Tag Archives: Prsten Magazin

MIGUEL COTTO stigne u Los Angelesu za trening kamp S trenerom Freddie Roach NA wild card boks klub za NOV. 21 HBO platiti po POGLED showdown PROTIV CANELO Alvarez


Photo Credit: Hector Santos Guia / Roc Nation Sports / Miguel Cotto Promocije, LLC


Video kreditne: Tim Cotto / Roc Nation Sport


LOS ANGELES (Rujan 30, 2015) – Vladajuće WBC, Prsten Magazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos) stigao je u Los Angeles kako bi se početi trening kamp na Wild Card boks klub s trenerom Freddie Roach ispred svog Subota, Studeni. 21obračun protiv bivšeg WBC i WBA super velter svjetski prvak Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos) koji će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View iz Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegas.


U nastavku je ono Cotto i Roach imao za reći o početku kampa:


MIGUEL COTTO: WBC, Prsten Magazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak

"Ja sam više nego spreman da se na posao, a ja potpuno uvjeren da je plan Freddie Roach je na mjestu za naš tim će osigurati da sam spreman za zaključavanje u ovoj pobjedi na Studeni 21."

FREDDIE Roach: Hall of Fame trener, Sedam Vrijeme Trener of the Year Award Winner i trener Miguel cotto


"Energija u Wild Card je na sve-vrijeme visoke. Miguel je jedan od najtežih radnih ljudi koje znam i nije gubio vrijeme uzimajući u ring sa mnom. Znam da imamo alate trebamo za uspješan trening kamp koji će staviti Miguel u najboljem položaju moguće da tuku Canelo. "



Preostali ulaznice se mogu kupiti u Mandalay Bay kinima, ticketmaster.com,mandalaybay.com, sve Ticketmaster mjesta ili pozivom (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a i WBC Prsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo, odvija Subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu. Borba je prikazan ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra; Meksiko, Uživo ga Vjerovali!; O'Reilly Auto dijelovi, Tequila Cazadores i Corporate Travel Management Solutions (CTMS). Događaj će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u9:00 poslije podne. I/6:00 poslije podne. PT. Slijedite razgovor pomoću #CottoCanelo.


COTTO VS. CANELO će se održati Subota, Studeni 21 U Mandalay Bay DOGAĐANJA CENTER u Las Vegasu
Predstavljen uživo HBO pay-per-view®

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos
Photo Credit: Tom Hogan Fotografije / Roc Nation Sport / Golden Boy Promotions

Kliknite OVDJE videozapisa

Video kreditne: RingTV uživo

BAYAMON, PUERTO RICO (Sedam. 1, 2015) - Zatvaranja petodnevni, četiri grada međunarodne press turneje koja je već napravio zaustavlja u Los Angelesu, Mexico City i New York, WBC,Prsten Magazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos) i bivši dvostruki svjetski prvak super velter Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos) domaćin press konferenciju u petak, Kolovoz. 28 pred publikom u rodnom gradu Cotto rodnom Puerto Ricu. Stotine pripadnika medija i tisuće vrištanje obožavatelja ispunjen Coliseo Rubén Rodríguez vidjeti cotto i Canelo i njihovih timova unatoč području pogodio tropske oluje Erika noć prije.


Na konferenciji Publika je bila oduševljena jer su borci napravili svoj ulaz impresivan pirotehničke zaslonu. The excitement in the crowd continued as both fighters faced off and spoke about their upcoming 12-round fight for Cotto’s WBC and Prsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo, koji se odvija Subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu. Dodatno, Jose "Chepo" Reynoso, menadžer i trener za Canelo Alvarez, serenaded zapjeva s a capella izvedbom u omiljene portorikanski napjev "Que Bonito Puerto Rico,"U znak poštovanja prema fanovima u publici.

Konferencija za novinare zaustavljanje u BAYAMON, Puerto Rico capped a busy week for Teams Cotto and Canelo. By the end of the week, Cotto i Canelo posjetio četiri grada u dvije zemlje, rasponu četiri vremenske zone, putujući 9,500 miles and encountering thousands of screaming fans in five days. Wherever they went, navijači i mediji su glasine o očekivanom obračun između cotto i Canelo, s mnogim izradu ranim predviđanjima da Studeni. 21 srednjoj Prvenstvo će biti okrunjen 'Borba godine. "


Obje borci su sada tarifni off na njihovim trening kampovima u Los Angelesu na Wild Card put za Miguel cotto i San Diego, Kalif. za Canelo Alvarez da se pripreme za njihovu epski obračun na Studeni. 21.


U nastavku su fotografije ističe iz četiri grada međunarodne cotto vs. Canelo pritisnite turneju. Za potpuni cotto vs. Canelo pritisnite Galerija slika Turneja, klik OVDJE.




Macintosh HD:Korisnici:Kristen:Radna površina:CottoCaneloLAPC_Hoganphotos11.jpg

IZNAD: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (drugi s lijeva) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (pravo) pose on August 24, 2015 u Los Angelesu, nakon konferencije za novinare na kick off njihove četiri grada međunarodni press turneju.

"Svijet se govori o ovoj borbi. Bogata povijest između Meksika i Puerto Rico čini ovaj uistinu uzbudljivo,"Zlatni Dječak Promocije predsjednik i izvršni direktor Oscar De La Hoya kol. 24 U Los Angelesu.

Meksikositi, MEKSIKO kol. 25:

Macintosh HD:Korisnici:Kristen:Radna površina:Mexico City_01.jpeg

IZNAD: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (left) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (pravo) pose on August 25, 2015 in Mexico City at a press conference to announce their world title fight on Studeni 21, 2015 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu, Nevada, koji će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View.


"Ja sam vrlo zahvalan da sam uvijek sam ovdje dobrodošla u Meksiku i pokazali veliko poštovanje. Podrška Meksikanaca je bez premca. To je čast boriti Miguel Cotto,", Rekao jeBivši dvostruki svjetski prvak super velter Canelo Alvarez kol. 25 u Mexico Cityju.


