Tag Archives: E-Puerto Rico


Wethule LIVE BY HBO pay-per-UMBONO®

Chofoza LAPHA ngoba Ama ifotho
Photo Credit: Tom Hogan ifotho / Roc Nation Sports / Golden Boy Promotions

Chofoza LAPHA ngoba Imiqophi

Isiqophi Credit: RingTV Live

Bayamon, Puerto RICO (Isikhombisa. 1, 2015) - Ukuvala out a day ezinhlanu, ezine-idolobha international press tour lapho Wawusuyikhokhele izitobhi in Los Angeles, Mexico City and New York City, WBC,Ring Magazine kanye Lineal middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos) futhi zangaphambili Two-Time Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos) sabamba sabezindaba ngoLwesihlanu, Aug. 28 phambi kwezibukeli langakubo e Cotto aluncela Puerto Rico. Amakhulu amalungu abezindaba kanye izinkulungwane aklabalase abalandeli wagcwalisa Coliseo URubén Rodríguez ukubona Cotto futhi Canelo kanye namathimba abo naphezu endaweni yokushayiswa Tropical Storm Erika ebusuku ngaphambi.


Izilaleli press conference wajabula njengoba fighters wenza yokungena babo ukuveza umxhwele pyrotechnic. The excitement in the crowd continued as both fighters faced off and spoke about their upcoming 12-round fight for Cotto’s WBC and Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, ebanjwa Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Ngaphezu kwalokho, Jose "Chepo" Reynoso, manager and trainer for Canelo Alvarez, serenaded the iqhude nge ukuhumusha Capella of the ozithandayo Puerto Rica tune "Que Bonito Puerto Rico,"In a show of mayelana nabalandeli izilaleli.

The stop press conference e Bayamon, Puerto Rico capped a busy week for Teams Cotto and Canelo. By the end of the week, Cotto futhi Canelo bavakashela imizi emine emazweni amabili, esithathe isikhathi izingxenye ezine, ojikelezayo 9,500 miles and encountering thousands of screaming fans in five days. Wherever they went, abalandeli kanye Kwakukhona nabezindaba a buzz mayelana Yimpi elindelekile phakathi Cotto futhi Canelo, ukwenza izibikezelo eziningi ekuseni ukuthi Nov. 21 middleweight ubuqhawe ayofakwa umqhele 'Fight of the Year.'


Bobabili manje fighters uphokophele off ukuba zawo ukuqeqeshwa amakamu Los Angeles at Wild Card Gym for Miguel Cotto kanye San Diego, Calif. ngoba Canelo Alvarez ukuba balungiselele Yimpi olubabazekayo on Nov. 21.


Ngezansi photo avelele ezine-umuzi Cotto international vs. Canelo press tour. Ngokuba Cotto ephelele vs. Canelo cindezela tour image gallery, qhafaza LAPHA.



I-LOS ANGELES, California On Aug. 24:

Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloLAPC_Hoganphotos11.jpg

PHEZULU: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (wesibili kusukela kwesokunxele) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (kwesokudla) pose on August 24, 2015 e Los Angeles emva sabezindaba ukuze ukuqalisa ezine-umuzi press international tour yabo.

"Izwe ukhuluma ngalokhu mpi. Umlando ocebile phakathi eMexico Puerto Rico yenza lokhu okuthakazelisayo ngempela,"Boy Golden Promotions Chairman futhi CEO Oscar De La Hoya on Aug. 24 in Los Angeles.

Mexico City, EMEXICO ON Aug. 25:

Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:Mexico City_01.jpeg

PHEZULU: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (kwesokunxele) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (kwesokudla) pose on August 25, 2015 in Mexico City at a press conference to announce their world title fight on November 21, 2015 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas, Nevada okuzokwenza bese kusatshalaliswa bukhoma by HBO Khokha-View.


"Angive ngimbonga engikuyala usamukele njalo lapha eMexico kuboniswe nenhlonipho enkulu. Ukusekelwa baseMexico akutholakali. Kuyilungelo ukulwa Miguel Cotto,"Kushozangaphambili Two-Time Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez on Aug. 25 e Mexico City.


Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloNYPC_Hoganphotos2.jpg

PHEZULU: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (kwesokunxele) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (kwesokudla) abhekane off ekuqaleni New York City press conference yabo ukukhuthaza HBO zabo oluzayo Pay Per Buka ukulwa Nov. 21 in Las Vegas.

"Lona ngumdlalo-up enkulu engakaze ibonwe, can't-miss action izitayela futhi unothando abalandeli elisekela, njengoba kubonakala isixuku lapha namuhla,"Kusho Roc Isizwe uMongameli Chief of Branding futhi Strategy Michael Yormark on Aug. 26 e New York City.

Bayamon, Puerto Rico ON Aug. 28:


PHEZULU: WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (isikhungo kwesokunxele) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (ilungelo isikhungo) pose on August 28, 2015 e Bayamkusukelan, Puerto Rico at a press conference to announce their November 21, 2015 world championship fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Khokha-View.

"Ngiya uthole lokhu ukunqoba yonke Ricans Puerto emhlabeni,"Kusho WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto on Aug. 28 in Isipinashikusukelan, E-Puerto Rico.

With izihloko eziyisikhombisa zezwe phakathi kwabo, liqala umxhwele futhi amazinga aphezulu ukuthandwa emazweni akubo, Cotto vs. Canelo is ekwakheni kuze kube impi enkulu wesibhakela kulo nyaka futhi ukulwa enkulu emlandweni kwaqashwa Puerto Rico vs. Mexico nokubangisana.

Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-round ekulweni WBC Cotto kanye Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, ithatha indawo Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Le mpi ibizwa eyethulwe Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ezikhuthazwa Corona Extra; Mexico, Phila it Kukholweni!; O'Reilly Auto Parts and Tequila Cazadores. The Cotto vs. Canelo cindezela tour Ngixhaswe JetSmarter. Lo mcimbi uzobe kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe9:00 p.m. KANYE/6:00 p.m. PT. Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #CottoCanelo.

