Yorliq Archives: Piter Lijyer




Bajarildi Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Fight Card Results:

Maykl Makdonald (18-4) mag'lub Piter Lijyer (8-2-1) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Rasmlar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8acndyoa13mtgs7/AABOlDgJCtycBa-bPH8L1e8Qa?dl = 0


McDonald Quote: “I was happy with the performance. He ate some heavy punches. I hit him hard enough to break my right hand again, so he’s very durable and I expected that from him. I’ve seen him get put down and keep coming. He was very impressive, I’m honored to have fought him and he really stepped up to the occasion. I think that I have some pretty high accolades for a bantamweight, but I really have no idea how that stacks up to the other guys in my division. We will let this hand heal up and find out soon.”


Valeriy Letourneau (9-6) mag'lub Kate Jekson (9-3-1) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Rasmlar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xv8mhtcx9eku5p9/AAB94OCwYqOCIUbHyTcU3chUa?dl = 0


Letourneau Quote: “I never feel like I’m doing enough. That’s the first thing I ask my coach: ‘Was it a good fight?’ I think experience has taught me to be patient in the fight and to fight smart. You always want to put on a show, but sometimes it can cost you the fight. Mening oxirgi kurashda, I didn’t do enough because I was too careful. I wanted to bring all that experience together and make the best of it.”


“This was a very important fight for me. Men 34, my daughter’s a teenager now. I’ve sacrificed a lot of things for my career. But I want this Bellator belt so bad. It was really hard for me to watch Ilima Macfarlane and Emily Ducote fight for it first. I have so much respect for both of them, but I wanted to be the first one to fight for the title. Afsuski, that didn’t happen but to me that’s the only thing I have on my mind right now. Ilima knows I want to fight her and she had a really good performance in her last fight. When it happens, I think it’s going to be a really good matchup. It’s going to be an exciting fight.”

Muhammad Yahyo (4-1) mag'lub Ash Griffits (4-5) via TKO at 3:26 dumaloq biri


Rasmlar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/62fh9s38lo1de3x/AAAF5NCgKybT6v1HG9qYJOaHa?dl = 0


Yahya Quote: “This is what we trained for and we executed exactly as we planned. I was very confident in the opening round. I said that I was going to win in the first round by TKO and I did just that. It’s confidence, but this is also a product of hard work. I was training very hard for this and I executed. I knew that I had the best team in the world and we’re on to the next one now.”


Filipp De Fris (14-6, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) Daf. James Thompson (20-17, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) taqdim orqali (Gyote) da 1:33 dumaloq biri


Rasmlar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/efcurjmp6k10j2q/AADd556tK8j6Lg-T7Te54Z_ma?dl = 0


De Fries Quote: "Men katta his, the less damage the better. I’m not getting any prettier. Hats off to James, he’s a legend. It’s a shame it was over so quick, it could have been a barn burner. But I’m happy. I want to climb the ladder here in Bellator. If there is an opening in this tournament, I’ll gladly step in. I feel great at the moment. Fighting is 90 percent mental and the first half of my career, I didn’t have the head for it. But now I’m putting everything together, I feel great and I’m performing. Men tayyorman, Men hech kimni jang olaman.


Jeremy Petley (12-8) Daf. Lyuis Monarx (9-3) split qarori orqali (29-28 x2, 27-30)


Rasmlar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q1gw2zn80ujf2ps/AABweE-l4KMFb00-hvR7CExDa?dl = 0


Petley Quote: “I was prepared to do the job and really demonstrate my skills. He put up a tough fight and made me work for it. I was prepared for a war, and that’s what he gave me so I had to dig deep. Lewis was a good opponent but I knew no matter what the situation or adversity, that I have a big heart, I have work ethic, a good skillset and a good corner behind me. I knew that no matter what happened, I would come out with the victory.”


“This is a fraction of my potential. Men katta kurashlar istayman, I want the Bellator title. I want to move up, I want to move forward and fight late in the night. I have what it takes, so I’ll take anybody. This was not the most convincing win, but no matter who I face, I can win. I don’t care who it is up against me, I can always find a way. I find a way to win. That’s what I do.”




Ertaga NIGHT AT 9/8c


NEWCASTLE, Angliya – Only one main event competitor is sure to be smiling after their matchup ertaga night when Maykl Makdonald(17-4) makes his Bellator debut against Piter Lijyer (8-1-1) in the headlining bout of Bellator 191.

Another high-profile free agent signing in Valeriy Letourneau (8-6) is also set to make her long-awaited promotional debut, duch Kate Jekson (9-2-1) in the co-main event at Newcastle, England’s Metro Radio Arena.


Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier SPIKE kanalida bepul efirga uzatiladi Juma, Dec. 15 da 9 p.m. VA/ 8 p.m. CT. The event marks the last time Bellator will air on SPIKE before the network rebrands itself as Paramount Network in January.


