Tag Archives: Puerto Rico


COTTO vs. CANELO chichitike LOWERUKA, NOVEMBER 21 AT Mandalay Bay ZIDZACHITIKE Center ku Las Vegas
Anapereka moyo ndi HBO malipiro PER-LIMAVOMEREZA®

Dinani PANO pakuti Photos
Photo Mawu a: Tom Hogan Photos / Roc Nation Sports / Golden Boy Zokwezedwa

Dinani PANO pakuti Videos

Video Mawu a: RingTV Live

BAYAMÓN, Puerto Rico (Zisanu Ndi Ziwiri. 1, 2015) - Kutseka kunja masiku asanu, zinayi mzinda mayiko atolankhani tour amene anali kale malo mu Los Angeles, Mexico City ndi New York City, WBC,Mphete Magazine ndi Lineal Middleweight World Ngwazi Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Ko) ndi kale Two-Time Super Welterweight World Ngwazi Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Ko) linapangitsa wa atolankhani Lachisanu, Aug. 28 pamaso pa kwawo omvera Cotto a mbadwa Puerto Rico. Mazana a TV ziwalo ndi zikwi za kulalata mafani wodzazidwa Coliseo Ruben Rodriguez kuona Cotto ndi Canelo ndi magulu ngakhale m'dera kuti anagundidwa ndi mphepo yamkuntho Erika usiku pamaso.


The atolankhani omvera anasangalala kwambiri monga omenyana awo khomo chidwi pyrotechnic anasonyeza. The excitement in the crowd continued as both fighters faced off and spoke about their upcoming 12-round fight for Cotto’s WBC and Mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships, chimene chikuchitika Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas. Kuphatikiza apo, Jose "Chepo" Reynoso, manenjala ndi mphunzitsi kwa Canelo ALVAREZ, serenaded ndi analira ndi munthu capella Pamanja a ankakonda Puerto Rican tuna "que Bonito Puerto Rico,"Mu kusonyeza ulemu kwa mafani mwa omvetsera.

The atolankhani amasiya mu Bayamón, Puerto Rico capped a busy week for Teams Cotto and Canelo. By the end of the week, Cotto ndi Canelo anapita mizinda inayi awiri m'mayiko, zinatenga anayi nthawi mabacteria, oyendayenda 9,500 miles and encountering thousands of screaming fans in five days. Wherever they went, mafani ndi atolankhani anali kulira za tinkayembekeza chiwonetsero pakati Cotto ndi Canelo, ndi ambiri kupanga oyambirira zolosera kuti Nov. 21 middleweight Championship adzavekedwa 'Nkhondo ya Zaka.'


Onse olimbana tsopano wakuti kupita awo maphunziro m'misasa Los Angeles pa Bakuman Khadi Gym kwa Miguel Cotto ndi San Diego, Calif. pakuti Canelo ALVAREZ kukonzekera awo epic chiwonetsero pa Nov. 21.


M'munsimu muli chithunzi mfundo zazikulu za zinayi mzinda mayiko Cotto vs. Canelo atolankhani tour. Pakuti lathunthu Cotto vs. Canelo atolankhani tour fano zomera, pitani PANO.



Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA ON Aug. 24:

Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloLAPC_Hoganphotos11.jpg

ZAKUMWAMBA: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (wachiwiri kuchokera kumanzere) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (pomwe) pose on August 24, 2015 mu Los Angeles pambuyo atolankhani kuti yamba awo anayi mzinda mayiko atolankhani tour.

"Dziko akulankhula za nkhondoyi. Wachuma mbiri pakati Mexico ndi Puerto Rico chikupangitsa osangalatsa,"Golden Boy Zokwezedwa bungweli ndi CEO Oscar De La Hoya pa Aug. 24 ku Los Angeles.


Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:Mexico City_01.jpeg

ZAKUMWAMBA: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (anasiya) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (pomwe) pose on August 25, 2015 in Mexico City at a press conference to announce their world title fight on November 21, 2015 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas, Nevada umene atulutsa ndiponso kugawira moyo ndi HBO Perekani-Per-View.


"Ine ndiri woyamikira kwambiri kuti ndiri pano mu nthawi akalandire Mexico ndi mwasonyeza kulemekeza. Thandizo la Mexico n'zosayerekezeka. Ndi ulemu waukulu kulimbana Miguel Cotto,"Anatikale Two-Time Super Welterweight World Ngwazi Canelo ALVAREZ pa Aug. 25 ku Mexico City.


Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloNYPC_Hoganphotos2.jpg

ZAKUMWAMBA: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (anasiya) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (pomwe) amakumana kuchokera pa chiyambi chawo New York City atolankhani kulimbikitsa awo adziwitse HBO Samalani Per View kumenya nkhondo Nov. 21 ku Las Vegas.

"Ichi ndi machesi-ndi tinthu tating'ono, simungathe-Abiti kanthu masitaelo ndi mokhudza mafani zapansi, monga zimaonekera ndi khamu pano lero,"Anati Roc Nation Pulezidenti ndi Chief wa chamoto ndi Strategy Michael Yormark pa Aug. 26 ku New York City.

BAYAMÓN, Puerto Rico ON Aug. 28:


ZAKUMWAMBA: WBC ndi mphete Magazine Middleweight World Ngwazi Miguel Cotto (likulu anasiya) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (pakati pomwe) pose on August 28, 2015 mu Bayamkuchokeran, Puerto Rico at a press conference to announce their November 21, 2015 world championship fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, atulutsa ndiponso kugawira moyo ndi HBO Perekani-Per-View.

"Ine ndikupita kuti kupambana onse Puerto Ricans padziko lonse,"Anati WBC ndi mphete Magazine Middleweight World Ngwazi Miguel Cotto pa Aug. 28 mu Sipinachikuchokeran, Puerto Rico.

Ndi asanu dziko maudindo pakati pawo, tikupitiriza chidwi ndi mpweya wambiri wa kutchuka kwawo m'mayiko, Cotto motsutsana. Canelo ndi ukupangika kukhala lalikulu nkhondo mu nkhonya chaka chino ndi lalikulu nkhondo mu mbiri ya wotchuka Puerto Rico vs. Mexico kupikisana.

