標記檔案: 山姆·舒克梅克

BKFC-18 – Live on FITE PPV on June 26

BKFC-18 – Live on FITE PPV on June 26

Event features 4 World Title Fights

裸關節格鬥冠軍賽, The World’s Fastest Growing Sport, presents BKFC-18 特色 Four World Title Fights星期六, 六月 26Hard Rock LiveSeminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino 好萊塢, FL and broadcast globally on FITE PPV, 開始 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT). They will be joined by the BKFC broadcast team of Sean Wheelock and Chris Lytle.

在重量級, BKFC World Champion ‘The Mexicutioner’ Joey Beltran, (4-1-1, 2 科斯), fighting out of Carlsbad, CA will make the second defense of his title against Sam ‘The Hillbilly Hammer’ Shewmaker, (4-1-1, 3 科斯), of Gravois Mills, MO.

Competing for the vacant BKFC Cruiserweight World Title, South Florida fan favorite, Hector ‘Showeather’ Lombard, (2-0, 1 KO), 邁阿密, FL clashes with ‘Diesel’ Joe Riggs, (3-0-1), 從鳳凰城戰鬥, THE.

在輕量級分裂, Miami warrior Luis ‘Baboon’ Palomino, (3-0, 2 科斯), faces Great Britain villain and the country’s bare-knuckle champion, Tyler ‘The Tornado’ Goodjohn, (1-0) for the BKFC World Title.

Two of South Florida’s most in-demand fighters, Thiago ‘The Pitbull’ Alves, (1-0), 椰子溪, FL and ‘The Monster’, Uly ‘3 Seconds’ Diaz, (2-0, 2 科斯) 邁阿密, FL will battle for the vacant BKFC Middleweight World Title.

Order the PPV now—只 $29.99: 點擊這裡


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裸露的拳頭爭霸錦標賽呈現了由當地人才在星期六進入圓環突出顯示的裝載卡, MARCH 14 在威奇托, 能夠.

BKFC 11 Wichita Native主持的活動宣布了完整陣容 & 2016 美國奧林匹克銅牌得主. Nico Hernandez通過INTRUST銀行競技場按次付費觀看直播

威奇托, 能夠. (二月 27, 2020) – 完整的陣容令人興奮 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 週六攤牌, 三月 14 將擁有當地頂尖人才,還有更多, 所有導致BKFC 11 主賽事與本地球迷的最愛, 威奇託本地人和 2016 美國奧運銅牌得主, 尼科·埃爾南德斯 步入對陣威奇託本地人的行列 Chancey威爾遜 在INTRUST銀行競技場威奇托, 五月. 並按次付費.

“BKFC 11” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.99. 它也將提供給BKFC國際廣播全球合作夥伴,並通過流都在家庭和外的家庭連接設備通過FITE.

為現場活動門票現已公開發售,並可以在網上購買www.selectaseat.com, 通過電話855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面對面的選擇-A座票房INTRUST銀行競技場.

“很久了, 我們一直想將BKFC帶到堪薩斯州, 所以,我終於來了,我感到非常興奮,” 說BKFC創始人兼總裁大衛·費爾德曼. “我毫不懷疑,堪薩斯州最受歡迎的兩架戰鬥機將為他們的粉絲們帶來勝利. 這將是威奇托BKFC的美好夜晚, 堪薩斯州!”

威奇託本地人和前Bellator退伍軍人 戴夫 “穴居人” Rickels 在主賽事中參加175磅的比賽, 同時硬碰裸指關節重量級競爭者 山姆·舒克梅克 採取行動,應對前Kronk Gym業餘選手 喬希伯恩斯 在一個特別的吸引力.

作為Bellator的退伍軍人,Wichita攤牌對決延續了當地風味, 職業拳擊手和職業拳擊手 科迪·卡里略 面對10戰鬥職業拳擊老手耶利米書頁 在一個155磅重的戰鬥, 而Bellator和Strikeforce的資深人士 喬·沃爾夫 與Bellator老將比賽 L.J. Hermrick 以165磅的動作. 更多, 威奇託本地人和前UFC競爭者 傑克·林賽 戰鬥 肯尼學校, 他在11月的BKFC行動中被KO擊敗了Harris Stephenson,在165磅的回合中.

陣容還包​​括UFC資深球員 喬希 “牙醫” 下 對抗重擊的185磅重吸引力 羅尼福尼, 誰將使他的第二次BKFC開始. 此外, 恭Ferea 海倫·佩拉爾塔 將會以125磅重的BKFC重賽 7 在八月的對決中,佩拉爾塔贏得了決定.

