标记档案: 诺丁·乌巴利

NONITO DONAIRE 创造历史, 在第四轮淘汰赛中夺得 WBC 最轻量级世界冠军

Subriel Matias 和 Gary Antuanne Russell Notch


包含人物的图片, 运动, 拳击, 跳跃


点击这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片

点击这里 从肖恩·迈克尔·哈姆/ TGB促销图片

CARSON, CALIF。(五月 29, 2021)  - nonito Donaire主场 又是冠军. 在他赢得第一个世界冠军的十四年后, “菲律宾闪电侠”以惊人的第四轮KO胜利巩固了他的名人堂资格诺丁·乌巴利周六晚上在卡森 Dignity Health Sports Park 举行的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 主赛事中夺得 WBC 世界最轻量级冠军头衔, 加利福尼亚州. 在英超拳击冠军赛.

“国王回来了,” 多奈尔随后面带微笑. “我只是喜欢人群. 我所有的朋友, 家庭, 所有出来的拳击迷都非常感谢你们. 你们真是太棒了。”

38岁的多奈尔 (41-6, 27 科斯) 现在是有史以来最年长的世界冠军,体重 118 磅. 他用左手完成了它,因为他放弃了Oubaali,这是他职业生涯的名片 (17-1, 12 科斯) 一共三遍.

“在这个年龄不是问题, 这是关于我的表现,”多奈尔说. “关于我的成长能力. 我相信你的年龄并不重要, 但你的心理有多强大. 我从中学到的 [直哉] 井上的战斗是我回来了. 我仍然可以在这个级别上竞争. 一直以来我都没有战斗, 我在学习. 我已经准备好迎接下一场了。”

经过第一轮的感觉, 多奈尔二号上班, 走下 Oubaali 并用砰砰声反击. 多奈尔在第三节早些时候取得了第一次击倒, 用他标志性的反击左勾拳打掉 Oubaali. 法国人用不稳定的腿站起来,多奈尔猛扑过去, 登陆更多大球,直到另一个左勾拳在回合结束前一瞬间将 Oubaali 击倒. 再次, 乌巴利挣扎着站了起来, 茫然却愿意继续战斗.

结局在第四节来得很快. 多奈尔熟练地在环周围操纵欧巴利, 将他钉在绳索上,左勾拳让 Oubaali 第三次也是最后一次蜷缩在画布上. 裁判杰克·赖斯立即宣布取消. 停工的正式时间为 1:52 第四轮.

“成为世界冠军的三年. 九届世界冠军. 太棒了,”多奈尔说. “我来到这里,感觉非常好. 今天我确切地知道会发生什么. 我清楚地知道我要做什么. 我想我只是非常专注于健身房. 我很, 非常专注. 我只是感觉很好,很高兴能得到这个机会.

“今晚是我必须向世界证明的事情,我回来了,我比以往任何时候都更强大. 他是一个非常坚强的人. 我想最终对我来说, 我应该更有耐心? 或者我应该去做? 我在井上的战斗中学到的东西就是去杀人. 这正是我所做的. 我很有耐心, 但我知道他伤得很重,我可以带他出去。”

在共同特征, Puerto Rico’sSubriel Matias (17-1, 17 科斯) 交付了另一个动力冲孔显示器, 打破此前不败巴蒂尔·尤肯巴耶夫 (18-1, 14 科斯) 直到 Jukembayev 的角球在八轮铆接之后停止了比赛。

“我认为这是每个人都期望的. 每个人都知道这将是一场伟大的战争,”马蒂亚斯说. “这将以淘汰赛结束,无论我是要被淘汰还是朱肯巴耶夫会被淘汰. 我很高兴是我把他击倒了。”

马蒂亚斯将自己确立为堆叠部门中最好的之一, 但最近的胜利并不容易. 哈萨克斯坦的尤肯巴耶夫表现强劲, 从他的左撇子姿势在楼上降落右勾拳右勾拳组合,这在第一场就引起了马蒂亚斯的注意.

尤肯巴耶夫在第二节推动了步伐. 马蒂亚斯在第三节开始放手, 头部和身体组合投掷. 两名战斗人员现在已经完全热身, 为可能成为“年度最佳”候选人的第四轮比赛奠定基础。

它开始于一个坚硬的左勾拳使 Jukembayev 错开并把他带到画布上. 马蒂亚斯试图结束演出,但尤肯巴耶夫坚持了下来, 清了清头,开始自己投篮. 本节还剩一分钟, 尤肯巴耶夫左路传中马蒂亚斯. 而不是紧握, 马蒂亚斯以火相搏, 以脚趾到脚趾的动作将人群从座位上拉下来,直到铃声响起.

马蒂亚斯从未停止挺身而出. 继单边第六, 尤肯巴耶夫闭着双眼回到角落里. 在第七局中来回接踵而至,Jukembayev 在回合结束时用两个右勾拳击中了马蒂亚斯.

第八轮马蒂亚斯重回驾驶座, 用双拳猛击尤肯巴耶夫. 总, 他超过了尤肯巴耶夫 100 拳 (234/608 到 134 /409) 并且更准确 (38.5% 到 32.8%). 累积的打击足以说服尤肯巴耶夫的角球要求停止比赛.

“他知道他没有什么可失去的. 他进来了,一切都很坚强,”马蒂亚斯说. “他知道他所能做的就是把我淘汰出局. 我也会做同样的事情. 那是一颗勇士的心,他赢得了我所有的尊重.

