Tag Archives: Nicaragua

Largest MMA event in The Americas July 14-15 in Monterrey, Mexico

Monte Carlo, Monako (Maj 3, 2017)- The World MMA Association (WMMAA) has announced that its 2017 Pan-American Championships, the largest MMA event ever in The Americas, will be held this coming Julij 14-15 in Monterrey, Mexico.
National teams from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Kolumbija, Ekvador, Venezuela, Urugvaj, Brazilija, along with special guest Spain, are expected to compete in the 2017 Pan-American Championships.
Representing your country on the biggest continental competition of nations, it strikes you, your heart starts to race in anticipation of the grand journey into WMMAA history,” Pan-American Division president Tomas Yu je dejal.
The PAN-AM Board of Directors met again this past month during a collaboration with USA Boxing, during the latter’s 2017 Western Elite Qualifier & Regional Open, when the tentative announcement was made that Monterrey (Mexico) would be the event host this July.
Albuquerque, New Mexico was a leading destination host, vseeno, PAN-AM Board members voted in favor of Monterrey as the ultimate location.
WMMAA Mexico, as well as Monterrey as the host city this year, is a huge step in the development of the championships and movement as a whole,” Yu dodan. “Monterrey has been an active sport city. It was the first city to bid on the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics. Monterrey had never bid on an Olympic Game prior to its effort to bid for the 2014 Summer Youth Olympics. The city did host several matches of the 1986 FIFA World Cup.
The moment we have all been waiting for is finally here as the 2017 Pan-American Championships will take place in Monterrey, Mexico this coming Julij 14-15. The final decision has been made and now it is time to exhale, relax, and peacefully wait for the upcoming grand event, gathering people from all around the world to watch their country’s athletes competing among the best.

Pan-American Championship Official Promo

History will be made October 7-9 when Chile hosts the inaugural World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) Pan-American Championship – CHILE 2016 — in Santiago.


Initiative on MMA as a sport will build on the well-earned reputation of previous martial arts history in terms of addressing, sharing and discussing significant developments and social advancements that will impact the future of MMA:



FITE TV announces television carriage deal for the WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships October 8-9 in Chile

Go to FITE TV interview with host JimJ.R.Ross and
WMMAA Pan-American Division president Tomas Yu
NEW YORK, NY (Avgust 26, 2016) — FITE TV, in conjunction with the World MMA Association (WMMAA), announced today that it will be broadcasting the inaugural WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships live on FITE TV starting with the preliminary matches Sobota, Oktober 8, and the final Sunday October 9, 2016.
FITE is a television network, via a downloadable app, that specializes in all things fighting, including boxing, wrestling, MMA and Martial Arts. FITE is a free app that is available for download at the Google Play or iTunes app stores.
On Oktober. 8-9, the WMMAA is bringing the top amateur MMA competitors from around the world to Santiago, Chile for a two-day competition. Več kot 12 countries will be represented in eight different weight classes (6 moški, 2 women classes). Michelle Bachelet, the President of Chile, is slated to participate in the opening ceremonies and preside over the closing of the event. In addition to the in-ring MMA competition, the weekend will feature a fitness expo and Ring Girl Latina 2016 pageant. As of today, 12 countries have committed to participating in the event, including the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Aruba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Kolumbija, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil.
We are thrilled to be able to offer free viewing of one of the most anticipated MMA events in the Pan-American region each year on the innovative FITE TV app,” WMMAA Pan-American Division President Tomas Yu komentiral. “Zdaj, if you are not able to be at the event to watch the action live, you can now see it anywhere in the world.
With the addition of such a prestigious event to FITE TV, we continue to increase the diversity of the combat fighting programming, now offered live and on a VOD basis on the app,” je dejal Michael Weber, Senior Vice President of Marketing for FITE. “It is a honor to work with MMA professionals such as Tomas Yu and his team who continue to increase the visibility of their organization worldwide.
The television programming schedule and additional participating countries will be announced in the immediate future.
About FITE TV: FITE TV is a product of Flipps Media and is a free mobile app that is a one-stop shop for viewing all sports within the fighting discipline globally including MMA, profesionalna rokoborba, boks, and traditional martial arts. With only access to a smartphone and a connected TV, with the FITE app, viewers can watch live events, on-demand programming, interviews and fighting sports related movies and documentaries on the big TV screen. More information can be found at www.fite.tv.
About Flipps Media: Flipps delivers on-demand entertainment to any nearby connected TV from your mobile device without any additional hardware. The company has offices in San Mateo, New York and Sofia, Bulgaria and is backed by Tim Draper, Earlybird Venture Capital, Aslanoba Capital and LAUNCHub. Flippspatented technology immediately works with over 350+ million connected TVs and is compatible with over 7,000 manufacturer models requiring no set up, no pairing devices, no cables, no dongles and no set top box. The Flipps mobile application is free and available on iTunes and Google Play. More information can be found at www.flipps.com.
About WMMAA: The goal of the World MMA Association is to provide unbiased structure and guardrail the growth of MMA as the official world governing body for Mixed Martial Arts. Organizacija neprofitna ustanovljena leta 2012, WMMAA je na misijo, da razvijejo standardiziran in reguliran organizacijo, vključno s konkurenco, Usposabljanje, službujejo, Testiranje in rast, ko je to potrebno. Več kot 50 države so zaprosile za članstvo WMMAA.


