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BORN TO BE WILDER: 10 Što biste trebali znati O šampion u teškoj kategoriji Deontay WILDER

Neporažen, Hard-probijanje, Lokalni Favorite

Brani protiv Eric Molina Ovo Subota, Jun 13,
® Od Bartow Arena u Birminghamu, Alabama;

Foto: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

Kliknite OVDJE Za gledanje video O Wilder se vrati u svoju Homestate Alabama:http://s.sho.com/1FGY1D5

NEW YORK (Jun 9, 2015) – Bez poraza u teškoj kategoriji svjetski prvak DeontayThe Bronze BomberWilder (33-0, 32 KOs), of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, rizikuje svoj savršen rekord i titulu protiv Eric “Drummer Boy” Molina (23-2, 17 KOs), od Raymondville, Teksas, ovo Subota, Jun 13, u glavni događaj na SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® živjeti SHOWTIME® (9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT) u Bartow Arena u Birmingham, Ala.


Pokretač da se bore tjedan događanja, u nastavku su 10 brzo činjenice biste trebali znati o Deontay Wilder (sa svojim komentarima):


1. On je proveo više od 1,000 sati uzimajući tetovaže pokriva njegovo tijelo, uključujući i jednu od WBC u teškoj kategoriji prvenstvu pojas na lijevoj butini …


“To je vjerojatno je više od 1,000 sati. Tetovaže su hobi za mene. Uživam stavljajući svoj život priču na mom tijelu.”


2. Je nadmeću u vezi 50 rundi sa Wladimir Klitschko, koji drži WBO, IBF, i WBA naslova i predstavlja potencijalni budući protivnika …


Bilo je to sjajno iskustvo. Dosta stvari koje sam naučio od njega. Sve u svemu bio je to veliki kamp. Jedan od najboljih kampova sam ikada bio u. On je bio priprema za Mariusz Wach (Novembar 2012).


3. Radio je u IHOP, Red Lobster i Budweiser nakon napuštanja koledža da pomognu platiti medicinske troškove njegove kćeri …


Otišao sam iz IHOP, AI-tri Company (Mercedes kompanija), Red Lobster i Budweiser. Najinteresantniji posao je bio vozač isporuke za Budweiser. Bio sam još amater bokser. Morao sam da ustanem u 4:30-5 sati. svako jutro i ja morao podići više količine piva. Oni su vjerojatno put 1,000 slučajeva piva na mom kamionu. Smatrao sam da je jutro vježba.”


4. On je napisao knjigu o dječje pobjede u teškoj kategoriji prvenstvu …


To je više od inspirativan knjige pustiti djecu zna da morate naporno raditi za sve što želite i ne može odustati. Ne dozvolite da pritisak vršnjaka li prestati od ostvarivanju svojih ciljeva. I vjerojatno će napisati još jedan dječje knjige, jer volim djecu i volim kao otac.”


5. On je finansijski podržava Coffeyville (Alabama) teretana za djecu. Nalazi se u jednoj od škola da je grad zatvoren. On također pomaže učiti djecu Boxing …


Vidjeli smo priliku da pomogne Coffeyville out. To je počelo kada su zatvorili Coffeyville High School. Mnogo mladih morao probuditi ranije nego što bi inače da putuju milja i milja u školu. Je grad postaje loš rap. Uspjeli smo dovesti pozitivnosti u mali grad. Željeli smo da bi nešto u grad. Uspjeli smo dobiti djecu sa ulica i dati im neke veze. Imamo sa gradom i napravio srednjoj školi teretanu. Uživamo rad sa decom. Oni nikada nisu upoznati sa boks. To čini naša srca dobro je vidjeti djecu uključeni u fizičku aktivnost i biti sretan. Ko zna? Oni mogu postati prvaci jedan dan.”


6. On je bio jedan od sportista izabrao da bude model za Ralph Lauren liniju odjeće na 2008 Olimpijske igre u Pekingu …


Pustili su me model odjeću. Ja sam bio jedan od najzgodniji 2008 Olympic momci (smeje). Moj trener me upoznao jednog dana i rekao mi da su me hteli da predstavljaju odjeću. Rekla sam da, kao da sam se udajem. Bio je to veliki prijedlog. Nisam zadržati bilo koji od odjeće. Uzeo sam modeliranje zdravo za gotovo. Uzimajući u nju, Mislio sam da će lako. Razumem šta ti momci prolaze kroz. Poštujem modeli. Sumnjam da ćeš me vidjeti na pisti. To je bio početak i kraj moje karijere modeliranje.”


7. Wilder je često / uvijek pogrešno NBA superstar LeBron James kad izlazi u javnosti …


Sve vrijeme. Samo smile. Kad oni kažu da izgledam kao on, I slažem se ljubazno. Jedini sličnosti je naša velika osmijehe. I ljubazno izašli iz te situacije.”


8. On je osvojio WBC u teškoj kategoriji titulu na rođendan Martin Luther King, Jr. i Muhammad Ali (koji je okrenuo 73 Tog dana) …


To je definitivno poseban trenutak za mene da to uradi. Ali je moj omiljeni borac svih vremena. Imam trake za njega kada je ide gore na Olimpijadi. Poštujem ono što je on učinio u sportu. To je tako sretan trenutak za mene. Martin Luther King, Jr. što je jedan od naših velikog građanskog prava lidera, koji mi je srce dobro. To je bio istorijski trenutak za mene. Kako sam mogao izgubili tu borbu? Bilo je to jednom u životu da se borbu na dva posebna ljudi rođendana. I dalje sam zapanjena sada.”


9. Njegova baka ne bi nikome dozvoliti da ga istući jer je rekao da je posebna i da će odrasti da radi velike stvari …


Ona je uvek govorila da je pomazao Bog i suđeno da budu veliki i učiniti velike stvari u svijetu. Ona nije živa sada da vidim što sam ostvario. Propustio sam te domaći keksi, nane čaj i domaće piletinu i knedle da je ona koristi za izradu.”


10. Udario Bermane Stiverne tako teško na svjetskom prvenstvu borba da se sagnuo metalne šipke u svom kirurški popraviti desnu ruku …


To je istina. Negdje u trećem ili četvrtom kolu. Shvatio sam to jer mi je ruka krenula Numb. Znao sam što je to bilo, jer sam imao to i ranije. Prvi put kada sam to uradio sam ga je nokautirao, a nisam imao proći kroz cijelu borbu. Sa ovim se činilo u redu za vrijeme borbe. To samo mi znamo da je kroz nedaće je sve moguće, ako imate volje i uma da ostvari svoj cilj. To je ono što šampioni su izrađeni od. Kada odete u bitku da ćeš učiniti sve što morate učiniti da osvoji. To nije bio jedini povreda. Ja sam jedno oko ide u borbu. Bio sam hendikepiran cijelu borbu. Noć prije borbe sam se protežu s bendom. Došao je s nogu i udario me u oči. Kad sam se probudio sutradan nisam mogao da vidim ništa. Dobro je što sam imao moj privatni lekar. On tretira oka. Ja sam vidjeti crno-bijele prije borbe, ali sam je već bio tamo i da ću proći kroz sa borbu.”


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“WILDER vs. MOLINA,” 12-Okrugli borbi za Wilder WBC u teškoj kategoriji Championship, odvijaSubota, Jun 13, at The Bartow Arena u Birminghamu, Ala. DiBella Zabava i Bruno Event Team udružili su snage kako bi ovaj događaj Alabama. U co-co-main event romoted od DiBella u saradnji sa Universal Promocije, Jose Pedraza će se suočiti Andrey Klimov u 12-Okrugli borba za IBF Jr. Lagana World Naslov. To će se emitirati uživo na SHOWTIME® (9 poslije podne. I/ 6 poslije podne. PT). U televizijska emisija će biti dostupna i na španjolskom preko sekundarne audio programiranje (SAP). Preliminarni napade će biti na televiziji uživo na SHOWTIME EXTREME (7 poslije podne. I/PT, kasni na zapadnoj obali).


Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com i www.dbe1.com pratiti na Twitter naSHOSports, WilderVSMolina, BronzeBomber, LouDiBella ISwanson_Comm, prati razgovor koristeći #WilderMolina, postati fan na Facebooku na www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing ili posjethttp://shosportspoundforpound.tumblr.com/



Kliknite OVDJE Za Audio Link


Kelly Swanson

Hvala svima nam se pridružili danas. Uzbuđen sam zbog ovog poziva i ove borbe. Danas ćemo čuti od oba boraca, Deontay Wilder i Eric Molina. nam se pridružiti kao je Lou DiBella, Predsjednik DiBella Entertainment, i Stephen Espinoza, Izvršni potpredsjednik i generalni direktor SHOWTIME sporta.


Tako, napraviti formalni upoznavanja, Ja ću ga preko Lou.


Lou DiBella

Hvala, Kelly. To je uvijek pravi zadovoljstvo i čast kad god se za promociju teškoj prvenstvo borba, i Deontay Wilder je prvi američki šampion u neko vrijeme. On dobije priliku da brani titulu, njegova prva obrana u svom rodnom gradu Birmingham, Alabama, na kampusu UAB iz Bartow Arena.


Ovo će biti na televiziji kao glavni događaj na SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS u subotu navečer, Jun 13. Ovo je zanimljiv put biti na UAB kampusu jer UAB samo preokrenuo vrlo kontroverznu odluku o raspuštanju svoj nogomet program, tako da College Football dolazi natrag u Birminghamu i kampusu UAB i tako je u teškoj kategoriji prvenstvo boks sa Deontay Wilder.