Macintosh HD:Korisnici:Kristen:Radna površina:CottoCaneloNYPC_Hoganphotos2.jpg

IZNAD: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (left) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (pravo) suočiti na početku njihove New Yorku konferenciji za novinare promovirati svoj nadolazeći HBO Pay Per View boriti na Studeni. 21 U Las Vegasu.

"Ovo je utakmica od epskih proporcija, can't-propustiti akcije stilova i strastveni obožavatelji baze, kao što je vidljivo po mnoštvu danas ovdje,"Rekao je Roc Nation predsjednik i glavni marke i strategija Michael Yormark kol. 26 u New Yorku.



IZNAD: WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj svjetski prvak Miguel Cotto (Centar napustili) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (Centar pravu) pose on August 28, 2015 u Bayamizn, Puerto Rico at a press conference to announce their Studeni 21, 2015 world championship fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, proizvodi i distribuira uživo HBO Pay-Per-View.

"Ja ću dobiti ovu pobjedu za sve Puerto Ricans diljem svijeta,", Rekao je WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj svjetski prvak Miguel Cotto kol. 28 u Špinatizn, Portoriko.

Sa sedam svjetskih naslova među njima, impresivne biografije i visoke razine popularnosti u svojim matičnim zemljama, Cotto vs. Canelo je oblikovanje do biti najveći borba u boksu ove godine, a najveći borba u povijesti slavnog Portoriko vs. Meksiko suparništvo.

Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a i WBC Prsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo, odvija Subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu. Borba je prikazan ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra; Meksiko, Uživo ga Vjerovali!; O'Reilly Auto dijelovi i Tequila Cazadores. Cotto vs. Canelo pritisnite turneje pod pokroviteljstvom JetSmarter. Događaj će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u9:00 poslije podne. I/6:00 poslije podne. PT. Slijedite razgovor pomoću #CottoCanelo.

Kliknite OVDJE pristupiti Cotto vs. Canelo elektronski press kit pomoću lozinke "CottovsCanelo".


Za više informacija, posjet www.rocnation.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.canelopromotions.com.mx www.hbo.com/boxing awww.mandalaybay.com; pratiti na Twitter naRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, iMandalayBay; Postanite fan na Facebook-u www.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/RealMiguelACotto, www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxinga www.facebook.com/MandalayBay; i pratiti na Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing IMandalayBay. Slijedite razgovor pomoću #CottoCanelo.


Kliknite OVDJE for Photos

Photo Credit: Gene Belvins-HoganPhotos / Roc Nation Sport / Golden Boy Promotions


NEW YORK CITY (Kolovoz 27, 2015) – Vladajuće WBC, Prsten Magazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos) i bivši WBC i WBA super velter svjetski prvak Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos) pozdravio stotine pjevajući navijačima što su bili domaćini na tiskovnoj konferenciji u New Yorku u srijedu, Kolovoz 26 kao dio svoje međunarodne četiri grada press turneje uoči njihovog visoko predviđa prvenstvo obračun u studenom.


Sljedeći mega-borba u katom Portoriko vs. Meksiko boks suparništvo će se održati Subota, Studeni. 21 na Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegas te će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View. U New Yorku za novinare održanoj u Wyndham New Yorker Hotel konferencije, Kuhan, prvi rodom iz Portorika postati svjetski prvak u četiri različite težinske kategorije, i Meksički zvijezda Alvarez su se pridružili njihovi promotori i trenera kako bi razgovarali o tome što obećava da će biti ovogodišnji najviše epska bitka.


Ulaznice za mega borbe su na prodaju sada i po cijeni $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 a $150, ne uključujući odgovarajuće naknade za usluge, a mogu se kupiti na Mandalay Bay kinima, ticketmaster.com, mandalaybay.com, sve Ticketmaster mjesta ili pozivom (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


U nastavku je ono što su njihovi borci i timovi imali za reći:


MIGUEL COTTO: WBC, Prsten Magazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak

"Imam samo jednu stvar na umu, a to je pobjeda na Studeni 21.


"Ja ću dobiti ovu pobjedu za sve Puerto Ricans širom svijeta."


Canelo Alvarez: Bivši WBC i WBA super velter svjetski prvak


"Boks svijet treba boriti ovako. Ja sam planirao biti spremne dati fanovima koji sprječavaju.


"Za mene, to je velika čast za borbu protiv nekoga kao što je Miguel cotto, koji je sve to učinio.


"Da bi povijest, morate se boriti i pobijediti borce kao što su Miguel cotto i želim ući u povijest. Idem pripremiti kao nikad prije, tako da ja mogu pobijediti ovu borbu. "



MICHAEL YORMARK: Predsjednik i glavni marke & Strategija, Roc Nation


"Danas smo premjestiti jedan korak bliže na našem putu prema povijesnom noći.


"Ovo je utakmica od epskih proporcija, can't-propustiti akcije stilova i strastveni obožavatelji baze, kao što je vidljivo po mnoštvu danas ovdje. "



Oscar de la HOYA: Predsjednik i glavni izvršni direktor, Golden Boy Promotions


"Ovo je najiščekivanijih borbi u posljednjih nekoliko godina. Uz ovu razinu strasti i uzbuđenja, Cotto vs. Canelo će živjeti do očekivanja.


"Kada imate meksički i portorikanski unutar prstena, ćete dobiti eksploziju. Obožavatelji će dobiti pravu borbu. "



FREDDIE Roach: Hall of Fame trener, Sedam Vrijeme Trener of the Year Award Winner i trener Miguel cotto


"Ja sam ponosan na sve što je učinio Miguel. Ne propustite ovu borbu. To će biti najveći od svih. "



EDDY REYNOSO: Voditelj Trener od Canelo Alvarez:


"Kada govorimo o Meksiku i Puerto Ricu, oni su proizveli više od 200 prvak borci svaki. Miguel Cotto je veliki prvak i jedan od najvećih boraca u povijesti boksa. Canelo je brzo krenuo na tom putu. Hvala svim meksičkim i portorikanski navijača za vašu podršku danas. "



HECTOR SOTO: Zamjenik predsjednika, Miguel Cotto Promocije


"Ovo je velika borba, borba za godine Meksiku odnosu Puerto Rico. Tu će biti ples, ne grle i ne svira. To će biti pravi borba, the borba, studenog 21st."