Chofoza LAPHA ukufinyelela Cotto vs. Canelo electronic cindezela kit usebenzisa iphasiwedi "CottovsCanelo".


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, Ukuvakashela www.rocnation.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.canelopromotions.com.mx www.hbo.com/boxing futhiwww.mandalaybay.com; ukulandela on Twitter atRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, futhiMandalayBay; abe fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/RealMiguelACotto, www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxingfuthi www.facebook.com/MandalayBay; futhi ulandela on Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing AndMandalayBay. Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #CottoCanelo.


Chofoza LAPHA ngoba Ama ifotho

Photo Credit: Gene Belvins-HoganPhotos / Roc Nation Sports / Golden Boy Promotions


NEW YORK CITY (August 27, 2015) – Eyayibusa WBC, Ring Magazine kanye Lineal middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos) futhi zangaphambili WBC futhi WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos) zamukelwa ngamakhulu silokhu sithi abalandeli njengoba sabamba sabezindaba New York City ngoLwesithathu, August 26 njengengxenye yezizwe emine-umuzi press tour wabo ngaphambi obekulindelekile kakhulu ubuqhawe Yimpi yabo November.


The elilandelayo mega-lwa storied Puerto Rico vs. Mexico boxing impikiswano kuyokwenzeka Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas futhi uzobe kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Khokha-Buka. At the New York City press ingqungquthela ebibanjelwe Wyndham New Yorker Hotel, Okuphekiwe, bomdabu lokuqala Puerto Rico ukuba babe iqhawe somhlaba in ezahlukene emakilasini amane isisindo, futhi superstar Mexican Alvarez bajoyinwa abagqugquzeli yabo abaqeqeshi ukuze nixoxe ngalokho uthembisa ukuba impi lo nyaka amaqhawe kakhulu.


Amathikithi impi mega ezisendalini manje futhi ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 futhi $150, hhayi kuhlanganise kusebenza ngamasevisi, futhi angathengwa at the Mandalay Bay ibhokisi ehhovisi, ticketmaster.com, mandalaybay.com, zonke izindawo Ticketmaster noma ngokubiza (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Ngezansi lokho okwashiwo bomlilo amaqembu abo ukusho:


MIGUEL Cotto: WBC, Ring Magazine kanye Lineal middleweight World Champion

"I babe into eyodwa nje engqondweni futhi kungukunqoba on November 21.


"Ngiya uthole lokhu ukunqoba yonke Ricans Puerto emhlabeni."


Canelo Alvarez: WBC Owabe futhi WBA Super Welterweight World Champion


"Izwe boxing udinga mpi enjengale. Ngithathe uhlela ukuba uzilungiselele kahle ukunikeza abalandeli ukuthi ukulwa.


"Kwami, kungcono udumo olukhulu ukulwa othile onjengendodana Miguel Cotto owenze kuwo wonke.


"Ukuze enze umlando, kufanele silwe futhi ukushaya fighters like Miguel Cotto futhi ngifuna ukwenza umlando. Ngizofika ukulungiselela like never ngaphambi ukuze ngikwazi ukunqoba le mpi. "



UMICHAEL YORMARK: UMongameli Chief of Branding & Isu, Roc Nation


"Namuhla siya isinyathelo esisodwa eduze ohambweni lwethu uqonde ebusuku mlando.


"Lona ngumdlalo-up enkulu engakaze ibonwe, can't-miss action izitayela futhi unothando abalandeli elisekela, njengoba kubonakala isixuku lapha namuhla. "



Oscar de la Hoya: USihlalo CEO, Golden Boy Promotions


"Lona ukulwa obekulindelekile kakhulu kule minyaka embalwa edlule. Nalokhu lizinga passion and isasasa, Cotto vs. Canelo uzophila kuze okulindelwe.


"Uma une Rica Mexican kanye Puerto ngaphakathi esiyingini, uya uthole ukuqhuma. The abalandeli ziyobheda ubhekene nempi yangempela. "



Freddie Roach: Hall of Fame Trainer, Seven-Time Trainer of the Winner Award Year and Trainer of Miguel Cotto


"Ngiyaziqhenya ngohlobo konke Miguel asenzele. Ungaphuthelwa le mpi. It kuzoba nguye enkulu bonke. "



EDDY REYNOSO: Head Trainer of Canelo Alvarez:


"Uma ukhuluma eMexico Puerto Rico, baye okungaphezu 200 fighters iqhawe ngamunye. Miguel Cotto kuyinto iqhawe elikhulu futhi omunye fighters kunabo wesibhakela emlandweni. Canelo ngokushesha ngehla ukuthi umgwaqo. Siyabonga bonke abalandeli Mexican kanye Puerto Rica for support yakho namuhla. "



Hector Soto: Iphini Likahulumeni, Miguel Cotto Promotions


"Lena mpi enkulu, ukulwa konyaka-Mexico Ukuqhathanisa Puerto Rico. Ngeke kusaba khona dancing, akukho ukugonwa futhi akukho nokudlala. Lokhu kuyoba nempi yangempela, the fight, on November 21st."



Reynoso CHEPO: Manager kanye Trainer of Canelo Alvarez

"Kukhona izinyanga ezintathu kuze ukulwa. With zonke lezi abalandeli lapha, ungaziqhenya ukushisa kanye passion. Lunginika ihansi-uhlevane.


"Akuve kumnandi ukubona bonke laba bantu ehlukene abavela ezizweni ezihlukahlukene ukhula lwenkohlakalo egcwele fighters yabo.


"Ukuze wonke bafowethu Mexican, on November 21st thina uyonqoba futhi sizobe ukugubha. "

Bernard Hopkins: Ikusasa Hall of Famer futhi Golden Boy Promotions Partner

"Kuzo zonke izihloko wesibhakela, the WBC iyona ibhapathizwa kweziqu ukunqoba.