“在第四轮之后, 我的意思是他是一个非常有竞争力的战士, 所以在那之后它变成了一场战争. 我的手也伸向他. 这是一个伟大的斗争. 我肯定还有其他非常出色的对手, 但这是给我最艰难的考验。”

在转播揭幕战, 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 (14-0, 14 科斯) 继续他的超轻量级排名上升. 不败的罗素成为第一个阻止崎岖的约瓦尼圣地亚哥 (14-2-1, 10 科斯), 统治圣地亚哥,直到裁判莎朗·桑兹在圣地亚哥角球的建议下在第六轮后停止比赛.

“目标是尽快把那个人救出来,毫发无损地出来,”拉塞尔说. “我只想说圣地亚哥是甲级对手. 很多人认为他击败了阿德里安·布罗纳. 我现在想要阿德里安·布罗纳。”

与哥哥和 WBC 世界羽量级冠军 Gary Russell Jr. 努力工作, 加里·安图安(Gary Antuanne)从开场钟开始控制动作. 该 2016 奥林匹亚刺拳,左撇子左撇子站姿, 第一次将圣地亚哥的头向后折断了好几次.

罗素, 24, 在第二个和第三个继续向左着陆. 早在第四, 他在楼上用一个短的右钩将圣地亚哥摔倒在膝盖上。. 波多黎各的圣地亚哥勇敢地站了起来,并在后续的猛攻中幸存下来,使其退出了回合.

“对我来说,重要的是逐轮执行, 和一轮轮, 我越来越多地执行. 我父亲叫我去尸体, 楼上右勾. 他对此持开放态度,”拉塞尔说.

尽管拉塞尔职业生涯第一次被延长到四轮以上,但并没有表现出放缓的迹象. 首都高地, 马里兰州. 产品在第六场击败圣地亚哥, 在整个框架中着陆惩罚组合. 过了一会儿, 比赛停止了.

“表演对我来说绝对重要,所以我不仅被称为加里·拉塞尔的弟弟,”拉塞尔说, 谁登陆 146 的 444 拳 (32.9%). “我来自优秀的战士背景. 我们正在建立一个王朝.

“我要多久才能回到擂台? 如果我能在 Deontay Wilder 牌上战斗, 那很好啊。”

周六的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 电视广播将在周日重播, 五月 30 在 9 A.M. ET/PT 在 SHOWTIME 和星期一, 五月 31 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

资深体育解说员布赖恩·卡斯特主持了 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 电视转播,而多才多艺的格斗运动配音员 Mauro Ranallo 与名人堂分析师 Al Bernstein 和三项世界冠军 Abner Mares 一起处理了逐一击球动作. 三位名人堂成员组成了 SHOWTIME 电视转播团队——艾美奖获奖记者吉姆·格雷, 非官方得分手史蒂夫·法胡德(Steve Farhood)和世界著名的环形播音员小吉米·列侬(Jimmy Lennon Jr). 执行制片人是戴维·丁金斯(David Dinkins), 小, 制片人是 Ray Smaltz,导演是 Chuck McKean. 三届超级最轻量级世界冠军以色列巴斯克斯和体育解说员亚历杭德罗卢纳担任西班牙语专家分析员在二级音频编程 (SAP).

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WBC Bantamweight World Champion Oubaali Takes On Future Hall Of Famer Donaire This Saturday, 五月 29 住在Showtime® In A Premier Boxing Champions Event From
Dignity Health Sports Park In Carson, 加利福尼亚州.

点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片

点击 这里 从肖恩·迈克尔·哈姆/ TGB促销图片

CARSON, CALIF. (五月 27, 2021) – WBC Bantamweight World Champion 诺丁·乌巴利 和名人堂成员的未来馆 nonito Donaire主场 went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before their world title showdown taking place this Saturday, 五月 29 live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亚州。, 总理拳击冠军事件的头条新闻.

The press conference also featured hard-hitting contender Subriel Matias 不败 巴蒂尔·尤肯巴耶夫, who meet in the co-main event for a 12-round IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, 不败 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 约瓦尼圣地亚哥, who square off in a 10-round super lightweight clash that opens the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT.

该活动由TGB Promotions推广. 门票现已发售,可在 AXS.com 购买. 尊严健康体育公园将向球迷有限开放, 在整个活动期间,所有客人都保持社交距离,并遵守当地和州的健康准则.



“是, we’ve sparred but training is training. When you go into a fight, it’s not the same. Every fight is different and I know on Saturday I will put on a great show with Nonito Donaire because I know he’s a good boxer but I know I’m the best. I trained so hard for this and now I’m ready to fight. I want to show everybody that the best two bantamweights in boxing today are fighting on Saturday.

“是, he’s had an outstanding career and he has power but I believe I have more power than him. I know I have the power. He’s a good boxer but I’m the world champion and on Saturday I’m going to show the world who is the best. I know I am the best. I respect Nonito. He’s had a good career but I’m the best in the division.

“The difference in the fight is going to be I want to win more. I want to continue to make history and stay as the world champion in this division. I know that it’s my time. I want this more than he does.

“If I’m victorious, why not have my next fight be for the unification? I want to make history every time and this is my motivation. I’m here because I love boxing and I want to face the best boxers every time. I’m facing Nonito Donaire and that’s great for my career. I just like to fight and this is my life.”


