Tag Archives: Prince Ranch Boxing


LAS VEGAS, NV (Maart 13, 2018)Prince Ranch Boxing is happy to announce the addition of former two-time heavyweight world champion, Hasim Rahman |, to its management team. Rahman, who is best known for knocking out hall of famer, Lennox Lewis, back in 2001. Rahman will help with scouting talent, while working closely with trainer Bones Adams at the Prince Ranch Boxing facility in Las Vegas.
Hasim has a keen eye when it comes to scouting talented fighters,” gesê Greg Hannely, president van Prince Ranch Boxing. “Adding him to our management team is only going to make us stronger. He’s been in the ring with world class fighters and knows what it takes to get to the top. He’s going to be a valuable asset to our team.
I’ve known Greg Hannely for many years and I’m happy to be part of his management team,” said Hasim Rahman. “We have a lot of young fighters working out at the Prince Ranch training facility who are looking for solid management. I’m here to scout the talent that comes our way and sign the best fighters. We are building a nice stable of boxers who we believe can become world champions.
Prince Ranch Boxing has some very talented fighters under contract that include, Isaac avelar (14-0, 9 Uitklophoue), edwing Davila (17-0, 10 Uitklophoue), Blair Cobbs (7-0, 5 Uitklophoue), Damien Vasquez (13-0, 7 Uitklophoue), Humberto Velazco (19-1, 13 Uitklophoue), Victor pasillas (12-0, 5 Uitklophoue), en Donavan Estrella (11-0, 4 Uitklophoue), 'n paar te noem.

TMB & PRB Entertainment Sponsored by Mikey Garcia Promotions Present “Vrydagaand Fights” Maart 9 in San Antonio, TX

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Februarie 13, 2018)TMB & PRB Vermaak, sponsored by Mikey Garcia Promotions, teenwoordig “Vrydagaand Fights”, live professional boxing Vrydag, Maart 9, 2018, uit die Mi Mercado Event Center in San Antonio, TX. The card will showcase ten fights, all featuring hot prospects in 4-round bouts.
Undefeated featherweight sensation and San Antonio native, Jesse “Bam” Rodriguez (4-0, 2 Uitklophoue) vs. Jose Casiano (0-1) will serve as the main-event. In die mede-funksie, Arnold Alejandro (5-0, 4 Uitklophoue) gevegte Christian Santibanez (5-7, 3 Uitklophoue).
We are very excited to be working with TMB & PRB Vermaak,’ gesê Robert Garcia, who runs and operates Mikey Garcia Promotions. “Mikey and I want to build a great boxing series here with my good friends Rick Morones en Greg Hannley van Prince Ranch Boxing. I know with hard work we can bring a lot of big fights to San Antonio.
Mikey and Robert Garcia bring great name recognition to the boxing community here in San Antonio,” gesê Rick Morones of TMB & PRB Vermaak. “Our local fans are asking for more boxing events and we are delivering. We are thrilled to be working with the Garcia family and March 9ste is going to be a great night of boxing.
Rounding out the card will be super bantamweight’s Angel Alejandro (1-0, 1 KO) vs Jose Elizondo (2-4-1), super middleweights Eddie Hunter Ortiz (5-0-2, 3 Uitklophoue) vs. Edward Tigs(4-7-3), lightweight’s Frank “Bloodhound” Brown (3-1-1, 1 KO) vs. Joe Sombrano (2-11-1, 2 Uitklophoue), super middleweight’s Tommy Kamara (0-1) vs. Patrick Clarke (Pro Debuut), bantamweights Aaron Morales (Pro Debuut) vs. Carlos Lopez (Pro Debuut), and Featherweight Louie “King” Coria (6-1, 4 Uitklophoue) vs. TBA. More bouts to be added on a later date.
Multiple division world champion Mikey Garcia, voormalige wêreldkampioen Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios, 3-time world champion Abner Mares, and world title contender Josesito Lopez, will all be special guests at the event.
