標記檔案: NFL


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點擊 這裡 To Read About The All-PBC Football Team Via premierboxingchampions.com

(Former world champ Andre Berto with Denver Broncos Running Back Ronnie Hillman
Photo via instagram.com/Andre 葉貝)

See below for Super Bowl 50 predictions from PBC fighters:
其他葉貝: I’ve got the Panthers by a dime. Man, that Broncosdefense is ferocious! I’ve never seen any team get after a guy like they got after Tom Brady. So how is my boy Cam Newton gonna handle them? Have you seen Cam run? He’s gonna run right over them.
Against the Patriots, that defense was allowed to be ferocious, but Cam won’t allow that. As for [Broncos running back] Ronnie Hillman, he’s my dude; he’s just gotta work on them hands a little bit.
多米尼克Breazeale: I’ve got the Panthers winning, 35-21. Cam Newton is just having way too much fun, and at this point, I would have to say the guy is unstoppable.
奧馬爾·道格拉斯: I’m going with Panthers. Cam Newton has played great all season and almost went undefeated. He is not your average quarterback. He can throw the long ball or run it in for a touchdown. And on top of it all, he’s having fun. It’s hard to beat a guy like that!
奧馬爾·菲格羅亞小: I don’t want to give a prediction. I love the Broncos like I love the San Antonio Spurs. But the Panthers are the Golden State Warriors of football right now. I see the Broncos having a really hard time keeping up.
米格爾·弗洛雷斯: Carolina has been smashing everyone, and Denver has been somewhat inconsistent. But after the Broncosmost recent games and their showing on defense, I will have to stick with the famous cliché: “Offense wins games, defense wins championships.
The Panthers have shown that they can be great offensively, but their defense hasn’t always been on point. So I’m going with the Broncos in a tight one.
丹尼·加西亞: I’m going with the Panthers. They’re rolling right now. They’ve got youth and energy, and they’ve got a lot of momentum going into the game. If they just stay focused and don’t party and get caught up [in the hype], they’ll win it.
特雷爾Gausha: Panthers, because my bro that I went to high school with plays for Carolina: wide receiver Ted Ginn Jr. 更多, I think they are just that good.
托尼·哈里森: Carolina Panthers all the way. As a former high school quarterback, I love what Cam is doing for the game. He’s amazing. 還, many people don’t know but my younger cousin, Devin Funchess (pictured above with Harrison while at the University of Michigan), plays wide receiver for the Panthers. So I’m always going with family in any situation.
朱利葉斯·傑克遜: I’ve got the Broncos. They have a better system as far as demonstrating an ability to play as a cohesive unit. That’s what will give them the edge.
賈馬爾 - 詹姆斯: I’m gonna have to go with the Panthers, because Cam Newton has been handling business. 更多, that team has kinda been an underdog. But every time people count them out, they come out and refuse to lose, which is something I respect and relate to.
阿米爾汗: I would have to say that the Broncos have the veteran leadership in Peyton Manning and they’ve been there before, so they have the better overall experience. 但最後, the youth and explosiveness of Cam Newton will win the day in what will be a hard-fought Panthers’ 勝利.
保利Malignaggi: I’m going with the underdog Broncos. Maybe it’s just going with my heart, but I’m a Manning fan, mainly because his brother is the QB for my New York Giants, so I’m keeping it in the family.
押尼珥Mares: I’m taking the Panthers. Cam Newton has a style on and off the field that just dominates. It’s the Panthersyear, Cam is a tremendous leader and QB, and it’s time for a new dynasty to be born.
肖恩·波特: I think this is gonna be a great Super Bowl! It’s a very evenly matched game. Both teams are solid on both sides of the ball and have great quarterbacks. Peyton Manning is trying to solidify his status as an all-time great QB, and Cam Newton is trying to establish himself as a future great. I’m having a really hard time picking a winner, but personally I would love to see Cam Newton and the Panthers win.
邁克爾密封件: I’ve got to go with the Panthers. I’m gonna take Billy the Kid-Cam Newton-over the Old Deputy Sheriff, Peyton Manning.
埃羅爾小斯彭斯: The Panthers will win because the Broncosdefense will not be able to contain or stop Cam Newton. And the Pantherspass defense is too good for a shell-of-himself Peyton Manning. I went to school with [Broncos defensive end] Von Miller, but I want Cam to win.
安東尼奧·塔弗: It’s a destiny type of year for Cam Newton and the Panthers. I don’t think anyone is gonna stop them. While my heart is with Denver and the wise old veteran Peyton Manning-us old guys gotta stick together-I have to put my money on Cam and the Panthers.
All I pray for is to go out like Peyton Manning: attempting to win it all before I retire. But I have to say the Panthers will win.
奧斯汀鱒魚: I’ve got the Panthers winning. They’re just playing with great team chemistry and great leadership in Cam Newton. But I’m still J-E-T-S till I D-I-E.
Sammy Vasquez Jr.: It’s simple: Panthers all day. They’ve been on fire. Cam Newton deserves it now after putting in the years with the team and all the hard work. They work together as a team, and that’s a great part of being successful.
Deontay懷爾德: I like the Panthers because Cam Newton is just on a different level, a force to be reckoned with.
托馬斯·威廉姆斯JR.: I’m taking the Broncos simply because of the experience factor. Cam Newton’s year has been phenomenal; he is an MVP for sure. But I think Peyton Manning’s postseason and all-around experience will outweigh Cam’s magic.
This will be just another walk in the park for Manning, who has been in the tougher, more grueling games over the course of his career.
Final tally: Panthers 17, Broncos 4.


