תג ארכיון: תשלום לפי צפייה

דאונטיי ויילדר VS. TYSON FURY II הוא גדול כמו שהוא מקבל

לחץ כאן להורדת הגרפיקה שלעיל

אלוף WBC ללא הפסד במשקל כבד ויילדר & אלוף זעם אלוף בלינה במשקל כבד בלתי מנוצח כבוי במשחק הגומלין הצפוי מאוד שמתרחש ביום שבת, פבואר 22 באירוע היסטורי של מגה PPV מאצטדיון MGM גרנד גארדן בלאס וגאס

לאס וגאס (פבואר 13, 2020) – משחק הגומלין הקרוב בין אלוף WBC במשקל כבד דאונטיי “מפציץ הברונזה” ויילדר ואלוף השורות טייסון “המלך הצועני” זעם הוא הקרב הגדול ביותר במשקל כבד בהיסטוריה.

פשוטו כמשמעו.

עומד 6'7″ ו6'9″ בהתאמה, ווילדר וזעם יוצרים את הגובה המשולב הגדול ביותר שנראה אי פעם בהתמודדות עבור ה- WBC, מגזין הטבעות וכותרות משקל כבד ליניארי, עומד על קולקטיב 13 רגליים ו 4 אינץ. ההתמודדות היחידה במשקל כבד “גבוהה יותר,” כביכול, התרחש בשנת 2007, כאשר ניקולאי וואלוב בן 7 מטר הגן על תואר משקלו הכבד של ה- WBA מול 6'6″ ג'מיל McCline. אך מעולם לא היו הגברים הגדולים הטובים ביותר בספורט גדולים כמו היום.

לשים נקודת מבט עד כמה וילדר וזעם גדולים, עדיף להשוות אותם לארץ הענקים: ה- NBA. שקול את העובדה שבשעה 6'7″ ובשכונה של 220 קילו, וילדר זהה לגודל של לוו אנג'לס קליפרס הקוורוורד הקוואי לנארד. זעם, בינתיים, כמעט זהה ללברון ג'יימס מבחינת גובה ומשקל.

בימים אלה, מבט למעלה 10 מכל הדירוגים שתבחרו עולה שרוב המתמודדים בנויים כמו אלוף הסופרבול טראוויס קלצ'ה, שעומד 6'6″ ושוקל סביב 250 קילו.

כפי שיידע כל מי שצפה בתחרות הראשונה המרתקת בין ווילדר לזעם, השניים הם אכן ספורטאים, רחוק מהבובות המגושמות אתה יכול לצפות שגברים לפי מידותיהם יהיו. ווילדר עשוי להיות ידוע בכוחו האגרוף החד פעמי, אבל הוא הציג איזו תנועה דינמית באמת גם בזירה. לכו צפו בקלטת הנוקאאוט שלו על ברמן סטיברן וצפו בו מאוגד לרוחב כדי ליצור זוויות לפני שנחת את הזריקות ההרסניות שלו, צוחק כמו מקלט רחב בשטח הפתוח, ואתה יכול לראות מדוע ווילדר חלם לשחק כדורגל בקולג 'באלבמה כשהיה בתיכון.

זעם מעולם לא חלם לעשות שום דבר אחר מלבד אגרוף - איך היית יכול להיות כשנקראת על שם אגדה במשקל כבד ונולדת למשפחה עשירה בהיסטוריה לחימה באירלנד. אבל ה “מלך צועני” נולד גם בזריזות יוצאת מהכלל יחד עם חיים שלמים של אגרוף מפותח, גולש סביב הטבעת ואגרוף בסגנון שמתאים למשקל וולט, לא משקל כבד בגודל כוח קדימה.

ווילדר וזעם נבדלים כי באופן אירוני, ענקים בדרך כלל אינם דומיננטיים בתחומי הספורט. בעוד שחלקם היו גדולים מכל הזמנים, כלומר. ה- 6'9″ מגן בוסטון ברוינס, זדנו צ'ארה, שהוא מנעול להיכל התהילה של הוקי - פעמים רבות גברים גדולים ידועים בעיקר רק כגדולים, ולא מגיעים לשיא הספורט שלהם. ומובן שכן. להיות גדול באופן עצום הוא לעתים קרובות מכשול מבחינות רבות ככל שזה יתרון, במיוחד כשמדובר בתנועה ובמיומנות. השחקן הגבוה ביותר של ה- NFL, שבעה רגליים ריצ'רד סינג, שיחק רק שמונה משחקי קריירה, השחקן הגבוה ביותר בכל הזמנים של ה- MLB, 6'11” ג'ון ראוך, היה משחרר מסע, וטניס’ 6'10” ו- 6'11” גורדי שחקים איבו קרלוביץ ', לג'ון איסנר וריילי אופלקה אין שום שמות.

ככל שבני אדם התחזקו עם השנים, באופן טבעי, כך גם מתאגרפים. רוקי מרציאנו, עומד 5'10 ½” ומשקולת ממש מעל 180 קילו, יהיה משקל קרוזר זעיר בסטנדרטים של ימינו. ג'ו לואי ומוחמד עלי, נחשב בעיני רבים לשני הכבדים הגדולים בכל הזמנים, ובטח לא לוחמים זעירים בזמנם, עמד 6'1 ½” ו 6'3″ בהתאמה. תיאורטית, לואי יוותר על זעם בגובה של 9 סנטימטרים, מוטת כנפיהם 85″. היו חריגים בתקופות קודמות, כמובן שג'ס וילארד וארני טרל היו 6'6″ ומעלה ותפסו תארים במשקל כבד - אבל במשך עשרות שנים אפשר היה להיות בגודל של משקל קרוזר מודרני ולא רק להתחרות, אלא להיות דמות מרשימה בחלוקה.

הדברים החלו להשתנות בסוף שנות ה -80 וה -90, כשטוני טאקר, רידיק ביו ולנוקס לואיס, שלישיית 6'6″ חגורות שנתפסו כבדות. אבל העידן המודרני הונהג על ידי ויטלי ולדימיר קליצקו, 6'6″ אחים ששלטו למעשה בחלוקה במשך רוב העשור לפני שזעם התיר את ולדימיר על כתר השושלת 2015.

אגרוף היה חלקו של ענקים לאורך השנים, שרבים מהם נפלו מרמות העילית. בזמן האחרון, האוהדים יזכרו את הלקוח הפוטנציאלי האמריקאי טיי פילדס, 6'8 מתנשא″ Southpaw שלמרות כמות עצומה של הייפ, מעולם לא נלחם על תואר עולמי. יוליוס “התופת המתנשאת” לונג התחיל את הקריירה שלו 5-0, ובשעה 7'1″ עם 90″ ההישג יד נראה כמו כוח שיש להתחשב בו, לפני שהתמקם בתור אחד מחברי המסע הידועים לשמצה ושותפי הנדלן האמינים.

ווילדר וזעם הם תערובת יוצאת דופן של גודל ואתלטיות ומגבירים את המגמה שאתה יכול להיות “גדול מדי” להיות נהדר. ככל שמתקרב הגומלין, זה מרגש - או אולי מפחיד - לחשוב על האבולוציה הבאה של כבדות המשקל שיגיע אחרי שני אלה. הייתה תקופה בה ג'ורג 'פורמן הגדול, בשעה 6'3″ ועם 78″ לְהַגִיעַ, או לארי הולמס בשעה 6'3″ עם 81″ לְהַגִיעַ, נחשבו בין הנוכחות הפיזית המרתיעה ביותר שצעדו אי פעם בזירה. אבל ווילדר וזעם הציבו סטנדרט פיזי חדש. האם משקלים כבדים בגודל NBA יהפכו לנורמה בשנים הקרובות?

לפחות כרגע, ווילדר וזעם רחוקים מלהיות נורמליים. הם נוכחות ענקית, כן, אבל הם גם שני הכבדים הטובים ביותר בעולם בשיא כוחם, מחפש לעקוב אחר אחד הקרבות הזכורים ביותר, ותיקו ויכוחים לוהטים בהיסטוריה האחרונה.

מי יעמוד גבוה בפברואר 22?

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ויילדר vs. Fury II יראה את משחק הגומלין המצופה ביותר בין אלוף העולם במשקל כבד Wont Deontay ללא הפסד “מפציץ הברונזה” אלוף השושלת הפרוע והבלתי מנוצח טייסון “המלך הצועני” זעם כשהם מכותרים היסטורי, אירוע PPV מגה בשבת, פבואר 22 מגינת זירת MGM Grand בלאס וגאס.

הווילדר נגד. Fury II PPV מתחיל בשעה 9 p.m. ET p.m / 6. PT וכולל את אלוף העולם לשעבר במשקל כבד, צ'רלס מרטין, המתמודד מול ג'רלד “התרנגול השחור” וושינגטון למשחק של 12 סיבובי IBF במשקל כבד באירוע המשותף. אלוף העולם בג'וניור WBO ג'וניור עמנואל “בּוֹקֵר” Navarrete, a.k.a “איש הברזל המקסיקני” יגן על תוארו נגד המתמודד הפיליפיני ג'או סנטיסימה בתחרות PPV. יותר, בפתיחת PPV, super welterweight sensation Sebastian “התופת המתנשאת” Fundora will face 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis in a 10-round battle of unbeatens.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased atwww.mgmgrand.com או www.axs.com. The event is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, מבצעי TGB, Top Rank and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

לקבלת מידע נוסף: ביקור www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.com ו www.espn.com/boxing, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes ו www.facebook.com/espn.


Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin Battles Former Title Challenger Gerald Washington in Title Eliminator in Co-Main Event

Junior Featherweight World Champion Emanuel Navarrete Defends His Title Against the PhilippinesJeo Santisima in PPV Featured Bout & Super Welterweight Sensation Sebastian Fundora Opens PPV in Battle Against 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis

יום שבת, פבואר 22 באירוע היסטורי של מגה PPV מאצטדיון MGM גרנד גארדן בלאס וגאס

לאס וגאס (ינואר 30, 2020) – Three exciting, high-stakes showdowns have been added to the PPV undercard for the historic, mega PPV event headlined by the highly anticipated rematch between unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion דאונטיי “מפציץ הברונזה” ויילדר and undefeated lineal champion טייסון “המלך הצועני” זעםtaking place Saturday, פבואר 22 מגינת זירת MGM Grand בלאס וגאס.

במקרה שיתוף ראשי, former heavyweight world champion Charles Martin will square off against former title challenger ג'ראלד “התרנגול השחור” וושינגטון in a 12-round IBF Heavyweight Title eliminator. The PPV begins at 9 p.m. ET p.m / 6. PT and includes the PPV featured bout as WBO Junior Featherweight World Champion עמנואל “בּוֹקֵר” Navarrete, a.k.a “איש הברזל המקסיקני” defends his title against Filipino contender Jeo Santisima. In the PPV opener, super welterweight sensation Sebastian “התופת המתנשאת” Fundora יעמוד בפני 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis in a 10-round battle of unbeatens.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at www.mgmgrand.com או www.axs.com. The event is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, מבצעי TGB, Top Rank and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

The 33-year-old Martin (27-2-1, 24 קוס) became heavyweight champion in January 2016 when he won by TKO against then unbeaten Vyacheslav Glazkov. After losing his title to Anthony Joshua, Martin has won four of his last five fights, with all of his wins coming inside the distance. במקור מסנט. לואיס, now living in Las Vegas and currently training in Southern California with Manny Robles, Martin bounced back from a narrow decision defeat to Adam Kownacki in 2018 to earn victories in 2019 against Gregory Corbin in March and Daniel Martz in July.

It is great to be back on the big stage,” אמר מרטין. “ויילדר vs. Fury II is the biggest heavyweight fight in a long time and it’s great to be on the PPV. פבואר 22 will get me one step closer to my goal of becoming two-time heavyweight champion. Gerald Washington is standing in my way, so it’s my job to go right through him toward my ultimate goal.

וושינגטון (20-3-1, 13 קוס) is a six-foot-six heavyweight contender who was a former college football standout at the University of Southern California and a U.S. Navy veteran. Born in San Jose, קליפורניה, Washington scored an impressive victory in his last outing, knocking out veteran contender Robert Helenius in July. Washington was unbeaten in his first 19 קרבות פרו, before dropping his world title challenge against Deontay Wilder in February 2017.

This title eliminator is a very big opportunity for me and I’m going to do everything in my power to win on February 22,” אמרה וושינגטון. “I have the right team behind me and the right mindset. I’ve known Martin my whole career and we even spent some time working together in the ring. I’m going to be at my best and I expect the same from him. It’s an honor to be a part of an event like this. Deontay and Tyson are both characters and I’m glad I can be a part of what’s going to be a great night of boxing on February 22.

Representing San Juan Zitlaltepec, מחוז פדרלי, מקסיקו, Navarrete (30-1, 26 קוס) captured his 122-pound title by defeating Isaac Dogboe in December 2018, and emphatically retained the title by stopping Dogboe in the final round of their rematch in May 2019. The 25-year-old stayed busy after securing the title, scoring stoppage victories in successful title defenses in August, September and most recently in December, when he knocked out Francisco Horta in Mexico. He is boxing’s most active world champion, as the Santisima bout will be his fifth title defense in nine months.

I am motivated to make my fifth defense in less than a year and especially because I’m proud to be part of a historic card headlined by Wilder vs. Fury II,” said Navarrete. “This is a great opportunity to put on an exhibition for the fans and showcase my talent once again. I’m very grateful to my promoters, Bob Arum and Fernando Beltran, for giving me these opportunities.

The 23-year-old Santisima (19-2, 16 קוס) פנה פרו ב 2013 as a 16-year-old and has not lost a fight since his fourth career contest in 2014. A native of Masbate City, פיליפינים, Santisima will ride a 17-fight winning streak into his U.S. debut and his first world title opportunity on February 22. His 2019 campaign saw him deliver victories over Alvius Maufani in August and Rene Dacquel in December.

I really appreciate this opportunity, as this has been my dream since I was a kid,” said Santisima. “למאבק הזה, I will train and prepare to become the new champion. I don’t feel any pressure. I will just do my best on fight night to show the world who I am. I heard and read the news that this fight is a mismatch, but I will do my best to give a great fight.

Towering at nearly six-feet six-inches, Fundora (13-0-1, 9 קוס) has used his height and length, combined with power and aggressiveness, to rack up an unbeaten record since turning pro in 2016. Fighting out of Coachella, קליפורניה, Fundora fought three times in 2019, including TKO victories over then unbeaten fighters Donnie Marshall and Hector Manuel Zepeda. The 22-year-old most recently fought to an exciting split-draw against fellow contender Jamontay Clark in August.

A 2016 Olympian representing his native Sydney, אוסטרליה, לואיס (6-0, 4 קוס) was unbeaten in 2019, his first year as a professional. The 26-year-old picked up his first five wins between his debut in March and his U.S. debut in November where he defeated Alexis Gaytan. לאחרונה, Lewis knocked out then unbeaten Rivo Kundimang in December.

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לקבלת מידע נוסף: ביקור www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.comו www.espn.com/boxing, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes ו www.facebook.com/espn.


אלוף WBC ללא הפסד במשקל כבד ויילדר & Undefeated Lineal Heavyweight Champion Fury Preview Highly Anticipated Rematch Taking Place Saturday, פבואר 22 in FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

לחץ כאן עבור תמונות פרנק Micelotta / FOX ספורט
סיסמה: foxsports

לחץ כאן for Photos from Mikey Williams/Top Rank

לחץ כאן for Event Highlights from FOX Sports

לוס אנג'לס (ינואר 28, 2020) – Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion דאונטיי “מפציץ הברונזה” ויילדר and undefeated lineal heavyweight champion טייסון “המלך הצועני” זעם continued their war of words at a special attraction press event on Saturday at FOX Studios in Los Angeles, as they near their highly anticipated showdown taking place Saturday, פבואר 22 in a historic, joint FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at www.mgmgrand.com או www.axs.com. The event is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, מבצעי TGB, Top Rank and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

The two gargantuan heavyweights traded words and shared updates on training camp leading up to one of the most heavily awaited fights in recent memory. A large media contingent was on hand to watch the undefeated titans square off once again, less than one month before they will finally meet in the ring to settle the score, 14 months after their unforgettable first clash.

Here is what the fighters had to say Saturday in Los Angeles:

דאונטיי ויילדר

Things are going amazing. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. To come from where I come from, it’s amazing to be here. When you get a happy Deontay Wilder in training camp, you can definitely expect great things from me. זה’ what I’m going to give you.

We haven’t seen his power displayed like he’s been talking about. It hasn’t been continuous, like mine. I think he has pillows as fists. That’s what I felt in our last fight.

With the strategies that he’s talking about, I don’t really know how to take it. I don’t know if he’s trying to throw me off my game by saying he’s going to knock me out. But it’s exciting to hear and I’m looking forward to February 22.

Everything on his body is a target, not just his cut. Everything that is permissible for me to hit, I’m going to hit it.

When you fight someone like me, it’s a mistake to tinker around with your training camp. I’m unpredictable in that ring. When you have too many opinions and too many people who think they have the remedy, it usually backfires.

I think this win will be more special than the others. Because of the history that we have, with that controversial draw. I consider Tyson a brother of this era, especially in the heavyweight division. The other fighters don’t want to let themselves loose and have fun. We’re both able to enjoy what we do day after day. Because when the bell rings, הכל יכול לקרות.

Fighting a guy like Fury, you have to be careful. Time goes by so fast in the ring. You’re trying to do everything that you prepared for. With what he brings to the table with his boxing skills, you have to have some awareness of the clock. But with my power, it’s his job to really watch the clock and try to avoid me for 36 דקות.

We both have to come in like we did the first fight, with our hearts on our sleeves and the warrior mentality that we always bring. When you get to this point, the scenery itself makes for a great fight. We all know when I come to fight, I don’t play around. We can play around here today, but we’re going to have that killer mentality in the ring.


I’m born ready. I’m feeling good in training camp. Everything has been going really well. There’s no injuries or excuses. It’s all dedication and sacrifice, one day after another.

The first fight I wanted to go in there and out box him. It didn’t work. No matter what people say, I didn’t win. I count a draw as a loss.

We’re giant heavyweights. I’ve had 20 knockouts, so I’m very capable of knocking people out. When you underestimate someone else’s power, you usually end up unstuck. Whether I’m a great puncher or not, I don’t believe anybody else can match me with heart and determination. I’m going to put my iron will on Deontay Wilder.

