Tag Archives: Ryan Glover


Lewiston, Maine (February 2, 2015) -New England Kumenyana (NEF), America wa nambala wani dera nkhondo Kukwezeleza, analengeza kale lero kuti kampani anali kachiwiri anasaina Jarod “Last Minute” Lawton (4-1) to a multi-fight contract. While the exact terms of the deal were not released, NEF mabwana anatsimikizira kuti pangano adzakhala nthawi yaitali pa moyo zaka.


"Ine ndiri okondwa kuti apitirize kukhala mbali ya gulu NEF,"Anati Lawton pamene anagwira ndemanga. "Iwo akhala lalikulu kutsatira za anga chitukuko MMA ndipo mwachita lalikulu ntchito yomanga zisathe nsanja m'deralo omenyana kukulitsa ndiponso kuwonjezera. Ndine okondwa kuti adziwitse chaka nawo ndiponso kupereka wina wamkulu zisudzo. "


“Jarod Lawton ndi chimodzi mwa yotentha chiyembekezo pa dera MMA (losakanizika asilikali-zaluso) powonekera pompano,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Iye ndi wamkulu, wamphamvu, masewera BJJ Black lamba ndi olimba kwambiri standup maluso. Ife mosakayikira kuti Jarod ali pafupi-mlingo kuchita ndi ichi zambiri adzam'patsa mwayi iye akufunitsitsa kumapita kumeneko.”


Lawton, 30, wagwira wakuda lamba mu Brazil Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) pansi Alexey Cruz, ndi 5TH degree BJJ Black Belt under Ricardo de La Riva. Lawton is the owner and operator of Team Lawton Martial Arts – Mogwirizana New England United (NEW) Othandizana Nawo inali ku Farmingdale, Maine. Lawton has won his last three MMA fights in a row in the NEF MMA cage. NEF executives anticipate that Lawton will have the first fight of his new contract this spring.


Ngakhale Lawton a zazikulu zomwe anatsiriza abwera pa mphasa kulimbana ndi MMA khola, iye anasonyeza amagwiritsidwa ntchito mwanjira zosiyanasiyana anamenyana masewera ichi kale kugwa pa woyamba NEF Maseŵera a nkhonya zinachitika Lewiston, Maine. Lawton, mu wachiphamaso ovomereza nkhonya kuwonekera koyamba kugulu, nkhondo nacho ankachita masewera womenya nkhonya Joel Bishop (0-0-1) kuti ambiri okhudza oweruza’ scorecards. It was a fight, Komabe, that many in attendance felt Lawton clearly won. NEF executives confirmed that the new agreement with Lawton would guarantee him both MMA and boxing fights with the promotion.


“Kuzungulira, Jarod Lawton ndi waukulu basi, chachikulu wothamanga,” anati NEF omasuliridwa mwini kulimbikitsa Nick DiSalvo. “Mat (Peterson) and I knew it three years ago. We’re very proud to have him back on our roster for many fights to come.


NEF otsatira MMA chochitika, “NEF XVI,” chichitika padziko February 7, 2015with an all-star lineup of fights scheduled. Ray “Onse Business” Wood (5-0) akubwerera usiku kuteteza NEF MMA Featherweight Title motsutsana Bellator ndi WEC msirikali wakale Anthony “Yophatikiza ndi Cheese” Morrison (16-9). NFL ndi UFC Chapamwamba Wankhondomsirikali wakale Tyler King (7-2) amaponya NEF MMA Heavyweight Title pa mzere motsutsa Terry “The kumalo ozizira Nyamuliranani” Blackburn (5-2). In the feature bout of the evening, UFC, Bellator ndi Strikeforce msirikali wakaleNah-Shon Burrell (10-5) imasankha NEF MMA kuwonekera koyamba kugulu motsutsa Ryan Hodge (6-9). Tickets start at just $25 ndipo pa malonda tsopanowww.TheColisee.com kapena powatchula The Colisee bokosi nchito207.783.2009 × 525. Kuti mudziwe zambiri pa chochitika ndi nkhondo khadi zosintha, mufuna, pitani Kukwezeleza a webusaiti pa www.NewEnglandFights.com. Kuphatikiza apo, inu mukhoza kuona NEF a pa www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, kuzitsatira pa Twitternefights ndi kulowa mu boma Facebook gulu "New England ndewu."


