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(Former world champ Andre Berto with Denver Broncos Running Back Ronnie Hillman
Photo via Berto)

See below for Super Bowl 50 predictions from PBC fighters:
Andre Berto: I’ve got the Panthers by a dime. Man, that Broncos’ defense is ferocious! I’ve never seen any team get after a guy like they got after Tom Brady. So how is my boy Cam Newton gonna handle them? Have you seen Cam run? He’s gonna run right over them.
Against the Patriots, that defense was allowed to be ferocious, but Cam won’t allow that. As for [Broncos running back] Ronnie Hillman, he’s my dude; he’s just gotta work on them hands a little bit.
Dominic Breazeale: I’ve got the Panthers winning, 35-21. Cam Newton is just having way too much fun, and at this point, I would have to say the guy is unstoppable.
Omar Douglas: I’m going with Panthers. Cam Newton has played great all season and almost went undefeated. He is not your average quarterback. He can throw the long ball or run it in for a touchdown. And on top of it all, he’s having fun. It’s hard to beat a guy like that!
Omar Figueroa Jr: I don’t want to give a prediction. I love the Broncos like I love the San Antonio Spurs. But the Panthers are the Golden State Warriors of football right now. I see the Broncos having a really hard time keeping up.
Miguel Flores: Carolina has been smashing everyone, and Denver has been somewhat inconsistent. But after the Broncosmost recent games and their showing on defense, I will have to stick with the famous cliché: “Offense wins games, defense wins championships.
The Panthers have shown that they can be great offensively, but their defense hasn’t always been on point. So I’m going with the Broncos in a tight one.
Danny Garcia: I’m going with the Panthers. They’re rolling right now. They’ve got youth and energy, and they’ve got a lot of momentum going into the game. If they just stay focused and don’t party and get caught up [in the hype], they’ll win it.
Terrell Gausha: Panthers, because my bro that I went to high school with plays for Carolina: wide receiver Ted Ginn Jr. Aktar, I think they are just that good.
Tony Harrison: Carolina Panthers all the way. As a former high school quarterback, I love what Cam is doing for the game. He’s amazing. Wkoll, many people don’t know but my younger cousin, Devin Funchess (pictured above with Harrison while at the University of Michigan), plays wide receiver for the Panthers. So I’m always going with family in any situation.
Julius Jackson: I’ve got the Broncos. They have a better system as far as demonstrating an ability to play as a cohesive unit. That’s what will give them the edge.
Jamal James: I’m gonna have to go with the Panthers, because Cam Newton has been handling business. Aktar, that team has kinda been an underdog. But every time people count them out, they come out and refuse to lose, which is something I respect and relate to.
Amir Khan: I would have to say that the Broncos have the veteran leadership in Peyton Manning and they’ve been there before, so they have the better overall experience. Iżda fl-aħħar, the youth and explosiveness of Cam Newton will win the day in what will be a hard-fought Panthers’ rebħa.
Paulie Malignaggi: I’m going with the underdog Broncos. Maybe it’s just going with my heart, but I’m a Manning fan, mainly because his brother is the QB for my New York Giants, so I’m keeping it in the family.
Mares Abner: I’m taking the Panthers. Cam Newton has a style on and off the field that just dominates. It’s the Panthersyear, Cam is a tremendous leader and QB, and it’s time for a new dynasty to be born.
Shawn Porter: I think this is gonna be a great Super Bowl! It’s a very evenly matched game. Both teams are solid on both sides of the ball and have great quarterbacks. Peyton Manning is trying to solidify his status as an all-time great QB, and Cam Newton is trying to establish himself as a future great. I’m having a really hard time picking a winner, but personally I would love to see Cam Newton and the Panthers win.
Michael Siġilli: I’ve got to go with the Panthers. I’m gonna take Billy the Kid-Cam Newton-over the Old Deputy Sheriff, Peyton Manning.
Errol Spence Jr: The Panthers will win because the Broncosdefense will not be able to contain or stop Cam Newton. And the Pantherspass defense is too good for a shell-of-himself Peyton Manning. I went to school with [Broncos defensive end] Von Miller, but I want Cam to win.
Antonio Tarver: It’s a destiny type of year for Cam Newton and the Panthers. I don’t think anyone is gonna stop them. While my heart is with Denver and the wise old veteran Peyton Manning-us old guys gotta stick together-I have to put my money on Cam and the Panthers.
All I pray for is to go out like Peyton Manning: attempting to win it all before I retire. But I have to say the Panthers will win.
Austin Trota: I’ve got the Panthers winning. They’re just playing with great team chemistry and great leadership in Cam Newton. But I’m still J-E-T-S till I D-I-E.
Sammy Vasquez Jr.: It’s simple: Panthers all day. They’ve been on fire. Cam Newton deserves it now after putting in the years with the team and all the hard work. They work together as a team, and that’s a great part of being successful.
Deontay Wilder: I like the Panthers because Cam Newton is just on a different level, a force to be reckoned with.
Thomas Williams Jr.: I’m taking the Broncos simply because of the experience factor. Cam Newton’s year has been phenomenal; he is an MVP for sure. But I think Peyton Manning’s postseason and all-around experience will outweigh Cam’s magic.
This will be just another walk in the park for Manning, who has been in the tougher, more grueling games over the course of his career.
Final tally: Panthers 17, Broncos 4.

