Tag Archives: Filadelfija


Former Boxing World Champion Randall Bailey Takes on Brazil’s Daniel Santos; Unbeaten Mixed Martial Artist Jamie Campbell Battles Joey Beltran; Julian Lane & Chicago’s Tom Shoaff Match Up in Second BKFC Fights

Live on Pay-Per-View from Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall in Tampa, Fla.

PHILADELPHIA (Jun 5, 2019) – Three more toe-to-toe bare knuckle matchups have been added to the highly anticipated Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) event headlined by the Paulie Malignaggi vs. Artem Lobov grudge match Saturday, Jun 22 live on pay-per-view from Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall in Tampa, Fla.

Former two-division boxing champion Randall Bailey will face off against 24-year-old Brazilian MMA pro Daniel Santos in a 155-pound bout, and unbeaten mixed martial artist Jamie Campbell poprima Joey Beltran, who has engaged in two memorable BKFC fights against Tony Lopez, in a heavyweight contest.

Also returning to BKFC are MMA veterans Julian Lane i Tom Shoaff in a 165-pound attraction. Lane looks to bounce back from a BKFC loss to Leonard Garcia, while Shoaff hopes to build on his BKFC victory over Diego Garijo.

We’re thrilled to be adding three more matchups of this caliber to the BKFC 6 lineup and there’s still more to come,” said BKFC founder and president David Feldman. “Fight fans who join us in Tampa and those who tune-in on June 22 are going to be treated to a wide variety of fighting styles in some really compelling bare knuckle matchups. Kao i uvijek, we’re promising lots of action and these three fights will be no exception.

As a former two-division, three-time world champion in boxing, I feel that I am tailor made for bare knuckle fighting,” Said Bailey. “I grew up fighting bare knuckle on the streets of Miami and I know how to win at this game. I was the bare knuckle knockout king before I ever competed in boxing.

I am honored and grateful to be invited to fight at BKFC 6,said Santos. “I’m a veteran of boxing and a capoeira fighter with a lot of experience. I am well prepared and confident that on June 22 I will knock out Randall Bailey! You will see, I’ll give a great fight and surprise everyone. I’m going to grab this opportunity and make a statement so that I can continue to compete in BKFC.

The main card for this can’t-miss night of fights will begin at 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. PT and will see former UFC veteran Krisov život u svojoj drugoj atrakciji BKFC -a, dok preuzima dugogodišnje izdanje Bellatora Brennan Ward. Više, finale BKFC turnira u lakoj kategoriji će se boriti Reggie Barnett protivJohnny Bedford u obračunu za BKFC prvenstvo u lakoj kategoriji. All leading up to the main event pitting former boxing world champion Paulie “The Magic Man” Malignaggi against UFC veteran Artem “Ruske Hammer” Lobov.

Događaj će se emitirati širom Sjedinjenih Država i Kanade, isključivo na plaćanje po prikazu putem MultiVision Media, Inc., na svim većim televizijskim distribucijama za $39.99. Također će biti dostupan širom svijeta putem streama svim uređajima povezanim kod kuće i izvan kuće na FITE-TV-u i www.bareknuckle.tv.

Ulaznice za “BKFC 6: The Line Is Drawn” sada su dostupne isključivo nawww.bareknuckle.tv. Florida će postati posljednja država koja će ugostiti BKFC događaj nakon što su prethodna takmičenja održana u Wyomingu i Mississippiju, plus događaj koji se održao u Cancunu, Meksiko.

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O Bare Knuckle Fighting Championshipu
Juna 2, 2018, Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship sa sjedištem u Philadelphiji (BKFC) ušao je u istoriju borbenih sportova kada je promovisao prve legalne, sankcioniran i reguliran događaj golih zglobova u Sjedinjenim Državama od tada 1889. “BKFC 1: Početak” održano u Cheyenne -u, Wyoming i istaknuto mjesto 10 profesionalni borbama, sve pod pokroviteljstvom i kontrolom Komisije za borbene sportove u Wyomingu. BKFC koristi samo etablirane borce koji su se prethodno profesionalno takmičili u boksu, MMA, kickboxing i/ili muay tajlandski. Svi mečevi BKFC -a sankcionirani su i regulirani od strane atletskih komisija članica ABC -a. Za više informacija posjetite www.bareknuckle.tv ili pratite na Twitteru na @BareKnuckleFC, na Instagramu u www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc i na Facebook-u www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.


BKFC se vraća u subotu, Jun 22 Naslov: Malignaggi vs. Lobov Grudge Match uživo na Pay-Per-View iz Zabavne dvorane Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment u Tampi, Fla.

Također, sa UFC veteranom Chrisom Lebenom protiv Bellator Standout Brennan Ward!

Kliknite OVDJE za fotografije iz BKFC -a

NEW YORK (Maj 20, 2019) – Bivši svetski šampion u boksu Paulie “The Magic Man” Malignaggi i UFC veteran Artem “Ruske Hammer” Lobov išli su u ponedjeljak licem u lice na vrućoj konferenciji za novinare u New Yorku kako bi službeno najavili obračun Bare Knuckle Fighting Championshipa sa naslovnim akcijama u subotu, Jun 22 uživo na pay-per-view iz Zabavne dvorane Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment Hall u Tampi, Fla.

Također se spremaju u ponedjeljak prije borbe na BKFC -u 6 su bili veterani UFC -a Krisov život i dugogodišnji Bellator istaknuti Brennan Ward. Prenos na televiziji u junu 22 će početi u 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. i takođe funkcija Reggie Barnett protiv Johnny Bedford u obračunu za BKFC prvenstvo u lakoj kategoriji.

Događaj će se emitirati širom Sjedinjenih Država i Kanade, isključivo na plaćanje po prikazu putem MultiVision Media, Inc., na svim većim televizijskim distribucijama za $39.99. Također će biti dostupan širom svijeta putem streama svim uređajima povezanim kod kuće i izvan kuće na FITE-TV-u i www.bareknuckle.tv.

Ulaznice za “BKFC 6” dostupni su sutra u 10 sati. ET isključivo nawww.bareknuckle.tv. Florida će postati posljednja država koja će ugostiti BKFC događaj nakon što su prethodna takmičenja održana u Wyomingu i Mississippiju, plus događaj koji se održao u Cancunu, Meksiko.

Evo šta su učesnici konferencije za novinare imali da kažu u ponedeljak:


“Oduvijek sam bio poznat kao jedan od najtežih ljudi u boksu. Lobov je poznat kao vreća za udaranje sa glasnim ustima.

“Da je po mom, Nokautirao bih ga u posljednjoj rundi. Želim ga udariti od početka do kraja. Izaći će pokušavajući, a onda će postati stidljiv. Oklijevat će čak i učiniti korak.