“It would be great to win the title at 38 years old and become the oldest champion at 118 英镑, but let’s keep it going. Let’s make it 40. Let’s make it 42. There ain’t no stopping me. 精神上, I’m very grateful but at the same time I’m just very ready.

“I’m always healthy and the reason why I can compete with anybody is because I keep myself healthy and I work hard. There’s nothing less than 100 percent every time I’m in that gym.

“I’m very hard-headed so I don’t always do what people tell me to do. People can say that it’s their time. But I also have my time and I’m always going to be the one who concedes their time or makes that decision. It’s still my time.

“这将是一场伟大的战斗. Oubaali is the champion for a reason. He’s been through it in terms of the amateurs and making it here. So we’re not underestimating any of that. But I’ve fought in this venue many times and I always make magical fights in the first place. It’s always going to be magical with me. I’m a unicorn.

“The difference in this fight is going to be my hunger. He’s younger than me but I have the hunger. We both have an objective and that’s what’s going to make this a great fight.

“I want to fight the best out there. I want the rematch with Naoya Inoue and I want to get all the belts. The only thing I haven’t accomplished in boxing is becoming undisputed champion. I’ve done everything else. 年度战斗机. 年度淘汰赛. Multiple championships. 四分区冠军. You name it. 那是我的主要目标. Get the belt and put them all together.

“Bantamweight is my real weight. I’ve always fought in the heavier division because of the excitement, the challenge and the lucrative offer or the names at that time. 现在, I’m here where I belong and this is where I’m really strong.

“The layoff will not be a factor at all. The time off helped me out. Just being out of the ring helped my body recover. And the eagerness and the hunger is there more than ever. It was a blessing for me.”


“I will be his toughest test without question and come Saturday night, everybody will find out why I’m saying that.

“I believe him when he says that he has the tools to get a stoppage on Saturday. But it’s not just a matter of saying, on Saturday night he has to prove it. If it’s going to come out of your mouth, then you have to prove it.

“We’re both knockout artists and with what we’re looking at, this fight should not finish by a decision.

“I don’t have much to say about that fight against Petros Ananyan. Those that saw me lose, I lost. There’s nothing I can say about it. But those that know boxing know that I’ve been progressing and improving and you all will see that on Saturday.”


“我有一个伟大的训练营. I am ready for Saturday night. I know that he’s a good fighter but I promise that I will be ready.

“We will see Saturday night whether it’s going to end in a knockout. I’ll show you what I’m made of and you will all see.”


“I’m in the hurt business. He’s a slugger. If he wants to come in there and slug with me, he will feel my power. He will see how intelligent I am. Not just mentally, but physically with my hands. 就像我说的, I’m in the hurt business. I come to hurt.

“Pardon my lack of Spanish, but what you are going to see is, ‘la violencia.’ He’s going to bring his pressure. He’s going to bring punches in bunches and I believe that’s all he can bring. If he’s been training and trying to perfect himself for my style of fighting, that’s fine. You’re not supposed to come in here one-dimensional. A diamond shines from all sides.

“The only thing I can say is this venue is going to promote blood, sweat and tears and the desire of people to be great. I’m definitely one of them. I’ve been in the gym giving my blood, my sweat and my tears and I’m bringing all of that to this venue come Saturday night.

“I definitely want to stay more active. That’s always been my plan. The pandemic slowed things down. Fans always tell me they want to see me get back in there…I just tell them, me too. The fighters aren’t the ones pulling all of the strings. Should I be more active? 当然. I want to be more active.

“I want to show that I’m the cream of the crop. I’m a superstar. The light hasn’t been shining on me because there’s a lot of other things going on. 在此之前, you’re going to have to wait and see. Come Saturday, it will be a great show. There will be some sparks and fireworks. I have an opponent that’s not willing to lay down. If he’s not willing to, I must make him lay down.”


“I know that he’s a good fighter. An Olympian. He’s young and he’s going to come fight. I’m going to come to fight too, so if the fight finishes early, then it finishes early.

“I just have to work round-by-round, throw punches and win one round at a time. After I beat Russell, everybody is going to be on my side.

“This is my weight. This is where I’m most comfortable. I’ve always been a 140-pounder and Saturday that’s what I’m going to demonstrate.

“This time, I’m fighting at my actual weight. 我觉得强. I’m coming to work round-by-round and on Saturday everybody will see what I’m all about.”

# # #

Oubaali vs. Donaire will pit undefeated WBC Bantamweight World Champion 诺丁·乌巴利 against future Hall of Famer nonito Donaire主场 in a long-awaited 12-round championship showdown live on SHOWTIME Saturday, 五月 29 从卡森尊严健康体育公园出发, 加利福尼亚州. 在英超拳击冠军赛.

在精彩表演拳击锦标赛的共同特征, hard-hitting contender SubrielMatías 不败 巴蒂尔·尤肯巴耶夫 in a 12-round IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, 不败的同时 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 面孔 约瓦尼圣地亚哥 in a 10-round super lightweight clash to open the telecast.

该活动由TGB Promotions推广.