Za takojšnjo objavo
Christopher Rosales (R), bratranec funta-za-funt kralj Roman “Chocolito” Gonzalez, bo v akciji enkrat to soboto v Nikaragvi
Managua, Nicaragua (December 2, 2015) — Plodovit Nikaragve promotor Marcelo SanchezPinolero Boxing ponuja še eno vrhunsko boj kartico to soboto, December. 5, sledi na petah po svojem 100th boks promocije predstava.
Poudarjanje boju kartico je guma tekmo med 21-year-old Nikaragve iskanje Junior Ramirez (13-1, 9 Kos) versus David Bency. Ramirez is the World Boxing Youth Silver Super Lightweight Champion who was undefeated and scheduled to defend his title last month in Monte Carlo. Vendar, je bil razburjen z borec je prej pretepen, Bency, v svoji revanš.
Boj tudi na kartici št. 1 uvrstila Nikaragve bantamweight Dixon Flores (11-3-2), ki je pred kratkim sprejela izziv za boj senzacionalno mehiški prvak Carlos Blocks (32-0-1), and he now hopes to rebound and continue moving forward. His opponent will be undefeated 20-year-old Jose Perez (16-0, 13 Kos), Ne. 1 ocenjeno super Optimizacija učinkovitosti v Nikaragvi, v tisto, kar obljublja, da bi bil eksploziv boj.
Tudi boj na osem-bout kartice je zvezdnik Roman “Chocolatito” Gonzalez‘ bratranec, fellow NikaragveChristopher Rosales (15-2, 11 Kos). The 21-year-old Gonzalez faces Martin Diaz (8-3-1) kot on dvigne na lestvici po izgubi burna sporna, close decision to undefeated Khalid Yafai (17-0, 11 Kos) v Združenem kraljestvu. Rosales is currently ranked No. 10 na svetu, Ne. 1 v Nikaragvi.
“Marcelo (Pinolero Boxing) še naprej ponujajo enakomeren pretok zanimiv boj kartice, kot to soboto je, kot to počne njegov srednjeameriški panamsko soseda, Rogelio Espino, Promocije in dogodki iz ožine,” Pinolero Boks predstavnica Michael Schmidt komentiral. “Očitno je, da mladi prvenstvo kalibra borci, kot so Ramireza, Cvetje, and Rosales are more than prepared to step up and accept challenges. They’re all in their early twenties with each having had 14 or more battle-hardened fights. They continue to move up in the rankings while gaining the necessary experience to add to Nicaraguan’s storied history of championship fighters.
“Zahvaljujemo se vsem našim sodelavcev, ki delajo z nami, da nam pomagajo spodbujati te vrste zanimiv boj kartic,” Sanchez added. “To soboto bo še en razburljiv večer boksa.”

Pinolero Boxing Promocije in Jensen Strauss Agencija limitée Vstopite v strateško zavezništvo


Nikaragve Promotor leta dodaja

Kanadski PR & Marketing Firm svoje kotu

Atty. Michael Schmidt (center) Tu je prikazana z Hall-of-Famer Roberto Duran (L) in njegov sin Robin Duran (R)


KITCHENER, Ontario, Canada (Junij 10, 2015) — Marcelo Sanchez, temelji Nikaragve vodilnih promotor Pinolero Boxing, in kanadski odvetnik Michael J. Schmidt, v imenu odnosov z javnostmi in marketing podjetja Jensen Strauss Agencija limitée, danes skupaj napovedala strateško zavezništvo za širitev blagovne znamke Pinolero na mednarodni ravni.