I felt that I needed to get an edge in this fight. It’s not personal with me and my trainers, cutmen and nutritionists. It’s business. If I think someone else is going to improve my business, I’ll do it.

How do you beat a massive puncher? You have to back him up. He gets massive leverage in those long arms while coming forward. I have to put him on the back foot and make him absorb some of my power.

I’m the Gypsy King. There’s only been one and there’s only likely to be one going forward. That’s one belt that Deontay Wilder can’t ever win.

He had a great performance against Ortiz. He did what he was supposed to do. He knocks guys out. He was relaxed and calm under the pressure. I was impressed. Not by the knockout, but by the way he was conducting himself under pressure.

I’m always real. Deontay Wilder has knocked out 43 opponents in a row. Even if I hate this guy, I respect that. He has amazing power and his name is up there with all-time greats. He’s a great puncher who gets the job done.

# # #

לקבלת מידע נוסף: ביקור www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.comו www.espn.com/boxing, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportesו www.facebook.com/espn.


אלוף WBC ללא הפסד במשקל כבד ויילדר & Undefeated Lineal Heavyweight Champion Fury Preview Highly Anticipated Rematch Taking Place Saturday, פבואר 22 in FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

לחץ כאן for Photos from Scott Kirkland/FOX Sports
(סיסמה: foxsports)

לחץ כאן לתמונות מאת ריאן האפי / פרמייר אלופי האיגרוף

לחץ כאן for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

לחץ כאן for Photos from Mikey Williams/Top Rank

לוס אנג'לס (ינואר 13, 2020) – Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion דאונטיי “מפציץ הברונזה” ויילדר and undefeated lineal champion טייסון “המלך הצועני” זעם continued their war of words and previewed their much anticipated rematch at a Los Angeles press conference on Monday before they square off Saturday, פבואר 22 in a historic, joint FOX Sports PPV & ESPN+ PPV from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

ויילדר vs. Fury II will come 14 months after their thrilling first fight that saw Wilder retain the title via split draw, after Fury miraculously rose from a 12ה round knockdown to finish the fight. It is one of the most memorable moments in recent heavyweight history, and on February 22 the two undefeated titans will take their war of words back into the ring to stake their claim as the best heavyweight in the world.

Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at www.mgmgrand.com או www.axs.com. The event is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, מבצעי TGB, Top Rank and Frank Warren’s Queensberry Promotions. A Premier Boxing Champions presentation.

The charismatic stars put their magnetic personalities on display at the press conference, each laying claim to a rightful victory in their first contest, while also declaring their intent on finishing the rematch with an emphatic knockout victory. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Monday from The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. בשידור חי:

דאונטיי ויילדר

It’s great to be back for another big event. This is the biggest title fight of this era for sure and I can’t wait. I’m always in my element. I’m always in the zone. Right now I just can’t wait for February 22.

My body feels like its walking into the sixth week of camp instead of the third week. It’s been amazing to have the quick turnaround after the Ortiz fight in November. I’m coming in shape. I put shape on top of shape and it’s allowed me to prepare even harder for Fury.

We all know in rematches I’m always sharp because I’ve been in there before and I know what my opponent is capable of doing and what they plan on doing. I’m prepared more than ever for this fight.

I knocked him out the first time we fought. I told him two years ago I was going to baptize him. Rising up is part of the baptism. But this a different story. This is unfinished business. Because he’s in WWE I’m going to make sure he gets knocked out of the ring, I might even come down with a flying elbow from the top rope.

Fury not wanting the rematch me immediately definitely made this fight bigger. We had two warmups. I had a lot more dangerous road than he had though. He played it safe, while I went to the mountain top and climbed it. I’m building for my legacy.

If he beat me, then why all the new trainers? Every day it changes. Firing and hiring. He wants to talk about being out of shape the first time, אבל הוא היה בכושר מצוין. He spent 100,000 pounds on all those camps. I still to this day have the same people with me and I don’t need to change it.

When you’re facing power there’s no way around it. You can’t prepare for that. You just have to hope that when it lands, it doesn’t do that much damage. He doesn’t even know how he got on the ground or how he got up in the first fight. He’s been dealing with feeling ever since the end of the first fight.

I’m going to do exactly what I said I would do. אני הולך לדפוק אותו החוצה. I’m the lion. I’m the king of the jungle. I’m going to rip his head off his body. Everyone sit tight and buckle up. It’s going to be a fun ride on the way to giving everyone the best fight you’ve seen in your lives.

This is a major fight for the public and everyone should be excited. It doesn’tget any better than this. Two giants and two champions, putting it all on the line for everyone’s entertainment. We’re leaving it all in the ring to see who is the king.

There’s so many things that go through my head as I take my time to adjust and time my opponent’s movements. I’m building the data I need to set him up for that perfect punch. There’s a lot of things that come with skills. Not just the average fundamentals. There are a lot of different things and that’s what makes boxing what it is. My ring IQ is very high and that’s how I set them up. I know everything he wants to do. הוא נתן לי 100% of him already.

He believes in his heart that he’ll knock me out. I always teach people to speak it, believe it and receive it. The magic of it all is in the belief. Though he’s saying those things, I don’t feel in his energy that he believes that. I feel like he’s nervous because of what happened the first time.

I just learned from the first fight that I need to be calmer. I’m going to be a lot more patient in this fight, just like in the second Luis Ortiz fight. The object of boxing is to win, not just to win rounds. And I win in devastating fashion.


The consensus is either he knocks me out, or I win on points. Usually when people have that opinion, it goes the opposite way around. Expect him to box and me to be looking for the knockout.

He thinks I’m going to come out herky-jerky with my famous style, but I want him to meet me in the center of the ring and have a slugfest, best man wins. I didn’t have the gas to finish him in the last fight, but this time I can turn that screwdriver until he’s gone. Let’s make it a Marvin Hagler vs. Tommy Hearns type of fight. I’ll meet you Inthe middle of the ring on February 22. Just watch out for the right hand, because you’re going to sleep in two rounds.

We finally have the rematch and I can’t remember a bigger heavyweight fight in a long time. Maybe Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson was the last big one like this and that was another U.S. לעומת. U.K. עימות.

Deontay Wilder hasn’t been returning my calls or messages since I beat him last time. He’s trying to keep his distance. He didn’t want to be around me so I can get in his head. But I don’t think you can really get in anyone’s head. At the end of the end of the day, it’s just talk. It doesn’t really matter what we say. It matters what happens on February 22.

What’s going to happen in this fight is that I’m going to get what I rightfully won last time. I’m going to get the green belt and keep my lineal title. And if he wants to rematch me after, I’ll beat him again. I’ve already beat him once, and I know I can beat him three times in a row.

“אני הולך לנצח, that’s what I do. Deontay Wilder can make all the excuses he wants to make. Everyone on his team can tell him he won that fight, but as a fighting man, you know when you win and lose a fight. I’m going to go out there give him a boxing lesson and knock him out.

You’re never a finished article, you can always improve. I like to keep freshening things up every now and again. I don’t make excuses. I won fair and square and we get to do it again. I’m ready for a fight today.

I’m the best of my era and I took that title from Wladimir Klitschko. Nobody disputed he was the best and I took that from him, until someone beats me, that’s my title.

He’s going to try to and the right hand. If I’m stupid enough to get hit with it, I deserve to lose. I hit the floor twice in the first fight, but it’s all about how you respond, I’m a fighting man. If he can’t finish me, I’m going to eat him up.

I’m looking for a knockout. That’s why I hired Sugarhill. He gets you to sit down on that big right hand. That’s what I’m looking for. There’s the game plan. If I wasn’t looking for a knockout, I would have sharpened up what I did in the last fight. I’m not coming for that. I’m looking for my 21רח ' נוקאאוט.

When I get him in there again, I’m going to make him feel the fury. I’ve never been as sure of anything in my whole life. As sure as I was this morning putting this suit on. 100 percent he can’t win He’s got a puncher’s chance like anyone else. I’m much sharper and more fit now. I’m ready to rumble right now. I hope he train hard and goes to bed sleeping thinking about me.

TOM BROWN, נשיא מבצעי TGB

“בפברואר 22, בMGM Grand Garden Arena, it’s going to be bombs away. We have two superstars here. The best two heavyweights in the world. Both fighters are going to show a lot of passion at this press conference and all the way leading up to this fight because there is so much at stake.

These are the best in boxing. There is nothing like a big heavyweight championship fight. We have the undefeated hardest punching, the most feared heavyweight in the world and I believe one of the all-time great heavyweights in Deontay Wilder.

There is a reason Fury and his team didn’t want the immediate rematch right after the first fight. He’s taken a couple of tune-up fights instead because he felt that power on December 1. That’s not going to change this time, he can just ask Luis Ortiz.

I was lucky enough to promote the first fight and I believe we have something special in this rematch. I look forward to a fantastic fight on February 22 and we’ll see everyone there.

TODD DUBOEF, President of Top Rank

We talk about boxing having a renaissance, but it’s really about the heavyweight division. That’s what is going to create that renaissance more than anything right now.

Tyson is so true, so gritty and he backs it up with everything he does. When you combine it with Deontay Wilder, you have two great personalities. This is really the beginning of the next super heavyweight run for the sport of boxing.