About New England Kumenyana


New England Kumenyana ("NEF") nkhondoyi zochitika pantchito kampani. NEF cholinga ndi kulenga wapamwamba kwambiri zinthu kuti Maine a omenyana ndi mafani ofanana. NEF a Yolamula Gulu agwira anamenyana masewera kasamalidwe, zochitika yopanga, atolankhani anagona, malonda, malamulo ndi otsatsa.

Ankanyamula NYUMBA ankayembekezera FOR “KWAMBIRI tinkayembekeza” LEWISTON MMA chochitika TSIKU

Lewiston, Maine (January 29, 2015) - Lina mlungu izi Loweruka, New England Kumenyana (NEF), America wa nambala wani dera nkhondo Kukwezeleza, akupereka ake chakhumi ndi chisanu ndi chimodzi wosanganiza asilikali zaluso (MMA) chochitika, "NEF XVI,"Mu Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. The show will mark the three-year anniversary of the company’s inception. NEF executives announced today that they were expecting one of the largest crowds ever for the wildly-popular fight promotion’s event.


“Yathu February zochitika zonse zakhala wathu flagship,” anati NEF omasuliridwa mwini kulimbikitsa Nick DiSalvo. “Kuphatikizapo mfundo yakuti khadi iyi ndi yodzaza ndi UFC, Bellator, NFL anamenyela, awiri udindo ndewu, ndipo adzabwerenso Ray Wood (5-0), izo sizodabwitsa kuti tikiti malonda akhala akupita momwe iwo akhala akupita.”


Poyeneradi, ticket sales have been at an all-time high for this event. It is not unusual for the fight promotion to sell out their floor seats for any given show. The sell-out, Komabe, has always come on fight night. The floor seats for “NEF XVI” anagulitsidwa wathunthu 17 days prior to the event. NEF executives give partial credit for the quick sales to the addition of complimentary waitress drink service for all cage-side ticketholders. They did not confirm whether or not the promotion was considering adding more floor seats for the event.


Monga DiSalvo anasonyeza, mafani ndi ankafuula kubwera kwa Ray “Onse Business” Wood amene amateteza NEF MMA Featherweight Title motsutsana Bellator ndi World M'mavuto Cagefighting (WEC) msirikali wakaleAnthony “Yophatikiza ndi Cheese” Morrison (16-9). This will be Wood’s first homecoming after moving from Maine to South Carolina in late-2014.


“Ine ndiri okondwa kuti nkhondoyi,” said Wood when reached for comment. “Ine kupewelatu kutaya. Anthony Morrison has fought some of the best fighters in the world and I have an opportunity to make a statement with this fight. I improve my skills each time I step in the cage and I know that this showing will be no exception. I have respect for Anthony and where he’s been in this sport and I am honored to have the opportunity to fight him.


Wood a mnzanu pa Young a MMA, Fred Lear (2-0), adzakhala nkhani pa ankachita masewera gawo la khadi mu catchweight bout motsutsa Bryant Orrick (3-5) from Ruthless MMA and Boxing. The fight will be contested at 140-pounds.


“Anthu awa kukankha ine kukhala bwino womenya, wophunzira, ndi munthu,” anati Lear ake ankaseŵera nawo mpira ndi mabogi pa Young a MMA ku Bangor, Maine. “Ndikuthokoza awo mu moyo wanga, ndi chinthu ine amawasungira kosatha. Ine ulemu waukulu kumenyera Young a MMA.”

Osati kuona mopitirira wake nkhondo, Lear ananena zitatu zosangalatsa matchups ake ankaseŵera nawo mpira Josh Harvey (2-1), Mike Pietersen (1-0) ndipo Aaron Lacey (4-1) adzakhala adzakana motsutsana a Choi Institute of Portland, Maine.


“Mpaka 'NEF XVI,’ Sindingachitire mwina koma mfundo wathu matchups ndi Choi a,” Lear anapitiriza. “Nick Spencer [Lacey mdani (7-4)] n'zoopsa kulikonse, Henry Clark [Pietersen mdani (1-0)] akubwera kuchokera chidwi kuwonekera koyamba kugulu, ndipo ine ndamudziwa Caleb[Hall – Harvey mdani (5-1)] kuyambira ku sekondale ndipo n'zosakayikitsa za grit ndi talente. M'mlengalenga pa Colisee adzakhala electrifying monga sikisi kwambiri ochita maseŵera omenyana kuyang'ana amachoka chizindikiro.”