"Lokhu the middleweight fight. Bavumelana okuyizigidi futhi yilokho okubalulekile. Odle lokhu ngizoya kwi ezingeni ezahlukene career yakhe nokuthi kubalulekile legacy yakho. "



UMARKU TAFFET: Senior Vice President, HBO Khokha-Buka


"Cotto vs. Canelo ukuthi ezingavamile mega-empini Kunjengoba nethakazelisayo kulindeleke.


"Lena ngempela impi pay-per-view. It is a mpi kuyiqiniso ukuthi kuwufanele isikhathi sakho nemali yakho. "



Mauricio Sulaiman: UMengameli we-World Boxing Council


"Mexico futhi Puerto Rico uyosinika omunye ukulwa kunabo ngoNovemba 21st. Kwangathi fighter umhlabeleli ukunqoba. "



Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-round ekulweni WBC Cotto kanye Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, ithatha indawo Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Le mpi ibizwa eyethulwe Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ezikhuthazwa Corona Extra; Mexico, Phila it Kukholweni!; O'Reilly Auto Parts and Tequila Cazadores. The Cotto vs. Canelo cindezela tour lixhaswe ngezimali yi JetSmarter. Lo mcimbi uzobe kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe 9:00 p.m. KANYE/6:00 p.m. PT. Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #CottoCanelo.

Chofoza LAPHA ukufinyelela Cotto vs. Canelo electronic cindezela kit usebenzisa iphasiwedi "CottovsCanelo".

MIGUEL Cotto KANYE CANELO Alvarez Los Angeles press conference IZITHOMBE & Egroundini


Chofoza LAPHA ngoba Ama ifotho

Photo Credit: Gene Belvins-HoganPhotos / Roc Nation Sports / Golden Boy Promotions

Buka Full Press Conference Lapha: https://youtu.be/DZq2QJLoc3c

Amathikithi on Sale Namuhla 10 a.m. PT!


I-LOS ANGELES (August 25, 2015) - Eyayibusa WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal middleweight World Champion, Miguel Cotto, futhi zangaphambili WBC futhi WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez, umkhankaso ezine-umuzi press tour wabo izolo e Los Angeles, at the phambili Hollywood kanye Highland Center of obekulindelekile kakhulu ubuqhawe Yimpi yabo. Le mpi kuyokwenzeka Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Events Mandalay Bay Center e Las Vegas futhi ngeke bese kusatshalaliswa bukhoma by HBO Khokha-View. At umcimbi izolo, Okuphekiwe, bomdabu lokuqala Puerto Rico ukuba babe iqhawe somhlaba in ezahlukene emakilasini amane isisindo, , futhi Mexican Superstar Alvarez bajoyinwa abagqugquzeli yabo ngamakhulu akhishwa-up, silokhu sithi fans.


Amathikithi impi mega uzohamba kokudayiswa namuhla, at 10:00 a.m. PT, kwamenyezelwa OnSite, futhi ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 futhi $150, hhayi kuhlanganise kusebenza ngamasevisi, futhi angathengwa at the Mandalay Bay ibhokisi ehhovisi, ticketmaster.com, mandalaybay.com, zonke izindawo Ticketmaster noma ngokubiza (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Ngezansi lokho okwashiwo bomlilo amaqembu abo ukusho.


MIGUEL Cotto: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal middleweight World Champion:

"Angazi ngempela unendaba ngalokho okushiwo abahlaziyi bathi. Ngizimisele ukunikeza Canelo balwe November 21stfuthi yilokho okubalulekile.


"Angikho lapha ecela yimuphi uzwela. Ngiyazi ukuthi ngingubani futhi ngilapha ukuba Miguel Cotto ngoNovemba 21st futhi anikeze abalandeli ukulwa okuhle.


"I babe iso lami phezu career yami kanye lena mpi best for career yami manje, kanjalo Sengilungele ukwenza lokho okudingeka kwenziwe ukuze abe phezulu. "



Canelo Alvarez: WBC Owabe & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion:

"Ngifuna lokhu kube mpi mlando. Ngithathe ahlonishwe ukuba ukulwa iqhawe weqiniso.


"Kuba ludvumo kanye Ngiya ukulungiselela kahle kakhulu ngoba ngifuna ukunqoba impi.


"Kukhona umlando omkhulu phakathi eMexico Puerto Rico futhi lokhu kuzoba yinto mpi mlando, enye for the Tincwadzi tetindzaba. I have a lot of pride to be fighting for my country. It kuzoba empini enkulu.


"Ngingumuntu othanda ukulwa oqotho umuntu bajeziswa futhi ngicabanga hlobo drive I uzokwazi ukufeza okuningi.


"Angithandi ukubikezela knockouts, kodwa Ngiya ukuba balungele kule mpi. I uyozimisela kahle.


"Ngingumfana kunamandla, fighter ovuthiwe. Kwami, isikhathi esifanele lesi. "



UMICHAEL YORMARK: UMongameli Chief of Branding & Isu, Roc Nation:


"Lona ukulwa ukuthi abalandeli bafuna. On November 21st siyoba 'mpi konyaka.'


"Roc Nation futhi Golden Boy wabelane abanothando kokudala ukulwa enkulu emlandweni. Sifuna ukunikeza boxing abalandeli lokho zifanelwe: a show of enkulu engakaze ibonwe. "



Oscar de la Hoya: Usihlalo kanye CEO of Golden Boy Promotions:


"Abalandeli Boxing embulungeni yonke balinde a fight. Kuyinto imfihlo ukuthi abantu abangu badunyazwa May 2nd. The global mpi umphakathi uzobe wavuka yilo mpi.


"Lokhu ngeke kube omunye ijabulisa kakhulu umdlalo ups. Uma Kwadingeka ukuxhumanisa lokhu omunye ukulwa lami siqu, Ngingathi ukuthi kunjani impi yami kanye [Fernando] Vargas. The energy efanayo futhi passion kuyobonakala lapha.


