Arkivji Tag: Santa Monica



TEMECULA, Calif. (Awissu 27, 2015) - Kollha tal-kompetituri involuti fil għada tal-lejl "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Girt " avveniment ħa l-iskali dan wara nofsinhar mill-Theater Cabaret ġewwa l-Pechanga Resort sbieħ u Casino, u hit b'suċċess marki meħtieġa tagħhom.


Il-karta preliminari għall "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Girt " se fluss fuq fil 7:45 p.m. U, li tkun segwita mill-biljett prinċipali fuq Spike ventilazzjoni ħajjin u b'xejn fuq 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:tuttlec:Desktop:B141 weigh ins:_DSC5486.jpg

Fil avveniment prinċipali tal-lejla, Melvin "Il-Assassin Żgħażagħ" Guillard (32-14-2, 2 NC) se jagħmel id-debutt tiegħu kontra promozzjonali Brandon "Cold Roll" Girtz (11-4). Il-ko-headliner se karatteristika azzjoni ħfief li fosos You Awad (18-6) kontra Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (13-6). Wara kważi ħames snin bogħod mill-azzjoni, Justin Wren (10-2) se jiffaċċjaw Josh Burns (8-8) fl-azzjoni heavyweight u jiftaħ il-karta ewlenija, Lorenzo Hood (9-2) se jagħmel id-debutt tiegħu Bellator MMA kontra Raphael Butler (9-1-1).

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Ħfief Bout: Melvin Guillard (155.4) vs. Brandon Girtz (155.8)

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Ħfief Bout: Patricky Pitbull (156) vs. You Awad (155.8)

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Heavyweight Bout: Justin Wren (246) vs. Josh Burns (262.8)


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Heavyweight Bout: Raphael Butler (260.2) vs. Lorenzo Hood (256.2)


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Middleweight Bout: AJ Matthews (184.8) vs. Emiliano Sordi (185.6)


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Ħfief Bout: Brent Primus (155.4) vs. Derek Anderson (155.8)


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Featherweight Bout: Marloes Coenen (145.6) vs. Arlene Blencowe (145.8)

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Strawweight Bout: Ilima Macfarlane (125.2) vs. Maria Rios (125.4)

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Featherweight Bout: A.J. McKee (145.8) vs. James Barnes (145)


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Welterweight Bout: Curtis Millender (170.6) vs. Steven Ciaccio (170.4)

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Featherweight Bout: Adrienna Jenkins (144.4) vs. Lissette Neri (143.2)

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Dawl Heavyweight Bout: Ray Sloan (202) vs. Luc Bondole (203.4)


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Welterweight Bout: Johnny Cisneros (170.8) vs. Gabriel Miglioli (170.2)


Dwar Bellator MMA:

Bellator MMA huwa Imħallat organizzazzjoni Martial Arts ewlieni ikkaratterizzata ħafna mill-ġellieda aħjar fid-dinja. Taħt id-direzzjoni ta 'promotur ġlieda veteran Scott coker, Bellator hija disponibbli għal kważi 500 djar miljun madwar id-dinja f'aktar minn 140 pajjiżi. Fl-Istati Uniti, Bellator jistgħu jidhru fuq Spike TV, il-mexxej tat-televiżjoni MMA. Bellator MMA huwa magħmul minn tim eżekuttiv li jinkludi l-aqwa professjonisti tal-industrija fil-produzzjoni tat-televiżjoni, orkestrazzjoni avveniment ħajjin, żvilupp ġellied / Relazzjonijiet, akkwist post, ħolqien sponsorship / iżvilupp, liċenzjar internazzjonali, marketing, reklamar, pubbliċità u relazzjonijiet ta ’kummissjoni. Bellator huwa bbażat f'Santa Monica, California u proprjetà ġgant divertiment Viacom, dar għall-marki fid-dinja ta 'divertiment premier li jgħaqqdu ma' udjenzi permezz tal-kontenut konvinċenti madwar televiżjoni, stampa mozzjoni, pjattaformi mobbli u online.


Dwar Spike:

Spike huwa disponibbli fil 98.7 miljun dar u hija diviżjoni ta ’Viacom Media Networks. Unità ta 'Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks huwa wieħed mill-ħallieqa ewlenin fid-dinja ta ’programmazzjoni u kontenut fil-pjattaformi kollha tal-midja. Spike’s Internet address is u għal informazzjoni u ritratti aġġornati għall-istampa u arkivji, visit Spike’s press site at Follow us fuq Twitter spiketvpr għall-aħħar aġġornamenti tal-aħbarijiet, behind-the-xeni informazzjoni u ritratti.

MARCOS Galvão MEETS Eduardo Dantas IN rematch GĦAL BANTAMWEIGHT TITOLU AT Bellator 144 FUQ Ottubru 23


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Awissu 12, 2015) - Bantamweight Kampjonat Bellator MMA se tkun fuq il-linja fil-pitting rematch Marcos "Loro" Galvão (17-6-1) u eks champion Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (17-4) kontra xulxin fil Mohegan Sun Arena fil UNCASVILLE, Conn., fuq Ottubru 23.

L-bout bejn il teammates ex se jservu bħala l-avveniment ewlieni tal “Bellator 144: Galvão vs. Dantas,” li arijiet jgħixu fuq Spike fil 9 p.m. U/8 p.m. CT, filwaqt li bouts preliminari se fluss fuq fil 7 p.m. U. Tissielet addizzjonali se jitħabbru dalwaqt.