Hall ndi Harvey zakonzedwa kutsegula bwanji mu featherweight bout pa 7:00 madzulo lakuthwa. Hall has competed on six previous NEF MMA events, ndipo yandithandiza anaona kochulukira chisangalalo kwa mafani cholowera “NEF XVI.”


“The Poyembekezera ndi pa onse nthawi mkulu chifukwa onse osayenerana analoweza pa khadi,” noted Hall. “Pa February 7, Ine kuyembekezera kuti yosangalatsa usiku panobe.”


Popeza anamenyera zing'onozing'ono pantchito m'mbuyomu, Harvey is clear that the size of the crowd does not matter to him. He will bring his A-game to the cage whether the fight be under the big lights in a world-famous arena like the Androscoggin Bank Colisee or held in a tiny, bwino-anayatsa chipinda ndi ochepa mipando anakhazikitsa mozungulira khola.


Personally it doesn’t matter who or how many people are watching,” stated Harvey. “Ine ndikupita kuvala bwanji ngati pali 20 people or 20,000. I love to entertain. After Caleb hooks on to me he’ll know he’s been in a fight.


Jason Lachance (0-1) kuchokera MMA Athletix ku Bath, Maine ndi inakonzedwa kukumana Steven Bang (3-2) kwa Central Maine ku Brazil Jiu-Jitsu mu lofiira;, Maine pa “NEF XVI.” Lachance credits the level of talent on the NEF roster with bringing in large crowds like the crowd expected on February 7.


“NEF ali zambiri luso usiku uno ndewu, monga iwo nthawi zonse kuchita,” anati Lachance. “Ine amayembekezera zomwezo kuposa zosangalatsa usiku kwa mafani. The support from our fans means everything, ndi anzanga omenyana ndipo Ine ndidza wokonzeka kutaya pansi ndi kutumiza aliyense kunyumba kwambiri pokonzekera lotsatira chochitika. God has blessed us with another opportunity to do what we love to do in front of so many.


Billy “Bigfoot” Leahy (1-1) Muonanso kanthu pa “NEF XVI” pamene Iye anawafunsa mu khola ndi maso debuting popanda womenyaBrandon Lessard (0-0) mu podwala ndi katswiri woposa onse. Leahy got the first win of his MMA career this past September at “NEF XIV” before some 2,000-plus fans at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Motero, Amadziwa mmene chochokera kuchita kwa ikuluikulu, yolusa nkhondo khamu.


“Ine kuyembekezera lalikulu usiku ndewu,” anati Leahy. “Ine ulemu kukhala chachikulu khadi. The NEF fans are like no other, ndipo sindingathe kudikira kuvala lalikulu bwanji kutsogolo kwa banja, anzawo ndi mafani.”

NEF otsatira MMA chochitika, “NEF XVI,” chichitika padziko February 7, 2015with an all-star lineup of fights scheduled. Ray “Onse Business” Wood (5-0) akubwerera usiku kuteteza NEF MMA Featherweight Title motsutsana Bellator ndi WEC msirikali wakale Anthony “Yophatikiza ndi Cheese” Morrison (16-9). NFL ndi UFC Chapamwamba Wankhondomsirikali wakale Tyler King (7-2) amaponya NEF MMA Heavyweight Title pa mzere motsutsa Terry “The kumalo ozizira Nyamuliranani” Blackburn (5-2). In the feature bout of the evening, UFC, Bellator ndi Strikeforce msirikali wakaleNah-Shon Burrell (10-5) imasankha NEF MMA kuwonekera koyamba kugulu motsutsa Ryan Hodge (6-9). Tickets start at just $25 ndipo pa malonda tsopanowww.TheColisee.com kapena powatchula The Colisee bokosi nchito207.783.2009 × 525. Kuti mudziwe zambiri pa chochitika ndi nkhondo khadi zosintha, mufuna, pitani Kukwezeleza a webusaiti pa www.NewEnglandFights.com. Kuphatikiza apo, inu mukhoza kuona NEF a pa www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, kuzitsatira pa Twitternefights ndi kulowa mu boma Facebook gulu "New England ndewu."


About New England Kumenyana


New England Kumenyana ("NEF") nkhondoyi zochitika pantchito kampani. NEF cholinga ndi kulenga wapamwamba kwambiri zinthu kuti Maine a omenyana ndi mafani ofanana. NEF a Yolamula Gulu agwira anamenyana masewera kasamalidwe, zochitika yopanga, atolankhani anagona, malonda, malamulo ndi otsatsa.


