Tag Archives: Isikhathi Sombukiso

Jhonny Gonzalez VS. Gary Russell JR. MARCH 28 Undercard EZIPHUMA TOP kwabazabalazayo NEZESIKHATHI ESIZAYO KWEZINKANYEZI

Las Vegas (March 26, 2015) – Ngobusuku omuhle ukulwa featuring WBC featherweight World Champion Jhonny Gonzalez (57-8, 48 Kos)sivikele igama lakhe ngokumelene Olwa ohlonishwayo Gary Russell Jr. (25-1, 14 Kos) futhi top kwabazabalazayo 154-ganda Jermell Charlo (25-0, 11 Kos) futhi Vanes Martirosyan (35-1-1, 21 Kos) squaring offwill kulekelelwa by ubusuku ukulwa undercard featuring amasosha first class matchups ezinzima.


Thola khona ekuseni ungaphuthelwa umzuzu isenzo njengoba iminyango at The Pearl at The Pearl at Palms Casino Resort open at 2 p.m. PT kanye ukulwa kokuqala imizuzu nje kamuva.


Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $200, $100, $75, $50, futhi $25, eside kusebenza

ezikhokhwa ukudayiswa manje. Amathikithi angathengwa ngokubiza Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000noma ngokuchofoza LAPHA. Amathikithi ayatholakala online at www.ticketmaster.com.


Gonzalez vs. Russell and Charlo vs. Martirosyan Akazikhukhumezi bukhoma Showtime® at 10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT.


The undercard ethokozisayo izici umfowabo Jermell sika, Jermall Charlo (20-0, 16 Kos),looking ukugcina irekhodi lakhe Ezingakanqotshwa abephule ngokumelene enamandla Michael Finney (12-2-1, 10 Kos) in a 10-round super welterweight iziqubu.


Futhi in isinyathelo J'Leon Love (18-1, 10 Kos), ngubani ebuyela ring emva silahlekelwa yakhe yokuqala uyobheka uthole emuva ku win ikholomu ngokumelene veteran ethokozisayo Scott Sigmon (24-6-1, 13 Kos) in 10 nezinhlamvu ezingu super middleweight action.


Enye fighter okuthakazelisayo Ezingakanqotshwa, Ronald Gavril (11-0, 9 Kos), zizofuna in an 8-round super middleweight iziqubu.


Owabe emhlabeni-title inselele The Cesar (26-2, 17 Kos)kwenza kwakhe 2015 DEBUT lapho tikwele off ngokumelene abasha ezimangelengele Cesar Juarez (15-3, 13 Kos) in a bantamweight iziqubu ihlelelwe 8 emahlandla.


In more action undercard, ithemba Ezingakanqotshwa Thomas Hill (2-0) uyobheka ukugcina irekhodi lakhe ephelele professional ngokumelene Jeremiya Page (2-1, 2 Kos) in a 4-round super welterweight iziqubu.


Ukuqoqa out the ebusuku impi abanolwazi super lightweights phakathi Levan Ghvamichava (13-1-1, 10 Kos) futhi Derrick Findley (21-14-1, 13 Kos) ancintisanayo in a 6-round iziqubu.


Ohlonishwayo futhi Ezingakanqotshwa,the Jermall oneminyaka engu-24 ubudala Charlo is abebenokwenziwa ithuba isihloko emhlabeni kanye nomfowabo. Wahlala Ezingakanqotshwa in 2014 kanye ngokunqoba phezu Hector Munoz okudlangile, UNorberto Gonzalez and Lenny Bottai. The Houston-bomdabu izohlangana engu-23 ubudala Finney out of Opelka, Alabama, looking waphinda cindezela.


A Olwa top owayenguyise sisonqenqemeni a fight isihloko emhlabeni ngaphambi nokuhlupheka ukunqotshwa yakhe yokuqala, engu-27 ubudala Uthando umagange uthole emuva esiyingini emuva kukholamu win on March 28. Ngaphambi esehlulwe, Uthando lufakwa umxhwele boxing display eya isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Marco Antonio Periban in May 2014. Uthatha on a lungumxokozeli empini-ihlolwe oneminyaka engu-28 ubudala Bedford, Virginia sika Sigmon oseneminyaka nge amasosha top kuhlanganise Kelly Pavlik kuyo career yakhe.


Enye fighter ozalwa ngaphandle U.S. kodwa manje ukulwa out of Las Vegas, Romanian-owazalwaGavril is a artist Knockout nge irekhodi Ezingakanqotshwa ukufanisa. Umsolwa oneminyaka engu-28 ubudala uzozama for Knockout yakhe yesihlanu iqonde zilandelana.


A Olwa osenesikhathi eside ekulweni out of Puerto Rico, Lokhu ekugcineni yakhe yezwe yokuqala isihloko shot in Dec. 2013 kodwa walahlekelwa isinqumo ngazwilinye ku Leo Santa Cruz. Yena bounced emuva ukunqoba kuka Alex Rangel in 2014 futhi manje oneminyaka engu-29 ubudala livele libe lungumxokozeli young in the engu-23 ubudala Juarez out of Mexico City.


An ithemba Ezingakanqotshwa owenza DEBUT yakhe pro in Aug. 2014, engu-20 ubudala Hill uyobheka ukuqhubeka egijima ngokusebenzisa izimbangi on March 28. The Milwaukee-native ubhekene engu-21 ubudala Page out of Wichita, Kansas.


Le mpi lokuqala ebusuku nakanjani ukuletha iziqhumane njengoba amasosha amabili abanolwazi ngilwa it out in the division super engasindi. Ekuqaleni out of Poti, Georgia kodwa manje ukulwa out of Hayward, Calif., Ghvamichava ufuna ukuthola ukunqoba kwakhe ezintathu zilandelana. Umsolwa oneminyaka engu-29 ubudala bayoba fighter empini-ihlolwe imi endleleni yakhe eyathatha iminyaka engu-30 ubudala Findley out of Chicago.


Gonzalez vs. Russell kwenzeka The Pearl at Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas futhi ngeke baveze on Showtime (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT). In the umcimbi co-main, Jermell Charlo liba Vanes Martirosyan in super welterweight action. The Showtime Championship Boxing telecast izoba khona ngeSpanishi via izinhlelo secondary audio (SAP).


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, Ukuvakashela www.sports.sho.com, ukulandela on Twitter atSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella AndPearlAtPalms, ukulandela ingxoxo usebenzisa #GonzalezRussell, abe fan on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing noma uvakashele Blog Showtime Boxing athttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.


Kelly Swanson

Ngiyabonga, operator. Thanks, wonke umuntu, for calling in. We have a great call this morning and this afternoon actually here on the East Coast to talk about the March 28 Showtime show, Championship Boxing Show, featuring Jhonny Gonzalez, Gary Russell, Jr. and Jermell Charlo against Vanes Martirosyan. We have all the fighters joining us today on the call. We will start with Jermell and Vanes. Kodwa, ngaphambi sithola fighters, Ngingathanda ukwethula Chris DeBlasio, Vice President of Communications for SHOWTIME Sports to fill you in a little bit about the fight. Chris?

Chris DeBlasio

Ngiyabonga kakhulu, Kelly. I just want to take a quick moment to thank the fighters for being on this call, umbonge press ngokuba lapha, futhi nje uthi egameni Stephen Espinoza, the EVP kanye uMphathi Jikelele Showtime Sports, futhi sonke at Showtime, Simagange ngempela ukuze uthole emuva nge nice live Showtime Championship Boxing umcimbi lokhu ngoMgqibelo. As you may have seen in the boxing press, kwaba cishe amasonto amabili edlule ukuthi samemezela ukwengeza platform omusha okuthiwa Showtime Boxing International. Le mpi lokuqala kuyoba lokhu ngoMgqibelo, March 28; it’s an international fight on the SHOWTIME network live to our subscribers. Ngakho, okokuqala kuyindlela enhle ukuqalisa yethu Saturday March 28 boxing Ukusabalala, futhi lokho gonna kube Kell Brook Ukuqhathanisa Jo Jo Dan IBF Welterweight World Championship empini ukuthatha indawo Sheffield, England. SHOWTIME is going to carry that fight live at 6:15 Eastern, 3:15Pacific. Bese, sizakuthatha ikhefu ngesikhathi intambama bese bukhoma at 10 p.m ET./7 p.m. PT Showtime Championship Boxing umcimbi Jermell Charlo, Vanes Martirosyan, Jhonny Gonzalez and Gary Russell. Ngakho, kungcono uhlobo a ezimbili- ingxenye platform ngomgqibelo nge ukulwa ezintathu bukhoma ukuza kuwe, which we’re really excited about. And we appreciate the opportunity to be in business with the guys on the phone here today. Ngakho, ngaphandle lutho olunye, let’s get it started. We welcome you guys.


Kelly Swanson

Okay. And one quick note — noma kunalokho, media, one inothi okusheshayo — siye nje wathuma Ukulwa Week Media Schedule, ngakho sicela bheka for ukuthi okusebhokisini lemyalezo yakho, and it will give you the details of what is going on this week for the fight. Ngiyabonga. Okay, let’s go ahead and open it up. Empeleni, let me go ahead and introduce the two guys that are on the call right now. They want to say a couple words. Okokuqala, we have Vanes Martirosyan. He’s a world-ranked 154 pound contender. Vanes, ufuna ukusho umbhangqwana amazwi, usitshele indlela ukuqeqeshwa uya nangendlela ubhekene ukuzilungisa for the fight?

Vanes Martirosyan

Training ihamba kahle kakhulu, everything is going good. We can’t wait to fight. Uyazi, Ngingumfana everybody isiqiniseko uthi ngaphambi kokuba alwe, but we really are ready to go. We just can’t wait to go.

Kelly Swanson

Okay, omkhulu. Ngiyabonga kakhulu. And where are you training?

The. Martirosyan

I’m training here in California at Main Event Sports Club. There’s been a couple of locations we’ve been training, kodwa okukhulu ubelokhu Main Indawo Sports Club, lapho abezindaba kuyoba namuhla.

K. Swanson

Manje, I’m going to move to Jermell Charlo. He’s an undefeated super welterweight contender. Jermell why don’t you tell us a little bit about what’s happening in your training camp and how you’re feeling heading into the fight.

Jermell Charlo

Training’s been great. Every time I step in the ring, njalo I ulungele fight, I feel like just there’s never been a time where I repeat myself or do something the same. I’ve been learning from all my past mistakes. Every win I’m still learning from. Ngakho, training camp has been good. Trainer Ronnie Shields, Danny Arnold. Ngavula gym yami, so I get a little late night extra hours in when I want to. Futhi, I want to fight with my twin brother. We’re pushing to fight. I can’t wait to fight. Just like Vanes, yena elambile, ukulungele. I’m I’m ready.


Njengoba sazi bobabili izikhundla zakho, njengoba kubhekwe njengento top 10 kwabazabalazayo in the 154 ganda class isisindo, engqondweni yakho, ucabanga lokhu fight ukuqedwa? Vanes, yiziphi imicabango yakho ngalokho?

The. Martirosyan

I think every fight right now at this point in my career and Jermell’s career should be considered a title fight. It is — Ngicabanga ukuthi — an eliminator fight. I’m looking at this as a championship fight. Jermell is tougher than any of the champions, ukuze kimi, lokhu a fight ubuqhawe, and that’s what we got ready for. And it should be an eliminator fight. I don’t know if it is or not, kodwa lokho kanjani thina uthatha njengento, futhi thina uthatha leli njengoba fight isihloko emhlabeni.


Jermell, Imicabango yakho kuleso – ingabe eliminator esemthethweni noma a de empeleni waba omunye?

J. Charlo

Same thing with me. I feel that this is a tough fight. Every fight is a fight for my life. And I step in the ring and make sure that I fight with that on the back of my mind. Vanes is a great fighter — yakhulela naye. I know what I bring to the table. And this fight is a fight for manhood, kungcono ukulwa ukuze kubonakale ukuthi ubani lo tycoon bangempela ezemidlalo in the 154 pound weight division. There’s a lot at stake, ngakho-ke ngaphezu kokulwa isihloko kimi.


Jermell, akazange yini athi ukhulele naye kancane?