“Uvijek tražim svoj sljedeći izazov. Nisam ovo planirao, ali mi je prodan, i to mi se dopalo. Artem je vreća za udaranje i obično to pogodim besplatno.

“Ja nikad ne lažem, jer ne moram nikoga da se plašim. Lažete samo zato što se bojite. Zašto Lobov i njegov tim lažu? Znaš zašto. Nije me briga šta misle. Izbaciću ovog momka sledećeg meseca.

“Dok treniram, Shvaćam da su mi ruke poput žileta. Dobro pogledajte Lobovo lice, jer ću sljedećeg mjeseca učiniti da izgleda kao mapa puta sa linijama po cijelom.”


“Osećam da ja imam prednost u ovoj borbi. Sa godinama, lakše je nokautirati. On nikada nije povrijedio nikoga u ringu, pa će mu to biti loša utakmica.

“Vidim da ga zaustavljam. On to više ne želi. Da bi bio borac i zaista se takmičio, morate imati vatru. Njegova vatra je odavno nestala.

“Moja strategija je da uđem tamo i gurnem mu šaku u grlo. Sada je lično s načinom na koji je govorio i ponašao se. Skloniću ga.

“Paulie se voli skrivati ​​iza uboda i finta. Nikad ne pušta ruke. On se samo krije i pokušava doći do kraja borbe.

“U junu ću sve pustiti u ring 22. Ja ću biti „Ruski čekić“’ od starta do cilja. Želim ga sresti u ringu i skloniti kao pravi ratnici.

“Nikada ne obavijam ruke. Ne kad sparingujem, ne kad udarim u torbu ili tako nešto. To ih je dodatno otežalo. Možda ne izgledaju lijepo, ali nanose veliku štetu.

“Za Paulija je igra gotova. Čuo sam da je poznat kao "Čarobni čovjek", ali samo se nadam da neće nestati prije borbe.”


“Goli zglob definitivno je uzbudljiv sport. Sve su to dobre stvari. Dva momka idu od pete do pete. To je ono što najbolje radim i dovodi me u opasnu poziciju da povrijedim svoje protivnike. Kad sam prvi put vidio BKFC, osjećao sam se kao da je ovaj sport stvoren za mene.

“Ne možete se zaista pokriti bez rukavice kao štita u golom zglobu, pa mijenja način na koji se branite. Ali također mijenja način na koji pogađate i gdje se nalazi vaš domet.

“Mislim da je ovaj sport stvoren za mene i pokazaće se u borbi. Oboje smo teški napadači. Brennan će biti moj najteži protivnik BKFC -a do sada i ne shvaćam ga olako. Ja vozim oživljavanje i to neće prestati.

“Povlačim sva stajanja i činim sve što mogu da se pripremim. Jer u junu 22, Nokautiram ga.”


“Kamp trening traje velika. Zaista sam uzbuđen jer sam neko vrijeme čekao da se borim golim zglobovima. Odmah sam znao da je to za mene.

“Mislim da imam odličnu vještinu za gole zglobove. Brzo i brzo stajem na noge. Jaka sam i imam teške ruke. Mogu se svađati ili boksati.

“To je u osnovi normalan trening kamp za mene, ali sa više boksa nego ikad. Ionako sam uvijek puno boksao, tako da je to nešto što mi je postalo prirodno.

“Ja sam drugačiji borac od onog s kojim se Leben borio u BKFC -u. Ovaj sport mi je jako pogodan. Samo se želim svađati. Nisam se bavio drugim disciplinama u VMA, pa kad se pojavio BKFC, Bio sam spreman za prijavu.

“Mislim da ću biti sila na koju se treba računati u BKFC -u. Naći ću lijep dom i raditi u ringu.”

DAVID FELDMAN, Osnivač BKFC -a & Predsjednik

“Ovaj događaj dobija izvještavanje za koje zaista jamči. Ovo će biti naslagani događaj plaćanja po prikazu odozgo prema dolje.

“Glavni događaj ovdje je dugo očekivana bitka. Ovo je najveća gola tučnjava u povijesti.

“Zaista smo zadovoljni s onim što smo uspjeli izgraditi. Ako ste vidjeli neki od naših događaja, znate da je to neprestana akcija od početka. Ponosni smo na ono što smo pružili borbenim navijačima.

“Ljudi su izvorno govorili da Artem nema šanse protiv Paulieja, ali jednom su vidjeli Artema u njegovoj prvoj borbi s BKFC -om, fanovi mogu vidjeti da bi ovo moglo biti teže nego što se očekivalo. Ovo se razlikuje od boksa i od MMA -a. Dobiti udarac s tim golim zglobom različito je od svega što ste do sada iskusili.

“Tako sam uzbuđen što ću ovu borbu prenijeti na Floridu i donijeti ovu borbu njihovim obožavateljima. Jun 22 uživo uz plaćanje po prikazu, ovo sigurno ne želite propustiti.”

BRIAN RICH, Izvršni producent & Distributer

“Veoma smo uzbuđeni što ćemo biti na šestom BKFC showu za manje od godinu dana. Sve je bilo neverovatno. Očekujemo veliku borbu između dva velika borca ​​i radujemo se što ćemo ovaj događaj donijeti navijačima širom svijeta.”

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O Bare Knuckle Fighting Championshipu
Juna 2, 2018, Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship sa sjedištem u Philadelphiji (BKFC) ušao je u istoriju borbenih sportova kada je promovisao prve legalne, sankcioniran i reguliran događaj golih zglobova u Sjedinjenim Državama od tada 1889. “BKFC 1: Početak” održano u Cheyenne -u, Wyoming i istaknuto mjesto 10 profesionalni borbama, sve pod pokroviteljstvom i kontrolom Komisije za borbene sportove u Wyomingu. BKFC koristi samo etablirane borce koji su se prethodno profesionalno takmičili u boksu, MMA, kickboxing i/ili muay tajlandski. Svi mečevi BKFC -a sankcionirani su i regulirani od strane atletskih komisija članica ABC -a. Za više informacija posjetite www.bareknuckle.tv ili pratite na Twitteru na @BareKnuckleFC, na Instagramu u www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc i na Facebook-u www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship vraća se u subotu, Jun 22 Voditelj: Paulie Malignaggi vs. Artem Lobov Grudge utakmica uživo na Pay-Per-Viewu iz Zabavne dvorane na državnom sajmu Floride u Tampi, Fla.

Naslagano veče BKFC -a 6 Akcijske karakteristike UFC -ov veteran Chris Leben protiv Bellator -a Istaknuti Brennan Ward, Više! Obračun BKFC prvenstva u lakoj kategoriji između Reggieja Barnetta & Johnny Bedford

Ulaznice u prodaji u petak!

