标记档案: 欣欣拳击

RUSLAN PROVODNIKOV & 小约翰·莫利纳, 德米特里安德拉德 & 威利·纳尔逊, LEAVE ZLATICANIN & 富兰克林·马玛尼最终新闻发布会语录 & 照片

在 SHOWTIME® 上直播 这个星期六 夜晚
从维罗纳旋石度假村赌场, 纽约州.
点击 这里 照片阿曼达·韦斯科特/SHOWTIME
VERONA, 纽约州. (六月 9, 2016) – 六名战士, 包括主赛事 鲁斯兰 “西伯利亚洛基” Provodnikov约翰· “角斗士” 莫利纳, 谁将参加比赛 这个星期六的 SHOWTIME锦标赛BOXING® tripleheader生活 SHOWTIME® (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT), 参加决赛新闻发布会 星期四 转石赌场度假村在这里.

俄罗斯普罗沃德尼科夫 (25-4, 18 科斯) 和莫利纳 (28-6, 23 科斯) 科维纳, 加利福尼亚州。, 在一场备受期待的主赛事比赛中发生冲突. Provodnikov, 前 WBO 青少年次中量级世界冠军, 参与了年度最佳战斗 2013 与蒂姆·布拉德利; 前世界冠军挑战者莫利纳 2014 卢卡斯·马蒂斯的年度最佳拳击赛.

Turning Stone 赌场不容错过的联合节目将与不败的前 154 磅世界冠军和 2008 中美. 奥林匹亚 德米特里安德拉德 (22-0, 15 科斯), 普罗维登斯, R.I., 针对 威利·纳尔逊 (25-2-1, 15 科斯) 克利夫兰, 俄亥俄, 在 12 回合的 WBC 超次中量级冠军淘汰赛中. 电视转播将以空缺的 WBC 轻量级世界冠军赛的 12 轮比赛开始,双方是不败的世界冠军. 1 排名 德扬Zlaticanin(17-0, 10 科斯), 黑山东南欧洲国家, 和 富兰克林·马马尼(21-2-1, 12 科斯) 玻利维亚的.

门票现场活动, 由横幅促销活动推广, Inc., 售价为 $85, $60, $45 和 $35 与现已公开发售. 门票可亲自前往 Turning Stone 售票处购买, 拨打 877.833.SHOW, 或者在网上特玛 (www.ticketmaster.com).

这个星期六, 来自转石, 前世界冠军挑战者 威利·梦露JR. (19-2, 6 科斯, 罗切斯特, 纽约州. 和 约翰·汤普森 (17-2, 6 科斯), 纽瓦克, 新泽西州, 在 SHOWTIME EXTREME 主赛事的 10 回合中量级比赛中发生冲突 (7 P.M. AND/PT). In the SHO EXTREME opener, 重量级 安德烈Fedosov (28-3, 23 科斯), 好莱坞, 加利福尼亚州。, 满足墨西哥的 马里奥·埃雷迪亚 (11-1, 9 科斯, 1-2 在WSB) 在一场 10 回合的重量级比赛中.

下面是战士们的说法 星期四:


(在训练营) …

“本次夏令营进行得非常顺利. 一切都很顺利. 现在我只是在等待 星期六.”

(他对莫利纳的看法) …
“我非常尊重莫利纳和他的团队. 他是一个伟大的战士. 这些是我喜欢的对手类型. 我经历过的大部分争吵都是这样的, 对手是这样的. 这实际上激励了我. 我对参加这样的战斗没有任何问题. 这就是我要找的. 这就是我所期待的战斗类型。”

(论他的决心和必胜的意志) …
“言语与解释这一点没有太大关系,因为任何人都可以说话,任何人都可以说的话. 我认为球迷或人们必须看看我的战斗情况以及我战斗的方式. 我现在就可以说我会‘死在擂台上’, 他们现在就是这些话. 战斗将展现, 然后粉丝们就会明白我只是这么说还是事实确实如此. 行动表明, 不是言语。”

(关于他如何看待这场战斗) …
“这很难预测,我通常不会做出预测. 我从不预测我的战斗. 让我们拭目以待 六月 11 并看到.

(最后的想法) …
“我想借此机会感谢所有与这场战斗有关的人. 所有促成这一切的人。”


(对穆罕默德·阿里的思考和反思) …

“世界失去了一位伟大的人, 不仅是圈内,还有圈外. 冠军是对他最好的形容. 有史以来最伟大的. 创新者. 一个从内到外改变世界的人. 我的心与他的家人同在。”

(关于他是失败者还是失败者 50-50 战斗?) …

“在宏伟的计划中, 拳击手 – 专家,如果你愿意的话 – 我不知道他们参加过多少次拳击比赛,但他们在拳击比赛中所做的一切, 他们似乎最喜欢他,但这是理所当然的. 从某种意义上说是因为他过去所描绘的个性和形象. 我并没有对炒作想太多. 我们已做好战争准备 周六 夜晚. 如果我们没有为像鲁斯兰这样的人做好准备,我们就会对自己造成伤害. 他是一个战士的地狱, 一个地狱般的竞争对手,我们都参加了年度最佳战斗. 人们没有意识到的是,我们在年度最佳之战中都是失败的一方,而现在我们将进入年度最佳之战, 但我们都倾向于获胜的一方. 我想粉丝们一定会感到惊喜. 我准备好了. 展示我能力的舞台 星期六 夜晚。”

