标记档案: 斯帕克尔·李

梅威瑟促销很自豪地宣布第八位行业泰坦: 米高梅大酒店的冠军早餐

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拉斯维加斯 (八月 1, 2017) – 梅威瑟促销活动正在为这次签名活动做准备 8 连续时间! 贸易悍将: 冠军早餐 定于梅威瑟对阵. 麦格雷戈称重, 星期五, 八月 25 在米高梅大酒店. 该活动旨在庆祝那些对体育和娱乐界具有影响力的个人所取得的持续成就,使体育和娱乐界取得了今天的成就.
今年的主题是 梦, 征服, 和闪闪发光-体现了对那些在各自专业领域中表现出色或闪闪发光的人的认可. 在行业内大放异彩的能力值得关注,值得认可并颁发我们享有盛誉的奖项之一.
获奖者来自我们 2016 贸易事务的巨头包括: 美国职业棒球大联盟历史上第一位非裔美国人副总统; 玛丽安·罗兹, 前WBC世界冠军; 艾丽西亚阿什利, 2016 奥林匹亚; 瓦实提坎宁安, Chi-Town 最好的破碎机; 怪物孩子们, 和超级拳击冠军’ 拳击运营总裁; 西尔维娅·布朗-欧文斯. 在即将举行的活动中获得表彰的获奖者包括: 多才多艺的音乐家和演员; 相符, 不败的拳击世界冠军和综合格斗选手; 希瑟·哈代, 加州大学河滨分校表现最好的女篮球运动员; 西蒙·德科德, 前 UNLV 垒球教练; 单麦克唐纳, 和杰出的拳击裁判; 斯帕克尔·李.
青年开拓者奖获得者- 相符 是一位崭露头角的多才多艺的说唱艺术家, 作曲家, 来自阳光明媚的纳什维尔的女演员兼音乐家, 田纳西. 成长, 当 Tally 开始制作 YouTube 封面时,她对成为一名艺术家产生了兴趣, 在她的学校戏剧中担任主角, 并开始弹吉他, 这有助于她的歌曲创作技巧. 音乐在她的生活中始终扮演着重要的角色,这使她在《Lifetime》第二季中成为明星角色 说唱游戏. 第一集被淘汰后, 她并没有让这阻碍她未来的成功. 她继续专注于自己的音乐事业, 最终她在第三季中获得了另一个机会 说唱游戏, 以及在表演 2017 迪士尼广播电台奖.
青年开拓者奖获得者- 西蒙·德科德 由于她在加州大学河滨分校作为控球后卫的不断成功而成为头条新闻. 这位河滨本地人已经三次成为, 全大西部获奖者, 谁平均了 11.5 点, 5.9 篮板球, 和 3.1 本赛季场均助攻数. 西蒙妮已经完成了大学三年级的学业,成为球队历史上第七位得分王和职业助攻榜第二位,她预计毕业时将获得媒体文化研究学位. 毕业以后, 她将寻求在海外开始她的职业篮球生涯.
金手套奖获得者- 石南属 “热火” 哈迪 让她的才华来说话. 作为一名女拳击手,她取得了巨大的成功,她在行业中不断取得成就,实力雄厚,为体育产业的多元化做出了贡献. 作为一名单亲母亲和一名职业拳击手,希瑟付出了很多努力和奉献,但希瑟通过格斗运动的认可克服了逆境. 她最近的成就是在 MMA 首秀中 TKO 战胜 Alice Yauger。 6月24日. 希瑟在拳击场上也保持不败 20 胜, 4 KO 和 WBC 超最轻量级 & 羽量级世界冠军行业泰坦奖获得者- 单麦克唐纳 在带领叛逆者队获得冠军后入选 UNLV 田径名人堂 511 在胜利 17 季节, NCAA 锦标赛七连冠 1990-96, 并三次参加女子大学世界系列赛. 前 UNLV 垒球教练带领她的球队突破, 或领带, 30 学校记录, 这帮助她赢得了“历史最佳获胜教练”的称号. 她已被证明是真正的体育巨人.
功绩奖获得者- 斯帕克尔·李 作为一名拳击裁判,他的职业生涯享有盛誉,帮助重塑了“拳击场第三人”的形象’ 对于所有女性. 她无数次创造历史,包括作为第一位入选国际拳击名人堂的女裁判. 她对拳击的热爱始于 80 年代格里森健身房的例行锻炼,后来发展为职业生涯 30+ 岁月, 为女裁判的追随铺平道路.
除了我们的获奖者, 该活动将由, 电视名人和时装设计师;安吉尔·布林克斯. 更多 2 才华横溢的拉斯维加斯本地人的特别嘉宾表演; 卡布里亚·安德森 以及歌手和词曲作者, 杰德·诺瓦.
这些年 贸易悍将: 冠军早餐- 梦, 征服, & 火花 由主办: 资金团队, 梅威瑟体育, 米高梅大酒店, 开演时间, FNOM, 尖叫图像 BoxRaw, 亚历山大·克雷平, 战斗标签, 范思哲香水, 流畅算子沙龙, 太漂亮的品牌, 和 PINTA 美国.
点击 这里 购买业内最受期待早餐的门票.
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在这个伟大的事件相结合, 有强烈的工作愿望并在体育娱乐行业做出贡献的人, 小弗洛伊德·梅威瑟. 基金会提供的奖学金为妇女在一年两次的基础. 该计划的资金来源于贸易早餐泰坦捐赠给基金会的收益. 它旨在为有潜力产生积极影响的女性提供帮助, 进一步教育, ,有利于行业作为一个整体. 申请小梅威瑟. 提高妇女体育运动基金会 & 娱乐奖学金访问:http://tfmjf.org/scholarships/. 申请春季学期的截止日期是 十一月 15.


