標記檔案: 瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach)

2-time 多米尼加奧運選手 Leonel de los Santos 運送到波士頓

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波士頓 (五月 4, 2022) – 兩次多米尼加奧運選手, 輕量級的萊昂內爾·德·洛斯桑托斯 (6-0, 5 科斯), 可能會定居波士頓地區以提升他的職業拳擊生涯. 事實上, 他最近在那里呆了一個月,為他的最後一場戰鬥做準備, 去年三月在他的家鄉多米尼加共和國以 6 輪決定獲勝.

桑托斯的經理, 瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach), 住在波士頓,他向教練亞歷克斯·里維拉介紹了他不敗的輕量級, 並且在改進方面立即獲得了回報.

桑托斯, 26, 在里維拉手下的薩默維爾拳擊俱樂部訓練, 誰訓練 26-0 次中量級拉希迪埃利斯, 桑托斯與誰爭吵了好幾次, 和美國奧運選手拉希達·埃利斯, 拉希迪的妹妹.

“我們在波士頓訓練營的條件非常好,”桑托斯說. “我在很短的時間內從亞歷克斯那裡學到了很多關於職業拳擊的新東西, 尤其是我對躲避小拳擊手的辯護. 他真的幫助了我在最後一場比賽中的表現.
里維拉只和桑托斯合作了兩週, 但兩者立即連接.

“萊昂內爾是一位經驗豐富的優秀拳擊手,”里維拉記得. “他有速度和力量. 我們致力於讓他在技術上更加合理. 這是關於不被擊中的擊球. 就他的體重級別而言,他非常高——5'8' 或 5'9” - 伸手可及. 我們很快就和好了, 就像我們一起工作了很長時間. 我認為他可以用他的業餘背景製造一些噪音. 他擁有所有工具. 讓我想起了瑞恩·加西亞: 對於他的體重級別來說又高又壯. 萊昂內爾擁有一切.

“我沒有和萊昂內爾一起參加他的最後一場戰鬥, 但我確實看了一些精彩片段. 他打過的那個人 (安德烈斯·本斯·薩帕塔) 真的可以一拳. 萊昂內爾打了這麼多對手,手腫了. 萊昂內爾用他所有的東西打他. 我注意到他的防守和距離是如何提高的. 這就是我們所做的. 他保持距離並進行了一場乾淨的戰鬥。”

桑托斯, 誰有親戚住在附近的勞倫斯, 嘛, 正在申請工作簽證與里維拉一起訓練.

“我認為和亞歷克斯一起訓練極大地改善了萊昂內爾的拳擊和時機,”桑托斯的經理羅奇補充道. “亞歷克斯在距離上做了很多工作, 這將導致他的投籃更有力量. 我看到了萊昂內爾最後一場戰鬥的巨大變化. 他運用了他從亞歷克斯那裡學到的技能, 我期待更多。”

Fighter Locker 越來越多的天才拳擊手還包括加州超級蠅量級 Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 科斯), 紐約 ABF American West 超輕量級 Ray Jay “毀滅者” Bermudez (16-0, 11 科斯), 康涅狄格州 ABF USA 超中量級吉米“安靜風暴”威廉姆斯 (18-5-2, 6 科斯), 科羅拉多州 ABF 美國西部超中量級冠軍“神奇”肖恩·麥卡爾曼 (10-0, 6 科斯), 馬薩諸塞州超輕量級 Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (12-0, 9 科斯), 佛羅里達超級雛量級丹尼爾“奉獻”貝利, JR. (10-1, 5 科斯), 馬薩諸塞州羽量級特洛伊安德森, JR. (4-0, 2 科斯), 2-時間 巴西奧運選手 & 2016 奧運會銀牌得主 Yuberjen Martinez, 巴西奧運選手豪爾赫·維瓦斯, 多米尼加重量級 Roki “Rocky” Berroa (2-0, 1 KO), 多米尼加超級次中量級胡安索拉諾桑托斯 (1-0, 1 KO), 喬治亞超中量級詹姆斯哈格勒, JR. (2-1, 1 KO), 多米尼加羽量級奧蘭多佩雷斯薩帕塔 (10-0, 8 科斯), 多米尼加輕量級 Isaelin Florian Henriguez (8-1, 4 科斯), 佛羅里達州輕重量級羅伯特丹尼爾斯, JR. (6-0, 5 科斯), 愛爾蘭輕重量級選手湯米“小子”奧圖爾 (3-0, 2 科斯), 德州超輕量級米蘭達“蝎子”國王隊 (5-1-1, 2 科斯), 馬薩諸塞州超輕量級亞歷克斯·里維拉 (3-0, 2 科斯), 堪薩斯兄弟, 次中量級馬庫斯 (3-0, 3 科斯) 和超輕量級的 Marcell (1-0), 和猶他兄弟, ABF 美國西部輕量級冠軍 Ignacio Chairez (9-0-1, 5 科斯) 和輕量級的 Gabriel Chairez (4-0-1, 2 科斯).


網站: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
臉書: /戰鬥機
推特: @RoachRyan
插頁: @ RyanRoach82

Hagler teams with Roach

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(L-R) – 遲到, great Marvelous Marvin Hagler, his grandson James Jr., and son James

波士頓 (二月 15, 2022) – There are few family names in boxing, especially in New England, as universally revered as Hagler and Roach.
They are part of boxing royalty.