SUGARHILL STEWARD, המאמן של פיורי

This fight here is one of those fights that you don’t want to miss. The first one was one not to miss as well and I’m sure you all watched the replay. You have two great champions here going at each other. Both fighters left the ring still undefeated last time and still wanting to settle the store. בפברואר 22, the score will be settled.

The heavyweight division is still the biggest and most powerful division in boxing. It always will be. Everyone wants to see the fighters throwing the big blows. Wilder is one of the hardest hitters in history and Tyson is one of the best boxers. I’m happy to be training. with Tyson Fury. It’s been about 10 years since we trained together. He trained with me and Emanuel Steward and I’m here to complete what Emmanuel started.

# # #

לקבלת מידע נוסף: ביקור www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.toprank.com, http://www.
, www.foxdeportes.comו www.espn.com/boxing, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes ו www.facebook.com/espn.


Leo Santa Cruz Wins WBA Super Featherweight Title & Becomes Four-Division Champion with Unanimous Decision over Miguel Flores & Brandon Figueroa Retains Super Bantamweight Title with Split Draw Against Julio Ceja; Eduardo Ramirez Stops Previously Unbeaten Leduan Barthelemy in Round Four

ויטו Mielnicki Jr., Omar Juarez, Dustin Long & Viktor Slavinskyi Victorious in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Prelims on FS2 & ספורט FOX

לחץ כאן for Main Event Photos & כאן for Additional Photos from Frank Micelotta/FOX Sports – סיסמה: fox-ppv119

לחץ כאן לתמונות מאת ריאן האפי / פרמייר אלופי האיגרוף

לחץ כאן עבור תמונות סטפני טראפ / מבצעים TGB

לחץ כאן לתמונות ממבצעי שון מייקל האם / מייוות'ר

לאס וגאס (נובמבר 24, 2019) – WBC אלוף העולם במשקל כבד דאונטיי “מפציץ הברונזה” ויילדר continued his title reign with a one-punch knockout victory over לואיס “קינג קונג” אורטיז in the seventh round of their rematch Saturday night that headlined a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Wilder made his 10ה consecutive successful title defense, tying him with Joe Louis, מוחמד עלי, מייק טייסון, לארי הולמס, Tommy Burns and Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko as the only heavyweight champions to achieve that feat.

במשחק גומלין של האפוס שלהם 2018 fight that saw Wilder rally back from nearly being stopped to knock out Ortiz in round 10, the fight again saw both men hold the momentum of the fight at different times.

Ortiz controlled much of the action of the fight as he sought to become the first Cuban heavyweight champion in history. Wilder was not very active in the early rounds, while Ortiz was able to effectively jab, move and throw overhand lefts to rack up rounds on the scorecard.

With Ortiz, you can see why no other heavyweight wants to fight him,” סעיד ויילדר. “He’s very crafty, he moves strategically and his intellect is very high. I had to measure him in certain places.

Much of Wilder’s attack throughout the first six rounds was centered on his jab and a sweeping left hook that didn’t seem to land cleanly until early in round seven. With the seventh round waning, Wilder used a feint and a straight right cross to put Ortiz down, the first time he had been hurt at all in the fight.

I had to go in and out and finally I found my measurement,” סעיד ויילדר. “I saw the shot and I took it. My intellect is very high in the ring and no one gives me credit for me. I think I buzzed him with a left hook earlier in the round and I took it from there.

While Ortiz was able to get to his feet, referee Kenny Bayless waived off the bout at 2:51 לסיבוב השביעי. Ortiz led on all three scorecards, by margins of 58-56 ו 59-55 פעמיים. לדברי Compubox, Ortiz out landed Wilder 35 ל 34, עם 28 ל 17 advantage in power punches.

This is boxing,” סעיד אורטיז. “I said that one of us was going to get knocked out and it wasn’t going to go 12 סיבובים. I was clear headed when I hit the canvas. When I heard the referee say seven I was trying to get up, but I guess the count went a little quicker than I thought.

This was a great fight and I thought I was clearly winning,” continued Ortiz. “I got caught with a big shot and I have to give Deontay Wilder a lot of credit. I knew my movement was giving him problems. I landed some big shots and I thought I had him hurt. I thought I was up by the count and could have continued.

In the ring following the fight, Ortiz asserted that he will continue his quest for a heavyweight championship.

Deontay showed great will and I’m not ashamed with my performance,” סעיד אורטיז. “I know I can beat anyone in the heavyweight division. My career is not over. I’m going to work my way back into a big fight.

אחרי הקרב, Wilder told FOX SportsHeidi Androl that his goal is to unify the heavyweight division and become undisputed champion.

“הבא, we have Tyson Fury in the rematch,” said Wilder.It’s scheduled for February, אז נראה. לאחר מכן, I want unification. I want one champion, one face and one heavyweight champion – דאונטיי ויילדר. The heavyweight division is too small, there should be one champion and it’s Deontay Wilder.

במקרה שיתוף ראשי, אריה “רעידת אדמה” סנטה קרוז (37-1-1, 19 קוס) became a four-division world champion by capturing the WBA Super Featherweight with a unanimous decision over מיגל פלורס (24-3, 12 קוס).

Winning this title means the world to me,” אמר סנטה קרוז. “This is all for the fans who support me. I didn’t feel myself today and didn’t perform the way I wanted to. I’m going to get back in the gym and get a big fight in 2020.

The action began to heat up in round three, as Santa Cruz began to find a home for his straight right hand that would help him control much of the remainder of the fight. Flores adjusted and used more movement to try to counteract Santa Cruz’s aggression and also focused on countering those right hands with body shots.

I’m glad I got the victory,” אמר סנטה קרוז. “Miguel is a good fighter, he gave me a tough fight and he proved he’s not a pushover. We put on a great battle.

It was a good fight and I showed I belong at this level,” סעיד פלורס. “I just went 12 rounds with Leo Santa Cruz. It’s not an accomplishment in itself but I slowed down his pace. Like I said before, it’s not only about throwing punches, but it’s about ring IQ and I showed I have it.

Despite Florestactics, Santa Cruz was able to stay in control and frustrate his opponent. Flores was deducted a point by referee Tony Weeks in round eight due to excessive holding during the many exchanges.

Santa Cruz held the edge in punches landed at 253 ל 222, while Flores threw more punches than Santa Cruz by a tally of 1024 ל 907.

It was a close fight and I didn’t think he was landing too much,” סעיד פלורס. “He was busy but he wasn’t landing too many shots. I landed cleaner harder shots but he was just busier.

Flores continued to try to rough up Santa Cruz and accidentally hit him with a headbutt in the ninth round that opened up a cut over Santa Cruz’s left eye. The four-division champion was able to weather that cut and finished strong on his way to a unanimous decision by scores of 115-112 ו 117-110 פעמיים. Watch highlights כאן.

I want to stay at 130,” אמר סנטה קרוז. “We want the big fights in 2020. I want Gervonta Davis or Gary Russell Jr. I want to show the world I’m not scared of anybody.

The pay-per-view also featured WBA Super Bantamweight Champion ברנדון “The Heartbreaker” פיגרואה (20-0-1, 15 קוס) retaining his title with a split draw against former champion יולי Ceja (32-4-1, 28 קוס) לאחר 12 rounds of action.

I think I did win the fight,” סעיד פיגרואה. “He put on a lot of pressure, but I fought better in the early rounds and I finished strong.

Figueroa started the fight in control, closing down the distance early and using his activity and combinations to take early control of the action. Ceja’s strategy early was to counter his charging opponent, but he soon picked up the aggression to not allow Figueroa’s offensive momentum to grow.

In the middle rounds, Ceja began taking control, landing the more powerful punches while Figueroa continued to come forward, but was not able to land anything that slowed Ceja’s offense. Watch highlights כאן.

Figueroa was able to weather the storms in the middle rounds and make it to the late rounds where he again picked up the activity and body attack. He was able to bust Ceja’s lip throughout the action, causing it to swell and bleed.

The punch output was impressive from both fighters, with their 784 combined punches landed good for the fourth most in super bantamweight history, while their 2,811 punches thrown were the second highest, according to CompuBox. Figueroa earned a narrow 411 ל 373 advantage in punches landed.

לאחר 12 סיבובים, השופטים’ סיכומים היו 115-113 for Figueroa, 116-112 for Ceja and 114-114, which resulted in the split draw decision.

This fight is for all of you fans who came here to see me,” said Ceja. “He was a man about it and he gave me the fight. I think I won, but I respect the judges’ החלטה. I’ll definitely run it back in a rematch.

Ceja was not able to win the title after failing to make the 122-pound limit at Friday’s weigh-in.

I basically fought a person in a weight class above mine tonight,” סעיד פיגרואה. “I’m pretty sure if he weighed 122, it wouldn’t even be a close fight. We have to run the rematch back but he better make the weight.

The pay-per-view opener saw Mexico’s Eduardo Ramirez (23-2-3, 10 קוס) deliver an impressive fourth-round TKO victory over previously unbeaten Leduan רתלמי (15-1-1, 7 קוס) in their featherweight rematch. Watch the highlightכאן

I said before the fight, I wasn’t going to let it go to the judges,” said Ramirez. “The first fight wasn’t a draw. I worked very hard for this and it turned out how I wanted today. I felt his punching power. הוא לוחם טוב. I came here to fight. Viva Mexico.

The fight began tactically, with Barthelemy looking to use his reach advantage to work off of his jab, while Ramirez sought to work inside and deliver power punches. בסיבוב שלושה, Ramirez began to break through Barthelemy’s defense with a series of hooks late in the round.

