Tag-Archiv: Scott Coker




Rafael Carvalho (14-1) besiegte Melvin Manhoef (30-14) über Kopfstoß an 3:15 von Runde 4

Zitat von Rafael Carvalho: “Der letzte Kampf verlief nicht so, wie ich es erwartet hatte oder wie die Öffentlichkeit es erwartet hatte,” sagte Carvalho. “Bei diesem Kampf wusste ich, dass es einen unangefochtenen Sieger mit einem Finish geben musste, und ich bin sehr froh, dass ich derjenige war, der mit dem Sieg davongekommen ist. Ich werde meinen Titel im Mittelgewicht hier bei Bellator weiterhin verteidigen, aber ich interessiere mich auch für einen Superkampf in unserem Halbschwergewicht oder vielleicht einen Kampf im Bellator Kickboxen. Das würde mir Spaß machen.”

Carvalho vs. Manhoef-Kampffotos hier

Anastasia Yankova (5-0) besiegte Elina Kallionidou (5-2) über einstimmigen Beschluss (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Zitat von Anastasia Yankova: “Ich fühle mich gut nach diesem Kampf. Mein Gesicht sieht jetzt viel besser aus als nach meinem letzten Kampf,” Yankova sagte “Es war nicht perfekt, aber ich verbessere mich jeden Tag und werde weiterhin hart mit Mike trainieren [Swick] bei AKA Thailand. Ich arbeite daran, mein Gewicht zu reduzieren 125 lbs. wo ich bald Bellators Champion sein möchte.”

Jankova vs. Kallionidou-Kampffotos hier

Mircea Valeriu (14-4) besiegte Djamil Chan (12-4) per Mehrheitsbeschluss (29-28, 29-28, 28-28)

Zitat von Valeriu Mircea: “Ich bin sehr stolz auf meine Leistung da draußen. Es war Teil meines Spielplans, während des gesamten Kampfes ruhig und geduldig zu bleiben, und ich bin glücklich über das positive Ergebnis,” sagte Mircea. “Ich erhole mich gerade von einer frustrierenden Knieverletzung, die mir nur anderthalb Monate Zeit ließ, mich vorzubereiten. Der Sieg ist süß und ich bin froh, dass meine Opfer zu einem guten Ergebnis geführt haben.”

Mircea vs. Chan-Kampffotos hier

Mihail Nica (6-0) besiegte Samba Coulibaly (11-4) über Anaconda Choke an 0:36 von Runde 1

Zitat von Mihail Nica: “Ich fühle mich sehr positiv und bin glücklich, dass sich meine harte Arbeit ausgezahlt hat,” Sagte Nika. “Ich freue mich darauf, wieder ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen morgen um meine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Ich möchte meine ungeschlagene Karriere hier bei Bellator fortsetzen, vielleicht bald in Amerika. Ich denke, es wäre großartig, dort zu kämpfen, wegen der Popularität da draußen. Ich möchte ein Held für die italienischen Fans sein, um die Leidenschaft für MMA in diesem Land anzufeuern und zu fördern.”

Nik vs. Coulibaly-Kampffotos hier









TORINO, ITALIEN – Kämpfer aus beiden Bellator 176: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2 und Bellator Kickbox 5 versammelten sich in der historischen Comune di Torino zur offiziellen Pressekonferenz für die Veranstaltungen, die im Pala Alpitour in Turin stattfanden, Italien. Neben den Kämpfern, Bellator Präsident Scott Coker, zusammen mit Okatagon Präsident Charles DiBlasi und Turiner Sportminister Robert Finardi, alle sprachen darüber Samstag Nächte vorweg Karte.

Bellator 176: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2 lüftet das Samstag, April 8 auf Spike an 3 p.m. UND und wird unmittelbar gefolgt von Bellator Kickbox 5, die ausgestrahlt wird 5 p.m. UND. Tickets für die Veranstaltung sind ab sofort unter erhältlich www.oktagon.it und umfassen den Zugriff auf eine Oktagon Kickboxen Veranstaltung zusätzlich zu den beiden Bellator-Veranstaltungen.


Bellator 176 wird von einem Mittelgewichts-Meisterschaftskampf Pitting überschrieben Rafael Carvalho (13-1) gegen Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC) und zeigt auch Russlands Anastasia Yankova (4-0) gegen Elina Kallionidou (5-1).

Bellator Kickbox 5 wird einen leichten Kampf zwischen „The Doctor“ zeigen Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1NC), der es mit einem rumänischen Veteranen aufnimmt Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1) und Bellator Kickboxng Weltmeisterin im Fliegengewicht der Frauen Denise Kielholtz (46-3), die ihren Gürtel zum ersten Mal gegen ISKA- und WKU-Weltmeister verteidigen wird Martine Micheletto (34-12-5).