门票现已发售,可在 AXS.com 购买. 尊严健康体育公园将向球迷有限开放, 在整个活动期间,所有客人都保持社交距离,并遵守当地和州的健康准则.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 在 Instagram 上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


I have something to prove to everyone,” – 帕奎奥

I didn’t come here to lose or lay down. 我来到这里

to get this victory,” – Broner

Welterweight Champion Pacquiao Takes on Former Four-Division World Champion Broner This Saturday on SHOWTIME PPV®

From the MGM Grand Garden Arena In Las Vegas &


点击这里 for Photos from Esther Lin/SHOWTIME

点击这里 for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

点击这里 for Photos from Chris Farina/Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS(一月 16, 2019) – 拳击的只有八处世界冠军帕奎奥and former four-division world champion阿德里安 “The Problem” Broner went face-to-face Wednesday in Las Vegas at the final press conference before they battle for Pacquiao’s World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title Saturday, 一月 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena.

Pacquiao will be ending his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his title against the brash must-see attraction Broner. On Wednesday the fighters talked about their preparation and what they envision going down on Saturday night before staring each other down at the Copperfield Theatre at MGM Grand.

The PPV begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack battling unbeaten top-rated contender Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title, former world champion Rau’shee Warren taking on France’s Nordine Oubaali for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship and unbeaten WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Jhack Tepora defending against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

Tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, are on sale now and start at $100, not including applicable service charges, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, charge by phone at 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Wednesday in Las Vegas:


I feel so blessed and happy because of the excitement around this fight. It’s come from the fans here in the U.S. and media all over the world. I want to go out there and make all the people happy.

The knockout in my last fight felt good. It felt like my younger days against Ricky Hatton, 米格尔·库托等人. That fight was a big challenge for me to recover from the fight against Jeff Horn. People said that my career was done. But I never got discouraged, I just worked hard and made the knockout against Lucas Matthysse happen.

These days I don’t only train my body, but also my mind. I’m a Senator, so my mind is very busy. I also play chess regularly and read books to keep my mind sharp.

People writing me off after the Jeff Horn fight was good for me. I’m not mad at anyone who thought that. It just became a challenge and a test to me of whether or not I could still show my best.

Being back here at MGM Grand makes me so happy. 这是一种荣誉,在这个位置上. I remember my first fight here in the U.S. was at MGM Grand. I will never forget that moment and now I get to come back here and do it again.

I know he is going to counter me but we’re ready for that. What happened in the Juan Manuel Marquez fight will not happen again. It was a mistake and I learned that mistake. We’ve worked on that in this training camp. I am prepared for Broner’s style.

This is a challenge because it is my first fight as a 40-year-old. I have something to prove to everyone about what that means. Age is just a number. What matters is how you prepare and that you’re working hard.

I don’t need to dislike my opponent to want a knockout. I’m just doing my job in the ring. 如果谈到淘汰赛, 它来了. We’re hoping to have that opportunity Saturday. I have to pressure him to make him open up. Wherever he goes, I’ll be there.

I’ve always stayed disciplined throughout my years in boxing. I’m always making sure everything is in order and on point during my workouts. That plus cross-training with activities like basketball has helped me stay in this position all these years.


I’m not up here to talk a lot of trash. I’ve put in the work. 它的战斗时间. 我赢了之后, everything is going to be different.

People are talking a lot about Pacquiao fighting Floyd Mayweather again, but I’m pretty sure Floyd is retired. I feel like people are trying to throw me to the wolves and overlook me.

He doesn’t remind me of any past opponents just like I’m not going to remind him of anyone he’s fought. He’s never fought anyone like me. Every fighter has similarities, but truly every fighter is different. If I remind him of Floyd Mayweather, I hope his arm doesn’t hurt after this one.

Look at my last five fights. I’ve fought world champion after world champion. I don’t duck any fights. I don’t care how many weight classes he’s won titles in.

I’m not in awe of any fighter, especially Manny Pacquiao. I hope he’s in awe of me. I’m a one of a kind fighter too. I’ve made history in this sport.

I just have to go out and win this fight, then everything is going to start going my way. 周六晚上, 我将取得胜利. This is a defining moment in my career and it’s going to be one of the biggest nights of my life.

Pacquiao hasn’t fought me so I’m not worried about what he says about me right now. He’s going to have a different outlook after he fights me Saturday night.

I’m going to turn Las Vegas into a big block party after I win on Saturday night. It’s going to change my career.

Manny Pacquiao has done a lot for the sport. I’m going to beat him up and have a drink with him afterward. I grew up in boxing and I know what’s going on. It’s a business, but don’t get it twisted, I’m going to dominate and win.

This is going to be a hell of a fight. I’ve trained so hard and I want everyone to know that I play around a lot, but when that bell rings, I’m going to be ready. I didn’t come here to lose or lay down. I came here to get this victory. Real talk.

BUBOY 费尔南德斯, Pacquiao’s Co-Trainer

I’m very thankful to this great team that we have that has prepared Manny for this challenge. I know that we worked very hard for this. I cannot fly without wings, but I can bring the belt back to the Philippines.

Manny has trained hard and we expect a good fight. This is the hardest I’ve seen him train and it will be seen in the ring Saturday night

罗奇, Pacquiao’s Co-Trainer

We’ve trained really hard for this fight. Manny is looking really good and is in tremendous shape. I’m sure Adrien is also because they’re both great fighters. I wish both men luck and may the best man win.

凯文·坎宁安, Broner’s Co-Trainer

We’ve had a tremendous training camp. Adrien is ready to go. Everyone who knows me, knows that all I have in this world in my word, and I don’t break it for nobody. I’m giving you my word that Adrien will put on a spectacular performance on Saturday night.

