Tag Archives: Oscar Vasquez

Jr flyweight Oscar Vasquez xabbado SHUTOUT Las Vegas

MARCH 17-, Reno — Reno ee Jr. Flyweight rajo Oscar Vasquez hagaajinaysaa in 8-1 by decisioning Mexico ee Cesar Sustaita (3-2, 3 QIIMAHA) in xumad lix-wareega ah Saturday Las Vegas.

In ficil buuxaan, suulka-ilaa lugo kulanka, Sustaita matched Vasquez’s aggression throughout the fight with Oscar landing the cleaner punches. In a heated exchange in the sixth round, jillaab ku tagay xoogaysanayaa Sustaita, laakiin waxa uu soo kabsaday iyo u dagaallamayey in ay dawan ee final.


“I knew he was strong and had power.” Says Vasquez. “So I set him up for every big punch by going to the body. I took him to the late rounds, sameynaaya knockout ah.


"Waxaan doonayaa inaan u mahadceliyo qof walba safarkii ay Vegas ka Reno iyo Southern California inay i taageerto ee dagaalka this."


All three judges scored the fight 60-53. The evening of world-class boxing was the third installment of the regular series “Showdown at Sam’s Town” presented by Pochiro Promotions and RHP.



Reno Oscar Vasquez laabtay giraanta SABTI

10-kii March, Reno — Reno ee Jr. Flyweight rajo Oscar Vasquez (7-1, 1 KO) la qorsheeyay in ay la dagaalamaan Saturday this Las Vegas.

Bandhigay dalacaad Pochiro iyo RHP, “Showdown at Sam’s Town 3” will once again feature a night of world class professional boxing at Sam’s Town resort. In a Jr. Flyweight lix-wareega biro, Vasquez ayaa lagu wadaa in ay la kulmaan Cesar Sustaita (3-1, 3 KOs) of Chihuahua, Mexico.


Vasquez has put together quite the winning streak over the past two years. Guul on Saturday saayid lahaa ololaha Jr ah. Flyweight division. He held training camp in Los Angeles, CA la Tababaraha Nico Robledo.


"Waxaan diyaar u ah inuu u sameeyo kelmado in Jr ka ahay. Qeybinta flyweight yimaado Saturday.” Says Vasquez. “I had an amazing camp. We are ready.’


Ayaa had iyo jeer-xiiso Vasquez yeelan doonaa inuu sacabbadiisana ka buuxsadaa ka dhanka ah dagaal badan oo adag-garaacid Sustaita ah, ayaa reebtay dhammaan horjeeda ee uu seddex guul.


Vasquez vs. Sustaita waa mid ka mid ah toddobadii roonaadaan qorsheeyey ee qaybta saddexaad ee "caawa at Town Sam ee" on March 14. Tigidhada bilaaban doono $35.00 (oo lagu daray cashuuro iyo qarashyo). To purchase tickets and for more information, fadlan booqo samstownlv.com. All bouts subject to change.