“Obe podjetji imata kratkoročne in dolgoročne cilje, ki se popolnoma prilegajo skupaj,” Schmidt je dejal,. “Pinolero Boxing Promotion je v poslovnem razvoju regionalnih, nacionalni in Svetovni prvaki. Se bosta obe podjetji iskali na različne načine, da se premaknete Pinolero boksarice v nadaljnjem mednarodnem okviru. Pinolero ima dokazanih referencah za razvoj močne blagovne znamke prvakov in vsa prizadevanja, ki so narejeni za nadaljnje povečanje Pinolero talent. Jensen Strauss Agencija limitée bo zagotovila dodatne odnosov z javnostmi in trženje znanja.”


“Očitno,” Schmidt dodano, “tam pa bo vedno samo ena Alex Arguello, kakor tudi samo ena Roman “Chocolatito” Gonzalez – Menim, da bi morali imeti resno obravnavo kot najboljši pound-for-pound borec v današnjem svetu – vendar Pinolero Boks ima ogromno globino nadarjenih posameznikov, ki so pripravljeni, da cvet v svojem legendarni status.”


“Zavedamo se, gospoda. Schmidt in Jensen Strauss Agencija limitée skozi njegovo stabilno in strokovno delo v Panami, in delo je naredil za boks medijskih osebnosti po vsem svetu,” Sanchez, govorim v imenu Pinolero Boxing, komentiral. “Oba se strinjata, da je ogromno talenta, ki naj bi za razburljivo trženje. Jensen Strauss Agencija limitée in Pinolero delijo isto veselje pri razvoju te mladeniče, ne samo proti prvenstvo, ampak tudi svetovno prvenstvo vizija, s poudarkom na prizadevanju za blagovno znamko našega podjetja in boksarjev v ringu, in glede na njihovo podobo in sposobnost, da bi prinašala dohodek izven ringa”.


Obetavne možnosti, kot so 20-year-old Junior Ramirez (12-0, 9 Kos), Svetovni boksarski Svet (WBC) Mladi Silver super lahke prvak, knockout umetnik Roberto Arriaza (10-0, 9 Kos), Nikaragve welterweight prvak, in minimalna teža Byron Rojas (15-2), so vsi odlični primeri hlevu Pinolero Boks je naraščajoče talent.


Schmidt je še posebej navdušena, ki jih Nikaragve borci, kot so Cristofer Rosales Gonzalez, 20-year-old s poročilom o 13-2, ki, Schmidt opombe, “ni bilo strah, da okrepijo in prevzamejo undefeated mednarodnem tekmovanju.”


Pinolero Boks bo kmalu praznovala 100th promocijski predstava z gosti velik boksarski dogodek v Nikaragvi. “Bomo vnesli celoten nabor virov in strokovnega znanja, preko smeri Marcelo Sanchez na Pinolero Boxing,” Schmidt je pripomnil. “Mi smo veseli, da delajo s promocijsko podjetje, ki, pod vodstvom Marcelo Sanchez, ima tako izjemen talent. Upajmo, v naslednjem letu ali dveh, narava tega odnosa bo pokazal v obliki več boksarskih prvakov se okronali pod Pinolero banner, ampak tudi pri mlajših moških, ki se izvajajo z razredom in spretnosti, znotraj in zunaj obroča, ki je tako neločljivo povezana z naravo nekaterih legendarnih Nikaragve borci.”


“Veselimo se, da Jensen Strauss agencije limitée delajo za in v imenu Pinolero Boxing prispeva k zagotavljanju dodatek o storitvah na razvoj možnosti in tržnih poti primernih za naše boksarice,” Sanchez sklenila. “Naša julij predstava bo poseben dogodek za Nikaragvi in ​​pozdravljamo ob Schmidt in Jensen Strauss agencije limitée na krovu.”




Jensen Strauss Agencija limitée: C / O Atty. Michael Schmidt: mjschmidtlaw@hotmail.com, 519-578-1448 (pisarna),


Pinolero Boxing: www.facebook.com/pages/Boks promotor de-Pinolero-Boks / 206277329399716