There is a new connection as James Hagler, 小, the grandson of the late Hall of Famer Marvelous Marvin Hagler, has signed an exclusive managerial contract with Fighter Locker, owned and operated by the nephew of Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, Boston-based Ryan Roach.

The plan is for Roach to have Hagler fight in Massachusetts, ideally in Brockton, the City of Champions in which Hagler as well as another Hall of Famer, 洛磯馬爾恰諾, fought out of during their professional careers.

“I was looking for a manager and read about Ryan,” Hagler said. “I looked him up online, talked with him, and met him last weekend for the first time. He is not a greedy person. By far, he offered me the best deal I have ever received. He really wants to help me. Ryan’s a cool dude. I feel good about signing with him.

“Fighting someday in Brockton and Boston means a lot to me, because of my grandfather’s background, and that’s one of the reasons I signed with Ryan. My mother and father are from that area, and I still have a lot of family living on both sides living there. I’ll be the third member of the Hagler family to fight in New England, joining my grandfather and uncle (Robbie Simms).”

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(L-R) – Ryan Roach & James Hagler, JR.

“I’m excited to be managing James,” Roach commented. “Right away, I was interested in a fighter with the Hagler name. I spoke with James and he’s a good kid who is all in. He wants to prove himself on his own and I get that, because I want to make it on my own terms, not my last name.
“We’re excited to get him fighting in New England. We’re going to do great things together. We plan on having him fight in Brockton, hopefully this summer, to bring boxing back to Brockton.”

The 31-year-old Hagler, who fights out of Atlanta, didn’t start boxing until he was 24. Why did he start so late?

“My grandfather didn’t want any of us (in the Hagler family) to box,” James explained. “I wanted to be a boxer since I was 3 或 4. He didn’t want anybody in his family to go through what he did in the Sugar Ray Leonard fight. 我的父親 (a boxing promoter in Atlanta) was an amateur boxer who fought in the Olympic Trials. He stopped boxing because my grandfather wouldn’t watch him fight. My father didn’t want to continue fighting.

“There’s a lot of pressure on me fighting because people expect me to be like my grandfather or want me to live up to the Hagler name. I feel good following in my grandfather’s footsteps. When guys fight me, it’s like their championship fight, because they want to say they beat a Hagler for bragging rights. I know that they will always have their best fight against me.”

詹姆斯 (2-1, 1 KO) had a relatively brief amateur career, fighting in Alabama and Georgia, and the southpaw made his pro debut December 14, 2019, in Ohio, when he stopped Michael Widmer in round one. He’s only had two fights since, winning one and losing the other, the latest this past November.

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James Hagler, JR. 在行動

Hagler will fight as a super middleweight for now, but he intends to campaign as a middleweight in the same division his legendary grandfather owned for so many years. He does have a dream fight in mind, 話, “I met Muhammad Ali’s grandson (Nico Walsh). I’d love to fight him someday.”

Fighter Locker 越來越多的天才拳擊手還包括加州超級蠅量級 Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 科斯), 紐約 ABF American West 超輕量級 Ray Jay “毀滅者” Bermudez (16-0, 11 科斯), 康涅狄格州 ABF USA 超中量級吉米“安靜風暴”威廉姆斯 (18-5-2, 6 科斯), 科羅拉多州 ABF 美國西部超中量級冠軍“神奇”肖恩·麥卡爾曼 (10-0, 6 科斯), 馬薩諸塞州超輕量級 Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (12-0, 9 科斯), Florida super bantamweight Daniel “The Dedication” Bailey, JR. (10-0, 5 科斯), 馬薩諸塞州羽量級特洛伊安德森, JR. (4-0, 2 科斯), 2-時間 巴西奧運選手 & 2016 奧運會銀牌得主 Yuberjen Martinez, 巴西奧運選手豪爾赫·維瓦斯, 2-time Dominican Olympian, 輕量級的萊昂內爾·德·洛斯桑托斯 (5-0, 5 科斯), 多米尼加重量級 Roki “Rocky” Berroa (2-0, 1 KO), 多米尼加超級次中量級胡安索拉諾桑托斯 (1-0, 1 KO), 多米尼加羽量級奧蘭多佩雷斯薩帕塔 (10-0, 8 科斯), 多米尼加輕量級 Isaelin Florian Henriguez (8-1, 4 科斯), 佛羅里達州輕重量級羅伯特丹尼爾斯, JR. (6-0, 5 科斯), 愛爾蘭輕重量級選手湯米“小子”奧圖爾 (3-0, 2 科斯), 德州超輕量級米蘭達“蝎子”國王隊 (5-1-1, 2 科斯), 馬薩諸塞州超輕量級亞歷克斯·里維拉 (3-0, 2 KO), 堪薩斯兄弟, 次中量級馬庫斯 (3-0, 3 科斯) 和超輕量級的 Marcell (1-0), 和猶他兄弟, ABF 美國西部輕量級冠軍 Ignacio Chairez (9-0-1, 5 科斯) 和輕量級的 Gabriel Chairez (4-0-1, 2 科斯).

