Tag Archives: Južna Koreja

World MMA Association 2016 Asian Championship May 27-30 u Južnoj Koreji

MONTE CARLO, Monaco (April 19, 2016)- The second annual World MMA Association (WMMAA) Asian Championship will be held Maj 27-30 at Hwasoon Culture and Sports Center in the Republic of South Korea.
The Asian MMA Championship will feature the top amateur MMA fighters in six different weight classes.
This year’s Asian MMA Championship is a significant milestone for our association,” WMMAA president Vadim Finkelchtein rekao je. “We strive to educate people from each country in which we hold regional championships. This time will be no different with more people learning the beauty of Mixed Martial Arts. We’re also organizing a judges and referee seminar within a certification process. We are looking forward to this event and hope to have as many Asian countries participating as possible.
An international judgesseminar will be held Maj 24-27, to certify and accredit judges. Only accredit judges will be allowed to work during the Asian MMA Championships. Preliminary and semifinal matches will be May 28, followed by the championship final matches.
The official weigh-ins and competition draws will be conductedMaj 27,
The Asia Division Congress: Battle of the Nomads of the WMMAA Pro Asian Division will be held Maj 29.
Individual team competition will be held in accordance with theOfficial Rules of Mixed Martial Arts Competition, subject to WMMAA approval. Including revisions, additions and clarifications of certain clauses. Matches will held in accordance with the Olympic system with two third-places in each of the six weight divisions.
Team scoring is awarded by the maximum amount of points scored by individual team members on the following basis: 1st – 10, 2ND – 8, 3rd – 6, 4th – 5, 5th – 4, 6th – 3, 7th – 2, 8th – 1.
All individual first-place winners will be awarded special championship belts and medals, second and third-place finishers will receive a medal and certificate. Teams finishing among the top three in the final standings will be awarded cups and certificates.
In addition to the host, Južna Koreja, other eligible countries to compete in the Asian MMA Championship include Afghanistan, Kina, Chinese Taipei, Indija, Iran, Kazahstan, Kirgistan, Mongolia, Singapore and Tajikistan

“The Knock Out King” ide Korejski stil Randall Bailey znakove sa AK Promocije Planirano da se bore oktobar. 4 u Južnoj Koreji

Za Immediate Release
MIAMI / SEOUL (Avgust 24, 2015) – Tri puta, dvije-podjela svjetski prvak Randall “The Knock Out King” Bejli (45-8, 38 KOs) je potpisao ekskluzivni ugovor s promotivnim Južne Koreje na bazi AK Promocije, Bailey menadžer Si Star (Uprava SHS Boks) objavila je danas.
Bejli, koji se bori iz Majamija i tamo se obučavaju Orlando Cuellar, Planirano je da bi njegova AK Promocije debi Oktobar 4, u glavni događaj u odnosu na protivnika da se odredi, na Seonhak Boxing Stadium u Inchon, Južna Koreja.
“Ovo je vrlo uzbudljiva prilika za Randall,” Stern said. “Imao sam lična iskustva na Dalekom istoku i jedan od mojih boraca, Sherman 'Tank’ Williams, osvojio nekoliko naslova tamo. (WBO Kina zona i privremenog WBO Asia Pacific prvenstava preko odluku 12-okrugli, Jun 28, 2012, vs. Chauncy Welliver u Macao, Kina) I’ve been to South Korea and it’s an extremely exciting place. The great career of Randall Bailey will continue. I’d like to thank promoter Andy Kim za predstavljanje nam ovo izvanredna prilika.”
“Veoma sam sretan što smo potpisali Randall Bailey,” AK Promocije predsjednik Andy Kim prokomentarisao. “Nadam se da ovo pomaže povećati korejski boks sceni. Postoje osoblje američke vojske i puno stranaca u Koreji i nadam se da ih zanima, suviše. Nadajmo se, Randall mogu dobiti još jednu priliku za titulu svjetskog prvaka uskoro i vratiti šampionski pojas u Koreji.”
Bailey je porazio litaniju vrhunskih junior welterweights i welterweights za vrijeme njegovog 19-godišnje profesionalne karijere, uključujući Mike Jones, Rocky Martinez, Carlos Gonzalez, Hector Lopez, Demetrio Ceballos, Anthony Mora, Juan Polo Perez,Frankie Figueroa, DeMarcus Corley, Harrison Cuello, i Jackson Osei Bonsu.
Bejli, 40, je Svjetska Boxing Organization (WBO) junior velter šampion (1999-2000), Privremeni World Boxing Association (WBA) junior velter titlist (2002) i International Boxing Federation velter šampion (2012),
Sada na misiju da osvoji četvrti naslov svjetskog prvaka u svojoj trećoj klasi težine, the always dangerous and feared junior middleweight believes this signing has given him a new lease on his boxing career. He has had many problems securing fights in the past few years simply because he’s such a risky opponent for champions, kandidata i top izgledi podjednako.
“Ja jedva čekam da idem tamo,” Bejli (na slici na lijevoj strani glavom trener Orlando Cuellar) rekao je. “This is going to do a lot for my career. I spoke to my new promoter and he’s as excited about signing me as I am about signing with him. He told me that getting me another world title is his goal. He knows me, dopalo ono što je vidio, i on je sve o radi svoj posao kao i moj promotora.
“Otišao sam u Južnoj Koreji u 2005 sa ženskim bokser doveli smo tu da se borimo. Bilo je ugodno putovanje, a lot of fun. Traveling to fight there won’t bother me a bit. Imam dobar ugovor, no complaints at all with what they’re giving me. I’ll go there a week before my fight to get acclimated. When I come back from a fight, Ja ću samo dva ili tri slobodna dana, and then go back in the gym because I know that I’ll be fighting every three or four months. I’m excited and ready to get there to fight.
“U boks Težište uskoro će prebaciti prema Južnoj Koreji kada Randall Bailey debitira tamo,” Cuellar predicted. “One look at his devastating one-punch power and Koreans will fall in love with him. Šta Manny Pacquaio je u Makau i Roy Jones, Jr. u Rusiji, Randall Bailey will become in South Korea. Bailey has a great opportunity to make a big splash in South Korea. Once Korean boxing fans get a taste of Bailey, oni će biti zakačen.”
Bailey se pridružio sve većem stabilan AK Promocije boraca, uključujući novopotpisanih najavljivanog Pakistan amater (87-16) super muva Muhammad “Sokol” Waseem, WBC prvak u velter kategoriji Azijski Boxing Council Neeraj Goyal (3-2-2), Indije, i srednjoj Dilbag Singh (1-0), Indije.
Twitter: @ AK-Promocije, KOKing_Bailey