點擊 這裡 對於照片
點擊 這裡 對於視頻從貿易活動的悍將
拉斯維加斯 (七. 23, 2015) – Another memorable 貿易早餐的悍將 冠軍是在書本為梅威瑟的鬥爭日傳統的第六批其中發生在星期六, 七. 12 在米高梅大酒店在拉斯維加斯提出的梅威瑟促銷, 導致了精彩演講的早晨, 網絡的一些最有影響力和強大的女人在體育產業和認可.
獲獎者包括第一女教練在NFL博士. 只有韋爾特, 梅威瑟的母親德博拉·辛克萊和第一位女拳擊法官帕特里夏·賈曼.
早餐是emceed由HBO的Ballers Jazmyn西蒙的明星誰與掙扎的女演員的勵志故事打開後誰了 200 不同的選拔賽終於登陸了她的大突破.
“這不是你如何啟動, 這是你如何完成,” 西蒙說.
有一個鼓舞人心的講話博士本次活動達到了高潮. 韋爾特,她接受了 “貿易悍將” 獎. 她談到實現自己的目標的力量, 不要害怕鋪平自己的方式和運動之間創造社會各階層人士的緊密粘合.
“這不要緊,你在門怎麼弄, 重要的是,當你到達那裡你做了什麼,” 說,韋爾特. “這是一個全職的喧囂是一個女人在體育…但上帝讓我謙虛,我只是試著盡我所能成為最好的,我可以。”
總體, 該活動獲得了巨大的成功,而梅威瑟的鬥爭日子可能是過去的事情與他最近退休的公告, 貿易早餐的悍將將繼續.
“什麼開始從拳擊行業的各個方面相對小聚會的婦女已成為繼續變得更好,更好的包裝盒外活動樂趣,” 妮可說:克雷格, 市場營銷和運營的梅威瑟促銷副總裁. “今年,我們增加了現場表演, 一些額外的明星影響力和靈感的演講者和與會者. 這是偉大的看到,本次活動將繼續,只是讓自己變得更好。”
在這個偉大的事件相結合, 那些誰擁有強烈的願望,工作,體育和娛樂業中貢獻自己的力量的小梅威瑟. 基金會提供的獎學金為婦女在一年兩次的基礎. 該計劃的目的是提供給婦女提供援助以使一個積極的影響, 進一步教育, ,有利於行業作為一個整體. 申請小梅威瑟. 基金會: 提高婦女地位在運動 & 娛樂獎學金訪問 HTTP://tfmjf.org/scholarships/. 截止申請衝刺學期 十一月 15.
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泰坦 貿易的: 冠軍早餐 WAS sponsored by: 米高梅大酒店, 欣欣網絡公司, 蓋伊果醬資本, 薩克斯第五大道, 斯旺森通訊, FNOM, 零下恢復, 北極, 米魯伏特加, 茶漂移, 俠骨仁心和野花.