(关于如何为普罗沃德尼科夫这样的战士做好准备) …
“就像我面对过的每个人一样,为战士做准备. 无论是像马蒂斯这样的人. 无论是其他战士, 我不想透露名字,因为现在我全神贯注于鲁斯兰·普罗沃德尼科夫,但准备工作和其他人一样. 我讨厌将这家伙的风格与其他人进行比较,因为再次, 你所做的一切伤害都是对你自己的. 您可以研究他们的风格并习惯他们的举止以及他们在拳击场上的表现,然后您就可以做好准备. 有了这样说, 六月 11 这将是我第一次面对鲁斯兰·普罗沃德尼科夫,所以我要做的准备就是努力发挥我的强项,确保这些达到标准,并确保我的能量已准备好并准备好全力以赴 星期六 晚上,我可以告诉你,它们已经设置好了。”

(关于粉丝应该期待什么) …
“烟花. 就像我说的, 我们在同义词库中使用的每个单词都是轻描淡写的. 拳击是“你最近为我做了什么”’ 运动和 星期六 夜晚并没有什么不同. 我打心底里相信,只要鲁斯兰·普罗沃德尼科夫挺身而出,球迷们一定会得到一场盛宴, 不想后退一步而自己前进 不想后退一步. 我们都会尝试去那里,向对方表达我们的意愿,你不会看到一场无聊的战斗. 不会是《与星共舞》, 这将是一场战斗。”


(关于他的对手和他的对抗能力) …

“托尼·哈里森绝对不是德米特里厄斯·安德拉德. 是的, 他可能是一个有前途的人并且在做一些好事,但每个人听起来都很好, 每个人都是潜在客户,直到你和一个知道如何战斗的人一起进入那里. 他们可以尝试激发你的意志,而威利所做的就是激发他自己的意志来击败像托尼·哈里森这样的人, 但托尼·哈里森绝对不是我.

“威利·纳尔逊, 是的,他很高, 他们说他很坚强,但我也是如此. 我的智商更高, 更聪明,这是我的时间. 这是它. 这要么成就我,要么毁掉我. 这是一个很好的挑战,让人们能够看到这一点, 由于裁员和一切. 我回来与这样的人战斗,我回来赢得了冠军 154 联赛.

“我来到这里, 嚼泡泡糖和踢屁股. 我的泡泡糖用完了,所以来吧 六月 11, 我会踢一些屁股. 我很高兴SHOWTIME给了我这个机会,让我重新回到网络, 让我回到黄金电视频道.

“普罗沃德尼科夫和约翰·莫利纳的主赛事表演肯定会充满暴力, 这将是一场激烈的战斗. 谢谢大家出来 … 我是活着的最伟大的人。”

(关于分区和未来可能的对手) …

“我认为我将通过击败两个拥有冠军腰带的双胞胎来创造历史,这对我来说将是一个传奇的事情. 所以, 我已调好, 我已经准备好了并且我很专注. 这是我的部门, 这是我的战争。”

(关于他在拳击之夜所看到的情况) …

“我只是进去做我的事情, 你知道, 我是那种有性格的人. 我通过业余项目在拳击场上打了很多年并战斗过 300-400 时, 对抗全世界的每个人. 所以, 没有什么是我没见过或没战斗过的. 像威利·纳尔逊这样的高个子,没有腿或上半身, 我要把他推到极限. 计划差不多就是这样. 我即将进入淘汰赛赛季。”


(球迷们并不期待他获胜) …

“这就是一直发生的事情. 我总是处于劣势. 没关系,我尽量不要太担心.

“我不是一个能预测战斗的人; 关于什么可以发生和不能发生, 但这将是一场有趣的战斗. 我们了解彼此的背景,之前在美国也曾吵过架. 训练营。”


“就这场战斗而言,它并没有真正影响我的心态. 穆罕默德·阿里的去世对于拳击界来说是非常悲伤的, 并为世界. 因为他不仅是一位伟大的战士,也是一位伟大的偶像, 一个伟大的人和一个伟大的领袖。”


(争夺世界冠军对他意味着什么) …

“我为这场硬仗准备了很长时间,因为他们换了对手,而且很难做好准备. 但我等这个机会很久了. 这是我一生中最重要的战斗, 我会赢得这场战斗。”

(他的预测) …

“我不喜欢说话太多. 我会在擂台上讲话,我保证我会击败富兰克林·马马尼。”


“这是一生难得的机会, 我感觉我已经中了彩票,只需兑现即可 星期六 夜晚. 我是为了拳击世家而来 9 兄弟, 我从很小的时候就开始打拳击了 12 几岁时,我一直梦想着在美国争夺世界冠军. 我的国家 (玻利维亚) 我的家人会看着我,我不会让他们失望的。”

兹拉卡宁是一种攻击性的, 强大而有才华的战士. 能够在拳台上与他进行交易,并能够与我部门的头号竞争者一起赢得 WBC 轻量级世界冠军,将是一种荣幸。”

Heavyweight Andrey Fedesov Nearing Fighting Shape As He Readies Himself For Return to Ring onSaturday,六月 11, Against Mario Heredia Live on SHO EXTREME

Live on SHO EXTREME® At 7 P.M. AND/ PT
LOS ANGELES (五月 17, 2016) — 2015 Boxcino重量级冠军 安德烈Fedosov (28-3, 23 KO的) is working hard in Los Angeles for his ring return on 星期六, 六月 11.
舒亚的费多索夫, Russia is riding a four-bout winning streak and will face upstart 马里奥·埃雷迪亚 (11-1, 9 KO的, 11 KO的) 住在 SHO EXTREME (7 P.M. AND/PT) from The Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, 纽约州. The fight precedes a 精彩表演拳击锦标赛 tripleheader featuring 鲁斯兰Provodnikov 针对 约翰·莫利纳JR. in a 12-round junior welterweight bout in the main event.
Fedosov has been idle nursing some lingering injuries since winning the Boxcino finals, 当他停止 丹尼斯·多诺万 in eight rounds on May 22, 2015.
Now he is back training at the Wild Card Gym and ready to take on Heredia.
I’ve been sparring with some of the best heavyweights in the world and I feel after this fight, I will fight one of the big names if not one of the champions in the heavyweight division. I will be ready to fight for a title after this fight.
Fedosov, 目前排名是谁 否. 9 由WBA, will be defending his WBA Fedelatin title.