Reynoso CHEPO: Voditelj i trener od Canelo Alvarez

"Postoje tri mjeseca do borbe. Sa svim tim fanovima ovdje, možete osjetiti toplinu i strast. To mi daje guska bumps-.


"To je sjajno vidjeti sve te različiti ljudi iz različitih zemalja navijali za svoje borce.


"Za sve moje meksičke braće, studenog 21st mi ćemo pobijediti i mi ćemo slaviti. "

BERNARD HOPKINS: Budućnost eve Kuće slavnih i Golden Boy Promotions Partner

"Od svih naslova u boksu, WBC je kum naslova za pobjedu.


"To je the srednjoj borba. Složili su za klepetanje i to je ono što je bitno. Pobjednik će ići na drugoj razini u karijeri, a to je važno za vaše nasljeđe. "



MARK TAFFET: Senior Vice President, HBO Pay-Per-View


"Cotto vs. Canelo je da rijetko mega-borba da se kao uzbudljiv kao što je predviđeno.


"Ovo je uistinu pay-per-view borba. To je istina da je borba je vrijedan vaše vrijeme i novac. "



MAURICIO Sulejman: Predsjednik World Boxing vijeća


"Meksiko i Portoriko će nam dati jednu od najvećih borbi u studenom 21st. Neka najbolji borac pobijediti. "



Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a i WBC Prsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo, odvija Subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu. Borba je prikazan ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra; Meksiko, Uživo ga Vjerovali!; O'Reilly Auto dijelovi i Tequila Cazadores. Cotto vs. Canelo pritisnite turneje pod pokroviteljstvom JetSmarter. Događaj će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u 9:00 poslije podne. I/6:00 poslije podne. PT. Slijedite razgovor pomoću #CottoCanelo.

Kliknite OVDJE pristupiti Cotto vs. Canelo elektronski press kit pomoću lozinke "CottovsCanelo".

MIGUEL Cotto I CANELO ALVAREZ LOS ANGELES konferenciji za novinare FOTOGRAFIJE & Navodnici


Kliknite OVDJE for Photos

Photo Credit: Gene Belvins-HoganPhotos / Roc Nation Sport / Golden Boy Promotions

Pogledajte Puno Press konferencija ovdje: https://youtu.be/DZq2QJLoc3c

Ulaznice u prodaji danas 10 a.m. PT!


LOS ANGELES (Kolovoz 25, 2015) - Aktualni WBC, Prsten Magazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak, Miguel Cotto, i bivši WBC i WBA super velter svjetski prvak Canelo Alvarez, pokrenuli četiri grada press turneju jučer u Los Angelesu, u Hollywood i Highland Center ispred svojih visoko predviđa prvenstvo obračun. Borba će se održati Subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu, a bit će proizvedena i distribuirana uživo HBO Pay-Per-View. Na jučerašnjem događaju, Kuhan, prvi rodom iz Portorika postati svjetski prvak u četiri različite težinske kategorije, , i Meksički Superstar Alvarez su se pridružili njihovi promotori i stotine dizane-up, skandirali navijačima.


Ulaznice za mega borba će ići na prodaju danas, na 10:00 a.m. PT, najavljeno je na licu mjesta, a po cijeni $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 a $150, ne uključujući odgovarajuće naknade za usluge, a mogu se kupiti na Mandalay Bay kinima, ticketmaster.com, mandalaybay.com, sve Ticketmaster mjesta ili pozivom (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


U nastavku je ono što su njihovi borci i timovi imali za reći.


MIGUEL COTTO: WBC, Prsten Magazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak:

"Ja stvarno ne briga što kritičari kažu. Ja sam spreman dati Canelo borbu studenog 21sti to je sve što je bitno.


"Nisam ovdje tražeći suosjećanje. Znam tko sam i ovdje sam da je Miguel Cotto studenog 21st i dati fanovima dobru borbu.


"Imam moj pogled na moju karijeru, a ovo je najbolji borba za moju karijeru upravo sada, tako da sam spreman učiniti ono što treba učiniti da se na vrhu. "



Canelo Alvarez: Bivši WBC & WBA super velter svjetski prvak:

"Želim da ovo bude povijesni borba. Počašćen sam se borila pravi ratnik.


"To je čast i ja ću pripremiti jako dobro jer želim pobijediti ovu borbu.


"Postoji velika povijest između Meksika i Puerto Rico, a to će biti povijesna borba, još jedan za storybooks. I have a lot of pride to be fighting for my country. To će biti velika borba.


"Ja sam discipliniran borac i discipliniran čovjek i mislim da s tom vrstom pogona ću biti u mogućnosti postići puno.


"Ne sviđa mi se predvidjeti knockouts, ali ja ću biti spreman za ovu borbu. Ja ću biti dobro pripremljeni.


"Ja sam jači, zreliji borac. Za mene, je pravo vrijeme za to. "



MICHAEL YORMARK: Predsjednik i glavni marke & Strategija, Roc Nation:


"Ovo je borba da se fanovi žele. Studenog 21st ćemo imati 'borbu godine. "


"Roc Nation i Golden Boy dijele strast za stvaranje najveće borbe u povijesti. Želimo dati boks fanovima ono što zaslužuju: show epskih razmjera. "



Oscar de la HOYA: Predsjednik i izvršni direktor Golden Boy Promotions:


"Boks obožavatelji diljem svijeta čekaju borbu. Nije tajna da su ljudi razočarani svibnja 2ND. Globalna borba zajednica će reignited ovim borbi.


"To će biti jedna od najuzbudljivijih utakmica up. Ako sam morao povezati to jedan od mojih vlastitih borbe, Ja bih rekao da je to kao moj borbi s [Fernando] Vargas. Ista energija i strast će biti vidljivo ovdje.


"Canelo ne želi dokazati ništa ovdje. On samo želi srušiti Cotto iz.