PHILADELPHIA (Maj 20, 2019) – Dugo očekivani meč protiv bivšeg svjetskog prvaka u boksu Paulie “The Magic Man” Malignaggi i UFC veteran Artem “Ruske Hammer” Lobov volja naslov Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) akcija u subotu, Jun 22 uživo na pay-per-view iz Zabavne dvorane Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment Hall u Tampi, Fla.

Televizijski dio borbe koja se ne smije propustiti počet će u 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. PT i također će vidjeti bivšeg UFC veterana Krisov život u svojoj drugoj atrakciji BKFC -a, dok preuzima dugogodišnje izdanje Bellatora Brennan Ward. Više, finale BKFC turnira u lakoj kategoriji će se boriti Reggie Barnett protiv Johnny Bedford u obračunu za BKFC prvenstvo u lakoj kategoriji.

“Započinjemo našu epsku bitku u aprilu 6 između Artema Lobova i Jasona Najta, zamah je nevjerovatan koji dolazi u BKFC 6,” rekao je osnivač BKFC -a i predsjednik David Feldman. “Sa svađom koju su Paulie i Artem već imali, ovo obećava da će biti super uzbudljivo. Ovo je goli zglob i sve se promijeni kad se bore s golim zglobom. Tako, kakvi god planovi imate, mogu brzo izaći kroz prozor. To je ono što ovo čini tako uzbudljivim i zašto sam toliko uzbuđen zbog ove borbe. Mislim da ćemo imati mnogo pažnje na ovom događaju i vrlo smo sretni što ćemo ga ugostiti u Tampi, jedno od najboljih borilačkih tržišta u zemlji. Zaista jedva čekam 22. jun.”

Događaj će se emitirati širom Sjedinjenih Država i Kanade, isključivo na plaćanje po prikazu putem MultiVision Media, Inc., na svim većim televizijskim distribucijama za $39.99. Također će biti dostupan širom svijeta putem streama svim uređajima povezanim kod kuće i izvan kuće na FITE-TV-u i www.bareknuckle.tv.

Ulaznice za “BKFC 6” biće dostupna od četvrtka, Maj 16 isključivo nawww.bareknuckle.tv. Florida će postati posljednja država koja će ugostiti BKFC događaj nakon što su prethodna takmičenja održana u Wyomingu i Mississippiju, plus događaj koji se održao u Cancunu, Meksiko.

Malignaggi vs. Lobov će vidjeti kako se raspravljalo o rivalstvu između Malignaggija i MMA zvijezde Conora McGregora kada Malignaggi uđe u sukob s jednim od McGregorovih saigrača i prijatelja u Lobovu. Prije Lobovovog debija u BKFC -u u kojem je u travnju pobijedio Jasona Najta, Malignaggi i Lobov razmijenili su riječi i zamalo došli do udara na medijskom danu u New Yorku. Sa junom 22 datum borbe je određen i zujanje nastavlja rasti, uskoro će rešiti sukob u ringu.

“Veoma sam uzbuđen što ću debitirati za BKFC i što će se ova borba odigrati na Floridi. Dovođenje BKFC -a u drugo stanje samo će pomoći ovom sportu da brže raste i privući će više pažnje na golu borbu s zglobovima prstiju,” Said Malignaggi. “Nije tajna, Artem i ja imamo lošu krv među nama. Ne sviđa mi se i radujem se što ću mu zariti šake u lice. Jun 22 ne mogu doći dovoljno brzo. Obožavatelji će zaista uživati ​​u ovoj kao najvećoj BKFC kartici do sada, i to će postaviti pozornicu za još veće i bolje događaje jer će više boraca shvatiti da mogu dobro zaraditi i imati sjajnu karijeru u ovoj disciplini borbenih sportova.”

“Zaista se radujem ovoj borbi,” rekao je Lobov. “Paulie je mnogo pričao. Nije uspeo da drži jezik za zubima, ali u junu 22 Ućutaću ga. On je stari bokser koji silazi s kauča. On to radi samo zato što nije bolje raspolagao svojim novcem, pa se sada mora boriti protiv mene, „Ruski čekić.’ Očekujem da ću gnjaviti Paulieja unutra. Ne zna šta radi. Upoznat ću ga s nekim stvarima koje nikada prije nije vidio, a ovo će biti prava borba.”

Dva puta, prvak u boksu u dvije divizije, Malignaggi se pridružio BKFC -u ranije ove godine i planira pokazati vještine zbog kojih je postao svjetski prvak 147 i 140 kilograma. Predstavljajući svoj rodni grad Brooklyn, Njujork, Malignaggi se suočio s vrhunskom konkurencijom i velikim zvijezdama poput Miguela Cotta, Zab Judah, Ricky Hatton, Shawn Porter, Danny Garcia , Amir Khan i drugi u karijeri koja je trajala šesnaest godina. Odigrao je naslovne predstave protiv Lovemore Ndoua i Vjačeslava Senčenka, dok je također pobijedio Judu, Juan Diaz i Pablo Cesar Cano među njegovim značajnim pobjedama. Od tada se nije borio 2017, ali ostaje glavni dio svijeta borbenih sportova kroz svoje poznato djelo kao komentator u boji i analitičar.

32-godišnji borac iz Rusije, Lobov je jednoglasnom odlukom pobijedio Jasona Knighta u uzbudljivoj tučnjavi kako bi njegov debi u BKFC -u bio uspješan u aprilu. Lobov se proslavio u sezoni 22 od The Ultimate Fighter kao dio tima McGregor, gdje je prošao put do finala turnira prije nego je izgubio od Ryan Halla. Sada se bori iz Irske, gdje nastavlja trenirati s McGregorom, izazvao je Cub Swansona na UFC -ovom glavnom događaju u 2016, nakon pobjede nad Chrisom Avili i Alex Whiteom. Dok je odlukom izgubio posljednja tri UFC -a, on posjeduje 13 profesionalni MMA pobjeđuje.

Kliknite OVDJE za biografe lovaca Malignaggi i Lobov

Porijeklom iz Portlanda, Oregon i sada trenira iz Chula Viste, Kalifornija, Leben je prvi put izašao na scenu u inauguralnoj sezoni The Ultimate Fighter prije nego što će postati WEC prvak u srednjoj kategoriji. Veteran sa više godina 20 UFC događaja, njegova karijera uključuje niz od pet borbi koji su doveli do izazova Andersona Silve. Lebenu će se suprotstaviti Novi London, Ward of Connecticut, 30-godišnji veteran iz 15 Bellator događaji, uključujući pobjedu na Bellatorovoj sezoni devete sezone u srednjoj kategoriji.

