "Pelea del Año”.


ROBERT GARCIA, Trainer Mares

“Estoy agradecido a Cuéllar y su equipo por darnos esta oportunidad. Él es una buena persona que se entrena muy duro y da 100 por ciento todo el tiempo.


“He estado trabajando con Abner casi todo este año. Las fechas para la lucha han cambiado pero ahora hemos tenido mucho tiempo para llegar a conocerse. Hemos estado trabajando lado a lado y hemos tenido mucho tiempo para aprender el uno del otro.


“Creo que todo el mundo debería venir a esta lucha o veo por SHOWTIME, porque va a ser una de las mejores peleas del año. Lo garantizo."




"Aquí vamos de nuevo. Ha sido un proceso largo y ha habido una gran cantidad de personas que han ayudado a llegar a nosotros a este.


“Quiero agradecer a Mares y todo su equipo por aceptar esta pelea. Esto va a ser una guerra. No hay duda al respecto. Nos encanta Robert, pero vamos a tener nuestra ida y vuelta que conduce a éste. Estos son el boxeo tiempos de guerra, pero él es una gran persona. Pero ahora nos encontramos con otro de los mejores entrenadores del mundo, nada menos que Freddie Roach.


“Cuellar no vive en Los Ángeles. En realidad aún vive en Argentina. Sin embargo, ha quedado en Los Ángeles lo largo de todo este proceso. Ha estado lejos de sus amigos y familia por casi nueve meses, pero no se ha quejado de una vez o se le preguntó a volver a casa. Eso demuestra el tipo de profesional que es Jesús Cuéllar “.


Richard Schaefer, Presidente & Director general de Deportes Ringstar


“Estoy realmente emocionado de estar aquí con todos ustedes. Esta noche contará con dos duelos de primera categoría y cuatro chicos que están en la cima de sus respectivas divisiones. Estoy muy emocionado para que esto sea mi primer evento de vuelta.


“Esta es una pelea declaración de Jesús Cuéllar. Es la pelea más importante de su carrera. Pero ha pasado todas las pruebas hasta ahora. Es un verdadero guerrero, como todos los combatientes argentinos son. Él es un gran pegador con un récord de ley. Este es un duro desafío, pero tiene toda la intención de mantener ese cinturón.


“Abner Mares es un verdadero guerrero y todos ustedes tendrán la oportunidad de Diciembre 10 para ir después de un cuarto título mundial contra un campeón fuerte en Jesús Cuellar, quien ha defendido su título cinco veces. Pero ese es el tipo de persona Abner Mares se. Él va a probarse a sí mismo contra los mejores que hay.


“Estoy feliz de estar de vuelta y espero ser capaz de añadir a este gran deporte del boxeo. Estamos aquí en un lugar de primera clase hoy y este es el tipo de lugar que merece del boxeo. El boxeo es cuestión de entretenimiento, y si tuviera que elegir cuatro boxeadores para poner en una tarjeta de entretenimiento, estos serían ellas.


“Estos van a ser tremendas peleas. Estilos hacen las peleas. Mares ha estado esperando por esta oportunidad y Cuellar va a luchar para mantener su título. Este es uno de los más hablado de las peleas de todo. Va a ser todo a la acción mano a mano desde el principio hasta el final.


“Dos de los mejores partidos en el deporte están sucediendo aquí en Los Ángeles en la misma noche. Esta es la mejor lucha contra el mejor y Los Ángeles será un hervidero.


“Es muy especial para ser capaz de hacer mi primer evento de vuelta en Los Ángeles. Tener dos emocionantes, batallas mano a mano en esta tarjeta es grande. A continuación, la guinda del pastel es la oportunidad de trabajar con un hombre como Abner Mares. Lo conocí en el 2004 Juegos Olímpicos y siempre me ha impresionado con su estilo y su personalidad y la forma en que se lleva. "


Goossen BRETAÑA BROWN, Promociones TGB


“Estamos encantados de estar aquí trabajando en otra gran noche de boxeo. Juntos, con la experiencia de emparejamiento de mi padre, Tom Brown, y el talento de promoción de Richard, este tiene los ingredientes de una excelente colaboración.


“Estamos especialmente deseando trabajar con el gran personal en el Centro Galen. Nos quedamos aquí una vez antes, para el peso pesado pelea de título mundial entre Chris Arreola y Bermane Stiverne. Eso fue un vendido noche y tengo la sensación de éste será demasiado.


“Los Ángeles tiene los mejores fanáticos del mundo y sé que van a estar allí para apoyar a estos grandes luchadores”.