"Svijet se govori o ovoj borbi. Bogata povijest između Meksika i Puerto Rico čini ovaj uistinu uzbudljivo. "



FREDDIE Roach: Hall of Fame trener, Sedam Vrijeme Trener of the Year Award Winner i trener Miguel cotto:


"Imamo težak pripremu ispred nas, ali mi ćemo biti spremni i Cotto će pobijediti nokautom. "



EDDY REYNOSO: Voditelj Trener od Canelo Alvarez:


"Kada govorimo o povijesti, ova borba će biti naveden kao jedan od velikih borbi i ove dvije borci će se spominje kao dva velikana.


"Canelo je borac s puno discipline i puno srca."



HECTOR SOTO: Potpredsjednik Miguel Cotto Promocije:


"To nije super boriti više, to je super događaj!


"Ovo je pravi klasik borba. Portoriko vs. Meksiko i studenog 21st, Cotto će Canelo u školu!"



Reynoso CHEPO: Voditelj i trener od Canelo Alavrez:


"Dva ratnici će biti u ringu studenog 21st a publika će dobiti rat. Pobjednik će biti Meksiko. "


MARK TAFFETT: Viši potpredsjednik HBO Pay-Per-View:


"Ovo je borba da ćemo svi biti pričaju u godinama koje dolaze."



MAURICIO VEZ, Pstanovnik World Boxing vijeća:


“When there is a Puerto Rican in the ring it’s guaranteed to be something exciting.It will be no different here.


"Vjerujem Canelo je naporno radio kako bi dobili, gdje je on. On je vrlo popularan. He signs autographs. On je vrlo dobro izgleda, ali ako mu se u ring, on je stroj.


"Kada je Meksiko vs. Portoriko, znate krv će biti kipuće iu ringu iu gužvi. "



Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a i WBC Prsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo, odvija Subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu. Borba je prikazan ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra; Meksiko, Uživo ga Vjerovali!; O'Reilly Auto dijelovi i Tequila Cazadores. Cotto vs. Canelo pritisnite turneje pod pokroviteljstvom JetSmarter. Događaj će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u 9:00 poslije podne. I/6:00 poslije podne. PT. Slijedite razgovor pomoću #CottoCanelo.

ULAZNICE ZA MIGUEL Cotto VS. CANELO ALVAREZ ići na prodaju utorak, Kolovoz 25 AT 10:00 AM PT


WBC srednjoj svjetski prvak MIGUEL COTTO I

BIVŠI dva puta svjetski prvak CANELO ALVAREZ

SET ZA dugoočekivanom MEGA-BORBI

Subota, Studeni 21 IZ

Predstavljen uživo HBO pay-per-view®

LOS ANGELES (Kolovoz 24, 2015) - Ulaznice za visoko predviđa obračun između WBC i Prsten Magazin srednjoj svjetski prvak Miguel Cotto i bivši dvostruki svjetski prvak super velter Canelo Alvarez će ići na prodaju sutra, Utorak, Kolovoz. 25 na 10:00 a.m. PT.

Ulaznice se po cijeni od $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 a $150, ne uključujući odgovarajuće naknade za usluge, a mogu se kupiti na Mandalay Bay kinima, ticketmaster.com,mandalaybay.com, sve Ticketmaster mjesta ili pozivom (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Borba obećava gužva-ugodan, visokog intenziteta djelovanje između dviju moćnih boraca natječu u nagrada koje njihove karijere, oba od kojih dolaze off impresivan, dominiraju nastupi u svojim najnovijim borbama. Sa sedam svjetskih naslova među njima, impresivne biografije i visoke razine popularnosti u svojim matičnim zemljama, Cotto vs. Canelo je oblikovanje do biti najveći borba u boksu ove godine, a najveći borba u povijesti slavnog Portoriko vs. Meksiko suparništvo.


Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a i WBC Prsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo, odvija Subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu. Borba je prikazan ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra; Meksiko, Uživo ga Vjerovali!; O'Reilly Auto dijelovi i Tequila Cazadores. Cotto vs. Canelo pritisnite turneje pod pokroviteljstvom JetSmarter. Događaj će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u 9:00 poslije podne. I/6:00 poslije podne. PT. Slijedite razgovor pomoću #CottoCanelo.

Kliknite OVDJE pristupiti Cotto vs. Canelo elektronski press kit pomoću lozinke "CottovsCanelo".


Za više informacija, posjet www.rocnation.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.canelopromotions.com.mx www.hbo.com/boxing awww.mandalaybay.com; pratiti na Twitter naRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, iMandalayBay; Postanite fan na Facebook-u www.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/RealMiguelACotto, www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxinga www.facebook.com/MandalayBay; i pratiti na Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing IMandalayBay. Slijedite razgovor pomoću #CottoCanelo.

SAVE datume! MIGUEL COTTO I CANELO ALVAREZ ukrcati na četiri-GRAD INTERNATIONAL PRESS TOUR sljedeći tjedan! PRESS Ruta završava UKLJUČUJE LOS ANGELES, Meksikositi, New York i CAGUAS, Portoriko PRESS konferencije su otvorene za javnost! FANS DOBRODOŠLI! LOS ANGELES (Kolovoz. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos), vladajući WBC, Prsten Magazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak i prvi rodom iz Puerto Rico postati svjetski prvak u četiri različite težinske kategorije, i Meksički zvijezda Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos), Bivši WBC i WBA super velter svjetski prvak, će započeti međunarodni press turneju u ponedjeljak, Kolovoz. 24 ispred svog 12-okruglog obračun za WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu u subotu, Studeni. 21. Cotto vs. Canelo je predstavljen ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i bit će proizvedena i distribuirana uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. PT. Turneja će započeti u Los Angelesu u ponedjeljak, Kolovoz. 24; nastavit će se u Mexico Cityju u utorak, Kolovoz. 25; New York City je u srijedu, Kolovoz. 26 i zaključiti u CAGUAS, Portoriko je u četvrtak, Kolovoz. 27. Daljnje pojedinosti o svim Ruta završava uskoro će biti objavljen. Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj Svjetskom prvenstvu, odvija subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu. Borba je prikazan ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra; Meksiko, Uživo ga Vjerovali!; O'Reilly Auto dijelovi i Tequila Cazadores. Događaj će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. PT




PRESS konferencije su otvorene za javnost! FANS DOBRODOŠLI!

