Tag Archives: Sergey Kovalev

Sergei Kharitonov vs. Kenny Garner Video Review & Preview of rematch

Headlining M-I Challenge 59, July 3 in Astana, Kazakhstan

The Heavyweight SuperFight rematch between Russian Sergei “The Paratrooper” Kharitonov (22-5-0) and American Kenny “Precare,” Garner (16-8-0) will headline the July 3rd M-I provocare 59: Battle of Geblendet 5 in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Horreum fuit a replacement pro laesa Satoshi Ishii hanc quoque olim acceptam November 25 contra Kharitonov in Beijing. The game Garner dominated the opening round and Kharitonov took the second round. The fight was stopped in the third round an Kharitonov declared the winner due to safety concerns for the badly cut Garner.

M-I provocare 59 definition magni erunt in unda Kazahstāna livewww.M1Global.TV. Spectatores pugnae summa verti posset intueri card per colligationem in subcriptio www.M1Global.TV. Fans ut pervigilem actione computers, necnon et Apple dolor phones et dextralia Andriod.





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Sergei Kharitonov Kenny Garner rematch Ad Vivamus scelerisque M-I Challenge 59 Plus, Shavkat Rakhmonov vs. Michal Wiencek & Luigi Fioravanti vs.. Sergey Kovalev July 3 in Astana, Kazakhstan

(L) Kenny Garner and Sergei Kharitonov exchanged a lot o punches in their original atM-1 Challenge 53 in Beijing,China /


ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (June 18, 2015) – Multo-praeventus Pullover superfight inter rematch Sergei “The Paratrooper” Kharitonov atque Kenny “Precare,” Garner will headline the July 3rd M-I provocare 59: Battle of Geblendet 5 in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The VI′ 4″, 260-libram Kharitonov (22-5-0, 12 KO / TKO, 9 SUB), pugnae de deque Moscua, in Iunctus Civitas fuit stella nititur Strikeforce, necnon Japanese MMA Institutis Somnium Et superbia Fighting Championships. Arx eius conprehend regnaret UFC heavyweight champion Fabricio Werdum,priores UFC pugiles Andreae Arlovski atque Alistar Overeem, as well as Pedro Rizzo,Inter notables.

Garner, pugnat ex portu Sancti. Lucie, Florida, won quam inauguralis M-I Challenge interim heavyweight championship Oct. 14, 2011 atM-I provocare: 27, modo per modum quinto-circuitu deditionem (ferit,) adversum Maxim Grishin. Horreum June defendisset modavit 21, 2012 at M-I Global: Fedor vs. Rizzo, cum Iustus facio pictura Guram Gugenishvili rotundum possem continuare bellum tertio iniuriam.

Horreum fuit a replacement pro laesa Satoshi Ishii hanc quoque olim acceptam November 25 contra Kharitonov in Beijing. Cautibus American dominata est opening round, Caudinas ne expertus quidem submit robustus quoque Russian, in quâ quis stabit in secundo circuitu custodias usque modo certaminis. Proelium ab sistatur in tertio circuitu cum Kharitonov declaravit victor due to safety curas ad Garner, qui passus gravis cuts et aliis damnum ad vultus et capitis.

M-I provocare 59 definition magni erunt in unda Kazahstāna livewww.M1Global.TV. Spectatores pugnae summa verti posset intueri card per colligationem in subcriptio www.M1Global.TV. Fans ut pervigilem actione computers, necnon et Apple dolor phones et dextralia Andriod.

Promittentes Kazakh welterweight prospectu Shaukat Rakhmonov (2-0-0, 1 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) showcased erit in patria enixissime contra hostem Polish Michal Wiencek (5-2-0, 2 SUB).

XIX annorum erat cum Rakhmonov 2013 WMMAA welterweight pugiles, praeter capiendas top honors in Kazakhstan et Asiae championships. Eius experientia amateur paratum M-I Challenge competition, in quibus ille invictam duobus pugnat, per primum et ultimum possidet knockout Bartosz Chyrekhanc quoque olim acceptam May 2nd at M-I provocare 57.


Wiencek, 21, was a winner ad Nani Grand Prix. In ultimo proelio Aprilis 10 at M-I provocare 56, forte molitus M-I Challenge debut in infigo fashion, de frugibusRustam Gadzhiev in tertia circuitu (see picture ad dextram).




Another interesting match has been announced as popular American middleweight Luigi “The Italian Tank” Fioravanti sumit inuictus est Russian Sergey Kovalev.

