標記檔案: 紐約市


LAS VEGAS (三月 22, 2016) - 紐約州通過了具有里程碑意義的法律允許的今天未來混合武術 (MMA) 比賽發生有.

戰鬥CEO的世界系列 卡洛斯·席爾瓦 作以下回應:

“這是我們偉大的運動一個令人興奮的和歷史性的一天. Those who have been lobbying for the legalization of MMA in NY State, 包括戰鬥的新任COO的世界系列 邁克爾·梅爾施, 應該讚揚他們的堅持和承諾,通過立法的通過,這將最終讓球迷在帝國觀看現場看到MMA, 戰士競爭有. We recently opened an office in Manhattan so, 隨著我們的電視合作夥伴, NBC, 我們期待著盡快把我們的品牌專業MMA紐約“。

布魯克林警官尼亞佐夫希望證明自己是“紐約最優秀的’ ON AUG. 25 在康尼島

布魯克林, 紐約 (八月 3, 2015) – 憑藉專業的拳擊熾烈,現在在紐約市, 1拳布魯克林警察將目光證明他是真正的 “紐約的最優秀” 週二, 八月. 25 在布魯克林爭吵中康尼島.

作為一個堆疊卡在布魯克林旋風一部分’ MCU公園將於本月底, 布魯克林紐約市警察局官員Dimash尼亞佐夫 (7-0-3, 5科斯) 符合林依晨 “火” 杜蘭 (8-7-1, 5科斯) 原定於八輪在備受矚目的輕量級回合皇后.

“我將面臨阿里爾·杜蘭, 誰將會是我最艱難的挑戰,作為一個親, 正如我們在戰鬥八輪的冠軍之爭,” 尼亞佐夫說, 羊頭灣. “杜蘭歸結從較高的權重類是前紐約州衛冕冠軍. 他總是帶來了火,但我打算把那團火與我的風格. 這將是各區市縣的戰鬥,我代表布魯克林,他代表女王。”

與拳擊經歷紐約地區死灰復燃 – 使得在國家電視台露面,並希望返回到其黃金時代, 當甜蜜的科學是在黃金時間的中流砥柱和體育版 – 拳擊冠軍出身的子德米特里Salita開始今年的布魯克林爭吵系列中的一款出色的場地. Salita感到自豪的是在康尼島呈現出疊卡, 海邊遊目的地,提供以驚險刺激的狂歡成群每年夏天.

“布魯克林爭吵產生了一些在紐約地區最好的戰鬥在最近的記憶和我們的比賽八月. 25 有幾招相同,” 一句話說,.

在主要事件, 前世界冠軍挑戰者亞歷Miskirtchian (25-3-1, 9 科斯) 對上衣著名的布魯克林戰鬥者科尼利厄斯鎖定石板 (22-7-2, 14 科斯) 定於一個輕量級的衝突 10 發. Salita也特別興奮六輪JR. Treysean之間的重量級交鋒 “觸發” 威金斯 (6-1, 5科斯) 紐堡, 紐約州. 和弗朗西斯科 “貓” 菲格羅亞 (20-7-1, 13 科斯) 布朗克斯.

門開處 6 PM. 登錄到BrooklynCyclones.com讓你的門票,或致電718-507-TIXX (718-507-8499).

廣播信息將在日後公佈. 有興趣的企業合作夥伴應聯繫馬克·弗拉托atmfratto@linacremedia.com

有關票證信息和更新 “布魯克林爭吵: 拳擊在海灘,” 請登錄toBrooklynCyclones.com和SalitaPromotions.com. 通過跟踪導致該事件的社會化媒體的所有動作 – 並在戰鬥之夜 – 在@BrooklynBrawlNY在Twitter和@BrooklynBrawl上的Instagram, 或者通過訪問標籤#BrooklynBrawl和#BoxingAtTheBeach.

我們的下一個業餘拳擊展是星期六, May 23rd at Gleason’s

加入我們, 週六晚上, 23rd of May 並享受業餘拳擊的激情在基層.


我們將安排大量的較量. 我們將提上較量的大師, 老年人和青年.


如果你想抗衡, 請聯繫我們的媒人Jieun在利 matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net 或發短信她在 917 858 3955.




在稱重在本次車展將開始 4:00PM 和第一回合將在開始 6:00PM.


我們所有的較量都被USABoxingMetro認可. 所有的拳手必須要有自己與他們的拳擊書為了參加.


門票價格 $20 每人. 孩子們 6 而在不帶電. 所有的健身房會員和註冊愛好者與他們在手的薪酬書籍 $15 每人.



P.S. 如果你不能讓它但還是希望看到的打架, 他們將在流

格里森的健身房網站: www.gleasonsgym.net


Beat The Streets New York Announces Partnership With FloSports To Live Stream All Matches From Times Square

‘Salsa in the Square’ event to feature Team USA and Cuban National Team wrestlers in annual fundraiser

紐約 (五月 12, 2015)Beat the Streets New York (BTSNY) Executive Director, Jim Fallis announced today that BTSNY and FloSports will partner to live stream all the matches on May 21, in Times Square, as part of the annual fundraising Gala. 今年的活動, “Salsa in the Square,” will feature Olympic wrestlers from Team USA and the Cuban national team. Prior to the Olympic matches, BTS youth will compete in match ups in freestyle, women’s freestyle and Greco.