Ringside tickets priced at $100, and general admission $30, is nou op die rakke en kan gekoop word deur die roeping (210) 449-5599 of (210) 322-9974. The Mi Mercardo Event Center is located at 227 New Laredo Hwy, San Antonio, TX. Deure open om 6:30 PM, eerste klok by 8:00 PM.
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Foto deur Mario Serrano – Prince Ranch Boxing
Aguascalientes, MX (Februarie 6, 2018) – Ligte swaargewig vooruitsig, Humberto “Tito” Velazco (18-1-1, 12 Uitklophoue), wat bestuur word deur Prince Ranch Boxing se Greg Hannely en bevorder deur Damien Vazquez’ suiker Promotions, praat oefenkamp en meer voor sy kragmeting met Thomas Williams Jr. (20-3, 14 Uitklophoue).
Hierdie wedstryd van tien rondes, vind plaas op die onderkaart van Victor Ortiz vs. Devin Alexander, wat regstreeks in Primetime uitgesaai word Premier Boxing Champions op FOX & Fox Sports uit die Don Haskins Center in El Paso, Texas opSaterdag, Februarie 17 by 8 namiddag. EN/5 namiddag. PT
Hier is wat Velazco oor die oefenkamp te sê gehad het, sy VSA-debuut maak, en meer…
Op sy huidige oefenkamp in Aguascalientes, MX …
“Ek het saam met die voormalige wêreldkampioen Cruz Carbajal hier in Aguascalientes geoefen, Mexiko. Vir die eerste keer in my loopbaan, Ek het 'n duursame sparringmaat gevlieg om my te help voorberei vir hierdie stryd. Ons is besig om die laaste paar sparingsessies hierdie week te finaliseer. My liggaam is gesond en ek is in goeie vorm. Ek sal gereed wees vir oorlog op die gevegsaand.”
Op die teenstander Thomas Williams Jr.…
“Al wat ek van Williams weet, is dat hy 'n suidpoot is, wat 'n paar verliese aflê, en het om 'n wêreldtitel geveg. Hy was in die ring met 'n paar elite vegters, so ek weet hy is 'n baie goeie opponent. Ek weet dat hy honger is om weer in die wenkolom te kom, so ek berei my voor op sy beste. Dit is 'n groot stap in die kompetisie en ek is gereed vir die uitdaging.”
Met die debuut in die VSA…
“Waar ek vandaan kom, jy droom altyd oor hoe dit sou wees om in die Verenigde State van Amerika te veg. Nou word daardie droom bewaarheid en gaan ek hierdie geleentheid ten volle benut. Daar sal baie belangrike mense wees wat hierdie stryd dophou. Ek belowe ek sal nie teleurstel nie.”
Oor wat 'n oorwinning vir sy loopbaan sal beteken…
“'N Oorwinning teen Williams sal wonderlik wees vir my loopbaan, want ek weet dit sal tot groter gevegte lei. My doel is om 'n stelling in hierdie stryd te maak en aan diegene wat kyk dat ek die regte saak is, te wys.”
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Foto deur Mario Serrano – Prince Ranch Boxing
Aguascalientes, MX (Februarie 2, 2018) – Vanaand by die Explanada de Expoplaza in Aguascalientes, MX, suiker Promotions aangebied “New Blood”. In die 10-ronde belangrikste gebeurtenis Issac “Canelito” Avelar (14-0, 9 Uitklophoue) gevang die WBC FECOMBOX
Veergewig-titel met 'n TKO-oorwinning oor Alejandro Frías (6-3-1, 3 Uitklophoue).
Avelar, 'n suidpoot wat voor sy ondersteuners van die tuisdorp geveg het, druk van die openingsklok toegepas, dwing Frias om agteruit te veg. Avelar het baie floutes gebruik om Frias van balans te hou, gee hom geleenthede om 'n land 'n baie krag skote. In die middel rondes, Avelar het die groter Frias oorheers, dwing hom om van die toue af te veg. Toe die geveg die latere rondes betree, Frias begin vervaag, aangesien Avelar 'n bestendige aanval gehandhaaf het. In die tiende en laaste ronde, Avelar het 'n vlaag slae op die kop en liggaam van Frias geland, wat die skeidsregter dwing om die wedstryd by die .40 tweede merk. Avelar, wat bestuur word deur Prince Ranch Boxing se Greg Hannely, gebly onoorwonne.
