Tag Arsip: Waktos Na Pertunjukan

Mayweather-Pacquiao Undercard Update: Sid El Harrak eagerly awaiting Pearson Showdown!

Los Angeles, SAPERTOS (April 22, 2015) – In less than two weeks, Sid El Harrak will have the chance to change his life and boxing career when he faces undefeated Chris Pearson as part of the historic Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao card at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.


To prepare for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, El Harrak’s dedicated all of his time to various aspects of training. From cardio to strength and conditioning, sharpening his skills in the gym and intense sparring sessions, the California based Londoner is covering everything imaginable. Lolobana importantly, he believes the grueling training sessions he’s gone through at both Wild Card Boxing Gym locations is already paying off.


“It’s very important to have an ample amount of time to train for a fight and that’s not something I’ve had my whole career,"Ceuk El Harrak, anu 12-2-2 jeung 7 ngéléhkeun ku knockout. "mental, Kuring ngarasa 100 percent ready to go out there and shine in the biggest fight of my life. I’m still working hard to balance everything out so the world sees the best Sid El Harrak Saptu hareup."


He also loves being considered the underdog against the 11-0 and heavily hyped Pearson.


“I have a lot of pride and knowing that I’m coming into this fight as the B-side pushes me that much more. I love the fact that Pearson’s supposed to be “the guy” in this fight. If I fought who he did, I’d be undefeated. Dina waktos anu sasarengan, had he faced the opponents I did under the same circumstances, he’d have a few losses. Sajujurna, I’m sick of thinking about him. This is the most eager I’ve been for a fight in my career and I can’t wait to show everybody what I can do on May 2nd!"


The El Harrak-Pearson ten round junior middleweight bout will be televised on various networks throughout the world.


147-Pon kitu beurat kelas nyokot INSEMINASI panggung deui Saptu, Mei 2 Di hermansah Grand Taman aréna

Floyd Mayweather & Manny Pacquiao Square Pareum
Dina Showdown Classic séjénna

Dina The Divisi Welterweight

Las Vegas (April 20, 2015) — Geus mindeng geus ngomong yén “salaku division heavyweight mana, jadi mana tinju,” tapi anu teu sok geus masalahna jeung, kanyataanna, bisa komo jadi teu valid lamun ditempo ti sudut pandang komprehensif dating deui ka ahir 19th abad. Dina Tinju, Epik panulis Jerman Bertram Proyék Kang, 420-Kaca kopi-tabel disertasi dina sagala aspek élmu amis, he nyerat nu, “Kamewahan nyaeta dagang béntang langsing jeung nimble di handapeun 147-pound kelas beurat nu geus narik insiders jeung admirers kaéndahan kawas no séjénna.”


Jeung tah eta anu ku naon bakal asupna tolok ukur sejen dina sajarah beunghar of division lamun, dinaMei 2 di hermansah Grand di Las Vegas, hirup dina bayaran-per-view, jawara welterweight Floyd “Duit” Mayweather (47-0, 26 KOs) dicokot sasama titlist Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao(57-5-2, 38 KOs) dina unifikasi showdown lila-diantisipasi nu bakal prizefight richest dina sajarah olahraga Kang, jeung nu geus dicokot babandinganana kana sababaraha Premier nu matchups di kelas beurat imprinted jeung nu dagang elegan nu Proyék disebut.


Sanajan Pacquiao, hijina tempur kungsi meunang championships dunya dalapan kelas beurat, jeung Mayweather, anu geus reigned di kelas lima beurat, teu ngampanyekeun solely atawa komo lolobana salaku welterweights, geus boro kejutan nu parapatan pangpentingna careers ditandaan maranéhanana asalna di division sarua nu jadi loba Kujang panggedéna tinju Kang anu utamana dipikanyaho.


Nu “standar emas” nu sagala welterweights aspire tetep ahir, agung Gula Ray Robinson. Lahir Walker Smith Jr, nu kid ceking anu geus kungsi bertempur di hiji bout dititah di tingkat mana wae ieu tag-bareng jeung palatih George Gainford ka hiji turnamén amatir dina Kingston, N.Y.. Tanya lamun manéhna miboga flyweight manéhna wished nuliskeun, Gainford ieu rék nyebutkeun no lamun Smith tugged dina leungeun baju sarta ceuk, “Kuring gé ngalawan.” Sakumaha nu tétéla, Gainford miboga kartu AAU – Anjeun diperlukeun hiji jadi Certified salaku non-professional – dina ngaran Ray Robinson, salah sahiji boxers sélér nu geus dibikeun nepi olahraga. Smith / Robinson meunang kaputusan opat buleud, jeung, sanajan salah no terang eta mangka, sahingga ieu legenda lahir.


Robinson ieu 85-0 salaku amatir saméméh ngarobah pro di 19 dina 1940. Ku 1951, manéhna 128-1-2 jeung 84 victories knockout. Sanajan manéhna ogé inget keur menang judul middleweight lima kali, Robinson kungsi leungit salaku welterweight a, menang kitu mindeng jeung saterusna emphatically yén palatih legendaris, Eddie Futch, dipindahkeun pikeun niténan nu, “Anjeunna kagungan sagalana. Keterampilan tinju, daya punching, a gado agung, kakuatan mental. Aya euweuh manehna teu bisa ulah.”


Robinson oge kungsi an ego outsized, nu sugan mangrupakeun komponén penting keur nu mana wae nu bajoang gede Kang kosmetik mental. Komo anu renik of cangcaya di pangabisa hiji sorangan teu kondusif pikeun kasuksésan dina cingcinna. Sakali, lamun ditanya ngeunaan nya “game golf,” Muhammad Ali, nu teu muter golf, direspon, “Kuring anu pangalusna, panggedéna of 'ÉM sadaya. Kuring kakara teu dimaénkeun sanesna.”


Mayweather pasti brings nu aura of invincibility ka karyana, jeung meureun lain ngan alatan manéhna geus tacan leungit salaku professional. Dina 2013, cenah, “Tangtu aya rasa unbeatable. Kuring anu pangalusna. Kuring teu kamana kana naon wae fight figuring tangka simkuring ngaraos beatable. Kuring hayang nyieun warisan a keur kuring sorangan salaku tempur panggedéna anu kungsi asup cingcinna.”