Lewiston, Maine (January 20, 2015) -New England Kumenyana (NEF), America wa nambala wani dera nkhondo Kukwezeleza, akupereka ake chakhumi ndi chisanu ndi chimodzi wosanganiza asilikali zaluso (MMA) chochitika, "NEF XVI,"Padziko February 7, 2015 mu Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Poyambirira lero, NEF announced the full fight card for the event. A pair of title fights are scheduled to headline the card which will feature veterans of the National Football League (NFL), chapamwamba Pomenyana Championship (UFC), Bellator MMA, World M'mavuto Cagefighting (WEC) ndipo Strikeforce MMA.


“Khadi iyi mwina ingokhalani wathu wofuna chibwenzi,” anati NEF omasuliridwa mwini kulimbikitsa Nick DiSalvo. “There’s something here for everyone. If you like the big guys, we have plenty of heavyweight and super-heavyweight fights. If you like seeing the UFC and Bellator names, we have them. If you like wrestlers, they are well represented on this card. If you like women’s MMA, we have a women’s fight on here. $25 tickets to a fight card of this caliber is a steal for the fight fan. NEF continues to bring you the biggest bang for your buck as we open our fourth year of business.


Kwenikweni mwambo madzulo, Ray “Onse Business” Wood (5-0) adzateteza ndi NEF MMA Featherweight Title motsutsa vuto Philadelphia a Anthony “Yophatikiza ndi Cheese” Morrison (16-9). Morrison is a veteran of the Bellator and World Extreme Cagefighting (WEC) cages. He will be Wood’s highest-profile challenge to date. Many insiders predict that Wood could be one or two wins away from getting the call to one of the national promotions himself.


The Co-waukulu mwambo madzulo adzaona Tyler King (7-2) amateteza NEF MMA Heavyweight Title motsutsa Terry “The kumalo ozizira Nyamuliranani” Blackburn (5-2). King is an NFL veteran, popeza kuimba ndi San Diego Chargers, St. Louis zamphongo, Jacksonville Jaguars ndi Arizona Makadinolo patapita bwino koleji ntchito pa University of Connecticut kumene olembedwa 19 matumba monga kumbuyo mapeto, ndipo dzina lake gulu la “Kumbuyo MVP” mu 2004. He appeared on the 19th season of UFC’s Chapamwamba Wankhondo television series in 2014. Tyler is the son of Steve King who spent nine years with the New England Patriots as a linebacker during the 1970s and early 1980s. The challenger, Terry Blackburn, anali ndi yosangalatsa kwambiri-chokulungira knockout kugonjetsa Jason Dolloff (6-19) mu NEF MMA khola mu September 2013.


Ryan Hodge (6-9) adzaona chotsutsana Nah-Shon “The Rock-n-Rolla” Burrell (11-4) in a middleweight feature fight. Hodge, amene amakhala ku Florida koma wapanga dzina lake kumpoto chakum'mawa dera nkhondo powonekera, last appeared in the NEF MMA cage in November 2013. That night, Hodge anali ndi phwando lalikulu knockout Nkhata pa Josh Watson (7-4). Burrell is a veteran of the UFC, Bellator and Strikeforce cages. He has competed a total of nine times on the biggest stages the sport has to offer.


“Anthu atatu ndewu pamwamba pa khadi iyi ofunika mtengo chikuonetseratu yekha,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “All three of those fights are main events on any regional MMA event held on the east coast any night of the week. And we’re giving them all to the fans in one awesome night of MMA action for one low price of admission. You can bet your bottom dollar that you adzatero kusangalatsidwa pa February 7, ndipo musalole kuti kuswa gombe kuchita izo.”


Pa ankachita masewera pambali pa khadi, Wotchuka “The chipwirikiti” Guillen(1-1) ndipo 56 wazaka Mladin Holman (0-1) will engage in a rematch of their super-heavyweight bout from this past November. Many fans felt the bout was stopped early by the referee, awarding chigonjetso kuti Guillen ndi luso knockout (WHO). NEF executives listened to fans and quickly arranged the rematch.


Komanso pa ankachita masewera khadi adzakhala awiri a atatu kumenyana Bang abale, Sheldon Bang (1-1) ndipo Steven Bang (3-2), pamodzi ndi bambo debuting Dr. Steve Bang (0-0). Dr. Bang is a 46-year-old bariatric surgeon with a background in wrestling. His four sons, kuphatikizapo Sheldon ndi Steven, kuti zinthu cha bambo awo mapazi, aliyense kulimbana kwa Edward Little High School ku lofiira;, Maine.