Profesionalni bokser sa 6-2 rekord, 32-godišnji Barnett zaslužio je svoje mjesto u finalu turnira u lakoj kategoriji pobjedom nad Rusty Crowderom u aprilu. Borba protiv Chesapeakea, Virdžinija, Barnett će se suočiti sa Forth Worth -om, Rodni stanovnik Teksasa Bedford osvojio je prvu BKFC titulu u lakoj kategoriji. Bedford je svoju kartu za finale udario trijumfom u aprilu nad Abdielom Velazquezom.

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O Bare Knuckle Fighting Championshipu
Juna 2, 2018, Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship sa sjedištem u Philadelphiji (BKFC) ušao je u istoriju borbenih sportova kada je promovisao prve legalne, sankcioniran i reguliran događaj golih zglobova u Sjedinjenim Državama od tada 1889. “BKFC 1: Početak” održano u Cheyenne -u, Wyoming i istaknuto mjesto 10 profesionalni borbama, sve pod pokroviteljstvom i kontrolom Komisije za borbene sportove u Wyomingu. BKFC koristi samo etablirane borce koji su se prethodno profesionalno takmičili u boksu, MMA, kickboxing i/ili muay tajlandski. Svi mečevi BKFC -a sankcionirani su i regulirani od strane atletskih komisija članica ABC -a. Za više informacija posjetite www.bareknuckle.tv ili pratite na Twitteru na @BareKnuckleFC, na Instagramu u www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc i na Facebook-u www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

KALVIN HENDERSON vadi ANTOWYAN Aikens u tri kruga

Brandon Robinson osvaja Split odluke o DeVaun Lee

Raeese Aleem i Alycia Baumgardner rezultat 1 runda KO-a

Umberger i Kroll ostane neporažen sa 1 runda zastoja

Filadelfija, PA (Maj 11, 2019)–Rising super srednjoj kategorijiKalvin Henderson pao Antowyan Aikens pet puta u manje od tri kruga, i zaustavio Aikens u 3. okviru svojih zakazao osam rundi super srednjoj kategoriji borbe da pod naslovom osam bout karticu 2300 Arena u Philadelphiji.

karticu, što je inauguralni događaj koji je stream od Warfare Sports, je unapređen kralj Promocije i Titans Boxing Promocije.

Henderson pala Aikens sa direktom u drugom kolu. To otvorio Aikens za Henderson onsluaught, kao borac s nadimkom “Hot Sauce” stavio Aikens dole još dva puta prije nego što je 2. kolo moglo završiti. Već na klimavim nogama, to je bio još jedan ubod koji je poslao Atlantic City rodnom dole po četvrti put. Henderson nije gubio vrijeme raspolaganja Aikens, kao što je završio stvari teško desnom rukom za petu i konačnu knockdown u 2:14. 

Henderson Fayetville, Arkansas osvojio svoju 2. borbu u The 2300 Arena, i sada 12-0 sa osam nokauta. Aikens Atlantic City je sada 13-7-1.

U co-funkcija, Brandon Robinson preživio 1 runda nokauta na povratak i uzeti split odluku osam rundi preko DeVaun Lee u takmičenju u super-srednjoj.

Lee sletio na prstima u samom otvaranju okvir koji nosi bradu Robinson, i koljena Robinsona okrznuo platno za obaranjem. Zatresao da off, i oba borca ​​su se smenjivali u diktira akciju. Obojica su bili u stanju da se spusti neke dobre snimke moć, i borba je bila čvrsto su cijelim putem dok pruža dobru akciju širom.

Kada su prebrojani bodove, čitaju 77-74 i 77-75 za Robinson. Lee osvojio na jednoj kartici 76-75.

Robinson Philadelphia je sada 13-2. Lee Jamajke Queens, New York je 10-6-1.


Dobro izgleda super bantam ProspectRaeese Aleem prestao normalno izdržljiv Ramiro Robles u otvaranju okviru svojih zakazao osam rundi borbe.

Aleem pala Robles tri puta, sa interpunkcije šut kao lijevo kukom na tijelo koje je poslao Robles dole na 1:51.

Aleem ili Las Vegasu 14-0 sa osam knockouts.Robles Queretaro, Meksiko je 15-9-2.

Alycia Baumgardner brzo su Gabriella Mezei, kako je potrebno samo 68 sekundi im je predviđeno šest rundi junior lagan takmičenje.

Baumgardner postigao knockdowns na snimke tijela na overmatched Mezei.

Baumgardner od Fremont, Ohio je 7-1 sa pet nokauta. Mezei Covasna, Rumunjska je 9-18-5.

U ne-stream mečeva:

Bivši U.S. OlimpijskiPaul Kroll postigao svoj 3. uzastopni zastoj kada je izvadio Vincent Floyd u prvom kolu od planiranih šest rundi velter bout.

Kroll boli Floyd sa desnom rukom da kopije Floyd na konopcima. Kroll zatim sletio baraž snage udaraca, i meč je bio zaustavljen na 2:27.

Kroll je 3-0 sa tri nokauta. Floyd Philadelphia je 4-7-1.

Ryan Umberger pao Darryl Fenton dva puta na ruti do 1. krug prekid im je predviđeno četiri kruga u srednjoj kategoriji borbe.

U vrijeme zastoja je 1:34

Umberger Philadelphia je 2-0 sa dva nokauta. Fenton Washington, DC 1-5-1.

Antonio DuBose osvojio većinu odluka šest rundi preko Weusi Johnson u pero borbe.

DuBose Philadelphia osvojio mnoštvo 59-55, 58-56 i 57-57, i sada je 11-2-1. Johnson Wilmington, Delaware je 3-12-1.

Hector Mercado osvojio većinu odluka četiri kruga preko Laquan Evans u junior srednjoj borba.

Tržište Veracruz, Meksiko osvojio mnoštvo 40-36, 39-37 i 38-38 i sada 3-10. Evans Philadelphia je 1-1.

Fotografije: Deborah Carbone / Kraljev Promocije

Canelo ALVAREZ VS. Daniel JACOBS ** In-dubina pregled i analizu **

Po: Tony Penecale

The biggest week in boxing is upon us with the annual Cinco de Mayo weekend extravaganza in Las Vegas. The Mexican marquee star Saul “Canelo” Alvarez returns to his home-away-from-home to face the challenge of fellow middleweight titlist, Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs, who is intent on spoiling the homecoming.

Can Canelo sprinkle some extra cinnamon on an explosive victory? Or will it be Jacobs who provides another miracle in his story-book comeback?

