Tag Archives: Randy Griffin

CONTRACTE MEDZHID Bektemirov SIGNES co-promocional amb Gary Shaw i Lou Savarese

HOUSTON, TEXAS (Febrer 12, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions i Promoció Savareses estan encantats d'anunciar la seva unió per promoure un dels prospectes i que ve amb més talent en la divisió de pes lleuger, Medzhid Bektemir (14-0, 11 KOs). A devastating puncher with power in both hands, Bektemirov també posseeix velocitat i rapidesa, convertint-lo en un dels més parlat dels combatents a Rússia.


Nascut a Makhachkala, Rússia, Bektemirov, ara resideix als EUA, on entrena amb Ronnie Shields al “PLEX” a Stafford, Texas. A hard worker who practically lives in the gym, Menja Medzhid, dorm i respira boxa.


“T'ho estic dient en aquest moment, Medzhid Bektemirov és un dels peleadores més talentosos que he vist en molt de temps,” dit Gary Shaw. “He has the rare combination of speed and power. I’m talking destructive power coming from both hands. His hooks are deadly and his fast feet are amazing. I’m going to go out on a limb and say Bektemirov could be the next great fighter to come out of Russia. I have the greatest amount of respect for Gennady Golovkin i Sergey Kovalev, both are great champions. Golovkin is a very special fighter and if Bektemirov can reach his level, then we’ll have something special as well. I believe Bektemirov will be looking to face Kovalev in the not so distant future.


En tot just la seva 12a baralla, Bektemirov capturat el CMB Estats Units (USNBC) títol de pes semipesado amb una actuació dominant contra Randy Griffin (25-4-3, 13 KOs), winning a lopsided twelve-round unanimous decision. Having gone twelve rounds in a professional bout already, Medzhid Bektemir, ha demostrat que pot arribar fins al final si és necessari.


“En 2015 Medzhid Bektemirov farà notar la seva presència a tot el món en la divisió de pes semipesado.”Lou Savarese declarat. “This kid reminds me of Mike Tyson with his heavy hands and tremendous speed. I’ve been in the ring with Tyson and I’m confident when I say Bektemirov reminds me a lot like Mike. Gary and I are going to put tremendous amount promoting Medzhid. He will become a household name very soon and we are gunning for that world title.


“Em sento molt beneïda de ser promogut per Gary Shaw i Lou Savarese que han estat en la boxa des de fa molts anys,” Medzhid Bektemir dit. “I’ve come a long way from Russia to pursue my dream of becoming a champion. I love to fight and I get great enjoyment when I knockout my opponent. In every bout, I’m always going to be looking to end the fight early. The fans want to see knockouts and that is my specialty.