Biljetti għal "Bellator 144: Galvão vs. Dantas," li tibda fi ftit $25, jmorru għall-bejgħ li jmiss Il-ġimgħa, Awissu 21 fil u l-uffiċċju kaxxa Mohegan Sun Arena, ma 'presale speċjali Bellator Nazzjon disponibbli fuq il- 19th u 20th għal fannijiet li jużaw l-kodiċi: ĠLIEDA. Bibien għall-avveniment miftuħ fil 6:00 p.m. U ħin lokali, u l-ewwel konkors iseħħ siegħa wara.


"I kienet impressjonata bir-reqqa ma 'kneebar Galvão fiż Bellator 135 li jaqbdu l-ċinturin,"Bellator MMA President Scott coker qal. "Jaraw kemm dak it-titolu win maħsuba għalih, billi tieħdu lura d-dar għall-Brażil u jżuru qabar t'ommu, huwa verament dak mħallta arti marzjal huwa kollha dwar lili. Iżda Dantas jitpoggew xewqa tiegħu biex jilħaq il-quċċata wisq mill-prestazzjoni tiegħu kontra Mike Richman. Għandi l-ebda idea li tkun se joħorġu mill Connecticut mal-win, imma jien taf li dawk fl-attendenza fil Mohegan Sun Arena u dawk fl-irfinar fuq Spike ser jiġi trattat biex bout titolu dinja top-titjira. "


"Huma,"Li stinka għal promozzjonijiet dinja magħrufa t-tipi ta Dinjija Extreme Cagefighting u Shooto peress 2003, se jkunu qed jikkompetu għall- 11th time taħt il-bandiera Bellator MMA. L 34-il sena fil-preżent fil-midst ta 'erba' ġlieda rebbieħa Streak u ħareġ rebbieħ fl sebgħa ta aħħar tmien ruttam tiegħu. Fl-aħħar harga tiegħu, Galvão lest Joe Warren "Bellator 135: Warren vs. Galvão " permezz sottomissjoni biex tirbaħ kampjonat tiegħu għall-ewwel darba.


Sadanittant, Dantas se tfittex li jidduplikaw l-suċċess li kellu kontra Galvão fl-ewwel laqgħa tagħhom, li wassal għal eliminatorja tat-tieni round fuq Bellator 89. Il-prodott Nova Uniao 26-il sena qodma marret lura minn telf tiegħu b'deċiżjoni unanima kontra Warren biex tneħħi mill Mike Richman bl-istess mod fil "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Masġar. " L-Staġun Bellator 5 Rebbieħ Bantamweight Tournament qed tfittex li jsejħu stess żewġ time champion bantamweight jiġu Ottubru 23.

Porzjon PRELIMINARI TAL 'Bellator MMA: GUILLARD VS. GIRTZ "finalizzata biż-żieda ta ĦAMES bouts PRELIMINARI


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Awissu 3, 2015) - August 28th'S "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Girt " issa huma kompluti biż-żieda ta 'erba bouts ġodda li se jseħħ matul l-karta preliminari fil-Pechanga Resort beautiful & Casino fil Temecula, Calif.

Fi matchup ħfief kritika, Brent Primus (5-0) se tpoġġi rekord undefeated tiegħu fuq il-linja kontra l-perikolu Derek "Il-Barbaric" Anderson (12-1, 1 NC). Wkoll fuq il-karta, middleweights AJ "Il Merċenarju" Matthews (7-3) versus Emiliano "He-Man" Sordi (13-4), kif ukoll heavyweights dawl Ray Sloan (8-0), li jmur battalja ma ' Luc Bondole (4-1), u l-featherweight żgħażagħ A.J. McKee (1-0) prospetti li jiffaċċjaw James Barnes (4-0). Fl-aħħarnett, terz bout tan-nisa kien miżjud ukoll, bl-inklużjoni ta ' Qasam Macfalane (1-0) kontra Maria Rios (2-2) fl-azzjoni flyweight.

Il-kompetizzjonijiet li għadhom kif ġew imħabbra se fluss fuq fil 7:45 p.m. U matul il-porzjon preliminari ta ' “Bellator MMA: Guillard vs. Girt,” li tkun segwita mill-biljett prinċipali, li arijiet ħajjin u b'xejn fuq Spike fil 9 p.m. U/8 p.m. CT.


Biljetti limitati għall-avveniment, li tibda fi ftit $50, jibqgħu jiġu kkumerċjalizzati issa fil u l-Resort Pechanga & Uffiċċju kaxxa Casino. Bibien għall-avveniment miftuħ fil 4 p.m. PT ħin lokali.


Fil avveniment prinċipali tal-lejla, Melvin "Il-Assassin Żgħażagħ" Guillard (32-14-2, 2 NC) se jiffaċċjaw Brandon "Cold Roll" Girtz (11-4). Il-ko-headliner se karatteristika azzjoni ħfief li fosos You Awad (18-6) kontra Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (13-6). Ftuħ tal-karta ewlenija, Lorenzo Hood (9-2) se jagħmel id-debutt tiegħu Bellator MMA kontra Raphael Butler (9-1-1).


Anderson San Diego ser tfittex li parlay eliminatorja teknika impressjonanti tiegħu ta ' Danny Navarro fi Bellator 132 meta passi fil-gaġġa Bellator MMA għat-tieni darba fl 2015. Prodott ta 'Team Xplode MMA, l-fannijiet bniedem jiddeskrivu bħala "Il-Barbaric" se tfittex tiegħu 12th jispiċċaw fil 14 jipprova.