LOS ANGELES (Kolovoz. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos), vladajući WBC, PrstenMagazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak i prvi rodom iz Puerto Rico postati svjetski prvak u četiri različite težinske kategorije, i Meksički zvijezda Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos), Bivši WBC i WBA super velter svjetski prvak, će započeti međunarodni press turneju na Ponedjeljak, Kolovoz. 24 ispred svog 12-okruglog obračun za WBC a Prsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu Subota, Studeni. 21.

Cotto vs. Canelo je predstavljen ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i bit će proizvedena i distribuirana uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u 9:00 poslije podne. I/6:00 poslije podne. PT.


Turneja će započeti u Los Angelesu Ponedjeljak, Kolovoz. 24; nastavit će se u Mexico CityUtorak, Kolovoz. 25; New York na Srijeda, Kolovoz. 26 i zaključiti u CAGUAS, Portoriko na Četvrtak, Kolovoz. 27.


Daljnje pojedinosti o svim Ruta završava uskoro će biti objavljen.


Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a i WBC Prsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo, odvija subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu. Borba je prikazan ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra; Meksiko, Uživo ga Vjerovali!; O'Reilly Auto dijelovi i Tequila Cazadores. Događaj će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. PT.



PRESS konferencije su otvorene za javnost! FANS DOBRODOŠLI!

LOS ANGELES (Kolovoz. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos), vladajući WBC, PrstenMagazin i Lineal srednjoj svjetski prvak i prvi rodom iz Puerto Rico postati svjetski prvak u četiri različite težinske kategorije, i Meksički zvijezda Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos), Bivši WBC i WBA super velter svjetski prvak, će započeti međunarodni press turneju na Ponedjeljak, Kolovoz. 24 ispred svog 12-okruglog obračun za WBC aPrsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu Subota, Studeni. 21.

Cotto vs. Canelo je predstavljen ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i bit će proizvedena i distribuirana uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u 9:00 poslije podne. I/6:00 poslije podne. PT.


Turneja će započeti u Los Angelesu Ponedjeljak, Kolovoz. 24; nastavit će se u Mexico CityUtorak, Kolovoz. 25; New York na Srijeda, Kolovoz. 26 i zaključiti u CAGUAS, Portoriko na Četvrtak, Kolovoz. 27.


Daljnje pojedinosti o svim Ruta završava uskoro će biti objavljen.


Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a i WBC Prsten Magazin srednjoj Svjetsko prvenstvo, odvija subota, Studeni. 21 u Mandalay Bay Events Center u Las Vegasu. Borba je prikazan ROC Nation Sport, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promocije i Canelo Promocije i pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra; Meksiko, Uživo ga Vjerovali!; O'Reilly Auto dijelovi i Tequila Cazadores. Događaj će se proizvoditi i distribuirati uživo HBO Pay-Per-View početkom u 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. PT.

Fotografije: Miguel Cotto vs Daniel Geale & Undercard vaganju za njihovu lipnja 6, 2015 boriti se na HBO +

WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj svjetski prvak Miguel Cotto (left) i bivši dvostruki svjetski prvak Daniel Geale (pravo) predstavljati lipnja 5, 2015 u Brooklynu, New York na vaganju za lipanj 6, 2015 Naslov Svijet Borba na Barclays Center u Brooklynu, koji će biti na televiziji uživo na HBO. (FOTO KREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sport / Miguel Cotto Promocije)
WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj svjetski prvak Miguel Cotto (left) i bivši dvostruki svjetski prvak Daniel Geale (pravo) predstavljati lipnja 5, 2015 u Brooklynu, New York na vaganju za lipanj 6, 2015 Naslov Svijet Borba na Barclays Center u Brooklynu, koji će biti na televiziji uživo na HBO. (FOTO KREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sport / Miguel Cotto Promocije)
WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj svjetski prvak Miguel Cotto (left) i bivši dvostruki svjetski prvak Daniel Geale (pravo) predstavljati lipnja 5, 2015 u Brooklynu, New York na vaganju za lipanj 6, 2015 Naslov Svijet Borba na Barclays Center u Brooklynu, koji će biti na televiziji uživo na HBO. (FOTO KREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sport / Miguel Cotto Promocije)
Neporaženi velter izglede Dustin Fletcher (left) Karim Miller (pravo) predstavljati lipnja 5, 2015 u Brooklynu, New York na vaganju za njihovu lipnja 6, 2015 boriti na Barclays Center u Brooklynu. (FOTO KREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sport / Miguel Cotto Promocije)
Neporažen junior lagan izglede Jose Lopez (left) Angel Luna (pravo) predstavljati lipnja 5, 2015 u Brooklynu, New York na vaganju za njihovu lipnja 6, 2015 boriti na Barclays Center u Brooklynu. (FOTO KREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sport / Miguel Cotto Promocije)
Neporaženi teškoj svjetlo izglede Junior Younan (left) i Mike Sawyer (pravo) predstavljati lipnja 5, 2015 u Brooklynu, New York na vaganju za njihovu lipnja 6, 2015 boriti na Barclays Center u Brooklynu. (FOTO KREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sport / Miguel Cotto Promocije)
Junior pero izglede Shawn Simpson (left) i Damon Simon (pravo) predstavljati lipnja 5, 2015 u Brooklynu, New York na vaganju za njihovu lipnja 6, 2015 boriti na Barclays Center u Brooklynu. (FOTO KREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sport / Miguel Cotto Promocije)
Bivši svjetski prvak Wilfredo Vazquez (left) Fernando Vargas (pravo) predstavljati lipnja 5, 2015 u Brooklynu, New York na vaganju za njihovu lipnja 6, 2015 boriti na Barclays Center u Brooklynu. (FOTO KREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sport / Miguel Cotto Promocije)
Neporaženi teškoj izglede Zhang Zhilei (Pravo) Glen Thomas (Lijevo) predstavljati lipnja 5, 2015 u Brooklynu, New York na vaganju za njihovu lipnja 6, 2015 boriti na Barclays Center u Brooklynu. (FOTO KREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sport / Miguel Cotto Promocije)

