Архівы: Нью-Ёрк

Mayweather vs Pacquiao Watch Party Hosted by NYSYD Downstate, Sponsored by Gleason’s Gym


$20 for four hour open bar and food plus the FIGHT.


Mayweather vs Pacquiao Watch Party

Hosted by NYSYD Downstate

Sponsored by Gleason’s Gym


Субота, May 2nd, 7PM – 11PM

4 Hour Open Bar / BBQ Buffet 7-11PM


LoneStar Bar & Грыль

8703 5th Ave

Brooklyn, Нью-Ёрк 11209


#R Train to 86th Street Station


Gleason Gym Members Get $10 Off інтэрнэт



$30 Агульны Доступ

$50 At The Door


Check out the event links below:

Purchase Tickets

Facebook Event Page



Нью-Ёрк (Красавіка 23, 2015) Гэры Шоу Productions непераможаным малодшы. Нападаючым перспектывы, Кенет Сімс-малодшы. (5-0, 2 КО) will return to the ring this Saturday at the Madison Square Garden Theater on the undercard of Klitschko vs. Дженнінгс. Sims Jr. сутыкнецца з ветэранам Luis Rodriguez (3-2, 2 КО) in a 6-round bout.

Кенет Сімс-малодшы. was a chief sparring partner for Мэнни Пакьяо, getting him ready for his super fight with Флойд Мэйуэзер-малодшы. He’ll look to use that experience against Rodriguez, and impress those in attendance with a great performance.

I’m coming off a great training camp with Manny Pacquiao, where I gained invaluable experience,” said Kenneth Sims Jr. “I learned a lot from one of the greatest fighters of all time. I’m going into this fight with a tremendous amount of confidence. I’m going to be throwing a lot of hard punches with precise accuracy. I want to thank Gary Shaw for giving me another wonderful opportunity to showcase my skills on the big stage. Fighting at Madison Square Garden is a dream come true.

Kenneth has shown me he wants to take his career to new heights,” Гэры Шоу сказаў. “The fact the Team Pacquiao wanted him in camp says it all. He’s got a lot of God given talent and I’m very happy with his development. I encourage everyone to show up early top get a glimpse of a future star.


Limited tickets still available for this Sunday’s 4th annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame Induction dinner at Russo’s On The Bay, Howard Beach, Нью-Ёрк


Нью-Ёрк (Красавіка. 22, 2015) – Limited tickets are still available for this Sunday afternoon’s (Красавіка 26, 12:305:30 p.m. І) fourth annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) індукцыя вячэру, Спонсарам кольцы 8, на Русо On The Bay ў Howard Beach, Нью-Ёрк.



NYSBHOF Класс 2015




WBC у першым нападаючым вазе & В'етнамская ветэран Саўл Mamby Bronx/Brooklyn

WBA у першай сярэдняй вазе прэтэндэнтам Джоуі Джайамбра буйвал

1961 Нацыянальны Залатыя пальчаткі чэмпіёна Джоні Persol Brooklyn

Двухразовы чэмпіён свету ў нападаючым вазе прэтэндэнтам Гаральд Вестон Нью-Ёрк

WBO ў сярэдняй вазе Лоні Брэдлі Harlem


Свету ў паўцяжкай вазе Падлогу Берленбах Astoria

“Некаранаваны” чэмпіён свету ў нападаючым Білі Грэм Manhattan’s Eastside

2-Час свету ў найлягчэйшых вазе Фрэнкі Хенаро Нью-Ёрк

Свету ў сярэднім & нападаючым вазе Томі Раян Redwood/Syracuse

Свету ў паўцяжкай вазе Джымі Слэттери буйвал




NYSBHOF & Кальцо 8 прэзідэнт Боб Дафі Manhattan/Massapequa Park

Журналіст Майк Кац Бронкс

Трэнер Томі Галахер Howard Beach

Прамоўтэр / Cutman Боб Мілер Albany

Трэнажорная зала ўладальнік Глісан Брус Silverglade Brooklyn


Трэнер Чарлі Голдман Brooklyn

MSG свацця Гары Марксон Кінгстан

Прамоўтэр Седрык Кушнер Манхеттена

MSG свацця Jimmy Johnson Нью-Ёрк

Журналіст Дэйман Runyon Манхеттена

Менеджэр / свацця Al Weill Нью-Ёрк



Слава кольца дыктар Дэвід Diamante зноў служыць Master мерапрыемствы цырымоній.


The 2015 прызыўнікоў былі адабраны членамі Камітэта па прызначэннях NYSBHOF: Джэк Хірш, Стыў Farhood, Бобі Кэсідзі, Малодшы, Дон Majeski, Генры Hascup, Рон Макнейр і Ніл Тэрэнс.


Кожны прызыўнік атрымае спецыяльна распрацаваны рэмень выразе яго індукцыю ў NYSBHOF. Усе дошкі NYSBHOF на выставе ў Атлетычная камісія штата Нью-Ёрк.


Усе баксёры павінны былі быць неактыўным на працягу па меншай меры трох гадоў, для таго, каб мець права на індукцыі NYSBHOF, і ўсё прызыўнікі павінны пражываць у штаце Нью-Ёрк для значнай часткі іх бокса кар'еры.