四捨五入是BKFC的回報 達科他科克倫 梅爾文Guillard 在185磅的回合中. Cochrane在BKFC上擊敗Chris Leben 6 六月, 而吉拉德(Guillard)因在BKFC擊敗中受傷而受傷 7 對以撒·瓦利·弗拉格. 更多, 雅各布·阿金 將為包括專業MMA在內的簡歷增加無節制的戰鬥, 拳擊和跆拳道, 當他接任Bellator老手時 萬里麥當勞 在130磅的對決中.

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六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的 HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc Instagram上的 HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ 在YouTube上,HTTPS://www.youtube.com/
信道/ UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A

裸拳比賽冠軍賽在星期六首次出現在堪薩斯州, MARCH 14!

特色威奇託本地人 & 2016 美國奧林匹克銅牌得主. Nico Hernandez在主賽事中

更多! 威奇託本地人 & 前Bellator老將Dave Rickels
在共同特徵中 & 硬漢Sam Shewmaker在

BKFC 11 透過按次收費觀看
威奇託的INTRUST Bank競技場, 堪薩斯州

週四發售門票, 一月 30 在 10 A.M. CT!

威奇托, KS. (一月 27, 2020) – 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽(BKFC) 將在星期六提供令人興奮的裸指關節動作之夜, 三月 14 由家鄉球迷的最愛登場,在威奇託的INTRUST Bank競技場打響, 堪薩斯州和按次計費.

主要事件將是威奇託本地人和 2016 美國奧運銅牌得主. 尼科·埃爾南德斯 在輕量級戰鬥中, 威奇托(Wichita)本地人和前Bellator退伍軍人 戴夫 “穴居人” Rickels 在共同比賽中參加165磅的比賽. 更多, 精打細算的拳頭重量級競爭者 山姆·舒克梅克 在一個特別的景點恢復活動.

“我們一直在與專員Adam Roorbach合作,將BKFC帶到堪薩斯州, 然後在三月 14 我們將進行期待已久的處女作,” BKFC創始人兼總裁David Feldman說. “擁有如此出色的佣金和出色的戰鬥迷,在這種狀態下不僅令人興奮, 但是我們在堪薩斯州有兩個最受歡迎,裝飾最全的戰鬥機. 三月 14, 我們有 2016 奧運會拳擊銅牌得主Nico Hernandez和前Bellator老手Dave “穴居人” ckle子. 三月 14 在威奇托將是一個電夜!”

“BKFC 11” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.99. 它也將提供給BKFC國際廣播全球合作夥伴,並通過流都在家庭和外的家庭連接設備通過 FITE.

現場活動的門票將於本週四發售, 一月 30 在 10 A.M. CT,可以在線購買 www.selectaseat.com, 通過電話855-733-SEAT (7328) 和面對面的選擇-A座票房INTRUST銀行競技場.

來自威奇託的不敗24歲, 堪薩斯州的職業生涯令人印象深刻 2016 奧運會擊敗意大利戰士, 俄羅斯和厄瓜多爾獲得輕型輕量級銅牌. 埃爾南德斯是美國第一個. 男子拳擊冠軍以來, 2008. 自三月份轉為職業選手以來 2017, 埃爾南德斯(Hernandez)已編撰了 7-0 記錄, 包括四場淘汰賽勝利. 他是第二位與BKFC簽約的奧運選手, 和第一位奧運獎牌獲得者.

“自從最初建造INTRUST Bank競技場以來,這一直是我的奮鬥目標,” 埃爾南德斯說. “我還沒有在威奇托打架. 我在附近戰鬥, 但實際上不在我的城市, 所以我為這場戰鬥感到非常興奮. 我迫不及待地要表演,​​並在三月帶出這座城市 14. 我準備摘下手套,為BKFC搏擊裸指!”

一位31歲的老將 23 喇叭手的回合, Rickels將在他的家鄉球迷面前首次亮相BKFC. Rickels參加了兩次戰鬥 2019, 擊敗AJ Matthews並輸給Yaroslav Amosov. 他在前九場Bellator比賽中贏得了八場, 是Bellator歷史上的第四次勝利,並在Bellator的輕量級冠軍賽中受到挑戰 2013. 總體, 他的表現令人印象深刻 21-6 在他職業MMA生涯中的記錄.