CHRIS deBlasio, SVP Deportes Comunicaciones en Showtime Networks


“SHOWTIME continúa entregando la alineación más fuerte de cualquier red en el boxeo, sin excepción. Recientemente hemos anunciado una lista de próximos eventos que es una prueba más de que nadie está cometiendo más recursos para mover el deporte adelante que Showtime. Y la próxima gran jugada de parejos, peleas de clase mundial comienza el Sábado, Diciembre 10 in Los Angeles. Esta tarjeta ofrece cuatro luchadores en el top-10 de su división de llevar la pelea a la derecha en el momento adecuado. Estos hombres son tan respetable y confiable exterior del anillo, ya que son feroces y con talento dentro del anillo.

“Estamos orgullosos de ser la divulgación de esas dos peleas de título mundial en la red. Estas peleas ejemplifican lo SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING se trata.


“Mares y Cuéllar podría ser el más igualados de los cinco peleas de campeonato de peso pluma que hemos presentado en Showtime este año. Y sabemos que Jermall Charlo vs.. Julian Williams, el último de una serie de peleas en el peso mediano junior,, determinará el futuro de la división profunda y con talento “.


Para obtener más información, visite y, siga en Twitter @SHOBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, @JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en PBC es patrocinado por Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Premier Boxing Champions Presents a Thrilling Doubleheader of World Title Fights Coming to Los Angeles & En vivo por SHOWTIME

