Arkivji Tag: Afrika t'Isfel

WBA Interim Champ Zhakiyanov and Camp Respond to ‘Blatantly FalseRumors Being Spread by Super Flyweight Contender Zolani Tete

Interim WBA World Bantamweight Champion ZhanatZZZhakiyanov (26-1, 18 Kos) and his representatives are now forced to respond to the deliberate falsehoods being distributed by the team around South African super flyweight Zolani Tete.

Zhakiyanov of Petropavl, Każakstan, is a proud warrior, who has been willing to face anyone from the start of his career. Which is what makes the blatantly false and intentionally misleading allegations by Tete’s camp so infuriating.
Tete and his manager, Mla Tengimfene, have been feeding the media a fictional story that Zhakiyanov recently backed out of a purported fight between the two, supposedly scheduled for Ġunju 4 at Echo Arena in Liverpool.
One problem.
Zhakiyanov and his people were never even contacted about such a fight. It never existed.
I have never heard from anyone about this fight,” said Zhakiyanov. “They are saying I can’t make the weight and that’s why I can’t fight him. I was never supposed to fight him! He and his people are telling stories.
Zhakiyanov’s manager, Philippe Fondu, wonders why the media would even believe such a fight ever existed when a quick check of the WBA rule book would have eliminated all talk of such a match-up.
There were some unfounded rumors on the net about Zhanat defending against Tete a while ago, but having never received any concrete proposal from anyone, including his new promoter Frank Warren, I never paid any specific attention to these rumors. But let’s be honest here. Zhanat Zhakiyanov is the reigning interim WBA Bantamweight champion and Tete is actually boxing for other world organizations (IBF and/or WBO). Barra minn hekk, Tete is rated #9 in the WBA super-flyweight division (115 lb.). Such a contest could obviously not even be considered, as a WBA Interim 118-lb. champion can only defend his title against a WBA top-15 rated boxer in the 118 lb. division.
Fondu also says that Zhakiyanov, promoted by Hatton Promotions, is fully capable of making the 118-lb weight limit and welcomes any and all viable fight proposals approvable by the WBA.
I have been in boxing many years and I understand using the media to get a fighter’s name in print,” continued Fondu, “but they are using the name of a champion and proud representative of his home country of Kazakhstan to do it and it’s not right. Hopefully the media will get more responsible about checking the facts in the future.

Marston to Challenge Tshabalala for Her World Crown on July 2nd

Over the past week or so the World’s press have been focusing heavily on the recently announced 9th July Tyson Fury-Wladimir Klitschko WBO-WBA-IBO Unified Heavyweight Championships rematch. Quite rightly so, it’s a huge fight, however just one week earlier, an equally World significant unification bout is also set to take place right here in the United Kingdom.


Fuq Lulju 2nd, at the Arena UK in Grantham, Lincolnshire, Dinja #15 and British #1 ranked Marianne Marston will not only be challenging South Africa’s World Boxing Federation (WBFed) Super Bantamweight World Champion Gabisile Tshabalala for her coveted crown, but will also be aiming to secure the World Boxing Union (WBU), Women’s International Boxing Association (WIBA) and Universal Boxing Organization (UBO) World accolades.


London based Marston, who was originally due to challenge Unathi Myekeni for the Bantamweight version of the WBFed strap back in December, that was until Myekeni was forced to withdraw following a hand injury, is cleary relishing the belated opportunity, kif hi għamlitha ċara meta tkellmet qabel.


“I cannot thank WBFed President Howard Goldberg enough for making this happen, like me he was so dissapointed when Unathi (Myekeni) pulled out injured last year.


In addition to Howard, I would also lke to thank WIBA President Ryan Wissow, WBU President Don Lewis and Sebastien Pitois from the UBO, as they have been so supportive throughout my career, so to also challenge for their Championships really is so special for me.