Watsopano magazi kukwera oyambirira pa ankachita masewera gawo la khadi pamene Caleb Hall (5-1) ndipo Josh Harvey (2-1) open the show in what should be an action-packed featherweight bout. Top prospects Nick Spencer (7-4) ndipo Aaron Lacey (4-1) are scheduled to meet in a catchweight bout. “Crispy” Michael Crespo(2-0) ndipo Brazil Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) mliriwu Johnny Timatheriyali (2-0) will put their respective unblemished records on the line in a bantamweight contest. And the women will take to the cage whenHillary Cooledge (0-1) Nkhope Fernanda Araújo (3-3-1).


Utumiki nkhondo khadi “NEF XVI” (phunziro kusintha):




145*Title Ray Wood 5-0 (Young a MMA) vs Anthony Morrison 16-9 (Daddis Nkhondo M'ndende)

265*Title Tyler King 7-2 (Connors MMA) vs Terry Blackburn 5-2 (Choyamba Coast Full Contact / Team chipolowe)

185 Nah-Shon Burrell 11-4 (Limba Otsimikiza osankhika & Renzo Gracie BJJ) vs Ryan Hodge 6-9 (F2 m'bwalomo)

265 Mike Hansen 1-1 (Independent) vs Artie Mullen 1-13 (MMA cha Kumwera Maine)

155 Jesse Erickson 3-4 (CMBJJ gulu NEW) vs Frank Falso 0-1 (Team United & Santos BJJ)

145 Derek Shorey 1-1 (Shatterproof kulimbana Club) vs Jon Lemke 4-3 (Team Irish)

135 Mat Denning 1-0 (CMBJJ gulu NEW) vs Jovan White 1-6 (Choyamba Coast Full Contact)


Ankachita masewera

S.HWT Wotchuka Guillen 1-1 (Independent) vs Mladen Holman 0-1 (Choi Institute)

