Tag Archives: Oscar Vasquez

JR flyweight OSCAR samcout Pitches Bayern IN Las Vegas

MARCH 17, RENO — Reno kang Jr. Flyweight prospek Oscar Vasquez mbenakake kanggo 8-1 dening decisioning Meksiko Cesar Angela (3-2, 3 REGO) ing enem babak bab Setu ing Las Vegas.

Ing tumindak dikempalken, jempol-kanggo-jempol tawuran, Sustaita matched Vasquez’s aggression throughout the fight with Oscar landing the cleaner punches. In a heated exchange in the sixth round, pancing ngiwa floored Angela, nanging mbalekake lan nempuh perang kanggo lonceng Final.


“I knew he was strong and had power.” Says Vasquez. “So I set him up for every big punch by going to the body. I took him to the late rounds, arep kanggo kalah ing.


"Aku arep kanggo thank everyone sing digawe ing trip kanggo Vegas saka Reno lan Southern California kanggo ndhukung kula ing perang iki."


All three judges scored the fight 60-53. The evening of world-class boxing was the third installment of the regular series “Showdown at Sam’s Town” presented by Pochiro Promotions and RHP.



RENO'S OSCAR samcout ngasilake RING SATURDAY

MARCH 10th, RENO — Reno kang Jr. Flyweight prospek Oscar Vasquez (7-1, 1 KO) wis dijadwal kanggo perang Setu iki ing Las Vegas.

Presented by Pochiro Promosi lan RHP, “Showdown at Sam’s Town 3” will once again feature a night of world class professional boxing at Sam’s Town resort. In a Jr. Flyweight enem babak kethokan, Vasquez disetel kanggo ngadhepi Cesar Angela (3-1, 3 KOs) saka Chihuahua, Meksiko.


Vasquez has put together quite the winning streak over the past two years. A menang on Saturday bakal luwih kampanye ing Jr. Flyweight division. He held training camp in Los Angeles, CA karo trainer Nico Robledo.


"Aku siap kanggo nggawe statement ing Jr. Divisi flyweight teka Setu.” Says Vasquez. “I had an amazing camp. We are ready.’


Tansah-macem Vasquez bakal duwe tangan kebak marang agresif lan hard-ngengingi Angela, sing wis kalah metu kabeh mungsuh ing telung menang kang.


Vasquez vs. Angela iku salah siji saka pitu bouts dijadwal kanggo cicilan katelu saka "Dhingana ing Town Sam kang" ing 14th March. Karcis miwiti ing $35.00 (plus pajak lan Fees). To purchase tickets and for more information, please visit samstownlv.com. All bouts subject to change.