I’m forty two now, so honestly thought after Unathi pulled out, that’s it for me, I’ll never get the chance to fight for a World title, OK that’s not quite true, I could have fought for a vacant title, but to me that’s just not good enough, Irrid għall-ġlieda kontra l-aħjar, I want to beat the World Champion.


I’ve seen video of Gabisile, when she fought Shannon (O'Connell) fil 2013, but would very much like to find any video of her when she won the World title last year. I know how much I have changed, fight wise, peress 2013 so really want to see if there are any changes to her style or tactics.


From what I have seen, she’s a classy fighter, very quick hands. When she fought Shannon, she was mainly counter punching, which would suit me, but for some reason I have a feeling she will have a very different approach as a defending Champion.


Jew il-mod, this will be a great fight for the fans, there’s such a contrast in our styles and in my view it’s those differences in style and tactical approach that will make this such a great fight to watch.


British boxing is booming, we have so many World Champions at the moment, Tyson Fury, Anthony Joshua, Kell Brook, Carl Frampton, Lee Selby, Liam Smith, Jamie McDonnell, Lee Haskins, Tony Moran, Craig Docherty, Terry Flanagan, Anthony Crolla, James DeGale and of course my old gym mate at the TKO, Billy Joe Saunders.


Obviously they’re all men, so I want to redress the deficit a little and join them, as well as be the first British Female boxer to be crowned World Champion since Jane Couch beat Jaime Clampitt for the IWBF title in 2004.”


Gabisile Tshabalala Vs Marianne Marston for the WBFed, WBU, WIBA and UBO Super Bantamweight Unified World Championship headlines the Russ Brown promoted AS GOOD AS IT GETS event at the Arena UK in Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK on Saturday 2nd Lulju.


This event is sanctioned by the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA)


Biljetti: Priced £30 (Standard Bilqiegħda) and SOLD OUT (Ringside VIP) huma disponibbli online fuq


Please show your support and follow Marianne Marston on Twitter @MarianneMarston or on Facebook u see her websites

6 Female World Unifikazzjoni Bout Ko-Punti Ewlenin Diċembru London Event


London, Ingilterra Marianne Marston huwa stabbilit għall-ġlieda aktar ħorox tal-karriera tagħha sal-lum, Meta hi kwadri off kontra Mdantsane, Unathi Afrika t'Isfel waħdu f'kompetizzjoni Dinja Bantamweight Unifikazzjoni, fil York Hall f'Londra, nhar il-Ħadd 6th Diċembru.


British #1, Marston kien jittama li jikkontestaw interim WBC Bantamweight Champion Christina Mc Mahon għal titlu tagħha din Ottubru, madankollu Mc Mahon kien offrut il-possibbiltà li tiġi kkontestata Alicia Ashley għall-crown WBC Super Bantamweight fi New York fuq l- 29th Ottubru, opportunità tad-deheb l-Irishwoman talent biss ma setgħux nirrifjuta.


Bl-ebda bout kampjonat fuq l-orizzont immedjat Marston kienet iddeċidiet li jieħu fuq bout mhux kampjonat York Hall ta 'Ottubru 23rd, allura aktar kmieni dan ix-xahar kienet offruta l-opportunità li jikkontesta Myekeni fl-Afrika t'Isfel kmieni fil 2016, billi President World Federation Boxing Howard Goldberg.


Xi negozjati roqgħa billi tim Marston u promotur Londra Mark Lyons, flimkien ma 'appoġġ mill-isponsors tagħha Komunikazzjonijiet Monarch, BoxFit UK, Optimax u 3X Sports, il-konkors kien inxtara l quddiem sa Diċembru u mċaqalqa lejn Londra.


Marston, li assigurati t-titolu MBC Internazzjonali, kif ukoll l-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija #24 klassifikazzjoni, f'Ottubru aħħar sena ma 'punti shut out jirbaħ fuq Marianna Gulyás, għal-linja tagħha up għall-isparatura fi titolu World, madankollu peress li win Marston għandha biss stinka l ladarba, swat Riga, Jekaterina Lecko Latvja billi tieni waqfien rawnd lura f'Awissu.