Cotto motsutsana. Canelo, 12 chonse nkhondo Cotto a WBC ndi Mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships, chikuchitika Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas. Nkhondo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndi yokonzedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Zina; Mexico, Moyo kwa mukhulupirira!; O'Reilly Magalimoto Mbali ndi Tequila Cazadores. The Cotto vs. Canelo atolankhani tour analipirira JetSmarter. Chochitikacho adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo mwa Pay HBO-Per-View kuyambira9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT. Tsatirani kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #CottoCanelo.

Dinani PANO azitsegula Cotto vs. Canelo pakompyuta atolankhani zida ntchito achinsinsi "CottovsCanelo".


Kuti mudziwe zambiri, Ulendo www.rocnation.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.canelopromotions.com.mx www.hbo.com/boxing ndipowww.mandalaybay.com; kutsatira pa Twitter paRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, ndipoMandalayBay; kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa www.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/RealMiguelACotto, www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxingndipo www.facebook.com/MandalayBay; ndi kutsatira pa Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing NdiMandalayBay. Tsatirani kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #CottoCanelo.


Dinani PANO pakuti Photos

Photo Mawu a: Gene Belvins-HoganPhotos / Roc Nation Sports / Golden Boy Zokwezedwa


NEW YORK MZINDA (August 27, 2015) – Ulamuliro WBC, Mphete Magazine ndi Lineal Middleweight World Ngwazi Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Ko) ndi kale WBC ndi WBA Super Welterweight World Ngwazi Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Ko) anali moni mazana mobwerezabwereza mafani pamene linapangitsa wa atolankhani ku New York City Lachitatu, August 26 monga gawo lawo mayiko zinayi mzinda atolankhani tour patsogolo awo kwambiri kulandira Championship chiwonetsero mu November.


Lotsatira Mega-nkhondo mu storied Puerto Rico vs. Mexico nkhonya kupikisana chichitike Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center mu Las Vegas ndipo adzakhala atulutsa ndiponso kugawira moyo ndi HBO Perekani-Per-View. Pa New York City atolankhani unachitikira ku Wyndham Chatsopano Yorker Hotel, Yophika, yoyamba mbadwa ya Puerto Rico kukhala dziko ngwazi anayi osiyanasiyana kulemera makalasi, ndipo Mexican opsa ALVAREZ anasonkhana pamodzi ndi awo olimbikitsa ndi aphunzitsi kukambirana zimene amalonjeza kuti chaka chino kwambiri epic nkhondo.


Matikiti Mega nkhondo ali pa malonda tsopano ndipo wogulira pa $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 ndipo $150, osati kuphatikizapo ntchito utumiki milandu, ndipo lingathe kukopedwa pa Mandalay Bay bokosi ofesi, ticketmaster.com, mandalaybay.com, onse Ticketmaster malo kapena powatchula (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


M'munsimu awo omenyana ndi magulu anali kunena:


Miguel COTTO: WBC, Mphete Magazine ndi Lineal Middleweight World Ngwazi

"Ndili basi cholinga chimodzi ndipo kuti ndi chopambana November 21.


"Ine ndikupita kuti kupambana onse Puerto Ricans padziko lonse."


Canelo ALVAREZ: Kale WBC ndi WBA Super Welterweight World Ngwazi


"The nkhonya dziko likusowa nkhondo monga chonchi. Ine akukonzekera kukhala okonzeka kupereka mafani kuti kulimbana.


"Za ine, ndi lalikulu ulemu kumenyana wina ngati Miguel Cotto amene wachita zonse.


"Kuti mbiri, muli kulimbana ndi kumenya omenyana ngati Miguel Cotto ndipo ine ndikufuna kupanga mbiri. Ine ndikuti kukonzekera ngati kale kuti ine nkhondoyi. "



MICHAEL YORMARK: Pulezidenti ndi a Chief chamoto & Strategy, Roc Nation


"Today timapita sitepe imodzi kwambiri pa ulendo wathu kwa munthu mbiri usiku.


"Ichi ndi machesi-ndi tinthu tating'ono, simungathe-Abiti kanthu masitaelo ndi mokhudza mafani zapansi, monga zimaonekera ndi khamu pano lero. "



Oscar DE LA HOYA: Tcheyamani ndipo CEO, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa


"Awa ndi kulandira nkhondo ya zaka zingapo zapitazi. Ndi motere chilakolako chogonana ndi, Cotto motsutsana. Canelo adzakwaniritsa zoyembezereka.


"Pamene muli ku Mexico ndi Puerto Rican mkati mphete, inu kulowamo kuphulika. Mafani kulowamo weniweni nkhondo. "



FREDDIE ROACH: Hall Omveka Mphunzitsi, Seveni Time Mphunzitsi pa Chaka linapereka Wopambana ndi mphunzitsi wa Miguel Cotto


"Ndine amanyadira chirichonse Miguel wachita. Musaphonye nkhondoyi. Izo zidzakhala ziri wawukulu wa onse. "



EDDY REYNOSO: Mutu Mphunzitsi wa Canelo ALVAREZ:


"Pamene inu kulankhula za Mexico ndi Puerto Rico, anatulutsa oposa 200 ngwazi omenyana aliyense. Miguel Cotto chachikulu ngwazi ndi chimodzi mwa zazikulu omenyana masewerawa mbiri. Canelo yatsala mutu pansi kuti msewu. Zikomo onse Mexican ndi Puerto Rican mafani kwa thandizo lanu lero. "



Hector SOTO: Wachiwiri Kwa Purezidenti, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa


"Ichi ndi nkhondo yayikuru, nkhondo ya zaka Mexico motsutsana Puerto Rico. Sipadzakhala kuvina, palibe kukumbatirana ndipo palibe kusewera. Ichi chidzakhala weniweni nkhondo, ndi nkhondo, pa November 21St."



Reynoso CHEPO: Manenjala ndi mphunzitsi wa Canelo ALVAREZ

"Pali miyezi itatu mpaka nkhondo. Ndi zonse izi mafani kuno, mukhoza kumva kutentha ndi chilakolako. Limandipatsa tsekwe-tokhala.


"Ndi kuona zinthu zonse zosiyana mitundu yosiyanasiyana rooting awo omenyana.