Featherweight World Champion Jesus Cuellar Battles
Former Three-Division World Champion Abner Mares,
Super Welterweight World Champion Jermall Charlo Faces
Undefeated Top Contender Julian Williams Saturday, Diciembre 10
From USC’s Galen Center
Entradas a la venta mañana, Viernes, en 3 p.m. PT!
LOS ANGELES (Octubre 27, 2016) – Hard-hitting featherweight world champion Jesús Cuellar (28-1, 21 KOs) is set to take on former three-division world champion Abner Mares (29-2-1, 15 KOs) in a world title showdown that headlines a Liga de Campeones de Boxeo evento en Sábado, Diciembre 10. The exciting doubleheader will be live on TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION desde el Centro Galen de la USC en Los Ángeles.
La SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event begins with super welterweight world champion Jermall Charlo (24-0, 18 KOs) meeting top-ranked contender Juliano “J-Rock” Williams (22-0-1, 14 KOs) in a highly anticipated matchup of undefeated stars.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que está promovido por Ringstar Deportes y Promociones TGB, go on sale mañana, Octubre 28 en 3 p.m. PT y tienen un precio de $35, $50, $75, $150 y $200. Para comprar los boletos salgan a
This is the most important fight of my career as Mares is one of the best in this loaded featherweight division,” Cuéllar dijo. “We had to wait very long for this fight to happen, but everything happens for a reason and I’m grateful that the time is almost here. I know that this fight will be a war. I’ve been working hard with Freddie Roach and I’m excited to show what I’ve learned and get my frustration of waiting off my chest. I am more motivated than ever to keep my title and prove who is the best in the division.
I’m excited to get back in the ring and win my fourth world title,” dichos Mares. “Estoy 100 percent healthy and ready to go. I’m looking forward to showing that to my fans and the entire audience on December 10. Los Angeles is my town. This is a fight that I’ve wanted and I’m glad to be giving the fans a great show at the end of the year. Come watch me on Diciembre 10 and see what a warrior looks like.
Camp for me started a month after I defeated Austin Trout,” Said Charlo. “Desde ese punto en adelante, I’ve been in the gym working and I got my vision corrected, so I’m feeling great. I’m looking forward to putting my clearer vision to the test and I’m so prepared and ready for this fight. Esto es todo lo que siempre he querido. It’s the best fighting the best. Julian brings an undefeated record to the table and I know he’s watched a lot of my past fights because we always knew we would fight one day. So who’s the best? We’ll find out, but I know I’m ready to rumble.
I’m excited to get my first title shot, but more than anything I’m just focused on winning,” dijo Williams. “Jermall Charlo is strong and fast, but I will be better than him on Diciembre 10. I’ve been waiting for this fight for the longest time and I know this will be a great night for the fans. I plan on giving them an exciting, explosive fight and most importantly a win.
The action-packed doubleheader features two evenly matched showdowns as all four men, firmly in the top 10 in their division, will enter the ring believing that they will be the one leaving with a belt around their waist. Cuellar and Mares look for supremacy in a crowded featherweight division brimming with contenders while Charlo and Williams each look for a career-defining performance to boost their burgeoning profiles.
I am elated to be promoting this great night of action for boxing fans around the world,” dicho Richard Schaefer, Presidente y CEO de Ringstar Sports. “Both of these fights are 50-50 match-ups with a lot on the line. These are fights that the fans want to see and pose challenges that these fighters are eager to face. They will have a great stage at the Galen Center at USC and on SHOWTIME to prove that they are amongst the best in the world. I couldn’t be coming back to the sport with a better fight card and I know that the real winner on Diciembre 10 will be the fans.
We’re very excited to present this highly anticipated featherweight world title fight between Jesus Cuellar and Abner Mares,” dicho Tom Brown, Presidente de Promociones TGB. “I’m thrilled to work with Richard Schaefer on the debut promotion of Ringstar Sports and look forward to many more world-class collaborative events. I also want to thank Stephen Espinoza and the SHOWTIME team along with the Galen Center staff for their help in making what will undoubtedly be an outstanding night of boxing.
These two world title fights exemplify what SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING has and will continue to delivertrue ‘pick-emfights between top-rated fighters in the prime of their career,,” dicho Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager, SHOWTIME Sports. “Cuellar vs. Mares is arguably the toughest to predict of the five featherweight world championships we’ve presented this year. And in Charlo vs. Williams, our latest in a series of significant bouts at 154-pounds, we have a prime example of how great this sport can be. These are major fights between the top players in two of boxing’s deepest divisions.
Una estrella de rápido aumento de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Cuellar isworking toward his 12th consecutive victory when he gets in the ring to defend his 126-pound title against Mares. His power in both hands has helped him deliver seven knockouts in his last 10 victorias, including an eighth-round knockout of former world champion Vic Darchinyan en junio 2015. The 29-year-old won his world title with a unanimous decision over Claudio Marrero en su U.S. debut en agosto 2013. He went on to defend his title against Rico Ramos, Juan Manuel Lopez y Ruben Tamayo.
Nacido en Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and fighting out of Huntington Beach, Calif., Madres won his first title in 2011 when he beat Joseph Agbeko to capture the bantamweight crown. He continued to rise in the pound-for-pound list with victories over Anselmo Moreno y Daniel Ponce De Leon to win world titles at super bantamweight and featherweight. The 30-year-old won three straight fights leading to a massive showdown with Leo Santa Cruz en agosto pasado. Mares showed the same explosiveness that made him a multiple-division world champion in a thrilling “Pelea del Año” candidate which he lost by majority decision. The always-exciting Mares will enter the ring for the first time under the tutelage of renowned trainer Robert Garcíaand strength coach Luis García as he seeks to capture another world title.
Twin brother of fellow 154-pound world champion Jermell, Jermall Charlowill be making the third defense of the super welterweight crown he won last September with a dominant stoppage over Cornelio Bundrage. The 26-year-old is coming off of a career-best, hard-fought decision over crafty former world champion Austin trucha in May in Las Vegas. Training with Ronnie Shields en Houston, Charlo will look to silence Williams and stake his claim as the best in the division.
Una de las estrellas jóvenes más respetados en el boxeo, Williams, de Filadelfia, will be getting his first world title opportunity. The 26-year-old has dismantled opponents on his way to accumulating an unbeaten record. Williams solidified his status as a fast-rising star by defeating veterans Luciano Cuello y Arman Ovsepyan in addition to a shutout victory over contender Joey Hernández en 2015. He earned his No. 1 ranking and title fight by stopping Italy’s Marcello Matano in the seventh round in March.

Para obtener más información, visite y,seguirnos en TwitterSHOSports, @PremierBoxing, @JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en es patrocinado por Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Erislandy Lara Talks Future Plans

HOUSTON, TX (Mayo 24, 2016)WBA and IBO Super-Welterweight Champion, Erislandy “El sueño americano” Lara (23-2-2, 13 KOs) is focused on breaking the record for most consecutive world title defenses at 154-pounds if he can’t land a big fight. The record, which was set by Gianfranco Rosi con 11 defenses of the IBF title, has stood strong since January of 1993.
If potential showdowns at middleweight with champion Gennady “GGG” Golovkin or a rematch with Saúl “Canelo” Alvarez can’t come to fruition, then Lara will happily defend his titles with honor.
I’m ready to step up and fight anyone in my division or if a big fight can be made at middleweight I’m willing to be great.” dijo Erislandy Lara. “My first choice is to fight GGG. My next choice would be to have a rematch with Canelo. If either fight can’t be made, then my focus will be to put my name in the record books. All the fights at this level are tough so to break the record for most consecutive title defenses at super-welterweight would be unbelievable.
I’m ready to fight anybody between welterweight and middleweight.” dijo Erislandy Lara. “My first choice is to fight GGG because I feel he’s the toughest opponent and would be a fight that would solidify my legacy. My next choice would be to have a rematch with Canelo because we all know there’s unfinished business with lots of controversy. If either fight can’t be made, then my focus will be to put my name in the record books and defend my titles 12 times to break the record and unify them all at the same time.

