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Tornado goes to the movies: rocky iV remastered review

по: Тоні “the Tornado” Penecale (вище)

Here is my review of the Rocky vs Drago movie plus a photo with the movie poster. Guess who walked out with it!

So I went to see the Rocky vs Drago Director’s Cut film last night.

Here are 2 spoilers that shouldn’t be spoilers. Apollo still dies and Rocky still wins.

So the movie had approximately 40 minutes of new footage. It also kept approximately the same run time so with 40 minutes of new footage, there is nearly 40 minutes of omitted footage.

Now for some spoilers. If you don’t want anything spoiled, I suggest you stop reading here.

There were two shots that I really hoped would have been edited out for this film but somehow still made it in. I’ll get to them later.

So I’ll breakdown some of the changes/additions/omissions and give my thoughts.

1) New opening. Usually, it starts with the ROCKY title scrolling across the bottom to one of the series signature songs. Then it breaks into the last round of the previous movie. This movie starts with various clips from Rocky 3 including Rocky’s loss to Clubber Lang, Apollo talking him out of retiring, and the climatic fight scene. It completely omits the Rocky and Apollo sparring session. I was not a fan of the new opening. I am used to the normal movie openings that last 2-3 minutes and set the stage for the new installment. I wasn’t a fan of the song they usedSweetest Victorywhich is on the Rocky IV soundtrack but never used in the original.

2) No robot. While this was seen as a cross between corny and creepy (Paulie’s girlfriend?), the omission of the robot, likely due to licensing agreements, meant that many scenes with Paulie or Rocky Jr had to be cut including Paulie’s birthday scene.

3) The new Drago introduction press conference explains that they tried to arrange a fight with Rocky. I thought that was good but they cut out Drago’s wife comparing him to Popeye eating spinach. Насправді, a lot of Brigitte Nielsen’s dialogue was cut. Could it be because of herrockyrelationship with Stallone?

4) The reasoning for Apollo to take the fight was improved. Так, he still shows up out of nowhere and part of the table scene had to be cut (no robot, remember) but they talked about how Rocky ignored the challenge and Apollo feeling the need to take it.

5) I thought the omission of the whole pre-fight dressing room scene with Rocky and Apollo was a mistake. Not only does it cut one of my favorite linesI didn’t say anything about snails, I said Nails N-N-Nailsbut it shows Apollo’s overconfidence and Rocky’s trepidation. The only part of the original dressing room scene that is preposterous is where Rocky was trying to convince Apollo to postpone. Seriously, who postpones 5 minutes before they are scheduled to walk to the ring?

6) The Creed-Drago fight was greatly improved. Except for the one shot they left in from the original where Apollo is clearly not wearing gloves. They missed that edit the first time. How did they miss it again? The fight was extended and Apollo got up after an early knockdown and kept trying to fight back.

7) Apollo’s funeral was extended and improved with his father-figure Duke giving a speech and Rocky giving a more emotional speech.

8) The scene with the boxing commission not sanctioning the fight between Rocky and Drago was included as it was shown in the original 1985 trailer but cut from that movie.

9) The scene of Rocky talking to his son before leaving was extended and improved.

10) The training montages were slightly changed and some edits to the scenes in Russia.

11) The final fight was still enjoyable. There were some added elements to it.

12) Two of the better movie speeches were changed to voiceovers. Apollo in the dressing room telling Rocky he would understand when it was over was changed to voiceover in Rocky’s head. The epic speech to Adrian where he said Drago would have to kill him to beat him was also changed to an inner-monologue voiceover. I definitely think that was a mistake because it takes the charm away from seeing the facial expressions of Apollo and Rocky respectively as they said those lines.

13) The moment before the final round when Drago’s manager ran from his balcony seat with the Kremlin to berate Drago in his corner. I was hoping that if any scene was cut, it would be that one. I would rather there be a scene of Paulie marrying the robot and announcing she was pregnant than this scene. I hated it in 1985 (when I was 9 років) and I hate it now. There is 60 seconds between rounds of a boxing match. This man ran from the balcony, through the crowd, got to Drago’s corner, and berated him in less than one minute. Драго, for having endured 14 punishing rounds, is able to stand up and lift him with one arm before dropping him off the apron. Talk about taking some serious liberties.