TRAILBLAZER和NFL教練DR. JUST飛揚, 長期拳擊法官帕特里夏賈曼和梅威瑟的母親黛博拉辛克萊兌現在交易悍將: 早餐CHAMPIONS東道主梅威瑟促銷在米高梅大酒店在星期六, 九月 12

This Year’s Floyd Mayweather Fight-Day Tradition Marks
拉斯維加斯 (九月 8) – 梅威瑟促銷 will bring together professionals from across the sports and entertainment industry on 星期六, 九月 12 for another installment of the 貿易悍將: 冠軍早餐. 一個梅威瑟的鬥爭天的傳統, 半年報早餐的目的是創造了行業的各種專業人士的強烈關係,並紀念那些誰也有助於積極在​​該領域提高婦女. 貿易悍將: 冠軍早餐 將在米高梅大酒店會議中心和門票可用於購買 這裡.
本次活動揭開序幕拳擊的一個令人興奮的一天,梅威瑟將步入環的最後一次晚上,他對安德烈葉貝在米高梅大酒店在拉斯維加斯. 該 貿易悍將: 冠軍早餐 supports a strong community of professionals who aspire to positively impact the sports and entertainment industry. In bringing together a large group of highly influential individuals on one of the biggest days in boxing, 同行和同事們都能夠分享故事, 網絡和慶祝彼此的成功經驗.
今年,, 該 貿易悍將 Committee is thrilled to present awards to honor the following recipients:
博士. 只有韋爾特 將與貿易裁決的泰坦兌現, 因為她已經成為第一個女教練在全國足球聯賽創造歷史 (NFL). 目前,她是一個營地/季前賽中後衛教練裡面NFL的亞利桑那紅雀.
德博拉·辛克萊 將提交與金手套獎. 她是12次世界冠軍的拳手梅威瑟和兩個女兒Deltricia和房利美的驕傲的母親. 從她周圍的家人在家鄉大瀑布城的經常困難的情況下, MY, 過著充實的生活在拉斯維加斯, 女士. 辛克萊鼓勵所有她的孩子超越自己的情況,爭取最好的生活可能. 梅威瑟往往歸因於他非常成功的職業生涯,以他的母親和她的留言.
Patrica賈曼 將獲得功勳獎為她的拳擊行業的貢獻作為評判, 其中包括許多其他成就. 她目前是國際拳擊裁判, 已經主持 130 世界各國包括UFC各地的冠軍較量, 泰拳, 大淘汰賽拳擊與榮耀踢拳擊戰鬥. 上 星期六, 九月 12, 賈曼會判斷奧蘭多薩利多和羅馬之間備受矚目的複賽 “洛基” 馬丁內斯, 這將出現在梅威瑟VS. 安德烈葉貝的undercard.
活動的部分收益將捐贈給小梅威瑟. Foundation’s Advancement of Women in Sports and Entertainment Scholarship. 訪問:www.tfmjf.org/scholarships 了解更多信息.
“每次我們舉辦這個早餐, 我感到難以置信和支持個體,我們有我們的行業內再次移動,” 妮可說:克雷格, 市場營銷和運營的梅威瑟促銷副總裁. “這是一個絕對的快樂來監督這個活動,匯集了如此眾多不同的專業人士和我都喜歡看到它成長了多年。”
貿易悍將: 冠軍早餐 由主辦: 米高梅大酒店, 欣欣網絡公司, 蓋伊果醬資本, 薩克斯第五大道, 斯旺森通訊, FNOM, 零下恢復, 北極, 米魯伏特加, 茶漂移, 俠骨仁心和野花.