I’m guaranteeing that Adrien will send Manny back to the Senate, beltless, without the WBA title. I guarantee it.

MIKE STAFFORD, Broner’s Co-Trainer

Adrien came to me when he was 55 pounds and seven-years-old. He was an underdog then and he came back day after day. People thought he was a bad kid, but I told people that I saw something in him.

Freddie Roach didn’t know who Adrien was years ago when we were getting ready to work with the Olympic team together. But he got to know Adrien, and on Saturday night, Manny is going to know him too. That’s for sure.

JOE RAMOS, COO of Manny Pacquiao Promotions

We are honored, humbled and proud to be a part of this amazing event. This will be Manny’s 20 fight in Las Vegas and we’ve been treated amazingly throughout the entire promotion. I’m thankful to all of Team Pacquiao for the work they do and helping make everything run smoothly.

We all know that Adrien is ready and we expect nothing but the best from him and his team on Saturday night.

MGM Grand is known for the lion, and Lenny the Lion is right there when you enter the building. 上周六晚, Manny will show his heart of a lion for fans all over the world and prove once again that he’s the king of the jungle.


About three and a half years ago I sat here opposite this great legend in Manny Pacquiao. I’ve studied this man for many years and today he’s still one of the best welterweights in the world. He still has tremendous explosiveness and power, but more importantly the experience to beat any welterweight in the world.

Pacquiao has been doing this for so many years that we forget how truly great this man is. He’s in a very comfortable position right now. He’s super motivated and thats what is going to make this a great fight on Saturday night.

Coming into this fight we all know that there have been rumblings about what Adrien needs to do to win this fight. But what I’ve witnessed firsthand this entire promotion, is that this man has dedicated himself 100 百分. He’s done everything his coaches have asked of him and he’s exceeded those expectations.

Adrien Broner is ready, 专注的, and he’s put in the work. He’s put himself in the best situation to be successful on Saturday night. I expect nothing less than a great virtuoso performance. He didn’t cut one corner this training camp. He wants to prove to everyone, that everything people have said about him can be thrown out the window. He’s coming to show the entire world what he’s all about.

RAVONE利特尔约翰, CEO of About Billions Promotions

Adrien trained really hard for this fight. I’d like to thank Kevin Cunningham and Mike Stafford, they put together a great game plan. Adrien will be ready.

There’s been a lot of talk from Pacquiao’s side about getting a knockout, but you’re the one getting knocked out. You’ve been knocked out, we haven’t.

This our first time on this stage and in this position and it’s been very enjoyable. Adrien and I have put a lot into this over the last 10-15 岁月. We’re pulling for our guy 100 百分。”

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 事件编程, Showtime Networks Inc.

I’m not going to come up here and tell you all anything you don’t already know about Manny Pacquiao or Adrien Broner. These are two guys who have operated at the highest level of boxing for years. In Manny’s case, literally decades. But I will remind you of some things.

Manny Pacquiao is a Hall of Famer, 这是毫无疑问. He’s a boxing legend who’s generous, humble and soft-spoken outside of the ring. But most of all, he takes tough fights. 最后 20 opponents Pacquiao has had have been current, future or former world champions.

Adrien Broner has faced nine world champions in 37 职业斗争. He’s obviously demonstrated himself as being an elite fighter. He’s flashy, flamboyant, sometimes outrageous, but he’s always unapologetically himself.

On Saturday night, everything changes. Pacquiao is no longer soft-spoken and Broner is no longer fun-loving and outgoing. They transform themselves into two of the most athletically gifted and ferocious warriors in our sport. Above all these two guys have heart, which is the rarest thing in this sport.

Between the two of them, they’ve won titles in 12 weight divisions. That’s the third most of all-time, trailing just Mayweather vs. Pacquiao and Pacquiao vs. De La Hoya.

We know this is an elite fight and these fighters are in elite company. But on Saturday night, 这些都不重要. It’s not a contest of who has the best resume. This is a high level contest with high stakes between two of the most talented and athletically gifted fighters in the sport today. A win in this fight catapults each of these men to bigger things. It doesn’t get any more significant than that.

RICHARD STORM, President of Entertainment and Sports for MGM Resorts International

I’d like to welcome back Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner, two of the sport’s best fighters, back to Las Vegas and MGM Grand. Fans are always excited to watch these two fighters compete in the ring and we’re confident that Saturday’s event will kick off another exciting year of sports and entertainment programming for MGM Resorts.

I’m thankful to all of the people who have helped make this fight happen here in Las Vegas. We look forward to seeing everyone at the MGM Grand Garden Arena Saturday night for this sensational event.

#          #          #

关于帕奎奥 VS. Broner

Pacquiao vs. Broner is headlined by Senator Manny “吃豆子” 帕奎奥,boxing’s only eight-division world champion, ending his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “问题” Broner Saturday, 一月 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The PPV begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack battling unbeaten top-rated contender Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title, former world champion Rau’shee Warren taking on France’s Nordine Oubaali for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship and unbeaten WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Jhack Tepora defending against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

For more information visitwww.sho.com/sports 和www.mgmgrand.com, follow on Twitter @MannyPacquiao, AdrienBroner, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, @MGMGrand and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions 和www.Facebook.com/MGMGrand. hreadE��[s�



Daily Digital Features To Chronicle Fight Week Leading Up To This Saturday’s Welterweight World Championship Between Two Of Boxing’s Biggest Stars

手表, 分享 & 嵌入: https://s.sho.com/2CnI2Rf

什么: SHOWTME Sports released the first installment of每日均可访问: PACQUIAO VS. Broner, the first of four daily digital features that will chronicle fight week leading into this Saturday’s welterweight blockbuster between two of boxing’s biggest stars.WATCH:https://s.sho.com/2CnI2Rf

Manny Pacquiao will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against must-see attraction Adrien Broner this Saturday in the first marquee boxing event of 2019.

