Arkivji Tag: Reno


June 8th, RENO — The final touches for Sibt world-class boxing event have been finalized by Let’s Get It On Promotions and the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa. The full professional boxing card will take place At Atlantis’ Paradise Ballroom 7 PM IS-SIBT.


June 11th’s card will be headlined by Reno’s own Oscar Vasquez (9-1) as he faces Mexico’s Javier Lapizco (7-3) of in an eight-round flyweight bout.


Oscar’s younger brother, Santos, will also be fighting nhar is-Sibt. Santos will be fighting Nestor Hernandez of Seattle, WA in a junior-flyweight bout.


Two of Reno’s amateur boxing stars will be making their highly-anticipated professional debuts in separate bouts. Alec McGee will be debuting in four-round fight in the bantamweight division against Mulapi Enjani of San Diego, BĦAL. Kenny Davis Jr. will be fighting Jose Luis Gallegos of Bakersfield, CA in a four-round featherweight bout.


In a four-round junior-lightweight contest, Sacramento’s Rafael Busuioe will face Kevin Davila of Seattle.


Fi bout ħfief erba 'round, Matt Murphy of St. Louis, MO will be facing off against Derick Bartlemay of Eugene, JEW.


The official boxer weigh-in is open to the public and will take place at Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa in the Emerald room at 6 PM Il-ġimgħa, June 10th.


Ġlieda karta soġġetti għal bidla.


Biljetti huma disponibbli – $35, $50, $100 Tickets can be purchased at the Atlantis Gift Shop, by calling Atlantis Special Events 888.551.7007 jew 775.824.4467, or online by visiting VIP tables are also available for $500 (Seats 4).




Reno, Nevada bbażata “Ejja Get Huwa Fuq Promozzjonijiet "twaqqfet fl 2000 by legendary boxing referee Mills Lane. Kmieni fl 2005 kien magħquda mill wliedu Terry u Tommy fl-operazzjonijiet tal-kumpanija. Sine allura, li jkunu promossi boxing u avvenimenti arti marzjal mħallta nazzjon. Huma ħadmu ma 'diversi prospetti aqwa tad-dinja, u mexxew ġellieda għal opportunitajiet titolu dinja. twitter @letsgetitonbox facebook web


MAY 18th, RENO — Let’s Get It On Promotions and the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa are pleased to announce an evening of world-class professional boxing on IS-SIBT, June 11th, 2016 in Atlantis’ Paradise Ballroom. The evening’s main event will feature is local Reno favorite Oscar Vasquez (9-1). Vasquez, a popular local flyweight, will be featured in an eight-round bout.


Vasquez, who recently entered into a long-term promotional agreement with Let’s Get It On Promotions, looks to continue his campaign towards world title contention. Fl-aħħar ġlieda tiegħu, Vasquez scored a sensational knockout win over Jose Toribio in Fallon, NV.


Three additional fighters from the Reno/Sparks area are also slated to fight June 11th, including Oscar’s younger brother Santos, who was an alternate boxer for the 2012 US Olympic Team, kif ukoll, Kenny Davis Jr. and Alec McGee, both from Reno, who will make their professional debuts in separate bouts as well.

Bibien miftuħa fi 6pm, first bell at 7pm.


Additional fights which will feature top boxing prospects from around the country will be added. More information will be announced soon. Ġlieda karta soġġetti għal bidla.


Tickets are available now – $35, $50, $100 can be purchased at the Atlantis Gift Shop, or by calling Atlantis Special Events 888.551.7007 jew 775.824.4467, or online by visiting VIP tables are also available for $500 (Seats 4).




Reno, Nevada bbażata “Ejja Get Huwa Fuq Promozzjonijiet "twaqqfet fl 2000 by legendary boxing referee Mills Lane. Kmieni fl 2005 kien magħquda mill wliedu Terry u Tommy fl-operazzjonijiet tal-kumpanija. Sine allura, li jkunu promossi boxing u avvenimenti arti marzjal mħallta nazzjon. Huma ħadmu ma 'diversi prospetti aqwa tad-dinja, u mexxew ġellieda għal opportunitajiet titolu dinja. twitter @letsgetitonbox facebook web


ImageOscar Vasquez



JR FLYWEIGHT OSCAR Vasquez pitches shutout IN LAS VEGAS

Marzu 17, RENO — Jr Reno. Flyweight prospett Oscar Vasquez jtejjeb biex 8-1 billi decisioning Cesar Sustaita Messiku (3-2, 3 PREZZIJIET) fi bout sitt round IS-SIBT fil Las Vegas.

Fi azzjoni ppakkjati, toe-to-toe kunflitt, Sustaita matched Vasquez’s aggression throughout the fight with Oscar landing the cleaner punches. In a heated exchange in the sixth round, ganċ xellug floored Sustaita, imma hu rkuprati u ġġieldu għall-qanpiena finali.


“I knew he was strong and had power.” Says Vasquez. “So I set him up for every big punch by going to the body. I took him to the late rounds, jmorru għall-eliminatorja.


"Nixtieq nirringrazzja lil kulħadd li għamlu l-vjaġġ lejn Vegas minn Reno u Southern California għall-appoġġ lili f'din il-ġlieda."


All three judges scored the fight 60-53. The evening of world-class boxing was the third installment of the regular series “Showdown at Sam’s Town” presented by Pochiro Promotions and RHP.




10 Mar, RENO — Jr Reno. Flyweight prospett Oscar Vasquez (7-1, 1 KO) hija skedata għall-ġlieda kontra din is-Sibt fil Las Vegas.

Ippreżentat mill Promozzjonijiet Pochiro u RHP, “Showdown at Sam’s Town 3” will once again feature a night of world class professional boxing at Sam’s Town resort. In a Jr. Flyweight ruttam sitt round, Vasquez huwa stabbilit li jiffaċċjaw Cesar Sustaita (3-1, 3 Kos) tal Chihuahua, Messiku.


Vasquez has put together quite the winning streak over the past two years. A win nhar is-Sibt jagħmel ukoll aktar kampanja tiegħu fil-Jr. Flyweight division. He held training camp in Los Angeles, CA ma trainer Nico Robledo.


"Jien lest biex jagħmel stqarrija fil-Jr. Diviżjoni Flyweight come IS-SIBT.” Says Vasquez. “I had an amazing camp. We are ready.’


Il Vasquez dejjem eċċitanti se jkollhom idejn sħiħa kontra l-Sustaita aggressivi u hard-laqtu tiegħu, li jkun knocked out kollha ta 'avversarji tiegħu fi tliet rebhiet tieghu.


Vasquez vs. Sustaita hija waħda minn seba bouts skedati għat-tielet pagament ta '"Showdown fil Town Sam" fuq 14 Mar. Biljetti tibda fil $35.00 (miżjuda bit-taxxi u l-miżati). To purchase tickets and for more information, jekk jogħġbok żur All bouts subject to change.