"Kuti onse wanga Mexican abale, pa November 21St tidzakhala wopambana ndi lagwa. "

Bernard Hopkins: Tsogolo Hall ya Famer ndi Golden Boy Zokwezedwa Mnzanga

"Mwa anthu maudindo mu nkhonya, ndi WBC ndi godfather a maudindo kupambana.


"Ichi ndi middleweight nkhondo. Iwo anavomera phokoso ndipo ndicho chofunika. Wopambana wa zimenezi adzapitirira kutsata ku mlingo mu ntchito yake ndipo kuti ndi kofunika kuti anu pano. "



MARK TAFFET: Senior wachiwiri kwa Pulezidenti, HBO Perekani-Per-View


"Cotto vs. Canelo n'chakuti osowa Mega-nkhondo kuti ndi monga zosangalatsa monga kulandira.


"Amenewa ndi malipiro ndi pa-view nkhondo. Ndi zoona nkhondo ifunika nthawi ndi ndalama zanu. "



Mauricio Sulaiman: Pulezidenti wa World Council nkhonya


"Mexico ndi Puerto Rico adzatipatsa mmodzi wa aakulu ndewu pa November 21St. Mwina yabwino womenya kupambana. "



Cotto motsutsana. Canelo, 12 chonse nkhondo Cotto a WBC ndi Mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships, chikuchitika Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas. Nkhondo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndi yokonzedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Zina; Mexico, Moyo kwa mukhulupirira!; O'Reilly Magalimoto Mbali ndi Tequila Cazadores. The Cotto vs. Canelo atolankhani tour ndi yokonzedwa ndi JetSmarter. Chochitikacho adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo mwa Pay HBO-Per-View kuyambira 9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT. Tsatirani kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #CottoCanelo.

Dinani PANO azitsegula Cotto vs. Canelo pakompyuta atolankhani zida ntchito achinsinsi "CottovsCanelo".

Miguel COTTO NDI CANELO ALVAREZ Los Angeles atolankhani Photos & Zonenedwa


Dinani PANO pakuti Photos

Photo Mawu a: Gene Belvins-HoganPhotos / Roc Nation Sports / Golden Boy Zokwezedwa

Penyani Full Press Conference Apa: https://youtu.be/DZq2QJLoc3c

Matikiti pa Sale Today 10 a.m. PT!


Los Angeles (August 25, 2015) - Kulamulira WBC, Mphete Magazine ndi Lineal Middleweight World Ngwazi, Miguel Cotto, ndi kale WBC ndi WBA Super Welterweight World Ngwazi Canelo ALVAREZ, nkhondo yawo zinayi mzinda atolankhani tour dzulo ku Los Angeles, pa Hollywood ndi Highland Center patsogolo awo kwambiri kulandira Championship chiwonetsero. Nkhondo chichitike Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas ndipo adzakhala atulutsa ndiponso kugawira moyo ndi HBO Perekani-Per-View. Pa dzulo chochitika, Yophika, yoyamba mbadwa ya Puerto Rico kukhala dziko ngwazi anayi osiyanasiyana kulemera makalasi, , ndipo Mexican opsa ALVAREZ anasonkhana pamodzi ndi awo olimbikitsa ndi mazana a tinkapopera-mmwamba, mobwerezabwereza mafani.


Matikiti Mega nkhondo adzapita pa malonda masiku ano, pa 10:00 a.m. PT, analengeza onsite, ndipo wogulira pa $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 ndipo $150, osati kuphatikizapo ntchito utumiki milandu, ndipo lingathe kukopedwa pa Mandalay Bay bokosi ofesi, ticketmaster.com, mandalaybay.com, onse Ticketmaster malo kapena powatchula (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


M'munsimu awo omenyana ndi magulu anali kunena.


Miguel COTTO: WBC, Mphete Magazine ndi Lineal Middleweight World Ngwazi:

"Ine sindikudziwa kwenikweni chimene otsutsa amati. Ine ndine wokonzeka kupereka Canelo pa nkhondo November 21Stndipo ndizo zonse chofunika.


"Ine sindiri pano kupempha aliyense chisoni. Ine ndikudziwa kuti ine ndine ani ndipo ine ndiri pano kukhala Miguel Cotto pa November 21St ndi kupereka mafani nkhondo yabwino.


"Ndili ndi diso langa pa ntchito yanga ndipo izi ndi zopambana nkhondo yanga pakali pano, kotero ine ndiri wokonzeka kuchita kuti ichitike kukhala pamwamba. "



Canelo ALVAREZ: Anaumba WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Ngwazi:

"Ine ndikufuna izi kuti akhale mbiri nkhondo. Ine ulemu waukulu kumenyana woona wankhondo.


"Ndi mwayi waukulu ndipo ine ndikuti kukonzekera bwino chifukwa ndikufuna nkhondoyi.


"Pali lalikulu mbiri pakati Mexico ndi Puerto Rico ndipo adzakhala ndi mbiri nkhondo, wina kwa m'mabuku. I have a lot of pride to be fighting for my country. Iwo adzakhala wamkulu nkhondo.


"Ndine kulangidwa womenya ndi kulangidwa munthu ndi ine ndikuganiza ndi mtundu wa pagalimoto ine athe kukwaniritsa kwambiri.


"Ine sindimakonda kulosera knockouts, koma ine ndikuti kukonzekera nkhondoyi. Ine ndikhala bwino anakonza.


"Ine ndiri wamphamvu, kukula msinkhu womenya. Za ine, nthawi yoyenera lino. "



MICHAEL YORMARK: Pulezidenti ndi a Chief chamoto & Strategy, Roc Nation:


"Ichi ndi nkhondo kuti mafani ndikufuna. Pa November 21St tidzakhala ndi 'nkhondo ya chaka.'


"Roc Nation ndi Golden Boy nawo kumulakalaka kulenga lalikulu ndewu m'mbiri. Tiyenera nkhonya mafani zimene woyenera: bwanji za tinthu tating'ono. "



Oscar DE LA HOYA: Tcheyamani ndipo CEO wa Golden Boy Zokwezedwa:


"Nkhonya mafani padziko lonse mukuyembekezera ndewu. Ndi palibe chinsinsi chimene anthu anakhumudwa ndi May 2nd. Padziko lonse nkhondo alimi adzakhala reignited ndi nkhondoyi.