每日均可访问 delivers the same intimate access and signature storytelling as the network’s Emmy Award-winningALL ACCESS series. New installments of每日均可访问: PACQUIAO VS. Broner will publish each day on SHOWTIME Sports social platforms leading into Saturday’s SHOWTIME PPV® from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.


Former Four-Division World Champion Broner Takes on Welterweight Champion Manny Pacquiao Saturday, 一月 19 在放映时间 PPV®


From the MGM Grand Garden Arena In Las Vegas

点击 这里 从纳比尔·艾哈迈德/英超冠军拳击照片

LAS VEGAS(一月 15, 2019) – With fight week underway in Las Vegas, former four-division world champion阿德里安 “问题” Bronerhosted a media workout Monday before he battlesManny Pacquiaofor the World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title Saturday, 一月 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, are on sale now and start at $100, not including applicable service charges, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, charge by phone at 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Broner, 和教练一起Kevin Cunningham, have been at Barry’s Boxing in Las Vegas finishing up training camp after spending most of camp in West Palm Beach, Florida preparing to face boxing’s only eight-division world champion in Pacquiao. Here is what they had to say Monday at Barry’s Boxing:


Every fighter is different, but I know if I touch him flush, I’ll put him out. It’s no secret, he’s been to sleep before.

I’m in shape and ready to go. We had a tremendous training camp. I could have made weight weeks ago. We’re prepared to go out and execute.

I’ve been here before, and even though I haven’t been in a fight of exactly this magnitude, I’m just treating it like any other fight. He’s another opponent.

A lot of people are saying that Pacquiao’s age will be a factor, but I’m not looking at it like that. You see guys like Floyd Mayweather who stay undefeated at an older age. I’m just focused on being me. As long as I do what I have to do, 我将取得胜利.

We’re ready for whatever this fight is going to end up being. It could definitely be a war. I’ve always been an underdog. I came from the trenches and I’m bringing that mentality into the ring.

I can take over boxing with a win over Pacquiao. There are a lot of great fighters in this sport, but they just don’t bring what I bring to the table. With a win like this, it would put me right where I was always meant to be.

I’ve always wanted to fight the big names like this and I knew that I just had to keep working hard and the time would come.

Once that bell rings, I’ll make my adjustments and go ahead and get my victory. I don’t have anything I want to go out and prove. It’s just about winning. That will say everything.

凯文·坎宁安, Broner的教练

Preparation has been great. 阵营是巨大的. Adrien is ready to go and extremely focused for this fight. He came into camp that way and it’s stayed that way.

We added some things this training camp, because we know he’s fighting a legendary fighter. This is one that he has to have and he realizes it. I expect a spectacular performance.

I think on Saturday night that Adrien is going to be that guy that everyone expected him to be from day one. It will open a lot of eyes. I believe that we put the work in. I can’t see Adrien coming out of there without a victory.

The key to victory is for Adrien to just be himself. He has to do what he does best with no hesitation. He’s going to throw the right punches at the right time.

Pacquiao still throws combinations but they don’t come in as fast or as sharp as they used to. He can throw as many punches as he wants to throw, but if they’re not landing, it doesn’t mean anything.

I think Adrien is the quicker fighter. Quickness offsets speed, all day, every day. It’s all about being quick enough to time the guy with your hand speed. It’s different than just throwing a bunch of fast punches.

#          #          #

关于帕奎奥 VS. Broner

Pacquiao vs. Broner is headlined by Senator Manny “吃豆子” 帕奎奥, boxing’s only eight-division world champion, ending his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “问题” Broner Saturday, 一月 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The PPV begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack battling unbeaten top-rated contender Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title, former world champion Rau’shee Warren taking on France’s Nordine Oubaali for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship and unbeaten WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Jhack Tepora defending against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

For more information visitwww.sho.com/sports 和www.mgmgrand.com, follow on Twitter @MannyPacquiao, AdrienBroner, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, @MGMGrand and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions 和www.Facebook.com/MGMGrand.


Former Two-Division World Champion Jack Takes On Unbeaten Marcus Browne for WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title Saturday, 一月 19 on Pacquiao vs. Broner SHOWTIME PPV® Event From the MGM Grand Garden Arena In Las Vegas & 总理拳击冠军主办

点击 这里 从利奥威尔逊/英超冠军拳击照片 &

点击 这里 从肖恩·迈克尔火腿图片/梅威瑟促销

 LAS VEGAS(一月 10, 2019) – Former two-division world championBadou Jack hosted a media workout at Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas Thursday as he prepares to take on unbeaten top contender马库斯·布朗 for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title Saturday, 一月 19 on the Pacquiao vs. Broner SHOWTIME PPV® event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, are on sale now and start at $100, not including applicable service charges, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, charge by phone at 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

A resident of Las Vegas, Jack is preparing to fight in his adopted home city for the 11time as a pro on January 19. He will be making his third appearance on SHOWTIME PPV, having won a light heavyweight crown against Nathan Cleverly in August 2017 在梅威瑟与. 麦格雷戈事件.