Shumenov stops Wright in 10th round of WBA cruiserweight world title fight

LAS VEGAS (Mayo 21, 2016) – Asociación Mundial de Boxeo (AMB) “regular” campeón mundial de peso crucero Shumenov Beibu (17-2, 10 KOs) stopped No. 11-Calificación Júnior “Huracán” Wright (15-2-1, 12 KOs) en el 10º round tonight at The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.
Shumenov, a former WBA light heavyweight world champion, is first two-division world champion from a Soviet-bloc country. The native of Kazakhstan, luchando fuera de Las Vegas, also earned the right to challenge unified WBA Super/ International Boxing Federation (FIB) campeón mundial de peso crucero Denis Lebedev (29-2, 22 KOs) dentro 120 día, as mandated by the WBA.
Team Shumenov celebrates
Los aficionados pueden Beibut Shumenov amigo en su Facebook Fan Page




Jermall Charlo Retains IBF Junior Middleweight Belt With 12-Round Decision Over Austin Trout, Jermell Charlo Wins WBC Super Welterweight Crown With

Eighth-Round Knockout Over John Jackson at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas


Ve la repetición Lunes, Mayo 23 en 10 p.m. ET / PT por SHOWTIME EXTREME®


Haga clic en AQUÍ Para descargar fotos; Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para descargar fotos; Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promotions


LAS VEGAS (Mayo 21, 2016) – On a night Erislandy “El Sueño Americano” Lara successfully defended his WBA Super Welterweight Championship with a hard-fought 12-round unanimous decision over Vanes “The Nightmare” Martirosyan, undefeated brothers Jermall y Jermell Charlo, de Houston, became the first twins in boxing history to hold world titles in the same weight class.


Jermall Charlo (24-0, 18 KOs) retained his IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship with a unanimous 12-round decision over former world champion Austin “No Doubt” Trout (30-3, 17 KOs) of Las Cruces, N.M., in the second of three world title fights on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® desde El Chelsea dentro El cosmopolita of Las Vegas.


In the opening bout of the three fight telecast, Jermell Charlo (28-0, 13 KOs) earned the vacant WBC Super Welterweight World Championship by rallying from five points down to register an eighth-round knockout over John “Da Rock” Jackson (20-3, 15 KOs), de St. Thomas, Islas vírgenes (Video highlights:


Lara outpointed Martirosyan in the main event by the scores of 116-111 dos veces y 115-112. No hubo caídas. Martirosyan had a point deducted for a low blow in the 11º in a rematch of a May 2012 fight that ended in a technical draw.


Born one minute apart, the identical twins celebrated their 26º birthday this past Thursday, Mayo 19. Jermall is one minute older than Jermell.


Jermall Charlo stuck to his game plan and fought behind his jab, lanzamiento 292 jabs and connecting at an 18 clip de porcentaje. It was a balanced attack from both fighters, but the power and accuracy from the physically bigger Charlo was a difference.


“It wasn’t a struggle, it was a great experience,” said Charlo after his second successful title defense. “I want to thank God for allowing me and my twin brother to see this day. Historia.


“Austin is a hell of a fighter. He’s a beast. This was my first time going 12, but it didn’t matter because I knew I was in shape.


“My game plan was to execute with the jab. I knew he was going to try to stop me, pero eso no sucedió. There’s no way you can tame a lion.


“It felt good because I knew my brother would get the job done. We belong on this level. We need these titles to get the big fights and we’re going to keep these titles to keep rising.


“I changed my mindwe’re going to stay right here (en 154). Making 154 pounds wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out to be.”


“Hat’s off to Jermall Charlo. He fought a hell of a fight,” Austin Trout said. “I felt like I did enough to win. They won’t give me a close decision, so it’s time to start taking these cats out. But I can’t make excuses. I fought my ass off, Charlo fought his ass off and hats off to him.


“I’m going to live to fight another day. You’re going to see me back. We’re warriors out here.’’


Two minutes into the eighth round, Jermell Charlo, trailing 69-64 en las tarjetas de los tres jueces, landed a perfect counter right hand to Jackson’s left eye. As Jackson dropped his guard to insure his mouthpiece was in place, Jermell connected with two more right hands that sent Jackson falling forward into his corner. Defenseless and seemingly out on his feet, referee Tony Weeks stepped in immediately and stopped it at 0:51.