Peress li tgħaqqad il-fray Bellator MMA fil 2013, Primus kienet fuq xi tiċrita, ripping permezz ta 'kull tliet avversarji ma finituri-ewwel round. Issa, il Portland 30-il sena, Sigħat., indiġeni se jiffaċċjaw it-test stiffest tal-karriera tiegħu żgħażagħ meta tmur up kontra Anderson. Hu se jirnexxilhom iżommu undefeated tiegħu, -ewwel round finitura Streak ħaj?


Magħrufa minn fannijiet aktar arti marzjali mħallta bħala wieħed mill-up-u-li ġejjin ġellieda 185-lira fuq fuq il-roster Bellator MMA, Matthews enfatiku solidifikat rwol konkorrent tiegħu fid-diviżjoni ma 'juru l-waqfien tiegħu eliminatorja tal Kyle Bolt fi Bellator 131 f'Novembru passat. Magħrufa bħala "Il Merċenarju,"Il-prodott Blackline MMA u veteran Strikeforce se tfittex li jkompli lok tiegħu għall-quċċata tal-borġ middleweight meta huwa jirritorna għal azzjoni fuq Awissu. 28.


Permanenti oppost ta 'Matthews se jkun Sordi, li jinfaqax fuq ix-xena Bellator MMA ma '58-tieni sottomissjoni tal-ex ġlied UFC Bubba McDaniel. L-Arġentina 24-il sena ma daq telfa peress 2012 u kiseb kollha 13 ta 'rebħiet professjonali tiegħu qabel ma jilħqu scorecards il imħallfin.


Undefeated fi tmien ġlied, Sloan tkun daħlet Bellator MMA impressjonanti, rebbieħa ewwel żewġ tilts tiegħu. L Oceanside, Calif., ferroviji nattivi minn Excel Jiu-Jitsu u tkun utilizzata d-dixxiplina biex jegħleb seba 'minn tmien avversarji permezz sottomissjoni.


Bondole huwa prospett ħafna meqjusa, ġlieda kontra minn Kings MMA fil Huntington Beach, Calif., whos aħħar harga irriżulta jiġbed kontra Chris Hererra. Issa, hu se tfittex li tiżgura rebħa fuq Sloan fuq termini tiegħu stess, u mhux ħalli l-imħallfin jkollhom vuċi.


L-iben ta rrispettat ġlied MMA Antonio McKee, “The Mercenary” will look to continue to pave his own way through the sport. A.J. shined fl-ewwel harga tiegħu, iżgurar ta 'l-ewwel ċowk fuq wara naked round fuq Mark Bonilla. Huwa issa jiffaċċja Angelino sħabi fil Barnes, li ġie dmugħ up-ċirkwit Gladiator Isfida, jmorru 4-0 b'żewġ s KO u żewġ sottomissjonijiet, kollha li jseħħu fl-ewwel rawnd.


Aħjar magħruf għall-prestazzjoni virali tagħha fil-debutt tagħha MMA professjonali, Macfarlane issa se tagħmel l-ewwel dehra tagħha għall Bellator MMA meta hi qed tiffaċċja Maria Rios.

“Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Girt” - Il-Ġimgħa, Awissu 28, Pechanga Resort & Casino

Bellator Ġlieda Karatteristika Lightweight: Melvin Guillard (32-14-2, 2 NC) vs. Brandon Girtz (11-4)

Bellator Ġlieda Karatteristika Lightweight: Patricky Pitbull (13-6) vs. You Awad (18-6)

Bellator Heavyweight Ġlieda Karatteristika: Justin Wren (10-2) vs. Josh Burns (8-8)

Bellator Heavyweight Ġlieda Karatteristika: Raphael Butler (9-1-1) vs. Lorenzo Hood (9-2)

Flyweight Prelim Bellator tan-Nisa: Ilima Macfarlane (1-0) vs. Maria Rios (2-2)

Bellator featherweight Prelim: A.J. McKee (1-0) vs. James Barnes (4-0)

Bellator Womens featherweight Prelim: Adrienna Jenkins (18-6) vs. Lissette Neri (6-2)

Bellator Light Heavyweight Prelim: Ray Sloan (8-0) vs. Luc Bondole (4-1)

Bellator welterweight Prelim: Johnny Cisneros (8-4) vs. Gabriel Miglioli (9-7)

Bellator welterweight Prelim: Curtis Millender (7-2) vs. Steven Ciaccio (4-3)

Bellator Womens featherweight Prelim: Marloes Coenen (22-6) vs. Arlene Blencowe (6-4)

Bellator Lightweight Prelim: Brent Primus (5-0) vs. Derek Anderson (12-1, 1 NC)

Bellator Middleweight Prelim: AJ Matthews (7-3) vs. Emiliano Sordi (13-4)


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Lulju 22, 2015) – The preliminary portion of the "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Girt " card is beginning to take shape with the addition of four fresh bouts which will stream live on from the beautiful Pechanga Resort & Casino fil Temecula, Calif.

At the forefront of the newly signed fights is a pair of women’s featherweight scraps with Marloes "Rumina" Coenen (22-6) vs. Arlene "Angerfist" Blencowe(6-4) u Adrienna “AJ” Jenkins (18-6) vs. Lissette Neri (6-2), as well as welterweight action with Curtis Millender (7-2) jiffaċċjaw Steven “Stryker” Ciacco(4-3) u Johnny “The Tattooed Terror” Cisneros (8-4) battling Gabriel “Biel” Miglioli (9-7).