Pacquiao, bari sugan teu salaku verbose, aya kurang aman dina sistem kapercayaan sorangan. Hal ieu jelema ukuran heaping bakat jeung swagger nu make Mayweather vs. Pacquiao kudu-tempo kajadian. Mana dina ieu pajuang pinunjul bisa nyieun ngalipet sejenna pikeun will nya? Anu baris geus ngaranna ditulis dina print leuwih badag dina buku badag of welterweights?


International tinju Galéri Kinérja geus inducted 23 pajuang anu nya éta, di hiji wanci nu sejenna, Pendekar welterweight. Sajaba Robinson, jalma nu plak Grace pendopo hallowed antarana Gula Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran, Thomas Hearns, Oscar De La Hoya, Felix Trinidad, Julio Cesar Chavez, Pernell Whitaker, Carmen Basilio, Henry Armstrong, Emile Griffith, Pipino Cuevas, Jose Napoles, Kanu Cokes, Bani Hasyim Ross, Kid Gavilan, Wilfred Benitez, Luis Rodriguez, Mickey Walker, Fritzie Zivic, GerardM Britton, Jackie Widang, Ted “Kid” Lewis jeung “Aneh” Billy Smith. Mayweather jeung Pacquiao nu tangtu assured ku ngahijikeun jajaran maranéhanana sanggeus maranéhanana jadi layak pikeun muka dumasar kartu keur mere sora nu.


Diterangkeun-nepi ka Mayweather vs. Pacquiao geus dihasilkeun no kakurangan babandinganana ka Patempuran welterweight katukang nu anu kasohor alam klasik tina eta bouts, nu rencang kapentingan umum nyebar ka maranehna, atawa duanana.


Nyaéta Mayweather vs. Pacquiao leuwih gampang jadi ulang tina, ngomong, Leonard-Duran I, nu Duran meunang dina kaputusan unanimous rousing dina Juni 25, 1980, di Montréal? Nu epik Leonard-Hearns I, dina Sept. 16, 1981, nu ningali Leonard, labuh dina scorecards, rally keur dramatis, 14th-buleud TKO di Caesars Istana? Kaputusan mayoritas kontroversial Trinidad Kang over De La Hoya di Sept maranéhna. 18, 1999, Ngahijikeun Tatar showdown di Mandalay Bay? Atawa bakal eta nyieun mark sorangan di saperti cara has nu no babandinganana bisa atawa kudu dicokot?


Lamun datang ka bouts welterweight henteu kapohoan, ku ayeuna kudu atra nu nanaon jeung sagalana mungkin. Mayweather jeung Pacquiao bakal nyieun sajarah, jeung nambahan eta, ku ngusahakeun ngabengkokkeun takdir unggal ka tujuan sorangan.

# # #


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao mangrupa 12 buleud dunya welterweight jawara unifikasi bout diwanohkeun ku Mayweather promosi jeung Top réngking Inc., sarta disponsoran ku Tecate. Nu bayar-per-view telecast bakal sobat dihasilkeun sarta co-disebarkeun ku HBO bayaran-per-View® jeung SHOWTIME PPV® dimimitian di 9 p.m. AND/ 6 p.m. PT.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports, www.hbo.com/boxingand www.mgmgrand.com jeung nuturkeun dina Twitter difloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing JeungSwanson_Comm, jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports jeungwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

Andrzej Fonfara eureun Julio César Chávez, JR .., Ngéléhkeun ku 9 buleud TKO AT STUBHUB puseur

Amir Imam tetep unbeaten

Jeung kaputusan unanimous leuwih Walter gulang

Unbeaten Moises Flores Outpoints Oscar Escandon Pikeun Win

WBA Super Bantamweight Interim Judul Dunya; Omar Chavez Triumphs

Ku Putusan, Fabian Maidana ku Knockout dina SHO ekstrim

Nyekel SHOWTIME Championship tinju Talaga
Senen, April 20, di 10 p.m.ET/PT dina SHO ekstrim

Klik IEUH Pikeun Ngundeur Poto

Photo Kredit: Halimun lin / SHOWTIME

Carson, Calif. (April 18, 2015) – Percaya diri jeung ditangtukeun, Andrzej “PolandiaPangeran” Fonfara (27-3, 16 KOs) manja mulang ring of Julio Cesar Chavez JR. (48-2-1, 32 KOs) di fashion resounding Saptu wengi, flooring urut jawara middleweight hiji waktu en route ka hiji-sided kasalapan buleud TKO dina acara utamaSHOWTIME Championship tinju hirup dina WAKTOS NA PERTUNJUKAN.


Fonfara, of Chicago ku cara Radon, Polandia, turun Chavez, of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, jeung hook wide kenca 50 detik kana babak kasalapan saméméh riungan boisterous of 8,636 fans predominately-Chavez di StubHub Center. Ieu kahiji kalina dina 52 gelut professional nu Chavez geus pencét kanvas ti punch a.


Kana balik ka juru, Chavez bisa kadéngé dina palatih telecast nétélakeun Joe Goossen yén anjeunna ngalaman menyakiti leg katuhu sarta bisa henteu deui neruskeun. Moments saterusna, fight ieu halted. Nu busier jeung leuwih akurat bajoang sakuliah, Fonfara ieu comfortably dihareupeun dina tilu hakim’ scorecards ku ngoleksi of 89-80 jeung 88-81 dua kali sanggeus salapan rounds full.


Ditawarkeun an Fonfara ecstatic, anu geus babagi adil nya ku fans Polandia di tempat nu: “Mah emang manéhna bajoang tangguh, gancang sarta dina bentuk alus tapi sabot pencét kuring nu mimiti di babak kahiji, Mah emang mah bade meunang tarung. Anjeunna teu punch salaku teuas saperti everybody cenah teu.