Ulaznice se po cijeni od $25, $50, $75, $100, $150, i $200, ali ima manje od 1,000 karata, i očekujemo rasprodate kuća od oko 8,500 ljudi i da ulaznice će prodati mnogo prije Fight Night. Tako, ako neko želi karte, da ih čim možete na UABSports.com i AlabamaFightNight.com. Vrata će se otvoriti u 3 sati. Prvi nastup će biti na 3:30 popodne, a zatim SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHP BOKS na vazduhu 9 poslije podne. I, 8 poslije podne. CT, i 6 poslije podne. PT.


Otvaranje nastup na SHOWTIME je sjajan svjetsko prvenstvo boriti se između 130 funti za titulu, Jose Pedraza i Andrej Klimov. Voleo bih da pozovem izvršni potpredsjednik i generalni direktor SHOWTIME sporta, Stephen Espinoza.


Stephen Espinoza

Hvala puno, Lou. To je uzbudljiv dan za sve nas ovdje u SHOWTIME. Ranije danas, smo najavili skori pokretanje nove online streaming servis, SHOWTIME Direct potrošačima, što znači da sve naše programiranje nagrađivani, uključujući sve naše uživo boks telecasts, će biti dostupan na live istoku i West Coast hrani za SHOWTIME, kao i svih naših sadržaja potražnje. Ta usluga će pokrenuti sredinom jula.


kasnije večeras, imamo veliku epizodu 60 minuta Sports, koji uključuje vrlo otkriva intervju sa nekim od najnovijih dostignuća u Pippa skandal. To je zatim premijer svih pristupnih: Deontay Wilder. To je u 10 poslije podne. ET / PT. Mi ćemo se osvrnuti na Deontay potpis pobedu, ono što ga je stekao titulu u teškoj kategoriji kroz prizmu nagrađivane serije, i mi ćemo također, kao obično, biti uzimanje bliži pogled na ličnu stranu i pokazuje vam neke dubine Deontay karaktera da su navijači možda neće biti upoznat sa ove jeseni.


Što se tiče subote 13, imamo veliku noć tuča, možda jedan od naših najjačih noći u SHOWTIME Extremecards do danas. Koji počinje u 7 poslije podne. ET / PT. To će početi sa dva neporažena boraca u WBC 135 kila eliminacije bout, Ivan Redkach, koji su mnogi od vas vide nekoliko puta na ShoBox protiv Dejana Zlatičanin, koji je vrlo teško izazivač. Takođe, jedan od spajalice Extreme i vrlo visoko smatrati izgledi, Julian Williams of Philadelphia, će biti u teškim protiv ruskog velter perspektiva, Arman Ovsepyan.


Onda je SHOWTIME, šampionat dvostruka zaglavlja, kao Lou naznačeno. U otvaranju meča, smo neporažen amater standout, Jose Pedraza Portoriko suočavaju teških udaraca Andrey Klimov. Pedraza, naravno, je predstavila Portoriko u 2008 Olimpijske igre, Bio je zlatne medalje na 2010 Centralne Amerike i Kariba. Videli ste ga istaknut na ShoBox. On je vrlo vješt borac.


Andrey Klimov, također vrhunski amater, bivši ruski lagan pojas. Njegov jedini poraz, naravno, je da se sadašnji WBO 140 kila prvak, Terence Crawford. Lou će dati malo više u detalje na glavni događaj i uvesti boraca, ali dozvolite mi da kažem da mi očekujemo ogroman odziv za naš prvi svjetski prvak u boksu događaj i za naše SHOWTIME Boxing TV prijenos u državi Alabama.


Kao što znamo, prepunom arena daje ogromnu element uzbuđenja na televiziji uživo. Ponosni smo predstaviti ovaj neodoljiv i osvježavajući svijeta u teškoj kategoriji naslov borba živi SHOWTIME.


Unazad da vas, Lou.


L. DiBella

Mnogo vam hvala, Stephen. Šampionat u teškoj kategoriji borbe ima Deontay Wilder osporava Eric Molina. Molina je 23-2 sa 17 KOs. On je na pobjednički niz od pet borbi i tri borbe nokaut niz, uključujući karijeru Najveća pobjeda nad Davarryl Williamson. Njegov jedini gubitak od njegovog pro debi došao protiv Chris Arreola. On je rangiran broj 9 od strane WBC.


On je također jako zanimljiv tip kao što sam stigao do njega čuti nekoliko puta u toku ove promocije, koji radi mnogo da vrati u svoju zajednicu, koji ima sjajan smisao za dobrotvorne svrhe i zajednice, i on je je vrlo jasno da on nema ništa izgubiti ovdje. On je to gledate kao životna prilika, i da će učiniti sve i svašta šokirati svijet i uzeti to svjetsko prvenstvo daleko od Deontay Wilder.


Tako, Bilo mi je zadovoljstvo predstaviti titulu svjetskog prvaka izazivač, Eric Molina.


Eric Molina

Zdravo, momci. Baš kao i Lou rekli, to je bio dobar uvod o tome ko sam i šta ja dolazim u uraditi. Vrlo smo uzbuđeni o borbi, priliku da odem do Alabama. Znamo da će to biti vrlo užurban okruženju dole, vrlo neugodno okruženje, ali Wilder je šampion, i on dobije da uživaju sve ove privilegije svih smjernica u kojoj se borimo i sve logističke to, tako da smo uzbuđeni zbog prilike da se bori za teškoj kategoriji naslov svjetskog prvaka i vrlo smo pripremili.


kamp za obuku ide izuzetno dobro. Zatvaramo naš trening kamp u subotu, i moramo biti spremni da odemo do Alabama u ponedjeljak. Sve izgleda vrlo dobro, i spremni smo da idemo.


L. DiBella

Hvala, Eric. Fight sedmica, sljedeće sedmice, biće mnoštvo događaja koji su doveli do borbe, uključujući i treninga u srijedu i javno vagati-u u petak. Voleo bih da ljudi prate AlabamaTitleFight.com za sve detalje kao što su oni ažuriran, uključujući mnogo detalja o stvarima koji je otvoren za javnost i da ljudi u Birminghamu mogu uživati ​​u toku borbe sedmice, tako da je to www.AlabamaTitleFight.com.


Jedan od najponosnijih sinova i najveći sinovi Birmingham, Alabama, je mladić koji je fizički uzorak. On je 33-0, s nevjerojatnom nokautom stopu 32 Kos 33 tuče. Deontay Wilder je imao kratku, ali uređeni amaterske karijere koja je zaključen sa putovanje na Olimpijske igre gdje je osvojio brončanu medalju za Sjedinjene Države. Osvojio je 12-okrugli odluku preko Bermane Stiverne u januaru da postane WBC šampiona u teškoj kategoriji.


U svojoj profesionalnoj karijeri on je nokautirao bivšeg olimpijskog zlatne medalje, Audley Harrison u jednom krugu, bivši šampion u teškoj kategoriji, Sergei Liakhovich u jednom krugu. On je samo počeo boks u 2005, i njegov brz uspon u sportu je neverovatno i zapravo inspiraciju za djecu knjigu pod nazivom Deontay the Future World Champ, i pretpostavljam da su djeca knjiga je proročki, jer je to sada Deontay, the World Champ.


On je rođen u Tuscaloosa, Odrastao je zakleti Crimson Tide ventilator, i on se vraća kući da se bore u Alabami, po prvi put u tri godine da brani svoju WBC titulu u teškoj kategoriji po prvi put.


Tako, to je moja čast i zadovoljstvo predstaviti WBC u teškoj kategoriji prvak svijeta, Deontay Wilder.


Deontay Wilder

Zdravo, momci. Uzbuđen sam što imam priliku da se vrati u ring i prikazati svoj talenat više. Svi ljudi koji će gledati i ljudi koji će biti prisutan, to je zadovoljstvo i čast biti u mogućnosti da se u ring da uradi nešto što volim da radim i imam vrlo jaku strast u vezi, tako da sam uzbuđen o juna 13. Ja sam uzbuđen zbog dolaska u moj dom državi Alabama.


Kada sam utvrđene postaje neprikosnoveni šampion u teškoj kategoriji svijeta, Dobio sam jedan dio toga da postane šampion, WBC u teškoj kategoriji prvak svijeta. Imam još dug put, ali sam čast i zadovoljstvo da moj prvi odbranu titule u Alabami. Idemo u istoriju izlaze u Junu 13 tako što je prvi naslov borba bilo podjele u državi Alabama, a to je zadovoljstvo i definitivno mi je čast za mene. Tako, ja i Eric će definitivno biti svjedoci i što povijest dolaze juni 13.


Cijenim ga za potpisivanje ugovora i prihvata ovu priliku. Mnogi momci ne dobiti priliku da bude u mogućnosti da se bori za naslov svjetskog prvaka, i čestitam mu na mogućnost. Znam da će to biti velika borba. On će doći da se bori, i to je ono što ja očekujem. Očekujem veliku borbu. On je neko ko ima veliki kore ali žele veliki zalogaj u ringu, kao i previše, tako da je ono što ja očekujem. Svim mojim fanovima, on dolazi na neprijateljskoj teritoriji. Dolazi arena ispunjena samo većina rodnom gradu ljudi u državi Alabama, tako da je teškom okruženju dođe u, a zatim okrenuti jedan od najopasnijih momci u diviziji do danas.


Tako, Ja sam ga aplaudirati za to. Samo sam spreman. Čekao sam dugo vremena da se vrati u ring. Nakon moje posljednje borbe, Želim da ostanem dosljedan. Želim da ostanem zauzet u borbi. Volim da radim ovo. Bog mi je dao priliku da se to uradi. Ja ću i dalje da radiš, zadržati dajući fanovima ono što oni žele da vide, i to je sjajno tuče i brani titulu što je više moguće. Možete reći moj glas da sam super uzbuđen. Ne mogu čekati. Ne postoji ništa kao što je ono što ja radim, moj posao, a to je da se whoop je **, a ja ne mogu čekati da se tamo dolazi juni 13.