Here is what Jack, his trainer Lou Del Valle and Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe had to say Thursday:


I feel young and like I’m still improving. I take care of my body every day. Age won’t be a problem for me, it’ll be an advantage.

I’m a confident fighter. I don’t need to talk and brag about everything. I’m just comfortable; 内外圈的外.

I’m battle-tested. I’ve been in there in tough fights. He hasn’t been tested like that, so we’ll have to see what he’s capable of when the pressure is on.

Marcus Browne is an athletic and skilled fighter. But it’s a little different to fight on the prospect and contender level versus on this world class level.

One of my biggest strengths in the ring is my ability to adjust. 我的教练, Lou Del Valle, has really helped in that regard. He’s been in there as a world champion like me on the big stage. He knows so much about boxing.

This is nothing new to me. I’ve been on a lot of big cards, so this is a regular day on the job. It’s exciting as always and I can’t wait to put on a good show.

I feel like it’s my duty to give back outside of the ring. With this platform that I have, why wouldn’t I? We should use this platform for something deeper than boxing.

On the Pacquiao vs. Broner SHOWTIME PPV main event:

It’s a really good fight. Pacquiao looked pretty good in his last fight, but Broner is very talented. 任何事情都有可能在拳击比赛中发生, especially because Broner has a good chin and can fight. He just has to stay focused.

LOU DEL VALLE, Jack’s Trainer

Camp has been amazing. Every camp has just been better and better. He has improved on his weaknesses each time we work together. It’s incredible that a guy who’s 35-years-old can keep performing the way he is and still be getting better.

We know that we have to be careful because Marcus is a good fighter. Everyone we fight at this level is quality. We’re only fighting champions and guys with the top pedigree. The better the fighter, the better we get.

I don’t think that Marcus Browne wants to go the distance with Badou Jack. If you notice in previous fights, guys who fight Badou are not the same after. He takes a lot out of them and I think it’s going to happen again. Marcus is going to go for the early knockout, but we’re ready.

The experience gap is a big difference. I had only fought one 10-rounder when I first fought for the title, but I still thought that I could beat him. The experience that Virgil Hill had over me was really difficult to overcome and I think you’ll see something similar play out in this fight.


I think that this is going to be a very competitive fight. You have two guys in this fight that are very hungry. There are a lot of options in the light heavyweight division, and it’s all about timing. This fight gives both guys a chance to prove that they want to be the best and make a great statement.

This fight has a very good chance of stealing the show. I like the fact that Marcus is very confident. If you’re in a big fight, you have to be. Badou is even-keeled, and he comes with his workman-like approach to every fight.

Experience is everything in big fights. It’s a big deal when you’re under those lights. Going the distance with top guys, and knowing how to break guys down, it all plays a big role in fights like this.

#          #          #

关于帕奎奥 VS. Broner

Pacquiao vs. Broner is headlined by Senator Manny “吃豆子” 帕奎奥,boxing’s only eight-division world champion, ending his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring to defend his World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “问题” Broner Saturday, 一月 19 in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV®event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The PPV begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack battling unbeaten top-rated contender Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title, former world champion Rau’shee Warren taking on France’s Nordine Oubaali for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship and unbeaten WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Jhack Tepora defending against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

For more information visitwww.sho.com/sports 和www.mgmgrand.com, follow on Twitter @MannyPacquiao, AdrienBroner, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, @MGMGrand and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions 和www.Facebook.com/MGMGrand. ���X�ĸ

Two-Division Champion Badou Jack Battles Undefeated Top Contender Marcus Browne for WBA Interim 175-Pound Title On Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner SHOWTIME PPV®

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions Saturday, 一月 19

From the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

更多! Former World Champion Rau’shee Warren Meets Unbeaten Nordine Oubaali for Vacant WBC Bantamweight Title &

Unbeaten Featherweight Jhack Tepora Takes on

Former World Champion Hugo Ruiz

LAS VEGAS (十二月 17, 2018) – 双师世界冠军 八斗杰克 will battle unbeaten top-rated contender 马库斯·布朗 for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title Saturday, 一月 19 on the Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner SHOWTIME PPV® event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The pay-per-view undercard will also see former world champion Rau'shee沃伦 taking on France’s 诺丁·乌巴利 for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship in a rematch of their 2012 Olympic match up that was edged by Oubaali. In the opening bout of the four-fight PPV telecast, 不败 JhackTepora 将采取前世界冠军 雨果·鲁伊斯 in a 12-round featherweight clash.

在主要事件, 参议员曼尼 “吃豆子” 帕奎奥, boxing’s only eight-division world champion, will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring when he returns to Las Vegas to defend his World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “问题” Broner.

门票活动, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, are on sale now and start at $100, 不包括适用的服务费, and can be purchased online through AXS.com, 通过手机在充电 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Not only will the fans witness a tremendous main event, they will get to enjoy three action-packed match-ups that will add another level to the pay-per-view portion of the card,” 伦纳德说Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. “Both Jhack Tepora and Hugo Ruiz are looking to make a name for themselves in the stacked featherweight division, while Rau’shee Warren and Nordine Oubaali are in the prime of their careers and battling for the WBC title. Mayweather Promotions’ Badou Jack has made an exemplary statement for his career inside and outside of the ring and is focused on further strengthening his resume, while Marcus Browne is looking to showcase his talent on boxing’s biggest stage.