“Kuring nempo punches-Na gampang datang di. Kuring teu apal mah threw leuwih punches. Ieu saeutik reuwas yen manehna teu kaluar pikeun (10th) tapi manéhna motong, geus meunang ngéléhkeun luhur jeung geus saukur meunang knocked turun, jadi manéhna terang naon nu bakal lumangsung lamun manéhna datang kaluar.


“Chavez ceuk saméméh tarung yen manehna teu mikir mah bisa nyokot punches awakna. Jigana mah nyandak poto eta cukup alus jeung diliwatan tes nu.


“I tahu aya hal kuring masih bisa berpungsi dina di tangerang pikeun jadi petinju leuwih lengkep, tapiieu peuting ieu impian datang bener. Kuring hayang rematch jeung (Cahya Heavyweight Dunya Jawara) Adonis Stevenson.


Said Chavez, putra legendaris Méksiko icon, Julio Cesar Chavez SR. dina ring afterward jeung saméméh anjeunna dibawa ka rumah sakit salaku ukuran precautionary, “Tiasa waé 170,172 pon kitu teuing gedé pikeun kuring, meureun kuring gé balik turun. Kuring teu yakin naon nu bakal datang mah nahan. Ieu gelut pisan tangguh. Tapi kuring congratulate Andrzej.”


Goossen ka wartawan afterward yén manéhna geus “dieureunkeun tarung. Ieu kaputusan mah. Mah teu kawas naon kuring nempo. ”


Dina satengah munggaran a doubleheader SHOWTIME Championship tinju, undefeated dunya-rengking super lightweight Amir mah (17-0, 14 KOs), of Davie, Fla., ku cara Albany, N.Y., meunang kaputusan 10 buleud lopsided leuwih Walter “Hammer nu” Karaton.


Nu Sarbini, sasakabeh bisa, Kuring geus, 24, dikawasa gelut nu diulas loba séntral utamana awal dina jeung jab kénca jeung katuhu lempeng leungeun.


“Kombinasi mah éta éféktif sakabeh peuting, we nyangkut ka gameplan urang jeung datang kaluar victorious,” ceuk Imam. “Kuring hayang salah sahiji juara dunya saterusna”.


Karaton, anu nempo hiji tilas unggul salapan-fight datang ka hiji tungtung, ceuk “Teu sangka meunang tarung. Mah teu meunang kiridit keur punches I threw. Hakim anu ngoleksi eta 100-90; sumur, nu mere kuring no kasempetan pikeun meunang dieu. Cut nu diganggu kuring di rounds awal, tapi ieu mah faktor sanggeus.”


Saméméhna Saptu, dina SHOWTIME ekstrim, undefeated Moises “Nu Chucky” Kembang (23-0, 16 KOs), of Guadalajara, Mexico, kawengku Championship Interim Dunya WBA Super Bantamweight jeung kaputusan split 12 buleud thrilling leuwih jawara defending Oscar Escandon (24-2 16 KOs), of Tolima, Colombia.


Kembang, nyieun nya 2015 debut jeung mimiti katilu di baris di Amérika Sarikat, triumphed ku skor tina 116-112 dua kali jeung 113-115.


Hiji Flores emosi ieu deukeut lawon afterward. “Ieu impian datang bener – leuwih ti hiji ngimpi datang bener – kanggo abdi,” cenah. “Kuring nempo kulawarga mah di pantai, dahar daging. Kuring nempo babies mah leuwih alus diasah. Abdi ieu téh meunangna-ngarobah hirup jeung, nuhun, Teu sangka ieu pisan, deukeut pisan tapi kacida ngarasa I meunang.


“Kuring hayang ngalawan anu pangalusna saterusna, nu guys luhur di 122 pon kitu jeung ayeuna bodo luhur nyaeta Leo Santa Cruz. Éta anu kuring remen tarung saterusna. Kuring hayang hatur sadaya tim mah, ti luhur ka handap, pikeun méré kuring kasempetan éndah ieu. Simkuring bagja pisan yén urang ngagabung tim Al Haymon. We’re very loyal and we just really appreciate everything they’ve done for us.


Escandon felt he’d done enough to win despite injuring the right index finger on his right hand in the seventh round.

I did all that I could, everything was in my reach, but I think I broke or fractured my finger,” cenah. “In boxing things happen that are out of your control. Because I hurt my hand, I couldn’t throw punches the way I wanted to with my right hand. I tried to do all I could with it. But I didn’t want to injure it further. I’m OK, but I definitely would love a rematch.


In the SHOWTIME EXTREME co-feature, super welterweight Omar “El Businessman”Chavez (33-3-1, 22 KOs), of Culiacan, the younger brother of Chavez, JR. and son of legendary Julio Cesar Sr., won an exciting, keras dilawan, give-and-take eight-round unanimous decision over Richard Gutierrez (28-16-1, 17 KOs), of Arjona, Colombia.

Chavez dimeunangkeun ku skor tina 78-75 dua kali jeung 77-74. Aya no knockdowns.


Unbeaten welterweight Argentine Fabian “TNT” Maidana (6-0, 5 KOs), of Santa Fe, Argentina, lanceukna urut jawara dunya Marcos Maidana, kadaptar a TKO kadua buleud (32 detik kana babak nu) leuwih outclassed Cory vom Baur (2-3), of Vancouver, Nyeuseuh.


Nu SHOWTIME Championship tinju doubleheader bakal ulang hawa saminggu saperti kieu:


Poe Channel

Senen, April 20, 22, 10 p.m.. AND / PT SHOWTIME ekstrim


Salasa, Juni 24, di 10 p.m. AND/PT SHO ekstrim


Saptu sacara dua-fight telecast baris sadia di SHOWTIME dumasar paménta awal Minggu, Juni 22 27.


Mauro Ranallo disebut action SHOWTIME Championship tinju jeung Galéri analis Inohong Al Bernstein jeung urut jawara dunya Paulie Malignaggi commentating jeung Jim Gray ngalaporkeun. Dina basa Spanyol, Alejandro Luna disebut niup-demi-niup jeung urut jawara dunya Raul Marquez porsi salaku komentator warna. Barry Tompkins disebut action SHOWTIME ekstrim ti ringside jeung sajarah tinju Steve Farhood porsi salaku analis ahli.