"Canelo akafuni ukufakazela lutho lapha. Wavele ufuna knock Cotto out.


"Izwe ukhuluma ngalokhu mpi. Umlando ocebile phakathi eMexico Puerto Rico yenza lokhu okuthakazelisayo ngempela. "



Freddie Roach: Hall of Fame Trainer, Seven-Time Trainer of the Winner Award Year and Trainer of Miguel Cotto:


"Sine kulungiselelwa kanzima ngaphambi kwethu, kodwa siyobe simi ngomumo futhi Cotto uyosibonisa by Knockout. "



EDDY REYNOSO: Head Trainer of Canelo Alvarez:


"Uma ukhuluma ngomlando, Kule mpi izobe okukhulunywa njengoba omunye ukulwa omkhulu futhi lezi fighters ababili bayobe okukhulunywa njengoba amabili greats.


"Canelo kuyinto fighter okuningi isiyalo futhi eziningi inhliziyo."



Hector Soto: Vice President of Miguel Cotto Promotions:


"Akusiwona super ukulwa kusaba, kungcono umcimbi super!


"Lena mpi weqiniso classic. Puerto Rico vs. Mexico and on November 21st, Cotto kuzothatha Canelo esikoleni!"



Reynoso CHEPO: Manager kanye Trainer of Canelo Alavrez:


"Maqhawe amabili ayobe icici November 21st futhi isixuku ngeke uthole impi. The winner kuyoba Mexico. "


UMARKU TAFFETT: Senior Vice President of HBO Khokha-View:


"Lena empini sonke ukhuluma iminyaka eminingi."



MAURICIO efekethisiwe, Pohlala World Boxing Council:


“When there is a Puerto Rican in the ring it’s guaranteed to be something exciting.It will be no different here.


"Ngikholwa Canelo uye wasebenza kanzima ukuze uthole lapho kuba. Muhle ethandwa kakhulu. He signs autographs. Muhle kuhle kakhulu looking, kodwa lapho efika kule ring, yena umshini.


"Uma Mexico yayo vs. E-Puerto Rico, wazi igazi iyokwenziwa abilayo kokubili esiyingini esixukwini. "



Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-round ekulweni WBC Cotto kanye Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, ithatha indawo Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Le mpi ibizwa eyethulwe Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ezikhuthazwa Corona Extra; Mexico, Phila it Kukholweni!; O'Reilly Auto Parts and Tequila Cazadores. The Cotto vs. Canelo cindezela tour lixhaswe ngezimali yi JetSmarter. Lo mcimbi uzobe kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe 9:00 p.m. KANYE/6:00 p.m. PT. Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #CottoCanelo.

Amathikithi MIGUEL Cotto VS. CANELO alvarez GO ON SALE ngoLwesibili, AUGUST 25 AT 10:00 AM PT


WBC middleweight World Champion MIGUEL Cotto KANYE

OwayeyiMeya EZIMBILI ESIGCWELE World Champion CANELO Alvarez

Asibekela EYAZISWA Silindelwe MEGA-IMPI


Wethule LIVE BY HBO pay-per-UMBONO®

I-LOS ANGELES (August 24, 2015) - Amathikithi Yimpi esasiyizele kakhulu phakathi WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto futhi zangaphambili-time ezimbili Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez uzohamba kokudayiswa kusasa, Tuesday, Aug. 25 at 10:00 a.m. PT.

Amathikithi kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 futhi $150, hhayi kuhlanganise kusebenza ngamasevisi, futhi angathengwa at the Mandalay Bay ibhokisi ehhovisi, ticketmaster.com,mandalaybay.com, zonke izindawo Ticketmaster noma ngokubiza (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Le mpi uthembisa isixuku ukuprofetha, high-ngegalelo action phakathi fighters ezimbili ezinamandla ukuncintisana primes of imisebenzi yabo, bobabili lowo ziyeza off umxhwele, ukusebenza obusa ukulwa yabo yakamuva. With izihloko eziyisikhombisa zezwe phakathi kwabo, liqala umxhwele futhi amazinga aphezulu ukuthandwa emazweni akubo, Cotto vs. Canelo is ekwakheni kuze kube impi enkulu wesibhakela kulo nyaka futhi ukulwa enkulu emlandweni kwaqashwa Puerto Rico vs. Mexico nokubangisana.


Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-round ekulweni WBC Cotto kanye Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, ithatha indawo Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Le mpi ibizwa eyethulwe Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ezikhuthazwa Corona Extra; Mexico, Phila it Kukholweni!; O'Reilly Auto Parts and Tequila Cazadores. The Cotto vs. Canelo cindezela tour lixhaswe ngezimali yi JetSmarter. Lo mcimbi uzobe kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe 9:00 p.m. KANYE/6:00 p.m. PT. Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #CottoCanelo.

Chofoza LAPHA ukufinyelela Cotto vs. Canelo electronic cindezela kit usebenzisa iphasiwedi "CottovsCanelo".


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, Ukuvakashela www.rocnation.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.canelopromotions.com.mx www.hbo.com/boxing futhiwww.mandalaybay.com; ukulandela on Twitter atRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, futhiMandalayBay; abe fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/RealMiguelACotto, www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxingfuthi www.facebook.com/MandalayBay; futhi ulandela on Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing AndMandalayBay. Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #CottoCanelo.