Aktualisiert Bellator 176: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2 Hauptkarte:

Mittelgewicht World Title Bout: Rafael Carvalho (13-1) vs. Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

Catchweight-Kampf der Frauen: Anastasia Yankova (4-0) vs. Elina Kallionidou (5-1)

Leichter Feature-Kampf: Djamil Chan (12-3) vs. Mircea Valeriu (13-4)

Leichter Feature-Kampf: Samba Coulibaly (11-4) vs. Mihail Nica (5-0)


Aktualisiert Bellator Kickbox 5 Hauptkarte:

Leichter Feature-Kampf: Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1NC) vs. Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1)

Weltmeistertitel im Fliegengewicht der Frauen: Denise Kielholtz (46-3) vs. Martine Micheletto (34-12-5)

Catchweight-Feature-Kampf: Nando Calzetta (45-9) vs. John Wayne Parr (95-32)

Weltergewicht Eigenschaft Kampf: Mustapha Haida (45-5-2) vs. Enriko Kehl (45-11-1)

Federgewicht Kampf Eigenschaft: Gaston Bolanos (8-1) vs. Luca D'isanto (36-13-4)





LOS ANGELES – Bellator President Scott Coker announced today that Ryan Grab has been named Senior Director of Communications and Athlete Strategy. Grab, who most recently served as the Director of Communications for Phoenix International Raceway, a member of the Daytona, Fla.-based ISC family of racetracks, will oversee all communications and media relations for Bellator MMA and Kickboxing effective immediately.


“We are pleased to welcome Ryan to our staff,", Sagte Coker. “His years of experience in the MMA industry will have an immediate impact on our team at Bellator and we look forward to him assisting with the overall growth of the organization.”


Prior to his time with Phoenix International Raceway, Grab spent over five years with Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in Las Vegas. In addition to PR, Grab also held a role within the organization’s Athlete Development department where he was responsible for organizing and programming educational summits for active athletes, as well as promoting health and wellness initiatives within the sport.


“I am excited about the new opportunity with Bellator and Viacom,” Grab said. “I am looking forward to again working with Scott Coker to promote some of the best athletes in the world and continuing to elevate the Bellator brand as a premier global combat sports property.”


After earning his Master’s degree from the University of Georgia, Grab began his career in sports as an intern with UFC in 2010 and joined the communications team full-time in 2011. He also spent two years promoting the STRIKEFORCE brand following the UFC’s acquisition of the property, which saw the successful career launch of several future MMA world champions.


Grab will work with Director of Communications Danny Brener of BZA Public Relations, as well as current Bellator PR staff member, Public Relations Manager C.J. Tuttle, as they continue in their roles with Bellator. He will be based in Viacom’s newly opened west coast headquarters in Hollywood’s Columbia Square and can be reached by email at Ryan.Grab@bellator.com oder telefonisch unter (706)-540-3425.




Coker and Di Blasi


Über: Scott Coker und Carlo Di Blasi

TORINO (Februar. 7, 2017) – Bellator President Scott Coker today announced that his fast-rising promotion will be revisiting Torino, Italy for Bellator 176, which will be immediatelyfollowed by Bellator Kickbox 5 at the Pala Alpitour on Samstag, April 8.

Less than one year ago, Bellator hosted it’s first-ever international event at the Pala Alpitour in front of a sold-out crowd of over 15,000 Fans. Since that show, the company has rapidly and successfully expanded across the globe under the direction of Coker, visiting London, Dublin, Budapest, Israel, Florence and has an event booked in Belfast later this month.

The highly-anticipated return to Torino will feature MMA action starting mit Carrington “Jetsetter” Banks (6-0) vs. Mihail Nica (5-0) in welterweight action as well as Djamal Chan (12-3) vs. Mircea Valeriu (13-4) in a lightweight affair. Zusätzliche Kämpfe, including a main event will be announced shortly.

In kickboxing action, Bellator’s female flyweight World Champion Denise Kielholtz (46-3) defends her strap for the first time against ISKA and WKU World Champion Martine Micheletto (34-12-5) in the main event while Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1NC) annimmt Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1)

Bellator 176 und Bellator Kickbox 5 will be aired on SPIKE in America and further broadcast details will be announced shortly.

Tickets für die Veranstaltung sind ab sofort unter erhältlich www.oktagon.it und umfassen den Zugriff auf eine Oktagon Kickboxen event in addition to the Bellator 176 und Bellator Kickbox 5 Geschehen.