千斤顶 (22-1-3, 13 科斯) has fought twice at light heavyweight since relinquishing his super middleweight world title to campaign at 175 英镑. The 35-year-old, who was born in Stockholm, 瑞典, represented his father’s Gambia in the 2008 Olympics and now lives in Las Vegas. Jack won the super middleweight world title with a majority decision against Anthony Dirrell in 2015 and successfully defended the title three times before he relinquished the belt following a hard-fought majority draw against James DeGale in one 2017’s best fights. In his first bout at 175 英镑, Jack stopped Nathan Cleverly to pick up the WBA light heavyweight title before fighting to a majority draw against Adonis Stevenson in his last fight on May 19.

I’m looking forward to getting back onto another big stage to perform for my fans across the globe and prove I am one of the best fighters in the world,” said Jack. “I plan to show off my skills with a dominating performance on January 19. I always want to fight the best, and he’s the best that’s available right now. I’m always 100 percent ready and I’m going into this fight stronger, faster and with more experience than ever before.

The 28-year-old Browne (22-0, 16 科斯) will be taking a step up to face an elite opponent when he battles Jack. 的成员 2012 中美. Olympic boxing team, Browne moved up the contender ladder in the 175-pound division with brute force and power, scoring three straight knockout victories against Thomas Williams, 小, Sean Monaghan and Francy Ntetu. 布朗, who was born and raised in Staten Island, 纽约州, scored a unanimous decision victory over Lenin Castillo in his last fight on August 4.

This is really an honor and a privilege to have an opportunity to showcase my talents on a big time pay-per-view card featuring Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner,” Browne said. “Badou Jack is a championship-caliber fighter and one of the toughest guys you can fight in the light heavyweight division. I’m ready for the step up in competition and focused on being a household name in the sport sooner rather than later.

养兔场 (16-2, 4 科斯) is looking to return to the world championship ranks with a victory over Oubaali. The 31-year-old became the first three-time Olympic boxer from the U.S. when he qualified for consecutive Olympic teams in 2004, 2008 和 2012. His Olympic run came to an end against Oubaali when he lost a narrow 19-18 decision in the first round of the 2012 伦敦奥运会. A southpaw from Cincinnati, 俄亥俄, Warren won the WBA Bantamweight World Championship with a majority decision over Juan Carlos Payano in 2016 and lost the title the next year to Zhanat Zhakiyanov by split-decision.

This fight means everything for me and it’s about to be the biggest moment of my career,” 沃伦说,. “Not only am I fighting for the WBC belt, but it’s on pay-per-view. When I first won the title it was like winning the gold medal at the Olympics. After I lost the title, it made me much hungrier and I want to get it back even more. I fought this guy in the Olympics, so I’m fighting for revenge. This isn’t the Olympics. 这是 12 rounds and I don’t think he’s fought anybody like me. I have no choice but to put it all on the line on January 19.

The 32-year-old Oubaali (14-0, 11 科斯), an unbeaten southpaw from Lens, Pas-de-Calais, 法国, has knocked out his last five opponents. His most recent KO of Luis Melendez on April 17 moved Oubaali up the ranks to position him for a world title shot. Oubaali, who is the sixth of 18 children born in France to parents who are from Morocco, twice represented France at the Olympics, qualifying in 2008 和 2012 when he defeated Warren.

Many people are waiting for this fight because it’s the second time we meet,” said Oubaali.I beat Rau’shee Warren at the 2012 London Games in a great battle. In the meantime, Rau’shee captured a world championship and lost it. 现在, I’m the WBC No. 1 ranked bantamweight fighter in the world. It will be a great fight in Las Vegas on January 19 and I intend to beat Rau’shee again to become the new WBC world champion.

The 25-year-old Tepora (22-0, 17 科斯) has steadily risen up the ranks since turning pro in 2012 and most recently captured the WBA interim featherweight crown with a ninth-round stoppage of Edivaldo Ortega in July. Representing Cebu City, 菲律宾, Tepora enters his U.S. debut on January 19 with stoppage wins in 11 他最后的 12 竞赛.

It has always been a dream to fight in the United States,” said Tepora. “I never dreamed that my first fight in the U.S. would be on a card with Senator Manny Pacquiao vs. 阿德里安Broner. I look forward to a tremendous fight on January 19 and defending my title versus former world champion Hugo Ruiz. As you all know the best rivalry in boxing is Filipino vs. 墨西哥人. It’s going to be a great fight.

Fighting out of Los Mochis, 锡那罗亚, 墨西哥, 鲁伊斯 (38-4, 33 科斯) will make his featherweight debut on January 19 after picking up two victories in 2018. The 30-year-old won a super bantamweight world title with a first round stoppage of Julio Ceja in 2016, avenging his previous loss to Ceja in one of 2015’s most exciting fights. He now seeks to position himself for a world title at 126 pounds with a victory against Tepora.

I expect it to be a good fight because Tepora is undefeated and a good Filipino champion,” 鲁伊斯说. “But I’m ready. I don’t think he can handle my power. 我要击倒他. I want to do my best to win the title. I’ve been watching videos of him and I’ve been training hard. I’m really focused on how to beat him. 我还年轻, but I’ve got the experience to handle him in this fight.