Tag Archives: Ryan Burgess


Lewiston, Maine (Junij 16, 2016) – As the only girl in a rough-and-tumble household with three older brothers in Mexico, Maine, Nicole Burgess learned how to fight for pride, for respect, sometimes even just for fun.

Sometimes such sibling rivalries are a challenge and burden. In Nicole’s case, vseeno, the arrangement furnished three built-in fans and best friends. And the closest bond of all naturally formed with the family’s youngest boy, Ryan, exactly one year and three days older than his sister.

“We were born pretty much back-to-back,” said Ryan Burgess, the pride becoming perceptible in his voice. “She’s always been tough. She’s really strong, just very athletic.”

Ryan, 22, has backed up his three high school championships as a wrestler with a pair of impressive mixed martial arts wins and the New England Fights amateur flyweight title.

Not to be outdone, multi-sport athlete Nicole, 21, finished fourth against primarily male competition in the state wrestling meet her sophomore, junior and senior years of high school. She has carved out a successful college field hockey career at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire.

Similarly accomplished, so close in age, rarely seen apart from one another in childhood, Ryan and Nicole’s athletic and life stories remain intertwined as young adults. Nicole will follow her brother into the NEF cage on Sobota, Junij 18, making her debut against Alex Walker (0-1) in a 115-pound women’s bout at “NEF 24: Promised Land.”

Anybody who grew up with a brother or a sister probably can imagine the good-natured ribbing that has taken place in training camp.

“He thinks I’m probably going to want to throw up,” Nicole said with a laugh.

Ryan, who will defend his strap on the same card against Dustin Veinott in a rematch of their split-decision title tilt from November 2015, knows there is no substitute for experience in the cage.

Although he was one of the most accomplished wrestlers in the history of his proud community, Ryan discovered in his first two cage confrontations that the variety of skills and size of the crowd at an MMA event demanded a quantum leap.

“You don’t know what to expect,"Je dejal. “Before my debut, I had never been in a fight in my life. I thought I had, but I really hadn’t. I told myself ‘It’s just another wrestling match,’ but it’s not.”

Burgess stuck with what he knew best and ground out a unanimous decision over Justin Witham in June 2015.

He was introduced as an independent. His studies at Kennebec Valley Community College interfered with his training schedule, and Burgess’ coaches at Berserkers MMA didn’t want him representing the stable until he spent a full cycle under their watchful eyes.

The same night, he scouted out Veinott’s win over Norman “Sleepy” Fox and felt that he compared favorably to both fighters. He proved it in a championship setting five months later, albeit by an on-paper verdict that most cage-side observers felt could have gone either way.

After struggling to find an opponent worthy for the title shot in his weight class, Burgess was eager to extend Veinott (4-4) a second chance.

“I’ve already been in the cage 18 minut, which is more fight time than a lot of guys who’ve been in four of five fights can say they’ve had,” Ryan said. “I’m completely confident now with the venue, ventilatorji. The only person I hear now is my coach.”

He doesn’t even hear Nicole, although little sister was so enamored with the environment as a spectator that she couldn’t wait to resume her own combat sports career.

“I always watched UFC and stuff like that,” she said. “I actually started boxing before Ryan even got into it.”

Nicole donned the gloves in high school after giving up softball. In sixth grade, she made a similar transition from basketball to wrestling after waiting for a ride home, watching one of Ryan’s grueling mat practices and deciding that it looked fun.

“It was weird at first. I didn’t want to touch the guys,” Nicole said. “Then you heard things like, ‘Oh, it’s just a girl.’ Often times the guys would be stronger, but I had good technique.”

Walker brings experience, in the form of a loss to Randi Beth Boyington, and a tough stand-up game.

Speaking with the typical subtlety of a big brother, Ryan said that Nicole “should be OK as long as she doesn’t get kicked in the head.”

He quickly noted that she has the poise and talent to enjoy a successful debut if she can shake off the requisite whirlwind of emotions.

“As long as she can put together everything she’s learned. You have to overcome the nerves and the adrenaline dump,” Ryan said. “I remember that from my debut. It stunk.”

Nicole said she would like to end the fight early but predicted that it probably will go the distance.

Her brother aims for his first stoppage and forecasts that his improved striking will catch Veinott and everyone else by surprise.

“Up until now, I was focused on school, just graduating in May, and trying to get my career started,” Ryan said. “I was working 40 hours a week for free as an internship and working 20 more hours on the weekend trying to make ends meet. Dustin is going to see a completely different fighter this time.”