網站: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
臉書: /戰鬥機, /jameshaglerjr
推特: @RoachRyan
插頁: @ RyanRoach82, @JamesHaglerJr

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: 成立於 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.
Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.

Fighter Locker signs Kansas City lightweight prospect Marcell Davidson

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Davidson brothers (L-R) 馬庫斯 & Marcell

波士頓 (一月 11, 2022) – Kansas City (KS) lightweight Marcell Davidson has joined his younger brother, undefeated welterweight Marcus Davidson (2-0, 2 科斯), in Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker stable having recently signed an exclusive managerial contract.

The 24-year-old Marcell was a decorated amateur boxer, capturing the Ringside World Championships twice, in addition to winning a gold medal at the 2019 全國金手套錦標賽. The 6’ 3” southpaw also won a silver medal at the 2017 全國金手套, as well as a bronze the following year at the The Gloves. He also competed in the Olympic Trials.

Davidson got into boxing almost by accident. He and Marcus were together playing football at a local recreation center. The season ended and they were about to sign up for baseball, when the boxing coach asked them what sport they were going to get into next. He told them that boxers are stronger than football players. Marcus was immediately a convert, but Marcell really wasn’t into it. He just ran around instead of training and eventually he was banned because he broke a rule. 終究, Marcell got his act together and he was allowed back in the gym a couple of years later. Both of the Davidson brothers have been there ever since.

As Marcell says, “My brother talks to everybody, and I follow.” So, when Marcus turned pro and signed a managerial contract with Roach, soon afterwards Marcell joined Fighter Locker.

“I was ready to turn pro and stayed in the gym training,” Marcell explained. “We were talking about which manager to sign with. We waited it out and stayed ready. My brother signed before me, and I listened to him talk about Ryan. My brother said Ryan was a great guy and the time was right for me to sign with him, 太.

“Ryan is a great guy. I didn’t know anything about him – not even his family in boxing – but he’s a great guy who wants to help us and build our careers. I could definitely tell that he cares and takes care of his fighters.”

Davidson is slated to make his pro debut Feb. 12 on “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre,” presented by Vertex Promotions, at Moseley’s On The Charles in Dedham, 馬薩諸塞州.
“我很興奮,” Marcell spoke about his upcoming pro debut. “You won’t see it, but I’m excited inside. I’ve been waiting for this moment. I’d like to stay very busy this year and maybe move up to 6-rounders by my fifth or sixth pro fight.”

“Marcell is a very skilled fighter,” Roach commented about his newest fighter. “One of his best attributes, which I think will be a huge advantage, is hos 6’ 1” height. We have been discussing him fighting at 135-140 英鎊. He is a very athletic, young man with speed and power. He was a nationally ranked fighter who went to the Olympic Qualifiers, so this is a huge signing for my company. I’m excited to have the Davidson brothers under one stable, Fighter Locket. They are very close and do everything together. This will be fun!”

Fighter Locker 越來越多的天才拳擊手還包括加州超級蠅量級 Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 科斯), 紐約 ABF American West 超輕量級 Ray Jay “毀滅者” Bermudez (15-0, 11 科斯), 康涅狄格州 ABF USA 超中量級吉米“安靜風暴”威廉姆斯 (18-5-2, 6 科斯), 科羅拉多州 ABF 美國西部超中量級冠軍“神奇”肖恩·麥卡爾曼 (10-0, 6 科斯), 馬薩諸塞州超輕量級 Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (12-0, 9 科斯), 佛羅里達超級雛量級丹尼爾“奉獻”貝利, JR. (9-0, 5 科斯), 馬薩諸塞州羽量級特洛伊安德森, JR. (3-0, 2 科斯), 2-時間 巴西奧運選手 & 2016 奧運會銀牌得主 Yuberjen Martinez, 巴西奧運選手豪爾赫·維瓦斯, 2-time Dominican Olympian, 輕量級的萊昂內爾·德·洛斯桑托斯 (5-0, 5 科斯), 多米尼加重量級 Roki “Rocky” Berroa (2-0, 1 KO), 多米尼加超級次中量級胡安索拉諾桑托斯 (1-0, 1 KO), 多米尼加羽量級奧蘭多佩雷斯薩帕塔 (10-0, 8 科斯), 多米尼加輕量級 Isaelin Florian Henriguez (8-1, 4 科斯), 佛羅里達州輕重量級羅伯特丹尼爾斯, JR. (5-0, 5 科斯), 愛爾蘭輕重量級選手湯米“小子”奧圖爾 (2-0, 2 科斯), 德州超輕量級米蘭達“蝎子”國王隊 (5-0-1, 2 科斯) ), 和猶他兄弟, ABF 美國西部輕量級冠軍 Ignacio Chairez (9-0-1, 5 科斯) 和輕量級的 Gabriel Chairez (4-0-1, 2 科斯).

網站: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
臉書: /戰鬥機
推特: @RoachRyan
插頁: @ RyanRoach82

Lawrence’s Undefeated junior welterweight prospect 11-0 Adrian Sosa finds new home in Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker stable

(L-R) Trainer Sean Farley & Adrian Sousa

波士頓 (八月 18, 2021) – Undefeated junior welterweight prospect Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (11-0, 9 科斯) has found a new home having signed a managerial contract with 瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach)’s Fighter Locker.