“We are thrilled to be returning to the amazing city of Torino and once again working with my friend Carlo Di Blasi and his team,", Sagte Coker. “Carlo is a great partner, and we look forward to replicating the success we had in this sold-out arena last year.”

Oktagon is fortunate to be based in Italy, which is home to the most loyal and passionate sports fans in the world,” said Oktagon President Di Blasi. “The past two co-promotions with Scott and Bellator have been incredibly successful, and I know that this show will be no different.”

Über Bellator Fighting Championships:

Bellator Fighting Championships ist ein führender Mixed Martial Arts Organisation mit vielen der besten Kämpfer der Welt. Unter der Leitung von erfahrenen Kampf Promoter Scott Coker, Bellator ist es, bald lieferbar 500 Millionen Haushalte weltweit in über 140 Ländern. In den Vereinigten Staaten, Bellator auf Spike zu sehen, die MMA Fernsehführer. Bellator Fighting Championships besteht aus einem Führungsteam, die Top-Industrie-Profis in der Fernsehproduktion umfasst umfasste, Live-Event Orchestrierung, Kämpfer Entwicklung / Beziehungen, Veranstaltungsort Beschaffung, Sponsoring-Erstellung / Entwicklung, internationale Lizenz, Marketing, Werbung, Werbung und Provisions Beziehungen. Bellator ist in Santa Monica auf der Basis, Kalifornien von zahlreichen Unterhaltungsriese Viacom, die Heimat der weltweit führenden Unterhaltungsmarken, die mit dem Publikum verbinden durch überzeugende Inhalte über Fernseh, Film, Online- und Mobile-Plattformen.

Über Spike:

Spitze ist in 98.7 Millionen Haushalte und ist ein Geschäftsbereich der Viacom Media Networks. Eine Einheit von Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks ist einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von Programmen und Inhalten für alle Medienplattformen. Spikes Internet-Adresse www.spike.com und up-to-the-minute und Archiv Presseinformationen und Fotos, besuchen Presse Website Spikes an http://www.spike.com/press. Folge uns auf Twitter spiketvpr für die neuesten Nachrichten Updates, hinter den Kulissen Informationen und Fotos.

Über Oktagon:

Oktagon has been a mainstay in combat sports for over 20 Seit Jahren, after officially being founded by Carlo Di Blasi in 1996. An seinem Beginn wurde die Show freien Kampf gewidmet, der Name, der zunächst auf MMA gegeben wurde (Mixed Martial Arts). Andere Disziplinen wie Kickbox, Muay Thai and Savate were gradually added. From the early 2000’s onwards. During the last years Oktagon has reached a huge popularity, sowohl in Italien und im Ausland, creating many superstars in the process. Unter dem wachsamen Auge von Di Blasi, Die Förderung hat sich auf einige unvergessliche Begegnungen im Laufe der Jahre mit Top-Kämpfer einschließlich Bellator Weltergewicht Paul Daley als auch die Petrosyan Brüder setzen (Giorgio und Armen), Robin Van Roosmalen, Valentijn Overeem, Rico Verhoeven und Artem Levin.




SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Oktober 14, 2016) – Bellator MMA has added a brand new fight to its debut event in Ireland, seeing former featherweight title-challengerDaniel Weichel (37-9) take on Dublin’s own Paul Redmond (11-6) bei "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii," which emanates from the state-of-the-art 3Arena on Dezember. 16.


"Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii," will be headlined by a heavyweight fight pitting “King Mo” (19-5, 1 NC) against Olympic Judo Gold Medalist Satoshi Ishii (14-6-1). Ireland will also have one of its brightest prospects on the card as well, as the pride of Strabane, James Gallagher (4-0) returns home against a yet-to-be-announced foe.

Tickets für "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii” start at 35€ and go on sale HEUTE beiBellator.com, in der Leichtbauklasse and the 3Arena Box Office. The event can be seen free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT. Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.


In addition to a full card of Bellator action, ticketholders will also get to experience a complete fight card from Europe’s leading mixed martial arts promotion, BAMMA. “BAMMA 27” will be headlined by a bantamweight title fight pitting Tom Duquesnoy(13-1, 1 NC) gegen Alan Philpott (16-8), as well as a featherweight title fight featuring former Bellator competitors Ronnie Mann (25-8-1) gegen Martin Stapleton(18-4).