"Ichi chidzakhala kwambiri zosangalatsa machesi zokwera. Ngati ine ndikanakhala yolumikizana ichi mmodzi wa anga ndewu, Ndikukuuzani kuti ngati wanga nkhondo ndi [Fernando] Vargas. Yemweyo mphamvu ndi chilakolako zidzaonekera kuno.


"Canelo safuna kutsimikizira kanthu kalikonse kuno. Iye amafuna kugogoda Cotto kunja.


"Dziko akulankhula za nkhondoyi. Wachuma mbiri pakati Mexico ndi Puerto Rico chikupangitsa osangalatsa. "



FREDDIE ROACH: Hall Omveka Mphunzitsi, Seveni Time Mphunzitsi pa Chaka linapereka Wopambana ndi mphunzitsi wa Miguel Cotto:


"Tili ndi zovuta kukonzekera patsogolo pathu, koma tidzakhala okonzeka ndi Cotto mupambane ndi knockout. "



EDDY REYNOSO: Mutu Mphunzitsi wa Canelo ALVAREZ:


"Pamene inu kulankhula za mbiri, nkhondoyi adzakhala anatchula monga mmodzi wa lalikulu ndewu ndi awiri awa omenyana adzakhala kutchulidwa ziwiri za greats.


"Canelo ndi womenya ndi zambiri chilango ndi zambiri mtima."



Hector SOTO: Wotsatila mutsogoleli wa Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa:


"Izo si wapamwamba nkhondo panonso, ndi wapamwamba chochitika!


"Ichi ndi choona tingachipeze powerenga nkhondo. Puerto Rico vs. Mexico ndi pa November 21St, Cotto adzatenga Canelo kusukulu!"



Reynoso CHEPO: Manenjala ndi mphunzitsi wa Canelo Alavrez:


"Awiri ankhondo adzakhala mphete pa November 21St ndipo khamu adzamvedwa ndi nkhondo. Wopambana adzakhala Mexico. "


MARK TAFFETT: Senior wotsatila mutsogoleli wa HBO Perekani-Per-View:


"Ichi ndi nkhondo kuti ife tonse mukukamba za kwa zaka zambiri."



Mauricio nsalu, Pwokhala World Council nkhonya:


“When there is a Puerto Rican in the ring it’s guaranteed to be something exciting.It will be no different here.


"Ine ndikukhulupirira Canelo wagwira ntchito mwakhama kuti apeze komwe iye ali. Iye ali wotchuka. He signs autographs. Iye kwambiri cadidi, koma pamene ali pakati pa mphete, iye ndi makina.


"Pamene ake Mexico vs. Puerto Rico, inu mukudziwa magazi adzakhala otentha onse mu pamphuno ndi m'mwinjimo. "



Cotto motsutsana. Canelo, 12 chonse nkhondo Cotto a WBC ndi Mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships, chikuchitika Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas. Nkhondo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndi yokonzedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Zina; Mexico, Moyo kwa mukhulupirira!; O'Reilly Magalimoto Mbali ndi Tequila Cazadores. The Cotto vs. Canelo atolankhani tour ndi yokonzedwa ndi JetSmarter. Chochitikacho adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo mwa Pay HBO-Per-View kuyambira 9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT. Tsatirani kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #CottoCanelo.

Matikiti Miguel COTTO vs. CANELO ALVAREZ YOTHETSERA zogulitsa Lachiwiri, AUGUST 25 AT 10:00 AM PT




Anasiyira kwambiri kulandira Mega-KUTHETSA


Anapereka moyo ndi HBO malipiro PER-LIMAVOMEREZA®

Los Angeles (August 24, 2015) - Matikiti kwambiri kulandira chiwonetsero pakati WBC ndi Mphete Magazine Middleweight World Ngwazi Miguel Cotto ndi kale ziwiri nthawi Super Welterweight World Ngwazi Canelo Alvarez adzapitirira zogulitsa mawa, Lachiwiri, Aug. 25 pa 10:00 a.m. PT.

Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $2,000, $1,750, $1,250, $650, $350 ndipo $150, osati kuphatikizapo ntchito utumiki milandu, ndipo lingathe kukopedwa pa Mandalay Bay bokosi ofesi, ticketmaster.com,mandalaybay.com, onse Ticketmaster malo kapena powatchula (800) 745-3000. Ticket orders are limited to four per person.


Nkhondo akulonjeza khamu zokondweretsa, apamwamba kwambiri kanthu pakati pa wamphamvu omenyana kupikisana mu primes wa awo ntchito, onse amene akubwera kuchokera chidwi, wolamulirayo zisudzo awo posachedwapa ndewu. Ndi asanu dziko maudindo pakati pawo, tikupitiriza chidwi ndi mpweya wambiri wa kutchuka kwawo m'mayiko, Cotto motsutsana. Canelo ndi ukupangika kukhala lalikulu nkhondo mu nkhonya chaka chino ndi lalikulu nkhondo mu mbiri ya wotchuka Puerto Rico vs. Mexico kupikisana.


Cotto motsutsana. Canelo, 12 chonse nkhondo Cotto a WBC ndi Mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships, chikuchitika Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas. Nkhondo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndi yokonzedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Zina; Mexico, Moyo kwa mukhulupirira!; O'Reilly Magalimoto Mbali ndi Tequila Cazadores. The Cotto vs. Canelo atolankhani tour ndi yokonzedwa ndi JetSmarter. Chochitikacho adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo mwa Pay HBO-Per-View kuyambira 9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT. Tsatirani kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #CottoCanelo.

Dinani PANO azitsegula Cotto vs. Canelo pakompyuta atolankhani zida ntchito achinsinsi "CottovsCanelo".


Kuti mudziwe zambiri, Ulendo www.rocnation.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.canelopromotions.com.mx www.hbo.com/boxing ndipowww.mandalaybay.com; kutsatira pa Twitter paRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, ndipoMandalayBay; kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa www.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/RealMiguelACotto, www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxingndipo www.facebook.com/MandalayBay; ndi kutsatira pa Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing NdiMandalayBay. Tsatirani kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #CottoCanelo.