Nu produser eksekutif of SHOWTIME Championship tinju nyaéta David Dinkins JR. jeung Bob Dunphy ngarahkeun.


# # #

Chavez JR. vs. Fonfara” ieu 12 buleud bout nu lumangsung di StubHub Center di Carson, Calif. Jeung ditayangkan dina SHOWTIME.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.sports.sho.com, turutan dina Twitter diSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter JeungSwanson_Comm, turutan paguneman ngagunakeun #ChavezFonfara, jadi kipas dina Facebook diwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing atawa nganjang ka Blog SHOWTIME tinju dihttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.

Will Mayweather vs. Pacquiao Live up to the Hype?

Ku: Beunghar Bergeron

Floyd “Duit” Mayweather Jr. (47-0, 26 KOs) and MannyPac Man” Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs) are set to clash on May 2nd, 2015 in one of the most hyped fights in boxing history. This fight is so huge they are even planning to sell tickets to the weigh-in due to crowd control issues. The proceeds will not be going to the promoters or the boxers, sanajan. It all goes to charity. Leungit, this is a first for the state of Nevada, which traditionally requires that all weigh-ins be free of charge for fans to attend.

The level of anticipation surrounding this fight had a long time to build up. For the better part of the last decade, these two pound-for-pound juggernauts could not make this fight happen for one ridiculous reason after another. As someone who personally attended some of Mayweather’s public workouts in Vegas, I can attest to the fact that the undefeated welterweight champion repeatedly and relentlessly cited Pacquiao’s refusal to undergo Olympic style blood testing when asked about the attempts being made to get this fight signed over five years ago.

Mayweather even came up with a little rap lyric to express the issue in simple terms:

If you wanna fight the best, you gotta take the test,” he belted out during a sit-up session at one of those open workouts.

Pacquiao changed his tune on the testing and overcame the biggest hurdle of all when he met personally with Mayweather and agreed that he would be the “B” side and should therefore get a smaller split of the purse. As the video above outlines, Mayweather was then able to dominate the negotiation process.

Although pundits still say this fight will be the biggest in the history of the sport, the question must be asked if this pairing is happening too late in the careers of both fighters for it to be as exciting as some experts predict it will be.

It was always clear to me this fight would happen, but it became obvious that the longer it took to sign the contracts, the better Floyd’s chances of winning would be. Leungit, Floyd did admit in 2012 yen the real reason he didn’t want to fight Pacquiao was due to health concerns. He denied being scared, calling himselfsmartfor thinking about his family and his health first. Leungit, he insisted that the main reason his health would be at risk in that fight was if Pacquiao was really doing steroids, as Mayweather alleged and ended up being sued over. The two settled out of court and the fight is now imminent, so some fans think it’s all water under the bridge. Others are just plain aggravated that we had to wait this long for this bout to come to fruition.

Boxing Legend Marvin Hagler even commented recently that Mayweather waited until Pacquiao aged a little more before signing to fight him. Hagler compared Mayweather’s tactics to Sugar Ray Leonard waiting until Hagler became a littlesofthimself before they signed their fight contract. That bout turned out to be hugely controversial and left Hagler extremely bitter about the sport that made him famous.

Janten, the May-Pac fight will happen, and Mayweather is the obvious favorite. To learn more about the gambling side of this story, parios Boxing betting at William Hill site. The biggest payoff for any lucky bettor will be a successful bet on Pacquiao, but it’s easy to wonder if Pacquiao really is too old to win this time out. Barina ogé, there are tons of concerns with Manny’s calf muscles seizing up, and he reportedly uses a healing cream that costs thousands of dollars per bottle to address the problem.

Mayweather (38) is actually the older fighter, but the 36-year-old Manny’s fought 17 more bouts in the pro ranks and will likely be the most active puncher “Duit” ever faced. Mayweather’s normally spectacular and overwhelming defensive prowess just might be tested.

This fight may not be worth every penny you spend on tickets or the Pay-Per-View feed, but the fact that it is finally happening is still special. It will still be a fight boxing fans everywhere around the world can enjoy and appreciate. It’s ultimately up to the fighters to prove they are both up to the task of making sure this fight lives up to expectations. Chances are, Floyd will do his best to leave the MGM Grand with an uneventful decision win. Let’s just hope Pacquiao has enough left in the tank to make sure this is the most competitive fight Mayweather’s ever been in. It may not be the most opportune time for this fight to happen, but it’s a lot better to get it late than never.


SHOWTIME Championship tinju® Hirup On SHOWTIME® Saptu, April 18, (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT)

From StubHub Center In Carson, Calif.


Klik IEUH To Download Photos From Jumaah sacara Beuratna-Dina
Photo Kredit: Halimun lin / SHOWTIME

SHOWTIME Championship tinju

Julio Cesar Chavez JR.: 171 ½ Pounds
Andrzej Fonfara: 171 ½ Pounds

Amir CINTA: 140 Pon kitu
Gulang Walter: 138 Pon kitu

SHOWTIME tinju ON SHO ekstrim:
OSCAR ESCANDON: 121 ¾ Pounds
MOISES Flores: 121 ¼ Pounds

OMAR CHAVEZ: 159 Pon kitu

FABIAN MAIDANA: 146 ¼ Pounds
CORY VOM BAUR: 145 ½ kilogram

# # #

“Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara”, a 12-round light heavyweight bout co-promoted by Goossen promosi jeung Chavez Promotions that takes place at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif. jeung bakal hawa dina SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT). Dina acara ko-utama, Amir Imam faces Walter Castillo in a 10-round jr. welterweight showdown. Nu SHOWTIME Championship tinju telecast oge bakal sadia di Spanyol via programming audio sekundér (SAP).

Tiket acara nu dibanderol di $200, $150, $100, $50 jeung $25, ditambah pajeg lumaku, waragad jeung ongkos layanan, are available for purchase online at AXS.com.

Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.sports.sho.com, turutan dina Twitter diSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter JeungSwanson_Comm, turutan paguneman ngagunakeun #ChavezFonfara, jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing atawa nganjang ka Blog SHOWTIME tinju dihttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.