During the NYSBHOF ceremonies, Сусветная баксёрская рада (WBC) і кольца 8 will honor the late Joe Dwyer and Tony Mazzarella, як даўні кальцо 8 members who passed away earlier this year. Прэзідэнт WBC Маурисио Сулейман зробіць адмысловую прэзентацыю для сям'і Двайер. Кальцо 8 выступяць з дакладамі сем'ям Двайер і Mazzarella. Двайер быў прэзідэнтам паўночнаамерыканскага федэрацыі бокса (NABF). Mazzarella, хто служыў шмат гадоў у якасці скарбніка кольца 8 у, быў галоўным уплывам у падставы NYSBHOF.


Клас 2012: Кармэн Базіліо, Майк Мак-Каллум, Майк Тайсан, Джэйк LaMotta, Риддик Боу, Карлас Ортис, Vito Antuofermo, Эміль Грыфіт, “Цукар” Рэй Робінсан, Джын Танни, Бенні Леанард, Тоні Канзонри, Гаральд Ледерман, Стыў аканта, Джымі Глен, Gil Клэнсі, Ray Arcel, Nat Фляйшер, Біл Гала і Артур Mercante, Sr.


Клас 2013: Джэк Дэмпсі, Джоні Данді, Сэндзі Садлер, Максі Розенблюм, Джоуі Арчер, Іран Барклая, Адзначыць Breland, Бобі Кэсідзі, Даг Джонс, Малодшы Джонс, Джэймс “Прыяцель” МакГиртом, Эдзі Мустафа Мухамад, Боб Аруме, Шэлі Фінкель, Тоні Грацыяно, Лары мерчантов, Тэдзі Бреннер, Майк Джэйкабс, Tex Рыкард і Дон Dunphy.

КЛАС 2014: Флойд Паттерсон, Трэйсі Харыс Паттерсон, Білі Бэкуса, Кевін Келі, Хуан LaPorte, Джэры Куні, Мустафа Hamsho, Говард Дэвіс, Малодшы, Лу Ambers, Джэк Брытан, Тэры Макговэрн, Тэдзі Атлас, Лу ДиБелла, Стыў Farhood, Джын Мур, Angelo Праспера, Уайт Бимстейн, Кас Д'Амато, Уільям Малдун і Том О'Рурк.



Limited tickets are still available and priced at $125.00 за дарослага і $50.00 для дзяцей (пад 16), which includes a complete brunch and cocktail hour upon entry, пачынаючы з 12:30 PM/І, а таксама вячэру (галоўнае рабро, рыбы ці птушкі) і адкрыты бар на працягу дня. Квіткі можна набыць, патэлефанаваўшы NYSBHOF / кольца 8 прэзідэнт Боб Дафі ў 516.313.2304.


Перайсці на лініі ў www.Ring8ny.com Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі аб штата Нью-Ёрк баксёрскі зала славы.


Аб RING 8: Сфармаваны ў 1954 па экс-баксёра, Джэк Гребельский, Кальцо 8 стаў восьмым даччынай тое, што было тады вядома як Нацыянальны Ветэран Баксёры асацыяцыі – такім чынам, RING 8 – і сёння дэвіз арганізацыі па-ранейшаму застаецца: Баксёры Дапамагчы баксёраў.


RING 8 цалкам адданыя падтрымцы менш удачлівых людзей у баксёрскім супольнасці, якія могуць мець патрэбу ў дапамозе ў плане выплаты арэнднай платы, медыцынскія выдаткі, або што-то абгрунтаванай неабходнасці.


Перайсці на лініі www.Ring8ny.com для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі аб КОЛЬЦЫ 8, Самая вялікая група ў сваім родзе ў ЗША з больш чым 350 Удзельнікі. Штогадовыя сяброўскія складкі толькі $30.00 і кожны член мае права на фуршэт у КОЛЬЦЫ 8 Штомесячныя сустрэчы, за выключэннем у ліпені і жніўні. Усе актыўныя баксёры, аматарскія і прафесійныя, маюць права на бясплатны RING 8 штогод сяброўства. Госці кольцы 8 Удзельнікі запрашаюцца ў кошце толькі ў $7.00 на чалавека.

Two-time world champion Steve “Ваенны карабель ЗША” Cunningham signs with Al Haymon

Філадэльфія (Красавіка 21, 2015)Former two-time world cruiserweight champion and current Heavyweight contender, Стыў “Ваенны карабель ЗША” Канінгам has signed with adviser Al Haymon.
Cunningham of Philadelphia is excited about the prospects for his future.
I’m looking forward to working with Al, he’s a genius at what he does. I’ve been watching him for several years and seeing all that he accomplishes for his fighters but have always been on the outside looking in due to contractual obligations. It finally lined up to where we can work together and it’s going to great. I believe my best fights have yet to be seen,”, Сказаў Канінгам
Cunningham has a record of 28-7 з 13 накаўты. He won the IBF Cruiserweight championship when he traveled to Poland and defeated Krzysztof Wlodarczyk on May 26, 2007. He defended the title by stopping Marco Huck via 12th round stoppage in Bielfield, Germany on December 29, 2007. Cunningham became a two-time champion on June 5, 2010 when he stopped Troy Ross in five rounds.
Cunningham is coming off a controversial split decision defeat to Vyacheslav Glazkov on Сакавіка 14 ў Манрэалі.
Steve and his wife/manager Livvy will be honored ў гэтую пятніцу night at the 90th annual BWAA Awards dinner as they will receive the Bill Crawford Courage Award for their perseverance while their 9-year old daughter Kennedy went through a life saving heart transplant last December.
The awards dinner will take place at Capitale in New York City.