14) The fight end. You get used to the way a Rocky fight ends. He scores the big knockdown, his opponent struggles to get up, and ultimately falls back down as the count reaches 10. This one, Drago goes down, makes a move to get back up, a falls flat. The referee stops with no count at all. I also hated Rocky’s leap at the end. In the original, he was lifted in the air as he stood there exhausted by triumphant. This one looks like he is able to do a leaping swan dive into a pool.

15) The speech is different. He couldn’t reference his kid because showing him would show the robot. I was glad in a way they cut the scenes of the kids watching the fight. It always posed some serious questions to me. If Rocky, Адріан, and Paulie were all in Russia, who was watching the 9 year old kid? The robot? Who is going to let an unsupervised 9 year old watch a fight where there is a fear that his father could be killed? The part of the speech that was comical was Rocky’s talk about change. He mentioned his friend (Apollo) couldn’t change and now he’s dead. Вау. Way to perk up the crowd there, Rock!

Overall it was enjoyable. The changed scenes and alternate takes threw off the cadence so you were in truth watching a new movie. There were a lot of scenes in this film that I prefer to the original (the extended Creed-Drago fight, the extended funeral, Rocky meeting with the commission). There were some scenes that I think should have been kept (Rocky and Apollo in the dressing room, Mrs. Drago talking about her husband, і т.д.). There were a few things that I definitely prefer the original, most notably the superior intro scrolling logo/final round of previous movie scene.

So in my conclusion, there needs to be a Director’s Cut of the Director’s Cut and combine the best of the original and the best of the new version.

We can call this oneRocky IV Take III: The Tornado Cut

Tornado 🌪

Qualia Nootropic Energy Shots Огляд

За: Багатий Бержерон

Нещодавно я мав задоволення переглянути новий і захоплюючий енергетичний знімок Квалія ноотроп. Ця потужна порція поживних речовин і натуральних екстрактів сприяє підвищенню енергії, рівні концентрації та пильності, а також покращує пам'ять, продуктивність і спортивні результати.

Цей продукт розроблений для забезпечення чистоти, тривала енергія. Це містить 12 веган, Інгредієнти без глютену та ГМО.

Компанія надіслала мені кілька з цих знімків, щоб я спробував. Смак, який вони надали, був потрійним ягідним. Він, безперечно, має трохи сиропу від кашлю, але інгредієнти вражають.

Я відчував стійку енергію та приріст розумової ясності після кожного прийому. Як лісоруб вдень і письменник вночі, Бувають випадки, коли мені потрібно підбадьоритися кількома чашками міцної кави, щоб підтримувати свій жорсткий і важкий графік. Мало що може повторити ефект моєї ранкової чашки Джо.

Ці заряди енергії викликають у мене набагато менше відчуття хвилювання, ніж відчуття, пов’язане з надмірним вживанням кави. Це, безумовно, більш здорова та зручна альтернатива більшості кавових продуктів, доступних на ринку.

Я настійно рекомендую ці кадри всім, кому потрібен додатковий заряд, щоб пережити важкий день.

Кращий природний підсилювач тестостерону: TestRX проходить тест

За: Багатий Бержерон

Мені пощастило нещодавно зв’язатися з деякими з людей, які створили фантастичний природний підсилювач тестостерону під назвою TestRX. Нещодавно я сама спробувала, і я поділився деякими з кількома працівниками моєї бригади лісозаготівель. Усі ми відчули різницю, і це, безумовно, був найкращий природний підсилювач тестостерону, який я коли-небудь пробував. Важко повірити, що щось у звичайній формі таблеток може мати такий різко позитивний ефект. Він був настільки потужним, що я зазвичай приймав лише одну таблетку за раз замість запропонованих двох таблеток двічі на день.

Єдиний недолік, який я помітив, полягав у тому, що після прийому повної дози двох таблеток я відчував незначне серцебиття, але однієї таблетки вранці та однієї ввечері цілком достатньо для тих, хто насправді не страждає від серйозного дефіциту тестостерону.

Як хтось знайомий з усіма постійно обговорюваними питаннями зі стероїдами в спортивних єдиноборствах, Я знаю велику частину продукту, який стверджує, що надає ті самі переваги, що й TestRX, як правило, вимагає голки для введення. Такий курс «соку» також спричинить серйозні побічні ефекти та потягне за собою прийняття небезпечних ризиків. Не так з цим продуктом, оскільки я навіть перевірив його професійним важкоатлетом, щоб переконатися, що це безпечно та законно. Він запевнив мене, що продукт містить усі необхідні інгредієнти для добра, повністю натуральний безкоштовний підсилювач тестостерону.