Julio Cesar Chavez JR. Bobodoran. Andrzej Fonfara, Amir Imam bobodoran. WALTER CASTILLO FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & Poto

I know that this is a new weight class for me. I realize that Fonfara is very tough and bigger than me, but I am up for the challenge.

– Julio Cesar Chavez JR.

I want to show the whole world how good I am when I win this fight dina dinten saptu.” — Andrzej Fonfara

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Halimun lin / SHOWTIME

SHOWTIME Championship tinju® Ieu Saptu, April 18,

Hirup On SHOWTIME® (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT)

Ti StubHub Center di Carson, Calif.


Di jero MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO Premieres Immediately

Tiket pikeun Saptu sacara StubHub Fights Are On Sale!

Los Angeles (April 16, 2015) – Popular Mexican superstar and former middleweight champion Julio Cesar Chavez JR. and dangerous brawler Andrzej Fonfara participated in the final the final press conference Kemis at Crowne Plaza Hotel LAX, just two days before Saptu sacara SHOWTIME Championship Tinju doubleheader.


Chavez (48-1-1, 32 KOs) of Culiacan, Mexico, and Fonfara (26-3, 15 KOs) of Chicago ku cara Radon, Polandia, will meet in the 12-round light heavyweight main event live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (10 p.m. AND/ 7 p.m. PT) ti StubHub Center di Carson, Calif. Chavez will make his eagerly awaited return to the ring and first start for new trainer Joe Goossen.


Also participating in today’s press conference was undefeated top 10-ranked super lightweight Amir mah (16-0, 14 KOs), of Davie, Fla., ku cara Albany, N.Y.. who will put his unblemished record on the line against fellow power-puncher Walter gulang (25-2, 18 KOs) (25-2, 18 KOs), tina Managua, Nikaragua, in the 10-round co-feature on SHOWTIME.

On SHOWTIME ekstrim® (8 p.m. AND/PT) Saptu ieu, WBA Interim Super Bantamweight World Champion Oscar Escandon (24-1, 16 KOs), of Tolima, Colombia, will make the first defense of his 122-pound title when he faces undefeated Moises “Nu Chucky” Kembang (22-0, 1 NC, 16 KOs), of Guadalajara, Mexico.


In the SHOWTIME EXTREME co-feature, Omar “El Businessman” Chavez (32-3-1, 22 KOs), of Culiacan, the younger brother of Chavez, JR. and son of legendary Julio Cesar Sr., bakal nyanghareupan Richard Gutierrez (28-15-1, 17 KOs), of Arjona, Colombia, in an eight-round middleweight fight. Also featured on the telecast, waktu permitting, will be a six-round match between unbeaten Argentine welterweight Fabian “TNT” Maidana, of Santa Fe, Argentina, lanceukna urut jawara dunya Marcos Maidana, who’ll be opposed by Cory vom Baur (2-2, 0 KOs), of Vancouver, Nyeuseuh.


Tickets for the event co-promoted by Goossen Promotions and Chavez Promotions are priced at $200, $150, $100, $50 jeung $25, ditambah pajeg lumaku, waragad jeung ongkos layanan, and are on sale online at AXS.com.

What the fighters, trainers and executives said Kemis:


Julio César Chavez JR., Urut Jawara Dunya

I had a great training camp. I feel better than ever. I am ready for the fight.


I know that this is a new weight class for me. I realize that Fonfara is very tough and bigger than me, but I am up for the challenge.


I have worked on my boxing during my one year off, and I am very excited and motivated to get back in the ring.


I have worked so hard for this fight because I am fighting in a new weight class. I must punch harder, so I have focused on getting stronger during this training camp.


I have a great chin, I know how to take punches and my conditioning is great. A lot of fighters can take a punch, but I can take multiple punches and not be hurt.


I think that Andrzej Fonfara is one of the best fighters in the light heavyweight division. Inside of boxing, everyone knows who Fonfara is. He knocked down one of the best boxers in the world in Adonis Stevenson.


Fonfara is disciplined in the ring, but he doesn’t vary his punches.


I understand that my dad didn’t want me to take this fight. I had bigger names I could’ve fought, but I think that Fonfara is a great challenge for me and I like the challenge.


I would like to thank SHOWTIME for making this fight happen.


Andrzej Fonfara, World Title Challenger

I’m prepared very well and I’m ready for this fight. It’s been a great camp like always. I train hard for each fight. I’m a tough boxer who is feeling great. The weight is good and everything is perfect.


I must put everything into Saptu night and I will win the fight.


I must look even better than I did against Stevenson. Everyone said I looked good, but I lost the fight. I didn’t want congratulations because I did not win the fight. But this time I will win the fight. I’m ready for a decision or for a knockout.


I’m ready with a couple of plans. I don’t want to run around the ring, I want to fight tough. I’m going to use my jab and my right hand, which is my best punch.


I’m not worried about what his father said about not fighting me. Chavez JR. wants to fight and I will show him that his father was right.


It doesn’t matter how I win, I want to win this fight and get my rematch with Adonis Stevenson.


“Chavez JR. nyaeta nu bajoang gede. He uses a lot of combinations and has a powerful punch that I must be ready for. I want to show the whole world how good I am when I win this fight dina dinten saptu.


If I get the chance, Kaula bade sambel manehna kaluar. It’s boxing so you never know what will happen. I want to box round-by-round and win this fight.


I lost the fight with Stevenson but I showed that I was a good boxer. I’m a much smarter fighter now because of that experience. That was a fight at the top championship level.


It doesn’t matter what Chavez Jr. says at a press conference, we’ll be in the ring Saptuand everything will happen there.


Fan’s can expect heavy punches, knockdowns and a great fight.


Amir CINTA, Undefeated Super Lightweight Contender

I’m confident going into this fight because of how I train. I have put my heart and soul into this sport since I moved to Florida three years ago. I left everything behind to better myself.


I’m going to stay smart and composed in there and do everything I can to get the win.


I don’t feel like I need the knockout to come away with a successful fight. Tapi, you better believe that if there is an opportunity to knock him out, then I will take advantage of it.