Bryant Jennings Arrives in NYC for Klitschko Clash

Photo by Edward Jackson / Гэры Шоу Productions


Нью-Ёрк (Красавіка 20, 2015) – Гэры Шоу Productions undefeated heavyweight contender, Брайант “Па-BY” Дженнінгс (19-0, 10 КО) has arrived in New York City for his upcoming championship bout against Уладзімір Клічко (63-3, 53 КО).


KLITSCHKO vs. Дженнінгс прадстаўлена K2 Promotions і Група кіравання Клічко у сувязі з Гэры Шоу Productions and will be televised Live on HBO World Championship Boxing®beginning at 10:00 p.m. І/PT in the United States and RTL in Germany.


ALI vs. SANTANA is presented by K2 Promotions in association with Гэры Шоу Productions і Golden Boy Promotions.


Квіткі па цане $1000, $600, $300, $200 і $100 may be purchased through the Madison Square Garden Box Office, www.TheGarden.com іwww.Ticketmaster.com.


Бруклін (Красавіка 20, 2015) – Former two-division champion Полі “Magic Man” Малиньяджи (33-6, 7 КО) returns to the ring in his hometown to face the skilled Дэні О'Конар (25-2, 9 КО) as the televised co-feature for Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on Spike TV on Пятніца, Мая 29 на 9 p.m. І/6 p.m. PT live from Barclays Center.

This fight will be part of an explosive evening headlined by boxing superstar Amir Khan who faces tough New Yorker Chris Algieri. Doors at Barclays Center open at 6 p.m. І.

After some much needed time away from the ring, it feels great to once again be fighting at Barclays Center,” Саід Малиньяджи. “I now look forward to being a participant in the PBC events as a fighter just as I am part of the PBC family of broadcasters.

My supporters and I have been waiting a long time for an opportunity like this on the big stage,” сказаў О'Конар. “It’s a throwback matchupIrish vs. Italian, Бостан супраць. Нью-Ёрк. I’ll be bringing down busloads of people and I’m sure he’s going to have a big hometown crowd. I’ve never been more ready for the challenge that lies ahead of me.

Былы чэмпіён свету ў 140 і 147 фунт-, the 34-year-old Малиньяджи will return to the ring to fight at Barclays Center for the fourth time as a professional. Ён сутыкнуўся забіў гучных імёнаў на працягу ўсёй сваёй кар'еры, і ўзяла дадому перамогі над падобнымі Заб Джуда, Вячаслаў Сенченко і Пабла Сезар Кано. Born in the Bensonhurst neighborhood of Brooklyn, “Magic Man” will look to put on a show for his hometown fans on Мая 29.

A former National Golden Gloves champion who has fought as a pro since 2008,О'Конар faces the toughest opponent of his career when he steps in the ring against Malignaggi on Мая 29. The 30-year-old is coming off of back-to-back knockout victories over Michael Clark and Andrew Farmer. Барацьба з Framingham, Масачусэтс, O’Connor will be making his first professional start in the state of New York.

Квіткі на турніры, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, па цане $250, $150, $75 і $45, не ўключаючы прыдатныя плата за абслугоўванне і падаткі, і ўжо ў продажы. Квіткі можна набыць у www.barclayscenter.com,www.ticketmaster.com і ў касах American Express у Barclays Center. Для зарадкі па тэлефоне, тэлефануйце Ticketmaster на (800) 745-3000. Для групавых білетаў, калі ласка, патэлефануеце 800-GROUP-BK.


Jimmy Slattery book author Rick Blake to be Ring 8 Guest Speaker Tuesday night in New York

Нью-Ёрк (Красавіка. 20, 2015) – Author Rich Blake будзе заўтра ноч (Аўторак, Красавіка 21) special Ring 8 guest speaker at O’Neill’s Restaurant, размешчаны ў 64-21 53rd Drive in Maspeth, Нью-Ёрк.

Blake is a veteran New York City-based author who has written, Slats: The Legend & Life of Jimmy Slattery, to be released next month by publisher No Frills Buffalo. Blake is best known for covering the financial world for numerous publications, including Institutional Investor, ABCNews.com and Reuters HedgeWorld. He was a co-founder and executive editor of Trader Monthly magazine. The 46-year-old Buffalo native is the author of two non-fiction books, The Day Donny Herbert Woke Up і Talking Proud: Rediscovering the Magical Season of the 1980 Buffalo Bills. He also is co-author of a third work of non-fiction, Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager.

Slattery personified the Golden Era of sports during the boom/bust 1920s and ’30s.

The sleek, handsome, lightning-fast Slattery was a phantom in the ring, soaring across the national stage like a comet before crashing into oblivion. Discarded by the ages, Blake’s book is the incredible true story of the Irish boy-wonder who captivated the boxing world at its peak.