J. Charlo

Yeah, Ngakhulela naye, Eminyakeni emibili okungenani noma abathathu Vanes, uyazi, nomndeni wakhe, abantu bakhe, uyazi? Ngakho, Ngiyazi — siyazi nomunye kahle.


Uke guys owake sparred nomunye?

J. Charlo

Yeah, sinezinto sparred nomunye izikhathi eziningana.


Kangakanani, Ubungathini? And how long ago?

J. Charlo

I can’t really say how often. I know it was back when we were a little bit younger. I was younger, engufanayana omncane ekhula ibe umuntu. Ngakho, khona manje, Angazi ngisho ucabange kwaba kanjani, lokho kwaba mayelana, noma ukuqeqeshwa kanjani lapho thina babeqeqesha ndawonye. Ingabe ngisho 19 — Bekade ngi 17, 16, 17, 18, Ngisho, those ages. Here, sibhekene nomunye ngoba thina uku kokubili phezulu, and that’s what happens when you’re in the same division. Never had anything personal or different to say about him. It’s just work.


Vanes, nawe uzizwa ngendlela efanayo mayelana izikhathi zakho ku ring naye?

The. Martirosyan

Yeah, I remember when we used to train. It was good training. We were always in competition — me, him and his brother. We used to go running at Memorial Park every day, and we’d try to see who’d finish the lap first. It was always competition between usrunning and training or what-not. But it was nothing but love and I respect him, uyise, nomqeqeshi wakhe, Ronnie Shields. They’ve been good people to me. Kodwa Saturday ebusuku, yena uzoba isitha sami esiyingini. Okwamanje, ngaphandle ring, I ahloniphe everybody. Once we step in the ring, kungcono indaba ohluke ngokuphelele.


Your fight that took place in October was a big win for you against Willie Nelson. You harnessed a lot of the emotion going into that fight because it had taken place just after your promoter Dan Goossen had passed away and you had his brother Joe in your corner. It was a lot of heavy emotion that night, and you really came through in a big way that night. Is it gonna be difficult in any way to sort of get that same emotion behind you?

The. Martirosyan

Ungenzi, ngoba ngaleso fight, thina kwakufanele bayakhohlwa izinto eziningi. Dan passed away. We were all sad, and we didn’t know what to do. And we actually thought — 'Kufanele silwe’ noma angazi uma Joe (Goossen sika) going to be there. I didn’t know what was going on. There was too much emotion going into that fight. We kind of got away from the fight a little bit. But we used it as motivation for our fight. This fight to me is big. Lapho ngiphelelwa ku Andrade, Angizange angene ring 100 Amaphesenti angu, futhi lapho ngafika ekhaya — lapho ufika ekhaya isiphukuphuku, kungcono umuzwa omubi. Angikwazi sibheke umkami, my kids. I feel like I let them down. Ngakho, khona manje, Ngingumfana nje ukuthi mode lapho Ngizobe ukufa kunokuba nibone ukuthi aphinde.


Uma ubungase ukunqoba le mpi, kusobala, ubungalokhu esimweni for a enkulu isihloko emhlabeni fight. Ingabe ukhululekile nge elinde omunye walabo, ngizitshela lezo fighters kuphela ukulwa mhlawumbe kabili ngonyaka, noma ungathanda ukuba uhlale esebenzayo futhi uthathe ukulwa phakathi kwabo?

J. Charlo

Uyazi, ngokuwina le mpi kimi — a world title would be ideal. A world title is important. I want to fight for a world title. I want the world title. That’s every boxer’s dream and envision whenever they’re young. Ukulwa for the world isihloko izinto futhi yonke lento extra, kodwa uma Ngithathe lapha ekwakheni igama lami nokwakha brand yami, lokho nje kubalulekile. Ukuba undabuzekwayo kulo lonke World Boxing Council, konke. Lokho okubalulekile kimi.

The. Martirosyan

Le mpi, le mpi — Ngingathi like a lot of the Champions ukuthi angamaqhawe manje in yethu class isisindo, iningi lazo nje ugijime umlomo wabo, starting with Andrade. A fight like this for me and Jermell, kungcono ukulwa enkulu for me, uyazi, but it’s not only for us. Ngisho, it’s for the fans. The fans are in, and it’s great. Ngisho, you rarely get to see contenders like me and Jermell wanting to step up and fight each other. Uyazi, ngokuvamile, isizwe siyovuka the rankings to like esiyikho, they just want to just talk a lot of bad stuff about the champions to get the world title fight. Kodwa, uyazi, wena ayilitholi ukubona kwabazabalazayo like ukuthi, uyazi, Ungenzi. 1 futhi No. 2 fighting each other when, you know they really want to fight each other and they both said yes to the fight. Ngakho, kungcono a fight big, kodwa ngizizwa sengathi, uyazi, sonke gonna kube — siyakucela gonna senze okusemandleni ethu, futhi ngizizwa sengathi abalandeli gonna kube abawinile kule mpi for.

K Swanson

Okay, omkhulu. You guys, Ngicabanga ukuthi kwaba umbuzo wakho wokugcina, and so we appreciate you taking the time out of your training. And Vanes, we look forward to seeing you later for your open workout. Futhi, Jermell, siyobona kuwe Las Vegas kuleli sonto.

J. Charlo

No problem. See you, guys.

The. Martirosyan – Ngiyabonga. Take care.

Kelly Swanson

Sizoba ukushintsha call phezu uGary Russell, Jr.

K. Swanson

Gary Russell, Jr. uzobe ebhekene Jhonny Gonzalez for Gonzalez sika 126 ganda isihloko, the WBC Featherweight World Championship. Gary, uma ufuna ukusitshela kancane mayelana nokuqeqeshwa kanjani uya, ukulangazela kwakho ukuba ukulwa Jhonny Gonzalez lunga isihloko emhlabeni futhi ukuthi ucabangani yonke fight in general?

Gary Russell Jr.

Thina kwadingeka ikamu elikhulu ukuqeqeshwa. Konke kuye kwaba ephelele, no excuses, no cutting corners. We’re 120 percent ready for this fight. We can’t wait be able to call ourself the new WBC World Champion.

K. Swanson

Ingabe ukwenza lutho ekamu belungiselela lokhu lokho ihlukile kwezinye ukulwa yakho?

G. Russell Jr.

Ungenzi, we’re not doing anything that’s different in preparation for any of the fights. I think the only difference is, kuye impi, you want to prepare depending on the opponent that you’re competing against. Ngakho, Ngicabanga umehluko nje ukuthi umehluko sparring. Ufuna zilethe guys ukuthi abe isitayela efana ubani ubhekene Gonna uncintisane njll. That’s the only change that we’ve made so far. Ngaphandle kwalokho — eziyisisekelo eziyisisekelo, ring generalship, speed isandla, amandla isibhakela, amandla conditioning, zonke Izinto kuyafana.


Gfuthi, Kwakuthinta zamangala uthole enye shot at the isihloko?

G. Russell, Jr.

Ungenzi, Angisona simangale. Ngathola okufanayo Al Haymon Promotions, nje Al Haymon jikelele uma kuziwa ukuthi. Muhle umphathi wami, futhi siyazi ukuthi wenza konke okusemandleni akhe ukuze azame ukwenza izinto zenzeke kithi, and give us another shot at a world title. I’m extremely grateful and thankful for this opportunity.


Uma balwa impi yokulwa Lomachenko for one of the izihloko, ingabe ukuthatha ulutho ukuthi lokho kunqotshwa? Kungakhathaliseki kungcono isipiliyoni, noma ngalelo zinga of the stage ukuthi ulethe lokhu next ubuqhawe thuba?

G. Russell Jr.

Kunjalo. One of the main things that we took out of it is, uma kungenjalo waphula, don’t fix it. In that particular fight with Lomachenko, we did a lot of things completely different in that fight that we normally wouldn’t do. We brought other people in. We let other people take the reigns and be in control of our conditioning. Sikubonile umphumela walelo futhi imiphumela emibi kuwo. Asazi ukuthatha ukulahleka lula, ngokude. So we’re back on pace. We have the same team around us that have been here from the beginning of my career all the way up until now. Sasinamasonto ithimba ngendlela efanayo emuva in motion. Sesikulungele, siyakucela egxile, thina uzimisele, siyakucela enophephela futhi sibhekile nje ukunikeza show omuhle.


Uyabona Gonzalez njengoba fighter kangcono kakhulu kunokuba Lomachenko, noma mhlawumbe kancane fighter abasengozini ngaphezu Lomachenko noma efanayo? Wenzenjani beka imicengezi ezimbili isihloko?

G. Russell Jr.

Ubathola ezimbili amasosha ezahlukene kakhulu. Lomachenko has a little bit more hand speed than Jhonny Gonzalez. Gonzalez is more of a puncher. Jhonny Gonzalez is more of a dangerous fighter than Lomachenko just because of his punching ability and just him being a seasoned professional, being able to get all these rounds in as a professional. Lomachenko definitely is a good fighter. We take every fight serious. You thatha muntu kalula. Thina nakanjani wathi, oh, lena impi esiyingozi ukuthatha nge Jhonny Gonzalez, kodwa sizizwa sengathi nalokho esingakusho etafuleni kuyoba eliphakeme ekugcineni.


Yini ongayenza ngendlela ehlukile ngqo ukuze ulungiselele Lomachenko ukuthi ufisa wawungazange?

G. Russell, Jr.

We brought someone in for our strength and conditioning. We’ve known our strength and conditioning was completely different. Even when it came to the way that we cut weight, it was different. Leading up to the fight, sasikhona a sauna ukuze ezimbili ezidlule, maybe three days leading all the way up into the fight. That’s what my strength and conditioning coach wanted me to do.

Noma ubani ukuthi Selike ukuthi fight, ukuthi kwaba Lomachenko noma ubani omunye, babone umehluko isibhakela ikhono lami, Ukukhuthazela yami, ijubane yami, nje mina njengomuntu umuntu. Abantu babazi ukuthi wayengeyena Gary Russell, Jr. ukuthi kwakuzodingeka umbonile owedlule 24 fights.And that was some of the things that came up in the Lomachenko fight. I was completely tired and fatigued in the first round, uyazi?


About Jhonny Gonzalez — yena ngokusobala a guy ngubani puncher volume, yena akesabi bame futhi ukuhweba. Kanjani lo msebenzi fight inzuzo yakho uma engenzi ukulwa ejwayelekile Gonzalez fight in engqondweni yakho?

G. Russell, Jr.

Angicabangi ukuthi kuzoba ukwazi ukubhekana, kwaphinda lokho, ijubane yami. I think we’ll be able to do it with my speed. He’s always been slow in the speed. Even though he’s been a puncher, a lot of punchers have to really sit to actually apply these punches efficiently. I think he lacks the ring generalship as far as the footwork goes that he would need — the foot quickness. Futhi eziningi isibhamu sakhe kukhona okuncane ububanzi. Ngakho, I uzoba mayelana ukuba outpunch kuye akwazi ngezibhakela kuye phakathi isibhamu sakhe.


Ucabangani ngesinqumo empini Lomachenko?

G. Russell Jr.

I didn’t think anything of it. The only thing that registered in my mind was the fact that I didn’t have the ability to perform the way that I normally would have. I never really looked at a decision. I never looked at how the referee was going about the fight or any of these things. The only thing that came to my mind was the fact that I just lost my first professional fight, Mina uhlobo wabona isizathu Ngalahlekelwa — kwakungenxa yokuthi ngangiphakathi ngeke akwazi ukwenza lokho kwaba ukuthi mina evamile do.


Ngakho, unomuzwa wokuthi walahlekelwa ukulwa ke?

G. Russell Jr.

Certainly. I’d definitely say that I lost the fight.


You yayithinta Al Haymon phambilini. Ungachaza yini umthelela wakhe career yakho? And we’ve all seen the moves that he’s been making. How is that gonna help you moving forward?