“It’s history,” said Jermell, who entered the match as the WBC No. 1 contender and became the 66º ShoBox: La Nueva Generación fighter to capture a world title.


“We did it. A lot of fighters don’t come out of Houston and we did it. I’m waiting for my brother next. We’ve been boxing for all of these years and it had to happen.


“I was behind. He was boxing, he was moving around a lot. That was unexpected of him. I thought he was going to come out to brawl. I had to make an adjustment and I did.


“When he started slowing down, I was able to catch him with a shot. I knew that if he could have continued he could have come back so I had to hit him.”


While both were selective with their punches, throwing just 427 combined shots through eight and a half rounds, Jermell was the more accurate fighter. The new WBC champ landed 23 por ciento de su total de ponches, Incluyendo 34 percent of his power shots against Jackson.

“It was a journey to get here,” said Jackson, del CMB No. 2 contender going in and son of former world champion Julian "The Hawk" Jackson.


“I feel like I was ahead and I came up short. He caught me with a punch and I was trying to fix my mouthpiece. Then he hit me and I was out. It hit me in the eye, but my mouthpiece was coming out. I was trying to push in my mouthpiece back in and he hit me. Sabía dónde estaba. It dazed me, but I wasn’t knocked out.


“It’s boxing. Fue una gran pelea. I felt I was winning the fight, I got caught and that was it.


“I dedicated the fight to my dad and I hope I didn’t let him down. I fell short. You win some and you lose some.”


Said the elder Jackson: “I’m proud. It took a lot for us to get this far. I know my people are proud. We are strong people and we are coming back.”


SHOWTIME’s Steve Farhood called the Lara vs. Martirosyan rematch “a typical Lara fight.”


“As usual Lara’s style is extremely difficult for the judges to score,"Dijo Farhood. “He’s so selective with his punches, yet he lands such a high percentage of them. And to make it even more difficult, a lot of Martirosyan’s body punches were blocked. The judges agreed on seven of the 12 rondas. It clearly was a close fight and what got Lara over the top was the 10-8 score in round 11.


“We benefit from the use of replay. Watching the punch that brought the deduction on replay, I believe that it wasn’t a low blow.


“Lara did what Lara does. Martirosyan fought about as well as he could. The difference was Lara’s accuracy and ring generalship. I think Martirosyan’s competitiveness made it a good fight.”


Lara, 33, was making his fourth title defense. “This is normal,” said Lara who landed 60 percent of the 160-plus power punches. “This is boxing, not baseball. Low blows and headbutts happen. I’m a very intelligent fighter and at no point did I feel this fight was going to be lost.


“My mother and kids are still there so it would be a great privilege to go fight in my native Cuba. Everything is possible in this world. I didn’t think I’d be champion of the world and here I am.


“I want to tell Team Vanes thank you for giving me the rematch. Estoy listo para enfrentar a cualquiera. I’d like to fight Canelo.


“The Charlo brothers are my teammates and having three of us going back as champions is a great thing.”


Martirosyan, the aggressor throughout, disputed the decision.


“I was chasing him all night,"Él dijo. “I put on the pressure. I thought I did enough to win. That was not a low blow. Replays show the trunks were high.


“I never ducked anyone. No one wanted to fight Lara. I stepped up and fought him again. I’ll fight anyone.”


Undefeated IBF No. 1 contender and mandatory challenger Julian “J Rock” Williams (22-0-1, 14 KOs), was interviewed between fights by SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING’s BrianCuster. Williams, de Filadelfia, has been calling out the Charlo Twins.


“I can’t get the fights I deserve,"Williams dijo. “But I’ve got a good team. I have Al Haymon and he got me the mandatory for the winner of Charlo-Trout. Guys know it’s a rough fight if they step in with me. And they know 99 percent of the time they will lose.


“Jermall Charlo is an undefeated champion. Estoy invicto. That’s what boxing is all about – two young, hungry champions going at it in their primes. Así, I am interested in fighting Jermall Charlo.


On Charlo saying he’s sick of reading your tweets and he’d like to shut you up…


“Bien, he doesn’t have to wait much longer so he doesn’t have any choice now,"Williams dijo. “I’m the mandatory and if he wins, we are going to fight next.”


Brian Custer organizó la transmisión de SHOWTIME, con Mauro Ranallo llamando a la acción, Analista del Salón de la Fama Al Bernstein y ex dos veces campeón del mundo Paulie Malignaggicomentarista y Jim Gray la presentación de informes. En la transmisión simultánea español, Alejandro Luna llamado el golpe a golpe y ex campeón del mundo Raúl Márquez sirvió como comentarista de color. El productor ejecutivo de SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING fue David Dinkins Jr.. con Bob Dunphy dirigente.