ADZAPULUMUTSA ANTHU YOKHUDZA! Miguel COTTO NDI CANELO ALVAREZ ayambe ON OKHUDZA MZINDA INTERNATIONAL PITIRIZANI ulendo YOTSATIRA MLUNGU! PITIRIZANI ulendo akuima monga Los Angeles, MEXICO CITY, NEW YORK MZINDA NDI CAGUAS, Puerto Rico PITIRIZANI misonkhano KODI amaloledwa kufikapo! Mafani KUDZIWA! Los Angeles (Aug. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Ko), ulamuliro WBC, Mphete Magazine ndi Lineal Middleweight World Ngwazi ndipo woyamba mbadwa ya Puerto Rico kukhala dziko ngwazi anayi osiyanasiyana kulemera makalasi, ndipo Mexican opsa Canelo ALVAREZ (45-1-1, 32 Ko), zakale WBC ndi WBA Super Welterweight World Ngwazi, adzakhala yamba mayiko osindikizira ulendo Lolemba, Aug. 24 patsogolo wawo 12 chonse chiwonetsero cha WBC ndi mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas Loweruka, Nov. 21. Cotto motsutsana. Canelo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndipo adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo mwa Pay HBO-Per-View kuyambira 9:00 p.m. NDI / 6:00 p.m. PT. Ulendowu adzayamba ku Los Angeles Lolemba, Aug. 24; adzapitiriza mu Mexico City Lachiwiri, Aug. 25; New York City Lachitatu, Aug. 26 ndi kunena mu Caguas, Puerto Rico Lachinayi, Aug. 27. Komanso mfundo zokhudza onse ulendo yaima adzakhala analengeza posachedwapa. Cotto motsutsana. Canelo, 12 chonse nkhondo Cotto a WBC ndi mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships, chikuchitika Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas. Nkhondo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndi yokonzedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Zina; Mexico, Moyo kwa mukhulupirira!; O'Reilly Magalimoto Mbali ndi Tequila Cazadores. Chochitikacho adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo mwa Pay HBO-Per-View kuyambira 9:00 p.m. NDI / 6:00 p.m. PT


PITIRIZANI ulendo akuima monga Los Angeles, MEXICO CITY, NEW YORK MZINDA NDI CAGUAS, Puerto Rico


PITIRIZANI misonkhano KODI amaloledwa kufikapo! Mafani KUDZIWA!

Los Angeles (Aug. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Ko), ulamuliro WBC, MpheteMagazine ndi Lineal Middleweight World Ngwazi ndipo woyamba mbadwa ya Puerto Rico kukhala dziko ngwazi anayi osiyanasiyana kulemera makalasi, ndipo Mexican opsa Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Ko), zakale WBC ndi WBA Super Welterweight World Ngwazi, adzakhala yamba mayiko osindikizira ulendo pa Monday, Aug. 24 patsogolo wawo 12 chonse chiwonetsero cha WBC ndipo Mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas pa Loweruka, Nov. 21.

Cotto motsutsana. Canelo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndipo adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo ndi HBO Pay-Per-View kuyambira 9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT.


Ulendowu adzayamba ku Los Angeles pa Monday, Aug. 24; adzapitiriza ku Mexico City paLachiwiri, Aug. 25; New York City pa Lachitatu, Aug. 26 ndi kunena mu Caguas, Puerto Rico pa Thursday, Aug. 27.


Komanso mfundo zokhudza onse ulendo yaima adzakhala analengeza posachedwapa.


Cotto motsutsana. Canelo, 12 chonse nkhondo Cotto a WBC ndi Mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships, chikuchitika Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas. Nkhondo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndi yokonzedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Zina; Mexico, Moyo kwa mukhulupirira!; O'Reilly Magalimoto Mbali ndi Tequila Cazadores. Chochitikacho adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo mwa Pay HBO-Per-View kuyambira 9:00 p.m. NDI / 6:00 p.m. PT.

PITIRIZANI ulendo akuima monga Los Angeles, MEXICO CITY, NEW YORK MZINDA NDI CAGUAS, Puerto Rico


PITIRIZANI misonkhano KODI amaloledwa kufikapo! Mafani KUDZIWA!

Los Angeles (Aug. 20, 2015) Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Ko), ulamuliro WBC, MpheteMagazine ndi Lineal Middleweight World Ngwazi ndipo woyamba mbadwa ya Puerto Rico kukhala dziko ngwazi anayi osiyanasiyana kulemera makalasi, ndipo Mexican opsa Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Ko), zakale WBC ndi WBA Super Welterweight World Ngwazi, adzakhala yamba mayiko osindikizira ulendo pa Monday, Aug. 24 patsogolo wawo 12 chonse chiwonetsero cha WBC ndipoMphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas pa Loweruka, Nov. 21.

Cotto motsutsana. Canelo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndipo adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo ndi HBO Pay-Per-View kuyambira 9:00 p.m. AND/6:00 p.m. PT.


Ulendowu adzayamba ku Los Angeles pa Monday, Aug. 24; adzapitiriza ku Mexico City paLachiwiri, Aug. 25; New York City pa Lachitatu, Aug. 26 ndi kunena mu Caguas, Puerto Rico pa Thursday, Aug. 27.


Komanso mfundo zokhudza onse ulendo yaima adzakhala analengeza posachedwapa.


Cotto motsutsana. Canelo, 12 chonse nkhondo Cotto a WBC ndi Mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships, chikuchitika Loweruka, Nov. 21 pa Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas. Nkhondo ataperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Zokwezedwa, Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa ndi Canelo Zokwezedwa ndi yokonzedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Zina; Mexico, Moyo kwa mukhulupirira!; O'Reilly Magalimoto Mbali ndi Tequila Cazadores. Chochitikacho adzakhala anatulutsa ndi kugawa moyo mwa Pay HBO-Per-View kuyambira 9:00 p.m. NDI / 6:00 p.m. PT.