“我在威奇托(Wichita)建立了自己的名字,並因在這座城市的表演而與Bellator簽約,” 里克斯說. “住在這裡的人們的支持使我成為了我從事格鬥運動的人. 所以我有機會在他們面前表演, 我會跳上它。”

擺脫Gravois Mills, 密蘇里州, 自從在BKFC上首次亮相以來,Shewmaker已經參加了五次BKFC比賽 1 借助Eric Prindle的高光滾輪淘汰賽. 擊敗莫里斯·傑克遜後, Shewmaker在有史以來第一次BKFC重量級冠軍爭奪戰中輸給了Arnold Adams一個分裂決定. 他在二月份反彈擊敗了Joel Parades 2019 在BKFC 4, 在另一場BKFC重量級冠軍爭奪戰中進行平局之前, 這次在BKFC對陣Chase Sherman 5 四月.

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六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的 HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc Instagram上的 HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ 在YouTube上,HTTPS://www.youtube.com/
信道/ UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A


點擊 這裡 對於照片
信貸: Phil Lambert/Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship

Cick 這裡 對於視頻集錦
信貸: Evan Zentar/Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship

BILOXI, 思念. (四月 6, 2019) – Former UFC veteran 阿爾喬姆洛博夫 defeated former UFC veteran and Mississippi native 賈森騎士 一致決定 (48-47 X 2, 48-46) to win the main event of “BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” in a Fight of The Year candidate on Saturday night at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, 思念. 並按次付費.

Knight started off fast, knocking down Lobov just 10 seconds in to round one. 然而, Lobov quickly popped up and came back to knock down Knight later in the first frame, again in round two, and for a third time in round three. The fourth and fifth stanzas showcased furious exchanges with both fighters leaving every ounce of themselves in the ring.

“我以為他征服了很多次,” 說洛博夫. “我放棄了他三四次. 他是一個艱難的, 堅強的孩子. 他不斷湧現和未來. 這是一個偉大的鬥爭。”

“我們都知道,我並沒有失去這場鬥爭,” 奈特說:. “大家都知道,我被搶劫. 沒關係, 我仍然會以今晚的晚會。”

The co-main event featured former UFC veteran 克里斯·勒貝 quickly overwhelming former Bellator standout Justin Baesman with a devastating left hand, followed by a series of uppercuts that stopped Baesman just :25 in to the light heavyweight contest.

恭Ferea scored a technical stoppage win over Britain Hart for the Police Gazette American Women’s Featherweight Bare Knuckle Championship. Ferea had Hart in trouble midway through the second round as referee Dan Miragliotta called for time to have Hart’s severely bloodied and bruised left eye checked. The ringside physician stopped the contest moments later at 1:09 in to the second round.

I’m the first woman to ever have this belt,” said Ferea. “I’m going to rep it strong and I’m super happy right now. The first round I was feeling (哈特) 出去. I was watching some of her footage and she can do it all. 所以, I just felt out the first round, touching her with the jab. And then the second round that’s when I went in and let my power go.

I would love (a fight against Bec Rawlings)!” added Ferea. “I’ve been asking for a fight with her for three fights. 我想我應得的。”

Former BKFC heavyweight title challenger 山姆·舒克梅克 and former UFC veteran 大通謝爾曼 戰鬥分裂平局 (50-45 謝爾曼, 48-47 Shewmaker, 48-48) in a crowd-pleasing heavyweight attraction that featured spirited exchanges all the way until the final bell of the fifth round.

One BKFC lightweight tournament semi-final matchup saw 雷吉·巴尼特 Rusty Crowder 一致決定 (50-44 X 3). An extremely evasive Crowder was deducted one point in the fourth round for throwing Barnett to the canvas as Barnett cruised to the victory by a wide margin.

After his win, Barnett said, “Everybody expected me and Bedford to be fighting in the championship. Johnny comes to fight. 我來打. 所以, you’re going to see nothing but fireworks and I personally think it’s a main event-caliber championship fight.

In the other BKFC lightweight tournament semi-final contest 約翰尼·貝德福德亞必迭貝拉斯克斯 :58 in to round four. Bedford scored two knockdowns in the second round, a third in the third frame and sent Velazquez to the canvas for the fourth and final time in round four, with Velazquez electing to not get back up and continue.

Before Barnett and Crowder fought, Bedford prophesied, “I anticipate I’m going to fight Reggie Barnett in the finals. I thought that from the beginning. I think Reggie knew that from the very beginning. And I think Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship knew that from the very beginning by putting us on opposite ends of the bracket. I think it doesn’t matter who you name the number one and number two seeds, we are the two top dogs in this division.

With Barnett and Bedford winning their respective BKFC lightweight tournament semi-final bouts they will now face each other in the finals for a chance at BKFC’s first lightweight championship title.

在undercard的行動, former UFC fighter 艾薩克Vallie-標誌 scored a technical knockout victory over Randy Hedderick in a 165-pound showdown. Vallie-Flagg recorded two knockdowns in the third round and forced Hedderick to quit 1:22 in to round three due to an injured left hand.