6-6-15 HBO WCB Bout list





NEW YORK (Lipanj 2, 2015) Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions hosted the final press conference for the June 6 showdown between WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale on Tuesday, Lipanj 2 na B.B. King Blues Club & Grill in New York City. Along with the main event participants, undercard fighters Junior Younan and Zhang Zhilei were also in attendance. Other speakers included Michael Yormark (Predsjednik & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation), Hector Soto (Miguel Cotto Promocije), Freddie Roach (Cotto’s Trainer), Gary Shaw (Gary Shaw Productions), Graham Shaw (Geale’s Trainer), Brett Yormark (CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets), Peter Nelson (VP HBO Sports Programming), David Berlin (Executive Director of the New York State Athletic Commission) and Ululy Martinez (Vice Chairman of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Board of Directors). The press conference was emceed by Brooklyn Nets Public Address Announcer David Diamante.




FOTO KREDIT: Rich Kane – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports



FOTO KREDIT: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports




VIDEO KREDIT: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports




Here’s what press conference participants had to say:


Michael Yormark – Predsjednik & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation

“Led by our Chairman JAY Z and his partners, Roc Nation was founded to work with artists and entertainers to guide them and help them build their careers even beyond the boundaries of the music industry. It is fitting then, that today we stand in a setting named for the legendary BB King – may he rest in peace – an artist and a man that knew no boundaries during a career that transcended his art. In a few short years, Roc Nation itself has expanded beyond the world of music, diversifying in a way that many never thought possible. Today we begin to celebrate a landmark in that expansion, as another legend, World Champion Miguel Cotto, prepares to headline Roc Nation’s first major fight on Saturday night against Daniel Geale, live at Barclays Center and on HBO.”


“When Roc Nation founded its boxing division less than a year ago, we committed to doing things differently, and what you will see on Saturday night will be different. The eyes of the boxing world will be fixed on Barclays Center on Saturday, with celebrities and VIP’s lining the ring and a captivated audience watching at home. They will watch with anticipation, awaiting not only a masterful performance from the champion Miguel Cotto against a formidable opponent, but also an electric appearance from Roc Nation artist and hip-hop superstar Big Sean, as well as the voice of New York Angie Martinez, and a host of other surprises that will make this live boxing experience different from anything you’ve ever seen before.”


“Saturday is the start of something new and fresh for the boxing industry. It is a chance for all of us to show boxing fans, and sports and entertainment fans around the world, that the action on fight night can and will live up to the hype.”



Hector Soto – Miguel Cotto Promotions


“It has been several months of hard work and dedication. Puerto Rico will shine again on the night of June 6 when Miguel Cotto defends his titles successfully.”



Ululy Rafael Martinez – Puerto Rican Day Parade

“We’re really happy this year to formalize a relationship with Miguel Cotto thanks to Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions. I also want to thank Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions for contributing to our scholarship fund. They are helping us empower young high school students and college students we provide scholarships to so they can further their education. I’m encouraging everyone planning on coming to the Parade on June 14 to support our man Miguel Cotto On Saturday, Lipanj 6 at Barclays Center for the boxing match of the year.”



David Berlin – New York Athletic Commission

“Miguel Cotto and Daniel Geale represent the best in boxing. These are men that carry themselves with dignity both inside and outside the ring. Men who can be respectful because they don’t have to prove themselves with words. Where they prove themselves each and every time they fight is inside that ring.”


“Now that I am with the commission, I no longer root for fighters. I’m in a neutral role, but I do root for fights. I root for fights when fighters come into the ring and they fight hard but they leave the ring safely. I root for fights that satisfy the fans and fights where the right man has his hand raised at the end. That of course is where the New York State Athletic Commission comes in.


“This promises to be a competitive fight. Obviously a competitive fight means it’s a hard night for judges, but what I’m committing to the fighters and fans is that we are going to have competent, qualified and neutral officials in place and the right man is going to have his hand raised at the end of the fight. I wish both men good luck on Saturday night.”



Brett Yormark – CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets

“We’re expecting a great night on Saturday night. Tako, hopefully we see all of you. Ulaznice su još uvijek u prodaji. Saturday night represents our 13th night of championship boxing at Barclays Center since we opened the building 32 months ago and boxing plays a huge role in what we do in Brooklyn.”



Peter Nelson – Vice President of Programming HBO Sports Programming

“We look forward to two fighters who have always rose to every challenge that has been put in front of them. Daniel Geale had a lucrative opportunity at one point in time to make his HBO debut and he actually decided instead to go to Germany, to Felix Sturm’s backyard, fight him for his world titles and ended up lifting the titles away from him. He is naturally the largest opponent that Miguel Cotto has ever fought and he’s stepped up to every challenge that’s ever been put in front of him.”


“Miguel Cotto…the last time he stepped into the ring, he entered it an underdog and he ended up leaving it the lineal middleweight champion. He joined just a handful of fighters ever to win four world titles in four separate divisions and he was the first man from Puerto Rico ever to do so. He performed what I saw as one of the strangest punches ever in boxing when he touched a man on the temple and it caused his knee to twist into a knot. I’ve never seen that happen. It was an extraordinary performance.”


“We look to see in this fight, fighters who are going to give us moments of great bravery and great courage. These are the kind of men we want to have on the network. That’s what makes great fights.”



Gary Shaw – Gary Shaw Productions


“I have a personal problem with catch weights. We accepted the catch weight of 157 and I’m not here to complain about the catch weight. We’re going to make the weight. It’s going to be tough. I believe that if a fighter wants to fight at any weight that he wants to fight at, he has that opportunity, but he shouldn’t stop the opponent from fighting at the sanctioned weight which in this case is 160.”


“I believe Daniel Geale is going to win the fight. I believe that Miguel and his team made a mistake. If they were looking at the Golovkin fight, thinking that’s the Daniel that is going to come into the ring…it will not be that same Daniel Geale.”