A winner in nine of his last 10 Enden, aus dem Jahr 2012, Weichel seems to be hitting his stride under the direction of Bellator MMA. “The Weasel” will enter the cage for the 47th time as a professional, a 14-year career that has seen him emerge victorious 37 mal, including an M-1 Global Lightweight Championship. Weichel has finished 26 seines 37 victims over his career, einschließlich 21 im Wege der Einreichung, making him one of the most feared featherweights on the ground. Since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2014, the German submission specialist has collected wins in six of his seven bouts, including consecutive victories over the likes of Georgi Karakhanyan und zuletzt Emmanuel Sanchez. The durable 31-year-old hopes to build off of his key win over the aforementioned Sanchez at "Bellator 159: Caldwell vs. Taimanglo,"as he prepares to take on Ireland’s own Paul Redmond inside 3Arena on Dezember. 16.


After beginning his professional career as a lightweight, Redmond made the transition to the featherweight division in 2015 and will immediately face a stiff test against one of Bellator MMA’s best in Weichel. The 29-year-old Dublin, Ireland native will be making his Bellator MMA debut after spending his 2015 campaign competing for the UFC. Redmond has recorded 11 Karriere Siege, including nine finishes including five knockouts. “Redser” will look to build off of his most recent victory at “BAMMA 26,”a unanimous decision win over Chris Stringer. With each of Redmond’s nine finishes coming in the second round, we can be sure to see the hometown favorite attempt to wear down Weichel and add to his impressive total.


Aktualisiert "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii” Main Card:

Schwergewichts-Main Event: Muhammed "King Mo" Lawal (19-5, 1 NC) vs. Satoshi Ishii (14-6-1)

Featherweight Hauptkarte Bout: James Gallagher (4-0) vs. TBA

Featherweight Hauptkarte Bout: Daniel Weichel (37-9) vs. Paul Redmond (11-6)


Updated “BAMMA 27” Main Card:

Bantamgewicht World Title Bout: Tom Duquesnoy (13-1, 1 NC) vs. Alan Philpott (16-8)

Featherweight World Title Bouut: Ronnie Mann (25-8-1) vs. Martin Stapleton (18-4)

Featherweight Hauptkarte Bout: Dylan Tuke (3-0) vs. Sean Tobin (4-2)





SANTA MONICA, CALIF (Oktober 12, 2016) – Check Ireland off the list of countries Bellator MMA has yet to hold an event in, with the announcement that the Scott Coker-led promotion is set for action at the heart of Dublin’s docklands on Dec. 16.


"Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii” emanates from the state-of-the-art 3Arena, and will be headlined by a heavyweight fight pitting “King Mo” (19-5, 1 NC) against Olympic Judo Gold Medalist Satoshi Ishii (14-6-1). Ireland will also have one of its brightest prospects on the card as well, as the pride of Strabane, James Gallagher (4-0) returns home against a yet-to-be-announced foe.

Tickets für "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii” start at 35€ and go on sale at Bellator.com, in der Leichtbauklasse and the 3Arena Box Office on Freitag, Oktober 14, with a special presale on the 12 & 13. The event can be seen free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. UND/8 p.m. CT. Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.


Außerdem, Europe’s leading mixed martial arts promotion BAMMA will be holding “BAMMA 27,” alongside "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii” in an effort to showcase some of the world’s leading MMA athletes from both organizations. “BAMMA 27” will be headlined by a bantamweight title fight pitting Tom Duquesnoy (13-1, 1 NC) gegen Alan Philpott (16-8), as well as a featherweight title fight featuring Ronnie Mann (25-8-1) against former Bellator MMA competitor Martin Stapleton (18-4).


“When thinking of a country that respects, understands and yearns for quality mixed martial arts action, Ireland immediately comes to mind,"Bellator Fighting Championships President Scott Coker sagte. “I’m very excited for this event, with ‘King Mo’ versus Ishii in the main event, and I cannot wait to be inside the 3Arena when ‘The Strabanimal,’ James Gallagher takes center stage, it’s going to be a madhouse. Mit diesem wird gesagt, I’m pleased to be bringing this action to Dublin alongside a promotion like BAMMA and David Green, who has been a good friend for years.”


BAMMA CEO David Green added: “It’s going to be the biggest and boldest MMA show in Ireland this year, as fans get the chance to get up close and personal with MMA superstars from both promotions.


“King Mo” returns to the cage for the second time in 2016, and first time at heavyweight since his Rizin Grand Prix heavyweight tournament victory. A winner in seven out of his last eight fights, Mo yearns for an opportunity to meet the winner of Liam McGeary gegen Phil Davis bei “Bellator 163,” aufNovember. 4, but instead of remaining inactive, the 35-year-old now looks to test himself against Ishii. A former Strikeforce champion, Mo has his sights set on adding Bellator gold to his mantel.