At Ring 8’s monthly meeting заўтра вечар, Blake will recount his research into Slattery’s early burst to fame in the metropolitan area during the spring of 1924, sharing some highlights of what he uncovered like tying in Queens fight promoter SimonSiFlaherty, the Queensboro A.C. in Long Island City and the Queensboro Bowl, which was expanded in the spring of 1924 as part of efforts by Flaherty and Paddy Mullins to land a Jack Dempsey-Harry Wills fight that, на жаль, never came materialized. Blake will also speak about how the New York City fire department condemned the club’s stadium built at the base of the Queensboro Bridge and how Flaherty managed to get around that.

Аб RING 8: Кальцо 8 стаў восьмым даччынай тое, што было тады вядома як Нацыянальны Ветэран Баксёры асацыяцыі – такім чынам, RING 8 – і сёння дэвіз арганізацыі па-ранейшаму застаецца: Баксёры Дапамагчы баксёраў.

RING 8 цалкам адданыя падтрымцы менш удачлівых людзей у баксёрскім супольнасці, якія могуць мець патрэбу ў дапамозе ў плане выплаты арэнднай платы, медыцынскія выдаткі, або што-то абгрунтаванай неабходнасці.

Перайсці на лініі www.Ring8ny.com для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі аб КОЛЬЦЫ 8, Самая вялікая група ў сваім родзе ў ЗША з больш чым 350 Удзельнікі. Штогадовыя сяброўскія складкі толькі $30.00 і кожны член мае права на фуршэт у КОЛЬЦЫ 8 Штомесячныя сустрэчы, за выключэннем у ліпені і жніўні. Усе актыўныя баксёры, аматарскія і прафесійныя, з бягучай баксёрскай ліцэнзіі або кнігі маюць права на бясплатны RING 8 штогод сяброўства. Госці кольцы 8 Удзельнікі запрашаюцца ў кошце толькі ў $7.00 на чалавека.


ПА Чэрвеня 6, 2015 НА Barclays Center ў Брукліне Прамой трансляцыі на HBO®

-Квіткі ў продажы Серада, Красавіка 22 на 10:00 AM ET


Нью-Ёрк (Красавіка 16, 2015)Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions are pleased to announce the next highly anticipated battle for Miguel Cotto (39-4, 32 КО), the reigning WBC Middleweight and Ring Magazine World Champion and the first native of Puerto Rico to become world champion in four different weight classes. Чэрвеня 6, 2015, Cotto will defend his titles against former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 КО) of Australia in a fight that will be televised live on HBO from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.


Квіткі па цане $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 і $25, не ўключаючы прыдатныя плата за абслугоўванне і падаткі, і паступіць у продаж Серада, Красавіка 22 на 10:00 AM ET. Tickets will be available at www.barclayscenter.com,www.ticketmaster.com і ў касах American Express у Barclays Center, пачынаючы Чацвер, Красавіка 23 на 12:00 PM ET. Для зарадкі па тэлефоне, тэлефануйце Ticketmaster на (800) 745-3000.


I am happy and excited to be back in New York and fighting at Barclays Center,” said Cotto. “This is another chapter in my career and I’m committed to train as hard as always and bring a big victory. I’m looking forward to seeing all the Puerto Rican fans on June 6 and to being part of another exciting boxing night in Brooklyn.


I would like to thank HBO for their continued support, Gary Shaw of GSP, Bill Treacy of Grange Old School Boxing and Dino Duva at Roc Nation Sports for their collective professionalism in making this fight happen,” said Geale. “Last but not least, thanks to Miguel Cotto for the opportunity to become a world champion once again. I have total respect for Miguel and his achievements, but I can win this fight and that is exactly what I intend to do come June 6 in Brooklyn at Barclays Center.


We’re excited and proud to bring Miguel Cotto back to New York along with Miguel Cotto Promotions, now as a part of the Roc Nation Sports family,” said David Itskowitch, Галоўны аперацыйны дырэктар бокса РПЦ Nation спорту. “Brooklyn and boxing have a long history, and Puerto Rican heritage is closely integrated with both. What a way for New York to kick off the week of the Puerto Rican Day Parade festivitieswith Miguel Cotto’s long-awaited return to the ring. The night of Чэрвеня 6 will be one to remember for fans in attendance at Barclays Center and those watching at home on HBO.


We are excited to have Miguel Cotto back in New York and at Barclays Center for the first time,” said Hector Soto, Мігель Кот Акцыі. “This is a Puerto Rican traditionMiguel Cotto is New York and New York is boxing. We can’t wait until the night of Чэрвеня 6 to present a great and entertaining boxing show together with our partners at Roc Nation Sports.


Daniel Geale is a true warrior and will leave everything in the ring against Miguel Cotto like he always does,” сказаў Гэры Шоу, Гэры Шоу Productions. “He’s never in a dull fight and the fans will get their money’s worth as both fighters like to let their hands go. I want to thank Grange Old School Boxing for having confidence in me. This will be a tough fight for Geale, however I’m convinced that he will beat Cotto and I’m hopeful that Miguel didn’t make any other plans for September other than a rematch with Daniel.