AGE, REKORD, I statistika

Alvarez: Starost: 28 godina star
Rekord: 51-1-2 (35 Nokauta)
Visina: 5’9”
Težina: 167 * * Težina za posljednji nastup (12-15-18)
Dostići: 70"

Jacobs: Starost: 32 godina star
Rekord: 35-2 (29 Nokauta)
Visina: 5’11”
Težina: 159 * * Težina za posljednji nastup (10-27-18)
Dostići: 73"


WBC prvak u srednjoj kategoriji Junior (’11-’13)
WBA prvak u srednjoj kategoriji Junior (‘13)
Ring Magazine Junior Middleweight Champion ('13)
WBC prvak u srednjoj kategoriji (’15-Pres)
WBA Middleweight Champion (’18-Pres)
Ring Magazine Middleweight Champion (’18-Pres)
WBA Super Middleweight Champion (’18-Pres)
Ring Magazine Pound-4-Pound #3 Bokser

WBA Middleweight Champion (’14-‘17)
IBF Middleweight Champion (’18-‘Pres)


Agresivan, physical fighter with underrated boxing skills, Alvarez često nosi protivnike dolje sa stalni pritisak i teške udarce rukom. Will use feints and counters to throw is opponent’s timing off and create openings for a strength-sapping body attack. Carries fight-changing power in both hands but sometimes doesn’t throw enough punches. While he is most known for his offensive skills, Alvarez imaju pristojan, ali nije velika, defanzivne sposobnosti klizanja i blokiranje udaraca.

A lanky, long-armed boxer with versatile skills who often fights aggressively and is not afraid to exchange punches. Jacobs couples good boxing skills and fundamentals with knockout power in both hands. Will sometimes be too offensive-minded and is susceptible to counter punches. Shows tremendous heart in the face of adversity.


* Power – Alvarez carries thunder in both fists. He has knockout power in either hand, ali njegov najrazornijih oružje živi u lijevoj hook, especially to the body. He has three knockout-of-the-year candidates in his career.

* Snaga - Alvarez je fizički-sazrevanje i gusto izgrađen borac sa neobjašnjivu snagu. He is effective in backing fighters up, čak i kada nije spustila u ravnini udaraca. He has grown from junior-middleweight and has competed recently at super-middleweight.

* Experience – Alvarez has come a long way during his professional career and has competed against some of the biggest names in boxing. He has been in this moment numerous times and the raucous atmosphere will be second nature to him.

* Character – Jacobs stood up to and defeated the most daunting adversary of his career when he overcame bone cancer in 2011. His character shows in the ring as he has handled some difficult challenges in his career.

* Power – Jacobs has registered 29 njegovog 35 professional victories via stoppage. He has the power to change the fight with one punch and the killer instinct to finish a wounded opponent.

* Versatile – Jacobs possesses good boxing skills and movement, sometimes switching between orthodox and southpaw stances. If against another aggressive opponent, Jacobs will box on his back foot and seek counter-punching opportunities. He is adept at accelerating the pace when needed.


* Tactical Mistakes – Alvarez has made tactical mistakes in some previous fights, including trying to beat Floyd Mayweather Jr. by boxing with him on the outside. In other fights, he has allowed his opponents to control the pace and steal rounds.

* Easy-to-Hit – While his offensive skill is his calling card, Alvarez has a decent defense. When he loses focus or becomes overly aggressive, he is wide open for straight right hands and counter punches.

* Heavy Feet – Alvarez has good boxing ability but is often slow-footed in the ring. When matched against taller fighters with good lateral movement, he frequently struggles, as was the case in his bouts with Austin Trout and Erislandy Lara.

* Suspect Chin – Jacobs is no stranger to tasting the canvas. He was knocked out in devastating fashion by Dmitry Pirog in his first professional loss. He was also on the canvas against Gennady Golovkin and Sergio Mora.

* Reckless – In his first fight against Mora, Jacobs became overly aggressive after scoring a knockdown and left himself wide open for a counter punch that put him on the canvas. He was also off-balance and reckless again when he had Peter Quillin stunned.

* Atmosphere – Jacobs has fought in Las Vegas before and main-evented in Madison Square Garden. Međutim, this is his first marquee Las Vegas Cinco-de-Mayo weekend extravaganza.


Alvarez: (12/15/18) – Alvarez made a successful super-middleweight debut by destroying the game but overmatched Rocky Fielding in three rounds. Alvarez punished Fielding’s body, postigao četiri knockdowns, and finishing him with his signature left hook to the liver.

(10/27/18) – Jacobs had a tough encounter with undefeated but unknown Serhiy Derevianchenko, winning a 12-round split decision. Jacobs scored a 1st-round knockdown and landed more punches during the back-and-forth contest.


* James Kirkland (5/9/15) – The fireworks were on display from the opening bell as Kirkland engaged Alvarez with a kamikaze attack. Alvarez countered and scored a 1st-round knockdown and ended the fight in the 3
rd round with a picturesque right hand.

* Liam Smith (9/17/16) – Alvarez methodically broke down the previously-undefeated Smith, controlling the bout from the beginning. Alvarez scored knockdowns in the 7
th i 8th rounds before ending the show with his left hook to the liver in the 9th krug.

* Carlos Baldomir (9/18/10) – Alvarez was a 20-year-old prodigy facing a durable former world champion in Baldomir. Alvarez was successful boxing early and using his advantages in speed and skill to sweep the first five rounds. But it was his display in the 6th that was memorable. Alvarez rocked Baldomir before finally dropping with a left hook, čineći ga bez svesti pre nego što je udario u mat i koji se bave mu samo gubitak zastoja u 16-godišnje karijere.

* Sergio Mora (9/9/16) – Jacobs wiped away any controversy from their first fight, which ended with Mora injuring his ankle, by dissecting him in the rematch, culminating in an impressive 7
th round TKO. Jacobs scored a knockdown each in the 4th i 5th rounds before opening up and dropping Mora three times in the 7th krug, forcing the stoppage.

* Peter Quillin (12/5/15) – In a battle for Brooklyn Bragging Rights, Jacobs stunned the undefeated and favored Quillin with a 1
st round TKO. Jacobs landed a right hand early, sending Quilling staggering into the ropes. A follow-up flurry sent Quillin across the ring where the referee stopped the fight.

* Caleb Truax (4/24/15) – Jacobs dominated Truax with a masterful performance over 11 kruga, controlling the action with a heavy jab, and wearing his game opponent down. Comfortably ahead going into the final round, Jacobs unloaded on his weakened adversary until the referee saved him from further punishment.


* Start fast and don’t allow Jacobs to become confident

* Cut off the ring and force Jacobs to fight in confined spaces

* Go to the body early and often

* Use a stiff jab and lateral movement to keep Alvarez off balance

* Land something to get Alvarez’s respect early

* Do not get reckless


* Will the move back to middleweight drain Alvarez?

* Is Alvarez overlooking Jacobs?

* Will Alvarez become frustrated if Jacobs uses effective lateral movement?

* Can Jacobs win a decision in Las Vegas?