Photo Mwa Marlene Marquez
Las Vegas, NV (August 12, 2015) – Nkhondo yoyamba dziko udindo podwala pa Lachiwiri September 29, 2015, Puerto Rican wapamwamba opepuka Woyesana (WBA #9) , Carlos Velasquez (19-1, 12 Ko), ndi wofunitsitsa kupereka undefeated WBA World Ngwazi, Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 Ko), his first loss. The PBC on FOX Sports 1 adzakhala televise ndi podwala kuyambira pa 9Madzulo neri Kum'mawa Time / 6Madzulo PT. Ticket sales and venue for Fortuna vs. Velasquez adzakhala analengeza posachedwapa.
Velasquez, amene ankaimira Puerto Rico mu 2004 Olympic, is thriving at the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a world champion. He believes he has advantages that will lead him to victory. On the line with be Fortuna’s WBA World title.
“Kuyambira ndili mnyamata, Ine nthawizonse atchulidwa ndekha ngati dziko ngwazi,” Anati Velasquez. “Now I have a golden opportunity to accomplish that dream. It won’t be easy. Javier Fortuna is a very tough fighter with an undefeated record. He’s considered one of the best fighters in the division. Stylistically, he’s never been in the ring with a fighter like me. When I bring home the belt, Ine ndikuyembekeza ine kupeza ngongole anagonjetsa apamwamba womenya ngati Fortuna.”
Trained by boxing guru Roberto Norris, natsogozedwa ndi kadyedwe / mphamvu Flames Angel “Memo” Heredia, Velasquez akuona iye ali ndi ufulu gulu kuti akhoza kutenga iye pamwamba.
“Ine ndikukhulupirira ine yaikulu Flames ku Roberto Norris, amene amadziwa Ine.” anapitiriza Velasquez. “Iye ali nane tikugwira ntchito anga onse amphamvu mfundo, bringing out the best in what I do best. Memo is getting my body in top condition. Ndikuona chachikulu. I’m going to be at my best when I step in the ring with Fortuna.

Emmanuel 'Manny’ Rodriguez is set to defend his WBO Latino title against Alex Rangel in Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Bantamweight WBO Latino champion Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Rodriguez ( 12-0, 8 KO a ) will be defending his title for the third time, against Mexico’s Alex Rangel ( 16-4-2, 10 KO a ) on a scheduled 10 rounds duel, abalewo anakonza zoti Loweruka, August, 22 at the Tomas Dones Coliseum in Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Rangel is a good fighter that throws lots of punches, has faced good fighters and I understand that this fight will be a war. I have no doubt about itsaid Emmanuel Rodriguez, amene anapitiriza, “Rangel went the distance with Cesar Seda and lasted nine rounds against Alexis Santiago. In both fights, Rangel looked good in losing effort, so I have to be in excellent condition to keep the belt in Puerto Rico”.
Rodriguez, who is the first Puerto Rican boxer to grab gold at a Youth Olympic Games ( Singapore 2010 ), had on last May, the biggest win of his young career by defeating via spectacular KO in the third round, former WBA rated #11, Luis Hinojosa.
Rangel is the kind of opponent important and necessary on Rodriguez’s developmentsaid Juan Orengo, manager of Emmanuel Rodriguez, “We expect Rangel to be in great shape. The fight may go the distance but nothing is guaranteed because ‘Mannyhas gained a lot of power, and is knocking out his opponents with one punch”.
Pa October 2014, ndi undefeated Puerto Rican zotengeka, analanda WBO Latino udindo mwa kugodomalitsa Miguel 'Musaope’ Cartagena in the first round. Cartagena anali kale awiri nthawi United States National Ngwazi, ndipo 11 nthawi Golden Magolovesi wopambana mu Philadelphia.
Rodriguez ali ina yotchuka kupambana ndi akamakambirana pa dziko udindo Woyesana, David Quijano, ndi kale WBC FECARBOX ngwazi, Felix Perezi.
VideosComplete fights
Rodriguez motsutsana. Hinojosa
Rodriguez motsutsana. Cartagena

Casimero amapatula! Kupirira Arroyo, Amaika Wokonda wa Ruenroeng Rematch pa Kupeza


Kulimbikitsa Sampson Lewkowicz wa Sampson Maseŵera a nkhonya akuti ake womenya, former IBF and WBO Light Flyweight Champion Johnriel “Quadro Kalanga” Casimero, sadzakhala kutsatira mwamsanga rematch motsutsana IBF flyweight titleholder Amnat Ruenroeng, koma mmalo tipeze yabwino machesi motsutsana Puerto Rico a McWilliams Arroyo.


N'kumanena kuti ndi tsiku “bizinesi wanzeru nchito” ake 25 wazaka womenya ku Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines, Lewkowicz limati bwino kulandira rematch motsutsana Ruenroeng chiyenera kuvala kugwira yochepa.


Casimero anamwalira sizoona, woyipawo odzazidwa 12 chonse kusankha Ruenroeng pa Hua Mark m'nyumba Stadium ku Bangkok, Thailand, pa June 27. The chodabwitsa nkhondo zinaphatikizapo ngwazi pochenjezedwa ndi malifali Larry Doggett kasanu kwa kulimbana Casimero kwa chinsalu asanakhale penalized. Mu moyo unali woipa refereeing chionetsero, Doggett anaperekanso Ruenroeng ngongole kwa sanali knockdown kukankha botilo ndipo analamulira yovomerezeka knockdown motsutsana ndi ngwazi pa pepala.


“Ngakhale kuti chilungamo chachitika kwa wanga womenya otsiriza June, ife kuika kufunafuna ndi Ruenroeng rematch kumbuyo sitovu yoyendera mokomera ndi mwayi wabwino ndi maso McWilliams Arroyo,” anafotokoza Lewkowicz. “Tinali ina nkhondo ku Thailand kuti kwa fiasco zimene zinachitika m'nthawi ya nkhondo, koma chimene chiri kuwaletsa zisamachitike kachiwiri?”


Arroyo (Komanso mwakumana ndi zokayikitsa chisankho motsutsana Ruenroeng chaka chatha) ndipo Casimero adzakhala m'malo nawo kuchokera pa posachedwapa ndi kukhala-analengeza nthawi ndi malo Patapita chaka chino.


“Wopambana wa Casimero ndi Arroyo Kenako yang'anani kwa rematch Ruenroeng pa ndale pansi mu United States oyambirira chaka chamawa,” anapitiriza Lewkowicz. “Nthawi zina kuika wanu zokhumudwitsa kwa nthawi yabwinoko chanzeru kwa womenya a ntchito ndipo izi ndi tikusankha pamenepa. John Riel apeza chilungamo chake patapita ndipo apeza mwayi waukulu kukumana Puerto Rico a Arroyo. Kuchokera zoipa zinthu adzafika ake awiri lalikulu zigonjetso.”