We are delighted that Miguel Cotto has chosen Barclays Center and Brooklyn to continue his storied career in New York City,” кажа Бретт Yormark, Barclays Center CEO. “Cotto’s Puerto Rican heritage combined with Australia’s own Daniel Geale is going to create a tremendous global audience for this Чэрвеня 6 барацьба. This announcement further cements Barclays Center as the leading boxing venue in this country.


Last June, Miguel Cotto became a middleweight champion, joining a select handful of elite fighters to have won major titles in four weight classes or more, and becoming the first Puerto Rican champion to do so ,” сказаў Піцер Нэльсан, vice president, programming, HBO спорту. “For Cotto’s first title defense, he faces former two-time world champion Daniel Geale at Barclays Center, the iconic Brooklyn landmark whose mystique elevates every event fortunate enough to call it home. As Cotto continues the next phase of his historic career, we are thrilled to present this middleweight championship fight live on HBO.


Мігель Котто (39-4, 32 КО) is the reigning WBC and Ring Magazine middleweight world champion and the first native of Puerto Rico to become world champion in four different weight classes. He is the former WBO junior welterweight world champion, the former WBA welterweight world champion, the former WBO welterweight world champion and the former WBA super welterweight world champion. He also represented Puerto Rico in the 2000 Алімпійскія гульні ў Сіднэі, Аўстралія. Cotto has had 22 world championship fights, compiling a record of 18-4 з 15 knockouts in those bouts. In Puerto Rico, he is hailed as a national hero and the successor of Felix Trinidad as the island’s most revered boxer. Cotto is one of the biggest gate attractions in boxing and one of the largest pay-per-view draws among active fighters. Зусім нядаўна, у чэрвені 2014, Cotto made history in his first fight as a middleweight by dominating Argentine southpaw and defending WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion Sergio Martinez (51-2-2, 28 КО). He is trained by legendary Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach and has fought some of the biggest names in the sport including Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. Cotto owns his own boxing promotional company in Puerto Rico, Мігель Кот Акцыі, and presides over his charity La Fundación El Ángel de Miguel Cotto, a non-profit organization dedicated to combatting childhood obesity. У сакавіку 2015, Cotto and Roc Nation Sports announced that they had entered into a partnership that includes a co-promotional agreement with Miguel Cotto Promotions to promote Cotto’s fights.


Гіл (31-3, 16 КО) is the former IBF and WBA middleweight world champion and the current holder of the PABA and WBO Interim Asia Pacific middleweight titles. A boxing hero in his native Australia and hailed as Tasmania’s 2012 Athlete of the Year, Geale is Ring Magazine’s fourth rated middleweight in the world and the WBC’s number six rated contender. Як аматар, he competed for Australia in the 2000 Olympic Games and was a gold medalist at the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester, Англія. Geale made his professional debut in Australia in 2004, eventually compiling twenty-one consecutive victories and winning the IBO middleweight title in 2007 against previously undefeated Daniel Dawson (29-0, 20 КО). У Траўні 2009, Geale suffered his first defeat, losing his title to Anthony Mundine (35-3, 23 КО) in a hotly-contested battle. The Australian rebounded in May 2011 to win the IBF middleweight title with a split decision victory over Sebastian Sylvester (34-3, 16 КО) у Германіі. After two successful title defenses, including a unanimous-decision victory over Ghanaian Osumanu Adama (20-2, 15 КО), Geale stunned Germany’s Felix Sturm (37-2-2, 16 КО) to win the WBA middleweight title, unifying the titles in 2012. A year later on August 17, 2013, Geale lost his IBF middleweight title to Darren Barker (25-1, 16 КО) via a split-decision in Atlantic City. He bounced back six months later with a sixth round technical knockout victory over Garth Wood (12-3-1, 8 КО). У Ліпені 26, 2014, in an event televised by HBO World Championship Boxing, Geale faced off against undefeated WBA Middleweight World Champion Gennady Golovkin (29-0, 26 KO ') ў Нью-Ёрку, but came up short in trying to reclaim his former title. У сваім апошнім баі, Geale captured the vacant PABA and WBO Interim Asia Pacific middleweight titles, winning a twelve-round unanimous decision victory over fellow Australian Jarrod Fletcher (18-2, 10 КО).


Котто. Geale, 12-раундавы бой за WBC і часопіса Ring ў сярэднім чэмпіянаце свету Котто, адбываецца Субота, Чэрвеня 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. The fight is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate.
Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, калі ласка, наведайце www.rocnation.com. Выконвайце Roc Nation на Twitter і Instagramrocnation і Facebook у www.facebook.com/RocNation.
Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, візіт www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Аб Roc Nation спорту

Roc Nation Спорт, падраздзяленнем РПЦ нацыі, запушчана вясной 2013. Заснавальнік Шон “Jay-Z” Каханне Картэра спорту прывесці да адукацыі натуральнай спорту Roc Нацый, дапамагаючы спартсменам такім жа чынам Roc Nation дапамагаў мастакам у музычнай індустрыі на працягу многіх гадоў. Roc Nation Спорт факусуюць на пад'ёмных спартсменаў’ Кар'ера ў глабальным маштабе і на полі і па-за ім. Roc Nation Спорт концептуализирует і выконвае маркетынгавыя і здзелак адабрэння, з насельніцтвам, дабрачынныя ўрэзкі, адносіны са СМІ і брэнд-стратэгіі. Roc Nation Спорт запусціла свой бокс падзел, поўны комплекс паслуг прамоўтэрская кампанія, якая прадстаўляе чэмпіёнамі свету Мігель Котто і Андрэ Уорд, у жніўні 2014. Roc Nation Спорт’ спіс ўключае прэм'ера спартсменаў, такіх як Робінсан Кано, Скайлар Диггинс, Дюрант, Гено Сміт, Віктар Крус, CC Sabathia, Джэймс Янг, Дез Брайант, Ndamukong Су, Rusney Касціла, Yoenis Сеспедес, Jaelen Моцны, Тод Герлена, Уілсан Чендлер, Erick Aybar and Frances Tiafoe.