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Para obtener más información, visite y, seguirnos en TwitterSHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm, Hazte fan en Facebook en


Beibut Shumenov vs. Junior Wright Weigh In

Shumenov Beibu 199 libra.
Júnior Wright 199 1/2 libra.
(L-R) – Shumenov Beibu & Júnior Wright
(pictures by Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promotions)
LAS VEGAS (Mayo 20, 2016) – Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 KOs) weighed in today at 199 libra, mientras Júnior “Huracán” Wright (15-1-1, 12 KOs) inclinó la balanza en 199 1/2 libras., for their 12-round World Boxing Association (AMB) Cruiserweight World Championship fight mañana at The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.
Los aficionados pueden Beibut Shumenov amigo en su Facebook Fan Page en

Saturday night’s Shumenov vs. Wright fight now for WBA cruiserweight world title

LAS VEGAS (Mayo 19, 2016) – The World Boxing Association (AMB) has declared Saturday night’s fight between No. 1 clasificado contendiente Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 KOs) and No. 11-Calificación Júnior “Huracán” Wright (15-1-1, 12 KOs) will become the WBA “regular” campeón mundial de peso crucero. The 12-round off-TV bout will take place at The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.
Shumenov had been the WBAinterimcruiserweight world champion and mandatory challenger for WBA Super cruiserweight titlist Denis Lebedev (28-2, 21 KOs), quien tambien pelea este sábado in a unification match against International Boxing Federation (FIB) campeón Victor Emilio “El Tyson de Abasto” Ramírez (22-2-1, 17 KOs) En Rusia.
The WBA has mandated that the Shumenov-Wright winner will be the mandatory challenger for the Lebedev-Ramirez unified winner, which must take place dentro 120 día.
Viernes de night’s fight in France between No. 2 Yunier Dorticos y n. 3 Youri Kalenga, erroneously billed as for the WBA “regular” título,will now be for the WBAinterimcruiserweight world championship.
Los aficionados pueden Beibut Shumenov amigo en su Facebook Fan Page

Erislandy Lara, Vanes Martirosyan, Jermall Charlo, Austin trucha, Jermell Charlo & John Jackson Final Press Conference Quotes & Fotos