Heredia of Distrital, Federal, 墨西哥的纪录 11-1 九击倒 (1-2, 1 KO in WSB) was slated to compete in the Boxcino tournament before an injury took him out of the competition before it started.

Provodnikov-Molina Jr. will headline a tripleheader live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT) that will also feature a WBC Super Welterweight Elimination bout between 德米特里安德拉德威利·纳尔逊, plus a battle for the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship that will pit No. 1 德扬Zlaticanin 反对 否. 2 埃米利亚诺·马西利.
门票现场活动, 由横幅促销活动推广, Inc., 售价为 $85, $60, $45 和 $35 与现已公开发售. 门票可亲自前往 Turning Stone 售票处购买, 拨打 877.833.SHOW, 或者在网上特玛 (www.ticketmaster.com.
# # #
转石度假村赌场对于举办高水平的全国电视转播拳击赛事并不陌生. 去年, 《转石》主持了普罗沃德尼科夫和马蒂西之间的史诗般的战斗, 在洛杉矶的竞技场中被选中, 拉斯维加斯, 和迈阿密. When Provodnikov returns to Turning Stone on June 11th, 这将标志着 Turning Stone 第 18 届全国电视转播的拳击赛事, 巩固度假村作为淘汰赛圣地的地位. 位于纽约州北部, Turning Stone 是一家屡获殊荣的度假胜地, 提供世界一流的设施,包括四家酒店, 21 餐厅和餐饮选择, 两个豪华水疗中心, 1,200 平方英尺的拉斯维加斯式的游戏楼层, 五个美丽的高尔夫球场, 和几家酒吧, 鸡尾酒廊和夜生活场所.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, 在Twitter @SHOSports, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

访问横幅促销活动: www.banner-promotions.com, 在 Twitter 上关注 @BannerBoxing, 在 Instagram 上关注@BannerBoxing, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, 在 LinkedIn 上关注 www.linkedin.com/company/banner-promotions-inc-?trk=biz-companies-cym, 并在 Youtube 上观看 www.youtube.com/user/bannervideo.

转石度假村赌场: www.turningstone.com ; 叽叽喳喳: @turningstone ; Facebook的: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/TurningStoneResort/

Former Boxcino champions and World Title Challengers Willie Monroe Jr. and John Thompson Clash in Middleweight Bout On Saturday, 六月 11 at The Turning Stone Casino Resort, Live on SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Plus Boxcino Heavyweight Champion Andrey Fedosov
Battles Mario Heredia In SHO EXTREME Opener
Live on SHOWTIME® A牛逼 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT
费城 (五月 16, 2016) — It will be a battle of the Boxcino champions when former world title challengers, 威利·梦露JR.约翰·汤普森, square off in a 10-round middleweight bout in the main event of 欣欣拳击SHO EXTREME星期六, 六月 11, live 7 P.M. ET/PT from The Turning Stone Resort Casino 在维罗纳, 纽约州.
In the SHO EXTREME co-feature, Boxcino 2015 重量级冠军 安德烈Fedosov(28-3, 23 科斯) 将面临 马里奥·埃雷迪亚 (11-1, 9 科斯, 1-2 在WSB) 在一场 10 回合的重量级比赛中.
The SHO EXTREME bouts will precede a 精彩表演拳击锦标赛tripleheader that will feature 鲁斯兰Provodnikov 承担 约翰·莫利纳JR. in what should be an action-packed junior welterweight bout for as long as it lasts.
门票现场活动, 由横幅促销活动推广, Inc., 售价为 $85, $60, $45 和 $35 与现已公开发售. 门票可亲自前往 Turning Stone 售票处购买, 拨打 877.833.SHOW, 或者在网上特玛 (www.ticketmaster.com).
小梦露, of nearby Rochester, 纽约州, and Thompson, 纽瓦克, 新泽西州, have near identical records. Monroe is 19-2 有六个淘汰赛, Thompson’s 17-2 有六个淘汰赛.
该 29 year-old Monroe won the 2014 Boxcino Middleweight Tournament with victories over Donatas Bondorovas (18-4-1), Vitaly Kopylenko (23-0) 和 布兰登·亚当斯 (14-0). He followed Boxcino up with an impressive 10-round unanimous decision over perennial contender 布赖恩·维拉 最后一月.
Monroe’s win streak set up an opportunity on May 16, 2015, to fight middleweight kingpin Gennady Golovkin. Monroe put up a solid effort and gave Golovkin his toughest test to date, but came up short in his title opportunity.
I am glad to be back, and I look forward to fighting in front of my loyal fans who will come from Rochester to see me fight,” Monroe said.
该 27 year-old Thompson won the 2015 Boxcino Junior Middleweight tournament with wins over Ricardo Pinell (10-1-1), Stanyslav Skorokhod (9-0) and Brandon Adams (17-1).
继 2015 Boxcino赛, Thompson traveled to Manchester, England to fight undefeated 利亚姆·史密斯 for the WBO Junior Middleweight title on Oct. 10, 2015. Thompson was impressive and was ahead on the scorecards before being stopped in the seventh round.

I have been training hard, and I look forward to fighting another Boxcino champion like Willie Monroe,” Thompson said. “It should make for a great fight.

Since winning the Boxcino tournament, when he stopped Donovan Dennis in the eighth round on May 22, 2015, Fedosov has been out of the ring with lingering injuries. Now he is back training at the famed Wild Card Gym in Los Angeles readying for his ring return.
I am glad that I will finally be getting back in the ring,” Fedosov said. “I got some time to rest and now I feel better and stronger than ever. I just want to get in that ring on June 11. I am looking forward to putting on a great show as I look for a major fight.