The 26-year-old Sosa, fighting out of Lawrence (嘛), was a hot commodity after defeating previously undefeated Khiry Todd (7-0) 在 2018 by way of a 6-round majority decision, which led to Sosa signing a promotional contract with DiBella Entertainment. Sosa was unhappy fighting about only four times against journeymen through mid-2019, when the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown boxing.

“I had issues with opponents who kept falling out,” Sosa explained. “Foxwoods is only 2-hours from Lawrence, and I was losing credibility with my fans because fights kept falling out. I wanted to step up to showcase my skills, but I wasn’t getting good fights, and then COVID hit. I called (婁) DiBella and he gave me my release.

“That fight (VS. Khiary) is the biggest for me so far. People kept asking me why an undefeated fighter (6-0) would fight another undefeated prospect (Todd was 7-0). He wanted the fight and called me out in a disrespectful way on social media. I took the fight and knew I was faster than him. That fight led to me signing with DiBella.”

Despite his inactivity the past 2-plus years, in terms of fights, Sosa has kept busy in the gym, and he greatly benefited from four months in training camp this past May in Ft. Lauderdale (FL), 陪練 50 與輪 George Kambosos, JR. for his since postponed fight versus unified World lightweight champion 特菲莫·洛佩茲(Teofimo Lopez). Sosa used social media to get the sparring gig.

“I reached out to him on social media,” Sosa explained. “Every time he posted about his fight against Lopez, I replied asking him to bring me to his camp for sparring. One day I was DM’d by him on Instagram. He let me know his team watched my video and they wanted to bring me to his camp. I learned a lot there, more about my style, because I would just sit back as a boxer-puncher. I started to counter more, and my defense opened. I got a little more game from camp. When he did something, I wanted to come right back with it. The camp brought more of the fighter out of me. It opened my range and sharpened my defense.”

Sosa is a promotional free agent who has a new manager, 瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach). The junior welterweight prospect is expected to be back in the ring next month at a site and date to soon be announced.

“I signed with Ryan because he is genuine and has proven himself,” Sosa noted. “Some doors were open to me, but he kept showing interest in me, and he never closed the door. He’s trustworthy and I want to be part of what he’s doing, and sign with a major promoter.”

“Signing Adrian means a lot to me personally because it took a lot of work over the past year,” manager Ryan Roach commented. “We built a relationship and I’ve proven to him what I do for my fighters. Adrian is special; I believe he could be one of the best fighters to come out of this region. He is a quick, talented fighter who has power and can work off of his defense very well. He also has a great work ethic. Adrian has all the tools to be a world champion. I look forward to guiding him as we are looking for tough fights right out of the gate. He’s been inactive but he’s ready, he’s learned a lot in the last two years. He was in camp with George Kambosos getting him ready for Teofimo Lopez I think that proves what kind of fighter Adrian is. Tonka will be a household name soon.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers include California super flyweight Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 科斯), 特洛伊, NY ABF American West super lightweight Ray Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (12-0, 9 科斯), ABF USA super welterweight Jimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (18-5-2, 6 科斯), ABF American West super middleweight champion “The Amazing” Shawn McCalman (8-0, 4 科斯), 超輕量級 Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey, JR. (7-0, 4 科斯), 輕量級 萊昂內爾·德·洛斯桑托斯 (3-0, 3 科斯), a2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, JR. (1-0, 1 KO), pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweight Juan Solano, Salt Lake City, 2016 Brazilian Olympic silver medalist Yuberjen Martinez, Brazilian Olympian Jorge Vivas, Colorado super middleweight Marvin “Too Much” Cordova, JR. (23-2-1, 12 科斯), 西棕櫚灘, FL light heavyweight Robert Daniels, JR. (4-0, 4 科斯), pro-debut Irish light heavyweight Thomas O’Toole, 和猶他兄弟, ABF American West lightweight champion Ignacio Chairez (9-0-1, 5 科斯) 輕巧 Gabriel Chairez (4-0-1, 2 科斯).

網站: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
臉書: /戰鬥機
推特: @RoachRyan
插頁: @ RyanRoach82

Irish light heavyweight Thomas O’Toole Shipping up to Boston Signs with Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker

Irish light heavyweight Thomas O’Toole
Shipping up to Boston
Signs with Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker

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波士頓 (七月 20, 2021) – Like so many of his fellow Irish boxers, amateur standout Thomas O’Toole is following the green and gold path from Ireland to Boston, after signing a managerial contract with 瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach)’s Fighter Locker.

The 23-year-old O’Toole is a promising light heavyweight prospect who captured top honors at the 2019 Irish Elite Championships. 去年, the Irish southpaw upset pre-tournament favorite Tony Browne in semifinals of the Irish Elite Championships, and he lost by split decision in the final to Emmet Brennan, who is representing Ireland in Tokyo at the Olympics.

Irish boxers who’ve moved to the Boston area as a base for their professional careers include WBO World Super Middleweight Champion Stevie “Celtic Warrior” Collins (36-3, 21 KOs – 1986-97), WBA World light middleweight title challenger Sean Mannion (42-14-1, 13 科斯) - 1979-93), 而權重股 Kevin “The Clones Colossus” McBride (35-10-1 (29 科斯) - 1992-2011), best known as the man who knocked “Iron” Mike Tyson into retirement.