Fiorvanti (et pulsaverit in recti picture) hoc damnum praeteritum futuro iudicio defendet February 21 ad Nodar Kudukhashvili at M-I provocare 55.Italo-Graecorum in coniuncta in U.S. Feliciter post gradibus alto schola. Pergit kickboxing atque exercitatione in California Jitsu Brazilian Jiu-dum agit in Iraq militum. Fioravanti tenet secundus -inhonestus nigra cingulum in Pancrase Pankration.

Kovalev (5-0-0, 2 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) tio per biennium fuerit de iniuria. Ultimo vero pugnam April 9, 2013 in his M-I Challenge debut, in quo suffocavit Gregorius Babine subiiceremus

Omnia subiecta sunt pugnatores ad bella et mutatio. Additional nuntiari mox se pugnat.

Et pugnes Network a'ri M-I provocare 59 Optimum est scriptor vivunt TV Cablevision, Grande Communications, Aluminium Aluminium Shentel Armstrong et in U.S., necnon nationwide in Canada, Roku cogitationes trans North America, et in plus globally quam 30 regionibus, quae in Europa, Africa et Orientem Medium.






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Seconds Out Promotions Signs Light Heavyweight Powerhouse Marcus Oliveira to a Promotional Agreement

Tony Grygelko of Minneapolis-based Seconds Out Promotions proudly announces the signing of hard-punching former world-title challenger Marcus Oliveira to a promotional contract.


From Menominee, Wisconsin, and of Menominee Nation, native, heritage, 36-year-old Oliveira (25-1-1, 20 KOs) is also a former NABF and WBA Fedebol Light Heavyweight Champion.

The promotional agreement is a reunion of sorts, as Grygelko was Oliveira’s promoter for much of his early professional career.


I used to promote Marcus, prior to him signing with Don King, and it’s truly an honor to be able to promote him again and help position him for another world title shot,” said Tony Grygelko. “It seems that with his previous promoter not actively seeking fights, and his loss to Jurgen Brähmer, that Marcus has been written off, but the truth is he is extremely focused and has a burning desire to show all his fans that he has the talent to win a World Championship! He plans to shake off some ring rust off with a couple fights and then he’ll be looking to go after some of the big names in the division, such as Andrezj Fonfara, Sergey Kovalev, Bernard Hopkins, and a rematch with Brähmer.


Oliveira, who was a heavily decorated amateur boxer before turning pro in 2006, said he feels his career had been stalled by an agreement he signed with another promoter. He says he happy to now be free of that contract and back to working with someone he trusts.


I was looking for someone who could get me to the next level in my career and Tony has already done that for quite a few guys, so it was an easy decision,” said Oliveira. “He’s always straight-up with me and treats me well. I have a great relationship with him. I’m very happy about this new direction.


We’re very excited to be back working with Tony,” said Oliveira’s Manager, Douglas Ward from the Underground Boxing Company. “It’s good to be working with a promoter that has our same set of goals.


Oliveira joins a Seconds Out stable that also includes Carson Jones and recent world-title challenger Caleb Truax.


MONTREAL (March 27, 2015) – Et de concretis The Ring, WBC, WBA, Et lux IBF WBO heavyweight pugna inter modificatae Adonis “Superman” Et Flaccus Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev ceperit alius maximus step. The Council Boxing (WBC) a quibus ad locum, quem iussit sacculum Aprilis 17 Atque harum major eventus ad determinandam.

Postulavit ab initio Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) requiritur tempus praestandae parare Super hoc major eventus pugnae, host, in quibus assensi sunt in sacculum in WBC May. 17 in Mexico.

Ex quibus Victor crumenam habebit commodum prae altero die determinatam promotor, et quia lux heavyweight sollicitudin molestie network locus. Horum singuli, et dividetur in quibus aequaliter est 50-50 basis.

Ante Flaccus (25-1, 21 KOs) vs. Kovalev (27-0-1, 24 KOs) potest contingere quod sit murmur,, quamquam, utraque pugnatores oportet vincere proximo bout. Flaccus, primogenitum autem Haitian Quebecer, ad melius defendere, et habet sua WBC The Ring diademata Aprilis 4 Cameroon contra civis in Quebec urbem Sakio Bika (32-6-3, 21 KOs), dum habet Kovalev 90 diebus ad faciendam mandatorias suae defensionem adversus Gallum IBF zona Nadjib Mohammedi (37-3, 23 KOs) ad aliquem locum determinatum esse.