埃雷迪亚, 梅里达, 墨西哥, will be looking for a signature victory to catapult his career and become a player in the suddenly open heavyweight division.

“这对我来说是一个巨大的机会,” 他说,. “I was scheduled to be in the Boxcino tournament, but I had an injury, and I feel I would have won it. Now to be able to face and beat the champion will prove what I thought all along.
# # #
Provodnikov-Molina Jr. will headline a live SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOOXING tripleheader live on SHOWTIME (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT) that will also feature a WBC Super Welterweight Elimination bout between Demetrius Andrade and Willie Nelson, plus a battle for the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship that will pit No. 1 Dejan Zlaticanin against No. 2 埃米利亚诺·马西利.
转石度假村赌场对于举办高水平的全国电视转播拳击赛事并不陌生. 去年, 《转石》主持了普罗沃德尼科夫和马蒂西之间的史诗般的战斗, 在洛杉矶的竞技场中被选中, 拉斯维加斯, 和迈阿密. 当普罗沃德尼科夫于 6 月 11 日重返《转石》时, 这将标志着 Turning Stone 第 18 届全国电视转播的拳击赛事, 巩固度假村作为淘汰赛圣地的地位. 位于纽约州北部, Turning Stone 是一家屡获殊荣的度假胜地, 提供世界一流的设施,包括四家酒店, 21 餐厅和餐饮选择, 两个豪华水疗中心, 1,200 平方英尺的拉斯维加斯式的游戏楼层, 五个美丽的高尔夫球场, 和几家酒吧, 鸡尾酒廊和夜生活场所.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, 在Twitter @SHOSports, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

访问横幅促销活动: www.banner-promotions.com, 在 Twitter 上关注 @BannerBoxing, 在 Instagram 上关注@BannerBoxing, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, 在 LinkedIn 上关注 www.linkedin.com/company/banner-promotions-inc-, 并在 Youtube 上观看 www.youtube.com/user/bannervideo.

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点击 这里 要下载图片; 伊德里斯艾尔芭/梅威瑟促销
Interview With Promoter Floyd Mayweather: HTTP://s.sho.com/1TCWl6u
本报讯, D.C. (四月 30, 2016) – Badou Jack retained his WBC Super Middleweight title in a controversial draw against Lucian Bute 星期六 在Showtime, setting up a fall unification with IBF champion James DeGale, who defended his IBF crown against Rogelio Medina in the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast from the DC Armory.
Let’s unify the decision and see who the best is,” DeGale said to Jack in a post-fight interview moderated by SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray.
I’m ready in September, ready in August,” responded Jack.” “I’m ready whenever. Let’s do it where it makes the most sense financially.
Jack was the sharper fighter from the opening bell, committing to pounding the body of the former long-time titlist. Facing his second southpaw, Jack prevented Bute from fighting his game, smothering the Romania-born Canadian whenever he attempted to fight on the inside.
While Jack varied his punches with a diverse attack to the body and head, he slowed in the latter rounds and allowed Bute to climb his way back into the fight. Bute had perhaps his best round in the 10 and closed the show well, 在 11 和 12. But it was too little too late for Bute, who escaped D.C. with what most felt was an undeserved draw.
Bullshit, but is what it is. Ask Bute as well, he knows what time it is,” 杰克说, 谁几乎落地了 100 more punches than Bute, 含 61 他的权力拳%的, 和 40 percent total of his total shots. “His punches weren’t hurting me. I feel I won the fight. Maybe I lost the last round. He’s a great guy and a great champion, but I know I won the fight.
It’s not Bute’s fault, it’s the judges. People saw I won the fight.
The 36-year-old Bute certainly looked like a fighter with plenty left in the tank, rejuvenated under trainer Howard Grant with his sights set on the new crop of stars in the super middleweight division.
“这是一场势均力敌的战斗,” 布特说, who connected at just a 21 percent rate with his total punches. “相信我, it was very close fight. My last fight with DeGale was very close, 今晚 was a very close fight. I showed everyone I’m still at the top.
James DeGale defended his IBF Super Middleweight World Championship with a close, hard-fought unanimous decision against Rogelio Medina in the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast.
DeGale was supremely accurate, 着陆 51 他百分之权力拳相比,只是 23 for Medina, including a staggering 66 他的权力拳%的. The switch-hitting southpaw attacked from unorthodox angles, and was most effective when he snuck in a right uppercut to back up Medina. But the British titlista record 12 from Great Britainfailed to utilize his jab and was not able to deliver on his prediction of a knockout inside of six rounds.
The boxing skills are too good,” DeGale said. “If I’m being honest, he’s a very strong fighter, but skills pay the bills. I watched this guy years ago and he didn’t have the engine like that. He’s gotten better and stronger in the last year and a half.
I’m a bit disappointedI should be taking out people like Porky Medina, no disrespect to him.
I’m always learning in the gym. My inside work, my defense, my concentration. I’m going to go back to the gym, I’m going to work and I’ll be ready in September.
I want Badou Jack. I want a fresh name on my record.
梅迪纳, 另一方面, nearly doubled DeGale, 投掷 1,140 总拳, 相比 612 in the best performance of his career, but not enough to dethrone the champion. The Mexican challenger pounded the body and was at his best with DeGale against the ropes, striking the British champion with a killer left hook to the body.
He said he was going to stop me. He was running all around and he didn’t stop me like he said he would,” 梅迪纳说, who’s seven losses have come against fighters with a combined record of 131-2-2. “He’s the only one who thinks he won. The fans think I won. I definitely want the rematch.
周六 event was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing.
布莱恩·卡斯特 主持SHOWTIME电视节目, 同 毛罗Ranallo 调用动作, 名人堂分析师 铝伯恩斯坦 和前两届世界冠军 保利Malignaggi 和解说 吉姆·格雷 报告. 在西班牙联播, 亚历杭德罗·卢纳 被称为“一击即中”的前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 担任色彩评论员. SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 的执行制片人是 大卫·丁勤时JR.鲍勃·邓菲 导演.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.mayweatherpromotions.comwww.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, @SHOSports和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.facebook.com/SHOsports.