“I’ve only heard good things about Ryan, and I like the family aspect he talked about for his fighters,” O’Toole explained why he signed with Fighter Locker. “I know every manager will talk about how they will take care of you, but I really believed you, and I trust you will get a great promoter for me when the time comes. 更多, you have some Olympians, so you’re not taking just any and all fighters to sign. You want champions, which was the main thing for me. Knowing I’m in a stable with Olympians/national champions is great.

“I always intended to turn pro after Tokyo and had interest in waiting around for 2024 (next Olympics in Paris). It all worked out. I achieved more than I had hoped as an amateur an at just 23, I can’t wait to see what the next few years bring.”
O’Toole is tentatively scheduled to make his pro debut September 25 在波士頓.
“Signing Thomas was very special to me,” manager Ryan Roach said. “He is one of the best in Ireland and in a very elite class. We talked a few times and we really hit it off. 上週五, he shot me a message saying, ‘I’m all yours.’ I was ecstatic.

He really is a great fighter with a lot of skill. He’s a southpaw with some serious pop. Thomas is very young, so we will see which weight class suits him well. Boxing fans in New England, particularly in Boston, will love him. He’s a great person and fighter.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers include California super flyweight Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 科斯), 特洛伊, NY ABF American West super lightweight Ray Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (12-0, 9 科斯), ABF USA super welterweight Jimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (18-5-2, 6 科斯), ABF American West super middleweight champion “The Amazing” Shawn McCalman (8-0, 4 科斯), 超輕量級 Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey, JR. (7-0, 4 科斯), 輕量級 萊昂內爾·德·洛斯桑托斯 (3-0, 3 科斯), 一 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, JR. (1-0, 1 KO), pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweight Juan Solano, Salt Lake City, 2016 Brazilian Olympic silver medalist Yuberjen Martinez, Brazilian Olympian Jorge Vivas, Colorado super middleweight Marvin “Too Much” Cordova, JR. (23-2-1, 12 科斯), 西棕櫚灘, FL light heavyweight Robert Daniels, JR. (4-0, 4 科斯), Utah brothers, ABF American West lightweight champion Ignacio Chairez (9-0-1, 5 科斯) 輕巧 Gabriel Chairez (4-0-1, 2 科斯).

網站: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
臉書: /戰鬥機
推特: @RoachRyan
插頁: @ RyanRoach82

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: 成立於 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.
Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.

Three Fighter Locker stable members competing in The Olympics

波士頓 (六月 6, 2021) – Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker managerial company will have three representatives competing in Tokyo this summer in the Summer Olympic Games.

Colombian light flyweight Yuberjan “El Tremendo” Martinez, who captured a silver medal at the 2018 Olympics in Brazil, is currently rated fourth in the world by AIBA. His main opposition figures to be Artur Hovhannisyan (亞美尼亞), Oscar Collazo (波多黎各) 和 Nodirjon Mirzakhmedov (Uzbekistan).

Martinez lost in the 2018 Olympic championship final to Uzbekistan’sHasanboy Dusmatov, 3-0.   A decorated amateur, Martinez won gold medals at the 2018 Central American and Caribbean Games and 2018 South American Games, silver at the 2019 Pan American Games and 2014 Central American and Caribbean Games, and bronze at the 2017 World Amateur Championships.

Another 2-time Olympian is Dominican Republic lightweightLionel de los Santos, 誰被評為無. 3 by AIBA behindLazaro Jorge Alvarez (古巴) 和Tsendbaster Erdenebat (Mongolia).  桑托斯, who was eliminated in the last Olympics in the preliminary round, is already 3-0 as a professional with three first-round knockouts.

桑托斯, 26, was a silver medalist at the prestigious Pan-American Games in 2019, where he lost to 3-time Pan-Am gold medalistLazaro Alvarez, the 3-time World amateur champion and 2-time Olympic bronze medalist.

The third Fighter Locker Olympian is Colombian middleweightJorge Vivas, a 33-year-old who won a silver medal at the 2015 泛美運動會.

“Adding these fighters to the Fighter Locker family was a huge accomplishment,” manager瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach) said. “These guys are the best of the best in the world. You’re talking less than one-percent chance of making an Olympic team and two of three of my fighters are going back to the Olympics for the second time.

“After the Olympics, I will quickly transition these fighters into the professional ranks, as long as they are healthy and so forth. We have four fight dates set for them and representing their homelands proudly. I am very honored to represent these young men and guide their careers.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers include California super flyweightRocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 科斯), 特洛伊, NY ABF American West super lightweightRay Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez(12-0, 9 科斯), 多倫多, Canada welterweight West Haven, CT super welterweightJimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (17-5-2, 6 科斯), 超中量級“The Amazing” Shawn McCalman(7-0, 4 科斯), 中美. 陸軍超最輕量級丹尼爾·貝利(Daniel Bailey), JR. (5-0, 4 科斯), 輕量級萊昂內爾·德·洛斯桑托斯(2-0, 2 科斯), 一 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, Boston featherweightTroy Anderson, JR. (1-0, 1 KO), pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweightJuan Solano, and Salt Lake City, 2016 Brazilian Olympic silver medalistYuberjen Martinez, Brazilian OlympianJorge Vivas, Colorado super middleweight Marvin “Too Much” Cordova, JR. (23-2-1, 12 科斯), 西棕櫚灘, FL light heavyweight Robert Daniels, JR. (4-0, 4 科斯),  Utah brothers, 超輕量級Ignacio Chairez (8-0-1, 5 科斯) 輕巧Gabriel Chairez (3-0-1, 2 科斯).


