Arkivji Tag: featherweight super

19-year old AntonioBangWilliams remains unbeaten with dominating unanimous decision

Photo by Team Williams / Pro Box Management
MIAMI, FL (Awissu 8, 2016) – Dan passat IS-SIBT at the Miami Airport Convention Center, 19-year old Super-featherweight prospect, Anthony “Bang” Williams, remained undefeated with a dominating unanimous decision victory against tough opponent, Brian Santos, improving his record to (4-0, 3 Kos). Scorecards ready 40-36 madwar l-bord.
After knocking out his first three opponents within two rounds, Williams goes the distance for the first time in his young career. Bl-rebħa, Williams, who is signed by Pro Box Management, reflects on getting the much needed rounds as he is ready to get right back in the ring.
It was great experience going the full four rounds,” said Antonio Williams. “Although I’m always gunning for the KO, every fight comes with a different style, so I know I’m not going to be able to knock everyone out. Santos came to fight and pushed me past the second round. I made the proper adjustments and came out on top. I’m happy with my performance and I’ll be ready to get back in the ring immediately. I’ll be back in the gym waiting on my next fight.
Antonio showed a lot of maturity in this fight by not punching himself out while going for the knockout,” iddikjarat Gary Jonas ta Pro Box Management. “We will be looking to get him a few more fights before the end of the year. He has all the ability to be something special in this sport, especially in the super-featherweight division.

Lee Baxter Promotions Inks Logan McGuinness


Toronto, Ontario, Kanada (Awissu 3, 2016) – Toronto-based Lee Baxter Promotions is proud to announce the signing of undefeated super featherweight contender Logan “Cotton” McGuinness to an exclusive promotional agreement.

Living and fighting out of Orangeville, Ontario, McGuinness has an outstanding 23-0-1 ledger professjonali 10 victories coming by knockout. The 29-year-old McGuinness is a former WBA-NABA champion at 126, 130 u 135 liri, earning NABA Fighter of the Year in 2011.

Formerly ranked number 4 in the world by the WBA, McGuinness has been inactive since May 2015 due to out of the ring issues and is excited to get back in the squared circle.

McGuinness said of his new promotional agreement and return to fighting in Canada “it feels great to have signed with Lee Baxter and this is something I feel has been a long time coming. I think the two of us will make some noise and do big things together. I have had an unfortunate couple of years as anyone who has followed my career understands but I’m a true believer in things happening for a reason and everything seems to be falling into place. I’m motivated and rejuvenated. I can’t wait to fight in Toronto!"

Baxter, a longtime fixture in the Canadian boxing scene who recently created the “Next Generation” fight series, is thrilled to be working with a longtime friend who he believes has a bright future ahead of him.

“I’m thrilled to be working with Logan and the timing is great for both of us. He had some unexpected layoffs but is still unbeaten and a very talented fighter. There’s been a public demand for him to fight in Canada again since 18 of his professional matches have been here and we’re proud to be making this happen. I’m looking at having him potentially fight twice in 2016 and the people in Ontario are as excited to see him fight as he is to fight in front of them. The sky is definitely the limit with Logan!"

Details on Logan’s return to the ring will be announced shortly.