Cicero 's promotor, Praeses Michel GYM Yvon, quo quid potest excitari promovendi omnium maxima lux viverra tempus heavyweight. “Quia et nos praeibant et iugales eius et Adonis (et caput consiliarius Al dum expositionem Haymonis Jevanus trainer Sugar Hill) ad pugnam accidere voluerunt istam,” Michel explicata. “My pugil (Flaccus) dare vult suam fans, non tantum a circa mundi totius orbis sed ex Quebec, vis ad pugnam.

“Adonis arguar ducking Kovalev de aestate, sed semper ad ultimam metam probare ipse est rex Heavyweights de lumine.”

Ad me omnes loquitur de Sergey Kovalev,” WBC, Et patrios lux mundi fortissimus Cicero addidit Anulum heavyweight. “Derunt Sakio Bika nunc sum,, sed revera titulis uniendis. Paratus sum regem meum divisionis probare.”

In XXXVII annorum southpaw, plenarie confidens in omnibus conciliet major mundi title in zonis, etiam ipsi, “In eo,, duo tituli (Et WBA IBF) perdidit ad quod Bernard Hopkins Kovalev sunt putabat mea esse, sed Hopkins effugerit HBO potius quam mihi.”

Auxilio autem WBC

Sanctioning corporum vindices aliis Institutis raro patitur esse in parte nulla. In hoc casu,, tamen, et quod dictum est in qua tantum WBC, ad ultimum December 52th conventus in Las Vegas, nos autem Kovalev. Jean Pascal bout victor esset Cicero pro titulo amet clamatoribus.

Proelium cum omni momento et magnitudo vim agitur titulis unum assem WBC Tabula ad praesides consilium.

“Quod fuit ab egregium militarium Kathy Duva (Praeses et Main Events Kovalev scriptor promotoris),” Michel commentati. “Adonis est obligatus ad faciem nunc Kovalev in adunatione a IRCA, spondens, sine longa simplex processus, unnecessary bargaining. Our spurius non RECUMBO, modo coepi turpis.”


HOUSTON, TEXAS (February 12, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions atque Savarese Promotions sunt adfici nuntiarent adventum et unio rei finis unus ex ingeniosissimis heavyweight divisio in lumine, Medzhid Bektemir (14-0, 11 KOs). A devastating puncher with power in both hands, Bektemirov etiam possidet celeritate, et celeritatem-, maxime loquebatur de Russia ostentui bellatori.


Natus est in Makhachkala, Russia, Bektemirov, nunc sit in USA, cum quo facti sunt Ronnie Shields at the “PLEX” in Stafford, Texas. A hard worker who practically lives in the gym, Medzhid manducat, et dormiat, et respirat pugilatu.


“Amen dico tibi hodie ut facias, Unus ex ingeniosissimis Medzhid Bektemirov pugnatorum ego vidi in tempus,” dixit Gary Shaw. “He has the rare combination of speed and power. I’m talking destructive power coming from both hands. His hooks are deadly and his fast feet are amazing. I’m going to go out on a limb and say Bektemirov could be the next great fighter to come out of Russia. I have the greatest amount of respect for Gennady Golovkin atque Sergey Kovalev, both are great champions. Golovkin is a very special fighter and if Bektemirov can reach his level, then we’ll have something special as well. I believe Bektemirov will be looking to face Kovalev in the not so distant future.


In his solum 12th bout, Bektemirov cepit WBC United States (USNBC) cum lux heavyweight title perficientur adversus dominantis Randy Griffin (25-4-3, 13 KOs), winning a lopsided twelve-round unanimous decision. Having gone twelve rounds in a professional bout already, Medzhid Bektemir, si opus fuerit, non potest ire procul probavit.


“In 2015 Medzhid Bektemirov faciam a facie eius omnibus nota erat in lucem-heavyweight divisio.”Lou Savarese dictum. “This kid reminds me of Mike Tyson with his heavy hands and tremendous speed. I’ve been in the ring with Tyson and I’m confident when I say Bektemirov reminds me a lot like Mike. Gary and I are going to put tremendous amount promoting Medzhid. He will become a household name very soon and we are gunning for that world title.


“Shaw by sentio felicissimum promoveri Lou Savarese qui per multos annos in caestu,” Medzhid Bektemir dixit. “I’ve come a long way from Russia to pursue my dream of becoming a champion. I love to fight and I get great enjoyment when I knockout my opponent. In every bout, I’m always going to be looking to end the fight early. The fans want to see knockouts and that is my specialty.