About Miguel Cotto Promotions

Miguel Cotto Promotions is the leading promotional company in Puerto Rico founded by the five-time and four-division world champion Miguel Cotto and entrepreneur Hector Soto in 2005. Miguel Cotto Promotions has the vision of developing the best talent in Puerto Rico and Latin America, while searching for the best partnerships in the business to present the best quality shows in the industry. У 2015, Miguel Cotto Promotions launched their most recent project namedBoxeo Al Maximoin partnership with Univision Puerto Rico network, capturing great ratings results on the new Субота night fightsplatform.


About Gary Shaw Productions

Based out of New Jersey, Gary Shaw Productions was founded in 2002 by President and Chief Executive Officer, Гэры Шоу, a former NJ regulator. Having promoted boxing shows in China, Аўстралія, Mexico and the U.K., GSP is known as an international enterprise, whose main objective is to bring excitement to boxing with competitive fights. Partaking in some of the biggest events in boxing history, which include Felix Trinidad vs. Фернанда Варгас, Lennox Lewis vs. Віталь Клічко, Winky Wright vs. Фелікс Трынідад, Дыега Корралес супраць. Хасэ Луіс Касціла, Shane Mosley vs. Winky Wright and Marquez vs Vasquez I, II & III, GSP has solidified its self as one of the top promotional companies in the sport.


About Barclays Center

Barclays Center opened on September 28, 2012, and is a major sports and entertainment venue in the heart of Brooklyn, Нью-Ёрк. One of the most intimate seating configurations ever designed into a modern multi-purpose arena, Barclays Center offers 17,732 seats for basketball, 15,795 for hockey, and up to 19,000 seats for concerts, і мае 101 luxury suites, four bars/lounges, four clubs, і 40/40 CLUB & Restaurant by American Express.


Barclays Center hosts an extensive variety of events, including premier concerts, major professional boxing cards, top college basketball, family shows, the Brooklyn Nets and soon the New York Islanders.

Barclays Center has redefined the arena customer service and culinary experience. Its more than 2,000 employees are trained by Disney Institute, the business advisory arm of The Walt Disney Company, and its BrooklynTaste™ food program features selections from 55 well-known restaurants and vendors in the borough.


Barclays Center engages the customer with state-of-the-art technology to enhance the fan experience. As the first arena in the world to utilize Cisco StadiumVision mobile multicast streaming technology, Barclays Center allows fans to watch live video and instant replays from their mobile phones while connected to the arena’s free Wi-Fi.

Located atop one of the largest transportation hubs in New York City, Barclays Center is accessible by 11 subway lines, the Long Island Rail Road, і 11 bus lines.

For more information on Barclays Center, калі ласка, наведайце www.barclayscenter.com




Націсніце ВОТ Для фатаграфій

Фота крэдыт: Лукас Нуна / Premier Бокс чэмпіёнаў

Бруклін (Красавіка 12, 2015) – Прэм'ер Бокс чэмпіёнаў на NBC returned with two exciting bouts Субота night as Дэні “Хутка” Гарсія (30-0, 17 КО) пераможаны Ламонт Пітэрсан (33-3-1, 17 КО) by majority decision and “Ірландскі” Эндзі Лі (34-2-1, 24 КО) і Пітэр “Kid Шакалад” Quillin (31-0-1, 22 КО) fought to a split draw at Barclays Center.


The evening’s second main event saw the undefeated Garcia stalk the lightning quick Peterson around the ring while consistently attacking Peterson’s body. Peterson moved well in the first half of the fight, but did not begin engaging offensively until the later rounds.


The two exchanged blows throughout a raucous twelfth round that stirred the crowd of 12,300 at Barclays Center into a frenzy. The judges tallies ended at 115-113 for Garcia twice and one score of 114-114.


“Я выдатна сябе адчуваю. I prepared for a war. He was moving a lot. Я думаў, што гэта было блізка, not going to lie,” сказаў Гарсія. “It was definitely close the whole way through. I did enough to win and I’m happy with my performance.


[On going up in weight] “I feel like I have to go up. It’s affecting my performance, but I feel like I did a great job.


I did my part. I’m not calling it a robbery but it was a good fight,” сказаў Петэрсан. “I don’t expect an easy journey for me to get where I’m going. Я выдатна сябе адчуваю. That’s probably the least contact I’ve ever had in a fight.


In the first main event, Quillin scored a huge knockdown in the first round and followed it up by putting Lee on the canvas in round three. Lee made adjustments as the fight went on and began to box Quillin effectively, even putting him down in the seventh round.