TITANS TAL-kolazzjon KUMMERĊ TA 'CHAMPIONS akbar u aħjar minn qatt qabel

Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti
Ikklikkja HERE Għal A Video Mill-Titāns tal-Avveniment Kummerċ
Las Vegas (Seba. 23, 2015) – Another memorable Titāns tal-Breakfast Kummerċ ta 'Champions huwa fil-kotba bħala s-sitt pagament tal-tradizzjoni Floyd Mayweather ġlieda jum li saret nhar is-Sibt, Seba. 12 fil MGM Grand fil Las Vegas preżentata mill Promozzjonijiet Mayweather, wassal għal filgħodu ta 'diskorsi eċċellenti, networking u r-rikonoxximent ta 'xi wħud mill-nisa aktar influwenti u formidabbli fl-industrija isports.
Honorees inklużi l-ewwel coach femminili fl-Dr NFL. Biss Welter, Omm Mayweather tal Deborah Sinclair u l-ewwel mara boxing imħallef Patricia Jarman.
Il-kolazzjon kienet emceed mill-istilla ta 'ballers Jazmyn Simon HBO li ġejjin li jinfetaħ ma storja inspirational ta' attriċi tissara li wara aktar minn 200 provi differenti finalment żbarkati break big tagħha.
“Huwa mhux kif inti tibda, huwa kif inti finitura,” Said Simon.
L-avveniment kkonkludiet bil diskors jispira minn Dr. Welter kif hi aċċettaw l “Titāns tal-Kummerċ” għoti. Tkellmet dwar il-qawwa ta 'ksib ta' miri wieħed, mhux qed jibżgħu li twitti t-triq tiegħek stess u l-bond qrib li sports toħloq fost nies minn kull livell tal-ħajja.
“Ma jimpurtax kif inti tikseb fil-bieb, dak li jgħodd huwa dak li għandek tagħmel meta ikollok hemm,” qal Welter. “Huwa hustle full-time li tkun mara fl-isports…imma Alla jinżammu lili umli u I biss jipprova jagħmel dak kollu li nista 'biex tkun l-aħjar I jista' jkun.”
B'mod ġenerali, l-avveniment kien suċċess kbir u filwaqt jiem ġlieda Mayweather jista 'jkun xi ħaġa tal-passat ma tiegħu tħabbira riċenti ta' l-irtirar, l-Titāns tal-breakfast Kummerċ se tkompli.
“Dak li beda bħala ġabra relattivament żgħir ta 'nisa minn aspetti kollha tal-industrija boxing sar gost barra l-avveniment kaxxa li tkompli tikseb aħjar u aħjar,” qal Nicole Craig, Viċi President tal-Marketing u l-Operazzjonijiet għall-Promozzjonijiet Mayweather. “Din is-sena aħna miżjud divertiment ħajjin, xi setgħa star żejda u l-ispirazzjoni mal-diskorsi u parteċipanti. Huwa kbir biex tara li dan l-avveniment ikompli biss tikseb aħjar u aħjar.”
Flimkien ma 'din il-ġrajja, dawk li għandhom xewqa qawwija biex jaħdmu u jikkontribwixxu l-isforzi tagħhom fl-industrija Sports u Divertiment li l Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fondazzjoni toffri borża ta 'studju għan-nisa fuq bażi bi-annwali. Dan il-programm huwa mfassal biex joffri assistenza lin-nisa bil-potenzjal li jagħmlu impatt pożittiv, aktar edukazzjoni tagħhom, u l-benefiċċju tal-professjoni kollha kemm hi. Biex tapplika għall Il Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fondazzjoni: Avvanz tan-Nisa fl-Isport & Entertainment żjara Scholarship L-iskadenza biex japplikaw għall-semestru Sprint huwa Novembru 15.
# # #
Il Titāns tal-Kummerċ: Breakfast tal Champions WAS sponsored by: MGM Grand, Showtime Netwerks Inc, Guy Jam Capital, Saks Ħames Avenue, Komunikazzjonijiet Swanson, Fnom, Subzero Irkupru, Artiku, Miru Vodka, Drift Tea, Fejqan Qlub u A Wildflower.