The contests will stream on at 7 p.m. U during the preliminary card ofBellator 141: Guillard vs. Girt,” li tkun segwita mill-biljett prinċipali, airing live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. U/8 p.m. CT. Bouts addizzjonali se jitħabbru dalwaqt.

Biljetti għall-avveniment, li tibda fi ftit $50, are on sale now at, and the Pechanga Resort & Uffiċċju kaxxa Casino. Bibien għall-avveniment miftuħ fil 4 p.m. PT ħin lokali, u l-ewwel konkors sseħħ siegħa wara.

Fil avveniment prinċipali tal-lejla, Melvin "Il-Assassin Żgħażagħ" Guillard (32-14-2, 2 NC) se jiffaċċjaw Brandon "Cold Roll" Girtz (11-4). Il-ko-headliner se karatteristika azzjoni ħfief meta You Awad (18-6) jieħu fuq Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (13-6). Ftuħ tal-karta ewlenija, Lorenzo Hood (9-2) se jagħmel id-debutt tiegħu Bellator MMA kontra Raphael Butler (9-1-1).

Coenen will be returning to the Bellator MMA cage on the heels of third round rear-naked choke finish of Annalisa Bucci fi Bellator 130. “Rumina” has been competing professionally since the year 2000 in promotions the likes of Strikeforce, Smackgirl, and Invicta Fighting Championships, winning a title under Bellator President Scott Coker in the process. The Dutch competitor wants nothing more than to eventually add a Bellator belt to her mantel in the near future.

Standing in the way will be former World Boxing Federation titlist Arlene Blencowe, who is also riding high after an impressive stoppage of “AJ” Jenkins at Bellator 137. Popularly known as “Angerfist,” the 32-year-old Australian has not suffered defeat since 2013 and has avoided the judges’ scorecards in four of her six professional victories. This tilt has 145-pound title implications written all over it.

In the second women’s featherweight matchup on the card, the aforementioned “A.J.” Jenkins will attempt to get back in the win column when she faces a surging Lissette Neri, who has started off her 2015 with an undefeated record.

After prominent roles on the main card of both Bellator 134 u Bellator 137, Millender will look to get back to his winning ways when he faces Jackson on August 28. “Curtious” hails from San Bernardino, Calif., and has an unquestionable amount of talent and size at his disposal and will play the role of spoiler when hisBellator MMA: Guillard vs. Girt” opponent makes his debut.

With the nickname “Stryker,” it goes without saying that Steven Ciaccio has an affinity for helping his opponents find the canvas. The Irvine, Calif., native has slept his foe in three out of four wins and will be taking a significant step up in competition when he makes his Bellator MMA debut on Awissu. 28.

The fourth preliminary bout will take place in the welterweight division, when Johnny Cisneros meets Gabriel Miglioli. “The Tattooed Terror” will be competing for the third time under the Bellator MMA umbrella and will likely have plenty of hometown support from his fellow citizens in Laguna Nigel, Calif. Avviżar mill-Brażil, Miglioli has competed against the likes of Al Iaquinta and Rafael dos Anjos. “Biel” will be fighting for the second time in 2015.


Easy Tweet: Heavyweights ma Kos għall-ġranet! RealThaSilencer jieħu fuq hood_zo fi #Bellator141

Awissu 28, fi PechangaCasino and only on spike


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Lulju 22, 2015) - Il-debutt promozzjonali ħafna antiċipat ta Lorenzo "Il-Silverback Samojan" Hood (9-2) se jaqgħu fuq il-karta ewlenija tal "Bellator MMA: Guillard vs. Girt " kontra Raphael "Il-Silencer" Butler (9-1-1) fuq Il-ġimgħa, Awissu. 28 fi Pechanga Resort & Casino fil Temecula, Calif.


Il-kompetizzjoni se jservi bħala l-ftuħ bout karta ewlenija tal “Bellator MMA: Guillard vs. Girt,” li arijiet ħajjin u b'xejn fuq Spike fil 9 p.m. U/8 p.m. CT, ma bouts preliminari streaming fuq fil 7 p.m. U. Bouts addizzjonali se jitħabbru dalwaqt.


Biljetti għall-avveniment, li tibda fi ftit $50, huma għall-bejgħ issa fil u l-Resort Pechanga & Uffiċċju kaxxa Casino. Bibien għall-avveniment miftuħ fil 4 p.m. PT ħin lokali, u l-ewwel konkors sseħħ siegħa wara.


Fil avveniment prinċipali tal-lejla, Melvin "Il-Assassin Żgħażagħ" Guillard (32-14-2, 2 NC) se jiffaċċjaw Brandon "Cold Roll" Girtz (11-4). Il-ko-headliner se karatteristika azzjoni ħfief meta You Awad (18-6) jieħu Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (13-6).


Wieħed mill-prospetti heavyweight aktar mfittxija fil MMA, 6-marda ta '3 Hood ġiet jikkompetu professjonalment mill 2009 u qatt ma ppermettiet ġlieda biex tmur passat l-ewwel rawnd. Ta 'disa' rebħiet karriera tiegħu, kull wieħed u waħda wasal minn eliminatorja. Hood stinka matul il-U.S. filwaqt li jikkompetu fuq iċ-ċirkwit reġjonali, jaqilgħu lilu nnifsu l-distinzjoni hija waħda mill-prospetti heavyweight aqwa fid-isport.