L. DiBella

Hvala, Deontay. Dobro, sada ćemo ga otvori za pitanja.



Kao što sam ja shvatio, Deontay, prije par godina, prije ili tri godine, kad god je to bilo, ne tako dugo nakon što je postala profesionalac, da su ljudi u Alabami zaista stvorio komisije boks koji je tu da u osnovi uređuje sport, jer su htjeli svoju omiljenu sina, Deontay Wilder, biti u stanju da se bore u domovini i staviti na ovakve velike emisija.


Kada se to dogodilo, Bio je to krajnji cilj za vas staviti na veliki događaj u vašem domu državi?


D. Wilder

Ovo je definitivno bio krajnji cilj. Moj trener i ko-manager, Jay Deas, smo postavili dalje cilj da dobijem proviziju ovdje. Imali smo dosta velikih šampiona to je odavde, ali nije mogao dobiti borbu zbog činjenice da nije bilo provizije ovdje. Već sam imao planove nakon Olimpijade okretanja pro i borave i žive u mojoj domovini. Imao sam viziju za ovu državu. Hteo sam da bude veći od samo College Football. Dao sam im mogućnosti da imaju profesionalnog sporta ovdje, i to je boks, pa kad smo dobili proviziju, to je uzbrdo od tamo. Mnogi ljudi su dobili na brodu. Mnogi ljudi nikada nije zabrinut s boks, razdoblje, u svom životu, dok čitaju priču o mom kretanju, šta se dešava, i puno ljudi je izgubio interes u boksu dok ne čitati o moju priču, moj pokret. Sada, oni su na brodu.


Tako, postalo malo stvar za državu Alabama sada, pa su me stavili na vrhu što se tiče sporta ovdje u pitanju u državi Alabama, jer ne postoji ništa kao što je svijet sporta, ništa. Ništa nacionalni može da se takmiči sa sportskim svjetski nivo.



Pitao sam se da li bi mogao spomenuti koji su neke od tih drugih vrhu kandidata koji vas je izgledalo da se bore prije nego što je odlučio da postigne dogovor sa Eric?


D. Wilder

Dobro, u ovom momentu, Osjećam se kao je navodeći imena sada nevažno. Naredne sedmice će se boriti sedmice, i sve je fokusiran na Eric Molina. To je glavni fokus, i volim momke. Ne bi to bilo dobro navodeći imena. Imali su priliku. Eric pojačale na ploču, a mi ćemo mu čestitam. Mi ćemo staviti na odlične performanse juni 13.



How do you respond to the people who say, ‘Eric Molina, who’s that? And why should he be in a heavyweight championship fight?’

I. Molina

Well there are a lot of casual boxing fans out there that really don’t know too much about Eric Molina. I have been in pretty big fights. I fought Tony Grano, the NABF champion, ranked in the top 10 in the world for over a year. If you look at my record, you see two losses. In the casual boxing sense, you see those two losses. Only a fighter knows how hard it is to bounce back from losses like those.


Tako, the casual fan doesn’t say ah, dobro, they say he’s got these two losses, but I know what I’ve been through to come back from my losses, things that I’ve learned from my losses, i ja pozicioniran sebe natrag u kao glavni kandidat u svijetu.


Mnoge od ovih tuča na svoju biografiju, vidite borbe, ali vi ne vidite drugog ugla onoga što je na stolu, koliko dugo sam morao pripremiti, stvari koje sam morao proći kroz izvan ringa, tako mi je drago da je juni 13th Bliži se. Imali smo vrlo glatko kamp za obuku, i ja dolazim u sa svime. Nikad nisam bio ovako spreman za borbu prije. Nikada nisam imao privilegiju da se u ovom spreman za borbu, tako da smo uzbuđeni zbog toga.



Eric, jer ti dva poraza su u prvom kolu, i zato Deontay ima toliko prvog kola nokauta, on je brz starter, kako ključna je prolazak kroz prvo kolo u ovoj borbi?


I. Molina

Dobro, to je definitivno važno. Mislim da je ovo definitivno borba koja od prvog zvona, Mislim da će to biti brzo tempom borbe. Deontay Wilder je veliki udarač, ali osećam da sam veliki udarač i, tako da mislim da je veoma važno biti spreman od prvog zvona. Svašta može dogoditi u bilo kojem drugom. To je u teškoj kategoriji naslov svjetskog prvaka borba.



Da li se nekako osjećaju da van neki pritisak je od vas pokušati nokautirati svakoga, ili morati nokautirati svakoga?

D. Wilder

Mislim, možete tako reći, ali ja ne živim svoj život pod pritiskom. Ja sam opuštena osoba. Ja sam tip osobe, mišljenja ljudi o meni ne smeta, posebno kada sam u ringu, jer znam da sve što radim, I pripremi za, Treniram naporno svaki put, u kampu, u obuci.


Ja sam uvijek za obuku, Ja nikad ne prestaje. Ne uzimam nikakve slobodne dane. Ja sam uvijek za obuku, jer volim da radim ovo. Volim da box. Volim biti u mogućnosti da se u tu i obavljaju za fanove, tako da nemam nikakve slobodne dane. Ali ne možeš ugoditi svima. Postoji previše milijarde ljudi u svijetu u pokušaju da zadovolji svaki mišljenje, u pokušaju da udovolji svima. Čak i kada su ljudi govorili stvari o meni, ono što nisam mogao, moje zadnje borbe dokazao sam im sve. To me je još više opasan borac jer sada ljudi znaju šta sam u stanju da uradi. Ne samo da sam udarač, ali ne mogu box. Mogu se zabaviti. Ja mogu ići 12 metaka i učiniti da izgleda kao da je ništa. Mogu uzeti udarac. To je ništa, but we’ve been telling people for years what I could do, just needed the right person in there for me to display my talents. There’s no pressure on me at all.


I don’t go in there and try to look for the knockout, u svakom slučaju. I go in there and let my hands go, and if I get the knockout, I get it. I would prefer the knockout, naravno. This is a heavyweight division. It’s all based about power. When people get dressed up and come out to that fight, they come to see a knockout. They want to see a couple of rounds or whatever, to see what kind of skill and will that person has, maybe a little heart, and then they want to see the knockout because they’ve got other things planned for that night.


And when they come to see a Deontay Wilder fight, to je ono što želim da ih dovedem. Želim da ih dovedem nokauta, ali da poslednje borbe, tako mnogo više nego samo nokaut jer nisam mislio, Želeo sam da dokažem ljudima ono što sam bio u stanju da uradi. Mislim da je te noći, osvoji naslov, to je bio savršen trenutak da se dokaže ono što sam sposoban raditi i što sam sve o.


Tako, Sada je vrijeme da se vratim na moju nokautom niz poput ljudi očekuju od mene, i to je ono što želim, pa idemo, beba.



Lou, kako su prodaja ulaznica za borbu dolazi?

L. DiBella

prodaje ulaznica su prilično izvanredan, zapravo, 7,500 karte već prodao. Kapacitet je 8,500, tako da nismo ni u borbi nedelje i gledamo rasprodaja. Nismo u posljednjih nekoliko dana, i gledamo rasprodaja. Mislim da ćemo prodati pre nego što je usputno.



Deontay, Kakav je osjećaj samo da odem 12 kruga? To je nešto što još nije učinjeno u profesionalnoj karijeri, i kako ste se osjećali samo da ne kažem dobiti kola, samo da mirnom puno kritičara. To je bio jedan udarac protiv vas, kako bi ti uradio u 12 rundi borbe?


D. Wilder

Ići 12 kola je, to je nešto što ja ne na treningu, Radim u kampu. Najteži dio u boksu nije dio gdje idete tamo i natjecati i boriti protivnika. To je dio obuke. To je teži deo, trening, ono što ljudi zaista ne vidim.


Oni misle da borci samo idi tamo jednu noć, bore 12 rundi ili manje, i to je to, plaćeni su, oh, to je to. Ali je teško dio je u kampu, ono što radiš na treningu, ono što radite u kampu. To je krajnji teško deo toga i mi-12 rundi nije ništa. Ja sam govorio 12 kola je ništa ne znači. To je predjelo.


Većinu vremena, mi idemo 15. Nakon što moja pojas, Putovao sam za tri mjeseca. Imam vraćam u teretanu i radio 20 kruga, lako, jer nikada nisam u formi. Ja sam uvijek pun energije. Volim da radim ovo, tako da ide u 12 kruga, to nije bilo ništa. Kao što možete vidjeti, I dalje sam imao energije da se čak šest više, još sedam kola u toj borbi. Ali, da bi utišali kritičare, sada, govorimo o nečemu.


Da biste utišali kritičare, to je takav radostan osjećaj za mene. Da tamo je puno značilo za mene, jer kao što sam rekao, živimo u svijetu koji se zasniva na mišljenje mnogih ljudi. Neki ljudi znaju o čemu pričaju o. The majority of them and most don’t know what they’re talking about, and it was a remarkable feeling to be able to silence the critics. It was even enjoyable to see their faces, to see their voice, to have to eat their words. That was enjoyable right there.



Did you ever think that in your wildest dreams this fight next Saturday would be taking place?


D. Wilder

I did dream it. Sometimes things start with a dream, and they say dreams do come true, but dreams only come true if you allow them to. It is not just going to come true just because you had dreamt it. You’ve got to dream it, and then you’ve got to apply some kind of ultimate goal to it. Then when you set a goal, you’ve still got to apply self-preservation, as far as gaining that goal and making that dream come true.


I dreamt it. I spoke it into existence. I believe in the power of the tongue, and I made my dream come true, and now we about to have it, about to make it the biggest thing in the state of Alabama. It’s just a blessing. I told people before, I’m a blessing to the state of Alabama, and a lot of people have agreed with me, to je sigurno.


