Tag Archives: Shelly Finkel

Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame Class of 2015 si rasmi ah

Lou DiBella, Shelly Finkel, Arnie Bayer, Carey Mace, George Russo, Peter Timothy & Geeri Sharnik
UNCASVILLE, Conn. (September 15, 2015) – Qabanqaabiye Lou DiBella iyo tababare / horumariyaha Shelly Finkel horseedi Class toddobada xubnood ee ah 2015 galay Boxing Connecticut ee Hall of Fame (CBHOF). New members will be inducted at the 11THsanadlaha Casho CBHOF Gala Induction on Friday habeen,November 13 in Ballroom ee Uncas ee Mohegan Sun.
The inductees CBHOF cusub ayaa sidoo kale waxaa ka mid ah gudoomiyihii hore ee feerka Peter Timothy iyo, darjada, diinta Carey Mace iyo George Russo, Qoraaga feerka Geeri Sharnik iyo doode feerka Arnie Bayer.
“Waxaan ee Boxing Connecticut ee Hall of Fame aad ugu faraxsanahay in uu ku dhawaaqo fasalka sanadkan ee inductees,” new CBHOF president John Laudati sheegay. “We have a great mix of internationally recognized boxing legends and a wonderful and most deserving group of Connecticut’s boxing royalty. Shakhsiyan, Aad baan u faraxsanahay in aan soo saarno class this in aan sanadka horeysay isagoo ah guddoomiyaha ururkan cajiib ah. Waxaan rajaynayaa inaan arko taageerayaasha feerka naga Connecticut ee Mohegan Sun on November 13th.”
Iyada oo ku saleysan ee New York City, DiBella (Sawirka inay ka tagay) waa Head hore ee Boxing u HBO, guulka leh abuuraya “Boxing ka dib Dark” taxane. Shirkaddiisu xayaysiis, DiBella Entertainment, has promoted countless boxing events at Mohegan Sun Arena and Foxwoods Resort Casino during the past two decades. DiBella also owned the Connecticut Defenders minor league baseball team that was based in Norwich. His top fighters have included Sergio Martinez,Bernard Hopkins, Paulie Malignaggi, Jermain Taylor, Inductee CBHOF “Irish” Micky Ward, iyo Andre Berto ka mid ah notables dheeraad ah. A qalin Harvard Law School, DiBella sidoo kale waa soo saare filim guul.
Finkel (sawirka si xaq ah la soo daahay Emanuel Steward), Waxa kale oo ka soo City New York, waa inductee ah International Boxing Hall of Fame oo ahaa kulan ee Connecticut dagaalama sanado badan sida labada horumariyaha ah ama maamulaha. He is also a successful manager in the music industry. In the early 1990s, Finkel was arguably the most powerful manager in boxing. His most celebrated clients included Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Manny Pacquiao, Pernell Whitaker, Meldrick Taylor iyo Wladimir Klitschko.
Timothy (sawirka si tegey Sugar Ray Leonard) Guddoomiyaha feerka ahaa Mashantucket Pequot Commission Qabiil Qaranka ee Foxwoods ka 1995 si ay u 2009. He was mentored by the late John Burns, who was the founder of the CBHOF of which he is also an inductee. During his tenure at Foxwoods, Boqolaal Timothy nidaaminaya dhacdooyinka pro, lugu daro 90 dagaalka horyaalka. Highlights of his reign included CBHOF inductee John RuizEvander Holyfield III horyaalka feerka adduunka WBA iyo, laga yaabee, dagaalka ugu waaweynaa ee taariikhda Foxwoods, Horyaalka cruiserweight dagaalka adduunka IBF u dhexeeya James Toney iyo Vassily Jirov. Other stars who fought at Foxwoods when Timothy was in charge include Roy Jones, Jr., Diego Corrales, Shane Mosely iyo Acelino Freitas, oo ay la socdaan inductees CBHOF Dana Rosenblatt, Peter Manfredo, Jr. oo laga xoreeyo. Cayaaraha olombikada Lawrence Clay-Bey.