八斗杰克, 卢西恩弼, 詹姆斯DeGale & Rogelio Medina Final Press Conference Quotes & 照片


精彩表演拳击锦标赛â 连赛

星期六, 四月 30 From the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.

点击 这里 对于照片从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME

点击 这里 对于照片从伊德里斯艾尔芭/梅威瑟促销

本报讯, D.C. (四月 28, 2016) – Four of the top super middleweights in the world shared a stage 星期四 afternoon as 八斗杰克, 卢西恩弼, 詹姆斯DeGale 罗赫略·梅迪纳 participated in the final press conference for their fights this 星期六, 四月 30 on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING from the DC Armory in Wash28ington, D.C.


电视报道开始于 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT住在Showtimeâ and features the WBC champion Jack battling the former champion Bute, while the IBF titleholder DeGale takes on the top rated contender Medina. The winners of these fights have agreed to meet in a world title unification later this year.


门票现场活动, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in

association with Matchroom Boxing, 售价为 $200, $100, $50 和 $25, 与现已公开发售. 购买门票参观 www.ticketmaster.com, 特玛地点, 或致电 (800) 745-3000.


这里是战士不得不说 星期四:




“Both of us can punch, both of us can box. Anything can happen inside of that ring. I’m always ready to go 12 发. Everyone knows that I’m always in shape.


“Anything can happen, but I want to fight James DeGale. First I have to take care of business with Lucian Bute. Both of us are in our primes. We’re young and confident and it would be a great fight.


“I have to take care of this former champion. 他是一个非常好的战斗机. Some people say it’s a 50-50 fight so I have to take this very seriously.


“I’m still training and preparing for this fight like I’m the challenger. That’s how I prepare for every fight and this is no different.


“A lot of people wrote me off and I came back stronger. I love when people doubt me. I come back stronger and show people I’m a world class fighter.


“我一直相信自己. I’m mentally strong and I work hard. I had a setback but it just made me hungrier and it made me a better fighter.”




“I’m thankful for this big opportunity to fight for the WBC title. My training camp was very good. 我感觉更强壮. It’s two days until the big stage.


“I worked very hard for this opportunity. To be a two-time champion is a dream. 周六night you will see a new champion.


“我感觉好极了. The pressure is not on my shoulders now. I’m not the champion, I’m the outsider. Badou is the champion and I think the pressure is on him. I came to Washington D.C. to perform, give the fans a good show 星期六 night and the chance to become a champion for the second time


“I put on a good show against DeGale and that’s what led to this shot. I’m very blessed to be in this fight for a world title.


“Badou is a good fighter. He has a good background in amateur boxing, 他是世界冠军, but he has nothing special. He does everything good but not exceptionally. I have more experience, more speed and I’m a southpaw. I think the advantage is on my side.


“I never considered retiring but there were three years where I had some physical and psychological obstacles. Now I’m back to being in big fights and I’m looking forward to taking Badou Jack’s belt.


“This is going to be a spectacular fight. I want to look good in there and leave no doubt. I’m more aggressive than I ever have been and that will make it a great fight. I’m here to stop Badou Jack.”




“Fight time is here. I’m feeling good and feeling fresh.


“Porky Medina is a good fighter. But there are levels to pro boxing and I am levels above him.


星期六 night I’m going to show you a real performance. My last two fights have gone the distance, but this time it won’t.


“I’m the best 168-pounder out there. I’m here to prove that. There is no one out there that can test me. There are big fights out there and good guys, but I believe I’m the best.


“I like this tournament style. It’s the best boxing the best. It should always be like this.


“I’m starting to build a massive fan base back home and I haven’t even boxed at home as a world champion. Me and Badou Jack would be a massive fight in the UK with two titles on the line.


“I’ve got everything covered with my game plan, 相信我. I’ve gone extremely hard in the gym. We’ve watched tapes of him and I’m feeling good.


“This fight I need to make a statement. On my last two fights, I’ve gone the distance and they’ve been against top quality elite fighters. This time – no disrespect to Porky Medina – a good fighter in his own right but he shouldn’t last the distance with me so I look forward to a good performance.


“Good luck to both men, but I’m coming for the winner of Jack vs. 弼. I want to unify the division.”




“I’m the youngest fighter on this stage. I’m also the hungriest fighter. This is the biggest opportunity of my career.


“I’m here to give it my all and take the most of this opportunity 周六 夜晚. My dream is to be a world champion and it is right in front of me.


“I feel very excited. I’m ready to go because of the long layoff. It has been a while but I have been in the gym. I’ve been training for many months and even though I haven’t had a fight, I have been training.


“I think that DeGale has a lot of good qualities as a fighter and I think that the fight is going to be very intense because I’ve been training hard for it. I’ve been training to put pressure on him and to make it an intense fight and try and knock him out.


“I’ve noticed that he’s a quick fighter, he’s fast. He’s got good technique but I also see that he sometimes likes to stand and trade and I hope that he decides to stand and trade with me so we can give the fans a good fight.


“A win would be the biggest moment of my career. It would have a lot of significance. Historically in Mexico I would become only the second super middleweight champion, which would be very important to boxing and myself.”



# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.mayweatherpromotions.comwww.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, @SHOSports和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.facebook.com/SHOsports.