G. Russell, Jr.

Ngizizwa sengathi umlilo ngaphansi kwalezi abaphathi abagqugquzeli. Kukhona umzamo team. Uzokwazi ukutshela umphathi wakho noma umgqugquzeli yakho, 'Hey, lokhu game plan yami, this is what it is that I want to accomplish this year.I wanted to at least be able to contend for a world title. I want to have maybe four fights this year, mhlawumbe eziyisithupha ukulwa kulo nyaka, njll. Umphathi wakho futhi umgqugquzeli, lapho bengena at, they should be able to meet you halfway with their game plan. If you want to have six fights within a year, njll, your manager and promoter should be able to get it done for you. We feel as though that Al Haymon is very efficient in doing exactly what it is that we want from him. Kuba mayelana abakwaziyo, Ngibona kanjalo.


Ulibangise le mpi, Uzizwa sengathi ukunikeza izinga elithile lokulwa ukuba ngempela ukwenza abalandeli isho kuwe futhi kukwenze ube undabuzekwayo? Now that there’s so many platforms for boxing, Uzizwa like kukhona wanezela nengcindezi ufake fight ethokozisayo, noma uzizwa like ongakwenza namanje nje, methodically ebhokisini futhi athole abalandeli kusukela ukuthi?

G. Russell Jr.

I ngokwethembeka ungazizwa sengathi ukuthi kumele wenze lutho ongavamile. Uya ukubona ejwayelekile Gary Russell, Jr. okubonile owedlule 24 ukulwa — speed isandla, isibhakela ikhono, ring generalship and etc. ,A lot of fighters ingagxili hype, futhi bazizwa sengathi banayo ukwenza izinto kancane more ukunqoba fans phezu, njll. That’s never one of my things. I’m always to be exciting without being reckless. And I’m going to do what it is that I’m comfortable doing.

K. Swanson

Okay, Gary, ngibonga kakhulu ngokuba atholakalayo ukuba leyo mibuzo iphenduleke, futhi siyakwazisa wena ukuthatha isikhathi out of day yakho imatasa, futhi sibheka phambili ekuboneni ulwe lokhu ngoMgqibelo, March 28, at the Pearl at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas futhi bephila Showtime Championship Boxing. Thanks, Gary.

* * *

Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $200, $100, $75, $50, futhi $25, eside kusebenza

ezikhokhwa ukudayiswa manje. Amathikithi angathengwa ngokubiza Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 noma ngokuchofoza LAPHA. Amathikithi ayatholakala online at www.ticketmaster.com.


Gonzalez vs. Russell kwenzeka The Pearl at Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas futhi ngeke baveze on Showtime (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT). In the umcimbi co-main, Jermell Charlo liba Vanes Martirosyan in super welterweight action. The Showtime Championship Boxing telecast izoba khona ngeSpanishi via izinhlelo secondary audio (SAP).


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, Ukuvakashela www.sports.sho.com, ukulandela on Twitter atSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella AndPearlAtPalms, ukulandela ingxoxo usebenzisa #GonzalezRussell, abe fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing noma uvakashele Blog Showtime Boxing at http://theboxingblog.sho.com.


I-NEW YORK (March 24, 2015) - Ngolwesibili, The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (CREAM) wamemezela abaqokiwe for the 36thAnnual Sports Emmy Awards.


Showtime Sports wathola inethiwekhi umhlabeleli nine Sports Emmy Award iziphakamiso amanethiwekhi premium’ sports izinhlelo 2014, esiqokonyiswa ufakazelwe yilabo abazibiza for Documentary Series Evelele and Esivelele Edited Sports Coverage, kokubili imiklomelo Showtime series "YONKE ACCESS".


Kuzo zonke, inethiwekhi premium wathola ezine iziphakamiso INSIDE THE NFL, ezintathu for "YONKE ACCESS" futhi ababili for "60 AMAMINITHI SPORTS", a co-production of CBS News. INSIDE THE NFL, a co-production nge CBS Sports and NFL Films wathola ezintathu iziphakamiso Ukusabalala ezivelele Super Bowl XLIX.


The uhlu oluphelele lwezigaba lapho Showtime Sports uqokelwe:


  • Esivelele Edited Sports Indawo Coverage — KONKE ACCESS: Isiphetho: Mayweather vs. Canelo
  • Ezemidlalo Evelele Documentary Series - SONKE ACCESS
  • Esivelele Long Form Ukuhlela - SONKE ACCESS: Isiphetho: Mayweather vs. Maidana II
  • Evelele Isici Short - "INSIDE THE NFL": The Final Stitch
  • Evelele Camera Work - "INSIDE THE NFL": Super Bowl XLIX Season 7 Final
  • Esivelele Long Form Ukuhlela - "INSIDE THE NFL": Super Bowl XLIX
  • Esivelele Post-Produced Audio / Sound - "INSIDE THE NFL": Super Bowl XLIX Season 7 Final
  • Esivelele Sports Journalism - "IMIZUZU 60 SPORTS":Phil Ivey
  • The Dick Schaap Esivelele Writing Award - "IMIZUZU 60 SPORTS": All Blacks


Showtime Sports unqobe ezimbili Sports Emmy Awards at the 2014 emikhosini for Best Edited Sports Indawo Coverage for "YONKE ACCESS: Isiphetho: Mayweather vs. Canelo futhi Evelele Isici Long for the 60 AMAMINITHI SPORTS sici Great Falls. Kusukela 2009, Showtime Sports unqobile 10 Sports Emmy Awards.


The Abawinile of the wama-36 Sports Emmy Awards uzobe umemezele Tuesday, May 5 at the Ceremony Sports Emmy Awards at Frederick P. Rose Hall e New York City.

Sky Sports Box Office Will Exclusively show Live Coverage of Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao on 2 May

Sky Sports Box Office iye yaklonyeliswa amalungelo bukhoma yedwa 'ukulwa kwekhulu', the world welterweight ubuqhawe ubunye clash phakathi Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, thanks to an agreement announced today.

Emncintiswaneni, one ofthe izenzakalo kulindelwe kakhulu ngokuzimisela boxing umlando, uyoboniswa bukhoma kusukela MGM Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Lo mcimbi ubeka ndawonye punjab ezimbili ezinkulu of sonke isikhathi: Floyd Mayweather (47-0-0) the Ezingakanqotshwa 11 isikhathi emhlabeni iqhawe kanye umnikazi we WBC and WBA izihloko, futhi Manny Pacquiao (57-5-2) ebusayo WBO welterweight emhlabeni iqhawe futhi owazuza 10 izihloko emhlabeni.

The Sky Sports ababukeli ngeke akwazi ukulandela ukwakha-up to Mayweather v Pacquiao yonkana imigudu yalo futhi digital zabezindaba, kuhlanganise ukufinyelela kokubili punjab’ ukuqeqeshwa amakamu, cindezela izingqungquthela nokubonakala zomphakathi.

Barney Francis, NguMqondisi of Sky Sports, wathi: “This fight has everything and is set to be one of the biggest sports events of the year. As the home of boxing in the UK and Republic of Ireland, siyakucela wachazeka ukuba ukhishwa amalungelo.

“Sizobe ahlinzeke Sky Sports ababukeli ne engcono Ukwakha-up yonkana amashaneli zethu kanye Izitolo umbiko best of the lwa uqobo ithimba lethu ku Las Vegas.”

Ukuhlolwa ukulwa izonikezwa Adam Smith, zangaphambili Cruiserweight world iqhawe Johnny Nelson and zangaphambili emhlabeni iqhawe engasindi Jim Watt, as well as a range of boxing experts. Sky Sports viewers can also enjoy an extensive schedule of support programming providing the best possible analysis of the fight including the weekly magazine programme Ringside, the Toe Ringside 2 Toe podcast series and feature ubude izingxoxo.

Sky Sports News HQ kuyoba in Las Vegas ngesikhathi sokugcina Ukwakha-up ukuletha izindaba zakamuva kanye nokuhlaziywa kusukela womabili amaqembu kubandakanya izingqungquthela esemthethweni press, futhi nesisindo-in njengoba fighters ezimbili ukuqedela ukuqeqeshwa amakamu abo futhi ukulangazela ifinyelela fever pitch.

The event is part of a packed month of live sport that Sky Sports viewers can enjoy during May. The schedule includes live coverage of the Barclays Premier League, the Sky Bet Championship and League 1 futhi 2 Playoffs, Scottish Cup Final, the Spanish and Monaco Grand Prix, Players igalofu sika Championship kusukela Sawgrass, futhi lombhoxo phiko Magic Weekend kusukela stadium Newcastle sika St James Park.

Izindleko senzakalo siyoba £ 19.95 futhi € 24.95 kuzo zonke izinhlobo ukubhuka kuze kube kwamabili Friday 1 May. From then on the cost will still be £19.95 / €24.95 if bookings are made via remote control and online, kodwa izokubiza £ 24.95 / €29.95 if booked via the phone. Please note an additional £2 booking fee still applies if bookings are made via a telephone agent. Cable customers please contact your operator for booking information.

WORLD Champion Jhonny Gonzalez & WORLD zibalwa Olwa VANES MARTIROSYAN BANTU ngomumo UKUZE AMAMAKI yabo ngendlela BIG MHLAKA, MARCH 28 AT THE Palms Casino Resort PHILA ON SHOWTIME®

MBassy TINKHULUMO Workout nezithombe,


Chofoza LAPHA For ifotho

Photo Credit: Esther Lin / Showtime

"Once azizwa amandla ami esiyingini, yena Ngeke ukwazi ukucabanga khona. "- Jhonny Gonzalez

"Ngizizwa like kule mpi Ngaphezu kokuhlolwa ngaye [Charlo], futhi kumele baqinisekise ehluleka the test."- Vanes Martirosyan

Amathikithi Still Available!


GLENDALE, Calif. (March 28, 2015) - Zamanje zezwe iqhawe Jhonny Gonzalez futhi umhlaba once-washaywa zibalwa Olwa welterweight Vanes Martirosyan yenhlolokhono Amazing mediaNgomsombuluko at the Main Indawo Sports Club in Glendale, Calif., izinsuku eziyisithupha ngaphambi abafanele ukulwa zabo oluzayo on Saturday, March 28, at the The Pearl at the Palms Casino Resort e Las Vegas bephila ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT).


In the 12-round umcimbi main on the Showtime Championship Boxing® doubleheader, the hard-Okungishaya, zamanje WBC featherweight World Champion Gonzalez (57-8, 48 Kos), of Mexico City, uyovikela yakhe title 126-ganda ngokumelene abanamakhono once-washaywa emhlabeni wangaphambili isihloko inselele Gary Russell Jr. (25-1, 14 Kos), of Capitol Heights, Md.


In the 10-round co-feature, battle-ihlolwe, Olwa emhlabeni-zibalwa Martirosyan (35-1-1, 21 Kos), of Glendale, Calif., kuzothatha on Ezingakanqotshwa star nokunyuka Jermell "Iron Man" Charlo (25-0, 11 Kos), of Houston, in an obalulekile super welterweight Yimpi.


Nakhu punjab kanye abaqeqeshi, Ignacio "Nacho" Beristain (Gonzalez) futhi Dean Fields (Martirosyan), ayezokusho Monday at the gym Los Angeles-area:


Jhonny Gonzalez, WBC featherweight World Champion

"Off First, Ngithanda ukuxolisa hhayi iqhaza inkomfa call abezindaba ezenzeka kule ekuseni. Angikaze ngiphuthe nakowodwa ucingo lwesigungu ngaphambi, Mina thatha umthwalo ulahlekile ucingo. Ngiyazi ukuthi kubaluleke lezi izingcingo futhi ngiyathembisa ukuthi mina ngeke miss enye.


"Ngiye kakhulu egxile zinyanga ezintathu ngesikhathi ikamu yami ukuqeqeshwa. I Kuye kwaqeqeshwa in the ephakeme e Toluca, Mexico.


"Ngiye ngabhekana amabili isihloko izivikelo kusukela eshaya Abner Mares futhi Ngijabule futhi balungele impi yamingomgqibelo.


"Kusukela eshaya Mares, Ngizizwa sengathi am ekugcineni ukuthola inhlonipho nokusekela kusukela abalandeli kanye nabezindaba ukuthi engifanele. I get waqaphela sonke isikhathi manje. The ukuqashelwa sangishukumisela ukuba basebenze ngokuzikhandla kunanini ngaphambili futhi ungavumeli abalandeli bami phansi.