"Il-Silencer" bdew jiġġieldu sports karriera tiegħu bħala boxer professjonali, fejn hu kisbet 28 knockouts fil tiegħu 35 rebħiet totali, u xorta ferroviji ma attakkanti 'kalibru għoli inklużi Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder. Butler issa jagħmel seba dehra tiegħu taħt l-awspiċji Bellator MMA, ewwel tiegħu peress irfinar Josh DIEKMANN fil "Bellator MMA: Invażjoni Brittaniċi " Frar ta 'din passat. Ħafna bħal Hood, l-indiġeni Minnesota qatt ma ppermettiet taqbila-up biex jilħqu scorecards l imħallfin, jakkumulaw sitt knockouts u tliet sottomissjonijiet tul it-triq.

Mal-hype li jdawwar l-debutt ta 'Hoodem, Butler se tfittex li jkollhom rwol ta 'spoiler meta jidħol il-gaġġa Bellator MMA għat-tieni darba fl- 2015.

Freire pitting MEJJEL ĦFIEF SAAD AWAD KONTRA PATRICKY "Pitbull" Biex iservi bħala ko-Main Event TAL 'Bellator: GUILLARD VS. Il-Ġimgħa GIRTZ ", Awissu 28 AT PECHANGA Resort & Casino

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Lulju 16, 2015) - Azzjoni ħfief addizzjonali se ankra il-quċċata ta ' "Bellator: Guillard vs. Girt " fuq Il-ġimgħa, Awissu. 28 fi Pechanga Resort & Casino fil Temecula, Calif., biż-żieda ta ' You Awad (18-6) vs. Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (13-6).


Il-konkors sservi bħala l-bout ko-headlining ta “Bellator: Guillard vs. Girt,” li arijiet jgħixu fuq Spike fil 9 p.m. U/8 p.m. CT, filwaqt li bouts preliminari se fluss fuq fil 7 p.m. U.


Biljetti għall-avveniment, li tibda fi ftit $50, jmorru għall-bejgħ din il-ġimgħa fil u l-Resort Pechanga & Uffiċċju kaxxa Casino. Bibien għall-avveniment miftuħ fil 4 p.m. PT ħin lokali, u l-ewwel konkors sseħħ siegħa wara. Bouts addizzjonali se jitħabbru dalwaqt


Fil avveniment prinċipali tal-lejla, Melvin "Il-Assassin Żgħażagħ" Guillard (32-14-2, 2 NC) se tagħmel ħafna antiċipat debutt tiegħu Bellator MMA kontra Brandon "Cold Roll" Girtz (11-4). Bouts addizzjonali se jitħabbru dalwaqt.


Il-bniedem isolati biex jegħleb Bellator Lightweight Champion Will Brooks, Awad kellhom ħafna 6-3 rekord peress ewwel Interzar up-ingwanti għall-promozzjoni fil- 2009. Bil 14 ta 'dmirijietu 18 rebħiet professjonali li ġejjin permezz ta 'finitura, "Assassin" ġġenera Southern California fan bażi kbira ma 'stil tiegħu ġlied eċċitanti.

Il-ġlieda kontra minn Millenia MMA fil Rancho Cucamonga, BĦAL., Awad tkompli taħdem triqtu lura lejn bout trilogu kontra "Morda Se" Brooks. L 32-il sena impressjonanti defeated Rob Sinclair fil Bellator 136 qabel tbatija korriment tar-riġel li peress żamm lilu mill-azzjoni.

Awad issa qed tiffaċċja l-brother anzjani tal Bellator featherweight Champion Patricio "Pitbull" Freire, PATRICK, li kkompetew għall Bellator MMA peress 2011, amassing sitt rebħiet tul it-triq. Huwa rari li ruttam "Pitbull tal-" jilħqu scorecards l imħallfin, ma 10 ta 'dmirijietu 13 jirbaħ ġejjin permezz ta 'finitura.

Ħafna bħal Bellator tiegħu 141 avversarju, Freire kien ukoll inattivi bħala tard minħabba korriment. Kif jisfrutta soċjali media tiegħu jindikaw, "Pitbull" waqqfet ukoll sights tiegħu fuq iċ-ċintorin ħfief u matchup tiegħu mal Awad hija l-ewwel pass lejn il-kisba l-għan tiegħu.


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Mejju 25, 2015) – On a holiday when Americans take a moment to remember those who gave their lives serving in the country’s armed forces, Bellator MMA officials are honored to announce a new partnership with the American Forces Network.


With the new deal in place, the American Forces Network will now broadcast Bellator MMA events on its global networks to American servicemen and women, kif ukoll U.S. Navy ships at sea.


“We at Bellator are always looking for ways to give back to our troops,” said Bellator MMA President Scott Coker. “We’re all extremely grateful for all that they do abroad to keep us safe, and we hope that they will enjoy some Bellator fights during any downtime they may have.”


Multiple Bellator athletes including Bobby Lashley and Mike Richman have served in the American Military.


“I’m personally thrilled for this new partnership,” said Bobby Lashley, who fights James Thompson on Ġunju 19. “AFN is providing a platform for me to be fighting for my brothers and sisters who are away from home, fighting for us.”


The new partnership commences with June’s dual Bellator MMA events.


Fuq Ġunju 19, Bellator MMA visits St. Louis’ Scottrade Center for “Bellator MMA: Mhux mitmum Business,” featuring one of the most anticipated fights in the history of the sport with Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock. Wkoll, several current Bellator fighters as well as some of the sport’s biggest legends will pay a visit to Scott Air Force Base on L-Erbgħa, Ġunju 17.