“Dina 2015, Abdi hoyong jadi jawara dunya. This is my breakout year. A lot of people have been buzzing about me. I want to become the WBC world champion, that’s what I’m heading for.


“Teu nyaho manéhna [Karaton] a good opponent, he’s got a great resume, and he’s coming to fight. He has a great record, so that alone shows what he’s capable of. Sapertos Saptu night may the better man win.


I’ve boxed styles like [-Na] plenty of times, but you never know, he could come out different Saptuwengi.


I’m ready to put on a great show for the SHOWTIME audience.


Gulang Walter, Super Lightweight Contender

I’m coming here to fight. I can tell you one thing, Amir Imam made a big mistake by taking this fight.


I’ve fought a lot of tough fighters; my two losses were by decisions where I feel I was robbed. I’ve fought better fighters than Amir has.


“Sapertos Saptu, I’m going to announce to the whole world that Walter Castillo is here to stay and he’s going to be a world champion.

SR Julio César Chavez.

Being in Los Angeles is like being in Mexico for me; I have had many great memories. I became the world champion for this first time here and my son also became the world champion for the first time here, oge.


Julio definitely has a very difficult fight ahead of him.


If I was Julio’s manager, I wouldn’t have taken this fight. Fonfara is a difficult and tough fighter.


My son wants to fight fighters of quality and wants credibility in boxing.


Julio has worked and trained very hard for this fight .He has the capability to win and we expect that it will go very well.


JOE GOOSSEN, Chavez’ Palatih

Julio has a window here the next five, genep, seven years that he can capitalize on.


I think he’s left the childish stuff behind, and we’re all guilty of being childish.


I think that Julio has surprised his father with his determination heading into this fight.

He’s got a left hook to the liver that just sends a shock through your body.


He’s not soft. He’s a real fighter. I have been around enough fighters to know that he’s a real fighter. Nomer hiji, he has the never-say- die attitude in there.


We’re up against a very well-schooled, blue collar, workmanlike fighter in Fonfara.


He is an athletic, improvisational fighter, in that you don’t know where everything’s coming from.


I’ve watched a lot of Fonfara tape, and he pretty much repeats what he does, but he repeats it well.


This is going to be a battle. You’ve got two contrasting styles and personalities.


Julio has 51 fights under his belt. He’s no rookie and he comes from a great bloodline. (In the short time I’ve been with him, it has been) more of an association than a dictatorial effort between the two of us.


Based on former camps, he’s never really extracted himself from comfortable surroundings and put himself in a position where he is completely isolated like he was in Lake Tahoe.


SAM COLONNA, Fonfara’s Trainer

Fonfara could turn it up whenever. He could be down on the scorecards and one punch he throws could change someone’s world. He’s proven in the past that he has power in both hands.


The styles in this fight are perfect for each other. When people ask about the fight I say it could go either way, it depends on who catches the other first.


I’m looking for Fonfara to dominate, but Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. is a warrior, he comes to fight, he knows how to go to the body like his father used to, so we’ve been working on all of these strategies.


A knockout win would be a dream come true to me. That’s what I’ve been looking for all these years. Winning this huge fight would change everything for Fonfara and myself.


This camp that Andrzej had was the best we’ve ever had. He worked hard, he had time to train and there’s no excuses.


We’re coming to fight a war. Don’t forget that wars are won by strategy.


People say to listen to your father. His father told him not to take this fight, but he took it anyway and that was a mistake.


I see this fight not going past 10 rounds, with us getting the knockout.


STACY MCKINLEY, Imam sacara palatih

Amir has always trained very hard, but I did see a change in him in this training camp after the last fight. He has stepped up his training by two levels.


He learned a lot about his fight against [Fidel Maldonado] under the bright SHOWTIME lights at the MGM Grand.


Amir is always confident going into each fight, but he made a mistake in the Maldonado fight. He rolled his right hand and forgot about the left hand and was knocked down. He had to pay for his mistakes but it’s all a learning experience, he still has only 16 professional fights under his belt.


Castillo has a great jab and good combinations. A guy like that throws a lot of punches, but there is a technique to breaking down a fighter like that.


We can’t spend a lot of time on the ropes, and we must go after his body because his body is weak. Castillo is going to get knocked out dina dinten saptu.


I think that Amir is going to open up a lot of eyes dina dinten saptu.”


# # #


Chavez JR. vs. Fonfara” nyaeta bout 12-buleud nu lumangsung di StubHub Center di Carson, Calif. jeung bakal hawa dina SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT). Nu SHOWTIME Championship tinju telecast oge bakal sadia di Spanyol via programming audio sekundér (SAP).


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.sports.sho.com, turutan dina Twitter diSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter JeungSwanson_Comm, turutan paguneman ngagunakeun #ChavezFonfara, jadi kipas dina Facebook diwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing atawa nganjang ka Blog SHOWTIME tinju dihttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.


Quotables From Notables

Manny Pacquiao, Freddie Roach and Bob Arum

16 Days Before The Fight of the Century

Saptu, Mei 2, Di hermansah Grand Taman aréna IN Las Vegas


Klik IEUH For Pacquiao Media Day Replay Link

Klik IEUH For Pacquiao Media Day Video Highlights

Klik IEUH For Mayweather Media Day Video Highlights

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Halimun lin / SHOWTIME

Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Chris Farina / Top dina réngking

Klik IEUH For Mayweather Photos From Salasa sacara Workout

Kiridit: Halimun lin / SHOWTIME

Hollywood, CALIF. (April 16, 2015) – It was Manny Media Mania at Rebo sacara media workout for Fighter of the Decade, eight-division world champion and boxing superhero Congressman MANNY “Pacman” PACQUIAO. Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs), who represents the Sarangani province in the Philippines, hosted a Hollywood Media Workout with his Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach and Hall of Promoter Bob Arum.


Over 300 media from around the globe flocked to Wild Card Boxing Club to ask the trio about Pacquiao’s Mei 2 welterweight world championship unification battle against undefeatedFloyd “Duit” MAYWEATHER JR. (47-0, 26 KOs), di hermansah Grand Taman sarena di Las Vegas.


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., the live pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® jeung SHOWTIME PPV® dimimitian di 9:00 p.m. AND/ 6:00 p.m. PT.