"Ngizizwa sengathi ngineminyaka am in boxing prime yami. Kusekhona okuningi kangaka ukufakazela futhi ubonise nezwe ngisakwazi phezulu umdlalo wami futhi olukwazi belwa best.


"In impi yami ngomgqibelo I bheka, mina ngizakuzisa amandla efanayo futhi umfutho I baletha impi yami yokulwa Mares.


"Ngiyazi ukuthi Gary Russell Jr. onezandla fast and enamandla. Nguye a southpaw esheshayo uqine. Ngiyazi ukuthi i boxer omuhle.


"Ngizomenzela ukuhlasela kuye ngamandla ami kanye nesivinini. Once azizwa amandla ami esiyingini, yena Ngeke ukwazi ukucabanga khona. Uthi uya ukugijima, kodwa uma enquma Brawl nathi, ke siyoba okuthile ngaye.


"Kuleli qophelo career yami, yena [Russell] iyona abaphikisi esheshayo engake ngayenza. Uyala izandla fast kakhulu futhi ubeka ndawonye inhlanganisela kuhle.


"Ukuze silungiselele Russell, I ngiphapheme izandla zami njalo nhlobo izikhathi phakathi nokuqeqeshwa kwami. I am ukuqeqesha ukuthi uma Ufaka punches at me, Ngiyazi kanjani ngokushesha usabela futhi aphonse isibhamu emuva kuye.


"A lot of abantu basuke ayengabaza me kokuya le mpi ngenxa ijubane Russell. Kuyinselelo enkulu kimi futhi angikwazi ukulinda ukuze uthole the ring.


"I am ngokuphelele ngifuna Knockout futhi ngikholwa ngeke ukuthole. Angilindele le mpi ukuya ibanga. Ngizomenzela sicindezele kuye kusukela insimbi okuvula, conditioning yami nokuzethemba esikhululekile i-time yonke okusezingeni. I am ukukhathazeka kakhulu kule mpi isihloko, Ngifuna ukulwa manje. "

VANES MARTIROSYAN, Olwa World-zibalwa

"I am in shape enkulu, camp ukuqeqeshwa Uye enkulu. I am nje ejabulile for le mpi njengoba ngangineminyaka lapho ngalwa for the US. team in the Olympics.


"Ngizizwa sengathi le mpi Ngaphezu kokuhlolwa ngaye [Charlo], futhi kumele baqinisekise ehluleka the test.


"Ngangivame ukusebenza nge Ronnie Shields [Trainer Charlo sika] cishe iminyaka emithathu. I am pretty isiqiniseko sokuthi nohlelo game for me, kodwa mina am a Vanes ohluke ngokuphelele ukwedlula lowo esisetshenziselwa ukuqeqesha kanye Shields. Ngithemba bathola ukulungele ukuthi Vanes ngoba Sengishintshile a lot kusukela ngaleso sikhathi.


"Jermell [Charlo] kuyinto enhle boxer, kodwa a boxer eziyisisekelo. Wenze kahle guys ukuthi elifanele ukubheka okuhle ngokumelene. Kukhona ezinye guys ukuthi kufanele uke akhishwe ukuthi akenzanga. Uma hits kimi ngiyakukwenza amshaya ilungelo emuva futhi sizobona indlela iyisebenzisa ukuthi.


"Uma mina unamathela game plan yami futhi konke uya njengoba kuhlelwe, Ngizothi ukuthi kuyoba yinto fight lula. Sine a a plan C uma ukulwa akayi ngokufana ncamashí kuhlelwe B kanye.


"Konke angikwazi ukulungiselela uphume khona futhi ayinqobe impi. Ngemva walahlekelwa impi yami ukuba uDemetriyu Andrade Ngazizwa ngiyisehluleki. Angikwazi alahlekelwe kule mpi, Ngizobe ukufa kunokuba aye lapho futhi ulahlekelwe futhi. "



Ignacio "Nacho" BERISTAIN, Trainer Gonzalez '

"Speed ​​Gary Russell kanye quickness kungaba isici for us kule mpi. Kufanele sithole indlela yokuqeda it.


"Kudingeka sithole isisombululo quickness wakhe futhi senze konke esingakwenza ukuze ukunqoba. Sizizwa like Sike ukulungele ngokwanele futhi zisesimweni olukhulu baphume phezulu.


“Russell onezandla fast and eseluleme ngokushesha. Uye waba knockouts emazingeni ehlukene isisindo. Kodwa uqamba senza ngempela kanzima, futhi ngomgqibelo nina guys uya ukubona ehlukile Jhonny Gonzalez.


“Jhonny Gonzalez kuyinto fighter uqine kakhulu. I think the strength and power of his punch beats Russell’s. Ngicabanga ukuthi kuyoba omunye keys– Jhonny Gonzalez uyazi kanjani ngezibhakela, hard.


"Angazi nje abakholelwa Jhonny ngoba yena fighter yami, kodwa ngoba uye walwa kanzima futhi baqeqeshwe asethuthuke — uyazi yini afuna.”



Dean Campos, Trainer Martirosyan sika

"Vanes kuyinto efana umfundi okusheshayo. Uyakwazi pick up konke engikuyala abazama ukuzifundisa kona ukuze afeze konke esifuna ukukwenza ukunqoba le mpi.


"Kumelwe ukuxhaphaza ubuthakathaka Charlo sika. Charlo kuyinto fighter omuhle, kodwa wonke umuntu unobuthakathaka. Umsebenzi wami ukumlungiselela njengoba kungcono I can ukuze uthole the indandatho ithuba elihle kakhulu ukunqoba le mpi.


"Ngifuna ukuba amnike imibono ukuvula ukuthi onqenqemeni last final baphume phezulu. Uma ekwazi ukwenza ezinye izinto siya phezu ekamu, khona-ke uyoba sesimweni esihle sokuba ukunqoba ezeSaturday."


# # #

"Gonzalez vs. Russell Jr. ", a 12-round ubuqhawe emhlabeni iziqubu for Gonzalez sika WBC featherweight World Title, kugqugquzelwa DiBella Entertainment. In the co-feature, Jermell Charlo liba Vanes Martirosyan in super welterweight action. Lo mcimbi iyokwenzeka The Pearl at Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas futhi ngeke baveze on Showtime (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT). The telecast izoba khona ngeSpanishi nge izinhlelo secondary audio (SAP).


Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $200, $100, $75, $50, futhi $25, plus izimali ezifanele ezisendalini. Amathikithi angathengwa ngokubiza Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 noma ngokuchofoza LAPHA. Amathikithi ayatholakala online at www.ticketmaster.com.


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, Ukuvakashela www.sports.sho.com, ukulandela on Twitter atSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella AndPearlAtPalms, ukulandela ingxoxo usebenzisa #GonzalezRussell, abe fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing noma uvakashele Blog Showtime Boxing at http://theboxingblog.sho.com.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.-Andrzej FONFARA MEDIA INGQUNGQUTHELA ISIMEMO Incwadi yombhalo

Kelly Swanson

Thanks, everybody, for joining us today for this great call to officially announce a very exciting match up. And without further ado, ukukhuluma kancane ngalokho up match, Ngizofika ukwethula Chris DeBlasio, Vice President of Sports Communications for Showtime.

Chris DeBlasio

Thanks, Kelly. I’m going to keep this brief. I know we want to talk to the fighters on this card. But I think I’d be remiss if I didn’t represent for Stephen Espinoza, who couldn’t be on the call today, indlela kakhulu ejabulile esiyikho ngenxa DEBUT of Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. kunethiwekhi yethu on Saturday, April 18, for Showtime Championship Boxing wethu doubleheader. It kuzoba ubusuku enkulu. On the call with us and in the ring across from Julio Chavez Jr. ngalobo busuku Andrzej Fonfara, a man that we know that really comes to fight. He brought it on his first fight on SHOWTIME last year when he fought Adonis Stevenson. And that was a thrilling affair. And we’re looking forward to a real test and a great challenge for Chavez Jr. And we’re excited to have him on behalf of all of us at SHOWTIME. We welcome both of you guys and, kunjalo, thanks to all the press for being on the call. Ngiyabonga, Kelly.

K. Swanson

Ngiyabonga, everybody. Okay. We’re going to go ahead and introduce the fighters and their trainers for you. First we have Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., yangaphambili middleweight world iqhawe, Andrzej Fonfara, yangaphambili isihloko emhlabeni inselele, Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. — sonke ukuthi ungubani, futhi ngokuqinisekile out of mayelana legend omkhulu nguye, Samukele naye ocingweni — Joe Goossen, ngubani trainer Julio sika, futhi Sam Colonna, ngubani trainer Fonfara sika.


Ngakho, ngalesi sikhathi, lokho Ngingathanda ukwenze nje ukucela Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. ukwenza okuvula ngalokhu impi futhi kancane kancane ngalokho akwenzayo manje ekamu ukuqeqeshwa kanye nendlela nje azizwa ngayo impi.


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

I’m training very well. I’m training (at a ephakeme) level than the best. I’m doing more physical training (futhi sengiba closer) isisindo 172 amakhilogremu. And I think I’m in great shape, uyazi? I have a lot of time and don’t stay in this kind of shape.

K. Swanson

Okay. Now let’s hear from Andrzej Fonfara. Andrzej, ongakhuluma kancane kancane futhi usitshele ukuthi uzizwa kanjani ekulweni Jr.?

Andrzej Fonfara

I’m feeling great. I think Chavez Jr. kuyinto fighter enkulu, iqhawe somhlaba. And you know, it’s good fight for me. I trained hard for the fight. We got very good camp. Manje, we start a sparring session. Uyazi, isisindo sami kuhle. My training’sall trainings are good. I spent two weeks in Houston. I’m trained there, too. Then I’m back to Chicago. We finished camp here. And I’m–uyazi, Sengikulungele meet Chavez in the ring April 18futhi bambonise Ngingumfana boxer kangcono.

K. Swanson

Okay. Excellent. Ngibonga kakhulu. Next we’ll have the trainers say something very brief before we turn it over to the media for call. Ngakho, Joe Goossen, he is Julio Cesar Chavez’s trainer at this point. Joe, Ungathanda ukwenza umbhangqwana comments?

Joe Goossen

Ngiyabonga. Inombolo yokuqala, I want to thank SHOWTIME because we’re very excited about performing for SHOWTIME on Julio’s debut fight with SHOWTIME. And that being said, uyazi, Julio uwukwenziwa, very serious about this fight. Like Fonfara, he trained for a few weeks in Los Angeles. Futhi manje, thina uku up in Lake Tahoe, up in the high altitude in the mountains here. It’s very secluded. It’s very concentrated work. Julio is — Angikwazi nje wena ukutshela lokhu — kuba abazinikele kakhulu kulempi, ngokwengqondo, emzimbeni, and spiritually. He’s shown me that he’s willing to work very hard for this fight, which always works out well when a fighter cooperates in training. And he’s doing that 110 Amaphesenti angu. And I can’t tell you how happy I am, inombolo yokuqala, ngisebenza nge Julio Jr. It’s been something that I’ve always wanted to do. Futhi of course, I know his father very well. And I’m very honored to be a part of the team. And I can’t wait ’til April 18 to display all of Julio’s talents and to go there. And we’ve got one objective. And that’s to win the fight. With the way Julio’s training, I’m very confident in what we’re doing right now. Ngakho, I’m very happy with that. And I’m sure Andrzej’s doing the same thing, training very hard. With ukuthi kusho, ngiyabonga.

K. Swanson

Ngiyabonga. Manje, Sam Colonna, uma ongasibekela amazwana, bese sizobe ukuvula it up for imibuzo.

Sam Colonna

Well, kuqala, I’d like to thank everybody for getting this together. It’s an honor to be part of it. Kodwa, uyazi, ngaphambi bekhethe Julio Cesar Chavez to fight, they were throwing names at us. And I would say no. And another name came. I would say no. As soon as they said, 'Kuthiwani Julio Cesar Chavez,’ Ngithe, ‘That’s the fight we want.The style is perfect for us. He comes right at us. And it’s going to be a great fight for Andrzej to show what the power and the dedication he has towards it. He knows that this fight here is going to bring him to the top. And it’s an honor to fight Julio Cesar Chavez. It’s somebody I wanted him to fight for years. But the weight was never the same. Andrzej moved up. And then now, it’s perfect. Ngakho, ukuthi kuzoba empini enkulu. I think we’re going to bring a lot of action to this fight. And it’s going to be a jammed action fight. I’m glad that this fight happened. And I can’t wait for April 18.