Lee and Quillin landed almost the same percentage of punches with Lee connecting on 38 percent and Quillin on 39 працэнтаў. One judge scored the bout 113-112 for Lee with another scoring the bout 113-112 for Quillin and the final had a score of 113-113.


There’s a reason why judges are judges. They see it their way. I respect the decision,” Саід Quillin.


[On being knocked down] “There’s a first time for everything. I’m very thankful that I was able to get back up and keep fighting. I took a year off and I was able to go 12-rounds and I could have kept going.


“Гэта быў цяжкі бой. He dropped me early because I was being lazy. I got my momentum late in the fight and I boxed consistently. I understand why with two knockdowns people felt he won the decision. I could have done better сёння ўвечары. If my next fight is Peter Quillin.


Premier Boxing Champions on NBC was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and sponsored by Corona.


Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце WWW.premierboxingchampions.com WWW.nbcsports.com/boxing,WWW.BarclaysCenter.com і WWW.dbe1.com, Выконвайце па щебетатьPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,WWW.facebook.com/NBCSports і WWW.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Выконвайце размова з дапамогай #PremierBoxingChampions і #BKBoxing.



ShoBox: The New Generation Tripleheader LIVE TONIGHT on SHOWTIME®

From Aviator Sports and Events Center in Brooklyn, N.Y..


Націсніце ВОТ Каб спампаваць фота

Крэдыт: Розі Cohe / ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОЎ


ALL ACCESS: Чавес, With Unparalleled Access To Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and Sr.

Premieres Immediately Following Friday’s ShoBox


Нью-Ёрк (Красавіка 9, 2015) - Бруклін-роднай, непераўзыдзены Франк "Notorious" Galarza ўзважвання ў 154 pounds and Belgium’s Шэлдан "Closer" Мур вымярацца 153 ¼ pounds during Thursday’s official weigh-in for the main event of this Friday’s ShoBox: Новае пакаленне, жыць на ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОЎ (10 p.m. ET / PT, затрымка на заходнім узбярэжжы).


Galarza (16-0-2, 10 КО), Многія лічаць, "Бруклін Rocky," and Moore (13-2-1, 9 КО) will square off in the eight-round super welterweight headliner of the televised tripleheader from theАвіятар спорту і Events Center ў Брукліне, N.Y..


Непераможны ўлады штампоўкі сярэднім Ievgen "Украінская Леў" Khytrov (9-0, 9 КО) шалі ў 161 ½ pounds and fellow unbeaten Аарон "Heavy Metal" Колі (9-0-1, 6 КО), з Hayward, Каліфорнія., вымярацца 160 ½ pounds for their eight-round middleweight bout.


У першым баі ў тэлеперадачы, блакітных фішак суперсреднем перспектывы Сяргей "Тэхнік" Деревянченко (4-0, 3 КО / Сусветны серыі бокса: 23-1, 7 КО) will take on once-beatenAlan “Amenaza/Threat” Campa (13-1, 1 Паўночная Караліна, 9 КО) in an eight-round super middleweight match. Деревянченко, of Ukraine and now training in Brooklyn with Khytrov, вымярацца 163 ¼ pounds while Mexico’s Campa weighed-in at 165 фунты.


Квіткі на мерапрыемствы, спрыяе ДиБелла Забавы ў сувязі з бойкай Акцыі Inc. and New Legend Boxing are on sale and priced at $100, $70 і $35. Квіткі можна набыць па тэлефоне ДиБелла Забавы на (212) 947-2577. Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 6:15 p.m. І, з першага бою запланавана на 6:45 p.m. І.


Вось тое, што байцы павінны былі сказаць да чацвярга ўзважвання:



“We had some great sparring with guys like Даніэль Джэйкабс, Садам Алі, Khytrov. They always give me top tough work. That’s top competition right there. Fighting guys like that builds my confidence. If I can hang in there with them then I can hang with anyone. They’re going to help to bring me to another level. I feed off their energy.


“Moore is an aggressive fighter, but I’m a come-forward guy, занадта. Я магу быць агрэсіўным, but smart aggressive. Not just aggressive to punch and throw punches wildly. It’s more being smart, using my defense, my offense and countering when he makes mistakes.


“I try not to think about fighting in the main event in Brooklyn, but it helps and it definitely motivates me. Я маю на ўвазе, it doesn’t get any better than that – fighting in my home in the main event.


“It’s my backyard, so I have to put on a show. It doesn’t give me jitters because I’ve fought in my home before, but the main event is different. I just need to do my job.


"Для мяне, it’s will and skill. I bring my skill level to the next level. How bad do I want it? Am I going to perform well enough to move to the next level and face those top contenders?


“I want to face the top prospects so I can earn a spot as a contender. But I need to get through this guy first.”



“The main reason why I came all the way to the United States is because here is where boxing is at its best. I’m really excited about this opportunity. Being on SHOWTIME as a main event is huge for me.


“It’s not going to be easy, I’m fighting a guy from Brooklyn in Brooklyn in his back yard. Уut I’ve been in this situation before, I’ve fought abroad many times before and I’m not intimidated. It’s another day at the office for me.


“This is it for me, there’s no turning back. Я павінен выйграць. I just don’t see myself losing tomorrow.