265 Brandon Lessard 0-0 (Independent) vs Billy Leahy 1-1 (Young a MMA)

265 Ryan Glover 0-0 (Independent) vs Jason Field 0-0 (Independent)

205 Chris Perry 0-0 (Acadia BJJ) vs Ruben Redman 0-0 (Independent)

185 Frank Dellasala 0-1 (Choi Institute) vs Heath Hanson 0-1 (3Ronin maseŵera)

185 Jacob Cameron 1-4 (Team Nitemare) vs Nick Shea 0-0 (Choyamba Maphunziro MMA)

185 Joe zakudya zamtundu 0-0 (Team Irish) vs Raymond Harrison 0-0 (Independent)

180 Caleb Farrington 1-0 (Team NEW) vs Brandon Russell 0-0 (Independent)

166 CJ Ewer 3-1 (Young a MMA) Jakub vs Kazuba 1-0 (Choyamba Coast Full Contact)

155 Dr. Steve Bang 0-0 SR. (CMBJJ) vesi Mateyu Hanning 0-0 (Independent)

155 Steve Bang Jr. 3-2 (CMBJJ gulu NEW) vs Jason LaChance 0-1 (MMA Athletix)

155 Ricky Dexter 1-0 (Team Irish) vs Corey Mlandu 0-0 (Ankhanza Maseŵera a nkhonya & MMA)

155 Rick Matthews 0-1 (Team Irish) vs Emmett Huber 0-0 (The Academy)

145 Caleb Hall 5-1 (Choi Institute) vs Josh Harvey 2-1 (Young a MMA)

145 Jimmy Jackson 1-2 (Young a MMA) vs Kris Welch 0-0 (Independent)

145 Henry Clark 1-0 (Choi Institute) vs Mike Pietersen 1-0 (Young a MMA)

140 Nick Spencer 7-4 (Choi Institute) vs Aroni Lacey 4-1 (Young a MMA)

141 Rob Kiah 0-0 (Young a MMA) vs Clifford Redman 0-0 (Independent)

140 Bryant Orick 3-5 (Ankhanza Maseŵera a nkhonya & MMA) vs Fred Lear 2-0 (Young a MMA)

135 Johnny Timatheriyali 2-0 (Team NEW) vs Mike Crespo 2-0 (MMA Athletix)

135 Fernanda Araújo 3-3-1 (Kumbuyo Kudera) vs Hillary Cooledge 0-1 (Choi Institute)

125 Dustin Veinott 2-3 (CMBJJ gulu NEW) vs Dave Brown 1-1 (White Mountain BJJ)

135 Sheldon Bang 1-1 (CMBJJ gulu NEW) vs TBD


Matikiti “NEF XVI” ndiyambire basi $25 ndipo pa malonda tsopanowww.TheColisee.com kapena powatchula The Colisee bokosi nchito207.783.2009 × 525. Kuti mudziwe zambiri pa chochitika ndi nkhondo khadi zosintha, mufuna, pitani Kukwezeleza a webusaiti pa www.NewEnglandFights.com. Kuphatikiza apo, inu mukhoza kuona NEF a pa www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, kuzitsatira pa Twitternefights ndi kulowa mu boma Facebook gulu "New England ndewu."


About New England Kumenyana


New England Kumenyana ("NEF") nkhondoyi zochitika pantchito kampani. NEF cholinga ndi kulenga wapamwamba kwambiri zinthu kuti Maine a omenyana ndi mafani ofanana. NEF a Yolamula Gulu agwira anamenyana masewera kasamalidwe, zochitika yopanga, atolankhani anagona, malonda, malamulo ndi otsatsa.


Magazi latsopano

Lewiston, Maine (January 16, 2015) -New England Kumenyana (NEF), America wa nambala wani dera nkhondo Kukwezeleza, akupereka ake chakhumi ndi chisanu ndi chimodzi wosanganiza asilikali zaluso (MMA) chochitika, "NEF XVI,"Padziko February 7, 2015 mu Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Poyambirira lero, NEF announced the addition of three more bouts to the fight card including a professional heavyweight bout between Mike "chinjoka phazi" Hansen (1-1) ndipo Artie "The Opanda Mantha Mmodzi" Mullen (1-13); kuti ankachita masewera heavyweight bout pakati Ryan Glover (0-0) ndipo Jason Field (0-0); ndi kuti ankachita masewera featherweight bout pakati Jimmy Jackson (1-2) ndipo Kris Welch (0-0). Hansen, Glover ndi Welch onse akale kulimbana akatswiri ku Mountain Valley High School inali ku Rumford, Maine.


Mike Hansen anapambana boma Championship monga heavyweight wrestler kwa Mountain Valley mu 2004. Nditamaliza sukulu ya sekondale chaka chomwecho, Hansen anayamba kuphunzira ndi kupikisana pa masewera a mitundu yosiyanasiyana asilikali zaluso. Hansen yake bwino MMA kuwonekera koyamba kugulu mu 2005 pamene anagonjetsa Eric Brown (5-7) kudzera kugonjera mu woyamba wozungulira. Posakhalitsa, Hansen anapempha mu Army kumene iye anali kulimbana injiniya. Tsopano anapuma pa Army, Hansen, yemwe posachedwapa zinasaina yaitali mgwirizano ndi NEF MMA, ndi chidwi kubwerera mpikisano mizu mu khola pa NEF February 7THndi kuimira kwawo.


"Rumford-Mexico, makamaka MVHS [Mountain Valley High School], ndipo Dixfield-ife tiri onse wonyada, olimbikira mtundu wa anthu. Ndi udindo wanga ndi ena kuti apite ndi kusonyeza zimene angathe,"Anati Hansen pamene anagwira ndemanga. "Khalani woona kwa m'deralo. Ife ndife masewera komanso nthawizonse akhala. Ndidzakusonyeza pamwamba [pa February 7TH] ndi kuchita ntchito yabwino ndipo ine kupambana.


"Kulimbana wachita yaikulu udindo wanga nkhondo ntchito, koma makamaka anali kumenyana pano mu Rumford, Maine. Wanga woyamba kulimbana mphunzitsi anali Jamie Dolloff, ndiye Jason Dolloff, Kenako Gary Dolloff-zindikirani chitsanzo? Ine ngongole zambiri amenewa anyamata ndi zina sachita m'dera. Kulimbana kwa Dolloff a Kulengedwa maziko kumenyana ndi moyo. Popanda kulimbana, palibe njira ine kumene ine ndine kapena mwachita zinthu ndachita.