The swing bout saw Gulfport police officer 哈里斯·斯蒂芬森 Khalib Harris 分裂的決定 (50-47 Stephenson, 48-47 哈里斯, 49-46 Stephenson).

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

BARE KNUCKLE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP QUOTES, 視頻 & PHOTOS FROM NEW YORK MEDIA EVENTFormer Two-Division Boxing Champion Paulie Malignaggi & Former UFC Standout Artem Lobov Exchange Words In Anticipation of Potential Showdown

Former Two-Division Boxing Champion Paulie Malignaggi & Former UFC Standout Artem Lobov Exchange Words in Anticipation of Potential Showdown

(從左至右: Malignaggi的, BKFC Founder & President David Feldman & 洛博夫)

Lobov Makes BKFC Debut This Saturday in Main Event
Against Jason Knight from Mississippi Coast Coliseum
比洛克西 & 住在按次付費查看

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Wojtek Kubik

點擊 這裡 for Video (Large .MXF File) from BKFC

點擊 這裡 for Video from Giovanni Bartocci/Team Malignaggi

紐約 (四月 2, 2019) – 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) hosted a media event in New York Tuesday as recent BKFC signee and former two-division boxing champion 保利Malignaggi and former UFC standout and Conor McGregor stablemate 阿爾喬姆洛博夫 had a heated exchange and had to be separated in anticipation of a possible showdown between the two later this year.

Lobov is preparing to take on 賈森騎士 在主要事件 “BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” this Saturday from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi and live on pay-per-view. If he is successful on Saturday night, a highly-anticipated showdown against Malignaggi looms.

“BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.95. 它也將在全球通過流都在家裡和在FITE電視外的家庭連接設備和 www.bareknuckle.tv.

門票 “BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” 可現在獨家 www.bareknuckle.tv 在開始 $35.

Here is what the fighters had to say Tuesday from Mendez Boxing in Manhattan:


Without disrespecting Jason Knight, because we’ll see what happens Saturday, but I think everyone here would like to see Malignaggi vs. 洛博夫. I see that it’s picking up traction and fans in general are talking about it.

When I get Lobov in the ring, the goal is not just to win. I have to really excel and show something more. The goal would be to hurt him bad.

Being in the gym every day gets me excited. In that way, I feel mentally reborn. I’m sure there will be tough days, but that’s par for the course. I think mentally you can find motivation that will spur you on to chase certain goals.

I started talking to David Feldman first about being involved on the broadcast aspect of BKFC. But then he threw out numbers for me to fight that got my attention. Once we got past that first part of the conversation, things started moving along and here we are.

There’s always adjustments to be made in a new discipline as far as how you’re going to throw and receive punches. We’re going to make small adjustments, but your base is your base. My base is boxing and we’re going to keep the things we want to keep.

I’ve watched some of the bare knuckle fights and there are some fundamental differences. There are some things that boxers can take advantage of. But there are also some aspects that boxers might not be used to in bare knuckle.


I’m a real fighter and I’m going to fight Paulie in a real fight. I want to make money for it. He knows I’m down. If you’re a real fighter, let’s fight in the ring.

Let’s be honest, Paulie doesn’t want to fight me on the street, because he knows I’d tear him apart in seconds. But I want to prove myself in the boxing ring. That’s why I’m doing this. I want Paulie safe until the day I can finally put my hands on him.

This is the only chance he has to get a shot in on me. When we do get to fight, he won’t get a hand on me, I guarantee that.

I’m here to fight on Saturday night. I’m a true fighter. No one will ever make me quit. I don’t care about anything that Paulie can do to me.

Paulie was always the fight I wanted. It’s ‘night nightfor Jason Knight this Saturday, then it’s on to Paulie. That’s the only fight I want. He deserves to get slapped around.

Jason Knight was a top UFC fighter at one point. He’s a very tough opponent, but his strength was mixing disciplines. Just boxing me, he doesn’t have a chance.

I love the bare knuckle training. This is my game. I love the stand-up fighting. My approach is that if you want to be a good boxer, you have to box a lot. I went into all of the best gyms in Ireland and got great sparring.

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六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship Returns To Mississippi Coast Coliseum With Former UFC Standout Artem Lobov Battling Mississippi Native Jason Knight in Main Event

“BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” Takes Place Saturday, 四月 6 比洛克西, Mississippi Featuring Chris Leben vs. Justin Baseman, Chase Sherman vs. 山姆·舒克梅克 & Marcel Stamps vs. Martin Verdin As Part of Action-Packed Evening Live on Pay-Per-View

點擊 這裡 for Interview Video with Lobov & 騎士


費城 (三月 4, 2019) – Former UFC standout and Conor McGregor stablemate Artem Lobov will make his Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) debut when he takes on Mississippi native and former UFC fighter Jason Knight in the main event of “BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” 發生星期六, 四月 6 at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi and live on pay-per-view.

“BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” is the second BKFC event of 2019 and will be the third to take place at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum. 本次活動將橫跨美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, 在所有主要的電視發行網點 $29.95. It will also be available worldwide via stream to all in-home and out-of-home connected devices at FITE TV and www.bareknuckle.tv.

I am really excited for this fight card and the main event,” 說BKFC創始人兼總裁戴維·費爾德曼. “Artem Lobov and Jason Knight are two fighters that don’t know how to back up. Having this fight take place in Biloxi, Jason’s hometown, will be electric and I can’t wait to see that packed house. The card is stacked with Chris Leben, 馬塞爾郵票, Chase Sherman and many more.

門票 “BKFC 5: 洛博夫VS. 騎士” 可現在獨家www.bareknuckle.tv 在開始 $35.

It’s going to be ‘night nightfor Jason Knight on April 6,” 說洛博夫. “If we had fought in MMA, I think it would have been a competitive fight, but this is real fighting and he stands no chance against me. I’m happy to fight him in his hometown because I’ve always gone and taken the toughest challenges. They’re going to be cheering me when I’m leaving the arena.

I’m excited to fight someone like Artem Lobov in my hometown,” 奈特說:. “I’m ready to go out there and get this done. It’s going to be electric in the arena when they announce my name and I step into this fight. I don’t think he’s man enough to put me out like he says. He’s going to wish he never took this bare knuckle fight.

The night of action will include former UFC veteran Chris Leben battling former Bellator standout Justin Baseman in a light heavyweight fight, Mississippi native Chase Sherman taking on BKFC fan-favorite Sam Shewmaker in a heavyweight attraction and Marcel Stamps, fresh off his BKFC victory over Kendall Grove, as he faces professional boxer Martin Verdin in a light heavyweight showdown.

來自俄羅斯的32歲的戰鬥機, Lobov made his name on Season 22 的 終極戰士 作為團隊麥格雷戈的一部分, 在那裡,他自己的方式比賽的總決賽中輸給了瑞恩廳前. 他挑戰幼童斯旺森在UFC的主要事件 2016, 在克里斯·阿維拉和Alex白撿的勝利後. While he lost his last three UFC bouts by decision, he owns 13 professional MMA wins and will take that experience into BKFC action.

代表他的D'lberville的故鄉, 密西西比, 騎士有 20-6 professional MMA record since turning pro in MMA at just seventeen-years-old. 他做了他UFC首次亮相 2015 when he stepped in on two weeksnotice to face Tatsuya Kawajiri in the Ultimate Fighter 22 壓軸, 下降了一致的決定. 騎士贏取七月間他未來四年UFC的較量 2016 五月 2017. He then lost four consecutive contests, the final three coming by decision.

注意: Artem Lobov had previously been announced to make his debut against Jason Knight at “BKFC 6” 比洛克西, 女士, which was originally scheduled for Saturday, 四月 20.

Leonard Garcia Scores a Knockout Victory Against Julian Lane in the Main Event of “BKFC 4: 美國VS. 墨西哥” from Beto Avila Stadium in Cancun and Live on Pay-Per-View

Queen of Bare KnuckleBec Rawlings Defeats
Cecilia Flores by Unanimous Decision

點擊 這裡 對於照片
信貸: Lester Silva/Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship

CANCUN, 墨西哥 (二月 3, 2019) – 倫納德·加西亞 came back from an early knockdown to defeat 朱巷 by a second-round knockout in the main event of“BKFC 4: 美國VS. 墨西哥” from Beto Avila Stadium in Cancun, Mexico and live on pay-per-view.

Lane knocked down Garcia midway through the first frame, but Garcia fought back mightily and dropped Lane twice to close out round one. 車道, looking like he never fully regained himself, was knocked down again multiple times in round two, with referee Dan Miragliotta stopping the contest 1:31 into the second stanza.

You’ve got to put bullets in me to stop me,” 加西亞說. “You’re not going to stop me with a punch.

在合作的主要事件, 該 “Queen of Bare Knuckle貝克·羅林斯 defended her Police Gazette Diamond Bare Knuckle Featherweight Title and dominated Cecilia Flores on her way to a unanimous decision (50-45, 48-47, 49-45).

That was a really tough fight. I hit Cecilia really hard and she kept coming,” said Rawlings. “She put on an amazing fight. Thank you to everyone that came out. I always love to put on exciting fights, so I hope you guys were entertained.