K. Swanson

Okay. Ngiyabonga. Futhi manje, okokugcina, Ngingathanda ukuthola imibono umbhangqwana ovela Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. about his son fighting Fonfara and what he anticipates that will be like. July?

Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.

I didn’t want this fight. Ngiyakwazi lokho, indodana yami, I know it’s a hard fight. It’s a difficult fight. And I didn’t want it. Fonfara is very strong. But my son wanted this fight. He wanted fighters that have a high category. He wanted a hard fight. And he believed that winning this fight will give him more credibility. And that’s why he chose Fonfara.


This is for Chavez Jr. July, uzizwa ozayo off a layoff ngonyaka?

J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Ngizizwa kahle. Ngiyazi kunzima uma uku off. Kunzima ukuba aphinde uyasigcina isikhathi sakho. Kodwa Ingihlabe ukuqeqeshwa, working at my skills. And I think, uyazi, Ngiyaqiniseka kakhulu ngoba ngiye ngasebenzisa ukuphila kwami ​​konke boxing. Ngingumfana-13 career yami professional. Ngakho angicabangi lokhu kuyinkinga ngoba le mpi isezingeni 172 amakhilogremu. I don’t need to have a problem with weight. And at 172, I feel good in sparring. I feel good in training. And I think I’m ready for this fight and ready to win another world title.


Ekhuluma ngaleso isihloko emhlabeni, kanjani Uzizwa guys like Adonis Stevenson and Sergey kovalev?

J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Oh, these guys very strong. But I think, emva le mpi, Ngizofika phansi 168 futhi uhlale kule class isisindo. Eminyakeni One noma emibili edlule ngathuthela 175 kodwa lokho kwaba kakhulu umzimba wami. Manje, Ngingumfana 168. Kodwa, onyakeni owodwa off, lokhu impi at 172.


Andrzej, Uzizwa kanjani ngokomzimba ozayo off the battle Adonis Stevenson?


A. Fonfara

Ngicabanga wabonisa againstStevenson ukuthi mina walilwela. Emzimbeni, Ngizizwa okuhle manje. Kusukela ngaleso fight, I’ve been training much harder. Ngiyacabanga, ngenxa kutsi lokulwa, Ngingumfana boxer kangcono ngoba, uyazi, I learn a lot in fights. I’m ready for Chavez, Ngiye abaqeqeshiwe kanzima kule mpi, like, uyazi, Chavez says. He’s trained hard for this fight. But I always train hard. It doesn’t matter if it’s Chavez or whoever else, Ngithathe ukuqeqesha kanzima njalo.



Lokhu kokubili Julio Jr. and Sr. For Jr., kusobala, kukhona inzuzo futhi mhlawumbe ethile, too, to having such a famous name. Benefit is that everybody knows your father and what he accomplished. And that brings you attention early in your career as it has. The possible drawback is that you’re always going to be compared to him, abanye bangathi kwaba cishe an engenakwenzeka, impossibly high standard to try to live up to. From your perspective and also from your father’s, Kuthiwani, umthwalo kuzuze kokuba igama odume kangaka?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

I think I’m well respected because I’m world champion. Kodwa, uyazi, Ngicabanga lokhu kuwusizo. Kodwa lokhu akusho ukungisiza in the ring. Ngithathe kungase kutholakale in the ring. I beat the champions. I beat the number one, Inombolo ezimbili, Inombolo ezintathu futhi nenombolo amane 168 amakhilogremu. Futhi ngiye wabonisa everybody, abantu, ukuthi ngikwazi ukulwa, too. I am a fighter omuhle futhi (I wagqoka ukulwa okuhle). Futhi abantu like bheka ukulwa zami. My style is a good style for the people. And I think this fight, too, isitayela Fonfara iwukuba azolwa, he’s a fighter with a great heart and great chin. And both of us will make a great fight.


J. Cesar Chavez Sr..


The name has helped. Ngokusobala, ukuthi wasiza bawanake, but we are very different. Yena — my son fights at a higher weight than I fought. And so, there’s a lot of difference. Emzimbeni, he’s a lot bigger than I was. Ngakho, kukhona okuhle nokubi, and we understand that. Kodwa, yena fighter yakhe siqu nje uthanda Ngangineminyaka.



Am, you mentioned earlier that you had a lot of names mentioned for Andrzej before you finally settled on Chavez. Are you willing to reveal some of those names?


S. Ikholomu

Uyazi yini? I really don’t have them right in front of me. Kodwa, kwakukhona okungenani ezintathu, four different guys they were throwing at us. And as soon as they said Chavez, I go, 'Leso guy sifuna,’ ngoba, like ngasho phambilini, the style is perfect for us. And we don’t have to look for him too much, uyazi? He’s going to be right there for us. Ngakho, isitayela ngempela, okuhle exubile ngempela.



Andrzej, uke walwa at middleweight, super middleweight, wesibhakela ukukhanya. How does it feel fighting at 172? And do you see yourself moving possibly down in weight in the near future, noma ingabe uzizwa ungumuntu ukukhanya sosondonzima weqiniso?


A. Fonfara

Ngingumfana fighter ukukhanya sosondonzima. That’s because I’m fighting with Chavez. That’s why we have a catch-weight. And that’s why I go down. I ngokuvamile ukulwa 175, at least for maybe two years. And this my weight. It’s not impossible for me to go, like, ezimbili, amakhilogremu amathathu phansi ngoba, uyazi, lapho Ngalwa Stevenson ngonyaka odlule in May, Bekade ngi 173 ke. And I felt good then. Two pounds down is not problem for me. Should be good, uyazi? Just more diet, more work in the last week. And I should be good.



July Jr., ingakanani impumuzo ingabe wena ukuba ekugcineni ukulwa emva konyaka? I know it’s been trying for you with the whole lawsuit and everything. Ngakho, ingabe uzizwa kanjani ngawe ukwazi ekugcineni unayo fight up ngaphambi?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Ngizizwa kahle. Ngizizwa enkulu, uyazi, because this problem offended me a lot mentally more than physically. But I’m really happy that this problem is better now. I have a fight in front of me. And you know, I’m not remembering anything about that. I’m just focusing on the fight April 18 for Fonfara. Ngizizwa kahle, Ngizizwa enkulu. You know I can’t tell you with words how I feel because I’m better to the ring. (Kodwa Ngijabulile kakhulu ukuba kubuyela) to the ring.



Joe Goossen, yikuphi amakhono Julio Cesar bahumusha the best for the light division sosondonzima?

J. Goossen

Well, kuqala off, Julio is a well-rounded fighter. Ngisho, we’ve seen him box before. And we’ve seen him pressure before. I don’t want to tip my hand on what we’re going to do but we have studied the films. We’ve talked about the films of Andrzej. Futhi of course, we’re developing a game plan. I think the weight — ngokuyisisekelo, 172 is very close to 68. It’s a weight he’s fought at before. So I don’t think the weight is going to be a problem at all. The way he’s working right now and the weight he’s at right now, Ngicabanga ukuthi sesikude ukuba bakwazi hit the 172 mark quite easily. Kodwa, aphinde, as far as what skills he has that we’re going to bring to the table is something that I think is private to us. But Julio Jr. is a multi-talented fighter. Just watching him spar yesterday, lapho sidinga a ibhokisi, he did it beautifully. And when we needed pressure in a few rounds, he pulled it off exactly how I like it. So I’m very confident that whatever style we bring and game plan we bring, sesikude ukuba siphumelele nalo.


Ungakwazi yini ukwenza isisindo?

J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Yebo. Sure. I’ll make 172 ngoba ngikhokhele $100,000 per a iphawundi (uma Angithembi). Angikwazi akhokhe lolo hlobo of imali. Angikaze nesisindo kuka 172 in a fight. Le mpi kuphela ngenza 172 unawe Brian Vera, the first fight. But in all the rest of my career of boxing, zonke ubuqhawe bami iziqubu (Angikaze akazange enze isisindo). Angazi ukuthi kungani ubuza kimi ukuthi. Okay. Maybe, Ngingumfana fighter ekudlwana, uyazi? I know I am a bigger fighter. Kodwa, Anginayo izinkinga. Futhi (uma enza) ukwenza isisindo, mhlawumbe mina ngizobe ukunqoba $100,000 okuningi.


Ngakho, July, ubhekene bemlindele $100,000 kusukela Andrzej Fonfara, kodwa oyishoyo ukuthi akufanele athembe for $100,000 kusuka kuwe?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Ungenzi, no. I think that the fight’s in the right way. And he’s not going to take advantage of anybody, uyazi, ngoba (Ngiza lighter). Uyazi, isisindo is kuhle Ngicabanga kokubili fighters.



Ungakhuluma kanjani ngesinqumo sakho sokuba ube Joe Goossen in ekhoneni lakho, uzizwe, ngenxa ukulwa Vera, osikweleta abalandeli a ukusebenza?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Well, I’ve known Joe Goossen for a long time. He’s a great trainer. He’s a great person. He’s somebody that motivates fighters. And we have a true connection. We’ve connected again. And I like him a lot. I like that he’s a hard worker, just like me. And I think, ndawonye, we’re going to do really well. With regards to the performance, I angakutshela ukuthi, this show is for the people. It kuzoba empini enkulu. It’s going to be a better fight. Futhi manje, nge inkampani yami nokugqugquzela entsha futhi ukwazi ngubani isitha sami abazobe kusengaphambili, Ngicabanga ukuthi kuzoba ubusuku enkulu.


K. Swanson

That was our last question. Ngakho, aphinde, we really appreciate the fighters taking time to join us. We look forward to this fantastic matchup between Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. futhi Andrzej Fonfara on Saturday, April 18, kusukela StubHub Center e Carson, Calif., bephila Showtime at 10:00 p.m. KANYE, 7:00 p.m. PT. Thank you so much for joining us.


* * *


Amathikithi for the event, okuyinto co-kugqugquzelwa Goossen Promotions and Chavez Promotions, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $200, $150, $100, $50 futhi $25, plus izintela esebenzayo, Izimali kanye ngamasevisi, ezisendalini manje futhi iyatholakala ukuthi ithengwe online at AXS.com.


Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara, kuyinto iziqubu 12-round ukuthi senzeka StubHub Center e Carson, Calif. futhi ngeke baveze on Showtime (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT). The Showtime Championship Boxing telecast izoba khona ngeSpanishi via izinhlelo secondary audio (SAP).


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela www.sports.sho.com, ukulandela on Twitter atSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter AndSwanson_Comm, ukulandela ingxoxo usebenzisa #ChavezFonfara, abe fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing noma uvakashele Blog Showtime Boxing athttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.

Campillo Next for Beterbiev

Quebec CITY (March 19, 2015) – Emva oqavile ezinhlwini amateur ngesikhathi wonke imijikelezo ezimbili Olympic, Manje ithemba Russian Artur Beterbiev ilungele elite pro boxing sika, yize uye kuphela walwa kasikhombisa a professional. The Groupe Yvon Michel (Gym) jewel ngeke siqhubeke nohambo lwakhe April 4 e Quebec City, angabiki aphile on CBS and TVA Sports, ngokumelene zangaphambili world iqhawe Gabriel Campillo, of Spain.

“Izintatheli ngeke sijabule kusukela angizange KO muntu namuhla,” wahleka Beterbiev ngemuva umphakathi lizilolonga namuhla Quebec City, Wabonisa amakhono akhe kanye sparring yakhe partners, EyiNgisi Bob Ajisafe and Australian Blake Caparello.

“Ngempela ngicabanga kuyoba ebusuku iDemo Campillo,” Caparello wathi ngemuva Ukubanga Beterbiev. “Le guy has ezinye ngomfutho ezinonya. Wayengacabanga ukuxosha ngisho bese yokuzingela a strong Sergey kovalev in the ring,”

Beterbiev (7-0, 7 Ngakho) uyobhekana zangaphambili WBA light sosondonzima emhlabeni iqhawe Campillo (25-6-1, 11 Ngakho), a 6'2 bahlakaniphe” southpaw oye alwa 211 emahlandla njengoba professional, in a iziqubu wokulungiselela phambi WBC andThe Ring ukukhanya wesibhakela isihloko kwezwe fight phakathi sivikele iqhawe Adonis “Superman” Stevenson and Sakio Bika.

