标记档案: Pennsylvania

Derrick Webster to headline D and D Promotions presents Rumble at the Rink on Saturday June 4th at The Grundy Arena in Bristol, PA

Also slated to see action will be Elijah Vines, Vidal Rivera and Mike Hilton


布里斯托尔, PA (五月 13, 2016) On Saturday night 6月4日, D and D Promotions 将推出全新的拳击系列 “在溜冰场隆隆作响” 拳击系列赛将在 布里斯托尔的格兰迪竞技场, 霸.
Scheduled to appear in the six-round main event will be super middleweight Derrick Webster.
格拉斯波罗韦伯斯特, 新泽西州有纪录 19-1 同 10 knockouts and will be looking to get back in the win column after an eleven-month layoff.
Webster won his first nineteen bouts, which was highlighted by a 22-second knockout over 23-1 小房大斋. He is coming off his first professional blemish when he was stopped by undefeated Arif Magomedov on July 17, 2015.
Also scheduled to appear will be super welterweight Elijah Vines (1-0, 1 KO) 费城; super bantamweight Vidal Rivera (3-0, 3 KO的) 卡姆登, New Jersey and two-time National Golden Gloves champion Mike Hilton (1-0, 1 KO) 费城.
All four will have their opponents announced shortly plus six High-Level amateur bouts will be part of a special night of boxing.
这个特别夜晚的门票是 $100, $75, $50 & $30 可以通过致电 Dave Price 购买 267-246-7182 或诺维奇博士在 609-923-3982

格伦迪竞技场位于 475 布里斯托尔海狸街, PA

D and D Promotions 将于 6 月 4 日(星期六)在布里斯托尔的 Grundy Arena 举办 Rumble, PA


布里斯托尔, PA (四月 27, 2016)周六 夜晚 6月4日, D and D Promotions 将推出全新的拳击系列 “在溜冰场隆隆作响” 拳击系列赛将在 布里斯托尔的格兰迪竞技场, 霸.

D 和 D 促销活动, 由 David Price 和 Doc Nowicki 组成,相信发展专业的理念 & 业余拳击手,同时让他们接触拳击迷.

该卡将具有 4 职业比赛以及 6 高水平的业余比赛.

“这是拳击迷了解拳击明星的好方法 明天 让这些战士在同一个节目中. 有很多伟大的战士, 该领域的专业人士和业余人士, 这将为他们提供一个很好的机会来展示自己的能力,” D 和 D 促销活动大卫·普莱斯 (David Price) 说道.

“我们很高兴将拳击带回布里斯托尔地区. 该系列将有许多杰出且饥饿的战士. 我们可以保证激动人心的竞争性战斗,其中也将有该地区最优秀的年轻拳击手参加,” 说D和D促销, Doc Nowicki.

这个特别夜晚的门票是 $100, $75, $50 & $30 可以通过致电 Dave Price 购买 267-246-7182 或诺维奇博士在 609-923-3982

格伦迪竞技场位于 475 布里斯托尔海狸街, PA

Weimer 使其成为完美的 10 战胜菲格罗亚

托尼·杰特, 史蒂夫·韦默和韦默团队

约克, 佩恩. (四月 22, 2016) – 四月回来 9, 史蒂夫·韦默 (Steve Weimer) 休养 39 个月后复出,四回合一致判定战胜 73 场比赛的老将, 约瑟夫·菲格罗亚在斯普林菲尔德, 弗吉尼亚州.

同赢, 魏默将他的满分提高到 10-0 以及来自约克的中量级新秀, 宾夕法尼亚州已做好准备并准备保持这一势头.
“他是个硬汉, 但我拳击了他,” 韦默谈到菲格罗亚时说道. “我利用我的长度和射程,在第一轮中用右手击倒了对手. 裁员后, 把铁锈抖掉很好。”
“我保持镇静并进行战斗. 我做了我想做的事. 这是一场完美的逆转之战.
韦默不会再有长时间的裁员,因为他已经在为下一次外出做准备了, 计划于 6月4日 在斯普林菲尔德.
“我已经回到健身房了 6月4日. 他们正在和几个人交谈,我只是在为谁参加战斗做准备。”
“这是我在 Jeter Promotions 下的第一场比赛, 进展顺利. 托尼·杰特是一个聪明的人,也是一个很好的推动者. 他专注于我,我知道他会给我带来我需要的战斗,让我到达我需要去的地方,” 说 26 岁韦默.
杰特促销首席执行官说, 托尼·杰特, “史蒂夫想与任何人战斗. 他有信心与自己的才华相匹配. 我知道我们是否带领他走正确的道路, 他能做大事. 天空是他的极限. 他拥有发起人所寻找的与他的能力相匹配的所有无形资产. 他很有市场,他可以战斗,我对史蒂夫的未来感到非常兴奋。”