Opponent tagħha fuq il- 6th Diċembru, Us waħdu, huwa ferm aktar esperjenza, kemm tal-kompetizzjoni għaqli, kif ukoll Kampjonat għaqli, u diġà ddeċidiet kemm il-World Federazzjoni Boxing u l-World Boxing Fondazzjoni Internazzjonali titoli kif ukoll il-World Federation Boxing Super Bantamweight dinja Kuruna.


Fl-aħħar konkors tagħha, Myekeni miġġielda u mitlufa b'deċiżjoni ta 'maġġoranza li sħabi Afrika t'Isfel Gabisile Tshabalala għat-titlu WBFed Super Bantamweight.


Taħdit qabel Marston tkellem fil-qosor dwar il-ġlieda li jmiss,


"I ma jistax jibda jesprimu kif kuntent I am li xorta jiksbu ġlieda għal titolu World din is-sena u l-fatt li se jkun unifikazzjoni ta 'erba' titli jagħmilha saħansitra aktar speċjali.


Meta Christina qalulna hi għandha l-opportunità għall-ġlieda fl-Amerika għat-titlu sħiħ WBC u bħala tali ġlieda tagħna ma jimxi 'l quddiem din is-sena, I kien verament diżappuntat.


Ma jsibux me wrong Ninsab kuntenta għall Christina, iżda minn jum wieħed tad-diskussjonijiet mal-ġestjoni tagħha kellna ilha tipprepara għal din il-ġlieda, kollox kellna ilhom jaħdmu fuq kien li ġlieda tagħha, aħna anke ppruvaw jiksbu opponent li kienet simili fl-istil tagħha għall-ġlieda Awissu, imma għalhekk tmur.


Sfortunatament I ma bbenefikawx xi waħda ġlied Unathi hekk ma jafux wisq dwar tagħha, nisperaw aħna ser ikollhom xi video ta 'ġlied titolu tagħha din il-ġimgħa u mbagħad nistgħu tibda tfittex għall-imsieħba sparring xierqa u verament jiksbu l-kamp beda.


I ma jistgħux nirringrazzja Howard (Goldberg) biżżejjed għall-għoti me din l-opportunità, kif ukoll Ryan (President WIBA Ryan Wissow) u Don (WBU & President WIBC Don Lewis) sabiex tippermetti tagħhom lili biex jiġġieldu għal titoli tagħhom wisq, kif ukoll Mark (Promotur Mark Lyon) u sponsors wunderbare tiegħi MONARCH Komunikazzjonijiet, Optimax, Boxfit Renju Unit u 3X Sports għalihom qed dritt lura lili u tajtu lili l-opportunità ta 'sehem f'din il-bout unifikazzjoni storiku, x'hemm aktar dritt hawn f'Londra.


Għandi wkoll nirringrazzja fannijiet isbaħ tiegħi, dawn huma tassew fantastika, hekk appoġġ u ħafna, ħafna storbjużi, nisperaw aħna ser ikollhom dar sħiħa fil York Hall fuq Diċembru 6th, jekk nagħmlu dawn ser jgħollu l-saqaf meta I ġlieda, li għall-żgur. "


Marianne Marston vs Unathi waħdu għall-WBU Unifikata, WBFed, WIBA u WIBC Dinja Kampjonati Bantamweight ko-primarji l-ko promossi LET avveniment jibda BATTLE Mark Lyon u Marianne Marston fil York Hall, Bethnal Paper, London nhar il-Ħadd 6th Diċembru 2015.


Dan l-avveniment huwa sanzjonat korteżija tal-Boxing Kummissjoni Malta (MBC)


Biljetti, pprezzati £ 35 (standard bilqiegħda) u £ 65 (Ringside) huma disponibbli minn xi wieħed mill-boxers jieħdu sehem, on-line u jew sejħa 07960 850645