Beterbiev-Campillo iwukuba izwe IBF yesibili usezingeni in the light division sosondonzima.

“It is a ukulwa okuhle ngokumelene Umphikisi omuhle; a ukumelana, guy abanolwazi,” Beterbiev trainer Marc Ramsay ihlaziye. “Campillo will bring a lot of ring experience to Artur. Boxer My uyaqhubeka ngcono zonke izinsuku kodwa, empeleni, yena kakade, isilungele best.”

“Ngizofaka on a show omuhle futhi silwe April 4th,” Beterbiev waqhubeka. “When I step in the ring, Anginayo umngane. Ngifuna ukuqhubeka ngcono ngize ngiphinde nazo Sergey kovalev. Futhi mina ngeke aphinde amshaya!”

Kevin Bizier vs. Stanislav Salmon

Welterweight Canadian Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 Kos) bayoba nethuba yakhe ukubhala umlando in the Quebec Coliseum elidala, kusukela uyokwenza ukulwa last boxing iziqubu owake akhiqizwa yangaphambili Nordiques arena. April 4th, eyobhekana yangaphambili French and WBC welterweight Mediterranean iqhawe Stanislav Salmon (24-3-2, 10 Kos).

In order to realize that dream, ukuziqhenya the Quebec City kwakufanele lokwenqaba ithuba avele iziqubu semi-final ye ukulwa Julio Cesar Chavez Jr and Andrzej Fonfara, April 18th e Carson, California.

“Kevin ngabe wathola isikhwama khulu than fike kwadingeka ukuba impi yakhe last emelene Jo Jo Dan he, kodwa wayefuna ukuhlala ekhadini Quebec,” umgqugquzeli Yvon Michel wanezela. “Akazange umsebenzi omkhulu sekusuke isidumo close ngempela ngokumelene Dan and Dan lwa an IBF welterweight emhlabeni fight, March 28 in England. Konke sisengakwazi Kevin futhi siyakholelwa kuyena.”

“Ukuze umuntu ngeke ukuvala Colisée kuyinto ngempela,” Bizier amazwana. “Libuye ukulungiselela ukulwa okuhle kanye nami okumelwe siyenze enkulu. I ngayo ukulwa California, kodwa mina ngeke elinye ithuba in June. Futhi of course, Ngingathanda nginithandile ukuba izicathulo Jo Jo Dan ukulwa in a ubuqhawe emhlabeni…kodwa ngelinye ilanga, kuyoba kuyithuba lami.”

Sébastien Bouchard vs. Denis Farias

Futhi ekhadini, Fovorie Canadian Sébastien Bouchard (9-1, 3 Kos) ngeke ukwandisa abhekane guy French ezinzima Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 Kos).

“Sébastien saziqhenya empini yakhe yokugcina lapho wayeka the last boxer ukuze anqobe icon Stéphane Ouellet, Belgian Cedric Spera,” Gym iphini likamengameli Bernard Barre okukhulunywa. “Yena uzobe ebhekene a fighter okuhlala, oye kuphela walahlekelwa ngesinye isikhathi by K.O.”
Amathikithi ukudayiswa at the Pepsi Coliseum box Ihhovisi Quebec, ngokubiza (418) 691-7211 noma 1 (800) 900-7469, online at www.billetech.com, at gym (514) 383-0666 futhi Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Ticket amanani isukela $25 to $250 on the floor.

SHOWTIME® TO TELEVISE kell Brook VS. JO JO DAN IBF welterweight World Championship MHLAKA, MARCH 28, PHILA FROM Sheffield, ENGLAND

ShoWTIME Boxing INTERNATIONAL® Brook vs. Futhi Akazikhukhumezi At 6:15 p.m. KANYE/3:15 p.m. PT

Ngaphambi To That Evening sika Showtime Championship Boxing® Doubleheader



I-NEW YORK (March 16, 2015) - Showtime Sports® will present the Sky Sports telecast of the IBF Welterweight World Championship phakathi sivikele iqhawe and langakubo intandokazi Kell Brook futhi No. 1 inselele Jo Jo Dan on Saturday, March 28, hlala e ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO at6:15 p.m. KANYE/3:15 p.m. PT ukusuka Motorpoint Arena e Sheffield, England.


Kamuva ngalobo busuku, bephila Showtime (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT), WBC featherweight Champion Jhonny Gonzalez (57-8, 48 Kos), of Mexico City, uyovikela 126-ganda wakhe ibhande ngokumelene southpaw esheshayo-fisted Gary Russell Jr. (25-1, 14 Kos), of Capitol Heights, Md., in the main event on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. In the co-feature, kusukela The Pearlat Palms Resort Casino in Las Vegas, Ezingakanqotshwa Olwa emhlabeni-zibalwa Jermell "Iron Man" Charlo (25-0, 11 Kos), of Houston, ubuso wazibonela 2004 U.S. Olympian Vanes Martirosyan (35-1-1, 21 Kos), of Glendale, Calif., in a 10-round super welterweight Yimpi.


Showtime Boxing INTERNATIONAL Brook vs. Dan ngeke ukucabanga ngokushesha kulandela Showtime Championship Boxing telecast.


Oluzayo isihloko wezokuVikela Brook sika, kugqugquzelwa Eddie Hearn'S Matchroom Boxing, kuyoba khona homecoming raucous for the Brit popular, who last fought in Sheffield in October 2013. Saziwa ngokuthi "Unbreakable" in the lase-UK, umcimbi futhi Brook sika asebuya fight emva ukubanjwa uhlaselwe ngesikhathi eseholidini September odlule. "

"March 28 kuyoba ebusuku ngokomzwelo for Kell and the team. Ngikhumbula ngokuba by kombhede wakhe September esibhedlela Spanish emva kwalokho ummese attack ezihlasimulisa umzimba, Kwakungathi career yakhe wayephezu, Zisize Eddie Hearn, Managing Director of Matchroom Sports. “He has shown incredible physical and mental strength and looks better than ever in camp. Fans on Showtime ngeke uthole ukubona ngombono wami the best 147 pounder in the World zikhanyise a 10,000 uthengise out arena on March 28-don't miss it!"


Brook (33-0, 22 Kos) of Sheffield, England, uzobe ngokwenza isiqalo sakhe sokuqala futhi ukuzivikela kokuqala 147-ganda isihloko wathatha kusukela ngaphambilini Ezingakanqotshwa Shawn Porter nge iningi isinqumo 12-round last Aug. 16e Carson, Calif., on Showtime. In an impressive performance in his long-awaited shot at a world championship, Brook, 28, wawina ngokucacile amabili scorecards (117-111, 116-112) kanti umahluleli sesithathu sasinobuso ngisho (114-114).


"Ngemuva konke lokho kwenzeka eminyakeni esiyizinyanga eziyisithupha ezedlule, it uzizwa Amazing ngazi uzobe sivikele igama lami World in Sheffield,"Kusho Brook. "Angikho ngifuna ezidlule JoJo Ngiyazi uzoletha ukushisa kodwa ngifuna ukuthola le ukuzivikela amandla kwenziwe bese libhekise labo mega-zokuxabana baphume khona division. Ngiyazi ukuthi uzizwa wasebenza kanzima kangaka ukuze singene isikhundla amandla njengabo Ngenza, kodwa mina sizosebenzisana kabili kanzima ukugcina ibhande ngathola. Ngemuva May 2nd, kuyoba kuphela babe ngamaqhawe amabili in the division-ngokwami ​​kanye Floyd noma Manny. Ngifuna ahlanganise lo division ngesitayela. Ngiyeza kubo bonke. "


Futhi (34-2, 18 Kos), saseQuebec, Canada, unqobile emihlanu ilandelana ayisishiyagalombili wakhe wokugcina nine. Umsolwa oneminyaka engu-33 ubudala wathola ufa at the umqhele nge uqhekeko isinqumo 12-round phezu Kus indlu in an ukuqedwa iziqubu last Dec. 19on Showtime. Dan also won a split decision over the then-unbeaten Bizier on Nov. 30, 2013.


A ongowokuzalwa Romania, isixuku ojabulisa Dan, Igama ogama egcwele Ionut Dan Ion, has lived and trained in Montreal since his pro debut in April 2004. The only blemishes on the southpaw’s record are a pair of close, impikiswano isinqumo ukulahleka to Olwa ke-Ezingakanqotshwa Selcuk Aydin-INqabayokulinda kuqala in 2010 kanti owesibili 2011- kokubili Turkey Aydin lwendabuko.


"Kell engazange alwa umuntu onjengami,” Dan said. “I believe in myself and I don’t think he can bring anything I can’t deal with on fight night. Ngabona impi yakhe last lapho ayethandwa isihloko emhlabeni futhi kwaba ukusebenza enkulu, kodwa mina nje ake ithimba lami ukufunda naye ukujula bese beveza isu ngokuwina.


“I have waited a long time to get a world title shot so I am determined to take advantage of this opportunity. My prediction for the fight is simple –Jo Jo Dan becomes the new IBF Welterweight World champion.”


# # #


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Watch The Replay On Showtime EXTEME® Monday, March 16 At 10 p.m. KANYE/PT

Chofoza LAPHA Thwebula Ama ifotho

Credit Rosie Cohe / Showtime®


Westbury, N.Y.. (March. 14, 2015) - Talented middleweight unbeaten Antoine Douglas wenza umxhwele 2015 DEBUT baphenyisise outboxing ngaphambilini unbeaten Thomas LaManna ngaphambi kokuqeda kwakhe by TKO at 2:44 lwesithupha-round in the umcimbi main of ebusuku knockouts on ShoBox: The New Generation Friday kusukela The Space at Westbury in Westbury, N.Y..


Douglas (17-0-1, 10 Kos), of Washington, D.C., alawula iziqubu kusukela insimbi wokuvula futhi kwaba fighter esebenzayo more and olunembile, Simoni 127 punches ngokuphelele LaManna sika 73. LaManna (16-1, 7 Kos), of Millville, N.J., Kwakunzima futhi wazama ukuba balwisane, kodwa hhayi ngokwanele wazibonela umhlaba yini ezuzisayo ngokumelene Washingtonian abanamakhono. Douglas oqashwe ukuhlaselwa ohlukahlukene futhi nanti of uppercuts, izingwegwe futhi limgwaza engqongqoza LaManna phansi kabili ngaphambi beshaya Knockout in an win ethokozisayo.


"Ngafaka umsebenzi ejimini futhi wenza kube lula. Kwangithatha isikhathi eside kunalokho engangikucabanga belungafica, kodwa mina sawuphothula umsebenzi,"Kusho Douglas. "Bengicabanga ubuhlungu naye ekuseni impi manje bese. I nje efuna ukugcina ibhola kweqa kusukela lapha. "


"Muhle a fighter omuhle, fast and strong. Uthi konke ngangicabanga wayeyoba. Kwakuyinto yokufunda for me,"Kusho LaManna. "Wabamba kimi nge shot omuhle. The knockdown lokuqala kwakungewona knockdown. The one last, Ngangineminyaka off balance, kodwa bangibamba nge shot omuhle. Wayeyindoda engcono tonight. "


"Isikhathi sokugcina Douglas lwa ShoBox, kwaba ukulwa kakhulu nezinganelisi ngoba lagujelwa a draw futhi lafiphala sekwephuzile. Ngalesi sikhathi, wathatha ukulawula lokuqala 30 seconds of the umzuliswano wokuqala, wawina zonke round, bese, njengoba nje wena wacabanga ukuthi into nje ukuthi kwakudingeka enze wafakwa umbabazi ukusebenza, yilokho akwenza by beshaya knockdowns ezintathu lesithupha,"Kusho Boxing mlando and Showtime Analyst Steve Farhood. "Douglas wathatha phansi fighter ukuthi ngibe phansi phambi. Lokhu kwaba ukusebenza umxhwele kakhulu ukuthi limiswe kuye njengoba top 160-ganda ithemba American. "


In the co-isici a quadrupleheader amadlingozi, southpaw unbeaten Ismael "El Tigre" Barroso (17-0-2, 16 Kos), El Tigre, Venezuela, amaphuzu akhe 13th Ukunqoba alandelanayo uthola nabo Esilula Title nge TKO phezu ezimisele Issouf "Volcano" Kinda (17-3, 7 Kos), of Bronx, N.Y.. The stoppage kwenzeka ngemizuzwana ejulile lesithupha ezintathu nje emva Kinda uvele ukuba nezinkinga umbono wakhe.