Save IZINSUKU! Miguel Cotto KANYE CANELO Alvarez usuzothatha amasonto amane-CITY INTERNATIONAL Press INDAWO ESILANDELAYO! QHUBEKELANI INDAWO uyama HLANGANISA Los Angeles, Mexico City, EDOLOBHENI LASENEW YORK KANYE Caguas, QHUBEKELANI Puerto Rico nezinkomfa ivulekele YOMPHAKATHI! Abalandeli SIYAKWAMUKELA! I-LOS ANGELES (Aug. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos), the WBC ebusayo, Ring Magazine and Lineal middleweight World Champion kanye bomdabu lokuqala Puerto Rico ukuba babe iqhawe somhlaba in ezahlukene emakilasini amane isisindo, futhi superstar Mexican Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos), yangaphambili WBC futhi WBA Super Welterweight World Champion, ngeke ukuqalisa i international press tour ngoMsombuluko, Aug. 24 ngaphambi 12-round zabo Yimpi for the WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships e-Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas ngoMgqibelo, Nov. 21. Cotto vs. Canelo uvezwa by Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ngeke bese kusatshalaliswa live by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe 9:00 p.m. FUTHI / 6:00 p.m. PT. Tour kuzoqala ngo Los Angeles ngoMsombuluko, Aug. 24; izoqhubeka eMexico City ngoLwesibili, Aug. 25; New York City ngoLwesithathu, Aug. 26 futhi baphethe e Caguas, Puerto Rico ngoLwesine, Aug. 27. Eminye imininingwane mayelana yonkhe imitamo tour uzobe umemezele maduze. Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-round ekulweni Cotto sika WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, senzeka ngoMgqibelo, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Le mpi ibizwa eyethulwe Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ezikhuthazwa Corona Extra; Mexico, Phila it Kukholweni!; O'Reilly Auto Parts and Tequila Cazadores. Lo mcimbi uzobe kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe 9:00 p.m. FUTHI / 6:00 p.m. PT




QHUBEKELANI nezinkomfa INGABE ivulekele umphakathi! Abalandeli SIYAKWAMUKELA!

I-LOS ANGELES (Aug. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos), the WBC ebusayo, RingMagazine kanye Lineal middleweight World Champion kanye bomdabu lokuqala Puerto Rico ukuba babe iqhawe somhlaba in ezahlukene emakilasini amane isisindo, futhi superstar Mexican Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos), yangaphambili WBC futhi WBA Super Welterweight World Champion, ngeke ukuqalisa i international press tour on Monday, Aug. 24 ngaphambi 12-round zabo Yimpi for the WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas on Saturday, Nov. 21.

Cotto vs. Canelo uvezwa by Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ngeke bese kusatshalaliswa bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe 9:00 p.m. KANYE/6:00 p.m. PT.


Tour kuzoqala ngo Los Angeles on Monday, Aug. 24; izoqhubeka eMexico City onTuesday, Aug. 25; New York City on Wednesday, Aug. 26 futhi baphethe e Caguas, Puerto Rico on Thursday, Aug. 27.


Eminye imininingwane mayelana yonkhe imitamo tour uzobe umemezele maduze.


Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-round ekulweni WBC Cotto kanye Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, senzeka ngoMgqibelo, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Le mpi ibizwa eyethulwe Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ezikhuthazwa Corona Extra; Mexico, Phila it Kukholweni!; O'Reilly Auto Parts and Tequila Cazadores. Lo mcimbi uzobe kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe 9:00 p.m. FUTHI / 6:00 p.m. PT.



QHUBEKELANI nezinkomfa INGABE ivulekele umphakathi! Abalandeli SIYAKWAMUKELA!

I-LOS ANGELES (Aug. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos), the WBC ebusayo, RingMagazine kanye Lineal middleweight World Champion kanye bomdabu lokuqala Puerto Rico ukuba babe iqhawe somhlaba in ezahlukene emakilasini amane isisindo, futhi superstar Mexican Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos), yangaphambili WBC futhi WBA Super Welterweight World Champion, ngeke ukuqalisa i international press tour on Monday, Aug. 24 ngaphambi 12-round zabo Yimpi for the WBC futhiRing Magazine middleweight World Championships at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas on Saturday, Nov. 21.

Cotto vs. Canelo uvezwa by Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ngeke bese kusatshalaliswa bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe 9:00 p.m. KANYE/6:00 p.m. PT.


Tour kuzoqala ngo Los Angeles on Monday, Aug. 24; izoqhubeka eMexico City onTuesday, Aug. 25; New York City on Wednesday, Aug. 26 futhi baphethe e Caguas, Puerto Rico on Thursday, Aug. 27.


Eminye imininingwane mayelana yonkhe imitamo tour uzobe umemezele maduze.


Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-round ekulweni WBC Cotto kanye Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, senzeka ngoMgqibelo, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Le mpi ibizwa eyethulwe Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ezikhuthazwa Corona Extra; Mexico, Phila it Kukholweni!; O'Reilly Auto Parts and Tequila Cazadores. Lo mcimbi uzobe kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe 9:00 p.m. FUTHI / 6:00 p.m. PT.

CARLOS Velasquez efuna ukunqoba LOKUQALA WORLD ISIHLOKO iziqubu

Photo By Marlene Marquez
Las Vegas, NV (August 12, 2015) – Ukulwa e yakhe yezwe yokuqala isihloko iziqubu on NgoLwesibili September 29, 2015, Puerto Rica Olwa super engasindi (WBA #9) , Carlos Velasquez (19-1, 12 Kos), uyakulangazelela ukunikeza Ezingakanqotshwa WBA World Champion, Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 Kos), his first loss. The PBC on FOX Sports 1 ngeke televise the iziqubu kokuqala at 9PM ET Eastern Time / 6PM PT. Ticket sales and venue for Fortuna vs. Velasquez uzobe umemezele maduzane.
Velasquez, ababemelela Puerto Rico in the 2004 Olympics, is thriving at the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a world champion. He believes he has advantages that will lead him to victory. On the line with be Fortuna’s WBA World title.
“Selokhu ngafika ngisewumfanyana, Ngihlale afanekiselwa mina njengomuntu iqhawe somhlaba,” Said Velasquez. “Now I have a golden opportunity to accomplish that dream. It won’t be easy. Javier Fortuna is a very tough fighter with an undefeated record. He’s considered one of the best fighters in the division. Stylistically, he’s never been in the ring with a fighter like me. When I bring home the belt, Ngithemba udumo ukwehlula ukulwa top like Fortuna.”
Trained by boxing guru Roberto Norris, futhi abaqondiswa yiyo okunomsoco / umqeqeshi amandla Angel “Memo” Heredia, Velasquez uzizwa unomthwalo ithimba ilungelo angathatha kuye phezulu.
“Ngikholwa abe umqeqeshi omkhulu in Roberto Norris, oqonda Me.” waqhubeka Velasquez. “Uthi safike kimi ukusebenza on wonke amaphuzu sami esinamandla, bringing out the best in what I do best. Memo is getting my body in top condition. Ngizizwa enkulu. I’m going to be at my best when I step in the ring with Fortuna.