Ishii is a 29-year-old powerhouse Judoka who earned Gold at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing after defeating the best the world had to offer in the +100 kg Teilung. Now fully focused on mixed martial arts, the Japanese star has competed in his home country almost exclusively throughout his 21-fight professional career and will be fighting three days ahead of his Dezember. 19 birthday when he meets Lawal on Dezember. 16 in Ireland. With half of his victories coming before judges’ scorecards, it’s worth noting that four of Ishii’s defeats have come at the hands of some of greatest the sport has to offer such as Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, Mirko Cro Cop and Fedor Emelianenko.


Perfect through his first four professional fights, the 19-year-old Gallagher is one of the brightest stars in all of “The Emerald Island.” Hailing from nearby Straban in Northern Ireland, “The Strabanimal” moved away from home at age 15 to join coach John Kavanagh at Straight Blast Gym (SBG), where he now trains alongside the best fighters in the country including Connor McGregor. Having made his Bellator debut in London this past July when he beat Mike Cutting in London, Gallagher will look to make it five straight to start his career in front of a raucous home crowd. Please note: Gallagher was scheduled to appear at Bellator 164 in Tel Aviv Israel on November. 10, and will no longer be competing on that card. A replacement for him will be named shortly.


Aktualisiert "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii” Main Card:

Schwergewichts-Main Event: Muhammed "King Mo" Lawal (19-5, 1 NC) vs. Satoshi Ishii (14-6-1)

Featherweight Hauptkarte Bout: James Gallagher (4-0) vs. TBA


Updated “BAMMA 27” Main Card:

Bantamgewicht World Title Bout: Tom Duquesnoy (13-1, 1 NC) vs. Alan Philpott (16-8)

Featherweight World Title Bouut: Ronnie Mann (25-8-1) vs. Martin Stapleton (18-4)

Featherweight Hauptkarte Bout: Dylan Tuke (3-0) vs. Sean Tobin (4-2)



„Bellator 167“ Merkmal ALESSIO SAKARA VS. Joey Beltran


(lto R: Denise Kielholtz, Armen Petrosyan, GiorgioPetrosyan, Florenz Sportminister Andrea Vannucci, Bellator Präsident Scott Coker, Gloria Peritore, Mustapha Haida, Oktagon Präsident Carlo DiBlasi sammeln bei Palazzo Vecchio für eine Pressekonferenz zu verkünden Dezember. 10 Veranstaltung im Mandela Forum.)

SANTA MONICA, CALIF (September 21, 2016) - Innerhalb weniger Tage nach „Bellator Kickbox: Budapest," die Scott Coker-geführten Förderung Gastgeber einer Pressekonferenz gestern im historischen Palazzo Vecchio in Florenz, Italien seine nächste internationale Extravaganz bekannt zu geben. Die Viacom eigene Kampf Unternehmen seiner Rückkehr nach Italien mit einem anderen Combo-Event mit Herzklopfen Aktion von den Bellator MMA und Bellator Kickbox Marken, beide statt aufDezember. 10 vom Mandela Forum in Florenz. Beide Veranstaltungen werden Luft auf SPIKE, und die genaue Sende Details werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt enthüllt werden.


„Bellator 167“ wird sich rühmen Italiens populärsten und beliebtesten Mixed Martial Arts, Alessio „Legionarius“ Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) wer nimmt auf mexikanisch-amerikanischen Slugger Joey „The Mexicutioner“ Beltran (17-13, 1 NC) in einem Halbschwergewicht Headliner matchup.


Mittlerweile, "Bellator Kickbox: Florence“ verfügt über ein zwischen niederländischer auffallender Ass weibliches Fliegengewicht Rematch erwartet Denise „Miss Dynamite“ Kielholtz (45-3) und die Frau, die besiegt sie im vergangenen Juni, Gloria Peritore (11-1-1) für die Bellator Kickbox Female Flyweight Weltmeisterschaft Eröffnungs. Zusätzlich, Italienischer Superstar Stürmer Giorgio Petrosyan wird seine Bellator Kickbox Debüt und andere Bellator Kickbox Superstars werden machen Raymond Daniels, Kevin Ross und Joe Schilling sind auch auf der Karte gegen Gegner wahrscheinlich konkurrieren später benannt werden.


„Die internationale Expansion war ein wichtiges Ziel für uns in 2016, und ich glaube, dass wir es wirklich so genagelt haben weit,", Sagte Scott Coker Bellator Präsident. „Nach dem unglaublichen Erfolg unserer ersten Veranstaltung in Italien im vergangenen April, wo wir die Pala Alpitour mit über verpackt 14,000 Menschen, wir wussten, dass wir für eine zweite Go-Runde vor dem Ende des Jahres zurückkehren wollten. Mit unserem großen Partner Carlo DiBlasi und seinem Team am Oktagon, Wir freuen uns auf ein weiteres episches Ereignis auf Dezember 10."