What Pacquiao, Top Rank CEO Bob Arum and Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach ceukRebo:


MANNY PACQUIAO, Eight-Division World Champion


I feel very excited for the fight.


I have a lot of sparring partners that are similar to Floyd’s fighting style, we have done well. We know what to expect.


I have watched tape on Floyd to make sure that our strategy and technique in training camp is correct.


My entire career defines my legacy; I have already accomplished great achievements in my career while excelling in different weight divisions. This fight is an additional achievement in my career; it’s the biggest fight in boxing history.


I can say that beating Floyd would be the biggest victory of my career.


More people are interested and informed about this fight now than they would’ve been five years ago.


Style wise, I am the same fighter I was five years ago. My determination, inspiration and killer instinct is the exact same as it was five or six years ago.


“Kanggo abdi, boxing is my passion. I enjoy boxing and giving honor to my country of the Philippines. My concern is to bring an exciting fight to my fans. My first concern going into every fight is how will be to be able to entertain my fans, give them enjoyment and make them happy.


The reason I am so loved by fans is because of my reckless style of fighting. People like exciting fights with actual punches being thrown.




Manny is motivated, he’s ready for the fight. I expect a great performance from him.


It’s a very interesting fight because Floyd is a defensive specialist who has a good right hand and picks off his opponents. He’s an extraordinarily good fighter.


Pacquiao’s strength is speed, particularly his foot speed and the fact that he throws so many punches and attacks from low angles. He really hits harder than Floyd does, so that’s really what it’s going to be about.


Floyd has a different defense than Juan Manuel Marquez. His defense is primarily his shoulder roll. A lot of his defense is geared against a right handed fighter. Jeung ceuk nu, I think Manny is going to surprise a lot of people with how he is going to be able to reach Floyd.


I would say Manny is more motivated for this fight than any other fight I’ve seen him prepare for.


I’m looking forward to Mei 2. I love Manny’s chances of winning, that’s the main thing. He looks great, he’s motivated, no nonsense, and I think he’s going to put on a performance for the ages. It’s going to be hard for him to top his performance against Oscar De La Hoya, but I think he will in this fight.

Freddie ROACH, Pacquiao’s Hall of Fame Trainer


We have a great idea of when and where we are going to attack Mayweather.


This fight was five years in the making. Promoters should realize that these types of fights are what’s best for boxing and we should have more fights like this. I’m not surprised by the hype surrounding the fight.


Manny has really raised the bar in this training camp. He’s a different Manny Pacquiao than I have seen him going into previous training camps. He is punching so much harder in training for this camp.


Manny is better than ever, his attitude is different and I’ve never seen him work this hard. His speed is faster, his punches are harder. I’m really happy where he’s at. His legs look great; he’s on his toes all the time.


Mayweather is a good counter-puncher, but Manny has faster hands and his combinations are better than Floyd’s.


Both fighters have great experience, so I don’t believe that will be a factor in the fight. The biggest thing is that each fighter comes in with a different style. Floyd is a counter-puncher but Manny must be the one to enforce the fight.


I believe that Manny being a southpaw will be a factor in this fight. Manny showed me tape of Floyd fighting a southpaw and told me that that is exactly what we are going to do in this fight.


I can tell how much this fight means to Manny because he has watched tape on Floyd. Manny has never watched tape on any fighter before.


Since Manny moved to 147 he hasn’t knocked many guys out, so getting the knockout in this fight isn’t a concern for me. If Manny fights at 140, then he does knock guys out, but at this weight he is fighting guys who are bigger than him.


Floyd may be a bigger guy, but we will still win the fight.


This fight is much bigger than when Manny fought Oscar De La Hoya. Manny is a different person going into this fight. He hit me so hard the other day that I believe it’s the hardest I’ve ever been hit by a fighter who I’m training.


I don’t believe that Floyd ever wanted this fight, he was forced to take it by the public and the media. I wouldn’t be surprised if Floyd pulled out now.


# # #



Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com / tinju jeung www.mgmgrand.com jeung nuturkeun dina Twitter difloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing JeungSwanson_Comm, and become a fan on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsportsandwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


* * * Video Siaga * * *

Saptu, April 18 dina SHOWTIME® Immediately Following

SHOWTIME Championship tinju® Chavez vs. Fonfara


The fight the fans craved is finally here. Ayeuna, after years of anticipation and negotiation, the reality of Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao stepping into the ring is just over two weeks away. Check out this clip lift from Episode 1 of the SHOWTIME Sports® documentary seriesDi jero MAYWEATHER vs. PACQUIAO. Don’t miss the full episode Saptu ieu immediately following SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. vs. Andrzej Fonfara at10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT dina SHOWTIME.


Click on this link to watch, babagi jeung embed video ieu: http://s.sho.com/1J4oInr

Photo Kredit: Halimun lin / WAKTOS NA PERTUNJUKAN


# # #


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com/boxing jeung www.mgmgrand.com jeung nuturkeun dina Twitter difloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing JeungSwanson_Comm, and become a fan on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather,www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions,www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports andwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Klik IEUH Pikeun Poto Ti Halimun lin / SHOWTIME

Klik IEUH Pikeun Photos Ti Idris Erba / Mayweather promosi

Klik IEUH For Photos From Will Hart/HBO

Klik IEUH For Workout Highlight Reel

Las Vegas – (April 15, 2015) – Langkung ti 200 accredited press members from around the world descended upon Mayweather Boxing Club for Salasa sacara Floyd Mayweather Media Day. It was the 11-time world champion Mayweather’s first and only open training session before his welterweight world championship unification mega-showdown against Manny Pacquiao dina Saptu, Mei 2, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas live on pay-per-view.


Superstars Mayweather (47-0, 26 KOs) jeung Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs) is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., the live pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® jeung SHOWTIME PPV® dimimitian di9:00 p.m. AND/ 6:00 p.m. PT.


Several dozen television camera crews, columnists koran, panulis tinju, siaran radio, web reporters, photographers and (video) bloggers watched as Mayweather went through the paces during a 90-plus minute workout that included working the heavy bag, smacking the speed bag, hitting the mitts, jumping rope, stretching and doing calisthenics.