Tako, I am very honored to be able to fight in my state because a lot of fighters can’t fight in their state. A lot of fighters don’t have a home to come to, they have to fight elsewhere, but I have the honor and the privilege to have a state that’s behind me and has loved me, and I’m looking forward to it. And like I said, me and Molina are going to make history that night. Pobjeda, lose, or draw, we’re going to make history that night in the state of Alabama.



How do you try to eliminate the distraction of fighting at home, people talking about bigger fights for you in the future? How do you focus on this particular fight and not look forward or not get kind of caught up in the hoopla now of being the heavyweight champion?


D. Wilder

Dobro, for me it’s just when I look at an opponent, the task that lies at hand, I automatically focus on that. I can’t look past nobody. I can’t put nobody aside. I treat every opponent that I get in the ring, no matter what their record is or what their resume may read, I look at this opponent as if he’s the most dangerous person in the world.


Gledam protivnika kao da sam i dalje kandidat pokušava da me dobije naslov svijet, i tako sam učiniti sve moje protivnike. I time, to me održava fokusiran. To me drži ponizni, kao i previše da radim ono što moram da uradim, jer ovo je boks, a ovo je teškoj kategoriji. Svašta se može dogoditi u boksu.


Nijedan čovek nikada ne može osjećati kao da je on veći od narednih osoba jer kada počnete to radi, počnete polako smiruju, Vaš trening počinje da se malo lakši jer niste trening, nemate glad više, i mnogo toga će početi da se izloženi. Ljudi iskoristiti da i osjetiti povjerenje u sebe.


Tako, Ja ne želim da budem tu vrstu borca ​​da se osećam kao oh, Ja sam na vrhu sada, Ne moram trenirati koliko sam bio kad sam bio gladan borac, jer sam još uvijek gladan. Još imam ciljeve, I dalje tražim da rade stvari u ovom sportu da bude veći i bolji. Kažem ljudima sve vreme da, iako sam WBC u teškoj kategoriji prvak svijeta, moje srce i dalje izgleda kao kandidat, i moje srce i dalje osjećaj kao kandidat, to me održava skroman. To me stalno uzemljen. To me drži vrlo, Mislim, vrlo, veoma gladan.



Da citiram Ric Flair, "Da bi čovjek, moraš pobijediti čovjeka.’ I ti to znaš, čovjek u teškoj kategoriji u posljednjih desetak godina bio je Vladimir Kličko. Mnogi ljudi to razmatraju kao naslednika na to, so while you’re staying hungry and moving up the chain and continuing to fight, is that something that’s in the back of your mind, and do you think that’s something that you’re going to have to conquer to truly be the full heavyweight champion of the world?


D. Wilder

Dobro, I’m going to put it like this, that fight is titled not if it’s going to happen, but when it’s going to happen. Naravno, that’s something I think about, but at this moment in time, I’m not focused on him. He will get his turn as well too, and last time I checked, I have the most prestigious, most well-known, most precious, beautiful belt in all of boxing, something that’s been around for a very long time, and that’s the WBC crown, it’s something that everybody wants.


Tako, I have that. I’m the owner of that, so I’m not worried about anything else. Odmah, it’s all about Deontay Wilder and Eric Molina, i to je ono što ja radujem, Deontay Wilder versus Eric Molina.



Eric, is it motivating to you towhen you hear people say that you’re just someone to help Deontaya spotlight matchup, a homecoming match, someone that he can look good against? Does that give you even more motivation than just the fact that you’re fighting for the heavyweight championship of the world?


I. Molina

It definitely motivates me more because people have their opinions, and like Wilder said, a lot of people don’t know too much about different angles of boxing, so people don’t want to give me a shot, people don’t think I have a shot, and that’s fine. I’ve used it as motivation. I’ve definitely trained hard. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been, and I’m not here to convince people to give me a shot or not. Znam šta dovesti do stola. I know the size and strength that I bring to the table, and I don’t have to convince nobody to root for me or to give me a shot or to believe in me.


The people that love me, ljudi, my family and my fans, they believe in me, and I believe in myself, more importantly. Tako, we’re coming in, I’m coming in June 13th, and I’m blessed to, dobro, God has given me more strength than I’ve ever had, and I’m excited, and we’re good to go.



Deontay, you had spoken about obviously being Alabama’s fighter, Alabama’s hero. There’s some deep divisions in the state there. You’re from Tuscaloosa. You’re an avowed Alabama fan. Have you united even the Auburn people behind you?


D. Wilder

I’m representingAlabama football has its own rival and different things like that, but this is not Alabama football, this is a heavyweight championship world title fight, and I’m representing not only just Tuscaloosa, I’m representing the whole state. I’ve got the whole state behind me. This is a worldwide event, so I just can’t say I just got Tuscaloosa or have a rival with Auburn. Nemoj, I’m representing the whole state of Alabama, and the whole state of Alabama is behind me. That’s the unique and the special thing about it, that I’m representing the whole state, and people love that. I’m looking forward todefinitely it’s going to be a packed venue, to je sigurno. I’m looking forward to that and moving on to an even bigger venue than the state of Alabama.


We’ve got even bigger venues, and I’m looking forward to packing everything out, but right now it starts with the Bartow Arena. I’m looking forward to displaying my talent there and making history right there, the first title fight in Alabama in any division right there at Bartow Arena.



Klitschko was extended a little bit in his last time out with Bryant Jennings. Did you see anything there that led you to believe that this guy’s not Superman?


D. Wilder

Mislim, we all did. We all seen loose holes. We all see something that was there. If anybody says they didn’t, then they’re a liar. We all seen that, but when that time comes, I’m going to execute those things that I saw. But right now, it’s hard to talk about another fighter when you’ve got one fighter that you’re getting ready to face and is on the phone now.


My focus is not on another fighter because if I don’t get past him, we can forget talking about anybody else. It’s irrelevant to talk about anybody else if this fight isn’t done. It’s not over yet, so it’s hard for me to state or talk about another fighter when I’ve got a task that lies at hand.


Once I get finished with Molina, then we can come back and talk about Klitschko.


Do you give Tyson Fury much of a chance against Wladimir, and whether or not he gets wiped out against Wladimir, is that still something you’d like to do, come to England and take Furyon, shut his mouth up?


D. Wilder

I give Tyson a great percent of the chance of coming in and being a new world champion. It’s all going to depend on him, how serious he takes this business, this game, how serious he takes training and the preparation for that. I wish him luck on everything he does and on becoming the world champion.


There’s nothing like setting a goal to become a world champion and being that, seeing your hand raised high with that belt saying you are the world champion. It’s a great feeling to be a world champion, so it’s going to be up to him. Like I said before, we’ve seen what Klitschko did in his last fight, and we’ll see how he can adjust to a bigger fighter. These are bigger guys now, and that’s what’s running division, the bigger guys. That’s fine. All the taller fighters in the heavyweight divisions are taking over, so we’ll see what Tyson has lies ahead, so we can only wait.



Deontay, do you think you could be bigger for boxing than Floyd Mayweather?


D. Wilder

Oh, definitivno. Most definitely, and I say that with high confidence because the heavyweight division is the cream of the crop in the first place, and the things that I bring, the excitement, the personality that I have, everything about me is all me, is totally me. Some people, some guys when they have cameras in their face, they pursue to be a certain type of person. Their persona about them changes or whatever, and then when the camera is off, they’re a whole totally different person. I don’t have flip personalities. I’m not a fake person.


Everything about me is real, everything you see, even the ALL ACCESS (na SHOWTIME). Znate, you all watch the ALL ACCESS, everything is me. Nothing is scripted. Nothing is planned out, ništa. I can’t sit back and let somebody script something out about my life and what it is because it’ll be fake, and I won’t be able to go through with it because it wouldn’t be me.


Tako, I think I bring a lot of excitement to this division. I have woken up a lot of people as far as friends to come back to the division and stuff like that, and I know I’m doing the right things. People love me. That’s what it’s all about, but I’m just glad to be a part of the movement because we’ve got a lot of other exciting heavyweights that have made itcome back alive again as well too, whether it’s bashing up the talking or whether it’s the excitement of the performance of their fights. Tako, the division is definitely on the rise, and I’m looking to be the biggest thing in boxing, razdoblje.


Deontay, you’ve said several times that your focus is just on this fight and Eric Molina and not anybody else in the heavyweight division. Could you talk a little bit about what you know about Eric Molina and why you think you’re going to be victorious in this fight?


D. Wilder

Dobro, the only thing I know about Eric, he’s got a nice size as far as height-wise. His weight, I know the record about the guy, and he looks pretty exciting. He’s not the biggest, or tallest, but when people see two tall guys, I think he’s 6’5and I’m 6’7″, so when people see two big guys get in there, they automatically see the excitement and thrill, what they can bring. I’m not the type of guy that looks at any kind of films or nothing like that. I don’t believe in it. I’ve never done it in all of my career, and I’m not going to start now.


I like to have a challenge. I like to be surprised in the ring to see what they have so I can adjust to that fighter when I get them in the ring.



Why do you think you’re going to be able to win in this fight? What are your advantages? You’re the favorite, očigledno, but why do you think that’s going to play out?


D. Wilder

Dobro, moje samopouzdanje je na visokom svih vremena. I’m always confident in any opponent that I get in the ring with. That’s just my mentality. I feel like if you don’t believe in yourself, then it’s hard to convince or motivate somebody else to believe in you. You can have all the greatest trainers and all the strength trainers, the top of the line strength trainers in the world, but if they don’t really believe in what you’re doing, you don’t really believe in yourself first, then you can’t get those guys to be motivated to believe in yourself.