Odprtje zvonec na Junij 18 je določen za 7 p.m. Trenutni paket vključuje pet profesionalnih boksarskih dvobojev, four pro MMA bouts and eight amateur MMA skirmishes. Vstopnice za “NEF 24: Obljubljena dežela «začetek ob $25 in so na voljo nawww.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009, podaljšanje 525.

Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."

O New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.


Lewiston, Maine (Junij 3, 2016) - To bo praznovanje vseh stvari Americana, ko se bo New England Fights (NEF) se v soboto vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin, Junij 18, 2016. Divja priljubljena borbena promocija bo oboževalcem znova omogočila celo noč mešanih borilnih veščin (MMA) in profesionalno boksarsko akcijo.


V glavnem primeru boksarskega dela borbene karte, Brandon “Cannon” Berry (11-1-1) bo branil naslov severovzhodne mladinske velter kategorije pred izzivalcem James “Bad City iz Motor Cityja” Lester (10-9-1). Oba sta se borila za neodločen izid sodnikov’ semaforji aprila lani v Lewistonu. Dogovorili so se, da bodo na tekmi revanširali z Berryjevim naslovom. Tokrat, vseeno, bo neparno število krogov (natančneje sedem) da bodo možnosti za še en neodločen izid zelo majhne.


Tudi na boksarskem delu karte, nekdanji prvak ZDA v srednji kategoriji New England Russell “Haitijska senzacija” Lamour (13-2) in Casey “Buzzsaw” Nerodno (4-0-1) iz boksarskega kluba Portland v Portlandu, Maine bosta oba debitirala v boksu NEF.


Videl bo profesionalni del kartice MMA Jesse “Viking” Erickson (6-5) vrnil se je v kletko po tretjem neuspešnem poskusu osvojitve lahkega naslova aprila lani. Ericksonu bodo njegovo delo izrezali v obliki vedno težkega dela Amos Collins (4-5) pri ulov 161 kilogramov.


Ericksonov soigralec, Matt “Ken Doll” Denning (3-2), bo ob srečanju videl tudi akcijo na profesionalni kartici MMA Brandon Bushaw (1-2) v peresno dvoboj.


Amaterska MMA karta bo naslovna v revanši naslova muhe kot Ryan Burgess (2-0) brani proti nekdanjemu prvaku, in športnik, od katerega je prevzel naslov, Dustin Veinott (4-4). Izguba Veinotta proti Burgessu lani jeseni z deljeno odločitvijo ustavila njegov niz zmag v štirih bojih.


Tudi na amaterski kartici bo 46 year-old Dr. Steve Bang, Sr. (1-1), bariatrični kirurg iz Auburna, Maine. V nenačrtovanem poklonu očetovskemu dnevu, na borbeni karti se mu bodo pridružili sinovi Steve Bang, Jr. (3-5),Shawn Bang (1-1), Skyler Bang (0-0) in rejniški sin Conner Murphy (1-0).


The “NEF 24” Boj kartice (se lahko spremenijo):



140*NASLOV Brandon Berry (11-1-1)(c) proti Jamesu Lesterju (10-9-1)

HWT Vinnie Carita (11-1-1) proti Franciscu Mirelesu (17-10)

190 Steve Collins, Jr. (7-0-1) proti Joseju Humbertu Corralu (19-21)

160 Russell Lamour (13-2) vs Roberto Valenzuela (69-71-2)

154 Casey Kramlich (4-0-1) vs Zenon Herrera (0-1)


250 Michael Hansen (4-4) proti Robertu Laroskemu (1-1)


170 CJ Vrč (1-0) proti Phil Roweu (1-2)

161 Jesse Erickson (6-5) proti Amosu Collinsu (4-5)


145 Matt Denning (3-2) proti Brandonu Bushawu (1-2)


Amaterski MMA


125*NASLOV Ryan Burgess (2-0)(c) proti Dustinu Veinottu (4-4)

170 Shawn Bang (1-1) proti Mikeu Bezansonu (1-0)

155 Steve Bang starejši. (1-1) proti Stacy Lupo (0-0)


155 Derek Daley (0-0) proti Johelu Stephensonu (0-0)


155 Steve Bang, Jr. (3-5) proti Dominicu Cofoneu (6-5)


145 Skyler Bang (0-0) Eddie DeRoche (0-0)


125 Conner Murphy (1-0) proti Justinu Withamu (1-4)


115 Alex Walker (0-1) proti Nicole Burgess (0-0)



NEF se vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin Bank v Lewistonu, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” Vstopnice za NEF 24 se začnejo šele ob $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na207.783.2009 x 525.


Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


Lewiston, Maine (Maj 27, 2016) – One of the past year’s most intense rivalries is about to be reignited. On Junij 18, 2016, when New England Fights (NEF) presents “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND” na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, former amateur mixed-martial-arts (MMA) flyweight champion Dustin Veinott (4-4) will have his chance to recapture the strap from Ryan Burgess (2-0). Burgess took the title from Veinott last fall at “NEF XX” in a very close split decision. The outcome on the judgesscorecards has been a topic of heavy debate amongst NEF fans ever since.


I have wanted this rematch since right after he took the title,” said Veinott. “I know I wasn’t at 100% when I fought him last time. Best believe I will have no distractions this time around. I also feel he disrespected the whole weight division. I will teach him to respect this division. I am here to prove that us 125ers might be small, but we are all tough guys that know how to fight!”


Last time me and Dustin met in the cage, we went to war,” recalled Burgess. “Expect nothing less than that in our rematch. Many people considered it a close split decision fight, and although I wasn’t able to utilize my ground striking as I had hoped, I don’t see how you can call it a close match when I was able to impose my will on him throughout the entire three rounds. I believe that he does deserve this rematch, čeprav, as he made the trip to Hyannis, Mass for the last event and was unfortunately not able to compete due to his opponent not making weight. Opponents in my weight class are hard to come by in this region and I believe of all the guys who are consistent with their weight cuts, Dustin deserves another shot.


The Hyannis, Massachusetts bout that Burgess refers to was to take place earlier this month between Veinott and Ryan “Razzle Dazzle” Kane (4-3). The match was cancelled at weigh-ins when Kane did not make the agreed-to catchweight.


I was very frustrated about Razzle Dazzle not making weight,” stated Veinott. “Especially after I gave him the extra four pounds that he asked for. Vendar, he disrespected me by not showing up on weightthat is why I didn’t take the fight.


Burgess, a member of Berserkers MMA in Rumford, Maine, is clear that he plans to finish the rematch with Veinott and not leave any room for controversy with another decision. He is not out to simply retain his title, but to also prove a pointthat he is the undisputed top amateur flyweight in Maine. And to do that, Burgess knows he has to put Veinott away definitively.


All I have to say to Dustin is ‘congrats, you got your rematch that you’ve been asking for.I hope you don’t expect the same fighter you got last timeyour fans may be disappointed at the end of the night. Tako kot June 18th, I will solidify myself as the top flyweight for NEF, as well as make a statement of the improvements I have been making outside of the cage. There will be no ‘fan controversyafter I finish this fight in the first or second round.


Veinott contends that he will be more focused this time around. A member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Veinott is confident in his ability to submit Burgess should Burgess, a three-time state wrestling champion out of Mountain Valley High School with 150 wins to his credit, take the fight to the mat.


The difference that I will make going into this fight is to have no distractions,” said Veinott. “I will make sure I am the most mentally prepared I have ever been. I feel I already have all the tools to beat him. I caught him in several submissions our last fight, and I know for a fact he doesn’t want to stand with me. He will be going for another wrestling match and I am fully prepared for that.


And while the coveted NEF MMA Amateur Flyweight Title may be on the line on Junij 18, both Veinott and Burgess are looking to finish their rivalry once and for all.


Find your seats early folks ’cause this one will be a quick thriller,” said Burgess in closing. “Our last bout I had a game plan to grind out a decision victory. A finish will go in the books after this fight.


The one thing Ryan should know is not to think this fight will be the same as the first one,” Veinott stated emphatically. “I will leave everything in the cage. You will see a different fighter, and I will come out victorious. It is time to release the beast!”


NEF se vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin Bank v Lewistonu, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” Vstopnice za NEF 24 se začnejo šele ob $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009 x 525.


Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

The Optimizacija učinkovitosti NASLOV JE NA VRSTI NA NEF XX

Lewiston, Maine (September 28, 2015) - New England Fights (NEF), Ameriški številka ena regionalna promocija boj, bo imela svoj naslednji dogodek, “NEF XX: ZGODOVINA NASILJA” na Sobota, November 21, 2015 na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – mešane borilne veščine- (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. Že danes, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur flyweight bout to the MMA portion of the fight card. Dustin Veinott (4-3) bo branil NEF MMA Amateur Optimizacija učinkovitosti prvenstvo proti Ryan Burgess(1-0).


Dustin Veinott je bilo dobrega počutja zgodba 2015 in NEF. After going 0-3 da začnete svojo amatersko kariero, Veinott šel na štirih boj win streak zaključnim sklepa split zmago nad Norman Fox (4-2) this past June to claim the inaugural flyweight title. Veinott is a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) v Lewiston, Maine. He predicts a finish over Burgess on November 21.