World Championship Tripleheader Of 154-Pound Title Fights Live on SHOWTIME Sábado Night From The Chelsea inside
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para fotos desde Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promotions
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para Photos From Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME
Haga clic en AQUÍ To Download A Graphic Of The Charlo Twins Comparison Chart
LAS VEGAS (Mayo 19, 2016) – The six elite 154-pound fighters competing el sábado deSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader went face-to-face for the first time Thursday at the final press conference before they enter the ring live on SHOWTIME from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
In attendance Thursday and headlining the event were WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Erislandy Lara y los principales candidatos Vanes Martirosyan. Televised coverage begins live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. Y / 6 p.m. PT and features IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo teniendo el ex campeón Austin trucha plus undefeated challenger Jermell Charlo lucha contundente John Jackson for the vacant WBC Super Welterweight World Title.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, el cual es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y Promociones TGB, están a la venta. Los precios comienzan en $39, y están disponibles en línea en www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.con oa través de Ticketmaster en (800) 745-3000;
Twin brothers Jermall and Jermell Charlo celebrated their 26º birthday Thursday and were celebrated with a cake at the final press conference that took place at Rose. Conejo. Mentira. at The Cosmopolitan. En Sábado they look to become the first twin brothers to hold world titles at the same time in the same weight class.
Esto es lo que los combatientes tenían que decir Jueves:
Erislandy Lara
I plan on going in there and getting into my zone and making the adjustments that will allow me to be victorious.
One difference between this fight and our last fight is that I’m coming into this fight 100 por ciento saludable. I’m not making any excuses but I had a fractured knuckle going into our first fight. I still felt I was winning the fight. This time I’m not going to leave any doubt about who is the best.
I have no pressure on me. I feel calm. Part of that comes with experience but I also know that I’m going to go in there and execute my game plan like I always do.
I’m always stuck in controversial fights because of my fighting style.
I’m excited to be sharing the stage with the Charlo brothers. We have trained together, so being part of this with them is great.
Vanes’s a lot more passive than he was for the first fight. He was telling me I better be ready.
I’m going to do what I have to do. Put my game plan together, put my punches together, I’m going to do everything that I have to do to be victorious en sábado noche.
On how he’s improved from the first fight
The fundamentals are always there. Every fighter gets better with every fight. You get a little bit more experience and that’s the difference.
Vanes Martirosyan
I’ve had a tremendous camp. Tengo un gran equipo. I’ve had incredible sparring partners and I can’t wait for the real thing en sábado.
I’m in the best shape of my life and I’ve never been so ready. I don’t have to tell you what I’m going to do up here, because you’re going to see it en sábado noche. Actions speak louder than words. This is going to be the best Vanes you’ll ever see.
This time around I am definitely going to be more aggressive. I cannot wait for Sábado.
There is a different feeling for me in this fight than ever before. It’s for a world title, this is as big as it gets.
It is the ‘Dreamversus the ‘Nightmare,’ and you’ll definitely see the ‘Nightmareen sábado noche.
On what he saw in Lara’s eyes when they faced off
A fighter looking at another fighter. I see hunger in both eyes.
A lot of the first fight, I was kind of inexperienced but we’ve matured a lot throughout the years. Four years into this game, a lot of experience, a lot of knowledge in the game so there’s a lot I learned from the first fight.
The whole division is here, it’s awesome. They should do this more often and I’m happy that SHOWTIME put together such a great card.
Every fight on this card could have been the main event. To be on a card like this with all these great fighters is exciting.
Boxing has a lot of really big fights with the Charlos coming in the future. We’re going to take it one step at a time. This is a great fight that we have in front of us.
I’m very proud of my brother, to have accomplished what he has at 26-years-old, coming from where we came from.
“Esta es una gran pelea para mí. This is more to me than winning a world title. I put my all into this. None of Trout’s experience matters. I’m a real lion and I’m going to show it.
Austin Trout is just a name to me. He beat Cotto, así que lo que? I have work to do. I’m focused on getting the job done.
“We (the brothers) both do different things, but we also have the same skills and the same power. No one in the division can match up to us.
We always thought that we would be winners and that we would be competing at the top level. Now it’s time to make history. We want to prove why we’re at the top.
Me and my brother have always wanted to be champions at the same time. There’s never been anything like this. This era, you will get a chance to enjoy us. We’ve worked very hard to get here and we’re going to reign on this level.
“Después de este, I’m coming for the (160-pound fighters). To be a top pound-for-pound fighter you need to dominate different divisions and that is my goal. That doesn’t mean I’m struggling with weight. I feel good right now but I think I will be even stronger at 160.
Mayo 21 there is nothing that is going to stop me from losing my belt.
It’s no coincidence that I’m back at the top making a title run. I paid my dues and put in all the hard work necessary.
I have nothing bad to say about Jermall as a person or a fighter. Pero al final del día, the history will be my own. I’m going to use him for my legacy, not the other way around.
I worked hard to get here. I’m sharp and on weight. There is nothing that I feel like he can do to beat me that night.
Charlo took a chance with this fight. There is no mistake in taking a chance. But will the chance end up in his favor? I hardly doubt it. This won’t be easy. I’m never in easy fights. They’re always great fights.
Size won’t be a problem. He still has to make 154 libra.
I want to thank Jermall for taking this fight. He’s doing something that a lot of people won’t do. Pero al final del día, I’m going to be the lion tamer. I’m going to tame that lion.
What flaws do you see?…
I don’t want to tell you about his flaws because he might fix them by Sábado, but we see a couple flaws.
On if it would hurt him to move up to 160
It may, it may not. We’re not looking at any extra edge or wishing to put all our eggs in one basket. What we’re banking on is our skillset and our grip to come out victorious. Whether it hurts him or not, it’s not going to matter. Only thing it’s going to do is make it easier for me.
“He estado allí, I’ve been to the deep waters. I’ve seen many different types of strategies and styles. In a sense, there’s nothing that he brings to the table that I haven’t seen before.
I’ve got a big dog in me that you’re going to see Sábado noche. You’re going to see what should have been the main event. Me and Charlo, it’s going to be a great fight and I hope y’all tune in because I’m taking that belt.
Jermell Charlo
I appreciate everyone involved in putting this fight together. To me this is a card that people need to be pay attention to. I believe that everyone on this card is going to give it their all, because we all motivated each other to be here.
I’m fighting John Jackson, the son of a legend. I don’t believe John Jackson will be able to live up to his dad and if his dad ever had to face me, I would have beat him too.
We’re getting more and more experience. People thought that Gabriel Rosado was too big of a test for me but I dominated that fight. I’m going to pass any test they put in front of me. Over the course of time, you’re eventually going to have to say we the experience.
I’m proud of what my brother has done. His success motivates me. Es un campeón del mundo. These are the kind of things we look forward to.
This is our time. There is no more that we can say. There is a lot that’s coming ahead of us.
“Voy a ir a ganar. I trained hard. It’s time for a world title for me. I have to fulfill my end of the bargain. John Jackson has been in wars, pero yo también. This is our time, me and my brother’s.
Being on the same card as my brother is already a high standard so being on a card with the rest of the undercard guys, I’m honored and ready to show what I have to do. I’m ready to make history. I’m ready to win this belt and enjoy my vacation after.
I’m sticking with 154 ahora mismo. I would love to go to 160 because it’s easier for me but because it’s easier that’s why I wouldn’t go up. Making 154 for him is easy as well, he just sees other options.
John Jackson
I’m extremely blessed to be here. I’m looking to make history. My dad was a champion and I’m going to do the same thing.
Jermell is just selling the fight. We don’t take anything he says personally. We’ll humble him and put him in his place.
This is a dream come true and the Jackson legacy will live on.
“Va a ser una gran noche. This could be the best fight of the card, fácilmente. If you watch my career, every single fight I bring it. You’re going to see action and explosiveness.
On Jermell Charlo’s comments about his father
That’s disrespectful. My dad paid his dues and to talk about my dad like that is kind of disrespectful. It’s not getting to me. Fighters use that to try to get in your head but it’s fine, I’ll let him pay in the ring.
If Jermell’s ego is getting to him
“Sí, he needs to humble himself. That was a little out of line. But we’ll see what he looks like in the ring.
On what flaws he sees in his game
He has a lot of flaws. How he leans forward and waits a lot. But his style is perfect for my style. I always bring it and give 100 percent and we’re looking for a stoppage.
It’s going to be explosive don’t miss it. TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION, it’s going down.
# # #
Para obtener más información, visite y, seguirnos en TwitterSHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm, Hazte fan en Facebook en y