Emmanuel 'Manny’ Rodriguez is set to defend his WBO Latino title against Alex Rangel in Fajardo, E-Puerto Rico

Bantamweight WBO Latino champion Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Rodriguez ( 12-0, 8 KO sika ) will be defending his title for the third time, against Mexico’s Alex Rangel ( 16-4-2, 10 KO sika ) on a scheduled 10 rounds duel, ihlelelwe Saturday, August, 22 at the Tomas Dones Coliseum in Fajardo, E-Puerto Rico
Rangel is a good fighter that throws lots of punches, has faced good fighters and I understand that this fight will be a war. I have no doubt about itsaid Emmanuel Rodriguez, abaqhubeka, “Rangel went the distance with Cesar Seda and lasted nine rounds against Alexis Santiago. In both fights, Rangel looked good in losing effort, so I have to be in excellent condition to keep the belt in Puerto Rico”.
Rodriguez, who is the first Puerto Rican boxer to grab gold at a Youth Olympic Games ( Singapore 2010 ), had on last May, the biggest win of his young career by defeating via spectacular KO in the third round, former WBA rated #11, Luis Hinojosa.
Rangel is the kind of opponent important and necessary on Rodriguez’s developmentsaid Juan Orengo, manager of Emmanuel Rodriguez, “We expect Rangel to be in great shape. The fight may go the distance but nothing is guaranteed because ‘Mannyhas gained a lot of power, and is knocking out his opponents with one punch”.
On October 2014, the Ezingakanqotshwa Puerto Rica lokujabulela, athumba WBO isihloko Latino yikutsheyelela out Miguel 'No Fear’ Cartagena in the first round. Cartagena kwaba zangaphambili ezimbili ngesikhathi United States National Champion, futhi 11 Izikhathi Golden Gloves winner in Philadelphia.
Rodriguez unezinye bawanqoba by isinqumo abavumelene phezu kwezwe isihloko Olwa, David Quijano, futhi zangaphambili WBC FECARBOX iqhawe, Felix Perez.
VideosComplete fights
Rodriguez vs. Hinojosa
Rodriguez vs. Cartagena

Casimero ikhetha Ukubhekana Arroyo, Ubeka Pursuit of Ruenroeng Rematch on Hold


Umgqugquzeli Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing uthi fighter yakhe, former IBF and WBO Light Flyweight Champion Johnriel “Quadro Alas” Casimero, ngeke siphishekele rematch ngokushesha ngokumelene IBF flyweight titleholder Amnat Ruenroeng, kodwa ngeke kunalokho ufune umdlalo elalichuma more ngokumelene Puerto Rico McWilliams Arroyo.


Calling it “indlela career ibhizinisi ohlakaniphe” ngoba fighter wakhe oneminyaka engu-25 ubudala kusuka Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, Lewkowicz uthi rematch kahle okufanele ngokumelene Ruenroeng kuyodingeka ukuba sajanyiswa okwesikhashana.


Casimero walahlekelwa ongabazisayo kakhulu, olunephunga wagcwalisa 12-round isinqumo ukuze Ruenroeng at the Hua Mark Stadium Indoor in Bangkok, Thailand, on June 27. Le mpi ezimangazayo zazihlanganisa iqhawe ziyaliwe by umahluleli Larry Doggett izikhathi ezinhlanu ngenxa wrestling Casimero ukuba ngendwangu ngaphambi kokuba bajeziswe. In an refereeing ukusebenza sifile, Doggett wanika Ruenroeng udumo push non-knockdown futhi wayebusa knockdown osemthethweni ngokumelene iqhawe ukushelela.


“Naphezu nabulungisa okwenziwa fighter yami ngoJuni ngonyaka odlule, senza siphishekela a rematch Ruenroeng on sikaphalafini emuva esivuna ithuba kangcono ukubhekana McWilliams Arroyo,” Wachaza Lewkowicz. “We yayenziwa omunye mpi Thailand ukwenza up for the fiasco ezenzeka empini yokuqala, kodwa yini bayeke kungenzeki okwesibili?”


Arroyo (futhi isisulu isinqumo ongabazisayo ngokumelene Ruenroeng ngonyaka odlule) futhi Casimero ngeke kunalokho babhekene off ngesikhathi ngokushesha okungasoze-umemezele kanye nendawo kamuva kulo nyaka.


“Odle Casimero futhi Arroyo Kuyobe abheke rematch Ruenroeng emhlabathini hlangothi e-United States ekuqaleni konyaka ozayo,” waqhubeka Lewkowicz. “Ngezinye izikhathi ngokubeka ukukhungatheka kwakho nokudumazeka away isikhathi esingcono ukwenza umqondo more for umsebenzi fighter kanye yilokhu sikhetha kuleli cala. John Riel uzothola nobulungisa bakhe ekugcineni futhi sizothola ithuba elikhulu nobuso Arroyo Puerto Rico. Out of a isimo esibi kuyofika ezimbili zokunqoba kekulu yakhe.”
MAYELANA Sampson Boxing

Ngemva run yimpumelelo kakhulu njengoba wabantu nomeluleki, Sampson Lewkowicz switched phezu ngasohlangothini yokukhangisa isibhakela professional ngoJanuwari 2008.