網站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com

臉書:  /戰鬥機

推特:  @RoachRyan

插頁: @ RyanRoach82

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: 成立於 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.

Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.

Marvin Cordova, JR. & Robert Daniels, JR. Join Fighter Locker stable

波士頓 (五月 25, 2021) – Veteran boxerMarvin “Much Too Much” Cordova, JR and promising prospectRobert Daniels, JR. are the latest additions to瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach)’s growing Fighter Locker stable.

“先生. (吉米) 伯奇菲爾德 (Cordova’s promoter) linked me up with Marvin,” Roach said. We had a few short conversations on the phone, and it just happened. Marvin is very passionate about the sport, and he’s read to show the worked he still has a lot left in his tank. He truly is a special fighter with a high-caliber resume including opponents like維克托·奧爾蒂斯 和約瑟夫利托洛佩茲. He has a great team around him now and we are really looking forward to getting him going.

“Robert is a great young man coming from a family just like mine. I am ready to get him going with a great trainer in凱文·坎寧安I am proud to add him to the Fighter Locker team. He is really a talented fighter that had a few bad breaks early on in his career. He had managerial issues and so forth. Look for Daniels Jr. during the next year!”

The 36-year-old Cordova (23-2-1, 12), is a super middleweight from Pueblo, Colorado. A solid amateur who was a bronze medalist at the 2002 中美. Under-19 and 2003 警察體育聯盟, Cordova turned pro in 2014, but his pro career has been interrupted because spent 8 years in prison. He also defeated future pro world champion丹尼爾·雅各布斯

“我 36 but a young 36,” Cordova said. “I started boxing at 4. I had 242 amateur fights and was chosen as one of the top amateur boxers in the country. I spent 8 years in prison, and it made me a better person and hungrier fighter. I have some unfinished business to take care of. I really beat Joselito Lopez (Lopez won an 8-round decision). I hit him with a big shot in the sixth round, but they let him stay down for 4 分鐘, claiming he was hit low.”

In his last fight this past January, Cordova captured the NBA super middleweight title by stopping 56-30-3Hector Velazquez 在四個回合, adding to his awards display case that also includes his Interim WBC Youth World, WBA NABA U.S. 輕中量級, and GBU Youth light welterweight title belts.

“Ryan Roach believes in me,” Cordova noted. “I’m stronger and ready for the next step. I had talked with a friend吉米·威廉姆斯, about signing with a good manager. He told me Ryan was a good manager who loves his fighters and really cares about him. My promoter, ‘Mr. B’ (吉米·伯奇菲爾德), hooked me up with Ryan. He calls to make sure I’m good and he can get me to the elite level once again.”

Daniels (4-0, 4 科斯) is the son of former WBA cruiserweight World championRobert “Preacher Man” Daniels (49-10-1, 41 科斯), who became world champion in 1989, when he decisioned the future Hall of Famer德懷特·莫哈末·坎威.

“There’s a little bit of added pressure as the son of a world champion boxer,” southpaw Daniels admitted. I’ve heard things like ‘he’s not going to be like his father, he doesn’t have what it takes to be world champion.’”

Now fighting out of West Palm Beach, 佛羅里達, Miami native Daniels is now trained by 坎寧安. Managerial issues resulted in him fighting only four times as a pro during his nearly 5-year career.

“I was introduced to Ryan by my friend丹尼爾·貝利(Daniel Bailey) (a member of Fighter Locker), and I believe Ryan can get me to a world title,” Daniels remarked. “The main reason I signed with Ryan is I like his personality. He’s easy to talk with and before I even signed with him, he reached out to me to see how things were going. And that’s a big reason why I did sign with him.

“I was supposed to sign with managers are few times, but it never went anywhere, and I wasn’t getting fights. I have this great opportunity now and I’m going to take full advantage of it.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers include California super flyweightRocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 科斯), 特洛伊, NY ABF American West super lightweightRay Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez(12-0, 9 科斯), 多倫多, Canada welterweight West Haven, CT super welterweightJimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (17-5-2, 6 科斯), 超中量級“The Amazing” Shawn McCalman(7-0, 4 科斯), 中美. 陸軍超最輕量級丹尼爾·貝利(Daniel Bailey), JR. (5-0, 4 科斯), 輕量級萊昂內爾·德·洛斯桑托斯(2-0, 2 科斯), 一 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, Boston featherweightTroy Anderson, JR. (1-0, 1 KO), pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweightJuan Solano, and Salt Lake City, 2016 奧運會銀牌得主Yuberjen Martinez, Utah brothers, 超輕量級Ignacio Chairez (8-0-1, 5 科斯) 輕巧Gabriel Chairez (3-0-1, 2 科斯).