“V čast mi je, da boj mlada gor in prišlec kot Burgess,” je dejal aktualni prvak. “He looked like he had solid wrestling in his last fight with Witham. Vendar, Sem razočaran, v mojem zadnjem boju. Fight fans will want to see this one. I will get the finish.


Ryan Burgess je, prav zares, an accomplished wrestler. A veteran of the Mountain Valley High School (MVHS) wrestling program Rumford, Maine, Burgess chalked up neverjetno 150 wins and captured three state titles. Kasneje, je nadaljeval wrestling kariero na Plymouth State University v Plymouth, New Hampshire. Burgess joined Berserkers MMA along with other MVHS wrestling alumni and won his amateur MMA debut this past June.


“Dustin ima veliko izkušenj v kletki in je moral zaslužiti svoje mesto na vrhu, but he has yet to fight someone at flyweight with the same skill set and intensity that I bring to the cage,” Said Burgess. “I’m very excited for this opportunity and it will be a great chance to show how much I have improved over the last six months.


It’s not very often that you witness a fighter with a 1-0 Zapis boj za naslov, but Burgess brings with him a lifetime of competitive wrestling and training,” dejal NEF solastnik in Provodadžija Matt Peterson. “He was so good at Mountain Valley High School that they retired his singlet when he graduated. Veinott has found his groove and really come into his own as a champion fighter. This is a bout between two guys with a ton of drive and determination, and I can’t wait to watch to see who strikes first in this fight.


New England Fights’ Naslednji dogodek, “NEF XX: ZGODOVINA NASILJA,” poteka November 21, 2015 na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Vstopnice za “NEF XX” začeti na samo $25 in so v prodaji zdajwww.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009 x 525. Za več informacij o posodobitvah dogodkov in boj kartic, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

Optimizacija učinkovitosti NASLOV ELIMINATOR dodan NEF XIX FIGHT CARD

Lewiston, Maine (Julij 9, 2015) - New England Fights (NEF), Ameriški številka ena regionalna promocija boj, bo imel svoje devetnajstega mešane borilne-umetnost (MMA) Dogodek, “NEF XIX,” na Sobota, September 12, 2015 na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine. Že danes, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur flyweight bout to the fight card. “Hrustljavo” Mike Crespo (3-2) je načrtovano, da se soočajo Ryan “Gordo” Burgess(1-0) pri teži, boj za 125 funtov. The bout will be a title eliminator for a future shot at the NEF MMA Amateur Flyweight Championship currently held by Dustin Veinott (4-3).


Crespo je član MMA Athletix v Bath, Maine, kjer je navodilo v brazilski Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). He is also a member of Victory Church, nahaja v Bath, kot tudi, which is the ministry affiliated with the MMA Athletix gym. After getting off to a 2-0 začetek leta 2014, Crespo je bil nominiran za “Rookie of the Year” Nagrado. He dropped two in a row to start 2015, ampak vrnil z impresivno zmago nad Caleb Costello (2-4) prejšnji mesec na “NEF XVIII.”


“Jaz sem navdušena, da je v kletki znova,” said Crespo. “Na žalost, there’s nothing I can say about Ryan Burgess, except that he’s another wrestler. I know he won’t stand with me, like most of the wrestler and Jiu Jitsu-based fighters I have gone against so far. If he does stand with me, velika – but I doubt he will. If he chooses to go to the ground with me, even better. I am prepared and definitely have the mindset. I wish my opponent the best, vendar naj Dustina (Veinott, 125-pound title holder) know I’m coming for him very soon.


Ryan "Gordo" Burgess, rodu iz Mehike, Maine, je 2011 graduate of Mountain Valley High School where he was a three-time state wrestling champion and one of the most winning wrestlers in Mountain Valley’s history under coach Gary Dolloff. Burgess made his MMA debut last month at “NEF XVIII” v Lewiston. Tisto noč, je premagal bolj izkušeno Justin Witham (0-3) po soglasnem sklepu.


Crespo is an experienced fighter with a different style than most fighters in this division,” Said Burgess, “and I can’t wait to step in the cage and put on a show with another hungry opponent. Ljubim ta šport, in ne morem čakati, da vidim, kaj ima, da mi ponudijo kot pot I do amaterskega prvenstva boju.”


New England Fights’ Naslednji dogodek, “NEF XIX,” poteka Sobota, September 12, 2015 na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine. Vstopnice za “NEF XIX” začeti na samo $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009 x 525. Za več informacij o posodobitvah dogodkov in boj kartic, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.