Один із моїх старших працівників не тільки просила отримати від мене таблетку вранці перед роботою, він теж помітив, коли замість цього на пару днів дав йому Hydroxycut. Кожен з моїх двох працівники, які спробували це, помітили неймовірні результати. Лісорубки та дрова обробка - це копітка і трудомістка робота, тому мають будь-які переваги йти у важкий робочий день чудово підходить для виробництва.

Звичайно, як і будь-які підсилювачі тестостерону, деякі з найприємніших результатів відбуваються під простирадлами. Вживання однієї таблетки вранці допомогло виконати роботу, і одна вночі допомогла мені отримати «весело» зробити. У мене була найдивовижніша ерекція, тверда як камінь, і моя витривалість, і мій рівень енергії в спальні різко зросли. Ці підсилювачі мають всю ефективність ліків, що відпускаються за рецептом, без жодних божевільних побічних ефектів, таких як сліпота.. Ми з моєю дівчиною насолоджувалися багатьма ночами марафонського кохання завдяки цьому натуральному любовному зіллю.

Я б однозначно рекомендував TestRX будь-кому. Незалежно від того, чи шукаєте ви трохи більше бадьорості у своєму кроку, чи ви той хлопець, якому абсолютно потрібен стимул лише для того, щоб функціонувати на оптимальному рівні в його похилому віці, цей продукт може допомогти вам. Це справді те, що спрацювало для мене, і це те, що я б спробував ще раз, оскільки це дало мені стільки позитивних переваг.

Використовуйте це посилання або посилання на фото нижче, щоб спробувати TestRX сьогодні:


За: Багатий Бержерон

Adapt to Life with Hybrid Gear

There is a new brand of stylish and functional clothing that everyone with an active lifestyle should know about.

Hybrid Gear strives to produce comfortable, stylish clothing that fits and adapts to all aspects of your daily grind. The brand encourages you toAdapt to Lifeand embrace theHybrid Gear Lifestyle.

I put the two moisture-wicking Tri-Blend Raglan T-shirts the company sent me through the paces of my own hybrid lifestyle, and I am happy to report excellent results.

The first thing I found impressive was the extremely minimal weight of this shirt. I put this shirt on under my sauna suit for a boxing workout, and it felt like I was wearing no shirt at all. Even the fittest guys and girls feel the need to cover up, which can be annoying in scorching temperatures. This shirt makes having to wear a shirt bearable and surprisingly comfortable even when you are covered in sweat.

The weight of the shirt is nicely complemented by the comfort factor. It’s like wearing a garment made completely of soft dryer lint pressed into fabric. It’s just amazing the way it feels. It’s hard to describe how different it is from other t-shirts, but it is definitely different in all the right ways.

I also wore the shirt for a full work day as a logger. My firewood business keeps me busy all year long, and I can work up a sweat processing wood on even the coldest days. Using this shirt as my only protection from sharp, jagged edges of logs and branches, I was surprised to find it undamaged and fairly clean at the end of the day. Not a scuff, not a hole, not a smear. My pigskin gloves took more of a beating.

I am also the author of a book about Representing Yourself in Court, so I have to dress up in a fancy suit every now and then. I’m currently working on a battle with UHAUL, and I had the chance to test out this shirt as an undergarment. It passed with flying colors. It was very comfortable, not a hassle to tuck in with my dress shirt, and didn’t cause me to overheat in the courtroom.

This could very well be the most versatile and comfortable shirt I’ve ever seen or had the pleasure to own. I highly recommend you get your own. Фактично, get two so you can qualify for the deal I explain in detail below. That way you can wear one while the other is in the wash. By the way, these shirts have been through two washes so far for me, and they are still as awesome in quality and condition as the day they arrived.

Hybrid Gear also offers full customization services so you can get your logo placed on your gear before it ships out to you. There are so many other products they offer as well, from hoodies and sweatshirts to tank tops, leggings, head gear and polos.

Візит http://hgusa.co/RICH and use promo codeRICHto get 50% off your own Hybrid Gear Men’s Moisture Wicking Tri-Blend Raglan T-Shirt when you buy a second one at full price.

Keep an eye on this post, as we will be adding pictures and a video commercial for Hybrid Gear in the near future.

If you have a product you would like us to review, contact Rich at rich.bergeron@gmail.com or 603-630-6235.