In pay-per-view undercard action, a highly anticipated rematch between Tony Lopez喬伊·貝爾特蘭 led to a split draw (49-46 for Lopez, 48-47 for Beltran, 48-48).

In a bout that saw solid exchanges and back and forth action, Chris Lytle 打敗JC Llamas 一致決定 (49-46, 48-47, 49-46).

山姆·舒克梅克 controlled the action against Jaime Arevalo to earn a split decision (49-48, 47-48, 49-45) 勝利.

喬·里格斯 打敗 Heriberto Tovar 一致決定 (49-45, 50-46, 50-44). Riggs knocked down Tovar in round three en route to a wide decision.

湯姆Shoaff overwhelmed Diego Garijo and won by fourth round TKO. Shoaff knocked down Garijo in round one, two more times in round three and landed a fourth knockdown in round four.

Alejandro SolorzanoErik Leander :29 into the fourth round due to cut on Leander’s forehead.

特拉維斯·湯普森 擊敗 Ivan Rocka 停工 1:59 進入第二輪. An overhand right from Thompson floored Rocka midway through round one. A jab from Thompson dropped Rocka again at the :30 圓一個標誌. Thompson struck a third knockdown in round two and Rocka never got off the canvas.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下. BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. 所有BKFC發作的認可,並通過ABC會員運動委員會監管. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Full Lineup Set for Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship Night of Action Saturday, 二月 2 Live on Pay-Per-View from Beto Avila Stadium in Cancun, 墨西哥

“BKFC 4: 美國VS. 墨西哥” Features Tom Shoaff vs. Diego Garijo, Erik Leander vs. Alejandro Solorzano, Travis Thompson vs. Ivan Rocka & 更多!

費城 (一月 24, 2019) – An exciting lineup of bare knuckle action is set to keep fans on the edge of their seats all night as 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) nears fight night in Cancun, Mexico on Saturday, 二月 2 按次付費直播 (9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT) from Beto Avila Stadium.

The night will feature a stacked card full of USA vs. Mexico showdowns. This includes recently-added fights that will see Indiana’s 湯姆Shoaff take on Leon’s Diego Garijo以165磅的動作, 佛羅里達州 Erik Leander battling Mexicali’s Alejandro Solorzano in a heavyweight attraction, plus a 135-pound bout between Philadelphia’s 特拉維斯·湯普森 and Cancun’s Ivan Rocka.

Rounding out the evening is a 135-pound fight that pits Texas native Clay Burns針對 Jesus Quevedo out of Playa Del Carmen, Rosarito’s Jose Ruleus in a 150-pound showdown against Mexico City’s Gilberto Aguliar 和菲尼克斯太陽隊的 Shannon Ritch against Tijuana’s Omar Molina in a 225-pound battle.

“BKFC 4: 美國VS. 墨西哥” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, on all major television and streaming distribution outlets for $29.95. It will also be available worldwide via streaming to all in-home and out-of-home connected devices.Tickets are available now at www.bareknuckle.tv.

The historic event will feature former Ultimate Fighter competitor 朱巷 battling Mexican-American UFC veteran 倫納德·加西亞,”Queen of Bare Knuckle貝克·羅林斯 defending her title against Puerto Vallarta’s Cecilia Flores and a highly-anticipated rematch between Tony Lopez 喬伊·貝爾特蘭, who engaged in an epic showdown at BKFC 1 that was narrowly won by Beltran.

The action will also see 20-fight UFC veteran Chris Lytle facing MMA veteran JC Llamas, BKFC heavyweight tournament runner-up 山姆·舒克梅克 returns to action to take on Chihuahua’s Ricardo Aguliar, plus former WEC Middleweight Champion and 12-fight UFC veteran 喬·里格斯 competes in his second BKFC attraction as he looks for another victory, this time against Mexico City’s HeribertoEl RudoTovar, who has fought in Combate Americas, the largest Hispanic-based MMA organization in the sport.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下.

BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. All BKFC bouts are sanctioned and regulated by ABC member Athletic Commissions.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Longtime Rivals Joey Beltran & Tony Lopez Prepare for Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship Rematch Saturday, 二月 2 Live on Pay-Per-View as “BKFC 4: 美國VS. 墨西哥” Comes to Beto Avila Stadium in Cancun, 墨西哥

(圖片來源: 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽)

點擊 這裡 to Watch Their Full First BKFC Fight

點擊 這裡 for Raw Highlight Footage from
Their First BKFC Fight

費城 (一月 22, 2019) – The clear “夜撲滅” 在就職裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 拼卡 “BKFC 1: 開端” 六月 2018 was a matchup that had the combat sports world buzzing when 喬伊·貝爾特蘭 scored a decision victory over Tony Lopez in a bloody war. The longtime rivals will pick up where they left off and again face each other, this time on Saturday, 二月 2 作為其一部分 “BKFC 4: 美國VS. 墨西哥” 按次付費直播 (9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT) from Beto Avila Stadium in Cancun, 墨西哥.