Ramirez continued to come forward in round four, pressing Barthelemy and finding additional cracks in his defense. מאוחר בסיבוב, Ramirez broke through with a glancing right hook that he followed up with a perfect straight left that put Barthelemy down.

While Barthelemy was able to get to his feet, referee Russell Mora waived off the bout at 2:59 of the fourth round. Ramirez held a 73 ל 52 advantage in punches landed, לְהָבִיא 27 in round three and 31 in round four.

I’ve got no excuses,” סעיד ברתלמי. “The better man won tonight. I had a great camp and I was feeling good. But when I got out there I wasn’t really feeling my best. I turned around to try to walk around and get my feet under me after the knockdown. I wasn’t trying to stop the fight or anything and I thought I could continue. Now I just have to live with it and come back.

FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Prelims on FS2 and FOX Deportes saw sensational 17-year-old prospect ויטו Mielnicki Jr. (3-0, 3 קוס) deliver a stoppage of Marklin Bailey (6-6, 4 קוס) 2:31 into the second round of their welterweight affair. יותר, rising super lightweight prospect Omar Juarez (6-0, 4 קוס) ירד Kevin Shacks (3-5-3, 3 קוס) three times on his way to a TKO victory 1:59 into round six.

Additional prelims fights featured Tennessee’s Dustin Long (3-1-2, 3 קוס) scoring a knockout of מרסיי ווילדר (5-2, 2 קוס) with a left hook that ended the fight 1:51 into the fourth round. Watch the highlight כאן. The opening bout of prelims saw Ukraine’s Viktor Slavinskyi (11-0-1, 6 קוס) earn a unanimous decision over Mexico’s Rigoberto Hermosillo (11-2-1, 8 קוס) after six rounds of super featherweight action by scores of 60-54, 59-55 ו 58-56.

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לקבלת מידע נוסף: ביקור www.premierboxingchampions.com
,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo ו @Swanson_Comm או להיות אוהד בפייסבוק ב www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. The event was promoted by BombZquad Promotions, מבצע TGB ומבצע מייוות'ר.


Three-Division Champion Leo Santa Cruz Seeks Title in a Fourth Weight Class When He Battles Miguel Flores for Vacant WBA Super Featherweight Title Saturday, נובמבר 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Co-Main Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

לחץ כאן for Photos from Cris Esqueda/TGB Promotions

לחץ כאן עבור תמונות שון מייקל Ham /
מבצעי Mayweather

לוס אנג'לס (נובמבר 13, 2019) – Three-division world champion אריה “רעידת אדמה” סנטה קרוז showed off his skills at a media workout in Los Angeles Wednesday as he prepares to battle מיגל “Michoacan” פרחים for the vacant WBA Super Featherweight Title on Saturday, נובמבר 23 in the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Pay-View co-main event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET p.m / 6. PT and is headlined by boxing’s longest reigning heavyweight world champion דאונטיי “מפציץ הברונזה” ויילדרdefending his WBC title in a rematch against once-beaten Cuban slugger לואיס “קינג קונג” אורטיז.

כרטיסים לאירוע, אשר מקודם על ידי קידום BombZquad, מבצע TGB ומבצע מייוות'ר, עכשיו הוא על מכירה ניתן לרכושwww.mgmgrand.com או www.axs.com.

לוס אנג'לס’ Santa Cruz hosted media at City of Angels Boxing as he nears his opportunity to win a world title in a fourth weight class. Here is what Santa Cruz had to say Wednesday:

LEO סנטה קרוז

I’m only focused on my fight because I know that Miguel Flores is going to bring everything he has to try to win that title. There are a lot of great champions in this division but I can’t think of anything past Flores.

I’m expecting a classic Mexico vs. Mexico brawl. Flores is from Michoacan and the people from there have a lot of heart and they leave everything in the ring. I’ve seen him do it. He throws to the body really well. He has a good uppercut too. So I know it’s going to be a tough fight.

We always work hard in the gym so that we can throw a lot of punches in the fight. We want to put the pressure on and give the fans a great fight and take home the win.

I train hard no matter who the opponent is. That’s the only thing I know how to do. So I don’t think about any let downs, only about winning the fight in front of me. I think this is a great opportunity to introduce myself to the division.

I’m going to go in there and fight hard for 12 rounds or as long as it lasts. I’m going to be smart and make sure I get the win. But we also always want to give the fans a great show from start to finish.

I feel really good right now. I think I’m going to be strong at that weight and have extra power in the ring on fight night. I don’t spend as much time in camp worrying about cutting weight so everything else will be better because of that. I’m going to be ready for everything Miguel Flores can bring.

I want to win another title for my legacy and so I can continue to give fans great fights. This is a great opportunity so I’m going to go ahead and make the most of it.

It’s great to be on this card with such an exciting main event. You know that Deontay Wilder can knock anyone out at any minute. The heavyweight division is really exciting right now and I know Wilder and Luis Ortiz are going to give everyone something to remember. I want to make an exciting fight too and steal the show. It’ll be hard to do, but I’m going to go out there and try to do it.

# # #
ויילדר vs. Ortiz II will see boxing’s longest reigning heavyweight world champion Deontay “מפציץ הברונזה” Wilder defending his WBC title in a rematch against once-beaten Cuban slugger Luis “קינג קונג” Ortiz Saturday, נובמבר 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View action live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Three-division champion Leo “רעידת אדמה” Santa Cruz seeks a title in another division when he takes on Miguel “Michoacan” Flores for the WBA Super Featherweight Championship in the co-main event.

Pay-per-view action begins at 9 p.m. ET p.m / 6. PT and also features undefeated rising star BrandonThe HeartbreakerFigueroa making the first defense of his WBA Super Bantamweight Title against former champion Julio Ceja while undefeated Mexican power-puncher Luis Nery battles Puerto Rico’s Emmanuel Rodríguez in a matchup of former bantamweight champions.

לקבלת מידע נוסף: ביקור www.premierboxingchampions.com
,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo ו @Swanson_Comm או להיות אוהד בפייסבוק ב www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes

DEONTAY WILDER TRAINING CAMP QUOTES & תמונות – WBC Heavyweight World Champion Wilder Shows Talents In & Out of The Ring Ahead of Highly Anticipated Rematch Against Cuban Slugger Luis Ortiz Saturday, נובמבר 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Main Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

WBC Heavyweight World Champion Wilder Shows Talents In & Out of The Ring Ahead of Highly Anticipated Rematch Against Cuban Slugger Luis Ortiz Saturday, נובמבר 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Main Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in
לאס וגאס

לחץ כאן for Fight Promo from Wilder’s Social Media Channels & Premiering During Tonight’s Thursday Night Football Game
על FOX

לחץ כאן for Training Photos from Ryan Hafey/
אלופי אגרוף לראש הממשלה,

TUSCALOOSA, AL. (אוקטובר 24, 2019) – WBC אלוף העולם במשקל כבדדאונטיי “מפציץ הברונזה” ויילדר is deep into training camp as he prepares for his blockbuster rematch against Cuban slugger לואיס “קינג קונג” אורטיז taking place Saturday, נובמבר 23 in the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View main event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

לאחרונה, Wilder showed his talents in front of the camera filming the fight commercial for his highly anticipated showdown. The spot can be watched כאן through Wilder’s social media channels, and will premiere on television during tonight’s Thursday Night Football game between the Minnesota Vikings and Washington Redskins on FOX beginning at 8:00 p.m. ו.

Working with FOX has been a blessing to my career and I’m looking forward to my first FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View,” סעיד ויילדר. “We got the job done and I think the commercial we made is going to be great for the promotion. We put a lot of time, hard work and effort into it and I’m looking forward to it coming to fruition.

For it to air on Thursday Night Football with millions of people watching is a great thing for the promotion. It means the world to me to give the fans this kind of excitement leading up to the fight. I’m very grateful for where I am in my career and I can’t wait to take advantage of this opportunity.

Even with the big fight commitments, Wilder has flourished during training camp in Tuscaloosa, Alabama as he prepares to be primed when the first bell rings on November 23.

Camp has been going amazing,” סעיד ויילדר. “I haven’t reached my full potential or peaked in camp yet. We’re still pressing and everything is moving smoothly and on schedule. I’m feeling good and I’m looking good as well.

I’m working on throwing a lot of jabs and countering. I know that Ortiz likes to counter as well. I’ve been in there with him before. I understand what he wants to do and I can recognize certain weaknesses we’re looking to exploit. It’s going to be a good fight while it lasts. Everyone knows what to expect from Deontay Wilder. I don’t have time to play games and I don’t get paid for overtime.

Always one to find ways to push his training and his overall physical fitness level, Wilder has incorporated swimming and scuba diving into his conditioning program.

For those that don’t know, I’m a certified scuba diver,” סעיד ויילדר. “I enjoy it and I’ve been doing it for a few years now. It gives me relaxation and helps keep pressure off the muscles in my body. It helps my body tremendously. It’s also strengthening my legs and expanding my lungs so that I have more stamina. Water is great for exercise and I love it.

כרטיסים לאירוע, אשר מקודם על ידי קידום BombZquad, מבצע TGB ומבצע מייוות'ר, עכשיו הוא על מכירה ניתן לרכושwww.mgmgrand.com או www.axs.com.