Cruiserweight Champion Beibut Shumenov Takes on Chicago’s Junior Wright & Top Contender B.J. Flores Battles Mexico’s Roberto Santos on Saturday, Mayo 21 From The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Más! Super Middleweight Contender Lanell Bellows & Super Lightweight Prospect Tra-Kwon Pettis Round Out Action in Separate Undercard Fights
LAS VEGAS (Mayo 19, 2016) – Cruiserweight champion Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 KOs)will battle once-beaten Júnior Wright (15-1-1, 12 KOs)y los principales candidatos B.J. Flores lleva en México de Roberto Santos (12-3, 5 KOs) in a pair of boutsthat highlight undercard action on Sábado, Mayo 21 desde La Chelsea dentro The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
El Mayo 21 event features SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING beginning at 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT with a tripleheader of 154-pound world title fights. The main event sees a rematch between WBA champion Erislandy Lara y nosotros. Olímpico Vanes Martirosyanplus IBF champion Jermall Charlo luchando contra el ex campeón Austin trucha and unbeaten contender Jermell Charlo frente al principal contendiente John Jackson for the vacant WBC Super Welterweight world title.
Shumenov will defend his cruiserweight title in a 12-round matchup with Wright while Flores will make his heavyweight debut against and Santos in a six-round tilt.
Rounding out the action is Las Vegas-native Lanell “KO” Fuelle (15-1-1, 8 KOs) in an eight-round super middleweight contest against Virginia’s De Scott Sigmon (26-8-1, 14 KOs) y el invicto prospecto Tra-Kwon “Superhombre” Pettis (3-0, 1 KOs) in a six-round super lightweight battle against Mexico’s Carlos Rodriguez (6-2, 2 KOs).
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, el cual es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y Promociones TGB, are on-sale now. Los precios comienzan en $39, y están disponibles en línea en www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.con oa través de Ticketmaster en (800) 745-3000;
Un nativo de Shymkent, Kazajstán luchando fuera de Las Vegas, Shumenov looks to build on his last fight, que lo vio ganar una corona de peso crucero al derrotar BJ. Flores en julio. His first title defense was scheduled for December but was cancelled when Shumenov suffered an eye injury. El jugador de 32 años de edad, ganó un título mundial en el peso semipesado al derrotar a Gabriel Campillo en Las Vegas en 2010. La 2004 Olympian for Kazakhstan went on to defend his title five times and will make his first 200-pound defense against Chicago’s Wright. The 29-year-old has won back-to-back fights since suffering his only loss last May.
Dos veces al U.S. Campeón Nacional como aficionado, Flores seeks a run at a world title after coming up just short in a decision loss to Shumenov last July. Born in San Francisco, but fighting out of Chandler, Arizona, Flores had won seven fights in a row before his last bout including victories over veterans Kevin Engel and Anthony Caputo Smith. He will be opposed by the durable Mexican Santos, que nunca se ha detenido.
Para obtener más información, visite y, seguirnos en TwitterSHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm, Hazte fan en Facebook en