Tag Archives: Scott QUIGG




From Manchester Arena In Manchester, Ingalaterra;

Encore Presentation Larunbata Evening On SHOWTIME®


Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak For. Kreditu: Matchroom Boxing


Undefeated 122-pound world champions Carl Frampton (IBF) eta Scott QUIGG (WBA) had to be separated at their final press conference on Thursday in Manchester, Ingalaterra, as they faced-off for the long-awaited super bantamweight unification showdown this Larunbata, Feb. 27 at Manchester Arena.


The unification between Frampton (21-0, 14 Kos), of Belfast, Irlanda, and Quigg (32-0-2, 23 Kos), of Lancashire, United Kingdom will be televised live on SHO EXTREME at 5:30 p.m. ETA/PT.


After jarring over who deserves the home dressing room at the sold-out, 21,000 seat Manchester Arena, the 122-pound rivals had to be separated by Hall of Famer Barry McGuigan and promoter Eddie Hearn.


“It’s going to be a great fight, one for the ages,"Esan Frampton, the IBF champion. “I’ll win. It doesn’t matter how, KO or clear points decision.”


“I’m going to prove I’m the best super bantamweight,” said Quigg, the WBA titlist. “I’m going to win by knockout.”


The SHOWTIME BOXING NAZIOARTEKO® eskaintza Sky Sports telecast will feature analysis from SHOWTIME Kirol® hostBarry Tompkins, analista Steve Farhood and special guest and WBA Middleweight World Champion Daniel Jacobs. An encore presentation of the bout will air on SHOWTIME® immediately following Larunbata enbizi SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa® telecast headlined by three-division world champion Leo Santa Cruz ohia eta titlist Kiko Martinez. The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 10 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. PT.


Here’s what Frampton, Quigg and their trainers and promoters had to say in Manchester on Thursday:

CARL Frampton:

“I’m better in every department, arrunta eta erraza.


“Because of the magnitude of this fight, everything had to be perfect. I’ve done everything right this time,"


“This means so much; there is a lot at stake. It’s more than titles – it’s pride and bragging rights. It’s proving who is the best. Reputation is a big deal, so there is so much on the line.


“I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to win. I’ve punching power to KO him in any round and I’ve the boxing brain to win on points.


“I’ve spent 17 weeks in camp, the longest ever. I missed my son’s first steps and both my kids’ birthdays. I did that because this could be my toughest fight. I’m not going to let Scott Quigg make all that be for nothing.”


“It’s going to be a great fight, one for the ages. I’ll win. It doesn’t matter how, KO or clear points decision.


On the home-team dressing room:

“I’m contractually the A-side. It’s a question of principle.”



“Nobody does what I do in terms of dedication to the sport. I’ll win because of boxing brain and ability.


“It’ll mean everything to win. Since the age of 15, all I have done is eat, sleep and train.


"Larunbata is my moment of destiny and, uste me, Borroka hau irabazi egingo dut. I’ve put in too much for anyone to stop me.”


“Tune in for a great fight. I’m going to prove I’m the best super bantamweight. I’m going to win by knockout.


On the home-team dressing room:

“It’s my arena, I’m the home fighter. I want the home dressing room.”


SHANE McGuigan, Frampton en Trainer:

“They are two legitimate, world class fighters and there is maybe only 2 percent difference at the top level – Carl has that extra percent.


“As a trainer you are only as good as your fighters and I’m lucky to have Carl.”


JOE GALLAGHER, Quigg’s Trainer

"He (Shane McGuigan) was a nutritionist a few years ago who asked to help Gerry Storey. He’s only famous because of his dad.


“They are underestimating Scott’s boxing brain and being disrespectful throughout the build-up.”


BARRY McGuigan, Frampton’s Promoter

“There has never been a bigger super bantamweight fight of this magnitude in Europe. It’s got a Barrera-Morales feel to hit and is going to be a magnificent occasion.


“I think Carl will have too much for him, but it has the potential to be a great fight.”


EDDIE HEARN, Quigg’s Promoter

“It’s bigger than Froch vs. Groves, because it is a global event.


