Tag Archives: Shreveport

Amir Anderson dari Syracuse Beralih dari underdog ke top dog

2020 Kejuaraan Tinju Nasional AS

Laut. 25-April. 4, di Shreveport, Louisiana 

COLORADO SPRINGS, Putaran. (Bulan Maret 8, 2021) - Dalam 2019 Kejuaraan Tinju Nasional AS, Amir Anderson adalah pesaing yang relatif tidak dikenal dari Syracuse (N.Y.), tapi tahun ini dia yakin dia salah satu dari "anjing teratas" dalam keputusan 165 pon.

Anderson akan bersaing di divisi pemuda di 2020 USA Boxing Kejuaraan Nasional, ditunda karena pandemi COVID-19 dari Desember lalu hingga Maret 25 Bulan April 3, di Shreveport, The.

Tujuan Anderson di kejuaraan ini sederhana: dia ingin menang untuk mengunci slot di Tim Muda Tinju AS, yang akan memberinya kesempatan untuk lolos ke 2024 Olimpiade di Paris.

“Pemenang di setiap kelas berat memenuhi syarat untuk Tim Pemuda Tinju AS,” jelasnya. “Runner-up adalah alternatif dan dapat masuk tim jika pemenang tidak dapat karena alasan apa pun. aku ingin menang! 

“Terakhir kali saya tidak akan rugi apa-apa di Nationals. Saat Ini, Saya memiliki segalanya untuk hilang. Saya melakukan penelitian dan menghancurkan petarung lain di kelas berat saya. Saya akan lebih fokus kali ini karena saya adalah underdog dulu dan sekarang, Saya anjing teratas di divisi saya. ”

Anderson yang berusia 17 tahun telah merasakan kesuksesan, meraih penghargaan tertinggi di 2019 Junior Terbuka dan 2019 Terbuka Regional Timur, selain finis di posisi runner-up di 2018 & 2019 Olimpiade Junior Nasional.

Masih SMA, Amir menggambarkan dirinya sebagai petinju serba bisa dengan gaya unik di mana dia bisa bertinju atau memukul, memukul sudut dan melemparkan banyak pukulan.

Seperti setiap petinju amatir, tahun lalu adalah tantangan yang luar biasa untuk dilatih, karena pembatasan pandemi COVID-19. “Saya berlatih enam jam sehari di ruang bawah tanah saya untuk mendapatkan latihan yang sangat bagus,” kata Anderson. “Dan saya berlari sejauh mil, terlalu. Saat gym saya dibuka Juli lalu 2nd, itu terbatas jadi saya harus tetap berolahraga di ruang bawah tanah saya. Sulit untuk tetap fokus, tapi aku tahu caranya.

“Saya sangat berencana untuk memenangkan banyak turnamen regional dan nasional untuk mendapatkan pengakuan nasional. Saya ingin bertarung di Bulgaria dengan tim junior, tapi itu dibatalkan, terlalu. Pandemi adalah kemunduran bagi saya, tetapi kita akan melihat apa yang ada di toko untuk tahun 2021.”

Kejuaraan Nasional adalah perjalanan pertama menuju tujuan Paris Amir Anderson untuk 2024 di Olimpiade.



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TENTANG USA BOXING:  Misi USA Boxing adalah untuk memungkinkan para atlet dan pelatih Amerika Serikat mencapai keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan, mengembangkan karakter, mendukung olahraga tinju, dan mempromosikan dan mengembangkan gaya tinju Olimpiade di Amerika Serikat. Tanggung jawab USA Boxing tidak hanya menghasilkan emas Olimpiade, tetapi juga mengawasi dan mengatur setiap aspek tinju amatir di Amerika Serikat.

Shreveport to Host 2020 USA Boxing Kejuaraan Nasional

Louisiana city to host USA Boxing’s Return to National Stage
COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. (Tujuh. 18)USA Boxing announced today the 2020 USA Boxing National Championships will now take place at the Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, The., Desember. 5-12.

Hurricane Laura wreaked havoc on the city of Lake Charles and rendered their Civic Center inhospitable for this year’s National Championships. This came on top of the pandemic which already nearly wiped out the 2020 National Tournament calendar,” menyatakan Michael Campbell, USA Boxing Events and Operations Manager. “Our events staff immediately pivoted and was determined to replace the event with as little disruption as possible for our coaches and boxers that had been training with their goals fixed on participating in this event to end the year.

Shreveport stepped up quickly to provide us a great alternative within the same footprint as the planned event, therefore we could keep our same scheduled dates and remain in the great state of Louisiana. Shreveport will provide good accessibility, weather and hospitality for our members and their Convention Center will be ideal for the implementation of our #BackToBoxing protocols that are designed to ensure the safety of our boxers, pelatih, officials and members of the community.

“Shreveport, Bossier City, and the State of Louisiana are proud to host the 2020 National Boxing Championships in December,” tersebut Kelly Wells, Executive Director for the Shreveport-Bossier Sports Commission. “Primarily, I would like to acknowledge my unwavering respect for Lake Charles and their investment in USA Boxing, which ultimately highlights Louisiana as a destination for national, elite sporting events.
As they recover from the detrimental effects of Hurricane Laura, Shreveport-Bossier is excited to keep this event within our state, which is expected to bring an estimated $2 million in economic impact to the area. We’re honored to welcome approximately 1,000 athletes to Shreveport-Bossier, as well as their coaches, teman teman, families and other boxing enthusiasts. On behalf of the Sports Commission team and Shreveport-Bossier community, I would like to thank the USA Boxing family for entrusting us with this incredible event, as well as Lt. Governor Nungesser, the Louisiana Office of Tourism, the Shreveport Convention Center, Hilton Shreveport and the local boxing community. We’ll deliver nothing less than world-class hospitality in sportsman’s paradise.
Registration for the event will open Oct. 1. The fact sheet, which will include check-in information, hotels and schedule will be released in the coming days.

Sebagai pengingat, due to COVID-19 and being the sole USA Boxing tournament in 2020, this year’s National Championships will be an open tournament, with a minimum bout requirement, for pee-wee to elite divisions. Boxers competing in Olympic/International Federation weight divisions in junior, youth and elite age groups will be competing for their place on Team USA’s High Performance teams. Complete selection procedures will be announced in the next few weeks. More information about High Performance can be found di sini.

This year’s championships will also have other changes to help provide a safer and easier tournament experience for our members, including staggered check-in days, set late coaches check-in hours, no general weigh-in, as well as a quota for all weight classes. All important changes and information will be released di sini.

Continue to check USABoxing.org and USA Boxing’s social media platforms for important updates on this year’s tournament.

Tournament Information
Venue: Shreveport Convention Center
Registration Opens: Oktober. 1
Registration Closes: November. 30
Early Check-in: Desember. 5
Full Check-in: Desember. 6
Staggered Check-in: Desember. 7-10
First day of bouts: Desember. 7