Tony Lopez and Joey Beltran’s first fight at BKFC 1 was one of the most exciting fights I have ever witnessed and I have been at thousands of them,” 說BKFC創始人兼總裁戴維·費爾德曼. “Sometimes rematches don’t live up to the first fight, but I feel that this one will be even better. I expect great exchanges, lots of action and blood!”

“BKFC 4: 美國VS. 墨西哥” 將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, on all major television and streaming distribution outlets for $29.95. It will also be available worldwide via streaming to all in-home and out-of-home connected devices.

By February 3, Beltran and Lopez will have fought each other twice in BKFC competition, but that only tells a fraction of the story of their rivalry. The fighters first faced each other in 2008 作為其一部分 “King of the Cage: Opposing Forcein a fight where Lopez forced Beltran into submission in the first round.

Lopez’s victory was his sixth consecutive MMA victory at the time, while Beltran had a four-fight winning streak snapped. 戰鬥結束後, both men continued to rack up victories until their MMA rematch in 2009. Despite being dropped early in the fight, Lopez was able to recover and battle his way to a unanimous decision victory in a five-round contest.

While the two men would not square-off again for nearly a decade, they continued to have success in their respective MMA careers. Lopez fought more than 90 times in professional MMA, racking up an impressive 61 總勝, while Beltran would go on to be victorious in UFC and Bellator fights that he competed in through 2016.

Although their two battles had taken place some time ago, BKFC gave them a chance to once again show their skills, but also prove themselves in this rivalry. 六月 2, 2018, Beltran was seeking revenge, while Lopez sought to make it three wins against his rival.

Beltran struck the first significant blow, putting Lopez on the ground with an overhand right at the end of the first round as blood began to pour down Lopez’s face. An extremely competitive and tense round two concluded with an ominous stare down.

In the third frame, Lopez began trying to enforce his will on the fight using his size and a powerful sweeping left hook. Beltran continued to work his counters, but accidentally poked Lopez in the eye just over one minute into the round. After Lopez was given time to recover, the action picked up with increased intensity, as the two men stayed close to one another throwing bombs from short range.

After a wild exchange led to a quick referee-ordered timeout to clean the blood off of Lopez, the final moments of the third round showcased a memorable flurry of big punches from massive men who had already spent a significant amount of time in the ring against each other.

More of the same was on display in round four with both men working through large amounts of blood streaming down their faces. The fifth round was another bloody, brutal stanza that saw powerful punches thrown all the way until the end. Although Lopez raised his hands after the final bell rang, it was Beltran who would finally earn a victory against his rival.

二月 2, 245 days after their fight at BKFC 1, Beltran will look to even the score against Lopez, while Lopez hopes to make it a 3-1 advantage and stake his claim as the superior fighter once and for all.

I am prepared to come to Mexico and get a finish and end this rivalry,” 賽義德·貝爾特蘭. “This is the fourth time I have met this man inside of a ring. Each time has resulted in intense violence and entertainment. I expect the same from our encounter at BKFC 4. I am prepared to come to Mexico, get a win and end this rivalry once and for all.

A rematch is a second chance to fix my mistake in our last fight and give my fans in Mexico a chance to see the action up close,” 洛佩茲說. “I’m going to show the world I belong here in BKFC!”

BKFC 4 will also feature former Ultimate Fighter competitor 朱巷 battling Mexican-American UFC veteran 倫納德·加西亞,”Queen of Bare Knuckle貝克·羅林斯 defending her title against Puerto Vallarta’s Cecilia Flores, 20-fight UFC veteran Chris Lytle facing MMA veteran JC Llamas, BKFC heavyweight tournament runner-up 山姆·舒克梅克 returning to action to take on Tijuana’s Joel Paredes and former WEC Middleweight Champion and 12-fight UFC veteran 喬·里格斯 competing in his second BKFC attraction as he faces Mexico City’s HeribertoEl RudoTovar.

# # #

六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下.

BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. All BKFC bouts are sanctioned and regulated by ABC member Athletic Commissions.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship Lightweight Tournament Quarterfinal Matchups Set for Saturday, 十月 20 住在按次付費查看從密西西比海岸體育館比洛克西, 密西西比

更多! Women’s Showdown Between Christine Ferea & Jennifer Tate & the Return of Gulfport Police Officer Harris Stephenson Featured on “BKFC 3: The Takeover

費城 (十月 11, 2018) – Quarterfinal matchups are now set for the 裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) lightweight tournament as 喬·佩格 戰鬥 Rusty Crowder Abdiel “夢魘” Velazquez 發生在 肖恩 “The ExceptionWest 星期六, October 20at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi and live on pay-per-view.




These showdowns round out the lightweight tournament that includes previously announced matchups featuring the BKFC returns of 約翰尼·貝德福德 Reggie Barnett Jr. as Bedford battles 馬特 “The KO Kid” 墨菲 and Barnett takes on Josue “戰士” 里維拉.




We’re thrilled to be able to kick off this lightweight tournament on October 20 with four high-octane matchups featuring fighters looking to make a statement in this opening round,” said BKFC founder and president 戴維·費爾德曼. “We look forward to seeing how these fights shake out and who will eventually be the last man left standing. 此外, it’s great to have a matchup of hard-nosed women’s fighters such as Christine Ferea and Jennifer Tate on an already jam-packed night of action featuring local attractions and prominent names from the fight game.


BKFC 3: The Takeover將在美國和加拿大播出, 專門在付費觀看通過多屏媒體, 公司, on all major television and streaming distribution outlets for $29.95. 門票 “BKFC 3: The Takeover” 可現在獨家 www.bareknuckle.tv 在開始 $35.




The stacked night of action will also feature a 125-pound women’s contest between San Jose’s ChristineMisfitFerea JenniferRosebud” 泰特. “Queen of Bare Knuckle貝克·羅林斯 will have her eye on this matchup and a potential future showdown with the winner.




更多, Gulfport Police officer 哈里斯·斯蒂芬森 steps into his second bare knuckle fight to battle Florida’s 埃爾文·布里托 in a 170-pound attraction while 56-fight professional MMA veteran Aaron Brink will square-off against 26-fight professional boxing veteran 邁克爾·比塞特 in a 205-pound fight.




The event is headlined by undefeated professional boxer 是 “The Hillbilly HammerShewmaker facing veteran MMA fighter ArnoldAJ 亞當斯 in the finals of the BKFC heavyweight tournament, a fight that serves as the first legally regulated and sanctioned championship bare knuckle fight in history.




This card will also showcase a 185-pound battle between UFC and Bellator veteran 肯德爾格羅夫 和前阿拉巴馬大學後衛 馬塞爾郵票, who is undefeated in both MMA and bare knuckle fighting, 更多 喬·里格斯, who has a lengthy resume with the UFC, meeting MMA veteran Brok Weaver in a 185-pound showdown.




The lightweight tournament features two fighters returning to the BKFC as Ohio’s Bedford and Virginia’s 巴尼特 look to build on the experience they gained from victories on BKFC 1. A veteran of UFC, Bellator and the Ultimate Fighter series, Bedford is set to take on Missouri’s 墨菲, 誰有 16 professional MMA fights under his belt, including a Bellator victory in 2016. Barnett brings a 6-1 professional boxing record, in addition to six professional MMA fights, into the ring against Philadelphia’s 里維拉, who has fought in 11 professional boxing matches in his career.




Fighting out of Amelia, 俄亥俄, Pegg owns six professional MMA victories in 11 contests and will matchup against the 28-year-old Crowder, who fights out of Carrollton, Georgia throughout a professional MMA career that spans 14 fights dating back to 2013. Rounding out the exciting lightweight tournament matchups is the 25-year-old Velazquez, who fights out of New Port Richey, Florida and has a 9-6 職業MMA戰績, as he takes on Davenport, Iowa’s West. The 29-year-old West has compiled a 15-10 record in professional MMA contests since turning pro in 2010.




# # #





六月 2, 2018, 總部位於費城的裸關節格鬥冠軍賽 (BKFC) 由格鬥運動的歷史,當它推出了第一部法律, 制裁以來美國監管裸關節活動 1889. “BKFC 1: 開端” 發生在夏延, 懷俄明州和特色 10 專業的較量, 所有懷俄明格鬥體育委員會的主持和控制下.




BKFC僅使用建立誰曾在拳擊比賽專業戰鬥機, MMA, 跆拳道和/或泰拳. All BKFC bouts are sanctioned and regulated by ABC member Athletic Commissions.




“BKFC 3: The Takeoverwill be sanctioned and regulated by the Mississippi Athletic Commission, which is headed by Chairman Jon Lewis.




欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.bareknuckle.tv 或在Twitter上關注的@BareKnuckleFC, Instagram上的 www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc 並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.