King’s Promotions signs former world champion Kermit Cintron

读, PA (三月 28, 2016)–马歇尔考夫曼的 国王的促销 is proud to announce the signing of of former IBF Welterweight champion 克米特辛特龙.
雷丁辛特龙, PA有纪录 35-5-2 同 28 击倒.
Cintron won his first twenty-four bout and established himself as one of the most feared welterweight’s in the world.
Of those twenty-four wins were stoppages over Said Ouali (7-0), 奥马尔·达维拉 (12-2), Ian Mackilop (14-1), 埃利奥·奥尔蒂斯 (25-6) and Teddy Reid (22-5-1).
After coming up short against WBO world champion Antonio Margarito, Cintron stopped David Estrada (18-2), which set up a title opportunity against Mark Suarez.
在十月 28, 2006, Cintron stopped Suarez in five founds ton win the title in Palm Beach, 佛罗里达.
Cintron made two defenses of his crown with stoppages over Walter Matthysse (26-1) and Jesse Feliciano, before losing to Margarito for a second time.
自那以后, Cintron has posted many quality wins over the likes of Lovemore N’dou (46-10-1), Juliano Ramos (15-2), Antwone史密斯 (20-2-1), 乔纳森·巴蒂斯塔 (14-1) and his last bout, which took place on March 15, 2014,when won a ten round unanimous decision over Ronald Cruz (20-2).
I am very happy to add Kermit to the King’s Promotions stable,” 说,国王的促销马歇尔考夫曼. “Kermit and I have a long history together and we did some special things when I trained him. I am glad Kermit has come back home and now as a promoter, we feel we can get Kermit back into some big opportunities and get him in position to become world champion again.
I am excited to finally sign with a promoter,” 辛特龙说. ” I have had some offers but this is more exciting. This is the best thing for me in my career because Marshall trained and managed me. He knows me personally and he knows what I need in my career and I think its a great match. I am focusing on staying busy and getting another crack at a title, and I know Marshall will do the job in getting me the right fights and I will get that title shot.

Split-T Management signs world ranked welterweight Ray Robinson

纽约, 纽约 (二月 25, 2016)–Boxing managers Split-T Management are proud to announce the signing of world ranked welterweight contender 罗宾森 管理合同.

Robinson of Philadelphia, PA. 有创纪录 20-2 with nine knockouts and is currently ranked number-seven by the WBC.

罗宾逊, 谁把专业 2006 is on a seven fight winning streak that is over a 5 and a half year period.
该 30 year-old Robinson has wins over previously undefeated Roberto Acevedo, Darnell Jiles Jr & Aslanbek科扎克.
Robinson has collected the Pennsylvania Welterweight title with an explosive 2nd round stoppage over former U.S. Olympian Terrence Cauthen (36-7). He won the vacant WBA-NABA interim title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Alberto Morales (11-1). Robinson captured USBA title with a 7th round stoppage over Ray Narh (26-2). 战胜科扎耶夫,夺得WBO NABO冠军.
在他最近的回合, 罗宾逊以十回合一致判定击败谢尔佐德贝克·阿利姆贾诺夫卫冕 WBO NABO 冠军 (22-2) 上 四月 17.

我觉得向所有人展示我是世界顶级次中量级选手只是时间问题. 我在职业生涯中与一些强人交手,并证明我可以竞争并击败他们,” 罗宾逊说.

Split-T 管理层首席执行官 David McWater 表示, “我认为雷是美国最被低估的拳击手,更不用说在次中量级了,他可以在任何一天击败任何次中量级. 我为能与这样的班级人物联系在一起感到无比自豪. 雷无私地回馈社会。”
与麦克沃特一起, 罗宾逊将与费城队球员汤姆·莫兰共同管理,后者曾代表蒂姆·威瑟斯彭和卡西姆·欧玛,目前代表 2012 奥运会银牌得主约翰·乔·内文.