Tadbir uchun chiptalarni quyidagi manzildan sotib olish mumkin Ticketmaster.co.uk & event.co.uk


Bajarildi Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Jang kartasi:

138 Pound Catchweight Main Event: Maykl Makdonald (137.6 lbs.) va boshqalar. Piter Lijyer (135.8 lbs.) Rasmlar

Ayollar vazn toifasidagi asosiy tadbir: Valeriy Letourneau (125.8 lbs.) va boshqalar. Kate Jekson (125.5 lbs.) Rasmlar

Og'ir vazn toifasidagi jang: James Thompson (266 lbs.) va boshqalar. Phil De Fries (261 lbs.) Rasmlar

Welterweight Feature Bout: Muhammad Yahyo (163 lbs.) va boshqalar. Ash Griffits (170.5 lbs.) Rasmlar

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Jeremy Petley (146.4 lbs.) va boshqalar. Lyuis Monarx (146 lbs.) Rasmlar



FARISHTALAR - Bellatorning ikki nafar eng yaxshi erkin agenti, Maykl Makdonald (17-4) va Valeriy Letourneau (8-6), davomida ikkalasi ham uzoq kutilgan reklama debyutlarini qiladi Bellator 191 Nyukasldagi Metro Radio Arenada, Angliya Juma, Dec. 15.


“Mayday” esa Peter Lijyerga qarshi maydonga tushadi (8-1-1) engil vazn toifasida asosiy musobaqada, "Trouble" esa engil vaznda raqobatlashadi Kate Jekson (9-2-1) hamraisi asosiy tadbirda. Bunga qo'chimcha, Jeyms "Koloss" Tompson qachon Britaniya og'ir vaznli to'qnashdi (20-16, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) Bellator qafasiga qaytadi, u erda u Filipp De Fries bilan uchrashadi (13-6, 1 Shimoliy Karolina). Nihoyat, ikkita engil vazn toifasidagi musobaqalar ham qo'shildi, Jeremy Petley sifatida (11-8) Lyuis Monarx bilan jang qiladi (9-2) va Ash Griffits (4-4) Muhammad Yahyoni qabul qiladi (3-1).


Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier SPIKE kanalida bepul efirga uzatiladi Juma, Dec. 15 da 9 p.m. VA/ 8 p.m. CT. Tadbir uchun chiptalarni quyidagi manzildan sotib olish mumkin Ticketmaster.co.uk & event.co.uk.


Faqat 26 yoshdan, McDonald Bellator qafasiga MMA sporti taklif qiladigan eng yaxshi og'irliklarga qarshi tajribaga ega bo'ladi., shu jumladan Renan Barao, John Lineker, Urijah Faber va Bred Pikett. WEC faxriysi va UFC faxriysi, Modesto, Kaliforniyalik fuqaro Bellator bilan to'qqizta jangdan so'ng shartnoma imzoladi, uning oldingi lavozimga ko'tarilishi bilan besh yil ishladi. Bilan 15 uning ichida tugaydi 17 a professional sifatida kiritdi, McDonald Lijyerga faoliyatidagi birinchi mag'lubiyatini topshirishga harakat qiladi.


Parijdan salom, Frantsiya, Ligier o'z kasbiga aylandi 2013 va o'zining 10 jangli faoliyati davomida faqat Yevropa aylanmasida qatnashgan. “BadAzz” nomi bilan ham tanilgan,” 31 yoshli futbolchi sakkizta imkoniyatdan beshtasida raqibini yakunladi, ning ta'sirchan tugatish tezligini tashkil etadi 63%. Endi Bellator bilan debyut qilmoqda, Ligier ilgari BAMMA uchun kurashgan 2014.


Kanadada tug'ilgan Létourneau, Somon vazn toifasida sobiq UFC chempioni, hayajonli janglar bo'yicha ta'sirchan rekordga ega, sobiq chempion Joanna Jedrzejchikga qarshi jahon chempionligi uchun bahsda ta'kidlangan. Hozir, uning ko'proq tabiiy vazn toifasiga o'tish, 34 yoshli American Top Team mahsuloti Bellator uchun debyut qiladi. Dekabrda. 15, "Muammo" professional sifatidagi sakkizta g'alabasini yaxshilashga intiladi, beshta marrani o'z ichiga olgan jamlanma, to'rttasi nokaut bilan keladi.


Colleen Schneider ustidan yangi g'alaba Bellator 182 avgust oyida, g'alaba Jeksonga ketma-ket beshta g'alaba keltirdi, shu jumladan to'rtta to'xtash. Jekson may oyidan beri yutqazmadi 2013, realiti-shouni ham o'z ichiga olgan davr Ultimate Fighter mavsum 23. Lostwithieldan salom, Cornwall, Angliya, Jekson o'z foydasiga uy olomoniga ega bo'ladi Bellator 191.

Bajarildi Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Jang kartasi:

Bantamweight asosiy voqeasi: Maykl Makdonald (17-4) va boshqalar. Piter Lijyer (8-1-1)

Ayollar vazn toifasidagi asosiy tadbir: Valeriy Letourneau (8-6) va boshqalar. Kate Jekson (9-2-1)

Og'ir vazn toifasidagi jang: James Thompson (20-16, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va boshqalar. Filipp De Fris (13-6, 1 Shimoliy Karolina)

Engil vazn toifasidagi jang: Jeremy Petley (11-8) va boshqalar. Lyuis Monarx (9-2)


Dastlabki Card:

Engil vazn toifasidagi dastlabki jang: Muhammad Yahyo (3-1) va boshqalar. Ash Griffits (4-4)