Barroso wabusa kusukela imizuliswano ekuseni naphezu a cut ezimbi ngaphezu iso lakhe ilungelo yesithathu omunye ngezansi iso lakhe kwesokunxele in the wesine, kokubili kusuka heabutts ngephutha kusukela Kinda.


"I ukulwa kangcono lapho mina ngikhathazekile. I kwakudingeka ayinandaba ngingaphelelwa kanjalo Ngangazi ukuthi ukulwa best ami,"Kusho Barroso. "The ukusikeka kwangikhathaza kancane kodwa kwadingeka umsebenzi ukwenza. Ngibonga konke uNkulunkulu waya kahle once ngaqala ukulwa indlela I ukulwa. "


Kinda uphuthunyiswe esibhedlela nge ukwaphuka esemkhathini kungenzeka. Lokhu okwesibili uye nezinkinga umbono wakhe wokugcina ezintathu ukulwa.


Ezinamakhono "Ndodana Wenkosi" Jerry Odom (13-1, 1 NC, 12 Kos), of Washington D.C., avenged ukulahlekelwa kwakhe oyedwa nge lokuqala round TKO ngokumelene kuqala unbeaten Andrew "Hurricane" Hernandez (8-1-1, 1 ND, 1 KO) of Phoenix, Ariz., in a super middleweight rematch.


Odom akhulula Knockout wakhe we-12 13 ukulwa at 2:47 of the lokuqala ngokuphonsa limgwaza esiqinile uqine yokuxhuma amandla isibhamu. Hernandez wazama counterpunch, kodwa yasheshe esezoqeda the Odom abanamakhono.


"Nginitshelile akakwazanga ishaye me. Yena bangibamba ngesikhathi esibi empini yokuqala,"Kusho Odom. "Ngenza sengathi idol yami Roy Jones owakwenza. I Emva amshaya, Ngambona smile, kanjalo Ngangazi ubuhlungu kuye. Ngenza kuye lesi sikhathi lokho engangikwazi endleleni ekwenzeni empini yokuqala. "


Nakuba kwaba sobala ukuthi Hernandez owalimala, yena inselele call unompempe.


"Angazi ukuthi kanjani unompempe eyalala ebusuku. Wenza iphutha elikhulu,"Said Hernandez. "Ngangineminyaka ubusa. Ngokushesha nje waze wafika Punch, bavimba ukulwa. Ngifuna a fight wesithathu. Izwe wabona futhi bayofuna a match zenjoloba. "


In the iziqubu ukuvulwa telecast, San Antonio sika Adam "Butter" Lopez (10-0, 5 Kos) wagcina irekhodi lakhe ningenasici ngokukhulula wesibili-round TKO at 1:42 nge hook oqinile kwesokunxele phezu Countryman nabo UPawulu "The Zankudo Lethal" Cruz (11-1, 3 Kos) in impi Lone Star State super bantamweights.

"I ubuhlungu isandla sami sobunxele in the umzuliswano wokuqala, kodwa ngangqongqoza naye Punch esifanayo a round kamuva. Ngibheke phambili ekulweni on Showtime aphinde,"Kusho Lopez.


# # #

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Chofoza LAPHA Ukuze ifotho From Esther Lin / Showtime

Chofoza LAPHA Ukuze ifotho From Stephanie Trapp / Promotions Mayweather

Chofoza LAPHA Ukuze ifotho From Chris Farina / Top Rank

The Live Stream Replay Kungatholakala LAPHA & LAPHA

I-LOS ANGELES – (March 13, 2015) – Ezifanele the nature engakaze ibonwe lokhu mega-fight, iziqubu ukuthi kulindeleke ukuba kube abacebe in boxing umlando, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao banikezwa ukwelashwa royal Wednesday engqungqutheleni gala press at Nokia Theatre at LA Live.


A glitzy, Hollywoodisitayela carpet-engaqhathaniswa obomvu ukuthi of umklomelo Hollywood ezinkulu sikhombisa-lalisongwa out nokwamukela bomlilo ukukhokhela ukufinyelela ngaphezu 700 credentialed media members from around the world. Among the formidable press core were dozens of television and radio crews and literally hundreds of newspaper columnists, boxing abalobi, futhi izindaba, entertainment and sports reporters. Even the Goodyear Blimp flew above to mark the occasion as the top-two fighters of this generation, Mayweather and Pacquiao, waya ubuso nobuso okokuqala ngaphambi kwabo welterweight amaqhawe ubuqhawe emhlabeni ubunye iziqubu Saturday, May 2, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.


Wasekela by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., the pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® futhi HBO Khokha-Buka® isiqala at 9:00 p.m. KANYE/ 6:00 p.m. PT.


Nazi lokho ababambiqhaza NgoLwesithathu press conference ayezokusho:


Floyd Mayweather

“Le impi babekwazi uke kwenzeka kudala, kodwa isikhathi manje. Kuba i matchup engakholeki futhi ngiyazi abalandeli abakwazi ukulinda ngenxa lokhu. Isikhathi okulungile futhi isikhathi manje.


“Ekugcineni safika kwenzeke. Konke mayelana uyasigcina isikhathi.


“Kwakungekho ukukwata towards (umgqugquzeli zangaphambili) Bob Arum, Ngangineminyaka nje happy ukuba babe boss yami emva kweminyaka esebenza kanzima futhi ngokuzinikezela isibhakela futhi ukufunda nohlangothi lwebhizinisi it. With kwesikhathi, I ekugcineni kwadingeka ukuba babe boss yami. Azikho imizwa kanzima towards Bob Arum nhlobo.


“Kuba njalo kuhle ukubona ukulwa best the best, lokho yini ethakazelisayo ngalokhu matchup.

“Ngicabanga ukuthi thina behlangana emva Miami Heat basketball game, ukuhlangabezana one-on-one, Nginomuzwa wokuthi ukuthi isizathu esenza le mpi kwenzeka.


“It ngempela wehla nethimba lami nethimba lakhe ehlezi phansi nekuchumanisa, ukuthola ekhasini efanayo ngokuyisisekelo.


“Akukho umuzwa wokukhululeka ukuthi ukulwa yenziwa. Ngigxila nje ukuphilela kwami ​​kwansuku zonke futhi wagxila kulokho ngenze. Angikwazi ukuphila kwami ​​aphile for ubani omunye.


“Siye wabhekana nazo zonke lezi guys phezulu kulo mdlalo futhi washaywa zonke guys top. Emva le mpi, engikholwa I uyonqoba, thina kuyosishukumisela ke kwenye guy.


May 2 sinawo umsebenzi onzima ngaphambi kwami. Manny Pacquaio kuyinto fighter omuhle, kodwa okokugcina I bahlolwe I wabhekana southpaws eziyisishiyagalombili futhi unqobe izikhathi eziyisishiyagalombili, kanjalo angiyena ukhathazekile.


“You umhlabeleli bakholelwa ukuthi ngibe shape phezulu futhi kube best Floyd Mayweather Angikwazi bube.


“Kuba njalo enkulu ukuba uthole emuva emzini omkhulu Las Vegas. Lights, ikhamera, action. The MGM Omkhulu the hotel umhlabeleli emhlabeni. Kwaba njalo umgomo wami ukuba khona ukulwa. Babeqala ngaya khona ukulwa lapho ngineminyaka 17, Ngabona James Toney and Roy Jones.


“Ngiye ngabhekana umsebenzi engakholeki. Konke kwaqala nobaba. Uma bekungelona kuye mina ngeke kube lapha engikhona namuhla. Uma ubeka zonke izingcezu the puzzle ndawonye, Ngizwa nje like Ngingumfana ucezu isikhungo. Nsuku zonke lapho ngicabanga career yami Angizisoli lutho. Sizohamba phansi emlandweni njengoba ezinye fighters best, the Mayweathers ekulweni.


“Ngithemba ukulwa uyahlangabezana hype. Konke esingakwenza fighters kuba aphume khona bese ekwenza futhi enza lokho esikwenzayo umhlabeleli.


“Anginalutho ukufakazela on May 2. Ngiyazi mayelana amakhono ami, Ngiyazi ukuthi yini engingayenza futhi ngiyazi ukuthi ulethe Umdlalo wesibhakela. I am wasibusisa ngempela ukuba baphukile zonke amarekhodi boxing. Kwamanje I cha bheka phi fighter esithile nokwephula noma iyiphi amarekhodi zami.


“Ngicabanga ukuthi izitayela ukwenza ukulwa, futhi ngicabanga ukuthi izitayela zethu ezimbili ezahlukene wenze for an fight ethokozisayo.


“Any fighter kuyingozi. Uma I babhekene nabaphikisi ezahlukene, Angikwazi ukuthola a guy out kweso. Ngiyazi ukuthi wenza kahle nalokho engakwenzi kahle. Umsebenzi wami ukuthola lokho akusho ukwenza kahle.


“Uma fighter walahlekelwa ngaphambi, wokulahlekelwa in the engqondweni yakhe. Kwami, konke engikwenzele emsebenzini wami kuba win, kanjalo ngokuwina njalo engqondweni yami.


“Ingakanani imali ngenza ngempela focus yami akulona. Bengingeke ngibe lapho ngibukele namuhla uma kwakungekhona bonke abalobi kanye zabezindaba. Ngiyabonga umuntu ngamunye, ukuthi kwaba indaba enhle noma embi indaba. For 19 Eminyakeni, nina guys kwangigcina efanele. Kuze kufike umuntu imali, it ngempela uye reinvented uqobo. Ngangineminyaka 'Pretty Boy Floyd’ futhi mina ngiza ke emuva njengoba Money Floyd '’ Mayweather. Konke mayelana reinventing wena. Ngifuna ukuqhubeka nokwenza otshalomali smart kangaka grandkids zami kukhona OK.


” Ngihlale ikhambi ukwenza lokho ngenze ukuba aphume phezulu.


“Ngingumfana pretty isiqiniseko ubaba has a game plan omkhulu kangaka singa ukuphuma khona futhi wenze lokho esikwenzayo umhlabeleli. Game plan wethu ukuba smart, ngowokuqala, thatha isikhathi sethu bese msebenzi.


“Ngicabanga ukuthi Manny Pacquaio kuyinto fighter ethakazelisa kakhulu. Ukuze kuye ukufika lapho manje, kusobala ukuthi uye kwadingeka wenze kahle.


“Akekho okufanele aye ukulinda kuze ngaba 47-0 ukugembula on me, kufanele Bengilokhu ukubheja kimi kusukela ekuqaleni.”


Manny Pacquiao:

“Ngijabula kakhulu ngokuthi le mpi sekwenziwe, futhi ngiyazi ukuthi isibhakela fans bazizwa ngendlela efanayo.


“In Miami sakhuluma ukulwa futhi ngaqonda ukuthi kwaba B side futhi kwaba A side.


“Ngikholelwa ukuthi le mpi ubelokhu kuwufanele ukulinda. Abantu abaningi ajwayelekile nathi njengoba fighters, ngisho nabantu abangebona abalandeli isibhakela bayazi ngaleli fight.


“Bonke abantu Filipino bazoya ubuke le mpi.


“Camp Training uya kahle. Sijabula kakhulu. Ngilungisa ukuqeqeshwa kwami ​​usuku ngalunye on Instagram yami.


“Ngithanda kokuba isinamumva uya empini. Kube kanti kusukela bengilokhu eyodwa. Lesi sikhathi nxazonke kunginika ugqozi okuningi futhi ngizimisele ukufakazela ukuthi ngikwazi ukunqoba.


“Le impi kubaluleke kakhulu kimi futhi wesibhakela umlando. Asifuni ukuba ashiye uphawu umbuzo engqondweni boxing fans. Boxing fans bebelokhu bemagange ukubona le mpi iminyaka emihlanu. Aye engicela umbuzo ofanayo futhi ekugcineni kwenzekani.