# # #

ויילדר vs. Ortiz II will see boxing’s longest reigning heavyweight world champion Deontay “מפציץ הברונזה” Wilder defending his WBC title in a rematch against once-beaten Cuban slugger Luis “קינג קונג” Ortiz Saturday, נובמבר 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View action live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Three-division champion Leo “רעידת אדמה” Santa Cruz seeks a title in another division when he takes on Miguel “Michoacan” Flores for the WBA Super Featherweight Championship in the co-main event.

Pay-per-view action begins at 9 p.m. ET p.m / 6. PT and also features undefeated rising star BrandonThe HeartbreakerFigueroa making the first defense of his WBA Super Bantamweight Title against former champion Julio Ceja while undefeated Mexican power-puncher Luis Nery battles Puerto Rico’s Emmanuel Rodríguez in a matchup of former bantamweight champions

לקבלת מידע נוסף: ביקור www.premierboxingchampions.com
,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo ו @Swanson_Comm או להיות אוהד בפייסבוק ב www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Unbeaten Rising Star Brandon Figueroa Defends WBA Super Bantamweight Title Against Former Champion Julio Ceja


Undefeated Mexican Power-Puncher Luis Nery Takes on Puerto Rico’s Emmanuel Rodrאניguez in Battle of Former Bantamweight World Champions

Highly Anticipated Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz

WBC Heavyweight Championship Rematch Plus Leo Santa Cruz Seeks a Title in a Fourth Division Against Miguel Flores in Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena

 בלאס וגאס

לאס וגאס(אוקטובר 22, 2019) – כוכב עולה בלתי מנוצחברנדון “The Heartbreaker” פיגרואהwill make the first defense of his WBA Super Bantamweight Titleagainst former championיולי Ceja while undefeated Mexican power-puncherLuis NeryקרבותEmmanuel Rodrאניguezin a matchup of former bantamweight champions on Saturday, נובמבר 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View action live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The pay-per-view event is headlined by boxing’s longest reigning heavyweight world championדאונטיי “מפציץ הברונזה” ויילדרdefending his WBC title in a rematch against once-beaten Cuban sluggerלואיס “קינג קונג” אורטיז. Three-division champion“רעידת אדמה” סנטה קרוז will seek a title in another division in the co-main event when he takes onמיגל “Michoacan” פרחים for the WBA Super Featherweight Championship as part of the pay-per-view action beginning at 9 p.m. ET p.m / 6. PT.

With these two all-action matchups added, the November 23 card is shaping up to deliver another memorable night of excitement on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View,” said Tom Brown, נשיא מבצעי TGB. “In addition to the Wilder vs. Ortiz rematch and the Santa Cruz vs. Flores title fight, one of the 122-pound division’s hottest young stars Brandon Figueroa will make his first title defense against a very tough opponent in former champion Julio Ceja. Rounding out the night is Mexican knockout artist Luis Nery and tough former champion Emmanuel Rodríguez, who will be sure to kick off the pay-per-view in style with another classic in the Mexico vs. Puerto Rico rivalry.

כרטיסים לאירוע, אשר מקודם על ידי קידום BombZquad, TGB Promotions and Mayweather Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased atwww.mgmgrand.com אוwww.axs.com.

The 22-year-old Figueroa (20-0, 15 קוס) will look to make the first defense of his super bantamweight championship in his fourth fight of 2019. He knocked out Moises Flores in January on FS1 and won an interim super bantamweight title in April on FOX by stopping Yonfrez Parejo. Representing Weslaco, טקסס, ברנדון, the younger brother of former world champion Omar, has a seven-fight knockout streak that he brings into the ring on November 23, having most recently stopped Javier Nicolas Chacon with an exciting fourth-round knockout in an FS1 main event in August. He was subsequently elevated to full champion by the WBA.

This is probably going to be the biggest test of my career in the first defense of my title against a solid fighter like Ceja,” סעיד פיגרואה. “To be fighting on pay-per-view of the Wilder-Ortiz II undercard at MGM Grand is a dream come true. I’ve been working towards this moment my whole life. I attended Pacquiao vs. Thurman in July and the crowd was electric that night. I told myself while watching that fight ringside that I couldn’t wait to fight at MGM on a similar card, and now look at where we are. Ceja might have lost against Rigondeaux, but he put on a great fight and I know he’s going to come forward and brawl with me on November 23.

Fighting out of Tlalnepantla, מקסיקו, גבות (32-4, 28 קוס) will look to rebound from a loss to Guillermo Rigondeaux on FOX in June, when he was stopped in round eight while leading on all three judges’ כרטיסי ניקוד. The 26-year-old knocked out Hugo Ruiz in 2015 to win an interim title before eventually being elevated to the full champion. While he lost the rematch to Ruiz, Ceja put together wins in two of his next three fights heading into the Rigondeaux bout.

This is a great opportunity and I plan to win the world title again on November 23,said Ceja. “I know what it takes to win and I will have the best training of my career for this fight. I hope Brandon Figueroa is prepared for fireworks. This title is coming back to Mexico for my country, my pride and my people.

Nery (30-0, 24 קוס) is a power puncher who has stopped his last 11 opponents and 15 שלו אחרון 16. The 24-year-old southpaw from Tijuana, Mexico will be making his third appearance on a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View this year. He scored a dominant stoppage victory over McJoe Arroyo on the March event in Arlington, Texas and returned on the July 20 show to stop former champion Juan Carlos Payano. He scored a TKO victory over Shinsuke Yamanaka to win the bantamweight world title in 2018.

I’m excited for another opportunity to perform on the biggest stage and show that I’m the best bantamweight in the world,” said Nery. “Rodríguez is a tough competitor and he will help bring out my best on November 23. Mexico and Puerto Rico have a storied rivalry in this sport and I intend to make my mark in history with a spectacular win.

The 27-year-old Rodríguez (19-1, 12 קוס) will also look to put himself back in position to reclaim a 118-pound belt with a statement win on November 23. Fighting out of Vega Baja, פורטו ריקו, Rodríguez won the IBF Bantamweight World Title with a unanimous decision victory over Paul Butler in 2018 and defended it successfully against then-unbeaten Jason Moloney. He most recently was stopped by unbeaten champion Naoya Inoue in their May title bout.

Switching opponents is no problem for me since we always train for different fighting styles,” said Rodríguez, who had previously been scheduled to face former champion Rau’shee Warren before Warren withdrew due to injury. “My Puerto Rican and Mexican people want to see a great fight and that’s what they will have on November 23. I know what Nery brings to the table and I’m ready for that. We are confident in victory and that in 2020 I will be crowned world champion again.

# # #

לקבלת מידע נוסף: ביקורwww.premierboxingchampions.com,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

דאונטיי ויילדר VS. לואיס אורטיז II & ליאו סנטה קרוז VS. ציטוטים כנסים מיגל FLORES PRESS & תמונות

דאונטיי ויילדר מגנה כותרת במשקל כבד WBC שלו הצפוי משחק חוזר נגד לואיס אורטיז על פוקס ספורט ות"ת שלם וצפה יום שבת, נובמבר 23 ב ארנה גן MGM גראנד בלאס וגאס

שלושה-אגף אלוף ליאו סנטה קרוז מבקשת כותרת ב החטיבה הרביעית כאשר הקרבות הוא מיגל פלורס על האליפות במשקל נוצת סופר WBA ב Co-ראשי האירוע

לחץ כאן עבור תמונות נביל אחמד /
אלופי אגרוף לראש הממשלה,

לחץ כאן עבור תמונות פרנק Micelotta / FOX ספורט
סיסמה: PPV-1123

לחץ כאן עבור תמונות סטפני טראפ / מבצעים TGB

לחץ כאן עבור תמונות שון מייקל Ham /
מבצעי Mayweather

לוס אנג'לס (ספטמבר 30, 2019) – WBC אלוף העולם במשקל כבד דאונטיי “מפציץ הברונזה” ויילדר ותוקפני חובט קובני לואיס “קינג קונג” אורטיז הלך פנים אל פנים על יום שבת במסיבת עיתונאים כדי להכריז משחק הגומלין שלהם באופן רשמי הצפוי כי כותרות שועל ספורט ות"ת שלמה וצפה יום שבת, נובמבר 23 בגן זירת MGM Grand בלאס וגאס.

כמו כן מתישב off באירוע של יום שבת בלוס אנג'לס היו אלוף שלוש האוגדות אלוף במשקל נוצה WBA הנוכחי אריה “רעידת אדמה” סנטה קרוז ו מתחרה מרגש מיגל “Michoacan” פרחים, הנפגשים האליפות במשקל נוצת סופר WBA במקרה שיתוף פעולה עיקרית שלם וצפה שמתחיל 9 p.m. ET p.m / 6. PT.

כנס מציג את הגרסה המלאה PRESS כאן

לחץ כאן כדי לראות פירוט של ויילדר של משחק הגומלין נגד אורטיז

כרטיסים לאירוע, אשר מקודם על ידי קידום BombZquad, מבצע TGB ומבצע מייוות'ר, עכשיו הוא על מכירה ניתן לרכושwww.mgmgrand.com או www.axs.com.