“Unsere Partnerschaft mit Bellator produziert unglaubliche Ergebnisse, um die Stadien in Italien zu verdoppeln und einen europäischen Kurs beginnen, die uns in den letzten Tagen Protagonisten in Budapest gesehen hat,“, Sagte Oktagon Präsident Carlo DiBlasi. „Ich bin sicher, dass Florenz auf die Ernennung reagiert auf Dezember 10 und wird nicht durch das Schauspiel enttäuscht sein, dass die besten Kämpfer der Welt auf Mandela Forum Ring bringen wird.“


Nicht zu verwechseln mit aktueller Pop-Sensation “Alessia Weg,” Italien Lieblings Mixed Martial Arts Superstar Alessio Sakara kehrt zum Bellator MMA Kampf frisch aus einem emphatischen Abgang von Brian Rogers an “Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza.” Bekannt für seine Gabe, für die spektakulären, “Legionarius” wird seinen zweiten Auftritt für die Viacom-prozentige Förderung in seinem Heimatland, ein locale er als Profi in Laufe seiner Karriere ungeschlagen ist, ein Lauf, der begann in 2002. Ein langjähriges Mitglied der weltbekannten “American Top-Team,” es besteht kein Zweifel, dass Sakara an den Käfig kommt bis zum Ende der Suche, endet das Verfahren vor dem Richter zu erreichen’ Scorecards in 14 seines 18 Siegen; ein ähnlicher Datensatz zu seinem Gegner auf Dezember. 10.


Nachdem über mehrere Gewichtsklassen von Schwergewicht bis zu Mittel konkurrierte, der Mann bezeichnet vernarrt als “die Mexicutioner” kommt immer bereit Zehen bis zu den Zehen zu gehen. Ein Sechs-Kampf Bellator MMA Wettbewerber, Beltran hat sich gegen die Elite in mehreren Aktionen und Gewichtsklassen konkurrierten, mit Blick auf Namen wie: “Randale” Jackson, Kendall Grove, Emanuel Newton, und Stipe Miocic. Jetzt, die 34-jährige San Diego nativen kehrt zum Halbschwergewicht, Suche nach seiner beeindruckenden Gesamt hinzufügen von 14 Ausführungen in 17 gewinnt als Profi. Ein Veteran von Strikeforce, sowie der UFC, es Beltran raschend hat mit Sakara bisher nicht über den Weg gelaufen, aber alles, was sich ändert, wenn sich die Kabinentür schließt in Florenz.


Das Ausstreichen niederländische Stürmer Denise B. Kielholz hatte sie vorübergehend verlangsamt Fortschritte, als sie von Peritore bei „aufregteBellator: Dynamit 2“Im Juni dieses Jahres. Eine 27-jährige gebürtige Sizilien, Italien, Peritore hat Titel wie der ISKA gewonnen & WTKA Amateur-Weltkickboxmeister und IASKA Amateur-Welt K-1-Meisterschaft. Die erste Begegnung zwischen diesen beiden Damen war eng umkämpft und technische, mit beiden Konkurrenten ihre Spots mit Bedacht im Laufe von drei Runden Kommissionierung. Die ante wurde die zweite go upped um obwohl, mit der Nachricht, dass eine frisch gebackene Bellator Kickboxband wird für den Sieger warten.


Aktualisiert „Bellator 167“ Card:

Halbschwergewicht Kampf Eigenschaft: Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) vs. Joey Beltran (17-13, 1 NC)

Aktualisiert „Bellator Kickbox: Florenz“Karte:

Weiblich Flyweight WM-Titel: Denise Kielholtz (45-3) vs. Gloria Peritore (11-1-1)



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (September 15, 2016) – Bellator MMA is elated to announce the signing of Chael Sonnen (28-14-1), zu einem exklusiven mehrjährigen, Mehrkampf Vertrag.


By signing with the Scott Coker-led promotion, Sonnen effectively ends his retirement from professional mixed martial arts and he will now enter the 205-pound division championed by Liam McGeary, ua.


“I’m consistently blown away by the product and presentation that Bellator is bringing to the fans,” said Sonnen. “I’m not nearly done competing and I’m coming after everyone, everywhere. I’m not sticking to one weight class either, I fight at ‘Gangster Weight’ and nobody is safe.”


Sonnen has spent a vast majority of his 43-fight career with the UFC, a run where he competed against names the likes of Jon Jones, Anderson Silva (2x), Rashad Evans, "Shogun" Rua, Demian Maia, Brian Stann, und aktueller Mittelgewichts-Champion Michael Bisping. In addition to his exploits inside the cage, der West Linn, Stunden., native hat die kunst gemeistert, vor der kamera zu stehen, doing major broadcasting work for both ESPN and Fox Sports.