19-year old hot prospect Antonio Williams returns this Saturday Aug 6 f'Miami

Photo by Team Williams / Pro Box Management
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL (Awissu 2, 2016) – Pro Box Management’s 19-year old hot prospect, super-featherweight Anthony “Bang” Williams (3-0, 3 Kos), returns to the ring this Saturday, Awissu 6, 2016 at the Miami Airport Convention Center. Williams will square off against Brian Santos of Puerto Rico is a scheduled 4-round bout.
Williams, who made his pro debut earlier this year at age 18, has never made it past the second round, ending all three of his fights by knockout. With power in both hands, Williams can also box, using movement to win fights. This will be Antonio’s third fight in the Miami, Florida area. His goal is to win this fight by knockout to keep his KO streak alive.
Although I like to consider myself a smart fighter, my main objective in each fight is to get my opponent out of there early.said AntonioBang” Williams. “I never want to leave any decision in the hands of the judges. I just want to keep this knockout streak going, but if I go the distance, I’m ok with it, as long as I continue winning.
Williams had an outstanding amateur record of 104-15, winning two state Golden Gloves championships. B'żieda, Williams was crowned champion in many other national tournaments. Pro Box Management was impressed with Williams superior talent and signed him to a multi-year contract.
Antonio Williams is a great kid with a lot of heart and skills.” iddikjarat Henry Rivalta of Pro Box Management. “This kid has tremendous punching power to go along with his highly intelligent ring IQ. Gary and I believe this kid has every ingredient to become a world champion. He’s a pleasure to be around and he has the charisma to be a star.
I’m very grateful that my managers have me fighting on a regular basis. When I signed with Pro Box Management, Gary and Henry told me they would keep my busy, and they’ve kept their word. Now my job is to win fights and climb up the rankings, which I’m very motivated to do. I’m excited about getting back in there this Saturday and putting on a great show for the fans.
The Miami Airport Convention Center is located at 711 NW 72nd Ave, Miami, FL 33126. Bibien miftuħa fi 6:00 p.m. U. First fight begins at 7:00 p.m.
Biljetti pprezzati $75, $50 u $30 can be purchased at all Presidente Supermarkets f'Miami, FL, jew billi ċċempel Michael Luzbet fi (786) 553-3895 jew permezz ta 'email fuq
# # #

WBO European Super Featherweight champion Evgeny Chuprakov defends title with 5th round stoppage over previously undefeated Sebastian Tlatlik this past Friday in Ekaterinburg, Russja


Ekaterinburg, Russja (Mejju 9, 2016)–Dan passat Il-ġimgħa lejl, in Ekaterinburg, Russja, undefeated WBO European Super Featherweight champion Evgeny Chuprakovmade the second defense of his title, when he stopped previously undefeated Sebastian Tlatlik in the fifth round of their scheduled 10-round bout.
Chuprakov (16-0, 8 Tal-KO) of Ekaterinburg is currently ranked number-7 by the WBO and number-14 by the IBF.
Chuprakov dominated the action and finally the fight was halted by the referee in the 5th round. This was the third undefeated opponent that Chuprakov has beaten, as he continues to fight top-level competition; He already has a stoppage victory over former world champion Dmitry Kirillov.
This is a great win for Evgeny. He stopped an undefeated fighter, and now we are looking to bring him back to the United States and put him in a meaningful bout. He has proven that he is a contender at junior lightweight, and we hope to have him back in the ring in August,” qal Promozzjonijiet Banner President, Arthur Pelullo.

WBO European Super Featherweight champion Evgeny Chuprakov defends title against undefeated Sebastian Tlatlik this Friday in Ekaterinburg, Russja


Ekaterinburg, Russja (Mejju 5, 2016)–Dan il-ġimgħa lejl, in Ekaterinburg, Russja undefeated WBO European Super Featherweight champion Evgeny Chuprakov will be back in action when he makes the second defense of his title, when he takes on fellow undefeated Sebastian Tlatlik on a card promoted by German Titov Promotions.
Chuprakov (15-0, 8 Tal-KO) of Ekaterinburg is
currently ranked number-5 by the WBO and number-12 by the IBF. Tlatlik is 10-0 ma 9 knockouts.
I have a real test coming up in my next fight. The opponent has a very serious record, and I have trained my best for this fight. I want to make sure that I am ready and in top condition. I am looking forward to this fight!”, said Chuprakov.
This is a big fight for Evgeny. He has turned into a serious contender, and we know he has been working very hard. With a big performance nhar il-Ġimgħa, we are looking to bring him back to the United States and put him in a significant fight,” qal Promozzjonijiet Banner President, Arthur Pelullo.