Tako, first and foremost, I believe in myself. My confidence has always been over the top, no matter what opponent I get in the ring with. A definite advantage I have is my speed, my footwork and the power that I bring. My defense is remarkable with my footwork. My athleticism kills a lot of the fighters, and that’s what I’m going to bring to the ring. Tako, I’ll come through anybody. They’re all going to try and come, and that’s what they’re supposed to do. I just hope they come in the hopes of really trying to take it. That’s what I’m looking for. I’m looking for a guy that’s very hungry, that’s really trying to take this belt, to make this exciting. I want the most challenging opponent that I can get.



Eric, obviouslywe know that Deontay’s the favorite. He’s going to have the crowd behind him. Why do you think you can win this fight being the underdog?


I. Molina

I’ve realized one thing, that people keep saying Alabama this and Alabama that. We know how hectic it’s going to be going down there. That’s what the heavyweight world championship belt’s all about. You can’t expect to go in and fight no easy fights. Mislim, you want to become champion, you’ve got to go through hell to get it. I’m expecting to go down to Alabama. It’s going to be a hard situation, a very uncomfortable situation, his backyard, svoj narod, his commission, his everything.


But to be heavyweight world champion, this isn’t easy, so I’m excited. I’m mentally focused to go down there and face all these things. Broj jedan, I want to bring that title back. I want to bring it back home. And like I said, if people don’t give me a shot, I don’t got to convince them to give me a shot or not to give me a shot. I know what I’m bringing to the table. I know what I’m coming to do, and that’s all that counts.



Eric, howmuch do you think you’ve improved as a fighter in the last few years? Because you know everyone’s going to look at your record, they’re going to look at the loss to Arreola three years ago. How much do you think you’ve improved since then?


I. Molina

Dobro, I’ve always believed that special fighters are able to learn from their losses, but not all fighters can learn from their losses. I believe I’m a special fighter because I’ve learned from my losses, and I know I’ve learned from my losses. I’ve been able to bounce back. I’ve been able to be a better fighter. I’ve been able to put things together better, and I mean, a lot of things about my record that people don’t really understand is how hard it is for somebody to bounce back from some of the losses that I’ve been through, how hard it really is.


Tako, I’ve definitely handled those things that were very challenging, and I’ve regrouped. I’ve put myself back together. I’ve become a contender again, and I’m definitely a stronger, more experienced, more confident fighter. And I’m ready.


Lou DiBella

That’ll be it, momci. Hvala, Deontay. Hvala, Eric. Hvala, svi, for joining us. Just one more time, the event will be at the Bartow Arena on the campus of UAB in Birmingham, Alabama. Ulaznice su $25, $50, $75, $100, $150, i $200, ali ima manje od 1,000 karata. We expect a sold-out house of about 8,500 shortly, so get your tickets quickly at UABSports.com and AlabamaTitleFight.com. Showtime Championship Boxing will be on the air at 9 poslije podne. Eastern Time, 8 poslije podne. Central Time, 6 poslije podne. Pacific Time. The doors open to the arena at 3 popodne, first fight at 3:30 popodne, and thank you all for joining us.


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“WILDER vs. MOLINA,” 12-Okrugli borbi za Wilder WBC u teškoj kategoriji Championship, odvija subota, Jun 13, at The Bartow Arena u Birminghamu, Ala. DiBella Zabava i Bruno Event Team udružili su snage kako bi ovaj događaj Alabama. U co-co-main event romoted od DiBella u saradnji sa Universal Promocije, Jose Pedraza će se suočiti Andrey Klimov u 12-Okrugli borba za IBF Jr. Lagana World Naslov. To će se emitirati uživo na SHOWTIME® (9 poslije podne. I / 6 poslije podne. PT). U televizijska emisija će biti dostupna i na španjolskom preko sekundarne audio programiranje (SAP). Preliminarni napade će biti na televiziji uživo na SHOWTIME EXTREME (7 poslije podne. ET / PT, kasni na zapadnoj obali).


Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com i www.dbe1.com pratiti na Twitter naSHOSports, BronzeBomber, LouDiBella ISwanson_Comm, prati razgovor koristeći #WilderMolina, postati fan na Facebooku na www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing ili posjet http://shosportspoundforpound.


Rising Star Julian Williams Aims to Remain Undefeated

Subota, Jun 13 at Bartow Arena in Birmingham, Ala.


NEW YORK (Jun 5, 2015) – With a shot at a lightweight world title on the line, neporažena svjetski rangirani kandidati Jovan “The Terrible” REDK i Dejan “Dinamit” Zlaticanin će square off u 12-okrugli eliminator Subota, Jun 13, u glavnom slučaju SHOWTIME BOXING na SHO EXTREME® (7 poslije podne. I/PT, kasni na zapadnoj obali) u Bartow Arena u Birmingham, Ala.


U co-funkcija, bez poraza top 10-rangirani super velter Julijanski “J Rock” Williams (19-0-1, 11 CIJENE, 1 ND), of Philadelphia, će se protivila Armenije Poor Ovsepyan (14-4, 11 KOs), Glendale, Kalifornija, in a ten-round bout. Time dozvola, teško udaranje light teškaša Ahmed Elbiali (10-0, 9 KOs, 1-1 WSB), Miami, Fla, i Donta Woods (8-4, 7 KOs), Atlanta, will collide in a swing match.


Kasnije te večeri, u SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Main Event, undefeated WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “The Bronze Bomber” Wilder (33-0, 32 KOs), of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, will make the first defense of his title when he faces Eric “Drummer Boy” Molina (23-2, 17 KOs), od Raymondville, Teksas, živjeti SHOWTIME® (9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT).


Pobjednik između Redkach (18-0, 1 ND, 14 KOs), Los Angeles, i Zlatičanin (16-0, 9 KOs), Crne Gore, postaje obavezno izazivač Jorge Linares, the WBC 135-pound world champion who registered a 10th-round TKO over then-No. 1 kandidat Kevin Mitchell maja 30. Zlaticanin and Redkach are the second- and third-rated contenders by the WBC at 135 funti.


Redkach and Zlaticanin are talented southpaws who were both accomplished amateurs in Eastern Europe. REDK, a 2008 Olympic Games alternate for his native Ukraine, is known for his aggressive and relentless style. The 29-year-old is coming off a sixth-round knockout over Yakubu Amidu posljednji Jan. 9 na ShoBox: The New Generation and has been angling for a title shot in 2015.


This is the most important fight of my life,” said Redkach, who made ESPN.com’s “Vrh 20 Prospects to Watch lists in 2012 i 2013. “I’ve never trained longer or harder for a fight. Moj trener, Robert Garcia, has me totally prepared and in great shape.


It’s going to be a good action fight. I’ve watched tapes of [Zlaticanin’s] last two fights so I feel I’m familiar with him. He’s very strong and he throws a lot of punches. I thank him [Zlaticanin] for coming to the United States. I’m honored. But this is a good matchup for me. I want to thank my team for giving me this opportunity. This is another step closer to my dream, the world title. I’m confident in myself. I’m going to put on a great show.


Dejan (izgovara “DAY-han) Zlaticanin (silentz” – izgovara “la-ti-CAH-nin) is making his U.S. i 2015 debi. Zlaticanin’s most significant victory of his career came two outings ago when, as a prohibitive underdog, he earned a well-deserved 12-round split decision over hometown favorite Ricky Burns, a former two-division world champion.


The 31-year-old Zlaticanin, who moved training camps to the U.S. for his stateside debut, is an offensive-minded fighter who constantly pressures his opponents, outworks them and wears them down. Zlaticanin, of the Southeastern European country of Montenegro, represents the toughest opponent of Redkach’s career, though he’ll be giving away four inches in height to his opponent.


I think I will knock Ivan Redkach out,” Zlaticanin said. “I don’t like his behavior. Now that I’m training in America, I think I will be stronger and better than I was before.


The fast-rising Williams, 25, is making his sixth appearance on SHO EXTREME, more than any other boxer. Ranked in the top ten by multiple sanctioning bodies, the undefeated 154-pounder has won six consecutive fights, four by knockout since a bout with still-unbeaten Hugo Centeno Jr., ended in a fourth-round No Decision in September 2013. Williams was up, 3-0 u rundi postigao, when the fight was halted due to an unintentional clash of heads. In his last start he scored one knockdown en route to a shutout 10-round decision over veteran Joey Hernandez na April 4.


I’ve seen some tape on my opponent,” Williams je rekao. “He seems to be a really good, solid fighter. I’m expecting a tough fight, and I’m prepared. Ja sam spreman.”


The 29-year-old Ovsepyan trains out of the Wild Card Boxing Club in Los Angeles and has campaigned for most of his career in California or Russia. The aggressive-minded Ovsepyan has had difficulty getting fights in the past and this will be his first ring assignment in 13 mjeseci.


I’ve been training for a whole year now,” on je rekao. “They kept telling me that I could get a fight at any minute. I was supposed to have a fight in December, but it was canceled.


I’ve seen Williams fight a couple of times, but it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t even want to know anything about my opponent. I just want to get back in the ring and get a win. I’m hungry and he better not be taking me lightly.


U SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOKS Co-funkcija, neporažen Jose “The Sniper” Pedraza(19-0, 12 KOs), od Cidra, Portoriko, će se na Andrey Klimov (19-1, 9 KOs), od Klimovski, Rusija, u 12-rounder za upražnjeno IBF Junior Lagane Svjetsko prvenstvo.


Brian Custer will host the SHOWTIME EXTREME telecast with Barry Tompkins calling the blow-by-blow at ringside alongside expert analyst Steve Farhood.


Ulaznice za događaj, koji se promovira DiBella Entertainment u saradnji sa Brunom Event tima su u prodaji. Ulaznice se kreću samo $25 sa najboljim mjesta u kući ide za $200. VIP paketi su također dostupni. Kupiti karte navijačima treba posjetiti alabamatitlefight.com. Ulaznice se brzo prodaju i rasprodaja se očekuje.


