Tag Archives: Robert Dunton

Ondoren 31 Bigarren knockout, Dawejko looks forward to ShoBox date with Visinia on August 28

Philadelphia, PA (Abuztua 18, 2015)– Abuztuan On 7 Ballys Atlantic City at, Joey Dawejko Robert Dunton lana azkar egin melodia 31 bigarren-1 zulatu ETEN orain Philadelphia heavyweight baten itxura eta Abuztua 28 Lagun on Showdown Elders Visine 8-errondak programatuta bout batean The D Las Vegas. The bout will be televised live on ShoBox: Belaunaldi berriak.
Just egun Dunton irabazi ondoren, Dawejko Entrenatzaile Buddy McGirt eta entrenatzaile laguntzaile Greg Hackett dituzten hegazkin batean boarded eta eskuinera itzuli nintzen prestatze hasteko Visinia borroka alde lan egiteko.
“Besterik Joey eskuratu borroka horretan hartu genuen atzera irabazi gogoaren marko batean. After the fight with Amir Mansour, Buddy hasi zuzenduz joan borrokaldi hartan oker. The Mansour fight was the first fight with Buddy and by the time August 28 inguruan dator, Joey eta Buddy izango da, funtsean dira lan egiteko 10 aste zuzen. I believe that the familiarity will produce the results that we are looking for,” esan Dawejko manager Mark Cipparone Club 1957 Kudeaketa.
“Hau Joey aldeko borroka oso garrantzitsua da. He knows that this is the next opportunity to prove that he is a top Heavyweight contender on national television. It is also important because he is a promotional free agent and we have a couple of nice deals already presented to us and a good win over a tough opponent in Natu is another way to showcase himself to all those who are interested.
Joey Dawejko
Joey Dawejko