纽约 – 六月 28, 2016 – Inspiration was in the air June 11th as the women of boxing gathered at Seven Bistro for The Raging Babe Brunch, 纽约, 纽约, Raging Babe Eventsseventh gathering of its kind, designed to break barriers and leverage contacts to conduct business and build friendships. The gathering was the first in New York City, and drew a slew of “愤怒的宝贝,” who together honored Main Events’ 首席执行官 凯西Duva. Included in those who attended were former NYSAC Chairwoman Melvina拉森, 裁判 斯帕克尔·李, IFBA World Flyweight Champion Eileen Olszewski, WBC World Super Bantamweight Champion 艾丽西亚阿什利, four-time National Boxing Champion Melissa St. Vil, IWBF World Super Featherweight Champion, 罗恩·杰弗里 and guest speaker John Femiano of John Francis LLC.
After a rousing introduction by “Raging Babe” 米歇尔·罗萨, attendees brunched and networked, with Frank Sinatra crooning in the background, sharing their triumphs and business cards. “The brunch is so much more than just a breakfast event,” 罗萨多说. “The connections forged here have resulted in business collaborations and friendships. What started as an annual event, has grown, and I can easily see us gathering quarterly, all over the country.
Post brunch, the time had come to honor one of boxing’s trailblazers, 凯西Duva, who was presented the Raging Babe Luminary Award. Among those who shared stories of Duva’s boxing growth and dominance was Main Events’ 运营副总裁, Joleen Mizzone, who has worked side-by-side with Duva for 19 岁月. Although she couldn’t attend in person due to being in California with three of Main Events’ 战士, Mizzone had colorful, but moving words for her friend and colleague. “Kathy Duva has been through a lot in her life. I have seen her overcome so much in these past 19 岁月. I remember thinking to myself, “Wow she is one of the strongest people I know!” She has inspired me to be the person I am in this business. Her morals and eye for this business are [语助词] extraordinary.
One of the secrets to happiness is the innocent enjoyment of simple things,” said first-time brunch attendee and former NYSAC Chairwoman Melvina Lathan as she described the event. “考虑到这一点, how wonderful to share a moment in time with a group of women, dining,, conversing, and laughing, all the while emanating beauty, 动力, grace and joy, without even trying. It was intimate, genuine and loads of fun, especially the reading of the infamous congratulatory letter submitted by Jolene!”
This was another inspiring event in one of the greatest cities in the world,” said Rosado of the brunch. “There was so much talent, so much heart, so much passion, and so much boxing knowledge contained in these four walls. There were lovers, 战士, survivors, and I sincerely hope that the connections they made on that day result in amazing business collaborations and lifelong friendships. I’m so grateful for everyone who attended, and to Kathy Duva, for being an example for all women in the industry.
The Raging Babe Brunch is made possible by the generous support of several organizations. “The Raging Babe brunches are labor of love for me,” 罗萨多说. “They aren’t meant to put money in anyone’s pocketon contrary, and the cost has often fallen far short of sponsor contributions. I want to take this opportunity to truly, from my heart, thank the organizations that make it possible for these events to continue. These organizations, by virtue of their partnership, celebrate and support the women of boxing, and the spirit of these events. From my heart, and the hearts of the women who attended New York, 纽约, 谢谢 世界拳击组织 (WBO), War Tape, Box Stats, Boss Case, 世界拳击理事会 (WBC), John Francis LLC 青年正向战斗.