* Will Jacobs be able to exploit Alvarez’s tactical shortcomings?

* How will Jacobs handle the pro-Alvarez atmosphere?


The crowd will be buzzing at the opening bell. Alvarez will move forward, hands up, probing with his jab and trying to set his feet. Jacobs will be moving laterally, pawing a tentative jab and using head feints. The cautious 1
st round will end with Alvarez stepping in and throwing a few hard body shots, causing the partisan crowd to erupt in cheers.

Alvarez will continue to apply pressure in the 2
ND i 3rd rounds with Jacobs working to establish his jab with more authority. Jacobs will land a few heavy jabs to the face with Alvarez countering with right hands over the top. Jacobs will step to his left to avoid Alvarez’s left hook to the body.

The action will continue to intensify through the middle rounds. Jacobs will be following his jab with a straight right hand. Alvarez will be crouching and using his strength on the inside, using overhand rights and hooks to the arms and ribs.

Alvarez will sport some redness around his eyes and Jacobs will show welts across his torso. The pro-Alvarez crowd will gasp as Jacobs lands a series of hard right hands in the 6
th round but will then erupt in the 7th when an exchange of left hooks sees Alvarez land first, sending Jacobs sprawling back to the canvas.

Jacobs will rise and affirm to referee Tony Weeks that he is okay to continue. Alvarez will attack, throwing his left hook to the body and head. Jacobs will stagger back, set his feet, and respond with a right hand and wild left hook. Alvarez will land a counter left hook to the head and Jacobs will clinch, with the bell ending the round.

The crowd will be wild with anticipation going into the 8
th krug, sensing the Alvarez might be closing in on victory. Jacobs will use lateral movement while he clears his head, probing with his jab to keep Alvarez at bay. Alvarez will continue to look for the homerun punch, but Jacobs will stay out of range for the duration.

Throughout the 9
th i 10th kruga, Jacobs will be sufficiently recovered and willing to engage Alvarez, throwing more right hands, and increasing the tempo. Alvarez will land a series of thudding hooks to the body and Jacobs will counter with uppercuts on the inside.

The 11
th round will continue the intense action with both fighters having their moments. Alvarez will become inactive for stretches of the round, allowing Jacobs to again control the pace.

Going into the final round, Jacobs will know that he is in danger with the bout being so close. He will initiate the pressure on Alvarez and there will be some toe-to-toe exchanges. As Alvarez takes a deep breath, Jacobs will successfully back him on his heels with a jab, followed by a straight-right hand. Alvarez will roll with the punch and counter with his own right hand. The crowd will be on its feet as the fighters exchange punches and embrace the final bell.

The decision will be unanimous with Dave Moretti and Glenn Feldman both scoring 115-112 and Steve Weisfeld with a wider margin of 117-110, all in favor of Saul “Canelo” Alvarez.

Below you can access this week’s radio show where Tony , “Psihički” Tom Padgett and “Rabble Rousin '” Rich Bergeron discuss the fight.

Listen to “Canelo vs. Jacobs Preview, Lesnar povlači iz MMA, MacDonald pitanja će zadržati povređuje ljude nakon Fitch Draw” on Spreaker.


Fan-friendly, interactive FREE platform averaging almost 323,000 views per show in Season II as it opens 2019 u 2300 Arena u Philadelphiji.

online: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/

  NEW YORK (Februar. 1, 2019) – Having eclipsed the four-million views mark to close out the 2018 calendar yearFIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast opens the first quarter of 2019 with an outstanding six-card lineup featuring six different promotions and spanning five cities, beginning on Friday, Februar. 8 in South Philadelphia.
The free and interactive Facebook series rings its opening bell next Friday at 2300 Arena in South Philly by showcasing an exceptional, standing-room-only card put together byRaging Babe. Partnering with forward-thinking promoterMichelle Rosado on next week’sPhilly Specialfeaturing several undefeated prospectsincluding bantamweightChristian Carto (17-0, 11 KOs) i teškeDarmani Rock (13-0, 8 KOs) – FIGHTNIGHT LIVE is sure to get its 2019 schedule off to a hot start.
We’re excited to partner with FIGHTNIGHT LIVE for our debut Philly event,” rekao je Rosado. “The fights on the card and the fighters themselves have captured the attention of fight fans all over, even outside of the Philadelphia area, so we’re thrilled to give people the opportunity to see the fights live.
Carto meets veteran southpawVictor Ruiz (22-10, 15 KOs) u glavni događaj, as the 22-year-old prospect looks to continue to make his case as a contender.Rock will fight in the card’s co-feature, while undefeatedMarcel Rivers (6-0, 4 KOs) of North Philadelphia meetsDerrick Whitley (4-0-1) Springfield, Mass. in a special welterweight attraction. Amateur heavyweight standoutSonny Conto of South Philadelphiaa recent signee of monolithic promotion Top Rankwill also be featured in his pro debut as part of a seven-bout card.
We couldn’t be happier to begin our New Year at 2300 Arena with the outstanding lineup that Raging Babe has assembled for the Feb. 8 ‘Philly Special,'” said Mark Fratto, Principal and Director of Business Development, Linacre Media. “We’ve been able to showcase nearly 500 up-and-comers on our platform, and Christian Carto is special prospect who we’re really pleased to feature on Facebook. Darmani Rock always brings the thunder, and watch out for the pro debut of Top Rank signee Sonny Conto as well.
Now in its second season, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast is the fan-friendly Facebook platform thatamong other aspectsprides itself on the real-time conversations held between fight commentators and the viewing audience. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has showcased more than 450 fighters and 15 promotions during 26 live event broadcasts from 18 different cities since May 2017, and in doing so, the interactive platform has generated the loyal interest of fight fans from across the United States and around the globe, including significant audiences in Mexico, the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, and even fans in South America, Asia and Australia.
Since May 2017, the numbers on the 26-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of166,508 views per event iviše od 4.3 million total views for the franchise. Since Sept. 2018,Season II shows have averaged almost 323,000 pregledi.
The Sept. 2018 “Kings Boxing Tuesday Night Fights” (594,447) from the Sands in Bethlehem, the Dec. 2018 “Queens and Kings of Queens Card” (379,758) u New Yorku, the Nov. 2018 “Hard Hitting Showtime Collaboration” (372,662), the Dec. 2018 “Roy Jones Jr. Texas Throwdown” (318,886), the Oct. 2018 “Hard Hitting Philly Special” (297,545), the Oct. 2018 hour-long BareknuckleFreeview” (292,253), the Nov. 2018 “Titans In The Capital” (256,871), na septembar. 2017 “Real Deal Promocije: Empire State” od Resorts World Casino (225,000), and the August 2017 CES “Super Saturday” od Foxwoods (203,000) all logged 200,000 or more views, and collectively the 26-show series has seen a total of more than4,329,206 views across all devices.
Pored brojeva sirove gledanosti, potpuno interaktivne, fan-friendly productions have seenviše od 377,000 kolektivni live post angažmana (više od 14,500 per show), uključujući i više od 293,000 “naklonost” ili “voli,” više od 46,000 comments and almost 16,000 shares.
The Sept. 2018 “Kings Boxing Tuesday Night Fightsfrom the Sands in Bethlehem set a new bar with594,447 pregledi and the Sept. 2017 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Sept. 2017 DiBella card sawviše od 40,000 viewer interakcije including almost 39,000 “naklonost” ili “voli” and the March 17, 2018, Murphy’s “St. Patrick’s Day Clashset a new high-water mark forshares with 2,182.
The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE page on Facebook has more than 86,000 Navijači i više od92,000 followers.
Stvorio i producirao Linacre Media iz New York City, u FIGHTNIGHT LIVE serija ima profesionalni spikeri, više uglova kamera, televizije grafika, replays i iza-the-scene pristup i intervjui. Strimovanu emisije su dostupni globalno gdje god Facebook je dostupan. Inicijativa omogućava ne samo navijači iz cijelog svijeta za podešavanje, ali i daje up-i-dolaze borci globalnu platformu za prikazivanje svoje sposobnosti, daje promoteri pristupačan “broadcast” rješenje i daje sponzora mogućnost da se postigne masovnu publiku preko brendirani sadržaj.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Winter and Spring 2019 datumi će biti službeno objavljen u narednim sedmicama.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE je dostupan na adresi:: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/
Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Za najnovije događaje Linacre Mediji i raspored emitiranja, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.
About Everlast Worldwide Inc.
The preeminent brand in boxing since 1910, Everlast is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer and licensor of boxing, MMA and fitness equipment. From legendary champions Jack Dempsey and Sugar Ray Robinson to current superstars Deontay Wilder and Dustin Poirier, Everlast is the brand of choice for generations of world champion professional athletes. Built on a brand heritage of strength, posveta, individuality and authenticity, Everlast is a necessary part of the lives of countless champions. Based in Manhattan, Everlast’s products are sold across more than 75 countries and 6 continents. Za više informacija, posjetawww.everlast.com.