“I’m proud to have made the fight happen. This can ignite the sport and keep it alive.


“The atmosphere and passion will eclipse all that has gone before. It just doesn’t get any bigger than this.


“I can’t see anything other than a great fight. With two fighters this talented, so much on the line and so much passion from teams and fans, you’re going to get something very special.”


We’ve been chasing these boys for years… Scott is in for a big, big shock.” – Carl Frampton


“I’ve always wanted the chance to prove I’m the best…I can win on points, but I will knock out Carl Frampton. – Scott Quigg



Klikatu HEMEN For Photos From Matchroom Boxing


Undefeated 122-pound world champions Carl Frampton (IBF) eta Scott QUIGG (WBA) held media workouts asteartean Manchester, Ingalaterra, as they finalize preparation for their long-awaited super bantamweight unification showdown this Larunbata, Feb. 27 atManchester Arena.


The massive unification between Frampton (21-0, 14 Kos), of Belfast, Irlanda, and Quigg (32-0-2, 23 Kos), of Lancashire, United Kingdom will be televised live on SHO EXTREME at 5:30 p.m. ETA/PT.


The SHOWTIME BOXING NAZIOARTEKO® eskaintza Sky Sports telecast will feature analysis from SHOWTIME Kirolak®analistek Barry Tompkins, Steve Farhood and guest analyst and WBA Middleweight World Champion Daniel Jacobs.

An encore presentation of the bout will air on SHOWTIME® immediately following Larunbata en bizi SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa®telecast headlined by three-division world champion Leo Santa Cruzohia eta titlist Kiko Martinez.


Here’s what Frampton and Quigg had to say as they approachLarunbata en borroka:


CARL Frampton:

“I have wanted this fight for a long, Denbora luze. I thrive on the big occasions and there are not many bigger than a domestic super fight.


“I won my world title on a massive stage, Scott Quigg was handed his title after a draw. He has fought on big cards but not as a bill-topper and I genuinely don’t know if he will be able to handle this level of pressure. I’m going to use all of my experience to outbox, outfight and outgun Scott Quigg.


“We’ve been chasing these boys for years. They didn’t want it, end of story. Then all it took was one below par performance from me to convince his team that they should finally take the fight. If that first round in my last fight is what they’re basing their hopes of victory on then Scott is in for a big, big shock.


“I’ve had the best training camp of my career, I’m in the shape of my life and I’m going to become the unified Super Bantamweight World Champion.


“First and foremost I’m doing this for my family. I have two beautiful kids and both Christine (Frampton) and I want the best for them, that’s what drives me and makes me so focused on being the best in the world.


“I am 100 percent dedicated to the sport of boxing, I spend twelve-weeks in training camp in London away from home, only getting to go home a handful of times and I do this so I can be the best I possibly can.


“People have said Quigg trains like a machine. I can tell you I train every bit as hard if not harder, but I’m no machine. I don’t need to be programmed in order to perform.


“Shane (McGuigan) is a brilliant coach, I’ve been saying it all along. But now people are sitting up and taking notice. Shane and I work hard on tactics and techniques when we approach every fight, but we both know that if tactics need tweaking mid fight I can think my way through a contest. Scott Quigg can’t.”



“This is the perfect time now for this fight. We’re both world champions, we’re both undefeated, and I believe this is the perfect time for me to go out there and do a job on him.


“It’s a fight I’ve wanted for a long time. It’s a fight that’s been brewing for a long time. Seeing Carl sign on the dotted line meant that I was one step closer to achieving everything I’ve worked towards; becoming the best.


“I’ve always wanted the chance to prove I’m the best. Now the fight’s been made, I’m one million per cent confident that I’m going win in spectacular fashion. I can win on points, but I will knock out Carl Frampton.


“No-one expected me to get Kiko out of there early. If I’d have stopped him late or won on points, then Carl had already done that, so the only way I could get credit or show people what I am capable of was KO him early.


“With Carl and his performance in the States, they handpicked (Alejandro) Gonzalez from a list of opponents because they thought that he would be the easiest one. They wanted to go over there and look good in his U.S. debut so the Americans would rave about him – and he nearly came unstuck.