“Ek wou my ondersteuners van my tuisdorp 'n wonderlike oorwinning behaal,” gesê Issac Avelar. “Die aanvang van die WBC FECOMBOX-titel is 'n doel wat ek aan die begin van hierdie jaar vir myself gestel het. Ek weet met harde werk, Ek sal vir meer WBC-titels kan veg as ek die ranglys opruk. Ek is baie dankbaar vir al die mense wat my gehelp het om tot hierdie punt in my loopbaan te kom. Ek is ook dankbaar vir al my familie en vriende wat uitgekom en my vanaand ondersteun het. My loopbaan is op die punt om te begin.”
In die agt-ronde mede-hoof-geleentheid, NABF Junior Vlieggewigkampioen, Damien “Sugar” Vazquez (13-0, 6 Uitklophoue), onoorwonne gebly met die vyfde ronde uitklophou Miguel Lizardo (0-2-1). Vazquez het na willekeur geland en Lizardo in rondte drie gewikkel. Vazquez het geduldig gebly en 'n mooi teenaanval gebruik om die geveg te oorheers. Regs links in ronde vyf stuur Lizardo na die dek, die beëindiging van die bout aan die 1:57 merk.
6-ronde Super Vlieggewig Bout
In 'n baie kompeterende aksiegeveg, Cristina Mora (7-0-2, 4 Uitklophoue) en Gabriela sanchez (3-2-1) ses harde rondes geveg. Mora het haar voortreflike boksvaardighede gebruik om skoon skote op 'n afstand af te lê. Sanchez het haar oomblikke gehad toe sy haar drukstyl gebruik om Mora binne te kom, land 'n paar lekker kragskote. More het reguit in die tweede ronde beland wat die neus van Sanchez bebloed het, wat die res van die geveg gebloei het. Mora het Sanchez in die latere rondes laat kantel en haar 'n gesplete beslissende oorwinning behaal. Telkaarte gelees 58-55, 57-56 vir Mora en 57-56 vir Sanchez. Mora bly onoorwonne.
6-ronde veergewig
Plaaslike boorling edwing Davila (17-0, 10 Uitklophoue) verslaan Carlos Rocha (3-2-1) met 'n indrukwekkende vierde ronde TKO. Davila het Rocha in ronde drie laat val met 'n wrede lyfskoot. Rocha het die ronde oorleef net om te stop nadat hy drie keer in ronde vier gedaal is. Geveg is gestop by die 2:24 punt van ronde vier.
6-ronde Super liggewig bout
Denver Colorado’s Donovan Star (11-0, 4 Uitklophoue) onoorwonne gebly met 'n eenparige beslissende oorwinning teen Antonio Camacho (1-5, 1 KO). Estrella beheer die geveg met presiese pons, sybeweging en 'n konstante liggaamsaanval. Telkaarte gelees 60-54 twee keer, 59-55.
4-ronde ligte vlieggewig vroulike aanval
In 'n algehele oorlog, Mayran Salazar (7-2) verslaan Naomi Arellano (4-1, 1 KO) deur 'n eenparige besluit. Arellano, wat haar eerste verlies gely het, was in elke rondte, maar is geskiet deur Salazar, wat die skoner skote laat beland het. Albei vegters het mooi kragskote geland, maar dit was Salazar wat Arellano in die derde ronde gewankel het. Telkaarte gelees 39-37 twee keer en 40-36 alles ten gunste van Salazar.