הנה מה והלוחמים נאלצו לומר יום שבת ממועדון לקסוס ב סטייפלס סנטר:

דאונטיי ויילדר

“שוב אנחנו חוזרים על זה. הדרך היחידה שיהיה משחק גומלין הייתה שם כדי להיות קרב ראשון ומרגש. כשפגשתי לראשונה את האיש הזה בתוך הטבעת, זה היה מדהים ומעורר השראה לעלות נגד לוחם כזה מיומן. זו הייתה חוויה כזו גדולה עבורי וכבוד בשבילי להתמודד איתו.

“זה המאבק הראשון היה מבחן בשבילי להראות לי איפה רמת המיומנות שלי הייתה באליפות במשקל הכבדה. הוא היה מין שד באליפות במשקל כבד מסיבה. עד כה, הם עדיין לא להילחם בו מסיבה.

“אני הכי טוב בעולם. אני כבר אמרתי את זה לפני ואני אגיד את זה שוב. אני מאמין כי אני כבר הוכחתי כי. הוכחתי כך הרבה אנשים לא בסדר ואני עדיין צריך לעשות את זה. זה נותן לי את המוטיבציה ואת הרצון להמשיך.

“יצרתי קשר עם אורטיז נלחם לראשונה בגלל בנותינו. היינו שני אבות בטבעת שנאלץ לקרב אותו על המשפחות שלנו. אין הרגשה טובה יותר מאשר לצאת למלחמה נגד גלדיאטור אחר.

“האמת שלא היה כלום כי למדתי על עצמי במאבק הראשון, אבל זה היה אישור של לי משהו שכבר ידוע. אני יודע מה אני יכול לעשות ואני מאמין בעצמי. לא הרגשתי כאילו אני להוכיח משהו לעצמי, זה פשוט היה להוכיח אותו לאחרים.

“אנו נלהבים עומדים זה ואנחנו רוצים לתת למעריצים את הקרב הכי טוב שאפשר. אנחנו נעשה את זה שוב כי אני אף פעם לא אעזוב אותך מבלי זמן נהדר ונותן לך התרגשות. אם מעולם לא צפה בתחרות אגרוף לפני, אני האדם לבוא לראות. אם אתה רוצה לראות התרגשות, מדובר במאבק להיות בבית. זהו מאבק על מנת.

“אני אלוף אמיתי. אלוף אמיתי יכול ללכת זה כמו שהוא מדבר זה, ואני ללכת זה כמו שאני מדבר עליו בכל פעם. בנובמבר 23 אני מצפה לראות את כולם שם או להורות לה על שלם וצפה, כי אני לא יכול לחכות.”

לואיס אורטיז

“אני מאוד שמח על ההזדמנות הזו על משחק הגומלין. ויילדר היה את האומץ לקחת את משחק הגומלין וזה חלק גדול למה זה קורה. אני נרגש בשביל המאבק הזה אני הולך לעשות את המקסימום.

“אין תירוצים ממני. הקרב הראשון נגמר. עכשיו אנחנו בדרך אל המאבק הזה. אני הולך להשיג את הניצחון. יש דברים שנעשים בצורה שונה, אבל זה כל יוכרע בזירה.

“אני מתמקד במאבק הזה ורק במאבק הזה. אני לא איש של מילים רבות, אך ההזדמנות היא פה נועד שזה יהיה. מתחילים.

“לוחם אינו מפקיר את שליחותו. המשימה שלי היא להיות אלוף העולם. אימנתי מאוד קשה מאז ההפסד שלי וזה יהיה כל לשיאה בנובמבר 23.

“אני לא עושה את אותה טעות פעם כמו שעשיתי במאבק האחרון. אני הולך להיות יותר מוכן, יותר אגרסיבי ויש יותר מהכל. אני לוקח את כל זה עד רמה.

“לא הייתה שום סיבה בשבילי לא מנצח את הקרב הראשון, זה בדיוק מה שזה. ידענו שאחד מאיתנו היה הולך מאבד הכרה. יש לי סנטימנט לאותו עבור משחק הגומלין. המאבק הזה הוא לא הולך 12 סיבובים.

“אני רוצה נובמבר 23 כדי להגיע לכאן מוקדם מאשר מאוחר. אני מוכן צעד לתוך הטבעת ולעשות את העבודה ולהיות אלוף עולם במשקל כבד.”

LEO סנטה קרוז

“אני עובד קשה מדי קרב, וזה הולך להיות זהה לקרב הזה. הזדמנות זו באה להילחם על התואר 130 פאונד ואני נרגש להילחם על זה. אני רוצה להיות אלוף עולם ארבעה-חלוקה.

“אני הולך לראות איך אני מרגיש בבית 130. אם אני חזק בהחלט אני מרגיש כאילו אני יהיה יותר קרבות שם. המטרה שלי עכשיו היא לזכות באליפות העולם הזה. זה מה שאני התמקדתי.

“אני מאוד שמח ונרגש על ההזדמנות הזו כדי להיות אלוף עולם ארבעה-חלוקה. המטרה שלי כאשר התחלתי איגרוף היה רק ​​כדי להיות אלוף עולם. כדי ללכת בפעם הרביעית הוא חלום גדול עוד יותר.

“מיגל פלורס הוא לוחם קשוח ואני לא לזלזל בו. אני יודע שזה הולך להיות קרב קשה. הוא הולך לבוא עם כל מה שיש לו. זוהי ההזדמנות של חייו.

“אני באמת מוטיבציה ככה הוא באליפות העולם הראשונה שלי. זה גדול בשבילי משהו. זה יעזור לי להיזכר בתור אחד הלוחמים המקסיקניים הטובים וזה המטרה שלי.

“הכי חשוב, אנחנו הולכים לתת למעריצים מופע נהדר בליל להילחם. כדי להיות אירוע השיתוף עיקרי דאונטיי ויילדר הוא מדהים. הוא תמיד נותן הופעה נהדרת, אבל התפקיד שלי הוא לתת לכולם עוד יותר התרגשות.”


“הם אומרים שאתה לא מקבל הזדמנות שנייה בחיים, אבל אני מקבל את זה ואני מאוד אסיר תודה. כל דבר קורה מסיבה. המאבק הזה היה אמור לקרות ואני מתכנן לנצל את מלוא היתרונות של זה.

“להיות ב 130 או 126 לא משנה לי כאשר נלחמים ליאו, זה עדיין אותו אדם. הוא החל את הקריירה שלו ב 118 בכל מקרה היה לי את זה במוח שלי כל כך הרבה זמן על איך אני הולך להכות אותו.

“האסטרטגיה היא להתעלות אותו דבר. להערים עליו, מתוך מולה אותו ופשוט להיות מסוגל לעשות את זה כל. הוא עושה היטב את הכל והוא ותיק. אני יודע שיש לו טריקים מתחת לשרוול שלו, אבל אנחנו צריכים להיות מוכנים לזה ויש לי משהו מוכן לחזור בו.

“זהו שלב גדול עוד יותר להיות אירוע השיתוף ראשי באליפות העולם באגרוף במשקל הכבדה בלאס וגאס. שהכול הסתדר מושלם בשבילי. זה היה לא המנטליות שלי כאשר הפגיעה קרתה, אבל עכשיו כל זה הגיוני.

“אני רוצה להיות מסוגל להיות הבחור. ממכות ליאו, אני הופך את הבחור. זה הוא העבודות שלנו כדי להפוך את כולם לתוך מאמינים. לאחר המאבק הזה, כולם הולכים יודעים זה היה קרב גדול.

“הפוקוס שלנו הוא על ליאו סנטה קרוז. נובמבר 23 הוא כל מה שעובר לכם בראש שלי. הרבה אנשים לא יודעים כמה טוב כישורי האיגרוף שלי ואיך אני ערמומי יכול להיות טבעת. הם הולכים להיות הפתעה.”

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,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo ו @Swanson_Comm או להיות אוהד בפייסבוק ב www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


I have something to prove to everyone,” – Pacquiao

I didn’t come here to lose or lay down. I came here

to get this victory,” – ברונר

Welterweight Champion Pacquiao Takes on Former Four-Division World Champion Broner This Saturday on SHOWTIME PPV®

From the MGM Grand Garden Arena In Las Vegas &

מוגש על ידי Premier אגרוף אלופות

לחץכאן for Photos from Esther Lin/SHOWTIME

לחץכאן for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

לחץכאן for Photos from Chris Farina/Mayweather Promotions

לאס וגאס(ינואר 16, 2019) – Boxing’s only eight-division world championמני Pacquiaoand former four-division world championאדריאן “The Problem” ברונר went face-to-face Wednesday in Las Vegas at the final press conference before they battle for Pacquiao’s World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title Saturday, ינואר 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena.

Pacquiao will be ending his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his title against the brash must-see attraction Broner. On Wednesday the fighters talked about their preparation and what they envision going down on Saturday night before staring each other down at the Copperfield Theatre at MGM Grand.

The PPV begins at 9 p.m. ET p.m / 6. PT and will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack battling unbeaten top-rated contender Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title, former world champion Rau’shee Warren taking on France’s Nordine Oubaali for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship and unbeaten WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Jhack Tepora defending against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

Tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, are on sale now and start at $100, not including applicable service charges, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, charge by phone at 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Wednesday in Las Vegas:


I feel so blessed and happy because of the excitement around this fight. It’s come from the fans here in the U.S. and media all over the world. I want to go out there and make all the people happy.