Sampson Boxing ikhule ibe omunye amafemu yokukhangisa ohlonishwa kakhulu emhlabeni, lomele eziningi fighters emhlabeni umhlabeleli and ethembisayo kwabazabalazayo young.

Sampson Boxing has abalingani asetshenzisiwe lonke North and South America, Africa, Asia, E-New Zealand, Australia, Europe and Central America and Sampson Boxing izenzakalo Kuye isiqephu on ezifana amanethiwekhi kudlalwé njengoba HBO, Isikhathi Sombukiso, ESPN, VS. futhi amanethiwekhi yezizwe eminingana.

Ama ifotho: Miguel Cotto vs Daniel Geale & Undercard Weigh-In for their June 6, 2015 fight on HBO +

WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (kwesokunxele) and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (kwesokudla) pose on June 5, 2015 e Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for June 6, 2015 world title fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn which will be televised live on HBO. (PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (kwesokunxele) and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (kwesokudla) pose on June 5, 2015 e Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for June 6, 2015 world title fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn which will be televised live on HBO. (PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (kwesokunxele) and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (kwesokudla) pose on June 5, 2015 e Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for June 6, 2015 world title fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn which will be televised live on HBO. (PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated welterweight prospect Dustin Fletcher (kwesokunxele) and Karim Miller (kwesokudla) pose on June 5, 2015 e Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated junior lightweight prospect Jose Lopez (kwesokunxele) and Angel Luna (kwesokudla) pose on June 5, 2015 e Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated light heavyweight prospect Junior Younan (kwesokunxele) and Mike Sawyer (kwesokudla) pose on June 5, 2015 e Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Junior featherweight prospect Shawn Simpson (kwesokunxele) and Damon Simon (kwesokudla) pose on June 5, 2015 e Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Former World Champion Wilfredo Vazquez (kwesokunxele) and Fernando Vargas (kwesokudla) pose on June 5, 2015 e Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated heavyweight prospect Zhang Zhilei (Right) and Glen Thomas (Left) pose on June 5, 2015 e Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO CREDIT: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)

6-6-15 HBO WCB Bout Sheet





I-NEW YORK (June 2, 2015) Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions hosted the final press conference for the June 6 showdown between WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale on Tuesday, June 2 at B.B. King Blues Club & Grill in New York City. Along with the main event participants, undercard fighters Junior Younan and Zhang Zhilei were also in attendance. Other speakers included Michael Yormark (President & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation), Hector Soto (Miguel Cotto Promotions), Freddie Roach (Cotto’s Trainer), Gary Shaw (Gary Shaw Productions), Graham Shaw (Geale’s Trainer), Brett Yormark (CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets), Peter Nelson (VP HBO Sports Programming), David Berlin (Executive Director of the New York State Athletic Commission) and Ululy Martinez (Vice Chairman of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Board of Directors). The press conference was emceed by Brooklyn Nets Public Address Announcer David Diamante.




PHOTO CREDIT: Rich Kane – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports



PHOTO CREDIT: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports




VIDEO CREDIT: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports




Here’s what press conference participants had to say:


Michael Yormark – President & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation

“Led by our Chairman JAY Z and his partners, Roc Nation was founded to work with artists and entertainers to guide them and help them build their careers even beyond the boundaries of the music industry. It is fitting then, that today we stand in a setting named for the legendary BB King – may he rest in peace – an artist and a man that knew no boundaries during a career that transcended his art. In a few short years, Roc Nation itself has expanded beyond the world of music, diversifying in a way that many never thought possible. Today we begin to celebrate a landmark in that expansion, as another legend, World Champion Miguel Cotto, prepares to headline Roc Nation’s first major fight on Saturday night against Daniel Geale, live at Barclays Center and on HBO.”


“When Roc Nation founded its boxing division less than a year ago, we committed to doing things differently, and what you will see on Saturday night will be different. The eyes of the boxing world will be fixed on Barclays Center on Saturday, with celebrities and VIP’s lining the ring and a captivated audience watching at home. They will watch with anticipation, awaiting not only a masterful performance from the champion Miguel Cotto against a formidable opponent, but also an electric appearance from Roc Nation artist and hip-hop superstar Big Sean, as well as the voice of New York Angie Martinez, and a host of other surprises that will make this live boxing experience different from anything you’ve ever seen before.”


“Saturday is the start of something new and fresh for the boxing industry. It is a chance for all of us to show boxing fans, and sports and entertainment fans around the world, that the action on fight night can and will live up to the hype.”



Hector Soto – Miguel Cotto Promotions


“It has been several months of hard work and dedication. Puerto Rico will shine again on the night of June 6 when Miguel Cotto defends his titles successfully.”



Ululy Rafael Martinez – Puerto Rican Day Parade

“We’re really happy this year to formalize a relationship with Miguel Cotto thanks to Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions. I also want to thank Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions for contributing to our scholarship fund. They are helping us empower young high school students and college students we provide scholarships to so they can further their education. I’m encouraging everyone planning on coming to the Parade on June 14 to support our man Miguel Cotto On Saturday, June 6 at Barclays Center for the boxing match of the year.”



David Berlin – New York Athletic Commission

“Miguel Cotto and Daniel Geale represent the best in boxing. These are men that carry themselves with dignity both inside and outside the ring. Men who can be respectful because they don’t have to prove themselves with words. Where they prove themselves each and every time they fight is inside that ring.”


“Now that I am with the commission, I no longer root for fighters. I’m in a neutral role, but I do root for fights. I root for fights when fighters come into the ring and they fight hard but they leave the ring safely. I root for fights that satisfy the fans and fights where the right man has his hand raised at the end. That of course is where the New York State Athletic Commission comes in.


“This promises to be a competitive fight. Obviously a competitive fight means it’s a hard night for judges, but what I’m committing to the fighters and fans is that we are going to have competent, qualified and neutral officials in place and the right man is going to have his hand raised at the end of the fight. I wish both men good luck on Saturday night.”