“It’s truly an honor to represent Daniel Geale because he’s a different young man. The first time I met him, I flew to Germany. I looked around and I couldn’t identify Daniel Geale. Little did I know, he was standing against the back wall. After taking my seat at the dais, Daniel Geale walked up. I looked at him and I said “we’re in trouble! This kid looks like a choir boy not a fighter,” but he gave it all he got and he won the fight. On je obiteljski čovjek. Doesn’t travel with an entourage. Always on time. Trains hard. Does everything that a true champion has to do.”



Daniel Geale – Former Two-Time World Champion


“This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited. We’re so excited as a team that this fight is taking place. We’ve put a great training camp in for this fight and I’m feeling as good as I ever have. Nema isprike. I’m going in as the best fighter I can possibly be. I’m hoping Miguel Cotto is the best fighter he can be as well. I want the fans to enjoy a great fight and I believe it will be a great fight. I can’t wait to walk away with another title. I’m going in very confident and I know a lot of people aren’t giving me much of a chance, but I have a huge amount of confidence in myself knowing I’ve completed a great training camp. Knowing that I have put everything that I possibly can into it and knowing that I have such a great team. I look forward to Saturday night.”



Freddie Roach – Cotto’s Trainer

“We’ve had a great training camp. Miguel is in great shape. Our sparring partners on our team have been great. And we’re ready for this fight. Gary’s been making a big deal about catch weights, but they have been around for a long time and he knows how to read a contract and he’s had that contract for a long time now, so I don’t think that’s an issue. We look forward to seeing you at the fight.”

Miguel Cotto – WBC & Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion


“I want to thank my lovely family for being here with my. My kids, my wife, my lovely mom. Thank you for always supporting my career no matter how hard it seems or looks to you. I love you.”


“I think that people are making a big issue where there does not need to be a big issue with catch weights. Freddie, back in 2009, made me go down from 147 za 145. Did anyone hear anything about Miguel Cotto disagreeing with the catch weights? Ne, I was a gentlemen the whole way. Catch weights were our main point to make this fight happen. Daniel and his team agreed to going down to 157 and I hope he can make weight on Friday. I hope to see everyone there on Saturday night.”


“Freddie brings the confidence back to Miguel. He comes every day no matter what he feels and gives his best to me. When you have this kind of person in front of you giving you his best and making sure that you are going to do your best, the only way you can pay him back is bringing your best too. We only talk about boxing when we are in the gym. He’s my trainer there, but as soon as we finish our training session, he’s my friend.”



Cotto vs. Geale, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj Svjetskom prvenstvu, odvija subota, Lipanj 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. Borba, which is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions, will be the official kick-off event of the 2015 National Puerto Rican Day Parade Week and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate, Jaybird, TapouT, Tequila Cazadores, Venue Kings and Nüe Resource. In addition to the great action inside the ring, događaj će značajka nekoliko zapaženih Roc Nation dotakne da će i dalje služiti gledatelja s poboljšanim iskustvom ventilatora, including Roc Nation and Grammy nominated artist Big Sean taking to the ring for a special performance prior to the main event. The event will be hosted by notable emcee “The Voice of New York” Angie Martinez and will also feature hit master DJ Lobo who will serve alongside Martinez throughout the night. Ulaznice po cijeni od $500, $250, $200, $150, $100, $80, $50, $35 a $25, ne uključujući troškove u usluga i poreza, are on sale now and available for purchase atwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com i na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Punjenje putem telefona, nazvati Ticketmaster na (800) 745-3000. Vrata se otvaraju u 6:00 PM, Prva borba počinje u 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 PM ET / PT.


For more information please visit www.rocnation.com. Follow Roc Nation on Twitter and Instagram @rocnation and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Za više informacija, posjet www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.








Los Angeles (Svibanj 26, 2015) – Miguel Cotto (39-4, 32 KO-a), the reigning WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion and the first native of Puerto Rico to become world champion in four different weight classes, will defend his titles against former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 KO-a) of Australia on Lipanj 6, 2015 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn in a 12-round fight that will be televised live on HBO. Cotto hosted a Los Angeles media workout Utorakafternoon at Wild Card Boxing Club in preparation for his title defense against Geale.




FOTO KREDIT: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports




VIDEO KREDIT: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports


Here’s what Cotto and his trainer, Freddie Roach, morao reći:


Miguel Cotto – WBC & Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion


“I feel good and in the best shape possible. I just feel ready. I know Geale is a tough opponent and he is going to bring his best on Lipanj 6, but I trust in the work we have done here in Los Angeles and I’m going to bring my best too.”


"Nakon 14 years in boxing, the best decision I could have made was to take the last year off. My mind was not in boxing, but since I got here with Freddie, everything is working perfectly again. Boxing is all I know. Boks je moj život. Through boxing, I raised my family and I work to provide the best future for them. They are the reason I love boxing.”


“Boxing at this point in my career is a battle with myself. Everyday I need to bring my best in the gym from morning to evening. Next week has to be better than last week. I need to ask myself to be better every day. I know that if I bring my best to the gym every day, I can bring my best the night ofLipanj 6 against Geale.”

“Freddie comes here every day with the best attitude and he knows how to get the best out of me.”


“It will have been 364 days to the day on Lipanj 6 since I have been in the ring. It’s not difficult to get back in after this long stretch. I’ve been focused on my work. I have gained more knowledge during my time off in order to get myself ready to fight again.”


“Daniel Geale is the next chapter in my career. After I get through him, I can talk about what comes next.”


Freddie Roach – Cotto’s Trainer

“Miguel’s sparring has been great. His movement has been very good. It’s hard on me in the ring! His body shots are very effective and the head shots come with it. I think we are going to get a late round knockout. Geale is tough enough to go some rounds, but a knockout in a late round…that’s my call.”


“One of Miguel’s greatest strength against Geale will be his body shots, but Miguel’s knowledge in the ring will be Geale’s ultimate undoing.”