Fuq Ġunju 26, the promotion touches down at Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Jistgħux., ma “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,” which sees French striking specialist Cheick Kongo and Russian knockout artist and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov stand toe-to-toe in the Bellator MMA cage.


Complete details of the new Bellator MMA-American Forces Network partnership will be available shortly.

Brandon Halsey Defeats Kendall Grove Via Technical Knockout Vacates Bellator Middleweight Title Due To Missing Weight



All photos by: Bellator MMA/Eric Coleman

TEMECULA, Calif. (Mejju 15, 2015) – While Brandon “Bull” Halsey (9-0) can no longer say he’s Bellator MMA’s Middleweight World Champion, he’s still managed to show his talent with a one-sided destruction of proven veteran Kendall “Il Spyder” Grove (21-15).


The contest served as the feature main event of Tal-il-ġimgħa “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” card at Pechanga Resort & Casino fil Temecula, Calif.


Halsey nearly finished the fight in the early going, moving to an arm-triangle choke that would have finished a lesser opponent, but Grove somehow battled through the effort. Still, it was a one-sided round for the former champ.


Grove was able to avoid such a precarious position in the second, but he was still forced to be on the defensive throughout most of the frame. With a high-paced wrestling attack, Halsey simply pushed his way to the floor and enjoyed top position for almost the entirety of the round.


The pattern continued as the fight wore on, with Halsey simply overpowering his opponent and constantly earning himself the dominant position. Grove briefly threatened with an armbar in the fourth frame, but Halsey simply yanked his limb free and pounded away with punches shortly after until he earned the TKO win at the 2:25 mark of the frame.


The undefeated Halsey, who was stripped of the Bellator MMA Middleweight World Title for failing to make weight, will look to again earn the belt in his next appearance.


“I was my own worst enemy. It was how I performed. He didn’t throw anything at me that I wasn’t ready for. I was just trying to tough through the injury. I had to tough it out and come out with the victory,” Halsey said.


“Obviously, you want to be as dominant as possible. I just felt like I couldn’t explode through my combinations or explode through the fight and finish how I wanted to. But like I said, you’ve got to deal with adversity, and I did it the best I could,” Halsey continued.


“I learned my lesson. I thank Bellator. I apologize to the commission. It’s unprofessional not to make weight. Ebda skużi, but anybody knows that it’s hard to cut weight with an injury. The belt’s just a decoration, so I’m still the champ in my eyes. No one has taken the belt from me.”


In the night’s co-main event, former Bellator MMA Bantamweight World Champion Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (17-4), of Rio de Janeiro, Brażil, took a step toward another shot at the title with a hard-fought decision victory over the hard-hitting Mike “Il Marine” Richman, of Rose Mount, Minn.


While Richman showed excellent takedown defense throughout the 15-minute affair, Dantas’ work rate helped him earn the favor of the judges. Constantly pressing and looking to bring the fight to the floor, Dantas was able to just edge out Richman on the cards, 29-28 according to all three officials.


I went out there and fought the way I trained to fight,” Dantas said after the win. “I knew Mike Richman was going to come with everything, but I wanted to win this fight and get back to the title. The only fight that makes sense next is for the title.


In a welterweight contest, Fernando “Il Maniac MENIFEE” Gonzalez (24-13), of Menifee, Calif., scored a thrilling, come-from-behind victory over “Curtious” Curtis Millender (7-2), ta 'San Bernardino, Calif.


With Millender enjoying a six-inch height advantage, the smaller Gonzalez struggled to score points in the first two rounds. But when the fight hit the floor in the third, Gonzalez latched onto a guillotine choke and earned a tap from his opponent at the 1:14 tar-rawnd finali.


“Jien 4-0 dritt issa,” Gonzalez said after the win. “That’s one step closer to the title, and I’m excited to get in there and mix it up with whoever is next.


With the result, Gonzalez now boasts four-straight Bellator MMA victories and put himself in line for a potential shot at the promotion’s Welterweight Title.


In the night’s first main-card matchup, prospett undefeated DarrionThe WolfCaldwell (7-0), of Rahway, N.J., used a superior wrestling game to outwork more experienced opponent Rafael “Morcego” Silva (22-5), of Lajes, Brażil, en route a unanimous-decision victory.


With Caldwell scoring takedowns throughout the matchup, Silva looked for submissions when available, but he simply couldn’t find the necessary hold to work past his opponent’s defense. Minflok, Caldwell kept his pressure high, and judges awarded him the fight, 29-28 fuq kull tliet karti.


After the victory, Caldwell made it clear he’s clearing his way to a shot at the Bellator MMA World Title.


I don’t think there are any fighters out there as explosive as me at 135 liri, or as fast,” Caldwell said. “Eventwalment, I’ll be able to prove that.


In the night’s final preliminary bout, Guam’s Joe Taimanglo (21-6-1) scored a third-round knockout of Mexico’s Antonio Duarte (18-6).


Barra minn hekk, prospett featherweight Jordan Parsons (11-1), ta 'San Diego, Calif., earned a third-round decision win over the previously undefeated Brazilian Julio Cesar Neves Jr.. (30-1).


F'kompetizzjoni heavyweight dawl, Virgil Zwicker (14-4-1), of Temecula, Calif., earned a first-round knockout win over Razak Al-Hassan (12-5), tal Milwaukee, Wisc.


And in the night’s first fight, Ricky “L-sniper” Rainey (11-3), ta 'Gastonia, N.C., earned a second-round knockout win over Jessie Juarez (22-10), tal f'Torrance, Calif.