Before a training session streamed in high definition across multiple platforms, kaasup via eupan satelit, YouTube jeung média sosial, Mayweather answered questions from the media inside a specially-constructed tent in a parking lot outside the gym.


What Mayweather, Mayweather promosi CEO Leonard Ellerbe, palatih Floyd Mayweather SR. and unbeaten WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz, who will fight in the top pay-per-view undercard bout on Mei 2, ceuk Salasa:


Floyd MAYWEATHER, 11-Time World Jawara


My training camp is basically running the same way. I think it has been smoother than others. I feel very comfortable and happy with my performances. They push me hard at camp. They know what I need.


The timing for this fight is right. This fight is about legacy, fans and family. I surround myself with all of the right people.


I can’t say that this matchup is about hype. This is real life. This is two future Hall of Famers in a mega-fight.


I’ve done record breaking numbers before and it looks like we’re going to do it again.


Everything in life is about timing. I have no regrets that this fight didn’t take place five years ago. I didn’t think it was that big then, but it continued to get bigger and bigger. Not just in boxing, but outside of the sport. Pacquiao has continued to grow outside of the sport. We didn’t need to rush anything.


This is going to be an exciting fight. Our styles are totally different. He is very, very reckless. Every move I make is calculated. I’m always 5-10 steps ahead of my opponent.


We’ll see what happens when the fight starts. But when all is said and done I’m going to be the winner.


Pacquiao is strong and solid but I don’t know if he can make adjustments like I can. I feel tremendous.


This was a difficult fight to make happen, but we made it happen. This fight is one of the biggest ever in boxing.


I’m still going strong. The last time I looked, Mah ieu 47 jeung 0.


Anyone can get hit with a great shot, but I can make more adjustments and Manny can’t.


I don’t think Pacquiao expected me to look as strong or big when we faced off (at the L.A. konferensi pers).


I walk around at 150-152 pounds to weigh 147 kilogram. Other boxers weigh around 160-170 before coming down.


I’ve got one more fight on my contract. I couldn’t be happier with SHOWTIME and CBS.


Las Vegas is the boxing capital. During a Floyd Mayweather fight weekend, you can shop, party, stay out late and do anything you want. The city of Las Vegas has everything.


There were offers to fight other places, but MGM Grand is my home.


Anything I’ve asked of MGM Grand, they’ve done for me in a heartbeat. They’re all about making entertainers and athletes happy.


Leo Santa Cruz, WBC Super Bantamweight World Jawara


I’m very grateful for the opportunity to fight on such an unbelievably huge card. I really want to thank Floyd Mayweather.


Any boxer would like to be on this card where millions of people are watching. I’m happy to represent Mexico on this night and on this fight card.

I look at it as a key opportunity for me to make an even bigger name for myself, which is my goal because one day I want to become a superstar like Floyd. That’s why I train really hard all of the time.


There are no little fights for me. I consider every fighter dangerous. You lose when you think a fighter is not on your level and then he comes in hungrier than you. That will never happen to me.


I don’t know who I’m fighting yet, but I’m sparring different guys with different styles.


There’s always a lot at risk for me. People keep talking about all of these big fights, but if I don’t win now, there will be no big fights in the future.


I know who I want to fight, but I don’t pick my opponents; I leave it up to my team. They make those kinds of decisions. My job is to fight and win.


I have to stay concentrated. I have to maintain focus and concentration. I can’t get ahead of myself. I méré 100 percent in training and in the ring. I always want to put on a great fight for the fans.

Leonard ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather promosi


Boxing is at an all time high at the moment. There are a lot of great things going on. Between this fight and getting boxing back on network television, it’s all great for the sport.


This fight will not only elevate the sport in general, but it will bring in the casual fan to the sport and that’s a great thing.


The impact that Floyd Mayweather has had on this sport is immeasurable. People won’t be able to appreciate that until he retires. He’s done so much for this sport. He’s given fighters a platform to say to other promoters that they deserve the lion’s share of the money. He’s brought more sponsorships to the sport.


Floyd Mayweather is the highest paid athlete in all of sports and he happens to be a boxer.


I think the demand thus far only indicates how big this event is. This is a fight that’s been talked about for five years now and everyone is going to get exactly what they’ve been asking for.


Manny Pacquiao is a great fighter. He’s been in a number of great fights and he’s had a terrific career thus far. These are the two best fighters of this generation and come Mei 2 there will be one man standing and it will be Floyd Mayweather.


There’s no doubt it’s going to be a great fight. Kuring bener gumbira. I can see firsthand the day-to-day preparation that Floyd puts in and he’s working just as hard as ever. The fans are going to get a great fight that night.


“I don’t know what Manny Pacquiao has to do on Mei 2, but I know what Floyd Mayweather has to do. He has to do what he normally does and go in there and execute his game plan and I really expect Floyd to knock him out.”


Floyd Mayweather SR., Mayweather’s Trainer & Father


“Floyd is as well rounded a fighter as there has ever been, but he’s really still here because of his defense.


“Other guys fight with their head and their mind and come up short. It’s his great defense that has kept him on top for so long.


“I want you all to see it. It’s so plain and simple what he’s going to do. Even Ray Charles could see it.


“I honestly never thought that this was going to happen. So many people were trying to say Floyd was scared. Lets see on Mei 2 who is scared.


I can’t tell you why or how, but here’s an update, Floyd is going to kick his a** and knock Pacquiao out.


I didn’t watch one tape on Pacquiao. There is no reason to study him. He’s not at this level.


Floyd is the best, I must confess. Nothing is going to stop Floyd Mayweather.


Pacquiao’s trainer Coach Roach (Freddie Roach) is lying to you. Trying to trick you all. Floyd’s not getting knocked down in the gym. Floyd is the one knocking people down. Roach blows smoke with no hope.

## # #



Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com / tinju jeung www.mgmgrand.com jeung nuturkeun dina Twitter difloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing JeungSwanson_Comm, and become a fan on Facebookatwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiaowww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing,www.facebook.com/SHOsports andwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.