Video Provided by Larry RamirezKSAT San Antonio
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Marzu 10, 2016)Undefeated super-featherweight Mario Barrios, 20, is hard at work getting ready for his first fight of the year. He’s scheduled to fight Erick Daniel Martinez (11-4-1, 2 Kos) dwar Marzu 15, fil- Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, BĦAL. Premier Boxing Champions Toe-to-Toe Tuesdays PBC fuq FS1 will air the fight live starting at 9PM ET Ħin tal-Lvant /6PM PT Pacific Time.
Biljetti pprezzati $20 (back), $30 (mid), $50 (ringside) can be purchased at the Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino box office or by calling 1-800-809-3636. Bibien miftuħa fi 5:00 PM. Ewwel ġlieda jibda fil 5:15 PM.


Photo Billi Lucas Noonan – PBC
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Settembru 23, 2015) – Unbeaten super-featherweight fenomenu, Mario Barrios (11-0, 6 Kos), għandha opponent għal ġlieda iseħħu jmiss tiegħu din is-Sibt fil-Legacy Arena f'Birmingham, Alabama. Barrios will face Mexico’s Eduardo Rivera (9-2-2, 3 Kos) fi bout 8-roiund.
“Ninsab kuntenta sabu opponent għalija,” qal San Antonio Texas nattiva Mario Barrios. “Dan se jkun l-ewwel darba tiegħi ġlied fil Alabama, so I’m excited to put on a great performance for the fans the will be in attendance. Like every Mexican fighter, I know Rivera is coming to fight. I’m expecting rough fight and I’m prepared to go the distance if I have to.”
PBC fuq NBC huwa headlined mill heavyweight champion tad-dinja Deontay “Il Bomber Bronż” Wilder (34-0, 33 Kos) vs. Johann “Reptile” Duhaupas (32-2, 20 Kos) b'kopertura fuq it-televiżjoni li tibda fl- 8:30 p.m. U/5:30 p.m. PT. Ix-xandira se jisswiċċja għall NBCSN fil 11 p.m. U/8 p.m. PT.

Weaver lura fl-azzjoni Renju Unit – Faces Skripkins Fuq York Hall Dan is-Sibt.

Team Ex GB star Iain "Il-One Beatu" Weaver huwa stabbilit għall-ewwel bout UK tiegħu, peress jirritornaw mill-Amerika, dan ġejjin is-Sibt fis-Sala York fl Bethnal Paper, fejn hu se jiffaċċjaw Skripkins dinari Latvjani.


Weaver, li għaddiet ġġieldu fil York Hall lura f'Ottubru 2013, ġie jistabbilixxi lilu nnifsu bħala wieħed mill-prospetti aqwa fid-diviżjoni Super featherweight ultra kompetittivi internazzjonalment.


Mill-aħħar żjara tiegħu l-dar tal-boksing fil-Belt Kapitali, Weaver assigurat żewġ rebħiet waqfien ewwel klassi eċċellenti fuq Spanja, ibbażati Marokkina Hassan Elyatouti u Brażiljan Edilson Rio.


Fl-aħħar bout tiegħu, kontra Newark, Imbagħad unbeaten prospett ġdid Jersey Wanzell Ellison, Weaver kien il-vittma ta 'xi tisjir tajba qodma dar dari mill-scorecards, li blot rekord inkella verġni tiegħu.


Issa lura fuq il-ħamrija British darba aktar Weaver, għamilha ċara li huwa determinat li tikseb koppja jirbaħ aktar tajba taħt ċinturin tiegħu, qabel ma tipprova tikseb rematch kontra Ellison fi grawnd newtrali f'xi sena d-dieħla.


"Li wieħed jgħid li aħna kienu diżappuntati aħħar darba out huwa sottostima, I rebaħ din il-ġlieda komdu, għadhom biss imħallef wieħed skorja dan il-mod tiegħi.


Aħna ser ġlieda din is-Sibt u mbagħad ikollhom mill-inqas waħda aktar ġlieda hawn, allura se nkunu qed nagħmlu dak kollu li nistgħu biex tiżgura rematch, din id-darba jew hawn fir-Renju Unit jew forsi x'imkien newtrali bħall-Ġermanja.


Lura għall issa għalkemm, Ninsab verament ħerqana li jkunu lura York Hall, Għandi dawn memorji fond ta 'ġlied hemm.


Dejjem hemm atmosfera tajba hemmhekk, huwa verament huwa post speċjali.


