Yorliq Archives: Stacey Verbeek

Xolib ZAVODI hashar RING qaytadi

Stacey Verbeek surati


Filadelfiya, PA (Yanvar 27, 2015) – Undefeated middleweight kelajak, Xolib “Sweet Hands” O'simlik (5-0, 4 KOS), halqa qaytadi bu Shanba Yanvar 31, 2015 qarshi David Lopez (4-11, 1 KO). The 4-round bout will take place at the 2300 Filadelfiya Arena, PA.


Tomonidan boshqariladigan Al HAYMON, Plant is looking to extend his unbeaten record to 6-0. With power in both hands, Caleb Plant is rapidly making a name for himself in the middleweight division. O'simlik, kim har doim nokaut izlab yotipti, believes his power will take him to the top. Plant has knocked out four of his last five opponents.


“Men bu sport turi bo'yicha o'rganish uchun juda ko'p narsa bor bilaman va men zalida qoldim har kuni yaxshiroq olish uchun rivojlanayotgan qilyapman.” Xolib zavodi dedi. “With Al taking charge of my career, I know I will have opportunities to become something special in boxing. My plan is to come out aggressive and take the fight to my opponent. If I see my opponent is in trouble, Men, albatta, nokaut uchun ketyapman.”


Bilan va qiziqarli kurash uslubi, Plant middleweight tabaqada bir yulduz bo'lib, barcha qismlarga ega. With a high level amateur pedigree and a great team around him Sky is the limit for the Tennessee native.