Tag Archives: Sambo


Portland, Maine (Febroary 7, 2018) - New England ady (NEF) returns to Aura in Portland onAprily 14, 2018 amin'ny fampiroboroboana ny ady manaraka mifangaro-miaramila-zavakanto hetsika, “NEF 33: Riptide.” Vao maraina androany, NEF announced the addition of an amateur featherweight title bout to the card. Taylor Costantino (3-3) hifanena Shawn Long (4-0) for the vacant 145-pound championship.




Taylor Costantino is a native of Long Island, New York where he began his MMA career in 2011 after being crowned a USA and Pan American Sambo champion. After moving to Maine, Costantino continued training and made his NEF debut in early 2016 with a 25-second TKO victory over Frank Johanson (2-2). Amin'izao fotoana izao, he is a member of Evolution Athletix based in Saco.




I’m very excited to fight in Portland against a tough opponent,” said Costantino. “I’ve never taken an easy opponent, and this fight is no different. I have a lot to prove to my coaches, my teammates and myselfand a man with something to prove is a dangerous man.




Undefeated Shawn Lunghi has been dominant in two previous NEF cage appearances. The Florida native first traveled north in the fall of 2016, scoring a second round submission of Alex Clark (4-2). Last weekend, Lunghi returned to take on Devin Corson (1-1). It took just over a minute for Lunghi to pull out another submission win on Maine soil. He will have little time to rest after the upcoming battle atNEF 33.In late April, Lunghi will leave for Fort Bliss, and from there will travel to Afghanistan in May as part of his service in the Army National Guard.




“I couldn’t be more excited to return to the NEF cage for NEF 33 and take a shot at the featherweight title,” hoy Long. “Taylor is an experienced, game opponent and I expect he will be ready for a war. This will be my last fight for awhile as I will be deploying with the Army National Guard for the next year, but I can’t think of a better send off then to win the 145-pound title and celebrate with my RMNU team in Portland, Maine.”




NEF returns to Portland, Maine, at Aura on Asabotsy, Aprily 14, 2018. Tapakila dia amidy ankehitriny www.AuraMaine.com. For more information on the event, tsidiho www.NewEnglandFights.com.



About New England ady



New England ady ("NEF") dia zava-mitranga ady orinasa toerana ambony. Ny iraka nataon'ny NEF dia ny hamorona hetsika avo lenta ho an'ny mpiady sy mpankafy. Ny mpanatanteraka NEF ekipa manana traikefa be dia be eo amin'ny fanatanjahan-tena ady fitantanana, zava-mitranga famokarana, haino aman-jery fifandraisana, -barotra, araka ny lalàna sy ny dokam-barotra.

M-1 Global ny Filoha Vadim Finkelchtein: “Fedor ady indray ho fanomezana lehibe ho MMA mpankafy”

M-1 Global President Vadim Finkelchtein talks about Fedor’s possible match-ups and expectations from his long-awaited return to MMA

(L) Ny fiainana MMA angano Fedor Emelianenko sy M- Global filoha Vadim Finkelchtein

Gaga ve ianao rehefa nandre momba ny Fedor niverina ho matihanina ady?


VF: “Tsara, Eny, Gaga aho. Very fanantenana aho ny fiverenan'ny rehefa afaka iray na roa taona ny fifampiraharahana. I fotsiny dia tsy afaka manao izany. Indray andro dia nanontany ahy tsy hiresaka momba izany intsony. Fa tokony ho herinandro lasa izay dia nilaza tamiko mba hanao fiverenan'ny. Tsy nino ny zavatra reko. Faly aho nandre fa, fa ny tena fanapahan-kevitra tsy nanao afa-tsy roa andro lasa izay.”


Ho Fedor manohy ny asany amin'ny Rosiana MMA Union?


VF: “Eny, Azoko antoka fa ny ady tsy ho fanelingelenana amin'ny lahatsorany ny Filohan'ny Federasiona MMA.”


Inona no Fedor Emelianenko aminareo momba ny mety ho lalao-dehibe sy ny mpanohitra?


VF: “There’s no definite information yet. The only thing he told me is that he needed to prepare well enough to become as dangerous as he used be. Ara-tsaina, dia vonona ny hiady; his attitude about fighting is great. I think he has good chance to show the best version of himself.

Ahoana ny hevitrao momba ny ady manaraka? Rahoviana isika no hahita izany?

VF: “Dia tsy afaka milaza aminareo marina amin'izao fotoana izao. Tiako azy hanao ny ady voalohany tany Rosia, mazava ho azy, fa izao no niakatra ho any aminy rehetra, sady koa anie. Fa ho lehibe, raha manao izany izy, voalohany noho ny Rosiana mpankafy. Ho faly izy ireo.”


Vonona Hanao ny fahatelo M-1 Global hetsika amin'ny Fedor toy ny headliner?

VF: “Tiako tokoa izany, mazava ho azy. Dia ho mahatahotra ny hanao fampisehoana ao amin'ny “Olimpiyskiy” toy ny nataontsika, raha izy niala. Izay mampiseho nivory 22,000 mpijery ary fanomezana lehibe ho an'ny rehetra ny mpankafy. Ary avy eo dia ho any an-tany hafa. Izany no mazava ho azy ihany ny faniriako ho an'ny ankehitriny. Miasa Aho izany. Angamba isika, dia ho azy izany.”


Iza no hitanao ho mpanohitra manaraka?

VF: “Mino aho fa misy M-1 lanja mavesatra hanaiky ady ity. Raha ny marina, dia afaka hiatrika misy TOP lanja mavesatra avy manerana izao tontolo izao.”


Mandra-pahoviana no Fedor ho afaka hiady amin'ny ny hevitrao?


VF: “I think for a couple of years, mora foana.”







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