“Ngilokhu ukulwa ngoba boxing kuba passion yami, Ngiyakuthanda boxing. Ngiye ngakwazi ukusiza umndeni wami ngokusebenzisa boxing.


“Abantu Filipino kakhulu ejabulile for kule mpi futhi angikwazi ukulinda ukuletha ukunqoba ezweni.

“Angifuni ukuba wahlulele, kodwa ngiyaqiniseka kakhulu ngalokhu fight. Ngangikhathazeke okwengeziwe ukulwa kwami ​​ngokumelene [Oscar] De La Hoya, [Anthony] Margarito and [Miguel] Okuphekiwe, kunami nge ekulweni Floyd Mayweather.


“Siyamjabulisa abalandeli kuyinto ebaluleke kakhulu kimi; Ngifuna ukubenza bajabule. I uthole ngezinye izikhathi ngokomzwelo ring ngoba ngifuna ukubenza bajabule.


“I ungadikibali kusaba nge ukulahlekelwa in wesibhakela. It kuyingxenye yomdlalo futhi ngiye ngamukela ukulahlekelwa futhi ngazenza a fighter kangcono. Okubalulekile ukwakha wena up and turning wena ube fighter kangcono.


“I uyosibonisa May 2.”


Leonard Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions:

“Sijabula kakhulu ukwenza umlando namuhla by ngokusemthethweni ememezela ukulwa kakhulu emlandweni ka isibhakela omunye izenzakalo ezinkulu emlandweni yezemidlalo.
“Ngithanda ukuba aqaphele indima Floyd and Manny kwadingeka ekwenzeni lokhu fight. Umhlangano ukuthi kwadingeka in Miami kwaba yingqophamlando enkulu futhi ngingathanda uqobo ukubonga Floyd ngokwenza kwenzeke.


“Eminyakeni edlule Floyd esenze MGM Grand ekhaya lakhe futhi baya ngaphezu ukuqinisekisa ikhwalithi kakhulu zonke umcimbi Floyd. Lokhu kuyoba Floyd sika 11th fight alandelanayo at the MGM Grand kanye 14th isikhathi uyobe elwa khona emsebenzini wakhe.


“Mayweather vs. Pacquiao mpi okusika phakathi Champions ezimbili ezinkulu namadoda amabili ezinkulu. May 2 kuyoba umbukwane ngokungafani yini ukuthi Las Vegas oke wabona ngaphambili.”


Bob Arum, Umsunguli CEO of Top Rank:

“It waqala lapho Les Moonves [usihlalo CBS] wafika endlini yami. Yena wangivakashela on umbhangqwana izikhathi ukungitshela ukuthi wayefuna ukwenza le mpi kwenzeke. Wayefuna ngiye Manny [Pacquiao] futhi uxoxe naye isikhwama ukuthi kungaba okwamukelekayo.


“Sasinamasonto inkhulumomphendvulwano kaningi. Bengithi ukuthi okuyakumehlela ngoba Moonves azokwenza konke wayengase ukwenza lokhu kwenzeke.


“Kwaze kwaba the game basketball in Miami lapho Manny wayeqiniseka ukuthi Floyd wayefuna ukulwa.


“It cishe kwaba ukulwa kunzima kakhulu ukwenza bengilokhu ingxenye. Kwathatha iminyaka emihlanu ukuwenza.


“Enye into icacile; kungcono ukulwa enkulu yalesi leminyaka.


“Anginayo inzondo kanye Floyd Mayweather. Floyd ubelokhu wahlala umngane omuhle; I abe lutho olubi ukusho mayelana Floyd njengoba umuntu.


“Ngiyamthanda Manny Pacquiao and Freddie Roach. Uma Manny iwina on May 2, okuyinto Nginesiqiniseko sokuthi kuthanda, I uyoba okukhulu nokwaneliseka the bobabili. Bayoba ngenzile umsebenzi ukuze kwenzeke.


“Isitayela Floyd sika kufanelekile ngempela ukulwa fighter sokudla. The southpaws ukuthi uye walwa ngimnikele izinkinga futhi uvukile ngenhla, kodwa southpaws walwa esikhathini esidlule akuzona Manny Pacquiao.


“Le impi uyovusa ezingenayo enkulu zonke Las Vegas. Ngingathanda bengilokhu efakwa isikhundla esabekayo uma ngingathanda uzamile ukuhambisa le mpi out of Las Vegas, ngisekhona ohlala. Ngempela, impi kungokwalabo in Las Vegas. Izinkulungwane nezinkulungwane zabantu ngeke uthele Las Vegas nje ukuba yingxenye yesehlakalo. Lokhu kuyoba wumcimbi emlandweni Las Vegas.”


Freddie Roach, Trainer Pacquiao sika:

“Ngicabanga ukuthi Floyd kwadingeka ithuba elingcono ngokukhanda Manny Pacquiao eminyakeni emihlanu edlule kunaye manje. Imilenze Floyd sika kukhona shot manje futhi ehlile impela kancane. Ngicabanga ukuthi kungaba ngokunenzuzo leso.


“Floyd uthi ufuna ukushintshanisa nge fighters more manje ukwenza kube fight more okuthakazelisayo, kodwa ngicabanga ukuthi akulona iqiniso. Yena akanandaba abalandeli ngaso sonke futhi isizathu kuphela anakho ukushintshanisa kakhudlwana ngoba imilenze yakhe ngeke athathe naye aphume fight.


“Uma Floyd has ukushintshanisa nge Manny Pacquiao ngicabanga ukuthi kuhle kithi yingakho ngicabanga sesikude ukunqoba le mpi.


“Ngicabanga ukuthi le mpi zizoshintsha umdlalo isibhakela.


“Manny ungibizile up and wangitshela ukuthi akakwazi ukuqeqesha in the Philippines ngoba kungcono khulu crazy nazo zonke fans khona, akakwazi ukugxila.


“I abe rule in ekamu lokuqeqeshela kulesi sikhathi ukuthi uma kungukuthi enempumelelo in the gym for ukuqeqeshwa, ke ngeke kube azungeze. Isu yale mpi kubaluleke kakhulu futhi kuhlukile ukulwa ezidlule. Asikwazi iyiphi izinhloli ejimini; sisebenzisana nje epulanini game futhi wagxila kulokho Floyd yenzani. Ngiyazi ukuthi Floyd ubeka abantu futhi kwenza ukuba bahambe zibe isibhamu.


“Manny ushukumiseleka kakhulu kule mpi. Kufanele uthathe Floyd out of ukuzethemba kwakhe zone. Manny uyazi kanjani ukumshaya. Sizokwenza bethutha ilungelo ngaphambi we ukuhlasela kwakhe.


“Ngangifuna ukuba abanye abasha, fighters oluzayo njengoba sparring partners for Manny. Kukhona fighters abasha abavela Chicago, Massachusetts and Finland abangena ukuba Spar nge Manny. Izitayela yabo kukhona yisifo sokuwa ephelele Manny. Bangase get akhishwe futhi wathumela ekhaya, kodwa sizobe sibone. Engiye ababambisene sparring zikleliswe.

“Game plan yethu ukunqoba zonke round. Uma sithola Knockout, ke lokho nje ibhonasi. Floyd agcobhoze esandleni sika Manny. Lokho iphutha umuntu uyokwenza ngokumelene southpaw. Sinazo ukunqoba umzuliswano wokuqala futhi athathe Floyd out of induduzo yakhe zone.”


Richard Sturm, President Entertainment & Sports MGM Resorts International:

“Siyajabula ngokuthi le mpi sesifikile ophawulekayo nokuthi ukuwethamela MGM Grand. The resort is home to the biggest names in sports and entertainment and on May 2 we will host one of the greatest fights the sport will have ever seen.


“Eminyakeni edlule, kokubili Floyd and Manny umlomo abalandeli ngaphakathi MGM Grand Garden Arena nalabo ukubukela on PPV ngendlela ejabulisayo fight isipiliyoni. Nakuba ukulwa wangaphambili ukuba kwakuthakazelisa kakhulu, we believe there is nothing that can compare to the spectacle these two champions will deliver on May 2.”


Ken Hershman, President HBO Sports:

“Ezinyangeni ezimbalwa ezizayo, the fans, pundits nabalobi ngeke aphambane phansi zonke izici le mpi.


“Ngithanda ukubheka emuva futhi siqonde indlela sifika lapha. Bekuyi 2001 lapho a kid young out of the Philippines okuthiwa Manny Pacquaio wenza HBO DEBUT yakhe. Nhlanhla, the bottale of the impi Floyd Mayweather. Floyd wenza HBO DEBUT yakhe 1997 futhi kusukela ngaleso sikhathi uye walwa on HBO noma HBO PPV 26 izikhathi.


“Nakuba laba ababili akaphindanga wahlanganyela ikhadi ngaphambi May 2, babé ngamunye sesiqhubeke ukuba Hall of Fame careers abe fighters ezimbili enkulu esizukulwaneni sabo. Floyd uye isihloko esikhulu nine HBO PPV imicimbi and Manny 17 HBO PPV izenzakalo. Labo 26 izenzakalo baye benza phezu 21 million uthenga PPV abangaphezu billion dollars ezingenayo.


“On May 2, lezi superstars ezimbili bazobamba iqhaza kulokho thina sonke siyazi kuyoba umcimbi single boxing enkulu kunazo zonke isikhathi.


“Thina uyaziqhenya eyodwa liphinde ukwenza umlando May 2 kanye Mayweather and Pacquiao.”


Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President & Umphathi Ovamile, Showtime Sports:

“Uma Floyd Mayweather wasayina deal yakhe mlando nge Showtime eminyakeni emibili edlule, wathembisa us izinto ezimbili: one, wayezobe ukulwa kaningi futhi; ezimbili, ngamunye ngosuku lwempi ayisithupha ngaphansi deal yakhe yayizoba izenzakalo ezinkulu kungenzeka ngokumelene nabaphikisi engcono. Phambili Fast iminyaka emibili, futhi Floyd uye wagcina zonke izwi izithembiso zakhe.


“Manje nje okwesibili ukulwa abahlanu Showtime, Floyd elwa Umphikisi ukuthi abantu abaningi babecabanga ukuthi ngeke ukulwa. Showtime PPV and Floyd irekhodi PPV ne umcimbi wokuqala ngo September 2013 futhi sibheka phambili omunye ukusebenza irekhodi-breaking on May 2.


“Showtime iye yaba nesandla ezinye enkulu PPV izenzakalo zomlando kuhlanganise Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson in 2002 futhi Mayweather vs. Canelo [Alvarez] in 2013. Kodwa akukho lezo zenzakalo ziye ekhiqizwa uhlobo isasasa nokulindela in media ukunakwa olufana usinga ukuthi le mpi luye lwashukumisa kakade.


“Lokhu yokuthi sonke at Showtime and CBS ngekutsi beletha kule mpi ndawonye. Excited, uyaziqhenya, Bathokozile, labo ezinye tichasiso ezingenakubalwa ukuchaza imizwa yethu ngalesi senzakalo, kodwa bamangaleAkayena omunye wabo. Lapho nje wavala deal bethu Floyd in 2013, impi Pacquiao kwaba kuqala kokubili for Floyd kanye nathi.


“Noma nini kwaba isikhathi sokuxoxa Umphikisi Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao kwaba njalo phezulu ohlwini Floyd sika.


“Njengoba CEO of CBS kanye fan osenesikhathi eside boxing, Leslie Moonves kwaba onogqozi lokhu deal futhi isizathu esiyinhloko esenza le mpi senziwa.


“Siyazi ukuthi Floyd abavumelana inombolo eyodwa fighter in the mdlalo, siyazi ukuthi Floyd kunazo zonke wakhuluma athlete zonke kwezemidlalo kanye Floyd Mayweather, Showtime isibe PPV inombolo eyodwa distributer in ithelevishini. Sibheke phambili breaking amarekhodi more nokwenza umlando okwengeziwe May 2.”



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Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com/boxing futhi www.mgmgrand.com and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing FuthiSwanson_Comm, futhi abe fan on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports futhiwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.