“我觉得雷多年来作为一名拳击手已经成熟了很多,并且相信只要有机会,他就能击败任何次中量级. 他在擂台内外一直表现出色,他是我们团队的一员,我们感到很高兴. 全世界都会看到他是次中量级中最好的,这只是时间问题,”乔·金宝, Split-T 管理拳击总监.

罗宾逊, 以外卡身份参加 WBC 次中量级锦标赛的选手是一名促销自由球员.

Split-T Management 不断壮大的名单中包括不败的雏量级安东尼奥·尼维斯 (Antonio Nieves); 不败的轻重量级约瑟夫·威廉姆斯和强大的乔·琼斯; 不败的次中量级选手韦斯利·塔克; 布巴卡尔·西拉; 不败的超中量级德安德烈·韦尔, 不败的重量级人物: 达林顿·阿加、特伦特·罗林斯和阿多尼斯·史蒂文森征服者, 超中量级达内尔·布恩.

可以通过以下方式联系 Split-T 管理人员: 917-627-6559 或通过电子邮件 joematchmaker@yahoo.com


约克, PA (二月 17, 2016) – Jeter Promotions很高兴宣布与不败的中量级潜在客户Steve Weimer签订独家促销合同.
约克的魏默, PA. 有创纪录 9-0 有两个淘汰赛,并希望在中断四年后重返赛场.
魏默因为常规的拳击定型没有离开拳击场, 但他花了些时间来获得大学学位. Weimer毕业于约克学院,获得了刑事司法和心理学学位。.
魏默, 现在 26 岁的有一个业余记录 105-31 曾三度获得宾夕法尼亚州少年金手套冠军,还获得了宾夕法尼亚公开课金手套冠军. 他赢得了140磅重的竞争者伊曼纽尔·泰勒(Emanuel Taylor)的业余冠军,并与未来的美国进行了斗争. 奥林匹亚萨达姆·阿里.
他转为职业选手 2008 在Spencer Harsley的第三轮停工后与新贵发起人TKO Promotions签约. 魏默(Weimer)在三年半的时间里赢得了这九次胜利, 上大学之前.
“我知道Jeter促销活动可以带我升华,”魏默说. 我了解了Jeter Promotions为Tony Jeter的职业生涯所做的一切,我知道Jeter Promotions可以为我做些什么. 将所有这些与我的能力结合起来,我知道我会一直坚持下去. 随着杰特促销, 我知道我可以冲顶而战.
“杰特促销很高兴将史蒂夫加入我们的名单. Jeter Promotions将像他为我的职业那样为他做. 杰特·普林斯(Jeter Promotions)会培养他的实力,让他获得等级,我可以看到他在未来的许多大战中最终赢得世界冠军, ” 赛义德·杰特.
托尼·杰特(Tony Jeter)是中量级竞争者,曾两次闯入世界排名并与克里斯·尤班克(Chris Eubank Jr). WBA中期中量级冠军. 杰特成立了自己的促销公司并晋升 20 事件. Jeter是马里兰州的持牌发起人, 华盛顿, 弗吉尼亚州,正在等待在宾夕法尼亚州获得发起人许可证.
预计Weimer将在Jeter Promotions旗帜下首次亮相 四月 9在斯普林菲尔德的斯普林菲尔德ABC, 弗吉尼亚州.