Kalvin Henderson stops Brandon Robinson in Philly classic

Koon, Cross & Toledo remain undefeated
Wise scores explosive knockout
Brenadin & Deverteuil battle to draw


Filadelfija, PA (Decembar 10, 2018) — This past Friday noć, Kalvin Henderson ostao neporažen, and he established himself as a top super middleweight prospect by scoring a 7th round stoppage over Brandon Robinson in a thrilling battle at the 2300 Arena.

The fight headlined a six-bout card promoted by King’s Promotions.
The entire card was streamed live and can be viewed on-demand on the King’s Boxing Facebook page.

The fight was a grueling battle that had many ebbs and flows. The contest at times was a boxing match, with both fighters trying to establish their jabs, but much of it was fought on the inside with each guy having success in the close fight.

U drugom kolu, Robinson began to swell under his left eye that was the result of a punch by Henderson.

U trećem kolu, but men were cut from punches as Robinson was cut over his right eye, while Henderson was cut over the left optic.

U krugu od pet, the fight changed as Henderson dropped Robinson with a hard uppercut. When Robinson got to his feet, his left eye was virtually shut. Robinson showed tremendous courage as he came forward and even, with just one eye, landed some good shots on Henderson.

In round seven, Henderson came out with a renewed vigor, and turned up his work-rate and he dropped Robinson twice and ended the fight at 2:08 okruglog.

Henderson, 166.4 lbs of Fort Worth, Texas je sada 11-0 sa sedam nokauta. Robinson, 168.1 lbs od Philadelphia je 11-2.

U co-funkcija, Paul Koon shook off four-years of ring rust to win a four-round unanimous decision over Cade Rodriguez in a heavyweight bout.

Koon dropped Rodriguez in round one with a left hook on the inside.

Koon was not able to finish off his large opponent, but came home with to win by scores of 40-35 dva puta i 39-36.

Koon, 237.4 lbs od Philadelphia je 4-0. Rodriguez, 293.9 lbs of Monroe, GA je 293.9 lbs of Monroe, GA je 2-3.

Romuel Cruz pitched a shutout, and won a four-round unanimous decision over Hugo Rodriguez in a super bantamweight bout.
Cross, 122 lbs of Philadelphia je osvojila mnoštvo 40-36 na svim karticama, i sada 3-0-1. Rodriguez, 120.9 lbs of Nuevo Leon, Meksiko je 0-2.

Isaiah Wise scored a sensational 2nd round stoppage over over Andy Gonzales in a scheduled six-round super welterweight fight.
In the opening seconds of the bout, both guys stood toe-to-toe and landed good shots on each other. At the end of the frame, Wise landed a huge right hand that froze Gonzales. Gonzales was looking around the ring, only to eat a monster right that sent him to the canvas. Clearly, the one-minute respite was not enough for Gonzalez, as Wise landed a hard flurry on the ropes, and the fight was stopped at 40 sekundi.

Wise, 155.9 lbs od Philadelphia je sada 7-2-1 s četiri nokauta. Gonzales, 151.6 lbs of Worcester, MA je 6-4.

James Brenadin i Sheldon Deverteuil battled to a four-round split draw in a fight featuring undefeated lightweights.

Each fighter took a card 39-37, and a 3rd card read even at 38-38.
Brenadin, 139.5 lbs od Lancaster, PA is 1-0-1. Deverteuil, 137.1 lbs od Philadelphia je 1-0-2.

Travis Toledo dropped Ronnie Lawrence twice en-rout to a first round stoppage in a scheduled four-round light heavyweight bout.
The time of the finish was 2:30 for Toledo, 173.3 lbs of Baltimore, koji je sada 4-0 sa tri nokauta. Lawrence, 174.4 lbs od Philadelphia je 0-3.

Brandon Robinson looking to make a statement This Friday night at The 2300 Arena u Philadelphiji

James Brenadin battles Sheldon Deverteuil in matchup featuring undefeated lightweights
Undefeated fighters Michael Coffie, Paul Koon, Romuel Cruz and Travis Toledo in action


Filadelfija, PA (Decembar 3, 2018) –Ovaj petak veče u The 2300 Arena u Filadelfija, rising super middleweight Brandon Robinson looks for a very significant win when he takes on Kalvin Henderson in the ten-round main event of an eight-bout card.




Predstava je promovisala Kraljev Promocije.