"Kulimbana pafupi m'deralo anyamata nthawizonse kudzanditenga ine anasangalala. Podziwa kuti MVHS adzakhala ndi boma akatswiri mu khola usiku ndi zozizwitsa. "


Kris Welch anapambana mmbuyo ndi kubwerera boma Championships kwa Mountain Valley mu 2000 ndipo 2001 ndipo analemera kwambiri sekondale ntchito mbiri 120-17. Tsopano, Welch lolunjika pa kupanga ake MMA kuwonekera koyamba kugulu ndi womwe dera anamenyana masewera.


"Ine ndikufuna kuvala wabwino bwanji wanga m'tauni, banja, ndi mabwenzi,"Anati Welch pamene anagwira ndemanga. "Tili lalikulu dera kuno mu Rumford-Mexico ndipo iwo lalikulu ntchito zothandiza m'deralo omenyana. Pokhala olimba kulimbana maziko ati kugwira ntchito yaikulu wanga kusintha kwa MMA. Kutenga otsutsana pansi ndi mbali yaikulu imeneyi masewera. Ndimasangalala kupikisana pa khadi monga Ryan Glover ndi Mike Hansen ndi kupeza mwayi wogwira ntchito ndi anyamata yakhala kwambiri. Kudera ali zambiri zobisika luntha kuti adzaperekedwa kwa khola pa February 7TH."


Ryan Glover anali boma wothamanga-mu kulimbana mu 2010 pamaso kuwina boma Championship monga heavyweight mu 2011 chifukwa Mountain Valley High School, pamene iye analinso standout mpira wosewera mpira ndi dzina "2010 Sun Journal Football wosewera mpira wa Zaka." awiri masewera boma mutakhala opambana tsopano anacheukira pa masewera a MMA ndi zolinga kupanga dzina yekha NEF.


"[Kumenyera NEF] ndi mwayi wawukulu ndipo ine ndikuyembekeza icho chimatsegula ena maso ndi kubweretsa kwambiri omenyana kuderali kuphunzitsa nafe,"Anati Glover pamene anagwira ndemanga. "My kulimbana maziko wandithandiza wanga pansi masewera ndipo anandisiya ndi nthawi yambiri burashi-pa wanga nkhonya."


"Wathu Matchmaker, Mat Peterson, amapezeka kulimbana osiyanasiyana kudutsa Maine ndi New England nthawi zonse scouting latsopanolo talente,"Anati NEF kulimbikitsa ndi Co-mwini Nick DiSalvo. "Ife tiri onyada kuwerenga chotero kuyenera ya matchups pakati ena bwino nkhope ndi mayina atsopano kwa NEF ndipo ndi chikhulupiriro izi ayi adzapulumutsa kwambiri chisangalalo."


NEF otsatira MMA chochitika, “NEF XVI,” chichitika padziko February 7, 2015with an all-star lineup of fights scheduled. Ray “Onse Business” Wood (5-0) akubwerera usiku kuteteza NEF MMA Featherweight Title motsutsana Bellator ndi WEC msirikali wakale Anthony “Yophatikiza ndi Cheese” Morrison (16-9). NFL ndi UFC Chapamwamba Wankhondo msirikali wakale Tyler King (7-2) amaponya NEF MMA Heavyweight Title pa mzere motsutsa Terry “The kumalo ozizira Nyamuliranani” Blackburn (5-2). In the feature bout of the evening, UFC, Bellator ndi Strikeforce msirikali wakale Nah-Shon Burrell (10-5) imasankha NEF MMA kuwonekera koyamba kugulu motsutsa Ryan Hodge (6-9). Tickets start at just $25 ndipo pa malonda tsopano www.TheColisee.com kapena powatchula The Colisee bokosi nchito 207.783.2009 × 525. Kuti mudziwe zambiri pa chochitika ndi nkhondo khadi zosintha, mufuna, pitani Kukwezeleza a webusaiti pa www.NewEnglandFights.com. Kuphatikiza apo, inu mukhoza kuona NEF a pa www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, kuzitsatira pa Twitternefights ndi kulowa mu boma Facebook gulu "New England ndewu."


About New England Kumenyana


New England Kumenyana ("NEF") nkhondoyi zochitika pantchito kampani. NEF cholinga ndi kulenga wapamwamba kwambiri zinthu kuti Maine a omenyana ndi mafani ofanana. NEF a Yolamula Gulu agwira anamenyana masewera kasamalidwe, zochitika yopanga, atolankhani anagona, malonda, malamulo ndi otsatsa.