“This is an historic partnership in that it is the first time that we will have a media partner that will stream all the matches and work hand in hand in the marketing of our event,” said Fallis. “As we grow and continue to provide more kids in New York City with the opportunity to beat the streets through wrestling, bringing our message to a larger audience will be critical. This partnership is a huge step in doing that and taking our event to the next level. I want to thank FloSports and all the people that made this possible and we look forward to the thousands of fans that will be able to enjoy live streaming of over 30 matches during the day.”

“We’re really excited to work with Beat the Streets New York to live stream this high-profile wrestling event,” FloSports CEO Martin Floreani said. “It’s a fantastic opportunity to highlight some really talented wrestlers and also to raise awareness for a non-profit that is doing excellent work with youth.”

Broadcasting will begin at 3:45 P.M. AND星期四, 五月 21 on FloWrestling.com, with matches that will highlight wrestlers from Beat the Streets New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. There will be five matches featuring girls and wrestlers from five different states.
During the Cuba vs USA match, BTSNY will present their annual outstanding awards to student athletes from the BTS program.

The lineup for the main event will be released shortly.


FloSports, an innovative sports media and events company based in Austin, 得克薩斯州, changes the way athletes and fans interact with their passion in sports. Focused on untapped sports markets historically neglected by traditional media, FloSports brings together fragmented communities and provides them the platform to connect with the sports they love through live streaming of premier events, original video programming, weekly studio shows, branded entertainment, and event creation and execution. FloSports is dedicated to growing and elevating these communities that share a deep commitment to the sports that matter to them at FloTrack.com, FloWrestling.com and Gymnastike.com

The mission of Beat the Streets is to develop the full human and athletic potential of the urban youth and to strengthen the culture of New York City wrestling. BTSW works directly with the New York City Department of Education in a public-private partnership to help New York City’s student-athletes achieve their personal and athletic goals. 通過摔跤節目的初中和高中在五個區的操作, BTSW and the DOE provide a safe, positive atmosphere in which disadvantaged and at-risk youth can learn the essential life skills of physical fitness, teamwork, and self-empowerment. 培育強的目標, 投入的, and optimistic kids is delivered through coaching, 課後計劃, and mentoring. 更多信息可以在這裡找到 www.btsny.org.

Salita Signs Amateur Standout; 前奧海; Asian Games Champion Serdar Hudayberdiyev

The Salita Promotions stable continues to grow in size, and scope.

布魯克林, 紐約 (五月 7, 2015)--德米特里Salita, the New York City based boxing promoter, is proud to announce a new talent is coming aboard.

一 2012 Olympian for Turkmenistan, and junior welterweight prospect, is now in the fold. He carried the flag for his country at the Olympics, and Salita expects him to make as much progress, if not more, in the professional ranks.
He will connect with his community as well as the Russian speaking community in NYC and he is looking forward to representing his people,” 一句話說,.

Fans can expect to see a seasoned product in his professional debut that will come this summer.

The 28-year-old boxer, named the 2009 Best Athlete of Turkmenistan by the State Committee of Tourism and Sport, is light on his feet and aggressive. He can lead or counter. He has been working on firming up his jab and setting down on his punches.

He is coming off an impressive showing at the Asian Games in Korea. His nation holds him in high regard and has immense hopes for him. He currently is the only professional boxer hailing from Turkmenistan.

He will join future heavyweight star Jarrell Miller, 從布魯克林; 重量級的競爭者初中賴特, 從芝加哥; 車隊吝嗇Dimash尼亞佐夫從史泰登島; 新簽署人巴赫蒂亞爾Eyubov, 從Kazahkstan KO了擊球手, middleweight contender Steven Martinez and other rising stars on the Salita roster.

請登錄 www.salitapromotions.com 有關Salita戰機和即將到來的促銷活動的詳細信息.

Salita inks Kazakh Knockout artist Bakhtier Eubov

布魯克林, 紐約 (三月 3, 2015)–Salita的促銷很高興地宣布另外一個未來的明星已經加入到他們的花名冊.
Now opponents who will be getting in the ring with 巴赫蒂亞爾Eyubov, 他們可能不會這麼激動, 因為前景是所有帳戶的力​​量擊球手.
Yeyubov, 5-0 作為一個專業, 五knockous他的功勞, 來自哈薩克斯坦, 同樣作為祖國的中量級超級巨星根納季·戈洛夫金. 像戈洛夫金, Eyubov看起來從公式中刪除評委. 的確, 他被從開盤去, 四他的五科斯已經走在第一輪比賽.
擁有超過 150 勝在業餘, 絕大多數被KO, 很顯然,他的風格將融入利弊相當不錯, 和Salita很高興讓紐約市,區甜科學球迷檢查他在不久的將來.
Eyubov已經享有聲譽作為一個可怕的香腸, 所以他只好同意從打架 147 英鎊一路攀升到輕重量級, 175 英鎊, 以吸引敵人來手套與他. 這位28歲的擊球手被總結出來了正是如此啟動Salita: “他是一個積極的身體穿孔,旨在每次拿到KO. Eyubov有一個令人興奮的風格,他是餓極了攀登到頂部,成為世界冠軍。”
Eyubov由威爾遜納蘭霍管理, 誰管理的前冠軍路易斯·科拉佐和世界級的競爭者拉斐爾·巴斯克斯.
Salita將很快宣布他的下一個專業的鬥爭卡, 當我們可以看到的前景Eyubov的人才為自己. 在此之前檢查出視頻
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE vs  Cliff Newton USA   February 17, 2012
巴赫蒂亞爾Eyyubov阿塞拜疆VS克里夫牛頓USA二月 17, 2012