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“WILDER vs. MOLINA,” 12-Okrugli borbi za Wilder WBC u teškoj kategoriji Championship, odvijaSubota, Jun 13, at The Bartow Arena u Birminghamu, Ala. DiBella Zabava i Bruno Event Team udružili su snage kako bi ovaj događaj Alabama. U co-co-main event romoted od DiBella u saradnji sa Universal Promocije, Jose Pedraza će se suočiti Andrey Klimov u 12-Okrugli borba za IBF Jr. Lagana World Naslov. To će se emitirati uživo na SHOWTIME® (9 poslije podne. I/ 6 poslije podne. PT). U televizijska emisija će biti dostupna i na španjolskom preko sekundarne audio programiranje (SAP). Preliminarni napade će biti na televiziji uživo na SHOWTIME EXTREME (7 poslije podne. I/PT, kasni na zapadnoj obali).


Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com i www.dbe1.com pratiti na Twitter naSHOSports, BronzeBomber, LouDiBella ISwanson_Comm, prati razgovor koristeći #WilderMolina, postati fan na Facebooku na www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing ili posjet http://shosportspoundforpound.tumblr.com/



Heavyweight World Championship Subota, Jun 13,
® Od Bartow Arena u Birminghamu, Alabama;

Sve pristupne: Deontay Wilder Premijere Jun 3 On SHOWTIME

Kliknite OVDJE To Download Photos Of Deontay Wilder

Foto: Bill Hoffman

Kliknite OVDJE To Download Photos Of Eric Molina

Foto: Joel Martinez/SHOWTIME

Kliknite OVDJE To Download Photos Of Jose Pedraza

Foto: Victor Planas/Universal Promotions

NEW YORK (Jun 1, 2015) – Bez poraza u teškoj kategoriji svjetski prvak DeontayThe Bronze BomberWilder, confident heavyweight contender Eric “Drummer Boy” Molina and unbeaten junior lightweight Jose “The Sniper” Pedraza participated in Media Day Workouts last Thursday for their fights Subota, Jun 13, na SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® živjeti SHOWTIME® (9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT) u Bartow Arena u Birmingham, Ala.


The power-punching, popular hometown favorite Wilder (33-0, 32 KOs), of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, will make the first defense of his title when he meets Molina (23-2, 17 KOs), od Raymondville, Teksas, u glavni događaj na Jun 13. Pedraza (19-0, 12 KOs), od Caguas, Portoriko, će se sastati Andrey Klimov (19-1, 9 KOs), od Klimovski, Rusija, in a 12-rounder for the vacant IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship in the co-feature.


Below is what Wilder, Molina and Pedraza said during their separate Media Days in Northport, Alabama, Weslaco, Texas and Cidra, Portoriko, odnosno:


DEONTAY WILDER, Svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji

It’s definitely a blessing to be able to fight in my state. When we set the goal to be heavyweight champion of the world that was one of the goals we set, to bring it to Alabama. Just to change it up and give Alabama some spice besides football, and to finally get the opportunity to have a major fight in the state of Alabama. This is what we were looking for when we worked to bring the commission here, and we were successful and got it done. This is what we were looking for.


I want Alabama to be my home territory. It’s why I stay here. Some people still try to throw me out but my heart is here and I’ve got bigger and better plans. This is just the beginning.


My team handles all the distractions (from fighting at home). I’ve got a wonderful team. Ja sam samo spreman. I’m ready to get this party started and welcome Molina to Alabama.


My hand is fine. We tested it yesterday for 10-ounce gloves because that’s the competition weight. We put it on and I felt great. It gave me even more confidence. I’m ready to get in the ring and do what I have to do and perform for my people.


(on being world champion)


We knew we would be doing a lot of traveling after getting the belt but we didn’t know the capacity of how much. It’s been a journey for me.


I think I bring a different flavor to the sport of boxing, and I want to bring even more to the world.


(on Molina)


I haven’t heard from Molina but that’s good, that means he’s focused. I want him to come very focused. I know he’s going to be nervous and scared, but they say if you back a rabbit in a corner, they fight back.


I’m most dangerous when I’m at home. I’m not going to let down my home crowd and let someone take what I’ve worked so hard for. He’s not going to come behind enemy lines and take anything from me.


I want a great performance from him. I want a great performance for the crowd and people to say, 'Hej, I want to come back for the next one!’ and to be hungry for the next one. We got a lot of fights we want to do in Alabama, and this is just the start. I want to move on from Bartow to the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC), which is bigger than the MGM Grand.


Every title defense is proving something. I’m the world’s most wanted, and everyone wants it. I’ve got the WBC crown. It’s the most well-known, famous belt in boxing. Everyone wants their name on this belt, and I have it. Every fight is a dangerous fight when I’m putting the belt on the line, and I train as if everyone is a world champion.


(on why he’s defending against Molina)


We have a lot of other opponents, but Molina was the one to understand the opportunity that lies at hand. Some people can price themselves out and some teams make it so difficult that the fight won’t happen. They can really block themselves out from getting the fight. You can have the money or the opportunity. Molina understands what the situation is, and he stepped up to the plate and understands the opportunity at hand to be the World Heavyweight Champion.


My last fight I proved to everyone what I was capable of. Ja mogu ići 12 rounds and take a punch. I can be just as fresh in the 12th round as the 1st.


The sky’s the limit in what we’re trying to do. I represent the state. Even though I’m from Tuscaloosa, it’s not just where my gym is in Northport or Coffeeville. I represent the state of Alabama. I need a home territory and a home state not only where we can bring in local people, bring in the nation, but also bring in the whole world.

ERIC MOLINA, Teškoj kategoriji Contender


This is the fight that we dream about when we first lace on the gloves and I am extremely excited about the opportunity to fight for the biggest prize in sports, the WBC heavyweight title. I’ve been preparing and training very hard, and I’m almost at the point where we’re ready to go.


We’ve studied a lot of Wilder, and expect a very physical fight. I think a lot of people are underestimating my strength and power. They know Wilder can punch but they are underestimating the power that I possess.


We know it’s going be a hostile environment, fighting in basically his backyard, but he’s now the champion and with that he gets an opportunity in his optional title defense (to fight who he wants, where he wants). He gets to enjoy those opportunities, but that’s where I come in.


“Naravno, I’m confident I can win the title. I think people look at my record and think this or that, but I don’t feel they understand my entire career, the things I have gone through and overcome, the different angles of boxing that more than meets the eye.


Nothing against Deontay, who has worked hard to get to where he is, but he doesn’t represent the kind of fighter, uglavnom, that I am. I’ve always had to fight and struggle from fight to fight. I never had a true training camp situation. I’m not saying he had things easy, but I had to work and juggle things to keep going. Only the fighters in my situation can understand it.


I’ve been boxing for nine years. I have a BS and Master’s Degree and I’m in my fourth year teaching kids with disabilities. Along with boxing, this is what I do. This is who I am, and I am not ashamed of who I am either. I’m proud. If they want to consider me an underdog, fino. But I’m also the guy who got knocked out in his first pro fight and battled back to where I am now and I’m fighting for the championship.


What people don’t know about me is that my career has been all about determination, strength and struggles. Other boxers, including Bernard Hopkins, lost their first fights and went on to win a world title. I’ve learned a lot from my two losses and now I have the confidence to accomplish anything.


Bottom line is I am not trying to convince anybody who I am, I just want people to see who the real Eric Molina isthat I am more than what my record on paper indicates. I was NABF champion for a while but could never get a fight so I was dropped from the rankings. It was like I had to start over again. But I stuck to it, and with everything else I had going on outside the ring, things I had to put aside for this fight, still managed to get into the position I’m in now.


I don’t think there’s ever been a heavyweight contender like me. Where I train, there are no other real heavyweights except for one or two. I have to fly guys in to help me work with the guys already here. I’ve been in camps with Bermane Stiverne; I often had to go to where the sparring was just to get the work.


I’ve never been in a spot where things have been easy for me in boxing. I never had the odds on my side, the tools, the resources. But I still made it this far and want to go farther.


I think the first round is very important. I expect that from the get-go that he will feel like he could hurt me, but I also feel very strongly that I could hurt him. So it is very important to be ready for that first bell.


“Ovo će biti veliki borbu, much, much better than many may be expecting, and I am ready.


Jose Pedraza, Unbeaten Junior Lightweight Contender

As a Puerto Rican, every time I fight, I fight for the honor of my people. Tako, na Jun 13, I won’t only be fighting to win a world title, I’ll be fighting for Cidra, Puerto Rico and for all the Puerto Ricans out there watching me. Puerto Rico needs another champion and I’m here to deliver and make my people proud. I cannot afford to let them down. I won’t let Puerto Rico down. I’ll come back a champion.


This is a great opportunity fighting on a big show on SHOWTIME. It has taken hard work, dedication and long gym work to obtain this big exposure on SHOWTIME.

My last fight against Michael Farenas was very important to me because that fight was a title eliminator and, by winning, it opened the door to this fight and finally my dream of becoming world champion is close to arriving.

It has been a long and hard training campintensive. We opened camp in Las Vegas in December. This camp has been special because it is for the world championship.

Andrey Klimov is a strong boxer, always going forward, the jab and straight right are his best shots. The only thing I see is he is strong and has good fitness. From his last fight against Terrence Crawford I could see that he has problems when he fights a left-handed boxer with good movement. I will be working in side steps and with speed.

I hope that he comes well prepared for me. We must do our best to give the fans a good show. NaJun 13, I will be a new champ and after that I want to make two defenses and move to 135.