Patapita bwino pake ngati matchmaker ndi mlangizi, Sampson Lewkowicz anazimitsa kwa zotsatsira mbali akatswiri nkhonya mu January 2008.

Sampson Maseŵera a nkhonya chasanduka mmodzi wa dziko yapamwamba kwambiri zotsatsira Makampani, woimira ambiri yabwino omenyana ndipo kwambiri kuti achinyamata khama.

Sampson Maseŵera a nkhonya ali zotsatsira akazi onse pa North ndi South America, Africa, Asia, New Zealand, Australia, Europe ndi ku Central America ndi Sampson Maseŵera a nkhonya zochitika akhala televised pa kuyamba Intaneti monga HBO, Nthawi Yachiwonetsero, ESPN, VS. angapo mayiko Intaneti.

Photos: Miguel Cotto vs Daniel Geale & Undercard Weigh-In for their June 6, 2015 fight on HBO +

WBC ndi mphete Magazine Middleweight World Ngwazi Miguel Cotto (anasiya) and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (pomwe) angabweretse pa June 5, 2015 ku Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for June 6, 2015 world title fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn which will be televised live on HBO. (PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
WBC ndi mphete Magazine Middleweight World Ngwazi Miguel Cotto (anasiya) and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (pomwe) angabweretse pa June 5, 2015 ku Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for June 6, 2015 world title fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn which will be televised live on HBO. (PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
WBC ndi mphete Magazine Middleweight World Ngwazi Miguel Cotto (anasiya) and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (pomwe) angabweretse pa June 5, 2015 ku Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for June 6, 2015 world title fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn which will be televised live on HBO. (PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated welterweight prospect Dustin Fletcher (anasiya) and Karim Miller (pomwe) angabweretse pa June 5, 2015 ku Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated junior lightweight prospect Jose Lopez (anasiya) and Angel Luna (pomwe) angabweretse pa June 5, 2015 ku Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated light heavyweight prospect Junior Younan (anasiya) and Mike Sawyer (pomwe) angabweretse pa June 5, 2015 ku Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Junior featherweight prospect Shawn Simpson (anasiya) and Damon Simon (pomwe) angabweretse pa June 5, 2015 ku Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Former World Champion Wilfredo Vazquez (anasiya) and Fernando Vargas (pomwe) angabweretse pa June 5, 2015 ku Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)
Undefeated heavyweight prospect Zhang Zhilei (Pomwe) and Glen Thomas (Left) angabweretse pa June 5, 2015 ku Brooklyn, New York at the weigh-in for their June 6, 2015 fight at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. (PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports/Miguel Cotto Promotions)

6-6-15 HBO WCB Bout Sheet





NEW YORK (June 2, 2015) Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions hosted the final press conference for the June 6 showdown between WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale on Tuesday, June 2 pa B.B. King Blues Club & Grill in New York City. Along with the main event participants, undercard fighters Junior Younan and Zhang Zhilei were also in attendance. Other speakers included Michael Yormark (Pulezidenti & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation), Hector Soto (Miguel Cotto Zokwezedwa), Freddie Roach (Cotto’s Trainer), Gary Shaw (Gary Shaw munapanga), Graham Shaw (Geale’s Trainer), Brett Yormark (CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets), Peter Nelson (VP HBO Sports Programming), David Berlin (Executive Director of the New York State Athletic Commission) and Ululy Martinez (Vice Chairman of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Board of Directors). The press conference was emceed by Brooklyn Nets Public Address Announcer David Diamante.




PHOTO ngongole: Rich Kane – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports



PHOTO ngongole: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports


Zimene Zingakuthandizeni:


Akamakuvutitsani ngongole: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports




Here’s what press conference participants had to say:


Michael Yormark – Pulezidenti & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation

“Led by our Chairman JAY Z and his partners, Roc Nation was founded to work with artists and entertainers to guide them and help them build their careers even beyond the boundaries of the music industry. It is fitting then, that today we stand in a setting named for the legendary BB King – may he rest in peace – an artist and a man that knew no boundaries during a career that transcended his art. In a few short years, Roc Nation itself has expanded beyond the world of music, diversifying in a way that many never thought possible. Today we begin to celebrate a landmark in that expansion, as another legend, World Champion Miguel Cotto, prepares to headline Roc Nation’s first major fight on Saturday night against Daniel Geale, live at Barclays Center and on HBO.”


“When Roc Nation founded its boxing division less than a year ago, we committed to doing things differently, and what you will see on Saturday night will be different. The eyes of the boxing world will be fixed on Barclays Center on Saturday, with celebrities and VIP’s lining the ring and a captivated audience watching at home. They will watch with anticipation, awaiting not only a masterful performance from the champion Miguel Cotto against a formidable opponent, but also an electric appearance from Roc Nation artist and hip-hop superstar Big Sean, as well as the voice of New York Angie Martinez, and a host of other surprises that will make this live boxing experience different from anything you’ve ever seen before.”


“Saturday is the start of something new and fresh for the boxing industry. It is a chance for all of us to show boxing fans, and sports and entertainment fans around the world, that the action on fight night can and will live up to the hype.”



Hector Soto – Miguel Cotto Promotions


“It has been several months of hard work and dedication. Puerto Rico will shine again on the night of June 6 when Miguel Cotto defends his titles successfully.”



Ululy Rafael Martinez – Puerto Rican Day Parade

“We’re really happy this year to formalize a relationship with Miguel Cotto thanks to Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions. I also want to thank Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions for contributing to our scholarship fund. They are helping us empower young high school students and college students we provide scholarships to so they can further their education. I’m encouraging everyone planning on coming to the Parade on June 14 to support our man Miguel Cotto On Saturday, June 6 at Barclays Center for the boxing match of the year.”



David Berlin – New York Athletic Commission

“Miguel Cotto and Daniel Geale represent the best in boxing. These are men that carry themselves with dignity both inside and outside the ring. Men who can be respectful because they don’t have to prove themselves with words. Where they prove themselves each and every time they fight is inside that ring.”


“Now that I am with the commission, I no longer root for fighters. I’m in a neutral role, but I do root for fights. I root for fights when fighters come into the ring and they fight hard but they leave the ring safely. I root for fights that satisfy the fans and fights where the right man has his hand raised at the end. That of course is where the New York State Athletic Commission comes in.