“He has found a new home here at Wild Card and I’m glad I provided that for him. He loves this gym. He loves the atmosphere. He’s thrived in this environment and when a fighter is in a good mood and happy, he performs at the highest level.”


Cotto vs. Geale, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj Svjetskom prvenstvu, odvija Subota, Lipanj 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. Borba, which is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions, will be the official kick-off event of the 2015 National Puerto Rican Day Parade Week and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate, Jaybird, TapouT, Tequila Cazadores and Venue Kings. In addition to the great action inside the ring, događaj će značajka nekoliko zapaženih Roc Nation dotakne da će i dalje služiti gledatelja s poboljšanim iskustvom ventilatora, including Roc Nation and Grammy nominated artist Big Sean taking to the ring for a special performance prior to the main event. The event will be hosted by notable emcee “The Voice of New York” Angie Martinez and will also feature hit master DJ Lobo who will serve alongside Martinez throughout the night. Ulaznice po cijeni od $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $80, $50, $35 a $25, ne uključujući troškove u usluga i poreza, are on sale now and available for purchase at www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com i na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Punjenje putem telefona, nazvati Ticketmaster na (800) 745-3000. Vrata se otvaraju u 6:00 PM, Prva borba počinje u 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 PM ET/PT.


For more information please visit www.rocnation.com. Follow Roc Nation on Twitter and Instagram @rocnation and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Za više informacija, posjet www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Cotto Receives Honorary Title of “Athlete of the Year”

NEW YORK (Svibanj 26, 2015) – The National Puerto Rican Day Parade (NPRDP) today announced that its 2015 Parade, zakazana za Nedjelja, Lipanj 14 on New York’s Fifth Avenue, will officially kick off a week of festivities with the WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Championship fight between Miguel Cotto and Daniel Geale on Subota, Lipanj 6, 2015 na Barclays Center u Brooklynu. It was also announced that Miguel Cotto, Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions will be making a contribution to the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Scholarship Fund.

“Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions are thrilled to be aligned with the National Puerto Rican Day Parade and to kick off their week of festivities with our event on June 6 na Barclays Center u Brooklynu,” said David Itskowitch, COO of Boxing for Roc Nation Sports. “New York’s Puerto Rican community has supported Miguel throughout his career and we look forward to mirroring that support through our scholarship fund contribution and association with the Parade’s mission to promote education and empowerment.”

Dodatno, to honor Cotto’s impressive athletic accomplishments spanning over a decade which include him becoming Puerto Rico’s first and only Four Division World Champion, the NPRDP has bestowed upon him the honorary title of “Athlete of the Year.”

“It’s a privilege for my June 6 fight against Daniel Geale at Barclays Center in Brooklyn to be named the official kick-off event of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Week and I want to express my deepest gratitude for being honored me as Athlete of the Year,” said Cotto. “New York is truly my second home because I have been embraced by its Puerto Rican community. I’m looking forward to seeing my New York fans at Barclays Center on Lipanj 6."

The NPRDP established the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Scholarship Awards Program to help promote the pursuit of higher education within the community. U 2015, the organization will double the total dollar figure and number of scholarships awarded from the previous year to 30 scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each. In celebration of the 2015 class of scholarship winners, Miguel Cotto, Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions will be contributing $5,000 to the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Scholarship Fund in support of helping other high school and college students pay for their educations.

“The mission of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade is to create an awareness and appreciation of Puerto Rican contributions to the United States by holding an annual parade that displays the culture and diverse achievements of the Puerto Rican community and by supporting the higher education of our youth through our scholarship program,” said Ululy Rafael Martinez, Vice-Chair of NPRDP. “We are proud to honor Miguel Cotto as Athlete of the Year and express our deepest gratitude to Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Productions for contributing to our scholarship fund.”

The 2015 National Puerto Rican Day Parade will take place on Nedjelja, Lipanj 14, iz 11:00 AM za 5:00 PM on New York’s Fifth Avenue. The Parade’s overall theme will be a continuation of “Un Pueblo Muchas Voces” (One Community, Many Voices) with a special commemorative theme “Celebrating Afro-Boricua Heritage,” meant to coincide with the designation of the next decade as the “International Decade for People of African Descent” by the United Nations. Spectators can watch the Parade from any designated areas between E. 44th and E. 79th Streets. NPRDP 2015 official events include the following:

Svibanj 27 – Education Leadership Awards
Svibanj 30 – 152nd Street Festival in the Bronx
Lipanj 6 – Miguel Cotto vs. Daniel Geale at Barclays Center in Brooklyn
Lipanj 6 – Rising Stars Challenge
Lipanj 7 – Annual Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Lipanj 12 – Annual Gala of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade
Lipanj 14 – 58th National Puerto Rican Day Parade

For more information please visit www.nprdpinc.org. Follow NPRDP on Twitter: @PRparadeNYC, Instagram: NPRDP, #PRparade, i na Facebook-uwww.facebook.com/NationalPuertoRicanParade.

Cotto vs. Geale, 12-okrugli borba za cotto-a WBC i Ring Magazine srednjoj Svjetskom prvenstvu, odvija Subota, Lipanj 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. Borba, which is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions, will be the official kick-off event of the 2015 National Puerto Rican Day Parade Week and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate, Jaybird, TapouT, Tequila Cazadores and Venue Kings. In addition to the great action inside the ring, događaj će značajka nekoliko zapaženih Roc Nation dotakne da će i dalje služiti gledatelja s poboljšanim iskustvom ventilatora, including Roc Nation and Grammy nominated artist Big Sean taking to the ring for a special performance prior to the main event. The event will be hosted by notable emcee “The Voice of New York” Angie Martinez and will also feature hit master DJ Lobo who will serve alongside Martinez throughout the night. Ulaznice po cijeni od $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 a $25, ne uključujući troškove u usluga i poreza, are on sale now and available for purchase atwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com i na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Punjenje putem telefona, nazvati Ticketmaster na (800) 745-3000. Vrata se otvaraju u 6:00 PM, Prva borba počinje u 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 PM ET/PT.

For more information please visit www.rocnation.com. Follow Roc Nation on Twitter and Instagram @rocnation and on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/RocNation.

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