“Chael is an incredible athlete that has competed at the very highest levels of the sport,"Bellator Fighting Championships President Scott Coker sagte, “I know that he is going to continue to do just that here at Bellator. When we were in the process of signing him, Chael was adamant that he wants to compete in three divisions here. He already has unfinished business with Wanderlei Silva, but he also wants to fight guys like Tito Ortiz, Fedor Emelianenko and even Rory MacDonald at middleweight. These are all fights that I’d be very inclined to watch, so hopefully we can put some, if not all of these matchups together starting before the end of the year.”




Bellator Präsident Scott Coker, along with “Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef” main and co-main event fighters Rafael Carvalho (12-1), Melvin Manhoef (30-12-1), Pat Curran(21-7) und Georgi Karakhanyan (24-5-1) all joined this afternoon’s official media conference call to promote Dieses Freitag Ereignis.


Scott Coker

“We’re excited to be in Boise, fighting at the Century Link Arena. I think this is a fight town that has been hungry for a big MMA promotion and we’re proud to be the first to do it. We’ve got a great middleweight world title fight between Carvalho and Manhoef… Carvalho is coming off of a big win with a KO over Brandon Halsey and undoubtedly this fight is going to have a bunch of fireworks between both of these guys.”


On the fight between Curran and Karakhanyan…

“I definitely think that this fight has some title implications but we always like to see how the fight pans outhonestly if this is something that’s exciting and a barn burner and if this fight can stand on its own feet, it very well could be.”


On if a Bellator bonus structure is going to come to fruition in the future…

“It is something we’re working on but we’re just a little bit different, because we’re a premium TV model so it’s something that has been considered, but right now it’s something that is still just in dialogue.”

Rafael Carvalho

“I am excited and really think this could be historical. It’s going to be a lot of strikes and it’s going to be a kickboxing fight with MMA gloves.”


“Every fight you’ve got to show what you got. In this fight, it’s going to be no different [now that I’m a champ]. I’m going to show everything I’ve got and I am always looking forward to the next fight.

“People recognize me more now and I have gained more respect now as the champion…Winning the belt for the first time is one thing, but the real deal is when you defend the belt and keep the belt. That’s when you become the real champion.


On overcoming challenges of living in Rio…

“There are good people as well as bad but the only thing that is going to dictate your future is you and how hard you work for it. It doesn’t matter where you live or what kind of clothing you wear, if you put your mind into it and are willing to work hard for it.


Melvin Manhoef

“I look forward to making a kickboxing with small gloves. I am prepared for anything so it doesn’t matter what’s going to happen. I am looking forward to being there and doing what I do best, which is the striking, so for me it’s very nice that he wants to do the kickboxing in the cage with me.


Do you feel like people are counting you out heading into this fight?

“I don’t know what people are thinking but it all depends on what me and my team think and the fans who are supporting me think. I feel like the fight is still in me and I showed it at my last fight. I trained real hard for this fight and my goal is to show it again that you cannot count me out… You know my fight style; I do everything to knock people out so I am glad if [Carvalho] wants to make a kick boxing fight out of it.”


What would winning the Bellator title mean to you?

“It means a lot, with all of the hard work and a lot of people writing me off, but I think this is like a new era or new beginning for me and I could become a world champion. I think that being a fighter that’s been in the business so long, it has been an achievement already.”

Pat Curran

“I am really excited to step in there am Freitag and put on a dominant performance. I have made a lot of changes in my life, in my camp and everything is falling into place right now and I’m excited to showcase that am Freitag."


Do the stakes of this fight change for you as they would for a title?

“I feel like every fight at this point in your career, especially in this division is do-or-die and if you win you’re going to get that much pull-through coming or having the chance to fight for the title again and I feel like over and over George and I have been that much closer to another title shot.”


Georgi Karakhanyan

“I can’t wait for Freitag Nacht. I am going out there with nothing to lose, just going 100 percent and fighting my fight and come out with a victory.”


On this being a potential title eliminator and going up against two-time champ Curran…

“I know everybody is talking about the title but to me I don’t think about that, right now I have a good opponent in front of me with Pat Curran, a former champion and I can’t ask for a better opponent than him. I am very excited, I cannot wait and I am ready to put on a great show and I’m for sure coming out with my hands right.”