“I’ve seen a couple Galarza videos on YouTube. He was more of a brawler at the beginning of his career. Зараз, he’s a more disciplined boxer. That can backfire sometimes, something to watch out.


“You’ll see fireworks and excitement. I’m not going to look for the knockout. I think it’s a bad strategy to do that. If it comes, it comes. I’ll be looking to win, no matter what. This is a very big fight for me, so it’ll be all about winning, impressing and being at my best.”



“The atmosphere training in Big Bear was amazing. It was one of the best training camps I’ve had. I’ve never been through a camp in the amateurs like that.


“I had a chance to meet Генадзь (Golovkin) in Big Bear and we spoke and actually became pretty close. We talked about training regime, stuff athletes talk about. I loved it there.


“The adjustment from amateurs to pros has been fine. The only difference is handling the different rounds and realizing that you have to pace yourself for these eight, 10, 12 round fights.


“The best time to knock a guy out is in the first two rounds when they aren’t warmed up yet. I tried against (Хорхе) Melendez but I couldn’t get him out. I just realized I needed to pace myself for the other six rounds and work the body. It was nice to get those rounds and experience against a tough fighter.


“I know he (Колі) is a pretty hard-hitting southpaw. I assume that he won’t come forward, but maybe he’ll surprise me. He has a few knockouts, but I’m going to watch him, learn and adapt.


“I faced southpaws in the amateurs. His style won’t give me any issues. I could even switch to a southpaw stance if I need to.


“Personally, health allowing, I think I should be a contender by the end of 2015. But I put all my trust into my team. They know best. My job is just to train and prepare for everything they put in front of me.


“Yes, 100 percent I’d like to face Gennady. To be the best you have to fight the best. And right now I consider him to be the best 160 pound fighter in the world.”



“Fighting on TV for me is a big deal. When I was little, my father used to throw fight parties to watch big fights and tomorrow he’s throwing one for me. That alone makes me so proud. I’ll have my own viewing party. I’m fighting on national television, на SHOWTIME. That’s such of big deal for me. This is my breakout. This is the sign I’m made it.


“I stay in shape all year round, but for the past two months I’ve been taking it to the extreme. Training hard, sparring even harder.


“I’ve been working very hard. I’ve sparred with world champions and I’ve been doing well. I think this is my time to step up and show everybody how good I am.


“I’m predicting there will be a stoppage in the later rounds.”


“The competition I faced in the WSB was, for the most part, the best fighters in the world. Дагэтуль, the guys I’ve faced in the pros don’t have that resume, that skill level. So I think I’ve fought in more than just four pro fights.


“I’m working hard in the gym to make the transition from amateur to pro. I’m taking it step-by-step. I don’t want to jump the gun or make a mistake too fast. I’m looking forward to increasing my level of opposition gradually.


“I’ve seen some of his (Кампа) баі. In some fights he boxes different than in other fights. We’ll see what he does in the ring and adjust accordingly. But I don’t think he can bring anything that I haven’t seen before. But he’s a Mexican fighter so we know he won’t give up.


“I’m going to show what I’m worth. I’ve been preparing for this my whole life. Now is my chance to build my fan base and show what I can do in the ring.”


“This is my first fight in the U.S., and I’m planning to take full advantage of this opportunity.


“My training was intense, a lot of running, especially in the mountains. I worked on my conditioning and my speed. I’m at the best shape I’ve ever been.


“When I found out about my opponent, I watched video on him and I know I’m better than him. I think my main advantages are age and speed. My opponent is 29, Я 23. I’m younger and quicker and I’m not about to make it easy for him.


“I’m going to read him in the early rounds and, if I feel he’s not hurting me, I’ll go the distance.


“This fight is a huge step-up for me. I see it as key fight. I feel it might be a make or break for me. Пабачым, I might get a chance to deliver a knockout and that might spark some attention in the boxing world.”


# # #


Бары Томпкинс будзем называць ShoBox дзеянні з рынга з Farhood і экс-чэмпіёнам свету Рауль Маркес якая выступае ў якасці эксперта аналітыкаў. Выканаўчы прадзюсер Гордан Хол з Рычард Gaughanвытворчасць і Рык Філіпс кіраўніцтва.


Аб ShoBox: Новае пакаленне
З моманту свайго стварэння ў ліпені 2001, крытыкамі SHOWTIME бокс серыі, ShoBox: Новае пакаленне мае прыкметы малады талент адпавядае жорсткім. The ShoBox філасофія па тэлебачанні захапляльным, натоўпу прыемна і матчах, забяспечваючы палігонам для жадаючых перспектывы рашучасці змагацца за тытул чэмпіёна свету. Некаторыя з расце спісу 59 баевікоў, якія з'явіліся на ShoBox і перадавыя сабраць сусветных тытулаў ўключае: Андрэ Уорд, Deontay Уайлдэр, Эрисланди Лара, Шон Портер, Гэры Расэл-малодшы, Ламонт Пітэрсан, Гільерма Рыгонды, Амар Фігероа, Нонито Донэр, Дэвон Аляксандр, Карл Фроч, Роберт Герэра, Цімаці Брэдлі, Джэсі Варгас, Хуан Мануэль Лопес, Чэд Доусон, Полі Малиньяджи, Рыкі Хатан, Кэлі Паўлік, Пол Уільямс і больш.