可以通过电子邮件与Jeter促销联系 tonybpromo@yahoo.com


Christopher Brooker Knocks Off Previously Unbeaten Leo Hall
点击 这里 对于照片卢卡斯·努南/英超冠军拳击
伯利恒, PA. (十二月 30, 2015) – 不败 奥马尔·道格拉斯 (16-0, 11 科斯) gritted out a 10-round unanimous decision over 弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 (17-2-2, 6 科斯) 周二 night’s edition of 总理拳击冠军 (PBC) 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 on FOX Deportes from Sands Bethlehem Event Center in Bethlehem, 霸.
Douglas started to turn up the heat up in round two as he landed two hard left hooks that stopped De Alba in his tracks. De Alba was able to gain confidence in round three, as he was able to counter effectively against Douglas.
Round five had the best two-way action of the first half of the fight with both guys digging deep to gain an advantage. Douglas seemed to get the better of the exchanges as he landed the harder combinations. Douglas began to take over the middle rounds and in round eight, a left hook rocked De Alba and put him in danger for this first time in the fight.
The two fought hard down the stretch and excited the crowd with Douglas winning in the end by majority decision by scores of 97-93, 96-94 和 95-95.
在合作的主要事件, 米格尔·克鲁兹 (12-0, 11 科斯) remained perfect by scoring a seventh-round stoppage over Virgil Green (11-4, 3 科斯) in a scheduled eight-round welterweight battle.
Cruz was dominant throughout the fight and in round four he rocked Green with a left hook that had his opponent stumbling into the corner. In round seven, Cruz landed a perfect right and left hook that put Green down.
Sensing his moment, Cruz quickly finished the deal with two hard lefts that forced referee Benjy Esteves to stop the fight at 1:32 of round seven. Cruz’s power punches proved to be most dangerous as he connected on 46 percent of them.
在揭幕战电视, 克里斯托弗·布鲁克 (7-1, 5 科斯) worked hard and earned an eight-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Leo Hall in a light heavyweight bout.
Brooker controlled most of the action and came out with a strong first round landing some solid punches in close on Hall. 在五轮, Brooker landed a solid combination that sent Hall back to the ropes and had him in trouble. He was far more accurate throughout the night, 着陆 49 percent of his total punches and 53 他的权力拳%的.
In his strongest moment of the fight in round seven, Brooker landed a perfect right on the chin that drew a big reaction from crowd. 法官的斗争取得了 80-72 和 79-73 twice all for Brooker.
这里是战士不得不说 星期二:
“我感觉好极了. I got some great rounds. The judges might have made it a little bit closer than it really was. But I went into his hometown and did what I do.
He was about as tough as my last fight. The only thing tougher than the last one was that I had to come here on the road and do it.
This builds me. It makes me a better fighter. I had a great opportunity tonight and I jumped on it. I feel like I’m the better fighter and tonight I proved it.
It was a very competitive fight. I think I landed more punches. He was more aggressive, but I was landing more.
“这是拳击. I just come here to put on a show for the great fans. 我以为我赢得了战斗. I knew I beat him inside.
“这是一个伟大的斗争, he was a tough opponent who was very agile and mobile. I had to be patient and it was great to get those rounds. I’m coming for the 147-pound division.
I was definitely trying to break him down slowly. He was mobile, but I didn’t expect him to be so quick.
I was hurting him every time I hit him and I finally got him out of there.
The hits to the back of the head were the problem. I wanted the ref to do something about it but that’s what hurt me. I never recovered from it.
I felt like I was frustrating him and out-boxing him. But I never recovered from that blow.
“这是一个很好的战斗. 他是一个很好的拳击手, but I had to keep it rough. He has some good experience that kicked in, but my will, my heart and my training kicked in too.
My loss is what got me motivated for this performance. No more setbacks, only get backs.
I tried to work, We were working in there. I wasn’t surprised by anything. 这是一个很好的战斗.
I pushed myself. We got in there and fought. 有没有借口. We’re going back to work.
# # #
PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes was promoted by Kings Promotions.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @SuperO130KP, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FoxDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.Facebook.com/the SBEC. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

Undefeated Super Lightweight, Milton Santiago Jr. chimes in on tonight’s fight with Angel Hernandez in Bethlehem, PA

伯利恒, PA (十二月 29, 2015)–TONIGHT, at the Sands Bethlehem Events Center undefeated Super Lightweight, 米尔顿 “圣” 圣地亚哥 (12-0, 3 KO的) 将在 天使埃尔南德斯 (9-5-1, 5 KO的) 在预定八轮的回合中.
The bout will take place off-tv of a card headlined by Super Featherweights Omar Douglas and Frank De Alba
Santiago of Philadelphia will be making his 5th start of 2015 and is excited to finish out the year with another win.
Below is a video of Santiago discussing the bout and what he looks forward to in 2016. Media outlets may copy/paste the embedded code below the video and place it on their digital platforms
Milton Santiago Jr.
Milton Santiago Jr.