Trailblazer U NFL COACH RD. JUST Welter, Żmien twil boxing JUDGE PATRICIA JARMAN u l-omm FLOYD Mayweather'S DEBORAH SINCLAIR li tkun privileġġjata AT TITANS TAL-KUMMERĊ: Kolazzjon TAL CHAMPIONS ospitat mill PROMOTIONS Mayweather AT MGM GRAND FUQ IS-SIBT, Settembru 12

This Year’s Floyd Mayweather Fight-Day Tradition Marks
6installment th tal-Celebration semi-annwali
Las Vegas (Settembru 8) – Promozzjonijiet Mayweather will bring together professionals from across the sports and entertainment industry on IS-SIBT, Settembru 12 for another installment of the Titāns tal-Kummerċ: Breakfast tal Champions. A tradizzjoni Floyd Mayweather ġlieda jum, l-kolazzjon semi annwali għandu l-għan li toħloq rapport qawwi fost il-professjonisti differenti fl-industrija u l-unur lil dawk li kkontribwew għall pożittiv għall-progress tan-nisa fil-qasam. Titāns tal-Kummerċ: Breakfast tal Champions se ssir fil MGM Grand Konvenzjoni Center u l-biljetti huma disponibbli għal xiri fi hawn.
L-avveniment kicks off jum eċċitanti ta boxing kif Floyd Mayweather se pass lejn il-ring għall-aħħar darba li filgħaxija kif hu jieħu fuq Andre Berto fil MGM Grand fil Las Vegas. Il Titāns tal-Kummerċ: Breakfast tal Champions supports a strong community of professionals who aspire to positively impact the sports and entertainment industry. In bringing together a large group of highly influential individuals on one of the biggest days in boxing, sħabhom u kollegi kapaċi jaqsmu l-istejjer, netwerk u jiċċelebraw is-suċċessi ta 'xulxin.
Din is-sena, l- Titāns tal-Kummerċ Committee is thrilled to present awards to honor the following recipients:
Dr. Biss Welter se jiġu onorati bl-Titāns mill-għoti tal-Kummerċ, kif hi għamlet l-istorja billi jsiru l-ewwel coach femminili fis-National Football League (NFL). Hija bħalissa huwa kamp / preseason ġewwa kowċ linebacker għall Arizona Cardinals tal-NFL.
Deborah Sinclair se jiġu ppreżentati bil-Premju Golden Glove. Hija l-omm kburi tat-12 ta 'ħin boxer champion dinja Floyd Mayweather u żewġt ibniet Deltricia u Fannie. Miċ-ċirkostanzi spiss diffiċli madwar familja tagħha fil-Grand Rapids nativa tagħhom, MY, li jgħixu ħajja jissodisfaw fil Las Vegas, Ms. Sinclair mħeġġa kollha uliedha biex jogħlew aktar ċirkostanzi tagħhom u taħdem għall-aħjar ħajja possibbli. Mayweather spiss jattribwixxi karriera straordinarjament suċċess tiegħu lil ommu u messaġġ tagħha.
Patrica Jarman se jirċievu l-Premju Meritorious għall-kontribuzzjonijiet tagħha għall-industrija boxing bħala mħallef, fost ħafna kisbiet oħra. Hija bħalissa hu Imħallef Internazzjonali Boxing, wara li presjeduta 130 bouts titolu madwar id-dinja inklużi UFC, Muay Tajlandiż, Big eliminatorja Boxing u Kick Glory tissielet Boxing. Fuq IS-SIBT, Settembru 12, Jarman se jiġġudikaw il-rematch ħafna antiċipat bejn Orlando Salido u Roman “Rocky” Martinez, li se jidhru fuq il-Mayweather Floyd vs. Undercard Andre Berto.
A porzjon tal-qligħ tal-avveniment se tkun mogħtija lill L Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation’s Advancement of Women in Sports and Entertainment Scholarship. Ż għal aktar informazzjoni.
“Kull darba li aħna ospitanti din kolazzjon, I am darb'oħra mċaqalqa mill-individwi inkredibbli u ta 'appoġġ għandna fl-industrija tagħna,” qal Nicole Craig, Viċi President tal-Marketing u l-Operazzjonijiet għall-Promozzjonijiet Mayweather. “Huwa pjaċir assoluta biex jissorvelja dan l-avveniment li ġġib flimkien professjonisti tant diversi u jien iħobb dan iqisuh jikbru matul is-snin.”
Il Titāns tal-Kummerċ: Breakfast tal Champions hija sponsorjata mill: MGM Grand, Showtime Netwerks Inc, Guy Jam Capital, Saks Ħames Avenue, Komunikazzjonijiet Swanson, Fnom, Subzero Irkupru, Artiku, Miru Vodka, Drift Tea, Fejqan Qlub u A Wildflower.