網站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com

臉書:  /戰鬥機

推特:  @RoachRyan, @Tremendo_Martinez

插頁: @ RyanRoach82

中美. Army veteran Daniel Bailey, JR. fighting this Thursday at West Point

波士頓 (四月 20, 2021) – Recently discharged U.S. Army specialist 4 類Daniel Bailey Jr. will be fighting in front of soldiers this Thursday night at the United States Military Academy in West Point, 紐約。

The 24-year-old Bailey (3-0, 2 科斯), fighting out of Tampa (FL), 將面臨路易斯·阿爾瓦拉多 (1-2) in a 4-round featherweight bout on a Ring City USA card, the first live boxing in New York since before the pandemic.

All the action will be streamed live (9 下午. AND / 6 P.M. PT) on the Twitch.tv app, 開始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT, as well as via the Armed Forces Network Europe and Pacific (AFNTV). 

“I’ve never been to West Point,” Bailey said. “I’m excited to fight there in front of other soldiers. I’m honored. We’re all brothers and sisters in arms and I want to put on a great show for them. I’m bringing the heat!”

“This is a great opportunity for Daniel,” Bailey’s manager瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach) (Fighter Locker) commented. “Ring City USA has really taken over during the pandemic, putting on some really great shows. Ring City reached out to me looking to get some U.S. Army veterans on the card and Daniel answered the call, 一如既往. I’m excited for this and Daniel is ready for the big stage.”

Born in Miami, Bailey’s cousin isRandall “The Knock-Out King” Bailey (46-9, 39 科斯), the 2-division World champion who was considered one of the hardest pound-4-pound punchers of his era (1996-2016).  

Bailey was honorably discharged from the military this past March 19 after serving a 6-year stint. He was a 4-time U.S. Army champion rated as high as No. 1 in the country as an amateur boxer. He was stationed at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs (CO), where Daniel was enrolled in the special soldier-athlete program there, World Class Athlete Program (WCAP). 

Bailey made his pro debut November 7, 2020, 當他停止Noe Marquez Talamantes in the second-round of their fight in Mexico. His last action was an opening-round knockout ofJahterris Lewis last month in Alabama.

During his solid amateur boxing career, Bailey benefitted from sparring world champions特倫斯·克勞福德 和賈邁爾鯡魚, among the more notables.

“I’ve become a much more complete fighter since I turned pro,” Bailey explained. “I have more control, like fully hydrating after a weigh in. I’m like a kid in a candy store now. I’ve made changes and sparring top guys has really helped my conditioning.

“This is the right place, right time for me,” Bailey concluded. I’m already on weight and ready to fight. It was a good time for me to get out of the army to pursue my dream.”


網站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

臉書:  /戰鬥機

推特:  @RoachRyan, DanielBaileyJr

插頁: @ RyanRoach82

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: 成立於 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.

Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.

Fighter Locker inks 2016 奧運會銀牌得主

波士頓 (三月 30, 2021) –Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker has signed 2016 奧運會銀牌得主Yuberjen Martinez to an exclusive managerial contract.

The 29-year-old Colombian light flyweight has a 7-0 (2 科斯) record in the World Series of Boxing.

“After having a beautiful amateur career,” Martinez announced, “we have decided to go pro and signed a managerial contract with Fighter Locker. I still plan to represent my country again at the Olympics this year in Tokyo. It is a pleasure for me to sign with Fighter Locker and Ryan Roach, who comes from a boxing family of tradition. I am sure that this new career change will be successful.

“I want to thank all those who have supported me as an amateur boxer and member of Team Colombia. I have learned a lot and put the name of country, 哥倫比亞, at the top through discipline. I will continue to count on their continued support throughout my professional career.”

Martinez lost in the championship final of the 2016 Olympics on points toHassanboy Dusmatov, 烏茲別克斯坦, in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

除了在奪得銀牌和銅牌 2016 奧運會在巴西, Martinez was a bronze medalist at the 2017 World Amateur Championships in Hamburg Germany. His other amateur boxing highlights include a gold medal at the 2018 South American Games, silver at the 2019 Pan American Games in Brazil, and gold and silver, 分別, 在 2018 和 2014 Central American and Caribbean Games.

“I have signed a good number of top amateurs in their respective divisions, but none as decorated as Yuberjen,” Martinez’ new manager瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach) 說. “This is a unique opportunity as he heads back to the Olympics and is favored to medal once again. He truly is a special fighter: 快, 強, and relentless. Once he finishes the Olympics, we will get right to work and focus on the professional ranks. I think it speaks volumes of my company and my reputation to sign such an outstanding fighter who could have previously signed with other managers. He’s a great addition to our fight family at Fighter Locker.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers include California super flyweightRocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 科斯), 特洛伊, NY ABF American West super lightweightRay Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez(12-0, 9 科斯), 多倫多, Canada welterweight West Haven, CT super welterweightJimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (16-5-2, 5 科斯), 超中量級“The Amazing” Shawn McCalman(7-0, 4 科斯), 中美. 陸軍超最輕量級丹尼爾·貝利(Daniel Bailey), JR. (3-0, 2 科斯), 輕量級萊昂內爾·德·洛斯桑托斯(2-0, 2 科斯), 一 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, Boston featherweightTroy Anderson, JR. (1-0, 1 KO), pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweightJuan Solano, and Salt Lake City, Utah brothers, 超輕量級Ignacio Chairez (8-0-1, 5 科斯) 輕巧Gabriel Chairez (3-0-1, 2 科斯). 