# # #

Sve pristupne: Deontay Wilder, which chronicle’s the champion’s January fight against Bermane Stiverne and sets the stage as he prepares for his upcoming title defense, premijere na Srijeda, Jun 3 u 10 poslije podne. I/PT.
“WILDER vs. MOLINA,” 12-Okrugli borbi za Wilder WBC u teškoj kategoriji Championship, odvijaSubota, Jun 13, at The Bartow Arena u Birminghamu, Ala. DiBella Zabava i Bruno Event Team udružili su snage kako bi ovaj događaj Alabama. U co-co-main event romoted od DiBella u saradnji sa Universal Promocije, Jose Pedraza će se suočiti Andrey Klimov u 12-Okrugli borba za IBF Jr. Lagana World Naslov. To će se emitirati uživo na SHOWTIME® (9 poslije podne. I/ 6 poslije podne. PT). U televizijska emisija će biti dostupna i na španjolskom preko sekundarne audio programiranje (SAP). Preliminarni napade će biti na televiziji uživo na SHOWTIME EXTREME (7 poslije podne. I/PT, kasni na zapadnoj obali).


Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com i www.dbe1.com pratiti na Twitter naSHOSports, WilderVSMolina, BronzeBomber, LouDiBella ISwanson_Comm, prati razgovor koristeći #WilderMolina, postati fan na Facebooku na www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing ili posjetite SHOWTIME Boxing Blog na http://theboxingblog.sho.com.


* * * VIDEO ALERT * * *

Sve pristupne: DEONTAY WILDER PREMIERES Srijeda NIGHT AT 10 poslije podne. I/PT


Foto: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME


We answered every question tonight.” – Deontay Wilder

Kliknite OVDJE For An Embeddable Clip Lift From U srijedu Premiere:http://s.sho.com/1LX1zol


Relive the thrilling battle for the WBC Heavyweight Championship through the award-winning lens ofSve pristupne as Deontay Wilder answers the critics with a dominant, 12-round decision over defending champ Bermane Stiverne. Sve pristupne: Deontay Wilder reveals the depth of character within the new champion and a selfless nature to go along with his monster punching power and surprising boxing acumen. Sve pristupne: Deontay Wilder premijere ove srede u 10 poslije podne. I/PT na SHOWTIME®.


Wilder makes the first defense of his WBC Heavyweight title against Eric Molina on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, sljedeći Subota, Jun 13 na SHOWTIME.


# # #

Wilder vs. Molina, 12-okrugli borbi za Wilder WBC u teškoj kategoriji Championship, odvijaSubota, Jun 13, at The Bartow Arena u Birminghamu, Ala. DiBella Zabava i Bruno Event Team udružili su snage kako bi ovaj događaj Alabama. To će se emitirati uživo na SHOWTIME (9 poslije podne. I/ 6 poslije podne. PT). U televizijska emisija će biti dostupna i na španjolskom preko sekundarne audio programiranje (SAP). Preliminarni napade će biti na televiziji uživo na SHOWTIME EXTREME (7 poslije podne. I/PT, kasni na zapadnoj obali).


ShoBox: The New Generation Tripleheader

Live At 10:35 poslije podne. I/PT From Little Creek Casino Resort in Shelton, Pranje.


“My time has arrived…I’m ready for the next level.” – Dominic Wade

“My road to regaining the world title begins on June 26 against Dominic Wade.” – Sam Soliman

NEW YORK (Maj 27, 2015) – Young undefeated middleweight prospectDominic "Lights Out" Pregaziti will take on the toughest opponent of his career when he faces former world champion Sam "King" Soliman u glavnom slučaju ShoBox: The New Generation na Petak, Jun 26, živjeti SHOWTIME iz Little Creek Casino Resort u Shelton, Pranje.


Pregaziti (17-0, 12 KOs), of Washington, Da kapo, and Soliman (44-12, 1 NC, 18 KOs), Melbourne, Australija, will clash in the 10-round middleweight main event of the TGB Promotions tripleheader. In other televised bouts, former Marine and 2012 U.S. Olimpijski Kapiten Jamel"Semper Fi" Haringa (11-0, 7 KOs), of Rockville Centre, N.Y., and 19-year-old former amateur standout and unbeaten super welterweight Erickson "Hammer" Lubin (10-0, 7 KOs), Orlando Fla., will be featured against opponents to be determined in separate bouts.


Ako trijumfalan, Wade will begin to transition from promising prospect to legitimate contender in his quest to become the next ShoBox graduate to win a world championship. Do danas, 61 ShoBox alums have captured world titles.


While Wade is unbeaten, Soliman is vastly more experienced, having competed in four world championship fights. He held the IBF Middleweight World Championship before suffering a debilitating knee injury and losing via unanimous decision to Jermain Taylor in his first title defense last October. Soliman, who was leading on the judges’ scorecards at the time of the injury, will make his first start since losing the 160-pound title.


“This is a great opportunity for me to face a former world champion,” Wade said. “While he’s more experienced I truly believe my time has arrived and I plan to show the boxing world that I’m ready for the next level.”


“I know what it takes to be a world champion, the sacrifices needed to endure, the battles that need to be won. My road to regaining the world title begins on Jun 26 against Dominic Wade,” said Soliman.


“We’re very excited to work once again with the terrific SHOWTIME and Little Creek Casino Resort teams on this exciting fight card,"Rekao je Tom Brown od TGB Promocije. “Wade vs. Soliman is an excellent cross-roads bout. Dodatno, Lubin and Herring are two of the best prospects in boxing.”


Pregaziti, 25, što će biti njegov 2015 debut and third appearance on the network. In his first ShoBox fight – and first 10-rounderhe stepped up in class and won a close but clear decision over Nick Brinson u junu 2014. The aggressive-minded 5-foot-11½-inch Wade, a top amateur before going pro in March 2009, je 6-0 with four knockouts since returning to the ring in February 2013 after a two-year layoff due to promotional problems.


A well-conditioned, power puncher who is steadily ascending in the world rankings, Wade’s four stoppages have come inside two rounds (one in the first, three in the second). Pregaziti, who had over 160 amaterski tuče, is coming off a second-round TKO over Eddie Hunter posljednji Decembar. 20, u Shelton.


The 5-foot-8½-inch Soliman keeps a relentless, almost non-stop pace and delivers punches from odd angles. Tough and durable, Soliman can be very awkward and he is always well-conditioned. This combination makes Soliman a very difficult fighter to face. Otišao 0-2 in WBA 168-pound world title fights before dropping a notch in weight to capture the IBF Middleweight World Championship with a decisive 12-round decision over Felix Sturm in a rematch on May 31, 2014.


The 41-year-old Soliman, who lost the title in his first injury-marred defense against Taylor, je 9-1-1 with one No Contest since May 2008. A former kickboxing world champion, Soliman has been knocked out just once – in 2007 by then WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony Mundine. The veteran has had a successful yet unusual 18-year career that began with a four-round fight but then followed with three straight 12-rounders (all went the distance) in three different weight divisions over a period of five months.


The 5-foot-10-inch Haringa bio je 2012 United States National Champion at 141 pounds and captained the 2012 U.S. Olympic Games boxing team. The 29-year-old turned pro in December 2012 and has remained active since with five fights in 2013 and four in 2014. Haringa, who will be making his ShoBox debi, is making his second start of this year, coming off a lopsided eight-round decision over Hector Marengo mart.


Herring served nine years in the Marine Corps including two tours of duty in Iraq. The Long Island native enlisted about a year after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Herring considered giving up the sport multiple times, particularly after the death of his infant daughter, Ariyanah, due to sudden infant death syndrome in 2009 – three years to the day before the Olympic Games opening ceremony in London. But he was persuaded by coaches and teammates to stick with it.


U 19 godina starosti, Lubin is one of the youngest boxers to appear onShoBox (Francisco “Panchito” Bojado, u 18, was the youngest.). Lubin is a heralded blue-chip prospect who will be making his ShoBox debi i 11th početi od okreće Pro u novembru 2013. A southpaw with good punching power, skills and movement, Lubin will be making his third start this year and his fourth scheduled eight-round bout.


Lubin had a remarkable amateur career. On je bio 2013 Državni prvak Golden Gloves u 152 funti, u 2012 National PAL Champion at 141, u 2012 Junior Olympic National Champion at 138 pounds and the 2011 National Junior Olympic Champion at 132 funti.


Barry Tompkins će pozvati ShoBox blow by blow with expert analyst Steve Farhood i bivši prvak svijeta Raul Marquez služi kao ringu analitičari. Izvršni producent Gordon Hall sa Richard Gaughan proizvodnju i Rick Phillips režiranje.


Ulaznice za "Little Creek svađa VII" iz Skookum Creek Event Center kreću se $20 i dostupni su online na www.little-creek.com ili pozivom1.800.667.7711. Vrata će se otvoriti u 5 poslije podne. PT, s prvom borbu oprezno treba da počne u 6 poslije podne. Live coverage will begin at approximately 7:35 poslije podne. po lokalnom vremenu (PT).


Previously hosting boxing events broadcast on SHOWTIME, the 22,500-square-foot Skookum Creek Event Center provides unrivaled sightlines and acoustics for a televised fight. Boxing fans staying the weekend at the resort’s well-appointed rooms and suites may also complete their experience with a round of golf at world-renowned Salish Cliffs Golf Club, a treatment at Seven Inlets Spa or Vegas-style gaming on the casino floor.