“We respect each other as fighters. You don’t become a world champion by chance, there’s a lot of hard work and a lot of talent involved. But they are in for a shock because they think I can only fight one way. They don’t think I can’t adapt and I’ll just come steaming forward. Maybe I will do that, but if I do come steaming forward, it’s because I am going to KO him.


“People are saying now that because I’ve been knocking guys out quite early that I’ve been going out for the stoppages, but that’s not the case. I’ve been going out and I’ve been boxing.


“If I land clean on any super bantamweight or featherweight in the world, I will knock them out. Beraz, it’s about just making sure I pick the right time and I open the gaps. And when the gaps are there then I’ll take them.


“I don’t take any notice of whether I’ve got the crowd behind me or whether it is behind my opponent, but I know for a fact that he takes comfort from having a lot of support. When he’s taken away from that, he shows his vulnerabilities. I think that will affect him.


“The Irish are very passionate about the sport and they know their boxing inside-out. They get behind their man and they will create a great atmosphere. The atmosphere is going to go off even more because we’re both at the top of our game and there’s a lot riding on this. There’s a lot of pride at stake – it’s going to be electric.”


“I got into boxing to become world champion. I’ve done that and now I’ve set new goals to reach greater heights because I want to challenge myself every day.


“Ricky Hatton became a crossover star and was a hit in the US. He took 40,000 Brits to Las Vegas and became a global star. That’s the next goal that I’ve set for myself and I can make it if I keep working hard, maintain my dedication and focus.


“Getting this fight now on SHOWTIME in the U.S. is the first step. I’ll go out and do a job on Carl, win in a spectacular fashion and that’s going to give me a boost for my profile in the U.S.


“I am not going to give the WBA belt up. Onena borrokatzea nahi dut. Guillermo Rigondeaux is next because that’s what the WBA have ordered.


“My focus is on beating Carl. We’ll look at fighting the best out there after that. I’ve always said, ‘I’m out to fight the best and beat the best.’ So, I’m obviously going to fight Rigondeaux. I’m not scared of fighting him. I’m not shying away from the challenge. I thrive on that sort of task and fighting Rigondeaux – who’s rightly so ranked No. 1 in the division because of what he’s achieved – would be a huge challenge. I honestly believe that if the time comes and we fight, I can beat him.”


SHANE McGuigan, Frampton en Trainer:

“There is a lot of debate about who hits harder between Frampton and Quigg. I know Carl Frampton is the hardest punching Super Bantamweight in the world.


“One thing you can’t argue about is who has the better pedigree and who has the better boxing brain. Carl wins hands down in both departments and he is going to show this in brutal and clinical fashion.


“Carl can box off the back foot, he can fight on the front foot and he has devastating one-punch power.”


BARRY McGuigan, Frampton’s Promoter:

“Carl is always so cool when the heat is on him, he steps up to the plate and delivers.


“Even in his last fight when he didn’t get off to a great start, Carl still managed to pull himself together and do what was needed to get the win.


“He’s a natural born winner. I had to work very hard just to be able to compete at world level. I think the same can be said of Scott Quigg, but for Carl it comes more naturally. Couple this with his incredible work ethic and that is why Carl Frampton is the best in the world.”

Boxing gehien saihestu munduko txapelduna Guillermo Rigondeaux datorren hilean UK epigrafe publikoki aurre Scott Quigg

CORK, Irlanda (April 12, 2015) – Unified super bantamweight munduko txapeldun Bill “Jackal” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Kos), dudarik gabe, saihestu egungo munduko titulua boxeo historia modernoan egileak, Datorren hilean Londresera bidaiatu izateko publikoki aurre bere derrigorrezko erronka ere, Scott QUIGG (30-0-2, 22 Kos), Munduko Boxing Elkartea (WBA) “erregularra” 122-libra zatiketa titlist.