Robinson on Philadelphia, ima rekord 11-1 sa osam nokauta. Sve 11 of his wins have come in a row,




“Obuka je bio dobar. I have trained for a good eight weeks, and I have been getting top of the line sparring. I feel really confident,” said Robinson.




Robinson is looking for a big performance, and hopefully he has a willing dance partner to make a great fight.




Henderson better come to fight. I will be fighting from bell to bell.




In Henderson, he is takin on an undefeated foe, who has been promising a win, But Robinson believes that Henderson is overlooking the fighter known asB-Rob.




I think he could be my toughest test. He is undefeated, and has a good amateur background. He is overlooking me, so on Friday, I have a point to prove. I am coming in to make a statement.




Robinson feels that with his promoter and management team behind him, he is on his way to a great 2019.




I am being moved right. With King’s Promotions, and my management team, the sky is the limit. I live clean, and I train hard, so I know that have the ability to do big things.




I am going for the knockout. I want to stamp my name as one of the top super middleweights/ Friday night is a big opportunity towards doing that, and I look forward to Friday night.




U šest krugu borbama:


Michael Coffie (5-0, 4 KOs) Brooklyna, NY fights Juan Goode (8-8, 6 KOs) of Taylor, MI in a heavyweight bout.


Isaiah Wise (6-2-1, 3 KOs) Philadelphia preuzima Andy Gonzales (6-3, 5 KOs) of Worcester, MA in a super welterweight clash.




U četiri okrugla borbama:


James Brenadin (1-0, 1 KO) of of Lancaster, PA squares off with Sheldon Deverteuil (1-0-1) of Philadelphia in a lightweight fight.


Paul Koon (3-0, 1 KO) of Philadelphia boxes Cade Rodriguez (2-2, 2 KOs) of Monroe, GA in a heavyweight contest.


Romuel Cruz (2-0-1) of Philadelphia tangles with Hugo Rodriguez (0-1) of Nuevo Leon, MX in a super bantamweight fight.


Travis Toledo (3-0, 3 KOs) of Baltimore, MD looks to stay undefeated when he fights Ronnie Lawrence (0-2) of Philadelphia in a light heavyweight bout.




Tickets for this great night of boxing can be purchased at www.2300arena.com for $100, $75 i $50


Anvar Yunusov takes on Jose Salinas in main event
Two fights featuring undefeated adversaries as:
Alejando Jimenez battles Desmond Moore;
Kendall Cannida fights Travis Toledo
Undefeated fighters Yeuri Andujar, Christian Montano, Michael Coffie, Joseph George & Sebastian Fundora in action

Bethlehem, PA (Novembar 13, 2018) –A stacked ten- bout kartice has been finalized for this Friday night u The Sands Bethlehem Event Center.




Predstava je promovisala Kraljev Promocije.




U glavni događaj, three-time Olympian Anvar Yunusov poprima Jose Salinas in a scheduled eight-round super featherweight bout.




Yunusov, who competed in the 2008, 2012 i 2016 Olympics for his native Tajikistan, je sada 5-0 with two knockouts as a professional.




The 31 year-old fights out of Philadelphia, and turned professional in 2017. He has registered his two knockouts in his last two outings with a 4th round stoppage over former contender Mike Oliver, and in his lat bout when he destroyed Angel Monreal in one-round on September 14th in Philadelphia.




Salinas of Las Cruces, New Mexico, ima rekord 10-3-1 s pet nokauta.




The 28 year-old Salinas is a six-year professional who has wins over undefeated Rafael Casas (2-0), and the highly regarded Dardan Zenunaj (12-1).




Salinas is coming off a loss to undefeated Erick De Leon (14-0) Siječanj 27, 2017 in Studio City, Kalifornija.


U šest krugu borbama:


Christian Montano (7-0, 6 KOs) Houston, Texas takes on Paul Holley (6-1-1, 5 KOs) of Sarasota, FL in a light heavyweight bout.


Michael Coffie (4-0, 3 KOs) Brooklyna, NY takes on 68-fight Veteran Jamaal Woods of Forest City, AL in a heavyweight contest.


Joseph George (7-0, 6 KOs) poprima Josue Obando (16-24-1, 12 KOs) od Jalisco, MX in a light heavyweight bout.




Sebastian Fundora (10-0, 6 KOs) of Cochella, California fights Jonathan Batista (18-15, 11 KOs) of San Pedro, DR in a junior middleweight fight.


U četiri-round borbama:


Jeffrey Torres of Bethlehem will make his pro debut against Steven Lopez (0-2) of Philadelphia in a bantamweight bout.

Yeuri Andujar (1-0, 1 KO) of San Cristobal, Dominican Republic fights debuting Haziz Self of Philadelphia in a featherweight bout.




In a battle of undefeated bantamweights, Alejandro Jimenez (3-0, 1 KO) of New Hope, PA fights Desmond Moore (1-0-1, 1KO) of Bethlehem, PA.


Ricky Nuno (2-1, 1 KO) of Bethlehem, PA fights Ashton Sykes (2-2) of Colombia, MD in a middleweight bout.




Undefeated light heavyweights get it on as Kendall Cannida (2-0) of Philadelphia battles Travis Toledo (2-0, 2 KOs) of Baltimore, MD.




Ulaznice za live event, koji se promovira Kraljev Promocije, su po cijeni od $50, $75 i $100, ne uključujući primjenjivo naknada za uslugu i poreza i da su na prodaju sada. Tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.com. Za punjenje putem telefona poziv na Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000.

Brandon Adams dominates Shane Mosley Jr. to win The Contender championship

PHILADELPHIA, PENN.(Novembar 9, 2018)-Brandon Adams was dominant in pounding Shane Mosley Jr. over 10-rounds to win a wide unanimous decision and claim The Contender championship at the Forum in Inglewood, Kalifornija.




U drugom kolu, Adams landed some solid shots with both hands on the inside. Adams continued to land the quick accurate punches through the first half of the fight. Adams in-and-out punching had Mosley thinking more than punching.




U šestom kolu, Adams started to pick up the tempo, and landed a series of power punches with both hands. Adams featured several hard rights and ripping uppercuts. In round seven, Adams continued to land flush punches and hurt Mosley with each connect. Mosley was cut over his left eye in the 7th frame. Adams continued his dominance down the stretch and won by scores of 100-90 dva puta i 99-91.




My camp, everybody helped me. They pushed me. All of the combatants were tough. They pushed me, and they helped me reach new heights.,said Adams in the ring after the fight.




It was a dominant win for Brandon. He put on a terrific performance, and he proved that he is one of the top middleweights in the world. There will be plenty of big fights on the horizon for Brandon,” rekao je predsjednik Banner Promocije, Artie Pelullo.




With the win Adams (21-2, 13 KOs) is guaranteed a top-10 ranking by the WBA.




The Contender was seen Live on EPIX ®.




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