4-ronde ligte swaargewig
Las Vegas’ Kye Brooks verbeter (2-0, 2 KO) met 'n verwoestende eerste ronde KO oor Antonio Reyes, wat sy pro-debuut gemaak het. 'N Linkerhaak, regterhand combo gestuur Reyes na die doek in die opening minuut. Nadat Reyes opgestaan ​​het, Daarna eindig Brooks die kragmeting met 'n kragtige regterhand. Die aanval is by die 1:47 punt van ronde een.


Photos by Robert ElizondoTRB & PRB Vermaak
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Januarie 20, 2018) – Vanaand TMB & PRB Vermaak aangebied Fight Nite at the Scottish Rite, an eight-bout event that took place at the Scottish Rite Theatre in San Antonio, TX. In the four-round main event, Daniel “Da Beast” Biaz (11-1, 5 Uitklophoue) scored a unanimous decision over, Ray “Die vegter” Trujillo (3-4-1, 2 Uitklophoue).
Biaz, a southpaw who is managed by Prince Ranch Boxing, wobbled Trujillo in every round, with hard shots to the head. Trujillo was trying to force his way into the chest of Biaz throughout the fight, but was unsuccessful as he was countered with by accurate punches. Trujillo, who was a last-minute replacement, showed a lot of heart but was outgunned by Biaz, who landed the cleaner blows. Telkaarte gelees 40-36 oor die raad, all in favor of Biaz.
In the six round co-main event, female bantamweights, BriannaQueen Bee” Gonzalez (3-1, 1 KO) en Brittny “Mi Vida Loca” Ordonez (2-2, 1 KO) went toe-to-toe for six hard fought rounds. Both fighters were going for the knockout from the opening bell. Gonzalez was edging out Ordonez in every round as she landed more power shots. Ordonez was giving it her all, but it was Gonzalez who pulled out the unanimous victory. Telkaarte gelees 58-56, 60-54, 59-55 all in favor of Gonzalez.

6-ronde kapokgewig bout
“Bose” Vic Pasillas (12-0, 5 Uitklophoue) vs. Alejandro Moreno (24-39-3, 11 Uitklophoue)
After a two-year layoff, Prince Ranch Boxing’s Victor Pasillas, shook of the rust with a spectacular performance. Pasillas used his superior boxing skills to land his shots. Moreno was backing up the whole fight as Pasillas was on the attack. A left uppercut to the body sent Moreno to the canvas in round two. Pasillas continued to apply pressure as he forced Moreno to take a knee in round four. Moreno got up but did not come out for the fifth round. Pasillas scores a TKO.
4-ronde middelgewigtitel bout
“Kwaai” Luis Villarreal (2-0, 1 KO) vs. Adam “spook” Castle (1-6-1)
Local fighter Luis Villarreal, went the distance with Adam Castillo in a four-round bout. Both fighters were feeling each other out in the early rounds, but it was Villarreal who was the more active fighter. Villarreal came on strong in the final round landing hard body shots, forcing Castillo into survival mode. Villarreal won by unanimous decision.
Scorecards read across the board 40-36.

4-ronde veertje bout
Ignacio “die skerpioen” Holgiun (5-0, 5 Uitklophoue) vs. Santiago Bayardo (0-1)
Bayardo, who was making pro debut, was out gunned by the more experienced Holgiun. Bayardo came out throwing wild punches, while Holgiun stayed composed. Holgiun landed a couple of hard right hooks before dropping Bayardo with a devastating uppercut. Bayardo got up but did not want to continue. Die aanval is by die 1:45 punt van ronde een.
4-ronde swaargewig bout
Tyrell “te Real” Herndon (7-2, 5 Uitklophoue) vs. Armando Herrera (2-6, 1 KO)
Local native Tyrell “te Real” Herndon went to war with fellow statesman Armando Herrera. Herndon used good footwork to set up his power shots. Herndon landed two powerful body shots followed by a right hook that sent Herrera to the canvas at the end of round one. In die tweede ronde, Herrera showed a lot of heart as he kept coming forward trying to land some power shots of his own, but was not successful. In the beginning of round three, Herndon landed a counter right cross flush on the face of Herrera, putting him down. Herndon then landed a plethora of punches to the head and body of Herrera after he got up. Uiteindelik, Herndon ended the fight with another flurry of blows at the 1:06 mark of round three.