Full Undercard Features Undefeated Prospects Kyrone Davis, 斯蒂芬·富尔顿, 米尔顿圣地亚哥, 伯爵纽曼 & 克里斯·科尔伯特
Plus Hard-Hitting Denis Doughlin
伯利恒, PA. (十二月 23, 2015) – 不败次中量级前景 米格尔·克鲁兹 (11-0, 10 科斯) 将面临 Virgil Green (11-4, 3 科斯) while unbeaten light heavyweight 狮子座堂 (8-0, 7 科斯) 发生在 Dustin Craig Echard (11-2, 8 科斯) in a pair of eight round bouts on 总理拳击冠军 (PBC) 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 福克斯驱逐出境 星期二, 十二月 29.
Live coverage starts at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT from Sands Bethlehem Event Center and is headlined by undefeated super featherweight contender 奥马尔 “超级Ø” 道格拉斯 (15-0, 11 科斯) in a 10-round battle against 弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 (17-1-2, 6 科斯).
门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $100, $75 和 $45, 不包括适用的服务费和税收,现已公开发售. 门票可在 www.ticketmaster.com. 要通过电话特玛在充电 (800) 745-3000.
Additional action features undefeated 21-year-old prospect Kyrone戴维斯 (9-0, 4 科斯) 威尔明顿, Delaware in an eight round middleweight affair against Phoenix’s 安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 (10-2-1, 2 科斯), undefeated Philadelphia-born featherweight 斯蒂芬·富尔顿 (7-0, 3 科斯) in a six round attraction and 19-year-old Philadelphia-product 米尔顿圣地亚哥 (12-0, 3 科斯) in an eight round welterweight showdown against Puerto Rico’s 丹尼尔天花板 (13-11-1, 5 科斯).
Also entering the ring is undefeated Brooklyn-born prospect 伯爵纽曼 (7-0, 6 科斯) in a six-round light heavyweight contest against 维克多·卡帕多努(Victor Kpadenou) (10-8, 5 科斯) of Benin, undefeated featherweight 克里斯·科尔伯特 (3-0, 2 科斯) out of Brooklyn who battles Philadelphia’s 德里克·比文斯 (2-3-2, 1 KO) in a six round fight and 27-year-old 丹尼斯·道格林 (19-4, 12 科斯) out of Marlboro, New Jersey in an eight round super middleweight bout.
Round out the packed night of action is Philadelphia’s 大卫·冈萨雷斯 (6-0-2, 1 KO) against Pittsburgh’s Justin Johnson (6-10-4) in a four round super lightweight fight, hard-hitting Ecuadorian super welterweight 爱德华多·弗洛雷斯 (23-18-3, 15 科斯) 针对 少年卡斯蒂略 (8-0, 8 科斯) 读, Pennsylvania in a six round bout and Philadelphia’s杰罗姆征服 (3-1, 1 KO) in a six-round super lightweight battle against 克里斯蒂安·莫利纳 (4-1, 3 科斯) out of Allentown, Pennsylvania.
出生在阿瓜, Puerto Rico and now residing in Lake Mary, 佛罗里达, 25岁的克鲁兹是波多黎各国家队的成员,作为一个业余. 他转为职业选手 2012 and owns five victories in 2015 当他结束了战斗与丹尼尔·罗德里格斯, 礼艾迪生, 胡安·罗德里格斯, Travis Hartman and Anthony Abbruzzese inside the distance. He will take on the 27-year-old Green out of Vancouver, 华盛顿. Green enters this bout on a three-fight winning streak and as the winner of six of his last seven bouts.
Undefeated at just 21-years-old, Hall looks to close out 2015 with five straight wins after knocking out Ricardo Campillo in October. The Detroit native turned pro in February 2014 by stopping Brand Larvadain. He will be opposed by the 29-year-old Echard out of West Virginia who owns a victory over Jason Pauley in 2015.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @SuperO130KP, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FoxDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.Facebook.com/the SBEC. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

Travis Kauffman honored by Hometown of Reading, PA

阅读, PA. (十二月 21, 2015) – 重量级的竞争者, 特拉维斯 “我的时间” 考夫曼 was honored in his hometown of Reading, Pennsylvania by the City Council for his excellent performance on December 12th against Chris Arreola in San Antonio, 得克萨斯州.
In the proclamation, Kauffman was honored for not only his fight with Arreola, where he battled the former two-time world title challenger to a fight in which most people watching the fight both at ringside and watching on NBC had Kauffman ahead, but also for his activities in the community, which includes feeding the homeless and giving back in many facets in Reading.

I worked hard for years just to get recognized by the city I love,” 考夫曼说:. “I made many mistakes in my life, but I turned my life around and have done everything to give back to my community and the people of Reading, 霸. I’m honored today to finally be recognized in my city after all the hard work and the dedication. Thank you to the mayor, the City Council, and the people of Reading, Pa for this award. 我不知所措, but my journey has just begun. I love my city and will rep it until the death of me.

考夫曼, 30-2 同 22 击倒, is already back in the gym and is looking forward to his next bout which should come in the beginning of 2016.