八斗杰克 & Lucian Bute Media Workout Quotes & Photos Ahead Of World Title Showdown On Saturday, 四月 30 Live on SHOWTIME® From the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.

Plus Undercard Fighters Sharif Bogere & 拉通德里亚·琼斯
Quotes From Las Vegas Workout
点击 这里 对于照片从Esaiah戈麦斯/梅威瑟促销
点击 这里 For Lucian Bute Photos From InterBox
LAS VEGAS (四月 18, 2016) – WBC超中量级世界冠军 八斗杰克 和前世界冠军 卢西恩弼 hosted media workouts at their respective training camps last week to discuss their 星期六, 四月 30 world title showdown live on 开演时间DC Armory 华盛顿, D.C.
欣欣拳击锦标赛® 连赛开始于 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT with IBF Super Middleweight World Champion 詹姆斯DeGale defending his title against top contender 罗赫略·梅迪纳.
千斤顶, who welcomed his first child, a daughter named Malaniyah, earlier in the day, held his workout at the Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas while Bute hosted media at the gym owned by the Grant brothers in the western part of Montreal. Joining Jack at the Las Vegas workout were lightweight contender Sharif Bogere and Washington, D.C. born 拉通德里亚·琼斯, who compete in undercard action on 四月 30.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, 售价为 $200, $100, $50 和 $25, 与现已公开发售. 购买门票参观 www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
I’m looking forward to another victory. 这将是一场艰苦的战斗, 但我准备好了. I’ve been training really hard and I’m ready to get into the ring.
I’m more focused and determined now than ever to secure what is mine. The fans will have an exciting show to look forward to on 四月 30. 我可以保证!
My daughter being born this morning is extra motivation for me and to continue working hard to provide for my family. I only slept for 2 小时, but I feel brand new.
I still feel fresh! 训练营是好的. Everything is right on schedule. I’m feeling really focused.
The most important thing for me is to have fun when I train. My confidence level is back at 100 百分. There’s a great atmosphere here at the gym and I have great chemistry with my trainers. I’ve done quality sparring and starting next week we’ll be reducing the training volume so as to focus more on the level of intensity.
The pressure won’t be on me because I’ll be on his turf, 华盛顿. He is the favorite because he’s the champion, but I’m confident and I’m able! We looked at some video of him with Howard (Grant). 他是一个很好的拳击手, but he’s not exceptional and he makes mistakes. I have experience. This will be my 13th world championship fight. My experience and my speed will make the difference.
My confidence level wasn’t at 100 percent before I fought James DeGale, but now it’s all back after performing the way I did against him. All the better for me if Badou Jack is already looking ahead to his next fight, is taking me for granted and is underestimating me. I know for my part that I can beat him. He did well in his last bout against George Groves, where he was able to come up with a good right blow that sent him to the canvas. But I’m going there to deliver.
I’ve now been training for a year with Howard Grant, who already knows me well and pushes me to go beyond my limits. We’ve developed a trusting relationship and I feel very comfortable working alongside him. It’s hard to put into words! It’s true, 我 36 岁, but I still have some good years ahead of me in professional boxing. For Éric Lucas, who had this belt for several years, I will bring back the title to the province of Quebec.
Training camp has been going tremendously well. I’m excited to get back in action on 四月 30. it’s going to be a good show. Two world titles on the line, that’s something big.
I want people to know who 狮子 是. People will know that 狮子 is here to stay. I will put on a great show as I always do.
I want to put on a good show so the fans will never forget about my presence in this division. Being born in Uganda, it’s important for me to make my homeland proud.
“训练营已经顺利, I am looking forward to going into the fight real strong, dominating and come out with a win. It’s important that I continue to stay mentally focused and physically ready.
I don’t really look too much into to my opponents, until I’m getting ready for that belt. As far as I know, this is her pro debut. I’m going to show her what this is all about, and give her that pro life.
I was born in D.C. 所以, I look forward to going back and fighting at the Armory to give my hometown fans what they want to see. They came to see a show, and I plan on delivering. I look forward to getting better and coming out on top. I’m working hard and taking it day-by-day. I thank God for being in this position that I’m in.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.mayweatherpromotions.comwww.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, @SHOSports和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.facebook.com/SHOsports.