“This promises to be a competitive fight. Obviously a competitive fight means it’s a hard night for judges, but what I’m committing to the fighters and fans is that we are going to have competent, qualified and neutral officials in place and the right man is going to have his hand raised at the end of the fight. I wish both men good luck on Saturday night.”



Brett Yormark – CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets

“We’re expecting a great night on Saturday night. Choncho, hopefully we see all of you. Matikiti adakali pa malonda. Saturday night represents our 13TH night of championship boxing at Barclays Center since we opened the building 32 months ago and boxing plays a huge role in what we do in Brooklyn.”



Peter Nelson – Vice President of Programming HBO Sports Programming

“We look forward to two fighters who have always rose to every challenge that has been put in front of them. Daniel Geale had a lucrative opportunity at one point in time to make his HBO debut and he actually decided instead to go to Germany, to Felix Sturm’s backyard, fight him for his world titles and ended up lifting the titles away from him. He is naturally the largest opponent that Miguel Cotto has ever fought and he’s stepped up to every challenge that’s ever been put in front of him.”


“Miguel Cotto…the last time he stepped into the ring, he entered it an underdog and he ended up leaving it the lineal middleweight champion. He joined just a handful of fighters ever to win four world titles in four separate divisions and he was the first man from Puerto Rico ever to do so. He performed what I saw as one of the strangest punches ever in boxing when he touched a man on the temple and it caused his knee to twist into a knot. I’ve never seen that happen. It was an extraordinary performance.”


“We look to see in this fight, fighters who are going to give us moments of great bravery and great courage. These are the kind of men we want to have on the network. That’s what makes great fights.”



Gary Shaw – Gary Shaw munapanga


“I have a personal problem with catch weights. We accepted the catch weight of 157 and I’m not here to complain about the catch weight. We’re going to make the weight. It’s going to be tough. I believe that if a fighter wants to fight at any weight that he wants to fight at, he has that opportunity, but he shouldn’t stop the opponent from fighting at the sanctioned weight which in this case is 160.”


“I believe Daniel Geale is going to win the fight. I believe that Miguel and his team made a mistake. If they were looking at the Golovkin fight, thinking that’s the Daniel that is going to come into the ring…it will not be that same Daniel Geale.”


“It’s truly an honor to represent Daniel Geale because he’s a different young man. The first time I met him, I flew to Germany. I looked around and I couldn’t identify Daniel Geale. Little did I know, he was standing against the back wall. After taking my seat at the dais, Daniel Geale walked up. I looked at him and I said “we’re in trouble! This kid looks like a choir boy not a fighter,” but he gave it all he got and he won the fight. He’s a family man. Doesn’t travel with an entourage. Always on time. Trains hard. Does everything that a true champion has to do.”



Daniel Geale – Former Two-Time World Champion


“This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited. We’re so excited as a team that this fight is taking place. We’ve put a great training camp in for this fight and I’m feeling as good as I ever have. Palibe zifukwa. I’m going in as the best fighter I can possibly be. I’m hoping Miguel Cotto is the best fighter he can be as well. I want the fans to enjoy a great fight and I believe it will be a great fight. I can’t wait to walk away with another title. I’m going in very confident and I know a lot of people aren’t giving me much of a chance, but I have a huge amount of confidence in myself knowing I’ve completed a great training camp. Knowing that I have put everything that I possibly can into it and knowing that I have such a great team. I look forward to Saturday night.”



Freddie Roach – Cotto’s Trainer

“We’ve had a great training camp. Miguel is in great shape. Our sparring partners on our team have been great. And we’re ready for this fight. Gary’s been making a big deal about catch weights, but they have been around for a long time and he knows how to read a contract and he’s had that contract for a long time now, so I don’t think that’s an issue. We look forward to seeing you at the fight.”

Miguel Cotto – WBC & Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion


“I want to thank my lovely family for being here with my. My kids, my wife, my lovely mom. Thank you for always supporting my career no matter how hard it seems or looks to you. I love you.”


“I think that people are making a big issue where there does not need to be a big issue with catch weights. Freddie, back in 2009, made me go down from 147 kuti 145. Did anyone hear anything about Miguel Cotto disagreeing with the catch weights? Osa, I was a gentlemen the whole way. Catch weights were our main point to make this fight happen. Daniel and his team agreed to going down to 157 and I hope he can make weight on Friday. I hope to see everyone there on Saturday night.”


“Freddie brings the confidence back to Miguel. He comes every day no matter what he feels and gives his best to me. When you have this kind of person in front of you giving you his best and making sure that you are going to do your best, the only way you can pay him back is bringing your best too. We only talk about boxing when we are in the gym. He’s my trainer there, but as soon as we finish our training session, he’s my friend.”



Cotto motsutsana. Geale, 12 chonse nkhondo Cotto a WBC ndi mphete Magazine Middleweight World Championships, chikuchitika Loweruka, June 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. Nkhondoyi, which is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions, will be the official kick-off event of the 2015 National Puerto Rican Day Parade Week and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate, Jaybird, TapouT, Tequila Cazadores, Venue Kings and Nüe Resource. Kuwonjezera lalikulu kanthu mkati mwa mkombero, chochitikacho izikhala angapo lodziwika Roc Nation chikunena kuti zidzalimbikitsa kutumikira kuonerera ndi umalimba zimakupiza zinachitikira, including Roc Nation and Grammy nominated artist Big Sean taking to the ring for a special performance prior to the main event. The event will be hosted by notable emcee “The Voice of New York” Angie Martinez and will also feature hit master DJ Lobo who will serve alongside Martinez throughout the night. Matikiti wogulira pa $500, $250, $200, $150, $100, $80, $50, $35 ndipo $25, osati kuphatikizapo ntchito utumiki milanduyo misonkho, are on sale now and available for purchase atwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com ndi pa American Express Box Office pa Barclays Center. Mlandu telefoni, kuitana Ticketmaster pa (800) 745-3000. Zitseko pa 6:00 Madzulo, yoyamba nkhondo umayamba 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 PM ET/PT.


Kuti mudziwe zambiri chonde pitani www.rocnation.com. Tsatirani Roc Nation on Twitter ndi Instagramrocnation ndi on Facebook pa www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Kuti mudziwe zambiri, Ulendo www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.