Brandon Halsey (9-0) def. Kendall Grove (21-15)


Eduardo Dantas (17-4) def. Mike Richman (18-6 )


Fernando Gonzalez (24-14) def. Curtis Millender (7-2)


Darrion Caldwell (7-0) def. Rafael Silva (22-5)


Dwar Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA huwa Imħallat organizzazzjoni Martial Arts ewlieni ikkaratterizzata ħafna mill-ġellieda aħjar fid-dinja. Taħt id-direzzjoni ta 'promotur ġlieda veteran Scott coker, Bellator hija disponibbli għal kważi 400 djar miljun madwar id-dinja f'aktar minn 120 pajjiżi. Fl-Istati Uniti, Bellator jistgħu jidhru fuq Spike, il-mexxej tat-televiżjoni MMA. Bellator MMA huwa magħmul minn tim eżekuttiv li jinkludi l-aqwa professjonisti tal-industrija fil-produzzjoni tat-televiżjoni, orkestrazzjoni avveniment ħajjin, żvilupp ġellied / Relazzjonijiet, akkwist post, ħolqien sponsorship / iżvilupp, liċenzjar internazzjonali, marketing, reklamar, pubbliċità u relazzjonijiet ta ’kummissjoni. Bellator huwa bbażat f'Santa Monica, California u proprjetà ġgant divertiment Viacom, dar għall-marki fid-dinja ta 'divertiment premier li jgħaqqdu ma' udjenzi permezz tal-kontenut konvinċenti madwar televiżjoni, stampa mozzjoni, pjattaformi mobbli u online.


Dwar Spike:

Spike huwa disponibbli fil 98.7 miljun dar u hija diviżjoni ta ’Viacom Media Networks. Unità ta 'Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks huwa wieħed mill-ħallieqa ewlenin fid-dinja ta ’programmazzjoni u kontenut fil-pjattaformi kollha tal-midja. Spike’s Internet address is u għal informazzjoni u ritratti aġġornati għall-istampa u arkivji, visit Spike’s press site at Follow us fuq Twitter spiketvpr għall-aħħar aġġornamenti tal-aħbarijiet, behind-the-xeni informazzjoni u ritratti.



TEMECULA, Calif. (Mejju 14, 2015) – All twenty-six athletes competing at għada "Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” event were happy to rehydrate after stepping on the scales at today’s official weigh-in, which took place at the Cabaret Theatre inside the Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, Calif.

"Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,"Li arijiet live u b'xejn fuq Spike fil 9 p.m. U / 8 p.m. CT, features a main event between Brandon "Bull" Halsey (8-0) and well-respected veteran Kendall “Da Spyda” Grove (21-14). The incumbent champion failed to hit the required mark of 185-pounds. Bħala riżultat, Grove is the only fighter who can leave the event as the champion, if Halsey does manage to win, he will be forced to vacate the belt.

Fil-każ ta 'ko-prinċipali, a bantamweight battle will go on as planned between former 135-pound champion Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas(16-4) and a streaking Mike “The Marine” Richman (18-5), despite Richman missing weight.

In a critical welterweight battle between two hometown fighters, Cinderella Man Fernando "Il-Maniac MENIFEE" Gonzalez (23-13) looks to continue his hot streak against a young Curtis “Curtious” Millender (7-1).

Fil-bout-televiżjoni ftuħ tal-lejla, one of MMA’s most promising prospects Darrion "Il-Wolf" Caldwell (6-0), looks to keep his record unblemished against a tough Rafael “Morcego” Silva (22-4), who has only suffered one defeat in his last 15 truf


Main Card (9 p.m. U)


Bellator Middleweight Titolu Ġlieda: Champ Brandon Halsey (188.1 lbs.) vs. Kendall Grove (184.9 lbs.)


Ġlieda Bellator Bantamweight: Eduardo Dantas (135.2 lbs.) vs. Mike Richman (139.8 lbs.)


Ġlieda Bellator welterweight: Fernando Gonzalez (170.9 lbs.) vs. Curtis Millender (170.8 lbs.)


Ġlieda Bellator Bantamweight: Darrion Caldwell (135.7 lbs.) vs. Rafael Silva (135.7 lbs.)

Card preliminari (7:45 p.m. U)

Ġlieda Bellator Middleweight: Benji Radach (186 lbs.) vs. Ben Reiter (186 lbs.)


Ġlieda Bellator Bantamweight: Joe Taimanglo (136.2 lbs.) vs. Antonio Duarte (135.1 lbs.)


Ġlieda Bellator featherweight: Jordan Parsons (145.5 lbs.) vs. Julio Cesar Neves Jr.. (146 lbs.)


Bellator Light Heavyweight Fight: Virgil Zwicker (206.7 lbs.) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (205.6 lbs.)


Ġlieda Bellator welterweight: Jesse Juarez (171 lbs.) vs. Ricky Rainey (170.7 lbs.)


Ġlieda Bellator featherweight: A.J. Jenkins (146 lbs.) vs. Arlene Blencowe (145.8 lbs.)


Bellator Ġlieda Lightweight: Steve Kozola (155.8 lbs.) vs. ian Butler (155.2 lbs.)


Ġlieda Bellator Bantamweight: Shawn Mazz (135.4 lbs.) vs. Rolando Perez (135.3 lbs.)


Ġlieda Bellator Bantamweight: John Yoo (135.4 lbs.) vs. Albert Morales (134.4 lbs.)