八斗杰克VS. Lucian Bute Press Conference Quotes & 照片

Jack vs. 弼 & 詹姆斯DeGale VS. Rogelio Medina Doubleheader of World Title Fights Live on SHOWTIME®星期六, 四月 30
From the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.
点击 这里 对于照片从
本报讯, D.C. (四月 4, 2016) – WBC超中量级世界冠军 八斗杰克 和前世界冠军 卢西恩弼 hosted a media roundtable 在周五 night to discuss their championship showdown taking place 星期六, 四月 30DC Armory华盛顿, D.C. 和住在 开演时间.
欣欣拳击锦标赛® 电视节目开始在 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT with IBF Super Middleweight World Champion 詹姆斯DeGale defending his title against top contender and Mexican brawler 罗赫略·梅迪纳.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, 售价为 $200, $100, $50 和 $25, 与现已公开发售. 购买门票参观 www.ticketmaster.com, 特玛地点, 或致电 (800) 745-3000.
The fighters were joined by Mayweather Promotions梅威瑟伦纳德Ellerbe, Interbox’s Pierre Duc and SHOWTIME’s 斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨 as they spoke to the media about the exciting doubleheader taking place in the nation’s capital.
这里是参与者不得不说 星期五:
I’ll be ready for this fight. Bute is a very tough opponent. I have to bring my ‘Agame to win. Much respect to him, but he’s not leaving with my belt. Absolutely not. You can expect a very tough fight.
Bute is a much, much tougher opponent that Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., but I’m ready for him.
Bute’s fight against DeGale was one of the best fights last year. That’s the only reason he got this shot. 他失去了, but he looked good. 这是一个伟大的斗争. 四月 30 will be another great fight. And another loss for Bute.
This is a great opportunity for me to fight again for a title. 我感觉很好, I started camp six weeks ago. 最重要的, I’m very healthy. Psychologically, I’m looking forward to becoming a world champion on 四月 30.
I respect Badou Jack. He is a great champion, 一个伟大的战士, 但 四月 30, I will become a world champion again. 我对此很期待.
I will be the new champion. I am very confident. 我希望它是一个非常艰苦的战斗, but I am coming here to win.
I have a new team. They are changing some things in my work. My confidence is 100 百分. I’m working every day very tough and I am confident that everything will be great for 四月 30.”
梅威瑟, 梅威瑟促销总统
This fight is about the best facing the best. I’ve seen Bute fight numerous times and he’s a very exciting and explosive fighter. Every time he goes out there and performs he gives 100 百分.
Mayweather Promotions is about giving people the best and most exciting fights.
I commend Badou Jack for the way that he carries himself. He is a true gentlemen and that is what this sport is all about. He’s going to continue to make a name for himself in this sport.
PIERRE DUC, VP of Interbox
We’re very thrilled about this fight. For those of you who have not been exposed to Lucian Bute before, 他是一个伟大的战士. He’s been working extremely hard over the course of the last 6-12 months getting ready for a moment like this.
Bute has a very long history of fighting great fights and championship wars. Lucian will be ready for this.
Training camp is going astonishingly well. Lucian is usually more of a gentleman, so he will say he wants to do the best that he can, but I’m telling you that Lucian is going to be walking away with this belt. It’s going to be a fantastic and very exciting evening. Lucian will pull the upset on 四月 30.”
The one comment I will make about this event, other than to point out it features four of the best fighters in the division, is that it was quite possibly the easiest event to make out of all the events we made this spring and summer. That’s a credit to the promoters and especially a credit to all four fighters.
We didn’t just make two fights here. We’ve got the winners of these fights fighting later in the year in a unification match. To be able to make two fights very quickly and to get everyone on board with fighting the winners in a unification match with no mess, no politics, no arguments and no hesitation is an accomplishment.
These are four real fighters here and they were not afraid of a challenge, they didn’t hesitate at all. This is what the sport of boxing is all about. I personally can’t wait for April 30th and for a unification later in the year.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.mayweatherpromotions.comwww.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, @SHOSports和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.facebook.com/SHOsports.


精彩表演拳击锦标赛® Doubleheader at 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT
From The DC Armory in Washington, D.C.
点击 这里 For Photos From Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Boxing
伦敦 (三月 29, 2016) – IBF超中量级世界冠军 詹姆斯DeGale 举行公开媒体演习 周二 in London as he prepares to make the second defense of his title against mandatory challenger 罗赫略·梅迪纳星期六, 四月 30, 住在 开演时间 DC Armory 华盛顿, D.C.
中的主要事件 精彩表演拳击锦标赛 连赛 (10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT), WBC 168-pound champion 八斗杰克 defends his title against former longtime titlist 卢西恩弼. The winners will meet in a super middleweight world-title unification fight later this year.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, 售价为 $200, $100, $50 和 $25, 与现已公开发售. 购买门票参观 www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
See below for quotes from DeGale as he prepares to face Medina:
I’ve never disrespected an opponent yet in the ring and I’m not going to start now. Medina has a very good record and that means he is as dangerous and the next man. This is boxing and unless you prepare properly you get found out. I’m not going down that avenue. I’m a winner and what I do is get in the ring and win. That’s what Medina is up againsta world champion and a winner.
I’m too good for him, 太快, 太强, too quick. I’ll beat him and it is just a question of how. I don’t care how it comes as long as I look good and I give the fans what they want, another winning performance and a reminder that I am the best super middleweight out there operating today.
I respect Medina, but I belong in a different level and I will show that on 四月 30.
I’m looking forward to it because this is another chance to show what I can do in America and it is also a mini-tournament. The winner of my fight faces the winner of Badou Jack and Lucian Bute and that means a world unification clash. I want to clean up the division and I have the opportunity to do that.
I think Jack will win, but I’ve been in the ring with Bute and I know how strong he is. He is a proper fighter and I would always give him a chance against anyone. I think Jack will be too good for him, but who knows? I hope it is Jack as I’ve already taken care of business against Bute, but I want to unify the titles and that means I will fight whoever is put in front of me.
I’ve no trouble fighting in the U.S. and never will. I would love to win again and take on the winner of Jack and Bute in London, but that is down the line. What I am concentrating on right now is the next person who is standing in my way and that is Medina.
I can’t wait to get back in action because I live for fighting. It is in my blood and I know that a win over Medina means a very lucrative fight with Jack or Bute. I’m in this to make me financially comfortable for the rest of my life but above all, I’m in it for the glory.
The day I became world champion was the best of my life, along with winning Olympic Gold, and I don’t want to be a world champion for a few months. I want to be recognized as one of the greats in the super middleweight division. That means win a title and defend it against all-comers, anywhere and everywhere.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.mayweatherpromotions.comwww.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, @SHOSports和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.facebook.com/SHOsports.