Brett Yormark – CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets

“We’re expecting a great night on Saturday night. Ngakho, hopefully we see all of you. Amathikithi namanje isendalini. Saturday night represents our 13th night of championship boxing at Barclays Center since we opened the building 32 months ago and boxing plays a huge role in what we do in Brooklyn.”



Peter Nelson – Vice President of Programming HBO Sports Programming

“We look forward to two fighters who have always rose to every challenge that has been put in front of them. Daniel Geale had a lucrative opportunity at one point in time to make his HBO debut and he actually decided instead to go to Germany, to Felix Sturm’s backyard, fight him for his world titles and ended up lifting the titles away from him. He is naturally the largest opponent that Miguel Cotto has ever fought and he’s stepped up to every challenge that’s ever been put in front of him.”


“Miguel Cotto…the last time he stepped into the ring, he entered it an underdog and he ended up leaving it the lineal middleweight champion. He joined just a handful of fighters ever to win four world titles in four separate divisions and he was the first man from Puerto Rico ever to do so. He performed what I saw as one of the strangest punches ever in boxing when he touched a man on the temple and it caused his knee to twist into a knot. I’ve never seen that happen. It was an extraordinary performance.”


“We look to see in this fight, fighters who are going to give us moments of great bravery and great courage. These are the kind of men we want to have on the network. That’s what makes great fights.”



Gary Shaw – Gary Shaw Productions


“I have a personal problem with catch weights. We accepted the catch weight of 157 and I’m not here to complain about the catch weight. We’re going to make the weight. It’s going to be tough. I believe that if a fighter wants to fight at any weight that he wants to fight at, he has that opportunity, but he shouldn’t stop the opponent from fighting at the sanctioned weight which in this case is 160.”


“I believe Daniel Geale is going to win the fight. I believe that Miguel and his team made a mistake. If they were looking at the Golovkin fight, thinking that’s the Daniel that is going to come into the ring…it will not be that same Daniel Geale.”


“It’s truly an honor to represent Daniel Geale because he’s a different young man. The first time I met him, I flew to Germany. I looked around and I couldn’t identify Daniel Geale. Little did I know, he was standing against the back wall. After taking my seat at the dais, Daniel Geale walked up. I looked at him and I said “we’re in trouble! This kid looks like a choir boy not a fighter,” but he gave it all he got and he won the fight. He’s a family man. Doesn’t travel with an entourage. Always on time. Trains hard. Does everything that a true champion has to do.”



Daniel Geale – Former Two-Time World Champion


“This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited. We’re so excited as a team that this fight is taking place. We’ve put a great training camp in for this fight and I’m feeling as good as I ever have. Akukho izaba. I’m going in as the best fighter I can possibly be. I’m hoping Miguel Cotto is the best fighter he can be as well. I want the fans to enjoy a great fight and I believe it will be a great fight. I can’t wait to walk away with another title. I’m going in very confident and I know a lot of people aren’t giving me much of a chance, but I have a huge amount of confidence in myself knowing I’ve completed a great training camp. Knowing that I have put everything that I possibly can into it and knowing that I have such a great team. I look forward to Saturday night.”



Freddie Roach – Cotto’s Trainer

“We’ve had a great training camp. Miguel is in great shape. Our sparring partners on our team have been great. And we’re ready for this fight. Gary’s been making a big deal about catch weights, but they have been around for a long time and he knows how to read a contract and he’s had that contract for a long time now, so I don’t think that’s an issue. We look forward to seeing you at the fight.”

Miguel Cotto – WBC & Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion


“I want to thank my lovely family for being here with my. My kids, my wife, my lovely mom. Thank you for always supporting my career no matter how hard it seems or looks to you. I love you.”


“I think that people are making a big issue where there does not need to be a big issue with catch weights. Freddie, back in 2009, made me go down from 147 to 145. Did anyone hear anything about Miguel Cotto disagreeing with the catch weights? Ungenzi, I was a gentlemen the whole way. Catch weights were our main point to make this fight happen. Daniel and his team agreed to going down to 157 and I hope he can make weight on Friday. I hope to see everyone there on Saturday night.”


“Freddie brings the confidence back to Miguel. He comes every day no matter what he feels and gives his best to me. When you have this kind of person in front of you giving you his best and making sure that you are going to do your best, the only way you can pay him back is bringing your best too. We only talk about boxing when we are in the gym. He’s my trainer there, but as soon as we finish our training session, he’s my friend.”



Cotto vs. Geale, 12-round ekulweni Cotto sika WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, senzeka ngoMgqibelo, June 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. Le mpi, which is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions, will be the official kick-off event of the 2015 National Puerto Rican Day Parade Week and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate, Jaybird, TapouT, Tequila Cazadores, Venue Kings and Nüe Resource. Ngaphezu kwemizamo emikhulu ngaphakathi esiyingini, mcimbi izoba eziningana esiphawulekayo Roc Isizwe kuthintwa ukuthi kuzokwandisa akhonze izibukeli nge fan ulwazi olungeziwe, including Roc Nation and Grammy nominated artist Big Sean taking to the ring for a special performance prior to the main event. The event will be hosted by notable emcee “The Voice of New York” Angie Martinez and will also feature hit master DJ Lobo who will serve alongside Martinez throughout the night. Amathikithi ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $500, $250, $200, $150, $100, $80, $50, $35 futhi $25, hhayi kuhlanganise kusebenza amacala service nezintela, are on sale now and available for purchase atwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com futhi ngesikhathi American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Ukushaja ngocingo, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Doors evulekile at 6:00 PM, ukulwa lokuqala luqala at 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 PM ET/PT.


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe sicela uvakashele www.rocnation.com. Landela Roc Nation on Twitter and Instagramrocnation kanye on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, Ukuvakashela www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.