Dwar Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA huwa Imħallat organizzazzjoni Martial Arts ewlieni ikkaratterizzata ħafna mill-ġellieda aħjar fid-dinja. Taħt id-direzzjoni ta 'promotur ġlieda veteran Scott coker, Bellator hija disponibbli għal kważi 400 djar miljun madwar id-dinja f'aktar minn 120 pajjiżi. Fl-Istati Uniti, Bellator jistgħu jidhru fuq Spike, il-mexxej tat-televiżjoni MMA. Bellator MMA huwa magħmul minn tim eżekuttiv li jinkludi l-aqwa professjonisti tal-industrija fil-produzzjoni tat-televiżjoni, orkestrazzjoni avveniment ħajjin, żvilupp ġellied / Relazzjonijiet, akkwist post, ħolqien sponsorship / iżvilupp, liċenzjar internazzjonali, marketing, reklamar, pubbliċità u relazzjonijiet ta ’kummissjoni. Bellator huwa bbażat f'Santa Monica, California u proprjetà ġgant divertiment Viacom, dar għall-marki fid-dinja ta 'divertiment premier li jgħaqqdu ma' udjenzi permezz tal-kontenut konvinċenti madwar televiżjoni, stampa mozzjoni, pjattaformi mobbli u online.


Veteran knockout artist Benji “Il Razor” Radach returns to the cage to face Ben Reiter at “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Grove”


TWEET EASY: Hard-hitting MMA vet @benjyradach returns to face undefeated former @PennWrestling stilla @BenReiterMMA Mejju 15 #Bellator


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Mejju 7, 2015) – One of MMA’s hardest-hitting pioneers will return to action for the first time since 2010, bħala Benji “Il Razor” Radach(21-6) has agreed to replace an injured A.J. Matthews (7-3) in a middleweight preliminary fight against Ben “Il Hunter” Reiter (15-0-1).


The new addition again finalizes a full nine-bout preliminary card scheduled in support of four main-card contests at “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Grove.


The night’s featured matchups include undefeated Bellator MMA World Middleweight Champion Brandon “Bull” Halsey (8-0) kontra scrapper ħawajjan towering Kendall “Il Spyder” Grove (21-14), eks Champion tad-Dinja tal-Bellator MMA Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike “Il Marine” Richman (18-5), welterweights Fernando “Il Maniac MENIFEE” Gonzalez (23-13) vs. “Curtious” Curtis Millander (7-1) u bantamweights DarrionThe WolfCaldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael “Morcego” Silva (22-4).


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” sseħħ fuq Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 15, fi Pechanga Resort & Casino fil Temecula, Calif. Il-karta ewlenija tal-lejl tixxandar live fuq Spike TV fi 9 p.m. U (6 p.m. PT ħin lokali), filwaqt bouts preliminari nixxiegħa fuq


Biljetti għall “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,” li tibda fi ftit $50, huma bħalissa fuq bejgħ fi u l-Resort Pechanga & Uffiċċju kaxxa Casino.


Bibien għal “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” miftuħa 4 p.m. PT ħin lokali, u l-ewwel konkors iseħħ 45 minuti wara.


Ġlieda professjonalment minn dakinhar 2001, Radach fought for many of MMA’s biggest promotions, including Strikeforce, EliteXC, the International Fight League and the UFC. Seventeen of Radach’s 21 career wins have come by knockout, and he makes no secret of his intentions when he enters the cage. Boasting past clashed with MMA notables such as Brian Foster, Gerald Harris, Matt Horwich, Chris Leben, Gustavo Machado, MuriloNinjaRua and Scott Smith, fost oħrajn, Radach put his fighting career on hold in 2010, as he addressed a variety of nagging injuries. Issa rkuprat għal kollox, Radach looks to make a successful return to action.


Radach now meets a top undefeated prospect and former UPenn wrestling star Reiter, who fights for the second time under the Bellator MMA banner after spending much of his early career in Peru.


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” - Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 15, Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula, Calif.

Main Card (9 p.m. U)


Bellator Middleweight Titolu Ġlieda: Champ Brandon Halsey (8-0) vs. Kendall Grove (21-14)

Bellator Dehru Ġlieda Bantamweight: Eduardo Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike Richman (18-5)

Bellator Dehru Ġlieda welterweight: Fernando Gonzalez (23-13) vs. Curtis Millender (7-1)

Bellator Dehru Ġlieda Bantamweight: Darrion Caldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael Silva (22-4)

Card preliminari (7:45 p.m. U)


Ġlieda Bellator Middleweight Prelim: Benji Radach (21-6) vs. Ben Reiter (14-0)

Ġlieda Bellator Light Heavyweight Prelim: Virgil Zwicker (13-4-1) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (12-4)

Ġlieda Bellator Bantamweight Prelim: Joe Taimanglo (20-6-1) vs. Antonio Duarte (18-5)

Ġlieda Bellator featherweight Prelim: Jordan Parsons (10-1) vs. Julio Cesar Neves Jr.. (30-0)

Ġlieda Bellator welterweight Prelim: Jesse Juarez (22-9) vs. Ricky Rainey (10-3)


Bouts Dark (approx. 11 p.m. U)


Bellator Lightweight Dark Prelim: John Yoo (0-0) vs. Albert Morales (1-0)

Bellator Lightweight Dark Prelim: Shawn Mazz (3-1) vs. Rolando Perez (7-4)

Bellator Lightweight Dark Prelim: Steve Kozola (5-0) vs. ian Butler (1-1)

Bellator Lightweight Dark Prelim: A.J. Jenkins (17-5) vs. Arlene Blencowe (5-4)