WBC Champion Badou Jack vs. Former World Champion Lucian Bute
IBF Champion James DeGale vs. Top Contender Rogelio Medina
Winners Set To Meet In Unification Bout
Later This Year On SHOWTIME
纽约 (三月 28, 2016)- A three-fight series to crown a unified divisional champion will begin on 星期六, 四月 30, when WBC 168-pound champion 八斗杰克 defends his title against former longtime titlist 卢西恩弼, and IBF Champion 詹姆斯DeGale risks his belt against mandated challenger 罗赫略·梅迪纳精彩表演拳击锦标赛 doubleheader live on开演时间 (10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT) 从 DC Armory 在华盛顿特区.
The winners will meet in a super middleweight world-title unification fight later this year.
千斤顶 (20-1-1, 12 科斯) will make his second title defense after a breakthrough 2015 campaign in which he won the WBC belt from 安东尼Dirrell的 and successfully defended against 乔治·格罗夫斯. The southpaw Bute (32-3, 25 科斯), a former IBF champion with nine defenses between 2007 和 2012, revived his career last November with a gutsy and inspired performance against DeGale.
I’ve been training really hard for this fight and I’m excited to get in the ring,” 杰克说. “I can’t wait to defend my title once again on 四月 30. The fans can expect to see an explosive and skillful performance from me come fight night. I believe I’m the best super middleweight in the world and that I have the skills to beat anyone I get in the ring with. I’m fully focused on Lucian Bute, but I know that a win can set up a massive fight against James DeGale and I’m going to deliver.
I’m thrilled to have this tremendous opportunity,” 布特说. “I was ringside for Badou Jack’s last two fightswell deserved world title wins. He is a great champion. I plan to train hard and be in the best shape of my career on 四月 30. It’s my chance to win the WBC belt and become two-time world champion. I will win and give boxing fans a spectacular fight.
DeGale (22-1, 14 科斯) will make his second title defense after an impressive 2015 in which he defeated Andre Dirrell to win the vacant IBF belt and topped Bute in a Fight of the Year candidate. The hard-hitting Medina (35-6, 29 科斯), the IBF’s mandatory challenger, has knocked out three consecutive opponents.
I am delighted to be defending my world title on another great show in the United States,” 说DeGale的. “I won my belt in style in Boston and I’m looking forward to moving down the East Coast to the great city of Washington, D.C. It’s going to be a defining night in the super middleweight division as Badou Jack and myself look to set up a huge fight later in the year. I’m fully focused on Rogelio Medina. He’s a tough Mexican who earned his title shot. 但是请相信我, no one is getting my world title.
This is such a great opportunity for me and I can’t wait to get in the ring,” 梅迪纳说. “I’ve worked so hard for this and I am going to make the most of it. Everyone who has seen me fight knows I leave it all in the ring and you can expect to see an all-out battle on 四月 30. 我将成为新的世界冠军。”
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, 售价为 $200, $100, $50 和 $25, 与现已公开发售. 购买门票参观 www.ticketmaster.com, 特玛地点, 或致电 (800) 745-3000.
Mayweather Promotions is proud to bring another exciting night of boxing to the great boxing fans in my hometown of Washington, D.C.,” 伦纳德说Ellerbe, 梅威瑟促销的CEO. “I’m really excited about the Badou Jack vs. Lucian Bute fight. 这将是一个伟大的斗争. We know Bute is tough as nails and he’s coming to take the title away from Badou. Badou is going to have to be at his best to be able to beat Bute that night. The winner of that fight will set up a spectacular unification fight with the winner of the fight between British champion James DeGale and Mexican brawler ‘Porky’ 梅迪纳. DeGale can’t take Medina lightly if he wants the unification bout. It’s going to be a thrilling night of action at the DC Armory and on SHOWTIME.
八斗杰克 “开膛手”, of Las Vegas by way of Stockholm, 瑞典, captured the WBC 168-pound crown with a 12-round majority decision over previously unbeaten defending champion Anthony Dirrelllast 四月 24. A former amateur standout who represented Gambia in the 2008 奥运会, Jack retained his belt against former world title challenger George Groves last 七. 12 on the undercard of Floyd Mayweather’s final fight. 千斤顶, who fights under the Mayweather Promotions banner, was an underdog against both Dirrell and Groves. 身高6英尺1, 32-year-old has won four in a row since a shocking first-round knockout loss to Derek Edwards in February 2014.
弼, 蒙特利尔, Canada by way of Romania, has been a super middleweight mainstay for the last decade. He has competed in 12 title fights since 2007, scoring seven knockouts in nine consecutive defenses of the IBF belt he won in 2007 in his adopted hometown of Montreal. During his title reign, the 36-year-old defeated the likes of Glen Johnson, Librado Andrade and Jean-Paul Mendy, but he lost the belt to Carl Froch in 2012 and a string of injuries kept him largely inactive over the next three years. Bute returned from a 19-month absence in August 2015 under new trainer Howard Grant, knocking out Andrea Di Luisa to set up the title shot against DeGale for the crown he once held. Bute stalked the switch-hitting DeGale with a relentless attack, turning in his most impressive performance in years in a close decision loss.
詹姆斯 “矮胖” DeGale, 伦敦, 英国, won the vacant IBF belt in his U.S. debut last May by dropping Andre Dirrell twice on his way to a unanimous decision. 该 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist then successfully defended it last November in a thrilling shootout with hometown favorite and former titlist Lucian Bute. 这位30岁的, who’s only blemish came in a majority decision in his 11 bout against then-unbeaten George Groves, will make his third consecutive start outside his native England as he looks to become a global power at 168 英镑.
罗赫利奥 “腴” Medina is a hard-hitting veteran with 30 在他击倒 36 职业生涯胜. He’s knocked out three consecutive opponents, including a shocking third-round knockout of then-undefeated J’Leon Love in August, 2014. 梅迪纳, 27, has suffered six losses in 42 打架, although those defeats came against opponents with a combined record of 187-16-3, including four previously undefeated fighters.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.mayweatherpromotions.comwww.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, @SHOSports和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.facebook.com/SHOsports.

周五充满淘汰赛的 ShoBox: 新一代将于今晚重新播出 10 P.M. SHOWTIME EXTREME® 上的 ET/PT

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周五 淘汰赛充满 的ShoBox: 新一代 电视台将重播今晚10 P.M. AND/PT (延迟在西海岸) 在Showtime EXTREME.


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