4-ronde kapokgewig bout
Gregory “Goyo” Morales (3-0, 3 Uitklophoue) vs. ben Guerrero (0-1)
ben Guerrero, who was making his pro debut at age 51, was no match for the young lion, Gregory “Goyo” Morales. Guerrero came out guns blazing at the opening bell, but ran into a buzz saw, as Morales landed some viscous counter blows. A double left hook-straight right combo blasted Guerrero who was out on his feet, wat die skeidsregter dwing om die wedstryd by die .46 second mark of round one.
4-ronde ligte bout
Frank “Bloodhound” Brown (2-1-1, 1 KO) vs. Daniel Sanchez
In a battle of local lightweights, Frank “Bloodhound” Brown dominated Daniel Sanchez from the opening bell. Brown displayed a vicious body attack while landing at will to the head of Sanchez. A left hook to the head put Sanchez on the deck in the early part of round two before the referee stopped the bout after a barrage of punches. Geveg is gestop by die2:22 mark of round two.
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STAP, TX (Januarie 9, 2018) Prince Ranch Boks se super middelgewig vooruitsig, Humberto “Tito” Velasco (18-1-1 12Uitklophoue) will return to action on 17 Februarie in El Paso, Texas as he takes on Thomas “Top Dogg” Williams Jr. (20-3-1 14Uitklophoue) on the undercard of an event headlined by Devon Alexander vs. Victor Ortiz which will be broadcast globally on FOX.
It is an honor to fight on such a big platform and against an opponent who has fought for a world titlesaid Humberto Velasco in regard to his fight. “I have a great team around me in Prince Ranch Boxing and Sugar Promotions that supports me, and puts me in the best situation. I can’t wait to show the fans what I am capable of.
Humberto Velasco is an exciting fighter, who the fans love to watch and will continue to watch once they get more familiar with him, “gesê Greg Hanney, President of Prince Ranching Boxing. “Our goal is to keep him very active and get him into a big fight.
We have done our homework and we know Velasco is the type of talent who can help Sugar Promotions.Oscar Vazquez, CEO of Sugar Promotions stated. “We are ready to make a run for a world title in the coming year, but we are not looking past Thomas Williams Jr, who is a very talented fighter in his own right. This is the type of fight that could end up on many people’sfighter of the yearlist. We believe a great performance by Velasco will take him to the next level.

Boks Returns na San Antonio Januarie 20 – TMB & PRB Vermaak Presents Fight Nite by die Skotse Rite

Januarie 20, 2018 BY DIE Skotse Rite TEATER
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Desember 28, 2017) – Op Januarie 20, 2018, die Skotse Rite Teater in die middestad van San Antonio, TX, sal gasheer “FIGHT NITE BY DIE Skotse Rite”, 'n vyfster-boks geleentheid aangebied deur TMB & PRB Vermaak.
Die hemel van die hoofren sal 'n all-aksie konfrontasie tussen tuisdorp held, Daniel “Da Beast” Balcer (10-1, 6 Uitklophoue), as hy sukkel Joey Dunmoodie (9-2, 4 Uitklophoue), in 'n 6-ronde super-weltergewig bout. Die mede-hoofren sal 'n spesiale vroulike aantreklikheid funksie wanneer twee plaaslike krygers vierkante af teen mekaar as Briana “Queen B” Gonzales (2-1) gesigte Brittany “Mi Vida Loca” Ordonez (2-1), in 'n 6-ronde kapokgewig botsing.
“Boks floreer hier in San Antonio en ons verwag 'n verraad skare,” Said TMB & PRB Vermaak promotor Rick Morones. “Die Skotse Rite is 'n pragtige plek en die ondersteuners gaan 'n paar baie goeie aksiebelaaide gevegte sien. Ons sal die klem op 'n baie plaaslike talent. Elke boks fan wat leef en beef in San Antonio sal wees by hierdie geleentheid sodat almal asseblief jou kaartjies by voorbaat. Bring die familie, almal is welkom.”