Za više informacija o Little Creek Casino Resort i svoju punu liniju-up predstojećih djela koja uključuje Paul Rodgers, Trace Adkins, Dwight Yoakam, Cherry Poppin 'Daddies, DA i Toto, pozovite 800-667-7711 ili posjetite online na www.little-creek.com


# # #


Oko ShoBox: The New Generation
Od svog osnivanja u julu 2001, kritički hvaljene SHOWTIME boks serije, ShoBox: The New Generation je istaknuta mladih talenata podudaraju težak. The ShoBox filozofija je da se prenose uzbudljivo, Publika-ugodan i konkurentne utakmica, dok pružajući poligon za voljni perspektive određuje da se bore za titulu svjetskog prvaka. Neki od rastuće liste 61 borci koji su se pojavili na ShoBox i napredne da stekne titula svjetskog prvaka uključuje: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams i više.


IZ BARTOW ARENA u Birminghamu, ALA.

Ulaznice su u prodaji Now!

Sve pristupne: Deontay Wilder Premieres Jun 3 On SHOWTIME


Birmingem, Ala. (Maj 14, 2015) – Undefeated Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “The Bronze Bomber” Wilder (33-0, 32 KOs), of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, will make the first defense of his title when he faces Eric “Drummer Boy” Molina (23-2, 17 KOs), od Raymondville, Teksas, u glavnom slučaju SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® na Subota, Jun 13, live on SHOWTIME® (9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT) u Bartow Arena u Birmingham, Ala.



U co-funkcija, neporažen Jose “The Sniper” Pedraza (19-0, 12 KOs), od Caguas, Portoriko, će se protivila Andrey Klimov (19-1, 9 KOs), od Klimovski, Rusija, u 12-rounder za upražnjeno IBF Junior Lagane Svjetsko prvenstvo.


The 6-foot-7 Wilder captured the heavyweight world championship with an impressive 12-round unanimous decision over defending titleholder Gold Cup na Jan. 17 na SHOWTIME. It was the first time the hard-hitting Wilder, 29, had fought more than four full rounds and the only time in his seven-year career that one of his fights went to the judges. By winning, he became the first undefeated American to win a heavyweight title since Michael Moorer u 1994.


Molina, a 6-foot-5 southpaw, possesses punching power that commands respect and makes him a dangerous proposition for any opponent. He has won five in a row, three straight by knockout, including an eighth-round TKO over Raphael Zumbano Love on the Wilder-Stiverne undercard. Ako trijumfalan, the aggressive-minded 32-year-old would become the first Mexican-American heavyweight world champion.


Ulaznice za događaj, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Bruno Events Team are on sale now. Ulaznice se kreću samo $25 sa najboljim mjesta u kući ide za $200. VIP paketi su također dostupni. Kupiti karte navijačima treba posjetiti alabamatitlefight.com. Ulaznice se brzo prodaju i rasprodaja se očekuje.


It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to defend my heavyweight championship in my home state,” Wilder je rekao. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.


It was one of my dreams to win a world title. This was my other dream to be able to defend it before all my fans in Alabama. I can’t wait until fight night to step into the ring and see the whole state coming out to support me.


I remember just a few months ago watching Deontay get ready for the biggest fight of his life,” Molina said. “I thought to myself, ‘someday, that’ll be me.I stared with envy not knowing that a few months later I’d get my turn.


Winning the heavyweight world championship is my dream. Just as it was Deontay’s dream, it’s mine now. He had his turn, though it will be short-lived. I will become the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion. Guaranteed. Tako, šampion, come prepared for war. I’m coming to kick some ass.


Deontay Wilder is the first American to hold a heavyweight championship in years and one of the most exciting fighters in the division. His homecoming in Birmingham will be electric,” promoter Lou DiBella said. “The opening bout will be Jose Pedraza’s opportunity to establish himself as Puerto Rico’s next champion and a rising star. It will be a great night of boxing on SHOWTIME.


We are excited to work with DiBella Entertainment to bring the first ever heavyweight boxing championship to the State of Alabama,” Said Gene Hallman, Predsjednik i izvršni direktor Bruno Event Team, a nationwide leader in sports event management. “Alabama’s Deontay Wilder always puts on a show, so we expect the arena to sell out for this world heavyweight championship.


Deontay made an emphatic statement with his performance in January that he is one of the current and future stars of this sport, and we’re thrilled to welcome him back to SHOWTIME for his first title defense, ” rekao je Stephen Espinoza, Izvršni potpredsjednik & Generalni direktor SHOWTIME Sports. “But we all know that one punch can change everything in the heavyweight division and Eric Molina will be coming to Alabama to prove just that.


Sve pristupne: Deontay Wilder, which chronicles the champion’s Jan. 24 homecoming parade in Tuscaloosa and his preparation for the upcoming title defense, premijere na Srijeda, Jun 3 u 10 poslije podne. I/PT.


Wilder, prvi SAD-rođeni šampion u teškoj kategoriji od Shannon Briggs osvojio WBO pojas u novembru 2006, je rođen i odrastao u Tuscaloosa. On se borio u Alabami pet puta, Iako je borba na kampusu Univerziteta Alabama u Birmingham (UAB) obilježit će prvi put on borio izvan Tuscaloosa (četiri puta) ili Mobitel (jednom). Ovo će biti prva borba u njegovoj rodnoj državi od avgusta 2012.


Wilder je počeo boks u dobi od 21 nakon što je njegova kćerka Naieya (izgovara nie-EE-ya) rođen je sa spina bifida. Uprkos tome što je kašnjenje u boksu, Wilder će ići na predstavljaju SAD-a u 2008 Olimpijske igre, gdje je osvojio brončanu medalju. On je posljednji američki muški bokser medalju na Olimpijskim igrama.


Dok će daljini protiv Stiverne, Wilder nije došao blizu stavljanje u punom noćni rad, jer okreće pro u novembru 2008. Tadašnji gotovo neprovjerene Slugger borio ukupno 58 kruga, u prosjeku 1.8 metaka po izlet. On je registrovan 18 nokauta u prvoj rundi, osam u drugoj.


Molina, koji ima prebivalište u Weslaco, Teksas, je veliki Slugger, robustan i jak. On ima dobre sposobnosti i pokreta i, kao Wilder, dobio zakašnjeli start u boksu, ali je imao samo dva poraza kao profesionalni.


“The Drummer Boy” je na roll, dolaze sa pet uzastopnih pobjeda. Molina Matchup sa Wilder će biti njegov prvi šut na naslov svjetskog prvaka.


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“WILDER VS. MOLINA, 12-okrugli borbi za Wilder WBC u teškoj kategoriji Championship, odvijaSubota, Jun 13, at The Bartow Arena u Birminghamu, Ala. DiBella Zabava i Bruno Event Team udružili su snage kako bi ovaj događaj Alabama. To će se emitirati uživo na SHOWTIME® (9 poslije podne. I/ 6 poslije podne. PT). U televizijska emisija će biti dostupna i na španjolskom preko sekundarne audio programiranje (SAP). Preliminarni napade će biti na televiziji uživo na SHOWTIME EXTREME (7 poslije podne. I/PT, kasni na zapadnoj obali).


Za više informacija posjetite www.sports.sho.com i www.dbe1.com pratiti na Twitter naSHOSports, BronzeBomber, LouDiBella ISwanson_Comm, prati razgovor koristeći #WilderMolina, postati fan na Facebooku na www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing ili posjetite SHOWTIME Boxing Blog nahttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.


Steve Farhood Reflects On 2005’s Fight of the Year On The Recently Launched Pound For Pound Tumblr Blog:




Četvrtak marks the 10th anniversary of one of the greatest fights in boxing history – the brutal first battle between Diego “Dječak” Corrales and Jose Luis Castillo. Relive the drama of that classic slugfest – the 2005 Fight of the Year — by watching the epic and deciding 10th round from May 7, 2005.: http://s.sho.com/1Km78Mn


Check out the new Za Pound Pound Tumblr blog from SHOWTIME Sports® to read Steve Farhood’s reflections on one of the most memorable two-way battles ever televised on SHOWTIME®.


Za Pound Pound features coverage of boxing from all angles, prošlosti i sadašnjosti, with original content taking the reader inside the ropes through recaps, analysis, lists and facts. From short form video of boxers in and out of the ring, to shareable editorial posts, fotografije, gifs and quotes,Za Pound Pound gives readers an opportunity to interact, identify and immerse themselves into the events and culture of boxing.




NEW YORK (Maj 6, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports original documentary series “ALL ACCESS” earned a Sports Emmy for the second consecutive year u utorak, uzimajući kući počasti za "Outstanding sport dokumentarnog serijala" na 36th Godišnjoj ceremoniji Sports Emmy nagrada u New Yorku.


Otkrivanje dokumentarne serije, koja beleži nagomilavanje i nakon najvećih prizefights boksa-a, won its first Sports Emmy at last year’s ceremony for Outstanding Edited Sports Event Coverage with "Sve pristupne: Mayweather vs. Canelo Epilog."


U 2014, SHOWTIME Sports offered four multi-episode installments of Sve pristupne, documenting the first and second showdown between Floyd Mayweather and Marcos Maidana, Canelo Alvarez vs. Alfredo Angulo and Canelo Alvarez vs. Erislandy Lara.


SHOWTIME Sports je dobio mrežu najboljih devet Sports Emmy nominacije za premium mreže’ sportske programiranje u 2014. SHOWTIME has won 11 Sports Emmy Awards in the last five years.



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Network’s Distinctive And Award-Winning “Epilogue” Episode Focuses

The Spotlight On The Unpredictable Drama Of Fight Week


Click On The Image Below To Watch A Clip Lift: http://s.sho.com/1JmrDZ3


The fourth and final installment of INSIDE Mayweather vs. Pacquiao-Epilog–premieres ove subote immediately following the SHOWTIME premiere of the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao delayed telecast at 9 poslije podne. I/PT. In this clip, witness Mayweather and Pacquiao’s trainer Freddie Roach arguing just moments before the fight. And tune in ove subote to witness all the drama and intensity immediately before and after last Saturday’s historic showdown.