Duela hilabete bat ezohiko mugimendu batean, Rigondeaux’ manager Gary Hyde WBA bere WBA Super txapelduna eta Quigg arteko izenburua derrigorrezko borroka bat betearazi formalki eskatu. Hyde WBA erabakiaren zain dago. Rigondeaux da, halaber, Munduko Boxeo Erakundea (WBO) eta Eraztun aldizkariaren super bantamweight txapeldun.


Mundu egungo txapelduna A ez izan saihestu munduko beste txapeldun eta goi contenders by bezala Rigondeux azken bi urteetan geroztik ditu, agian, junior middleweight Sergio Martinez, edo modu seguru guztiek middleweight itzuli Mike McCallum.


Goiko hiru super munduko bantamweights Rigondeaux kanpo – Federatuen International Boxingion (IBF) eta Munduko Boxing Kontseilua (WBC) Txapeldun, Carl Frampton eta Leo Santa Cruz, hurrenez hurren, plus QUIGG – handia Kubako plaka bezala saihestu dute. Behin Santa Cruz’ garai hartan sustatzailea, Oscar de la Hoya, iragarri Rigondeaux-Santa Cruz hori gertatuko izan, Santa Cruz’ aholkulari indartsua, Al HAYMON, Kontratu Aukera bat ihardun eta erosi zion out 'Rigo borroka bat saihesteko.’ Frampton sustatzailea, Barry McGuigan, Bere borrokalaria aldarrikatu ditu, Ez Rigondeaux, No gisa. 1 munduko super luma. McGuigan, arren, da Frampton borrokan Quigg U.K batean interesa. Showdown, baizik eta mundu zigortzailea lau izenburu nagusietako hiru mundu mega-borroka bat baino. Bezala “erregularra” WBA txapeldun, Rigondeaux QUIGG da’ CHALLENGER derrigorrezkoa, oraindik, itxuraz nahi du ez bi aldiz Olinpiar urrezko dominaren bere sustatzailea delako zati, Barry Hearn, Ez bakarrik ez du gai bultzatu, da McGuigan dituzten negoziazioak Frampton for Quigg borrokatzea zuen.


Mundu ohia Txapeldun super bantamweight Nonito Doniare, Duela bi urte batasunaren borroka bat galdu ondoren zuen Rigondeaux den, eta Abner Mares gora zatiketa bat featherweights, borrokaren bidea hautatu. Eta orain Donaire txostenak bere manager duten Quigg ordezkari bat harremanetan jarri zen Donaire-Quigg Ingalaterran borroka bat eztabaidatzeko.


Beste bi aldiz Olinpiar urrezko dominaren, WBO 126 kiloko txapelduna Vasyl Lomachenko, Etengabe berretsi du “Line” du gora pisuan borroka bat beharrik zion arazorik ez duten arren, gerta 126.


“QUIGG, Santa Cruz eta Frampton Rigondeaux desafio nahia ez erakutsi dute,” Hyde esan. “Hiru borrokalari horiek jendaurrean engaina borroka horretan sinesteko sartu saiatzeagatik No. 1 Mundu Arrospide Ez da garrantzitsua. Beren barregarria eskudirutan kopuru poltsikoak Hornigaia bitartean par aurkaria azpitik borrokan, Rigondeaux inguru itxaron behar Asian aurkari batzuk pausoak eman arte behartuta dago. Hau kirol horretan onena ikusten borrokan egitera ohituak gaude da onena, baina, super bantamweight zatiketan, onena gainerako versus da.


“Rigondeaux egingo Manchester bidaiatzeko Quigg borrokatzea, Belfast Frampton borrokatzea, edo Las Vegas Santa Cruz borrokatzea. Horiek munduko txapeldun deiturikoak ere ez, arren, honako hau dioen munduko super bantamweight txapelduna borrokan kontuan hartuko. Guztiak askoz gehiago Edukira jipoitzen Man bere pisua klasean baino beren gerrikoak gainean eutsi Oraindik dute.”