Ma nafux wisq dwar dinari (Skripka), imma smajt huwa kid iebsa ħafna.


Aktar kmieni din is-sena huwa taħbit prospett Ġermaniż Tunahan Keser u minn dak li aħna widnejna li kien ġlieda kbira u prestazzjoni meraviljuż minn dinari.


Allura aħna ma ssottovalutat lilu wieħed iota, iżda nafu wkoll li huwa beatable u li l-pjan tagħna, taħbit lilu u tagħmel dan fl-istil. "


Iain Weaver versus dinari Skripkins karatteristiċi fuq il Mark Lyon u Billy James Elliott-Wise Guys promozzjonijiet Lords TAL-avveniment Ring II se ssir fil York Hall, Bethnal Paper, London nhar is-Sibt 29th Awissu 2015.


Dan l-avveniment huwa sanzjonat korteżija tal-Boxing Kummissjoni Malta (MBC)


Biljetti, pprezzati £ 35 (standard bilqiegħda) u £ 65 (Ringside) huma disponibbli direttament mill Iain fuq 07971 295869, minn kwalunkwe mill-boxers jieħdu sehem, on-line fil jew sejħa 07960 850645 jew 07807 282559.

Prospett ilu ma jitlef Mario Barrios jiddomina fl-ewwel bout 8-round

Photos By Lucas Noonan – PBC

PASS, TX (Lulju 19, 2015) – Fl-ewwel bout 8-round tiegħu, sensazzjoni Super-featherweight undefeated, Mario Barrios (10-0, 5 Kos), cruised għal rebħa ħoss kontra Arturo Esquivel (9-3, 2 Kos), to record his tenth win. The impressive conquest took place this past IS-SIBT fil-Don Haskins Center fl El Paso, Texas fuq il-PBC fuq avveniment CBS, headlined mill Carl Frampton vs. Alejandro Gonzalez Jr.


Skont it-tul tremend tiegħu u jilħaq vantaġġ, Barrios controlled the action with a long jab and precise combinations. Esquivel, li kien il-bniedem b'mod naturali akbar, ma kienx kapaċi li jinħat kull puntelli nodfa fuq Barrios, who won every round. Scorecards read 80-72 madwar l-bord.


“Going tmien rawnds għall-ewwel darba kienet esperjenza kbira ta 'tagħlim għalija.” Said Mario Barrios, li huwa mmexxi mill Al HAYMON. “I was able to pace myself throughout the entire fight and never got tired. I could have gone four more rounds if this was a twelve round fight. Esquivel is a very tough fighter and I’m glad we both came out healthy. I’ll be ready to get back in the ring as soon as Haymon has another date for me. I’m very thankful for all the opportunities Haymon Boxing has given me.

Unbeaten Prodigy Mario Barrios jagħmel l-piż ma bout jitbandal imminenti fuq PBC fuq CBS

Ritratt minn Team Barrios


PASS, TX (Lulju 17, 2015) – Prodigy undefeated Super-featherweight San Antonio, Mario Barrios (9-0, 5 Kos), magħmula piż għal bout li jmiss tiegħu ma Arturo Esquivel Jose Porras (9-2, 2 Kos), stabbiliti biex jseħħ fil-Don Haskins Center fl El Paso, Texas. Barrios weight in at 131.2 filwaqt Porras tipped l-iskala fuq 131.8.


Barrios vs. Porras se jservi bħala l-bout swing għall-PBC fuq avveniment CBS, headlined mill Carl Frampton vs. Alejandro Gonzalez Jr. Kopertura televiżjoni jibda fil 4 p.m. U/1 p.m. PT ma 'heavyweights Chris Arreola u l-ftuħ Fred kassi l-telecast.


“Jien eċċitati dwar l-opportunità li nuru l-ħiliet tiegħi fuq livell internazzjonali,” Said Mario Barrios. “I know there will be a lot a fans tuning in form the USA and the UK. Ma 'dak being said, Irrid li jitpoġġew fuq prestazzjoni kbira. Hopefully the fight makes it to the televised portion of the show so the fans can see what I’m all about.