On coming back from surgery and making adjustments…

“I treat everything the same, I got about five surgeries last year and the last surgery was just a meniscus tear but after that, Bellator took good care of me. They put me in a very good rehab place and I’ve started my training and feel 100 Prozent. "



"Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef " emanates from CenturyLink Arena in Boise, Idaho airs LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 9e/8c. In preparation for the event, Bellator’s digital team has put together captivating new content, which you can view by clicking on the images below. Tune in to Bellator’s YouTube page for an inside look and more exclusive footage at what’s still to come.



Champions: Rafael Carvalho – The middleweight champion does NOT listen to the naysayers; he finds a way to win. Jimmy Smith breaks it down.


Grundlagen: Melvin Manhoef – Melvin Manhoef only knows one way to fightAll in! Either way somebody is going lights out. Jimmy Smith breaks it down.


Grundlagen: Marloes Coenen – Marloes Coenen is a level above her competition, the MMA Pioneer show it every time she steps into the cage. Jimmy Smith explains.


What to Watch: Carvalho vs. Manhoef – This is for the Middleweight Championship! Rafael Carvalho und Melvin Manhoef will be a battle between masters of two opposing disciplines. Jimmy Smith and Manny Rodriguez break it all down.


What to Watch: Held vs. Jansen – Marcin Besitzis a monster on the mat and Dave Jansen will have to find a way to negate that submission game. Jimmy Smith breaks it down.


What to Watch: Curran vs. Karakhanyan – There is a special energy in the Featherweight division. The competition is stiff and the winner will be in title contention while the loser may be put in the back of a long line of contenders. Jimmy Smith and Manny Rodriguez explain.


Rolling With JimmyThe Bellator Featherweight takes a ride in Jimmy Smith’s 1969 Plymouth Barracuda. He shares how it feels to be in a stacked division and his desire to fight the best in the world.

KAMPF INFO: A middleweight championship matchup between Rafael Carvalho (12-1) und Melvin Manhoef (30-12-1) will serve as the evening’s main event of "Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef " bei Qwest Arena in Boise, Idaho, Freitag, Mai 20.


Außerdem, the main card features two of Bellator MMA’s top featherweights, mit Pat "Paddy Mike" Curran (21-7) und Georgi "Insane" Karakhanyan (24-5-1) squaring off in the co-main event.Alexis “Sneaky Zebra” Dufresne (21-4) will make her promotional debut after agreeing to a late addition bout against Dutch submission specialist Marloes "Rumina" Coenen (23-6) in female featherweight action. There will also be multiple heavyweight bouts featured on the main card, mit Dan Charles (10-3) taking on undefeated Augusto Sakai (9-0) und Joey Beltran (17-12) , sich gegen Chase Gormley (12-5).


Tickets für "Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef " are going fast and can be purchased at the CenturyLink Arena Box Office or CenturyLinkArenaBoise.com, sowie Bellator.com. Die Veranstaltung Airs live und kostenlos auf Spike 9 p.m. UND/8 p.m. CT, while the can’t-misspreliminary card airs live on Bellator.com und Die Bellator Mobile App.



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Mai 16, 2016) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce the contract extension of undefeated bantamweight superstar Darrion "Der Wolf" Caldwell (9-0) zu einem exklusiven mehrjährigen, Mehrkampf Vertrag.


“Darrion is a fighter who I really think has that x-factor,” said President Scott Coker. “After his last fight, I looked at our matchmaker and I just said, ‘Wow, this is kid is exploding with talent.’ I’m very happy we were able to get this deal done and I look forward to seeing this star rise for years to come.”


Growing up in New Jersey, Caldwell was a talented, multi-sport athlete who shined the brightest on the wrestling mats. After becoming a three-time high school state champion in New Jersey, “The Wolf” naturally joined “The Wolfpack,” earning a spot on the North Carolina State University wrestling squad. With the Wolfpack, he continued dominate his opponents, winning the NCAA national wrestling championship in 2009.


Making his professional MMA debut in 2012, the 28-year-old has looked seemingly unstoppable at times throughout his first nine fights. In seinem letzten Ausflug, the six-fight Bellator MMA veteran Caldwell convincingly defeated former two-division Bellator champion, and Greco-Roman world champion wrestler Joe Warren. You can watch the video by clicking on the photo’s below.


“Bellator has been nothing but good to me,” Caldwell shared with the MMA Hour this morning. “They saw my talent early on in my career and they came after me… I’m here to let everyone know I’m going to continue my talents at Bellator MMA… With Bellator Jumping on board, it’s time to get married. I’m in it for the long run.”


Caldwell is nothing if not confident in himself, continuing with host Ariel Helwani: “I’ve always been a star, but it’s just been about getting on that platform and Bellator is giving me that opportunity… I don’t think any 135-pounder can see me, ya feel me? Whether its UFC, Bellator, anywhere in the world there isn’t a 135-pounder that can beat me.”