The knockout in my last fight felt good. It felt like my younger days against Ricky Hatton, מיגל קוטו ואחרים. That fight was a big challenge for me to recover from the fight against Jeff Horn. People said that my career was done. But I never got discouraged, I just worked hard and made the knockout against Lucas Matthysse happen.

These days I don’t only train my body, but also my mind. I’m a Senator, so my mind is very busy. I also play chess regularly and read books to keep my mind sharp.

People writing me off after the Jeff Horn fight was good for me. I’m not mad at anyone who thought that. It just became a challenge and a test to me of whether or not I could still show my best.

Being back here at MGM Grand makes me so happy. It’s an honor to be in this position. I remember my first fight here in the U.S. was at MGM Grand. I will never forget that moment and now I get to come back here and do it again.

I know he is going to counter me but we’re ready for that. What happened in the Juan Manuel Marquez fight will not happen again. It was a mistake and I learned that mistake. We’ve worked on that in this training camp. I am prepared for Broner’s style.

This is a challenge because it is my first fight as a 40-year-old. I have something to prove to everyone about what that means. Age is just a number. What matters is how you prepare and that you’re working hard.

I don’t need to dislike my opponent to want a knockout. I’m just doing my job in the ring. אם נוקאאוט מגיע, it comes. We’re hoping to have that opportunity Saturday. I have to pressure him to make him open up. Wherever he goes, אני אהיה שם.

I’ve always stayed disciplined throughout my years in boxing. I’m always making sure everything is in order and on point during my workouts. That plus cross-training with activities like basketball has helped me stay in this position all these years.

ADRIEN ברונר

I’m not up here to talk a lot of trash. I’ve put in the work. זה להילחם זמן. After I win, everything is going to be different.

People are talking a lot about Pacquiao fighting Floyd Mayweather again, but I’m pretty sure Floyd is retired. I feel like people are trying to throw me to the wolves and overlook me.

He doesn’t remind me of any past opponents just like I’m not going to remind him of anyone he’s fought. He’s never fought anyone like me. Every fighter has similarities, but truly every fighter is different. If I remind him of Floyd Mayweather, I hope his arm doesn’t hurt after this one.

Look at my last five fights. I’ve fought world champion after world champion. I don’t duck any fights. I don’t care how many weight classes he’s won titles in.

I’m not in awe of any fighter, especially Manny Pacquiao. I hope he’s in awe of me. I’m a one of a kind fighter too. I’ve made history in this sport.

I just have to go out and win this fight, then everything is going to start going my way. במוצאי שבת, אני אהיה מנצח. This is a defining moment in my career and it’s going to be one of the biggest nights of my life.

Pacquiao hasn’t fought me so I’m not worried about what he says about me right now. He’s going to have a different outlook after he fights me Saturday night.

I’m going to turn Las Vegas into a big block party after I win on Saturday night. It’s going to change my career.

Manny Pacquiao has done a lot for the sport. I’m going to beat him up and have a drink with him afterward. I grew up in boxing and I know what’s going on. It’s a business, but don’t get it twisted, I’m going to dominate and win.

This is going to be a hell of a fight. I’ve trained so hard and I want everyone to know that I play around a lot, but when that bell rings, אני הולך להיות מוכן. I didn’t come here to lose or lay down. I came here to get this victory. Real talk.

BUBOY FERNANDEZ, Pacquiao’s Co-Trainer

I’m very thankful to this great team that we have that has prepared Manny for this challenge. I know that we worked very hard for this. I cannot fly without wings, but I can bring the belt back to the Philippines.

Manny has trained hard and we expect a good fight. This is the hardest I’ve seen him train and it will be seen in the ring Saturday night

פרדי רוץ, Pacquiao’s Co-Trainer

We’ve trained really hard for this fight. Manny is looking really good and is in tremendous shape. I’m sure Adrien is also because they’re both great fighters. I wish both men luck and may the best man win.

KEVIN קנינגהם, Broner’s Co-Trainer

We’ve had a tremendous training camp. Adrien is ready to go. Everyone who knows me, knows that all I have in this world in my word, and I don’t break it for nobody. I’m giving you my word that Adrien will put on a spectacular performance on Saturday night.

I’m guaranteeing that Adrien will send Manny back to the Senate, beltless, without the WBA title. I guarantee it.

MIKE STAFFORD, Broner’s Co-Trainer

Adrien came to me when he was 55 pounds and seven-years-old. He was an underdog then and he came back day after day. People thought he was a bad kid, but I told people that I saw something in him.

Freddie Roach didn’t know who Adrien was years ago when we were getting ready to work with the Olympic team together. But he got to know Adrien, and on Saturday night, Manny is going to know him too. That’s for sure.

JOE RAMOS, COO of Manny Pacquiao Promotions

We are honored, humbled and proud to be a part of this amazing event. This will be Manny’s 20ה fight in Las Vegas and we’ve been treated amazingly throughout the entire promotion. I’m thankful to all of Team Pacquiao for the work they do and helping make everything run smoothly.

We all know that Adrien is ready and we expect nothing but the best from him and his team on Saturday night.

MGM Grand is known for the lion, and Lenny the Lion is right there when you enter the building. במוצאי שבת, Manny will show his heart of a lion for fans all over the world and prove once again that he’s the king of the jungle.

לאונרד Ellerbe, מנכ"ל מבצעי Mayweather

About three and a half years ago I sat here opposite this great legend in Manny Pacquiao. I’ve studied this man for many years and today he’s still one of the best welterweights in the world. He still has tremendous explosiveness and power, but more importantly the experience to beat any welterweight in the world.

Pacquiao has been doing this for so many years that we forget how truly great this man is. He’s in a very comfortable position right now. He’s super motivated and thats what is going to make this a great fight on Saturday night.

Coming into this fight we all know that there have been rumblings about what Adrien needs to do to win this fight. But what I’ve witnessed firsthand this entire promotion, is that this man has dedicated himself 100 אחוזים. He’s done everything his coaches have asked of him and he’s exceeded those expectations.

Adrien Broner is ready, focused, and he’s put in the work. He’s put himself in the best situation to be successful on Saturday night. I expect nothing less than a great virtuoso performance. He didn’t cut one corner this training camp. He wants to prove to everyone, that everything people have said about him can be thrown out the window. He’s coming to show the entire world what he’s all about.

RAVONE Littlejohn, CEO of About Billions Promotions

Adrien trained really hard for this fight. I’d like to thank Kevin Cunningham and Mike Stafford, they put together a great game plan. Adrien will be ready.

There’s been a lot of talk from Pacquiao’s side about getting a knockout, but you’re the one getting knocked out. You’ve been knocked out, we haven’t.

This our first time on this stage and in this position and it’s been very enjoyable. Adrien and I have put a lot into this over the last 10-15 שנים. We’re pulling for our guy 100 percent.

סטפן אספינוזה, נשיא ספורט & תכנות אירוע, Showtime Networks Inc.

I’m not going to come up here and tell you all anything you don’t already know about Manny Pacquiao or Adrien Broner. These are two guys who have operated at the highest level of boxing for years. In Manny’s case, literally decades. But I will remind you of some things.

Manny Pacquiao is a Hall of Famer, אין שאלה על זה. He’s a boxing legend who’s generous, humble and soft-spoken outside of the ring. But most of all, he takes tough fights. The last 20 opponents Pacquiao has had have been current, future or former world champions.

Adrien Broner has faced nine world champions in 37 קרבות בקריירה. He’s obviously demonstrated himself as being an elite fighter. He’s flashy, flamboyant, sometimes outrageous, but he’s always unapologetically himself.

On Saturday night, everything changes. Pacquiao is no longer soft-spoken and Broner is no longer fun-loving and outgoing. They transform themselves into two of the most athletically gifted and ferocious warriors in our sport. Above all these two guys have heart, which is the rarest thing in this sport.

Between the two of them, they’ve won titles in 12 חלוקות משקל. That’s the third most of all-time, trailing just Mayweather vs. Pacquiao and Pacquiao vs. De La Hoya.

We know this is an elite fight and these fighters are in elite company. But on Saturday night, none of that matters. It’s not a contest of who has the best resume. This is a high level contest with high stakes between two of the most talented and athletically gifted fighters in the sport today. A win in this fight catapults each of these men to bigger things. It doesn’t get any more significant than that.

STORM RICHARD, President of Entertainment and Sports for MGM Resorts International

I’d like to welcome back Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner, two of the sport’s best fighters, back to Las Vegas and MGM Grand. Fans are always excited to watch these two fighters compete in the ring and we’re confident that Saturday’s event will kick off another exciting year of sports and entertainment programming for MGM Resorts.

I’m thankful to all of the people who have helped make this fight happen here in Las Vegas. We look forward to seeing everyone at the MGM Grand Garden Arena Saturday night for this sensational event.

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Pacquiao vs. Broner is headlined by Senator Manny “פקמן” Pacquiao,boxing’s only eight-division world champion, ending his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “הבעיה” Broner Saturday, ינואר 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The PPV begins at 9 p.m. ET p.m / 6. PT and will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack battling unbeaten top-rated contender Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title, former world champion Rau’shee Warren taking on France’s Nordine Oubaali for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship and unbeaten WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Jhack Tepora defending against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

For more information visitwww.sho.com/sports וwww.mgmgrand.com, follow on Twitter @MannyPacquiao, AdrienBroner, @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MGMGrand and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions וwww.Facebook.com/MGMGrand. hreadE��[s