Mace (72-18-2), ku dhashay Hartford, started fighting professionally in the late 1940s. His most notable victory came in 1950, joojinta horyaalka hore ee aduunka Joe Giardello. Mace was a member of CBHOF charter member Willie Pep'S deggan oo galay kaalinta at hal dhibic u sarraysaa sida No. 8 welterweight in the world. Mace, oo culeyskooda la soo dhaafay khasaare ah in ay xubin ka CBHOFGaspar Ortega in 1962, ku noolaa Manchester markii uu geeriyooday da'da 73 in 2003.
Russo lahaa 85 dagaal u dhexeeya pro 1922 iyo 1934. He moved to Bridgeport when he was six and he eventually became a local legend in boxing, jimcsado hawlgalka sida Red Man ee Hall, Acorn Club and East Washington Avenue. In 1992, wuxuu keenay feerka ka dib markii maqan tobankii sano-dheer dhismaha Pal Old in Bridgeport ah. Russo ayaa sidoo kale loo aqoonsaday sida “Johnny Duke of Southern Connecticut.”
Wuxuu ku dhashay New Haven, dabayaaqadii Sharnick ku noolaa ku dhawaad ​​noloshiisa oo dhan ku Norwalk, ka hor inta uusan ku laaban Florida, halkaas oo uu doortay si ay u Boxing Florida ee Hall of Fame in 2012, largely for founding the Smart Boxer Institute. Sharnik was a boxing writer for 23 sano ee Sports Illustrated, muujiyeen uu caymiska ee Cassius ClaySonny Liston Waxaan, xigatay soo caan baxay u leh, “Liston ayaa ruxi sida cannonballs.” He moved on to become the chief for consultant at CBS for nine years and was chief advisor and the lone true believer in George Foreman‘s comeback bid eventually leading to another world heavyweight title. Sharnick also was an advisor for CBHOF member and two-time world champion Marlon Starling, dhaadhicin kooxda heysata horyaalka adduunka mustaqbalka in aad ku darto Eddie Futch as his head trainer. Futch’s assistant, Xubin CBHOF Freddie Roach, ugu danbeyn tababar lahaa Starling markii uu noqday horyaalka adduunka welterweight.
Bayer ayaa waxaa si weyn loo ixtiraamo sida doode dhabta ah ee feerka, mar walba si degdeg ah u gacan ku siiso, iyo sidoo kale furitaanka jeebka si ay u caawiyaan jimcsado feerka taageerada magaalooyinka sida inductee CBHOF Johnny Duke ee Boys Club Gym ee Bellevue Square, Hartford.
Tigidhada CBHOF ah 11th sanadlaha Casho Gala Induction, fillooyinka ee $90.00, waa on sale hadda adiga oo wacaya Kim Baker at Sun Mohegan (1.860.862.7377) ama Sherman Qaabiil at Journal Manchester ee wax weyddiista (1.800.237.3606 X321). Albaabada furan 5:30 p.m. IYO, cocktails at 6 p.m. IYO, ku xiga casho.
Tag online in www.ctboxinghof.org Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Boxing Connecticut ee Hall of Fame, ay 11th sanadlaha Casho Gala Inductee, fursado xayaysiin dhacdo, ama inductees CBHOF ee la soo dhaafay.
Bob Trieger, Full SAXAAFADEED Maxkamadda, bobtfcp@hotmail.com,978.590.0470, fightpublicist
KU SAABSAN CBHOF: The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame was founded in 2004 in la sharfo oo dabaal mustaqbalka shakhsiyaadka aad u fiican oo ku lug leh cayaaraha ee feerka. Its Xaflada Induction horreeya & Casho waxaa la qabtay 2005. Taariikhda feerka hodan Connecticut ee marnaba la Shafay karaa haddii Jirin guulaha kuwa ku xusan ee Hall of Fame.
Sida urur aan faa'iido doon ah, Boxing Connecticut ee Hall of Fame ayaa aad uga go'an in ay ku ekaadaan ruux dagaalka ee Connecticut sii xoogaysanaya ee dhex darsaday Sadaqaysta kala duwan.

Link in Website CBHOF