網站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

臉書:  /戰鬥機

推特:  @RoachRyan, @Tremendo_Martinez

插頁: @ RyanRoach82

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: 成立於 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.

Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.

Jimmy Williams finally gets his “world title fight”

波士頓 (三月 2, 2021) – New Haven (CT) super welterweight boxer Jimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams will finally get what he calls “his world title fight” tonight against former world champion 尤里·福爾曼 in an 8-round bout for the vacant American Boxing Federation USA super welterweight championship, at the Kentucky Center for African Americans in Louisville, Kentucky.

領班 (35-3, 10 科斯), 的戰鬥布魯克林, captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) super welterweight World title in 2009, when he won a unanimous 12-round decision versus defending champion 丹尼爾·桑托斯 (32-3-1).

“We sparred back when I was a kid when I trained at the Joe Grier Boxing Academy in Patterson, 新澤西州,” Williams explained. “Joe was the one who gave me my nickname, ‘Quiet Storm.’ Yuri is a true world champion. I basically have come from nowhere to share the ring with a world champion. What we’re doing is what boxing is all about. It’s not about age; 他 40 and I’m 34. Age doesn’t mean anything. I’m not a top dog, which is probably why they offered me the fight, but I’m a real fighter who will be in with a world champ. This is my world title fight!  贏, lose, or draw, I’ll be fighting a world champion. I’m not scared of anybody. It’s not about money, it’s who I am, and I always step up to the challenge. This is going to be a great fight.”

威廉姆斯 (16-5-2, 5 科斯) is proud to be one of the rare football players who has succeeded in boxing. He was a standout cornerback at Southern Connecticut State University and invited to several NFL tryout camps. He came close to making the cut with the then-Oakland Raiders.

“I’ve always been a boxer at heart,” Williams said, “so football was easy for me. It was great getting calls from NFL scouts. I walked away from football for boxing. I’m a former Division 2 college football player fighting a world champion. I knew when it was time to leave football, but I’m not ready to leave boxing yet. I don’t need to box. I’m educated, work in the community, and I’m a father. I’m blessed to be boxing and I’ll know when it’s time to hang up my gloves.”

Williams didn’t box until after his mother, Belinda, was murdered in 2008 and her case remains unsolved. He lost his father to cancer.

“This fight for Jimmy is by far the biggest of his career,” Williams manager瑞安·羅奇(Ryan Roach) (Fighter Locker) remarked. “It’s a must win to get him back on track. He knows what he has to do. He made a move to Veloz Boxing in Rhode Island and he’s a different fighter from what he was in his last two fights. Just being around ‘Boo Boo’ (世界冠軍Demetrious Andrade) and those guys there has Jimmy where he needs to be for this fight.”

Williams has been promoted by吉米·伯奇菲爾德’s Classic Entertainment and Sports (CES) since he turned pro in 2013.

“We have a close relationship,” Burchfield commented. “I turned him pro, got him on national television a few times, and even attended his wedding. I’m very proud of him. He’s been tremendously loyal to CES as we have to him. This is a great opportunity. He didn’t hesitate a minute to take this fight. He has a new trainer, Brian Johnson, and Jimmy has been driving bad and forth from New Haven to Providence to train. I think he’s in the top shape of his life, because he knows the importance of this fight. He deserves to have this opportunity.

Something special about his fight tonight against Foreman for Williams, an African American, is fighting at this venue (Kentucky Center for African Americans) in the hometown of his hero,穆罕默德·阿里.

“I’m paying homage to all people who’ve lived my dream,” Williams remarked. “It is what I represent. We’ve lost a lot of people in the last year. Fighting in Louisville is big for me because it’s the home of ‘The Greatest,’ Muhammad Ali. I look at Ali more for his character and what he stood for than his boxing. He stood for something and lost the prime of his career because of it. I try to be like him in terms of who I am. He gave me the confidence be who I want to be in life. I’ve read every book about him. I refuse to give up like Ali. I’m a throwback fighter.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers includes California super flyweightRocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (20-1, 6 科斯), 特洛伊, NY ABF American West super lightweightRay Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez(12-0, 9 科斯), 超中量級“The Amazing” Shawn McCalman(6-0, 4 科斯), 中美. 陸軍超最輕量級丹尼爾·貝利(Daniel Bailey), JR. (2-0, 1 KO), 輕量級萊昂內爾·德·洛斯桑托斯 (2-0, 2 科斯), 一 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, pro-debuting Boston featherweightTroy Anderson, JR., pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweightJuan Solano, and Salt Lake City, Utah brothers, 超輕量級Ignacio Chairez (7-0-1, 4 科斯) 輕巧Gabriel Chairez (3-0, 2 科斯). 


網站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

臉書:  /戰鬥機

推特:  @RoachRyan

插頁: @ RyanRoach82

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: 成立於 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.

Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.