“Dit sal 'n groot geleentheid vir boks fans van alle ouderdomme” gesê Greg Hannely, president van Prince Ranch Boxing, wat bestuur Biaz en Pasillas. “Daniel Biaz het 'n skare verblydend styl en bring 'n baie opwinding om die ring. Pasillas terugkeer na 'n lang layoff en sal kyk onoorwonne te bly. Met al die ander plaaslike vegters presteer, dit sal 'n fantastiese show wees.”
Kaartjies kos $25 Algemene toelatingsvereistes $30 by die deur, $60 Laer vlak, $75 Ringside, is nou op die rakke, en kan gekoop word deur die roeping (210) 449-5599 of (210) 322-9974. Die Skotse Rite Teater is geleë op 308 Ave E, San Antonio, TX 78205. Deure open om 6:00 PM, eerste klok by 7:30 PM
undercard Bouts:
6-ronde kapokgewig bout
“Bose” Vic Pasillas (11-0, 4 Uitklophoue) vs. Alejandro Moreno (28-36-1, 11 Uitklophoue)
6-ronde swaargewig bout
Tyrell “te Real” Herndon (6-2, 2 Uitklophoue) vs. Armando Herrera (3-5-1)
6-ronde veertje bout
Ignacio “die skerpioen” Holgiun (3-0, 1 KO) vs. Adrian Leyva (0-1)
4-ronde middelgewigtitel bout
“Kwaai” Luis Villa Real (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Adam “spook” Castle (1-5-1,
4-ronde ligte bout
Frank “Bloodhound” Brown (1-1-1) vs. Daniel Sanchez
4-ronde veertje bout
Gregory “Goyo” Morales (1-0, 1 KO) vs. ben Guerrero (Pro Debuut)
4-ronde Jr. kapokgewig bout
geloof Morones (1-0) vs. Nina Gallegos (Pro Debuut)


Photo by Prince Ranch Boxing
LAS VEGAS, NV (Desember 15, 2017)Undefeated super-lightweight prospect, Blair “Die Flair” Cobbs (8-0, 6 Uitklophoue), wat bestuur word deur Prince Ranch Boxing’s Greg Hannley, has signed a promotional agreement with Golden Boy Promotions. Cobbs, who trains in Las Vegas by way of Philadelphia, is ready to take his career to the next level, and vows to bring value to an already loaded stable at GBP.
I’m super excited that I’ve signed with Golden Boy Promotions,” said Blair Cobbs. “I worked extremely hard to get in position to sign with a top-notch promoter and all that hard work has paid off. It’s time to step up my game and show the world that I belong with the elite fighters in my division. I’m going to make everyone proud at Golden Boy with electrifying performances. I want to thank Greg Hannley for making my dreams come true.
This is just the beginning of a great working relationship with Golden Boy Promotions,” Greg Hannley, president van Prince Ranch Boxing, verklaar. “Blair Cobbs is an exceptional fighter with a ton of upside. His dedication to the sport of boxing, along with his elevated ring IQ, is what makes him special. Golden Boy Promotions is a first-class operation, and Blair will shine with every opportunity that comes his way.


Foto deur Sugar Promotions (L-R) Damien Vazquez, Humberto Torres, Oscar Vazquez, Cristina Mora
Aguascalientes, MX (Desember 11, 2017)Prince Ranch Boxing kondig graag die ondertekening van die super-middelgewig aan Humberto Torres (18-1-1, 12 Uitklophoue) en onoorwonne vroulike bantamgewig Cristina Mora (6-0-2, 4 Uitklophoue), wat albei van Aguascalientes afkomstig is, Mexiko. Die duo het ook promosie-ooreenkomste met Damien Vazquez’ suiker Promotions.