Hurrengo hilabetea, Hyde txostenak, Rigondeaux izango Erresuma Batua bidaiatzeko saiakera bat lodia Quigg embarrass zion borrokan sartu. “Ez zait gustatzen atzerritik bidaiatzen dudan borroka bat lerrokatuak ezean,” Rigondeaux azaldu, “baina Ingalaterrara izango dut bidaiatzeko maiatzean publikoki deitu Scott Quigg. Behera bihurtzen zuen aukera gure WBA derrigorrezko borrokatzea bada, hori izango zuen gogoan izango ordez borrokalari handi bat bezala ezagutzen. Naiz UK bitartean, Halaber, I Belfast joango da Carl Frampton checkout Haren taldekoak onenen aurka berak frogatu nahi izanez gero galdetu.”


Goiko super bantamweight ekintza dela gaur egun Europan ulertzea, record poltsan bat egoten ($2.2 milioi dolar) Frampton a vs dakarzkien. QUIGG borrokan, Rigondeaux du etorkizun hurbilean aldaketa handia izan da, kontuan hartuta, Bere Miami base mugitzen Erresuma Batura, hori zer zion lortzeko ekintza hartzen da.


Hyde halaber ohia WBO middleweight txapelduna eta uneko International Boxing Federazioa kudeatzen (IBF) Do Not. 1 derrigorrezkoa contender Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 Kos), ohia WBA-behineko cruiserweight txapeldun Yuri “El Toro” Kalenga (21-2, 14 Kos) eta Georgian super arin Levan “Otsoa” Ghvamichava (14-1-1, 11 Kos) , Esaterako, Kubako super bantamweight gisa top irtenbideak Mark Forest (2-0, 2 Kos), Irish heavyweight Sheehan With eta Bulgarian argi heavyweight Blagoy Naydenov.



Jarraitu Hyde Twitterren at @ NoWhere2Hyde eta lagun zionwww.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?fref = ts.

Kudeatzaile Gary Hyde eskari WBA derrigorrezko titulua Rigondeaux eta Quigg arteko borroka betearazi


CORK, Irlanda (March 12, 2015) – Nazioarteko boxeo kudeatzailea Gary Hyde, Nowhere2Hyde Management presidente, formalki eskatu diote Munduko Boxing Elkartea (WBA) Hyde-ren borrokalaria arteko izenburua derrigorrezko borroka bat betearazi, WBA Super & Munduko Boxeo Erakundea (WBO) super bantamweight txapeldun Bill “Jackal” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Kos), eta WBA “erregularra” 122-libra zatiketa titlist Scott QUIGG (30-0-2, 22 Kos).


Jarraian Hyde gutuna kopia bat WBA aurkitu:



Dear Chairman Mendoza:


Guillermo Rigondeaux manager gisa idazten dut, Unified WBA / WBO txapelduna.


I write to request enforcement of the mandatory. Uniquely in the Super Bantamweight Division Guillermo Rigondeaux is the “Txapelduna Unified” eta Scott Quigg da “Erregularra txapelduna.”

Clearly as the Regular Champion Quigg is the highest ranked contender in the division. While he was injured he is now back in training and there is no reason why Mr. Rigondeaux ezin edo behar ez bere Mr aurkako derrigorrezko betebeharrak betetzeko. QUIGG.


We are aware that there are some discussions about a bout between Quigg and Frampton. Hala ere, Izan IBF harremanetan izan gara eta ez dute zigor batasunaren borroka edonork maila txapeldun altuena kasu honetan Guillermo Rigondeaux da baino beste.


Errespetuz proposatzen dugu onena dela derrigorrezko alea orain eta eskaera Quigg eta Guillermo hori zuzendu behar negoziazioak hasteko aurre.


Errespetuz aurkeztu,


Gary Hyde



Hyde ere kudeatzen WBA behineko cruiserweight txapeldun Yuri “El Toro” Kalenga(21-1, 14 Kos), ohia WBO middleweight txapelduna eta egungo International Boxing Federazioa (IBF) Do Not. 1 derrigorrezkoa contender Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 Kos), eta goiko super bantamweight perspectiva Mark Forest (1-0, 1 KO).


Jarraitu Hyde Twitterren at @ NoWhere2Hyde eta lagun zionwww.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?fref = ts.