“Ons is bly om Torres en Mora by ons uitstaande posisie te voeg,” gesê Greg Hannley, president van Prince Ranch Boxing. “Terwyl ons ons stigting in Aguascalientes vestig, Mexiko, dit is belangrik dat ons die toptalent uit die streek onderteken, en Torres en Mora pas by die vorm. Albei is baie gewilde vegters uit die omgewing en ons weet dat ons skoue verkoop sal word, met opwindende plaaslike talent wat optree. Suikerpromosies is die perfekte pas vir hierdie twee talentvolle vegters.”
“Ek en Damien het ons huiswerk gedoen en ons weet dat Torres en Mora 'n uitstekende toevoeging tot Sugar Promotions gaan wees.” Oscar Vazquez, Uitvoerende hoof van Sugar Promotions, verklaar. “Ons het groot planne om 'n groot hoeveelheid vertonings in Aguascalientes te bevorder en ons as die volgende groot promosiemaatskappy uit Mexiko te vestig.”
Humberto Torres is 'n ortodokse vegter wat 6'1 staan″, met krag in albei hande. Hy het 'n skare styl en werk graag saam met Prince Ranch Boxing en Sugar Promotions.
“Ek sien uit na 'n goeie werksverhouding met Greg Hannley en Oscar Vazquez.” Humberto Torres gesê. “Dit gaan 'n opwindende volgende paar jaar wees met al die gevegte wat na Aguascalientes kom, my tuisdorp. Ek kan nie wag om in die ring te kom en vir my mense te vorm nie.”
Cristina Mora is 'n gladde bokser met groot beweging wat verheug is om onder die leiding van Greg Hannely te wees, benewens die bevordering deur Oscar Vazquez en Sugar Promotions.
“Dit is 'n droom wat waar geword het om onderteken te word by 'n promotor soos Sugar Promotions, wat al hul vertonings in Aguascalientes sal aanbied, waar ek gebore en grootgeword het” het Cristina Mora gesê. “Prince Ranch Boxing is 'n elite bestuursonderneming met die beste vegters uit Mexiko. Nou, Ek is bly om met 'n groot groep mense geassosieer te word. Sodra hulle my laat weet wanneer ek gaan veg, Ek sal gereed wees om te gaan.”
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Photo by Team Pasillas
LAS VEGAS, NV (Desember 6, 2017)Prince Ranch Boks se undefeated featherweight prospect, Victor pasillas (11-0, 4 Uitklophoue), shares his thoughts on sparring with WBO Super-Featherweight Champion Vasyl Lomachenko (9-1, 7 Uitklophoue), as he prepares for his showdown with WBA Super World Super Bantamweight champion, Guillermo Rigondeaux(17-0, 11 Uitklophoue).
Pasillas, a southpaw from East Los Angeles, marveled at the speed and quickness of Lomachenko, the Ukrainian star who trains in Oxnard, SOOS.
Sparring with Lomachenko was a great experience,” said Victor Pasillas, who trains in Northern California with coach Brian Schwartz. “He has extraordinary speed and precise accuracy with his punches. Being in the ring with a fighter like Lomachenko, you learn a lot. Moving forward, I’m going to take this experience and apply what I’ve picked up to better my game. I feel Vasyl will be to big and powerful for the smaller Rigondeaux who is moving up in weight.
Victor, who has been out of the ring for over two years, will look to get back in the ring in early 2018.
“Ongelukkig, I had a few fights fall out,” Pasillas continued. “That happens in boxing sometimes, so I just have to deal with it. I’m looking forward to a fresh new start in 2018. I’m happy to be part of the Prince Ranch Boxing team and I can see myself in some big fights in the upcoming year. I’m just going to keep working hard and and take advantage of my opportunity when it presents itself.
Victor Pasillas has a lot of talent and we plan to keep him busy in 2018,” verklaar Greg Hannely, president van Prince Ranch Boxing. “We will be announcing his next fight shortly. He definitely has a bright future.